HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-06, Page 54 • 4 TTiUtSDAY, *fl Wt. 116L SPRING TIME IS KODAK TIME This is the place to fit you out to take pictures. Brownie Cameras, Kodaks, Films and all sup. plies needed for amateur finishing. Our exper- ience of many years is at your service, either in finishing or picture taking. Developing, Printing, Enlarging r. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PANE 90 GODERICH ,• ,T E H TO C UNCI W . Furniture Fund, $23; Cemetery Per- "dress' delivered an inspiring petuity Fund, $12.E0. Dinner was starved b the Ladies' 11`e recommend that the solie]tar y Per - be in*trueted to take. all necessary' Aid of Ontario St. church and after. mutter be referred to the solicitor tsars tesamasiM to go foirward tot se* lock into and report as soas per- sortie*. siethicar A carnal welcome was extended The patb1 a works eouttuittee re -1 ty •IR,s. Moortetowe to the assembled +si !ted as follows: We recosanwne I delegates aa+d visitors, after whie h that one teak car of Tartu B. be or- the scatter, oak the roll, to wheh demi treat the Barrett Company on? hundred and fiftyearvcn deli• and that one tank car of Rotas B. bet gazes rkspu»drd. soldered from Alexander Murray Mrs, Crone, of GwI h. a else l o, at a prise of 1^e +2e and 17.70ep Pre - per imperial gallon f.o.b. t,oderieh rates of the' Dominion Board and respectively, material to bee deliver- former •resiisnt of the Conerega• ed when requested, tional W,M.S., was present and spoke We reconnuend that Mr. J. E. to the constitution. She said that Buechler be granted permission tolrer connection with the framing of cut down two trues on Trafalgar sethe constitution laid given her a in treat et his residence, work to be deeper appreciation of ' the work cit under the Fupe:vision of the chairs the Fathers of C'onftsleration. 1Ve, man of the eammrttee, us they, had as great past and a won. The finance committee reported a* follows: We have examined the tax derful future to consider bit assured- eolleetor'a statement of April 1st and le God was present to guide and the recommend that it be filed. suggested eonatitutton was the out - Dominion of Canada bond interest come of many minds working to - due April 15th has been received and gether for many da!`s. She answer. deposited U. the credit of the respect- ed questions :and cleared up diAteul- tve accounts as follows; Baeehler Sinking Fund. $300; Kensington ties at the morning session end in Cousciller Turner Calls Attention to Need of to:prove:Rent of Welting - ton awl Waterloo Sts:, and Britannia Road • PURCHASE ' OF ROCK CRUSHER LAID OVER Tank Gar of Tarvia 0. and One of Rotar Ordered—East St. and West Street Residents Ask for Oil -Sidewalk on Anl lesea St. Asked for The regular meeting of the town shingles over asbestos, estimated council was held en Friday evening,; cost $100;' from Margaret Morrison, New ate proceedings at once to close op the wards the three units forming the .Kensington Furniture Company's Untied Society entered the church mortgage, and to report to tine caun- singing with the assembled emigre - oil at the nett meeting. I Wien the Processional Hymn, . The We And that on March loth, 1926. Church's One Foundation Is Jesus the tax collector registered certain •Christ her Lord," tax, $ of 1:412:4) 922, 1024 and 1,325 against Hiring this sere ice Rev, ;lir. Tel. the. land as non-resident faxes, and we recommend. that the treasurer be ford, of Blyth, chairman of •the Iiur- inittructed to add , the respective on Presbytery, conveyed the greets .e amounts to the totals as'shown as ings of ,the Presbytery coupled wtiii : on Dee. 81st; W25, and that the first the following resolution: "In view ., addition of 10 per cent, be made on of the inaugural meeting of the May 1st, 1926. Huron Presbyterial which is. being We recommend that the treasurer held