The Goderich Star, 1926-05-06, Page 81
• rik
foldiridthenctiOriteniti Visas
Prom$ Oma. glrepert Sbiw3cd
Plums III
nese -f piece Thursday afternoon at ! p.m. Master WWie 'Wiggins was st 1.
She was one of the :nest respected weekend guest in Goesiseich at the
r and beloved pioneers of tkis lossYty biome of his sant and made, Mr. and
Golf and 1 cr AMetl;s;tii t church.
She we*a life ssentber of the fens- fare. Scrimgeour.
Mr. and Mrs. R.1. Derain and Mr
1 blend :mss Strausfhan, Mogriige, . and Airs. David, (Henn were guests
r -, Bean. Banes and Mia,, Eliza Blair at the hors* of Mr, and Mrs. Dna
{p$�* attended tate Presb'•terial at Clinton Fowler, of West Wawanesh, on
iws3 last Tuesday. o Sunday.
Mrs. Bence And Mrs. Mallard, of The regular monthly meeting of
Clubs and Exeter, are visiting at the parsonage, the directors of the West Wewanoah
O1 Ball-> Mr3, A. M. Rice is to be congratu- Fire Insurance Co. was bell in the
slated tai: the decided success of the office of the ieeretery, Mr, T. G, Al-
; 'Bags, Tennis' Balls. Auburn Choral Fociety concert riven len. en Tuesday of this week.
in hien: United church last Friday Mr.:, Joseph Cranston, of the 1th
Rackets and PresSeiz.a evening. The rhumb was tilled toconcession of Asbtield. ' le moving
sapac•itr. The presence of bliss 114. this, ,.week to (;aderieh. where his
The fatuous "SPAM -
Boyle, of Thornhill, added much to family will reside. It is Mr. trans -
a, brand, eve 1. y the *ucceee of the concert, as hen ton's Intention to fro West this sash -
readings were ranch appreciated. mer.
where acknowledged as ;From another correspondent) bare. Cecil Treleaven was taken on
t in the line of sport- Knox United chureh was filled to Friday to Goderlch hospital, "where
capacity last Friday night by a: de- she underwent *n operation for ap-
.ing goods. lighted and appreciative audience .endit1itis. The latent reports are
when . a most unique entertainment that she is making favorable pro-
il: i31` a was given by the Auburn Charel So- gress toward recovery.
Catalogue giving t.,ICfl S eiety, organized the first of the year The young people of United church,
Q I 1 sass conducted by Mrs. A, M. Rice. Carlow, will present their play,
i the talented wife of our local bank "Mother Mine," in the Pariah Hail,
1 manager, ably .assisted by Miss Dungannon, on Wedneadaa evening,
R P ' Laura Jackson, pianist; and its. biay 32th, under the avx{tkes of the
i 3larquerite ilos'le, eioeutionfst, Tor• A. Y. P, A. o£ 8t. Paul's chureb.
onto. The various numbers by the For particulars see bills;
p�#+S'V •/hp1,+ choir were weal renrlcred. the octette,= Fartneral in this district ars wait•
++11 LIRE "i ll John,,' bringing dawn Ehe ing anxiously for.the land to drys up.
hotter Miss Moyle held the audience
Tit has _been very little: -work done
tite tignare far Forty X.*rs by her dramatis tient .and eh ng thus tar, with the exception of some
1 personality; and • o pleasing variety sod plowing. It is one of the latest
was added by the violin solos of Air. seasons for seeding in many years.
Raymond, accompanied by Miss Wtn-
., IJnig Howson. This concert was the Mr. Harry Ityan is moving this
Miss Margaret McLeod is at rises- successful termination, to a winter's week tri Mrs. Hugh GlentS house,
sent at home with her parents on the hard study, and the tamest 'credit is and iiiI. dames McWhinney is mov-
base line. .. • " duo to both teacher and pupils, stn ing, to, the one recently' purchased
The former part of this week Mr. organization of this kind •being .the from Mr.. Ryan, We welcome Mr.
• Charles Asquith made abusiness greatest benefit to our community. and burs. 1tiC v11h nCY, as citizens of
trip to Toronto. t ,+.-. aur burg.
stats. David ri'et,easl left for Cleve- ! IiFiNMII,,LFiR The people of Dungannon, and vie.
