HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-05-06, Page 2P ?WO
The Delicious Flavor
drawn trout that iota vets of
has won It millions of users. Finer
then *any Japan, Gunpowder or
Young 117si0n- Ask for SALADA.
41 Dsrk „pay In Britain
The dirwn of May 3 ushered in a
dee' of intense gloom for the British
uatfen, a day which marks a new ere
Britieh records, After prolonged
debate, the conference between the
thirtY-two members of the eGeneral
fanned of the nadtnlan Con -
gram and Premier Baldwin and his
*tet at No. 10 Downing street
broke up Srndsy *liter Publie hopes
had been mime, that a settlement
'em e ee e s a reuIt, a
generak inrike order was issued to
more than five million men. The
union* involved include, in addition
to the miners, all shipbuilders and
wiiterfront workere, iron, steel and
tin trades, railevaye arid -engineering
trades, the pig irort industry, iron
and slete miners and brick trades.
• The Cause of the Strike
The situation has arisen over the
propose/ of coal mind owners to
lower wages. Consequently a strike
was threettned last summer, and
was temporarily averted by the
panting of a government subsidy
which has already cost the teepee.
era $115,000,000. The slogan undet
which miners have been fighting is,
"Not a penny off wages, not. *
ute on working hours." The mine
ownera, who claim to have been op-
erating at a loss, demanded the right
to reduce wages so that in some
cues working men with families
;would be earning five donors a week.
Aa an alternative they asked the
miners to work tight instead of eev-
en baum aday. The coal miners
sought the support of the Trades
Unions Congress, and the general
strike is the latest development.
Civil Liberties Suspended
This will be Great liritsen's first
general strike. The whole •country
will become inextricably involved in
the situation Five million strikers
eirHE beeutiful as and
* *My moot/mos of
Monarch Green Sristay
to the lest %within,.mk. uee
it is inade of pure silk -"--re.
inforcml with fibre ii1k for
wear's sake. And no "run" '
can, pars below. the Green
Stripe, nor the second "stop
run" a few inches 'below k.
All the most wanted colors.
. 010 pair --�n example of
the values Monerch-Knit
Hosiery offem at every price
feet* 7c to $2,00.
I 41.044..
in a ropulaticn of fints.fne
means that industry and transports,
tion are paralyzed and that the
feed surplirs of the people are jeo.
pardized innintiiateiy. Within four
hours, of the strike ordcr a royal
proarmation was issued declaring
an emergency situation, wh1. prac-
tically Suspends civil law and natz.
kw, and troops were innately
moved into the coal rainires districts.
The "Innocent Bystanders"
• Organize
4 set
''seopublie, that is those not di.
reetty Involved in the strike, but that
greet middle class of people who
are destined to suffer equally with
the /striker* without the urge of a
common cause to make their martyr-
dom easier, have not been idle since
the threat of last summer. They
have been quietly organising for the
protection of their own interests. At
one hundred nintillftr.tive centres in
the land there are effective organi.
unions ready to take in hand the:
maintenance of food supplies and
transportation systems. The know --
ledge of this preparedness has eorne-
thing to do with the resolution of
the Tradea Congress to throw its
whole weight into the contest, which
becomes' an endurance test with the•
government and leaders of industry
on one side, and the labors unions on
the other side, with the great mase
of ordinary people on the sidelines
struggling for the essential servicer
of life. The British labor unions
are the most powerfully organized
in the world and for the simplitica--
tion of leadership in the general
strike the 'unions have delegated
their two
hundred members known u the
General Council of the Trades
ion Congress.
Misery for Millions
-• The tragedy of springtime in the
old land being turned into a time
- of bitter internecine strife will be
fully realized by those who know
the loveliness of May there. There
be misery and want in millions
of British homes •ifs the calamity
• cannot be forestalled and the fiere-
• est of human passions will be emus -
ed in that wrest appalling of all
struggles, •the civil contest between
men of the same race and tsmgite,
Prepared for Strife
The British government has divid-
ed the country into ten districts, and
• appointed ai commissioner for eaeb
I one. Within a few hours of the
strike •order these conuaisiioners
were at their posts ready to assume
command of the situation and main.
tain peace and order as long as pos.
sibie. •
• European Nobles for Canada ,
In addition to ILILR, the Prince
of• Wales, heir to the throne, who
has a 0,000 erre ranch in' Southern
Alberta, other prominent persons are
being attracted by the farming' op-
portunities in that part of Canada.