today we 'would requelsi the ""`�"`�' ,�t '- , . }- L t be empowered to consult the solicitor, $ev, Geo. Telford, chairman of the The community of Westfield suffered Meson Presbyterial in conneetit+n Dank of Water With one to take the •necess rn procedure Presbytery, to eon'e`� to the Presby a real to clean up collection' of non-resident teres teriat our sincere and d ii "fir*i C� wii We have Just Received Our First Si iprnent or Imported Cut -Work Linen This work is hand'done on a splendid quality of Irish Linen. If you a rpreciatar plod Linen- din your home, won like to s ow you thri new line. WC SPECIAL NO► 1C STARTING WEDNESDAY,. MAY 5th This Stora will Close every Wednesday at 12:30 excepting weeks in which there is a Public , Holiday. F. E. HIBBERT THE CASH STORE PHONE 86 QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT MODERATE PRICES. k�R A��s' 11�M�U � t�� � 'tMiRMMMIWY1 Rl tk r April 1¢th, with all the members in' to re -roof dwe=lling en g " attendance, 1 street the auditors' annual report for 1925 money and service made by theshehad been ' tar health for soy the year's work outlined with coda ahfttgles estimated Your committee has considered tion of the effective contribution of away of a r+ The tax collector rt:ported' the fol- I cos f half from roof Thos. dwelling Ox - and recommend that the Minor, the l% M.S. of our former churches and rl years she in loss on,.Tttesday evening, Apr. with the United Church of Canada when Charlotte McClinton; wife will be belt! in Ontario strict chutcir Mr • Robert licl)owetl, passed Clinton, on April 27th, at 10 a.m. ter brief illness. Although when the officers will be elected and - deep apprecix- of .MMeals to Stop only dangerously 8—.8 22, , ., • lowing taxed 'tollceted from' April foo Reeve and the Deputy Reeve look pray 2nd :to April 16th: 025, $57.1.30; fond street with cedar shingles, o n- over the valuations as laced on she P y that God's blessing may zest ill a few hays, Mrs. McDowell was \1 e% S. OF UNITED CHURCH 924 $63 4 1027 $10• oil e0 49• nutted cost $25; from lilargsaxet A,. d P upon them in the inauguration of born. August 6th, 1859, in f !ambo h (METHODIST SIE;(',) •7, , • t; , r r townsproperttes an 1e ort. .•'e to on vests- P dog tags, $30; • making a total of Stevenson, to put new P The committee also recdmme'nded 437.26. This was referred to the dah and make other' .minor repairs on Bruce street, estimated • cost $ae' a number of accounts for payment. finance committee, 'Inc matter at tire insurance on A request from the G. C. I. board' from William Haley, to erect :garage the Douglas hose purchased by the for $1500 for May 1st payntenta was at rear of lot on Lighthouse street, well was referred to ,the finance oof. referred to the finance committea of frame with cedar shingle x committee with vower, with power to ay, { estimated cost $50; from Chas. T. • letter. tom Mr, Hume `the Edward, to repair verandah and Deputy' Reeve Munningsmeeting made e Another t n , report •an the annual meeting of the, toa of f and place n , shingle rt r o o p Pa 1 • of G, I. board,ex-t' rtheC.o s Water Highway A s cal n secretary lie 1 a r h i a tof i s. f$ frame garage on propertyon Light - pressed the acquiescence of the which he attended. Ayreport of the board in the reduction made in the house street:. from J. W. McGee, to meeting appears elsewhere in this amount of . the iesv, on the under= re -roof dwelling and garage on Ham •issue, standing- that the municipal couneil Ilton streetwith fine -proof ,rook -fees The Deputy Reeve asked if,the bill will advance the moneys 'necessary ed rotting shingles, esti ated cost board license had been paid and the to finance, the expenditures of the $50; from C. Nicholson; ttd erect an matter was referred.to the special addition' to rear of present dwelling Collegiate after. the Icyy liar been committee. , used. up