. .land last week to join his boot, 1i,� r+ jrl. Harold Good bas moved' into seeing the win Are the
iothetp�iliin Opportunity
intends sailing this sumntet, f his :Gathers house, ,
t the young people of 9nutli n Hill,
Miss Elsie Lie ,.of, London, ar-1 Mr. Albert rood and Mr. Pettinan Wednesday evening next, May 12th,
:rh^ed .sit Iter home hero last Satur-1 moved last week to the Swanson in the. parish hall. No 'doubt tbere
.will be a large attendance.
The United Farmers' Cooperative
Co., Ltd., with headquarters fdr this
district at Wingham, 'have commen
ced receiving eggs. for the pool.
Their .agent at Dungannon being Mr.
Chas. Alton, he• -will . be glad to -re:
eels,* the eggs from those wishing to
avail, themselves of the opportunity
of placing • their eggs in the pod.A man of experience representing
Canary's leading wholesale tailors,.
will .he t t Alton's store showing the
latest . suitings, overcoatings a
stylee on Monday, May loth.
if o ' suit your need of a new ul ox
coat is not immediate do n
loins this opportunity of '
tired .bye an" expert. •
Mr. and Mrs.' B, J.
:purchased the prope
son Rein; • who. •
week; We Ore
day and returned to London on Tues place on the Maitland concession,
fay« having rented this place.
The saw »till is busy on its seas- N'estSunday will be observed us
en's work, owing to the over supply "Mother's Day" in the United church
of lutnber. 'There is not a.. very here, both in the Sunday school :and
large • quantity to cut this year. in the church service. A mother's
ars. Bracey and her daughter choir'' will add . to the interest of the
Mies Janet, of Toronto, who have morning- ervice;--* spcctsVservice
boon visiting with acquaintances in for young people; "In Manor of
the village, returned to their home Mother," will be held in the evening.
last Tuesday. _
The t.onccrt last Friday evening in ' NILE
the United chureh.zvas well attended Mr. Calvin Rutledge paid 'a visit tc
And the audience. were Weil pleased
with the et tt
strain ne:tt. Tho ro-
eeeds atttounted to over$$100. p
Mr. Archie Robertson, of Mullett
his home here last. Sunday.
' Mrs. E. N.
tvonss has returned to her
horse .Nilo
home t
a after 'visiting friends
and relatives for some: months;
was,auddenla' seized with appendlei- Circ• are- sorry to'report that Mrs,
tie last weep, Ile was rushed to Ernest Glrvin is confined to her borne
' Goderich and is making good lm- thiough`:illness. • We hope for a
prntvernent.. after ' tbe operat'on, • speedy tecovery.
Urn. George Itaithby, who has been •Communion service at Nile United
q sit G l h f d 1
awes Fid Wcrk
Sa umbers eaatM Ojai* tae.
Ooderith irdsaiss's Excluder,.
Oats Dollar ee sisielk y. to coo -
tribes, tamest Werk or kindred
artiste, whish we .on on rem-
asiassleee. For pertlsalara apply
A1111.111nr ,CW.. � 1 ��- !\--7...11 e •
predated in the United church eat
Frig evenlug,' May fib. A goad_
time is *spectra.
Thu dams erst of the United church
of Nims. Leeburn *ad St. Andrew's
cosgtestatiaste, held a meeting in
She�ppardton' church on Monday
evening, when considerable business
was transacted.
Mr. Brock Orr was up front Strat-
ford over the week -end.
Mr. Chas. Edward, of town, moved
itis garage in Oast. Thursday.
Messrs. Alvin McAllister. Russel -
Oke and Gladwin Beevers sere sailing
on the Great Lake* this season.
1� a are pleased to see Miss Lena
Colwell ble to be back at school
after an illness from appendicitis.
Miss Msrgueirite Falconer return-
ed from Stratford Friday, having -
completed her business c,)lege
course, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bobs, Ilavidson leave
Wednesday for London, where they
will attend the graduation ceremon-
ies at Victoria Hospital.
Rev. Selby Jefferson, B.A., pas . r;
will have charge of the Mother': say
service at Union church, unday
next, at 3' o'clock in the ernoon.
Everybody welcome. .tiro ers espe-
cially invited. . Don't. fo . et the em-
blem. • •
Mrs: A. Beck •. spent a few days.
in Goderich 1- <t week.
Cavid, of - Milwaukee, is
renewing old : accniaintances in Kin -
tail . an vicinity., .