Among the recent nen-comers are
Walkod Ow Floor
Heart mid Noma
Wer* So Bad
Mr. Thum Cars E. R. Na,
Godfrey, Oat., write: --"I wu I. bed
-with zny heart and *ems I would ham
to get up out of bad during tee eight
sad walk the Boor, as I would take
such had mothering spelhe with my
lmert, 1 mule thisk tlist sometimes I
would die before 1 got over theui.
AftsriAivg two be***
Heart sad Nerve
I got leiter and are SOW es Wan OM
as hearty me sYI 1 wee.
Sir Robert Birden-Powelt, the ori- 1
,i gioutor and the great chief of the
' Boy Scout movement, hu crossed
'thechief of 475,000 British, Boy Scouts i
Atlantic. to visit the orguiese
thus* on this side. Sir Robert ins'
His faith in the movement is as firm
as ever, and he declares that Foy
Scouts; constitute the world's best in-
surance against war.
. Canada's lire loners amounted to
Canada's Huge Fire Lsesen
nearly forty-one million dollars last
year. This works out at a loss of
$4,38 for every person in the pore -
lotion, and the wanton extriivenane*
of this is apparent in comparison
with the fire loss in Great Britain
which is 83 cents per person.
Nothing Like It Seen Here Before
1 rt is truly remarkable the number
of prominent people who so gladly
t testify as to the wonderful results
secured from HERB JUICE. Many
who do not give statements for pub-
licetion are loud in their praise and
grateful for the relief they have se.
cuxed, from constipation, indigestion
gas on the stomach and similar ail.
ments of the liver and bowel&
. Mr.s. G. P7. Wright, prominent lads
ruiding at 471 'Wellington avenue
Windsor, stated: "E suffered for
years with that terrible disease, eon.
stipation, that sometimes leads to
such serious results. I could not
eieep, had indigestion and my appe-
tite was poor. Seeing HERB JUICE
advertised and statements of promin.
ent people who had, secured relief, I
decided to give' it a trial. The re --
sults were simply wonderful All of
i my troubles have disappeared. I eat
and sleep well and in fact, feel like.
a new person."
For sale by all druggists. Price
• *sr, Xmeald resswatend 311Tbum's
Heart earl Nerve Pine to all who are
hothead in ;my miy.witb. their heat
er ammo, as ressnot say too meek in
their prelate" °
Xilleuries Hurt u4 2,xve Pins
kirl.ruot en the market for the put
32 years; ise thet yon get thele IfItea
yen's* ter than.
Put lop only ley Tee T. Milbura One
leireitea, Toroeto. Ont.
1,600 acres, 300 are under cultivae
tion, 880 are arable, and 420 are pas.
ture land. '
Cointnissioners Resign
There have been, dramatic devete
opments in the smuggling probe
during the past week and the resig-
nation of two members of the Civil
Service Commission have resulted.
It was alleged that members of the
government and other officials, in -
eluding Civil • Service Commissioners
had been accepting gifts of liquor.
The resignations of U. G.'LaRoehelle
and Clarence Jameson followed ax.
interview with the Premier at which
he advised the action.
M. Maley Exonerate' d
An inteiesting deveropment to a
veer time spy story has been the
exoneration of, M. Malvy,• a French
minister, from the charges of having
imparted official inrorination to a
German sry, Mata Hari, a Japanese
dancer, and one of the,most alluring
women in Europe in pee -war days,
•who was shot „for her espionage act.
ivities during the war. Among her
letters were some which were believ-
ed to have been written by M. Malvy.
He was disgraced and exiled. Res
• eently a former oflkial of the French
war (Ace admitted that the 4letters
were written liy him.