until the county : council on . Mary street, of frame .Covered Chairman Craigie of theparks grants are available. with shingle roof, . estimated cost of • committea intimated 'his desire to. The following applications . for $250. i have the 'council meet' to view' the building permits were received and -A petition, from residents o the soldiers' memorial , and decide .on referred to.the fire committee: south side f Anglesea• street' be -some plan for the fixing rip. of the From A. Ch Seeley, to remodel lyres• tween Victoria and North street, surrdutlding ground and for treat- ent dwelling:. on Palmerston -et, to re- asked for a cement sidewalk to be stent dr the parr~ rn general, and it build back portion and to re -roof and Laid under the local. improvement was left with hint to arrange for make : other minor repairs, estimated plan.—This was referred to • the pubs ` such visit. • cost $200; `front B. C. Munnrngs on lie works 'committee. I . Councillor Turner brought up the „behalf of owner, to';reshingie dwet. , Petitions from residents on West •.master of attention• to streets, such ling on. St. Patrick street wine weed street and East street asked for road as Wellington, Waterloo and Britan- oil,. the West street petitioners re- ata, in the wes and south of the • . . -. - - 'questing that the work be done as early in the spring its possible after TOWN of1 the, necessary surface eleanfng lend Q lie levelling list' been accomplished; and WAR Riding '" bio tiles' on -the ' oil and the' oil carried to within a � foot of the grass margin These likely were referred to- the public votes' pr ohlblted bet B La Y WARNIN �'! that .ail dust scraped' or sive. t orf` the 4tjff si+.a area p dnbe,rerrioved before applying the Y i eW l S' S a� 1 d s s . committee. W : A 'request from, W. A. Craig' for Offenders t;-tll; be By - .permission to instal another gasoline pro- pump and tank on 'Victoria street in Rented.a•. front of )tj. garege, was referred to Dated .ries ttii•nay of May, 1926 ` the public worldrs coniinittee. R. C. I'OSTLETHIs A1TE, A report from ;lir. Ernest Lee who Chief of Police.. -attended a meeting of the directors of the Tourists Association of On- i '"e'• ,'s tario held at the King Edward hotel �^ `on the 9th inat as the town'srepre- -, tentative, was presented by the may - 4 ugU'f s v`it* eh' or. The main question ' discussed 4 RECOMMEND was whether the 'Tourists' Associa- Mayor MacI u•an also pointed Drat tins of ,Ontario should unite with they that the town was still paying into Toronto Tourists Asaeciation,'in the county and could :get back it. renting, equipping and manning an proportion for • use on other streets EE NTRinformation bureau at Niagara Falls. for rebuilding,. There. was no its - '•ES' N Y, from May 1st to Oet. 1st; at a tentional discrunination agacinst the Amon (o.6 'cost to the Association: of $1750 west side of the t'owtt. The .Province of Ontario was 'mak- Councillor Bailie mored that the .Owners• of these debenteres to ing ;t grant to• the Tourists •Assecia- public works •corrimittee meet and gether with =savings depositors tion of $1500;towards the'expense of bring in es 'report.' on work required have claim n ron every st ch a bureau ea and the Torairto Asso on .roads, showing the 'probable x:ost tr dollar,otHuron t Erie assets, to•' elation would pay the ,remaining'and ,: Councillor. McLean seconded , tailing over 531,000.000., $3,500 needed if the Tourists Ass° this,'swhieh was adopted. • ate per annum is payeble elation .of Ontario .did not wish to Courielllor Teller asked as to 'the /� half yearly upon `iTOU shore the cost. Thefmatter was left cost of }iaidingt cinders for sidewalk. or more for i � 3, 4 or :y vo:irsr Avoid unnecessary risks by select- lege !lures• e• Brie trustee: de• i ibsnture investment. NORMAN LEWIS Bonds aril Insurance • Telephone 163 ELGIN AVENUE