Mr Arnold ,Gowan, of Toronto,
vis ed at' •h's."home over Sunday.
111-, 'Will• Mad:onald• has returned
to Detroit after spending a few days. the farm of Ni, Geo. W. Snell, the
sit hist home in ,ICintall. . •
Dire Mabee` and Ur. 'W. Ii. Robert-
THt &SDAY. folAii $$b.
Curtaining Week
Jt will last one week, :conunenc-
ing with the issue of this paper, dur-
ing which time we will display our
.entire big stock of Curtains and Cur-
tainings and designs in all available
space in our upstair store. This will
enable you to see our stock and
choose readily,
ALSO—These will be weeks of •
Special value in Curtainings. Many •
lines barfle been reduced to very at-
tractive prices.
We . urgently advise that you anticipate your Curtaining
needs for the corning season 'and znake your choice this .week :. when
we can blest serve you.
,' - Included in the Special Values for one week, are t
Cretonnes -
CILinrz ,
• aft t6ft.
Fish _
Silk Curtainin
We are agents for, and
full line• of
"loyal Standard Curtain Rods"
' and
"Royal Standard Window Shades"'
Measure Your Windows, Today '
- Net Curtaining
Silk Madras
Silk. Panels
carry *
The S..:A:
Thita*•Large D.ry
purchaser getting possession next
en spring. • ;
of icl i- i
over- and Mrs. U 111 i
son, of `Goderi,fitnweRs).gueets of Iles Mr. d , Henry,
Round or Flat
10c. and 15c
G. , 0, •
GC►i3t;.RICH ' .
Lay/ MEAFORD-t--
! T W
L 4 .�
Goods Stares. at .
mount! eau be'
Good a hired
at the
SOIi i e 3T., GOMM
At the Sate .andExchange -Bim
*0`w'iu try to *apply your wants. in
all classes .of Horses, Buggies and .
atter-, IL, Iklstaneo atl,Slattday.. 'gain; spent Sunday with bar. and Mrs)
"Mrs, A. ' Challenger, of Goderi h ;
• . • •' visiting Itis'- .brother,. Jahn,' for the M eCh no , c ,. •
g meas' , .lila Duncan Drl'ael(;y, who has'been.: Behtr .henry,
rawford have past few weeks;, has returned to Du-,
y of Mr..Mnn-. luthr
vacate it -next • iiev. Air. Ferule, of Niagara Falls,
eased that Mr' send tools . charge of the services in Ash-
tMel sea ytoi'Ie churc on''S�tt•
spent a few days with :her sister.
Mrs. J. L. Stonehouse. ' •
Mr. ,shad Mrs. It. Stonehouse and
ue p at me ir,,i treatment: *}±arch will be held an Sunday, Jurtr son, Ilonatd, �ot Gader'cla, slsetlt over
has. so far recovered AS to be able to dtb,'at 3 p.m, instead of May kith as flues. Crawfor vr3 decided to re• the -weekend with •nits. • Stone t o e r
Y , dI* is h
Aunnon, as they sue _d� _ _ . _ parents, r -amyl
come borne last Saturday. and to a l previaugY announced. • main to I) h N C
Oppearances is oat ;ss Oir ivay.:of ie...__Mother's Day`serviees tiviil: ba 7ielcl ' ca 1ifs g' apec'ted rest.•
fov-ery. • , t S deters ai Me 431 e' and Dungannon "'tea' Itendexson,'ivhti has beeri'tixe boll
and xe
hey unday Comer to church .inguest. et: her co*S'n, Arra: MacGregor, People are odd: They spend a lot
The remedy -drama. "liltnntic`on; `Irons- of .your mother. If she be a would rrt•seem quite like Dungen- :f '' i '•'i visiting
" non l ar the gore , of 'tug ,, then
sainted th
.g ven on April JtsE, but arhlvit was if diving M Crawford. late wish thorn both . buY a ear to take1 hi them assay from
i s a colored enc f+e
rano ar Yob," which was to have 'been . ho t th fantail*, fi or the past *inter s v t •ng of money furnlsht st home
vintner wear a white flower.friends of 'Cotbor` e
/postponed on account of sickness any yeast* of peaceful happineira in Df' A iii lVja,bMuir hg'
i A
-Miss `n e c
.and ..:her home
-will „now be given on Prlday.�evening Several loads of furniture, etc., atm' -nee hornet I twin, , the, sum -.sister, dire. Fiancie, went to Toronto A':woman likes to tell what she
... nasstng Rthrdu h .Ail `th
da• y ay, mer months h will their "r an Saturda :r pity y titres*' ccotnpsan,
G -
next, lfay* itis, in the' Foresters' HajL� being the prope t f Mand they t occupy et Y ti it knows and a man likes to telt what
Ad sl g5 "
r y o r, beautiful' cottage by,,the.lake=side•at tedbY their brother, Ar'chid hlehtitr h:thinks.