• Barons Josef and Andre Csavossee•
. `
scions ofe an old Hungarian family,
who. have bought 1,000 acres of the
• Bow Rivir ranch near Calgary, not
far from the Prince's ranch south of
IHigh River, for $17.50 an acre. They
are arranging to purchase an ad.
• joining 2,400 acres later on. Of the
Canadian Financial Papers
•Endorse Chukuni Red Lake
1, ,
After careful investigation two of Canada's
• most conservative financial publications—
! Financial Foot and Financial
Times—endorse Chukuni
Red Lake Mining Mao-,
elation by accepting
its advertising.
Hero,* Your Opportunity
Cbttkuni Red Lairs Min.
ing. Association are
offering to the pub-
lic a limited allot -
moist (5500). of
Units in their .
'Bed LAE
Prise May No ilidwiranood Any Thee
ainkeed Ameciatiea seastela eerie claim Soot use of the fameas
noway Prmiertio, which reemitly Doti fie SSOCOOLOO gati stack
tad hellevtril to be an the mem "break", To mime working capita*
thin limited offe.iser Is atods,
lakstair tics AOleelatiait *Wayi emeleles yea to share with the simereemen Oft ett Ob.
etisdual holden the treramedefte antemits time Is sett t. fell** the , seasee in nem se lar
item. mem ot Comb.
peopoolat doirebeyabeat week. T. maim di. "WE WOW jai* mow.
AlSottoseas MI& II the wrist- they are received.
poszrzvata, NO PrNSONAL
• BEN nutrar
One of the labor lase-rs in the great
general strike in Great Britain.
Scenic Beauties and Material and
Cultural Resources of Canada Pore
'rayed in Special Edition of Chris-
thin Science Monitor.
A copy of the All Canada edition
of The Christian Science Monitor,
published at Boston, heti been receiv.
od by The Star. It is a very credit.'
nine production of four sections of
sixteen pages each, and, while ad-
mitting that it 'would be imposeible
to make the record complete, The
Monitor nevertheless succeeds very
well in its effort to present some sic -
went of Canada and its resources,
cultural as well as physical; and to
?ketch some of the outstanding char-
acteristics of a great country and a
great people. Views of some of the
Canadian cities are shown and views
of the scenic beauties of the country
are carefully selected and pictur-
esque. The industrial clevelopm t,
agricultural -development, h ro de-
velopment, growth of unive ities
ete., are all written up, mainly eby.
Canadian writers prominent in the
spheres of activity with which they
deal. In an editorial The Monitor
"Canada is justly proud of its im.
mense resources of forest and fertile
field, of mints •andwatej• power.
But of their greatest /newts Canade
• lens are echarheteristieally voiceleys
is riots/lomat ing drawn from the
earth. It has sprung rather from
an inherent consciousness in the pee-.
ple of the valne of the "things that
are unseen." The ,Dominion's great-
est oesource is character. Set down
annnehere on the globe, a people of
!suck integrity, -courage. open „mind
and friendliness would have •made a
nietable place fox. themselves; endow-
ed with the unmeasured wealth of
Canada they will .make their land one
of. mirth's chosen pieces.
"It has taken courage to open up
Canada, as it did the United States
'Today calls for fresh courage; and
tomorrow will , make its new de-
• inande. Every day the structure of
eatIonbend visible. rises higher. This
, but the sixtieth year since the di-
; vided nrovinees united in one Con-
federation. Since then the prairies
have 'been carpeted with farm and
Pits?. • It hoe bean a veriod nI seed-
! time. In the last few years the
Panama -canal has aided in the Dein.
inion's develonment. Newly settled
eities. thrilled with their sudden
()ne in Thirteen Own Cars
Eight Catladians out of over s one
-• hendred own, motor cars. The total
number of ears registered in Canada
in 1025 was. 728,005. Ontario has
the greatest density of motor cars.
• with •Seskatehewan and British Co.:
Jumble &Bening- close behind.
• The Television Coming
With results that now resemble
the early achievements of the motion
pieture esimera, a device has been
developed for transmitting inetant-
arteouely pictures or passing events.