the new Presbyterial, trusting that C#y the future may afford an opportun- - Vie ity for still greater achievement, • tvh On to the to l with n her re* al years ts r Mr. and hire, The report of the Woman's 'ilio- ;thousands of unfortunate people Vie What Phrriciaas Adele* McCliton to East Waw nosh sionary Society of the rutted Church, r vtfcr almost daily from dyspepsia, ere they located permanently. of Canada for (;;oderich District indigestion, fermentation, sour, Heid s: Feb. 27th, 1871i, she was married' (Methodist section) is as follows a i i dige h, I, fern e. l a;°rs or ttistreid • Robert McDowell, also of East! Auburn 41 members. 14 Little 1.i ht attt:r intros". if they would only awanosh. The first four years of .B ar r 16 5; Bl•th Us m•it form the sit;rredtble habit of alottls It married life w: a est in' Pot e e s, $ . to, , et t t be•is .. r to asef ► u t •t kits • after each tt al n glassful 1 P $199.SG_, Clinton Ont, .5t, 111 ntgm-` }t it x t it 1 'atonic rt nut•:County, fund they Returningc, beta, '$280; Clinton V os :lt., l`•._ of hot NI ter eontriittin'; si teasptron- 1,,,-a members, $520.00;: Can.tance, 24 ful or to o• tabletso'i:I3's.urated Mag. rs in West ��-a East , two years' Ines+ia they would soon fled rebels sty • years in East Wawanosh.I members, $'98.26; Crewe, Y? nietnbers3,, McDowell is survived by her' I $44.77; Donnybrook., '•'30 ' members, stomach so strengthened and improv- usband; one son, Marvin, and: three '$78.74; Dungannon,' '39 ' 'members ted that they could • eat the richest • aughtcrs, Miss Glad's, Miss. Della.. 5100; Gotlrriclt Narth.St. 1011 mtarn- and most satisfying nrciits telthodt r , i of East V, awano h, and lira. t hers; $525.63; Goderieh 1'ietvria. 5;.. the least symptom of indigestion. ask Rersliativ, of Blyth. The old- G9 members, $170.73; Goshen, 1t; Nt'sirly all so called digestive tree- - daughter, !label died in infancy, member's, .$126.06; Holtnesville, 2l. Ilea hie cauoeil I. en recess of acid e is also survived by three sisters members, $55.10; Londesboro, . b:3 land. an insutlit:irnt blood supple in. -firs, James Helps, Golden, Colo., members, $140;, Nil 12 mrntbera f• the stomach, causing th. food to fer- s. Robert MornHenry, East. Wawanosh, $64• $etsforth 09 : members, ,$ 7; menti and. seer before digestion can s.; Ii. I. lilorrish, Toronto•' Ser-, v 401; es .were 'field Saturday aftornaop Sheppardton,• 1 • life member,. $;30; take glare. A _ t*lass 'of hot water. the United church in Westficl p. Varna 20 members Wee will draw -the `blood" to the stomach•- `` d, . , $ �'4 erjtfirld. which` deanmination she was a •51. members, $184; total,' 53,:3'°1,18. and the Btsm'ated Magnesia will nen- feiong member and an cornett There are 4 Circles: l)tingannan, 21 traitxe the ratedch acids and mala- kers Rev.' • I'.. Banes • contlueted members, 570; Goderich .:r`oxtlt +t•• the food contents bhtnd and sweet, e "services,. using as the basis far: 41 lttembers, '$1401 Hobe illct • S? Easy, . nature! digs tine without dis- tress appropriate tribute, the text-merntress of any kind is the result. As- "' • "The path of the just hers, 5140 eis $total, old, 20. iJtrine:,matcd Magnesia is 'not a laxative; le $ , t $ t .00m. The. four .materst 1 * i3anda ; Myth, 44' members, $112'; ,..Peasant *and easy to tae. Constance, 25, members, $24.05; Uocle• and can be obtained from any .rtlia- Eye" rich North St., 00 members, $irl;, bis local druixgtst. Do not confuse a d tl i ft Godarit h.. V' .Bisurated • Magnesia, • with other Victoria ,St. 22 nttmbcr . rme ..._.. t+ nt w m, as forms ,n ••�•mt •ale r ar'm of la testa 11. � t n Alio-Westfield t s .tt rate steel dr .$..