lois ori cents and .,0 cents, : ,lames mowhieney, who *CO Port*Albert.
The Scotch choir from Toronto will to their new 'house in Dunga
ale Unit-
e of home-
on's grocery
' take charge • of
the singing of the The t"=lad.'Girls' Guild of
Presbyterian •eongregation- tit the ed eh rch are holding holding a s
'hours Of .1000 in the - forenoon and made ' baking in Rober
.,3G in the evening in the Baptist store,Goder1eh, on
„c urelz in the village on the 231,4 of noonMay 8th,, at '
•lt y. AI 'are invited to attend.
week the happy
ek i1ir. Robert Chmmney, The ladies o
let with quite a mishap in the. vit. are holding
lege. He was ':in the butigr and r'4�edt- '
chy, et Detroit,.
Miss Florence MacDonald, of Tor- killing, one 'fool law before passing
If only the constitution .required
Good Storage For Care•Day weok,
oe,tpoatb. ,Itates., day, tie; week, .
gl.di0�'mtouth. da,00... - •
Good -'addle -Her sex• rim ^ave le•
...trout Hort until first tv k 11 aa1Y,
• after whirb date *I r ,'sgrse t Will be
ledvinO toirn.
Aoki ant Horse Livery
w Feed Sa1te� rid Eitchika a tiara
Saleslady Wanted.
Young akIxror married
assnss take order* for ladies'gua
*deed ladderprsof ilk hosiery.
.Wilt IIE replace senf p r tltiat' ruts•
from gartertop down.. Sincere
tri omen desiring to 'earn eats* •
money will be given every olr•
portunity'end a,eaiatibce.
Write." M r. ,Prirrtep
70 .tlbert: St..- Toronto,-tyftt.
In co.olieration leith the splhn-
ufacturer we are: offering for
ten ilays-a'bigsYhipltlent of'"
Mumma) Ware
Canteed. A#v,fin a o -true tt f
Percolators' Potato Pots, • Pre -
serving eke, Fry Piss;
onto, . spent the -week-end with :her another •
Mr. Cecil Blake; of Detroit, is home aunt, ajrs. 17r; 'MacLennan, of i,aur- , •_
for a few days ,ex. She was accompanied - , e. so s e
ay b her Good Asthma Iger t%-
p,nt. Come and 'rhe many friends of
up. Shaekleten are Itleased to see her pend the sutninek months •wwkh .her ble known sus asthma know what it is
to long witA tall 'their hearts for
aturday after
re 'IiMatt. ;grandmother,• Mrs. Rose, who will trig from that extremely* trying trots-
o>it dau Ates;•
O 'P
Nilo United church a .,• .... escape.froth-st tyrant; -Never do they -
apeeial ,mooting on Mr• and Mrs. Sate Sherwood visit- CARLOW . know when an attack may come and
tea esday afternoon to Llan their, ed. friends near: Luc'knew. • one day .' Miss Anras, our school teacher, 'they know that to struggle unaided.
dine a horee. An auto going past menu fo May 2itlt. Aly the good this week. spent Sunday ai her home neer'Park. is -'vain. With. lir. J, D Kellogg's
frightened the lead hat's;, rrhicA im• things oy will hal Be 'Plowing has started in this neigh him Asthma Remedy at ]sand Aow ver
sit e a o open an a ter a ,sump- r o , u mos o an ser to • o ' 'e are plea>ieil tb `haws 11Tre4 sten anenjoy life-egetn. It helps at
o :s strapper n sPlssndid prograttt. sot to work ;on yet. demon back With tis afterspending out, but almost none the worse of 411% John f,'ni}eld had the rnisfor-
Miss Alma Blake, of Clinton Susi:
the aaec'dent, tune to have tits house net on fire ness College, spent Sunday at her
Lst Monday evening saw ane! • r., last Sunday:. It . is supposed that a home, hero.
from the chimney lit on the Mrs. Aubrey Higgins returned
tedlately reared and came *town on e• a sure an - _ ht
the. ke d .t d f bo ho d but t" £ theland t theygood-bye totheir e
t ter buggy wheel, breaking every to
. °nee•
spoke., Mr. Chmm�ey ;Was thrown
vacancy amongst the aged ;reei.ents spark
.of the locality, in the person o arch roof and started the fire. It was Astra* Sunday after spending the past
Roberton fict Stf lls can da mte *rands- o ftithe t neighbors. butth the h 'considerable NextSunday »will hether hMother' - Day
*Silty dearly seventy ;tie tame
ago, 1f :damage had been,done.. • and RalI% ay at Crewe Unite
a► quiet and retiring n ure, • she sae Ur. Benson Pentland paid a visit church, so ' a good turn -out is ex.
,It kind and °blien' ' neighbor, ever to the X..ile Sunday tsehool this week pected. •
ready to assist tho. e who needed her and helped the boys.. to organize a Mr. and Mrs. Joe Day and • Mrs,
assistance. She was a life-long G.S.i .'1: group. The following oil'• Will Begley, of 'Hamilton, spent the
member of tMethodist church: sent were appointed: Mentor, Henry week -end at thehome' of Mr, and
She leaves three sons and two Matthews; praetor, Frank '3leiiwain; Mrs. John - Identity.
slaughters mourn their Ioss. The dep. praetor, sChester McGratten; bars, Win. Durnin returned: home
Sona are obcrt, of the West; • An- seriptor, Howard Squire; comptor lest - week alter spending the past
' week arlth if brother, Mr. Jas. Rus.
of IT asst. "'i'be d*ughtera .are Mrs. The cticien board of the now
ly er- seal, of Guelph, Who is ver3r. til••
`►i'1* net, of the West, tout . Mrs..gaa'zed. Nile eircuit : held it3 first IIIrs: S. Sherwood and Mts. John
"t -lett, of '"I•iullett. On Thursday meeting- Monday evening . in Shen: Menary and Miss Lillie McQuoid, of
iter remains were conveyed to their rsrdton church, with at splendid re. Crewe 'United church, attended a
last resting place i
t thecen4sa-Yofprcesttat`
o from
each appointment.ointment. meeting in Clinton last week,
the 1301 concession of Mullett. Plans *ere tirade for the carrying on
drew, near Toronto and • Jantes ltarvey McPhee,
(Front enother eorrespondent) of church activities for the -coming The W.M.S. meeting wM be held
year and with the co-operation of kit at the home of Mrs. John '3(enat'y on
:airs. Geo-,.Raithby returned from Thursday of this week. Alt the
Guelph last Saturday. members. 'of the three churches the members are expected to'attend.
Miss and Mr. Jenkins visited bit. board 'sols forward to a very nuc-
*rueful year. Quite a -few around here attended
and titre, t) Y:Iratt Inst Sunday, the -sale of Mr. Joe Cranston's last
# We regret very much to learn of , DUNGANNON week. Everything is 'reported to
the death of Mrs. Sarah Roberton,of have sold for a -good price. Mr.
"1V4sl erburn,.: on 3ionday eveninK, y bar. and Mrs. harry Shackleton, of ,Cranston is moving his family and
May ltrd. 'TIT funeral .wilt take I etrolea, were week -end guests with household effects to Goderich this
..� relatives Bete,
Mt. Charles Rivett has purchased
er M►>` y a new Ford truck and is now open PORT ALBERT
% er ane for business. .
Roy. Petrie is ,everting a new Star
s► play by the young goad. of • Messrs. L,intleld Anderson and sedan. •
SMITH'S .HILI, _ Wnt. nennel4i were up from Detroit , Grace and' Rase' Green, of Code-
witt he loom ie the • • for the week -end. rich, visited the home folk on Sunday.
Bert and Itarven• Crawford, of the
G. t . 1., were l home over the week.
The Young people enjoyed * pleas.
ant sane on Friday evening at 'Mr.
Mr. and, Mrs. J. lir Metldabb, .
Lucknow. were guests with Mr. and. gritgay
are glad to uepoxt Mr, John
Mrs. Il. J. Crawford on y - " health ; it very much improved in
Wednesday, May 12th
at a ee'cieck *.rn.