- g 10 " .. .tat :total,- a 2'3 Making , $ n a nreteryr .Four nephews served' ns 'total 'raised • by Auxiliaries Cir;1. s etc,, blit g:et• it in the finis 11]suratrd to llbcarera, Alva McDowell, John' ,Bands and Little Li ,i4 ri avers .. oi' form (powder or tahleta). especiall�t., Presbyterian, Congregational and Methodist representatives, ii the' persons of Mrs..Hamilton, of Gode- .0 • • Q r ch'• f 1 1 0 fi"' i Mrs. 1r, n of t nn •. n h f and r .r g r n Mrs. Colborne, - of Goderieh, gave short sketches of the beginnings of to their respective ' eoefeties and yea brought the °tribute of the loyalty Mrs sindevsitian cif the membership, into h the United Society, . f d A solo, "There. fess Green hill Far al Away," was beautifully`'reftderedby . Fr Mrs. Chowan, of Clinton, es The convener. of the nominating Sh committee, Mrs. Willis, of Winghatu, Mr presented the report and the follows fits Ing v ere' the'' officers elected; -Hon- vie orary presidents, 'Mrs; Colborne at Goderich; Mrs. Hamilton, Goderich; :of Mrs. Wilson, '. Wiugham; ' president It Mrs. Hogg, Clinton; 1st vice presis wor dent, Mrs. Mollard, Exeter; 2nd vise ' th president; Mrs. Willis, ji ingham; 3rd en town, claiming tat this part of, the -vice president, -Mrs. Andrew, Gode- is town was being. neglected, while the rich; 4th vice president, :Mrs. Mac- me east :side had the advantage of 'Vic- Donald, Egmondv'ille; rec. secretary . A aorta start,: and Cambria . ioad being Mrs, Greer, V'ingham; or ,secretary: .W improved. Deputy Reeve !loser con- .Miss. Consitt, Hensall; ; treasurer .c] Burred in . this and claimed that more Mrs. Gardiner, BIytho 'i a .`V.. Aux . to sewerseeant 'grenolithic walks were sec'y, Miss Ilturte, Goderlt'it;:lifiesion ce Tin amide see r,^ Nisi 1tlooney Gtidbrich; II IteetG filthe pointed out.that. assoc}aite. members secry, Mrs. John M the reason the streets in the east of the;:'.town had. been done `first was T liin!iille•, sUppsV aec'y, 1<frs. vennei that they were connecting links ie .Clinton;' Missionary . Monthly. see'y, the county highway system and to Mr's.. Fowler, •Clinton; Christian get the money Bore the county Stewardship and. finance, sec'y, Mrs. which the town had paid inl it .was Archibald, Seaforth strangers' erect* necessary to fix up these, streets. Mrs. Clark; Goderieh.. These officers As to lack of granolhthic sidewalks. were installed by Mrs, Crowe and the, the people in the 'south end of the prayer, of consecration .was offered town mostly did not want these and by Mrs. 'KI dd, ¶i names Road. North as to servers the town WO w .better street United ebi.reb, Goderich, will equipped than any other town of its, h, size in Canada. • . be the place of meeting in 1927. as .a shining light that shineth re and more unto the perfect day solo by Stanley Sibthorpe, "He ipes Th .• Tears frontEvery-E "" se. t services, after 'which In-: land Berns muMcDotwell and .:fall, :$4031,10; with a total membershi r of prepared for this purpose: During h lost, life to p • HURON AND. ERIE with the executive to deal with. .Mr, and received the information from Los posnfed out that i .did decide. to join forces with Tcron- drawn in an bout the cost was 60 to .an Niagara Falls, Goderich had cents per load, if,only one $1,20. nothing to lose; in fact it• would be tinders were net . used .on . streets in • n `better position than it -is at the :which were not close enough to the present time in that it will get by supply of cinders to make it, cheaper y the A gonauin Trail, from to rse them '•than gravel. There Niagara Falls,' Hamilton, Galt, Pres• might be Something• to look into as ton, Kitchener and Stratford. tour- to the size of• load drawn. icts who tveuid perhaps- :ot:ierwise 1 Deputy • Reeve Moser brought up Wever hear of Goderich. • 1 again. the. question of establishing; A request from, the band commit- public lavatories in the -basement of tee for payment (if .$300 on, the i)2q. the court house, and on his .inotiont.: w' as 'i• f grantcera s r d to the fins seconded byConn s sec Councillor eLean, this committee, was referred to committee - of ,the A letter from the Board of Health 1 whole, as 'to cooperation with the recommended nn action on • the tae -'county. if the county council le agree- auest of "the local dairymen as to In- able to something being done. spectiotr, as the Present regulations I The matter of purchase of rental were nuite satisfactory, This was of a` rock crusher, which at 'a prey - referred to the special commrttoe. f ious meeting was referred to the A letter from the Dominion Oxy -s public works committee; was brought gen Ca was with'referenee to some 1 up by the ehairman, and the council acetylene e tanks in the. N.a ' ticommittee anal S " - in rmtte+e a t hif h whole hole hes building pihnt. The matter was .rr-s resentatives of the Dominion �Ro d foiled to the special committee in Machinery Co., but the matter was ehnr,ge of National Shin affairs. left` over. The fire committee •reported. as1, The council then ,ad,journed. follows: Tent there Hornet' has ... I�deiThoatre WEEK OF MAY 10 to MAY 15 Monday and Tuesday LOU, GilA:4E"' " � I L k star of '"The Hunchback of Notre. Dam," Icemen the world over as the '"King of Makeup," in a . gripping tense drama "Pre Unholy Three"— LLOYD HAMILTON, in "Framed" Wednesday and Thursday 'in the great fighting action story of life among the presses of a big city. netvtepaper "The Last Edition" i I'ATIIE COMEDY "Skinner's in Silk" f the executive the mayor that . if two loads were Friday and Saturday VIRGINIA VALLI ANI) NORMAN KERRY in an ap•to•date rom.nce depicting the life of the modern fast set and iter onsegaencea "The Price of Pleasure',' 'UNIVERSAL COMEDY "Speak Easy" "I'ATHE REVIEW' Matinee: Saturday at 3.00 pa. Coming .."'flee 'frit Voituns linnets" been granted -rt- Oi31rTf iAlR.Y GORD0Ne-The `death Wok place on Wednesday of. last' week of Mr. 'Jaynes Gordon, at the+ age of :eighty- five years. The deceased was born in the north of: Selotland and same to Canada in ]ifs , early years,. his people settling. on they 16th concession of Goderich township. . Forty six years ago he proved to Ashfield, and fors the past fourteen years be had. lived: in Goderieh. •His wife predeceased'him in September, 1023. ' A family of six survive, Angus, of Sheppardton; Mrs, Alex. Roberteen,: of Trehern, Man.; William, of Norway House, elan.; Mrs. J. A. 14: etson. of Ituve, Sask:; Alex., of Watrous, Sask., and Miss Mary Gordons at shame.' Mex..was -the ' only one • of those from a e lis- tante home, .for the funeral, which was held tin; Saturday. The services Were &inducted ' by 'Rev. E. C... Mc. "termite assisted by Rev. •J. Fa. Ford, -and.-.the pall -bearers were Messrs John! 33. Graben', Wni. Young, John Hovric and Adam Foster. . • THOMSON.e-Lest Thursday saw the passing' of. the last of the three founders of the Goderieh Lumber ,in the death of Mr: George the tommuttitv,. 11rs; McDowell her 771, Gal annual and .257 life prem- '` enriched the laves' on a host of rets- :hers, 31 new Iife mnnibers this l ear, . The trig whnv spend* his efforts irs • tives, friends and neighbors through Clinton Wesley fit.: had •8 new•life tryutg? to ;,"et even with isle}, enemies her cheerful : disposition: and happy members, Goderich North it 7 and hrakcs a a. '.many of thins that I:l�• Christian spirit.' Her loss will be Senforth 4. Clinton (Wesley serol+i rhiot es. bit }sit ltnsc, felt . keenly .by all -with whoni shegave 8. ( ley :4t:) game to contact in' her everyday $ 48 per 'members, the highest ry y life. in the district, Goshen $7.84?' and(far •may Batter .b ruisfn� o Relatives from a distance Who camey rrOn byy p 6 r for. the `<funeral. include Mrs.. John Seafarth $6.76 per, member. Every i ' Kershaw, Newmarket; lira. Henryuxiliary sent quilts and .clothing to' Marshall. and mark �tVsgr; Dennison, Henryy the^ needy, the study bank, "Building ,, Freeland, Mkh.; Mrs. H. I Morrish le" Tndia,' was taken up le altntist t ronto: Miss Chris. "McClinton, every Auxiliary; Goderich; .airs, FI.. H.' iioln)es, Sioux. THE STRATFORD MALE: CHQItl'S Iowa: muses - HURON PR)BSBYT to be hoped that `the muse It Is lovers o opportun uron Presbyterial of •the former the finest musical organizations in shytrridn W.M.S.. from Jim, . 