A#*iraie* mks sail 1114
Mr. and Mrs. Pen t.aekltart and
daughters, of -Myth, were Dungan-
non visitors on Sunday.
Mr. Manson Reid has purchased
house . in Gakr telt and will moo
there next Week.
stinday, May. 9th
1 , Send mother a bench of flowers, or in memoryof
mother wear a. !tower from
] Pliselr 106 00. STEWART,. Florist codaricIt
hirci. B. J. Crawfgrd, of Dungan,
non, has been spending some time et
their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gorden 'were
in Goderirh attending tbe funeral of
Mr. Gordon, Sr:, en Saturday after-
Mr. Sandy Gordon, from the West
*ad Xary Gordon, of Gedorkb, spent
Sunday with their brother, A. Gels•
r; kter and hobble Hoy returned to
their boat, width selled.. from Gade.
rkh harbor on Monday;, We with
them "how voyage."
The pins, "Mouser Mine," is being
the winter, in hineardine.. -
A tnanumber from hero took in the '-, "."—r
concert given 'art. Auburn on Friday
Iteeve and Mrs, :Robertson enter. •
twined the young people of Carlow Are right if we make theist.
- Muitual Li
Assurance Company.
,of C'�at»uder
Round Banister, 'Dairy - Pins,Tea Kettles,' etc, , all at the One
irfrvr .
IIA tiff
A7a .D>•'rlcu s Vintia;oO, ONT.
D. D.11 OONEY, Agent -
PltOtar 250.
EAST ST. t - GODnitiC,fr, CIST.
On the Broadway of Go004014y .
They say they can't Make
_..-».,..• the Old Torn 11211 ' into a
one da Unit st week ` All report a e baize a better chaise of i
pleasant time. -, new Town Han, but
Ao� 'Mouldings' than lots of tile
e'BENEZER city stores pito only differ -
Oswald Walters- purchased a 2- `once between ours and the
year-old colt Imp .WM.•. Dolga lately, •
Marry Walters, of Colborne, visit, city irapting is dist prises,
ed . his, Oseteld, here last' , which are much ' cheaper:
Sunday. Rriu our Pictures here
bilis Laura Rutledge who has been 'g
away the past few 'weeks;_.. has r to be Entitled and be eonyine-_
turned home again.. ' ed.
Some from here took in the con- Splendid assortment of
cert at Auburn on Friday night last hiothtir's•Day Cards.
and report a
Thos. McPhee wast n thin localitySmith'sArt and.Uii Store
Car 4 in. Lamp P.
Pocahontas Coat
$1S.00per Ton
also a car of Bitquettes
Weighed. on Market Scales
L. FLICK....
Phone 178 J. •
We Can Make Your •
014 Snit Look
Like New '
cutting wood with his circular saw, Ras! St, 'Phew. I3d - .West Street
last Thursday .and Friday. Y
Mrs. 'Caesar, - of Dungannon, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Camp -
The sacrament service 'was observ-
ed in the Weettield ignited church •on -
Sunday.. ' • . .
Mr. Will 'Mer-ittie . has ii trchased
onto. .on.
Auto Paintiing
Hx vt your ear painted
: with the newLaagn r Fin- g
isle. A,11 new colors.
Ford Car $25.40
a .lsafaznitu re re - finished..
Baby Carriages•
*s elahevate sr dial& as ,seer taste
sr peeliethawk +ditslha are to he osis
here ta
made asd
*atter what
out. blethers
see sols Ge
with* wilt
both alethir aid
lea. AU art well
rood servile Joe
wrists de feasts
*sees* hi sail
i 1. happiCa er
isateeitrwr Batt alas Si prret+�r
Fred Seabrook
Owe* &(MI
Y.1.0 '17 R best friends
e*rr buy anything
you ran give therm
Vacs* Your Plisstsgrapts
No•olhnr retnembrswoe
• will give ouch bamboos*
i:11111111111101111.1111111 �9 AI ,.IIIc,,. •. 1 . nu.'
at our windows, and see„ the beautiful models of
the newest in Footwear. `
Not only are they beautiful, they are of ex«
cellekt qaulity and workmanship, the products
of thus `best Canadian factories, and the prices
are very reasonable. - ..
May we have the opportunity to fit you
with your
Thome i s - GODER1CH