1st the part of the country, ^The Stint March 31st, 1926.' is 'as follows • ford Bale Chorus,u' v' Footwear consisting of tltir- • Pr t:o New. • ERIA!. \w.?1f.S. C- f Gad .r' cuhw'ln- l of miss the The financial statementit8 of soon hearing one of Snappy of the��✓ A'.. Ba I31 111 Auxiliaries ty well trained yokes will , ub : Y be heard d. . ur n .. $ 00program o r ru n aNew f t f exceptional ir,e tits attract- ur S 1n Footwear afield 4J 00 mess it 'North :~t. United clirrch, Ag yath ;34 d0 Friday, May: 14. This chorus have is Attractive in Biucefield, OO 99 itireadv, been hears :'ire Sti• atfui d testi ,STYLE Clinton.. 1:35 00 t'it•tnity several timet; and those cap I:gmottiv]]le. . 1(1 i3O able 'of. .judging .are unanimous in Exeter .. t7 00 their praicte of both the ring"ors ands Goderich.. ... '2'045 lir the tapable It uki lit•. I'rtt•i lic'ilann.It (:rand Bend' 52 00 Mr, Wilson is Also a c.,ncmrt br,ritone ' t Hensaf • ..... , •.. .147 e9 . a'ho re work in oratori+, espet�ially, is F13Ilsg;'rren f0' 00 an un -mixed treat.; . -- • Isapren • , .. , ,.. 1.19 fin Tic leets •at :3;, c • v• molted' • Ktrktan.... ~,. 64 00 int rS Wnhi 1•ad• to shop at 1 f eebnrn •r•; its from any rnenibers, „f '.:earth street a • QUALITY and PRICE ;You are L onlesboxo and •Burns 38 00 chow. '(1] �y j� `� Meeillop.:. 30 00 VY . LIL1L,'S $eaforth... r,.,,.....-, .. • , : :10e.'0 Cetus are -caused 1.' tilt. pressure 7' . & l r r Smith ia Jl. . . of tight boots, butno•. yoe t he. It , n need • .tsg�1'OE'' RE sa T Thames Road 76 00 ti°ouhsed , with tlit�iir In+t;; wirer) n• ern. sin Wietetep . - • 40 00 Remover is availelet. limon Goderieh Tp 21 On ttrle it remedy as He: leg den Coss• The Square 'Phone 43W.. 'l rlrnir 17 QU Young /'Votnleies Aur'riliaries Brucefreld (Kelly eirele) ..,,:y 114 00 Thompson. his associates in the en-•Eginondviilr (Neil Shawl:. 107 57 terprise, Messrs. Jess •Cloak and Jas: Exeter (Logie) , . , . 411 110 Blyth Y. P. " • 2 Mclntosh, having predeceased hint. , . S• S 00 11r-.'Thampcon had been in a •• pool° Smith's Bill C. le D. Class, b0 00 state of health. for some time. IIs !!fission hands was born in Brantford. in 11141, but Auburn $ 4'2' 00 since lti16 had been a resident of Blyth .d (McLean) Gra. , .. K;, 10 Bayfield (Lou Graham!K 00 . thin teepee, mining; to the township _filter. » . .... , , ., , , 9-25• buildint~ 'emit to HURON PRESBYTERIAL of Tuciter•smith that year. It wag in Bruceield (Little. Helpers.). 20 00 • re,nouei it uweiling house err :rete- the year 1890 that the Ggdericli Burns • 15 00 g (CI''''e a Lumber Co. was formed and during Clinton ••37 4 - ate street, We have received a communication tom t 'e fire brigade asking that the f • h , I its career 'ifs Thomson was actively council: still hold the accident policy' on the firemen. and we'recommend that the brigade be requested to ,- w+ X.1s. .,e,3w, #iidry€' .`=41Pr:-zea Prt�hC`. natter'. ' We recommend that the town join the Firemen e , Association of Ora- torio and that the membership feel of $5 be forwarded at once. In order that the' bf•igado may be -1 come efficient in the operation of the 1 new fire tr•uek and pumper, we re- commend that the c2heirman order a nractice •.lines n, week, •.,-:',t The cemetery and parks r'ontmit.' tee reeommendetl, -the filing , of the cemetery sexton's report. The special ronamittee recommend- ed that lila° T:-.Prituhrire be request- ed to rnett,thl;' t4 ndlnittee regarding painting and lettering road or trellis awns. The committee of. the whole re. ported that it was. Considering the proposition from the Goderich Man- ufacturing Ltd.. to rebuild its factory. The committee understoeil that the company desires the town to tune ovei to it the balance of t'he fire insurance moneys freers the farmer fartory, as now held by the town, and ze a:n*nn ended that the Inaugural Meeting Held 'at Clinton associated -lvitlr the, conduct of the Ilensall • 17 11 on 'inc's., Apr, 27th, and 'Officers business. Before canning to Goderich K psg'I, (melte .. , • '0 00 I,Iected • Mr..Thontpson had held the position Leel rn.. • . t 6 00 n g The inaugural service of the Har- berry ..far' a number of years+. I]'e Recapitulat]on on Presbyterial Women's• Missionary was a member and offtcr bearer in, Aux' Haan, .... • '3] ,1033 299 Society of the United Church - of 'North street Methodist church. In . Young \'4ontetr's Aux'sf3 l'i7 Canade was held in Ontario St. Unit- the year 1866 he was metaled to Mission Bands.— . , .. .. , :301 ill ed Churcb, 'Clinton, on Tuesday, Apr Miss Mary Willis. She predeceased , Expense Fund...,, , . 15 23 27th, stink a large representtition him in 1323, but a'fantily of six sur-- from theenornbervhip of the various vivo as follows : George •Yrederiek. Ttrtal., $24,70 00 organizations in connection with the • Thompson, of Rocky eiotintain Nouse `flee inaugural�tarcrtintg of the new tfarntci I'r rsb3'tereittn .s ean,gyr'gatwn3-, . lt+t,s•°,1.ewis.. of .ttrdt e, Mair steeirs. - 7-,.-.7-7-,',- 7. -..-:. of Huron and South• Bruce acid the . Waiters, of Goderieh; Homy Thome-- former Methodist districts of Wing. son, of Winghatn; Rev. A. E. M. ham, Goderirh and Exeter. The seg. Thomson, emergent of the London sions, Morning and afterneon 'were ('inference of the United church; and presided over by Mist. Hogg. of ('liter : Mrs. Walter Vern, of Goderieh. All ton, with Mrs. Greer, of Winglram but the two first named were in as recording : eeretary. $Ifs. ('uti. ' Goderich for the funeral. which took ming:; of St. Helens, read: sie. an . plate on Saturday.The rservires opening Bible lesson, the first ; vitae. were conducted by Itev:.5'. 1''. ('!area, ter of Joshua, saying that this pas- assisted Ie Rev. 8. Jefferson, anti sage is always read at the t•oremativn Rev. I. Kilpatrick •ancl' Rev. J. E. of the soseitrgee of Gtea', Mitten i Ford alta took Part. `fabs pall -lx; r- ess a call to cr•aie2 wind esadership ' ria were Messrs. Frank Bishop, M. nee thct it s.t t ti.r t , b;' rl:OAt fitting; l W. Howell, Item Salkeld and I1. K° • teat it should be read on this his- Long. ', tt9e•ie i✓zeaskn:, is:.c is aw a Sudety tie M e 110%°1:Mi.—M th $tandut•,1: • Egmondville (Little Helpers/ 13 00 1ui li'atniitotr Street Shoe Store Co►irisiete lone Of laclieS' , gentle- itietee anti eirilclteu's shoes. Come in'*tart Ca)rlE►lai 0,,;1t' {,hese • J..t. rllibillt )1.M 11 Lalllitintkatt. DO YOU KNOW THAT 50,000 people, many (1e; • 1,(100 Salvationists look-- titute and homeless, are ed after the needs of sheltered by the Sal ';1- the soldier boys in the tion Army nighty., war one during the 'fens of thousands ,of Great War. Ask :ell, the world's worst char- veteran. �A l'J --k,"a - ser rade— The Ss'.tlyfitire, . t .,a,y good citizens through has played 101 itaalt;Ort. the effortsof the Salva- tion ant part in . the 1tves of tion Ariny. Dr. Campbell 'Mom 1, ,Ull() morepolicemenDr. 1'l.illpot, l) r. W i 1- son, Dr, Jowett, Gipsy would be needed in Lon- .Smith, Dr. Bo(l(lingtozr,. don. England,. if .t h e ,.. and lt'1r.. .,. : r ,, Salvation Army disapw other eminent j)1Pachi. peered from the scene• rs. 1 4,4 action. (Chief aIn Goderich a social Wince Statement.) work is carried on, (los- "(G different kinds of ens of cases of many de - work in 83 counties and scriptions collie under colonies is carried on by the care of the Salvation. the Salvation , Ariny. Army. Yon en Help Aloe. the Work kr Giving to the Sett penial Fun&