This is known as the television and
is the work of a Scotsman, Major
John L. Baird, and may mean 'that
in the future we will be able to arc
• events tekisfr place at a distanee as
easily tie we now see motion picture
• plays.
Issued 85,800 Invitations
toL Reny Cockshutt, Lieutenant
Governor of Ontario, has issued
more ,than eighty thousand 'neat: -
time in four and a half years of
°like to eititens of various Ontario
towns and dietriete, in accordance
with his campaign to make Ontario
sequeintdd with itself. ,These are
all in addition to the usual routine
of state functions.•1...a
greatness, are gamier pas. provincial.
1 hnnorisring. whi)o elder communities
are broadening their interest in their
eontinental neighbors.Every man
wee leeks heeorel his Awn fence, and
week. on today despite tbe doubts
end dee euragements that beset all
eenetseetion. inakes himself one of
Ceeedn'e nesten builders:.
"Cam t floPq net build for ifeelf
alone. It 'builds for the British Em-
pire, few Its grolt robliblietm at910- '
mots fe• th' SOI'th. and for the peace
ne she werhl. Tito mind of its eons-
Pvld delielnere who have settled in
I the TInited qfetes Pee she ^licher of
• A 111,10. emericen friendshin. The
hoPt of A ihierteane wlei, in their' turn.
have eneeht fortune in Cansidre form
another tie. The rireeent Domibion
Perlieseent line at leapt one member
wee did not nuit the States tin long
erter he wee a grown men. In the
United Stetee Canadeins have risen
fo the highest position e of moral
teeneeshin end reanonsibility. There
is no public sentiment whatever
leoritinued on rage 7)
THCRSDAY, MAY nth, len4.
••• 4144- •..-_«__
me: •----•-ante
Don't Wait Jill Spring Comes
Summer Suit
Latest cuts Fabrics. Expert workman-
ship guaranteed.
We also specialize in Special Order and
Ready -to -Wear.
Our Furnishings Department is Up -to -Date
‘'nie Men's and Boys' Store Worth While"
Phone 219
"When well managed the hog is
one of the best sources of farm in-
come. }logs have paid for many, a
farm. We can sell hogs at any time
of the year and almost at any age
and weight."
This is one of the introductory
statements in a remarkably interest-
ene and useful booklet entitled,
fop Pork and P#•nte" Just is-
sued by the' Rank 'Of Montreal,' arid`
offered free to farmers at any. branch
of that institution.
For sortie time past the Depart-
ment of Agriculture at Ottawa has
been doing commendable work all
over Canada in eneouraging the pro-
duction of hogs as a supplementary
That's • going some—but skinny..
men, women and children just can't
help putting on good healthy flesh
when they take McCoys Cod Liver
Extract Tablets.
Chock full of vitaminee--•the kind
that are extracted froto the livers of
the cod—the kind that are a real help
to frail, rundown, anaemic, • skinny
men and women.
, Try these 'sugar coated tasteless
tablets for 30 days—if -they don't t
help greatly get your inoneY, back. I
One woman • gained ten pounds in
twenty-two dam Sixty tablets, six-
ty cents. 'Ask any druggist 'for ge-
Con's Cod Liver Extract Tables.
Directions and fOrmula op. each box.
"Get McCoy's the original and gea-
uine." . 4
Great Eitglish Teiither Retiree
Professor W. J. Alexander, the
best beloved. profcaaor in the Uni-
versity of Toronto, has just relin-
quished Me tenure of the choir of
trash after thirty-setven years of
servlet there. This was preceded lby
flee year* at Queen,. Proftwisor
Alexander, le Callotillart born erissolar
isi eansidersd mw of the finest nor%
lists teachers fit the world.
Settle retbeft Debt tie ICA
?'ranee hes' reirtbed a debt **Teo -
meet with tlio. United States UN
which she will pay $11,3t47,47.4.000
over it period of sixty-two 3reeni itt
1 ritersent of Jeer four billion donor
vcsr linfehteeinese.
f flresta 4* Pear* 1***VAIK,
Mem's Foley Sweater
Coats mid Palo
iiiiii"Faicy Coats 1
At Reduced Prices
with V -Necks, in con-
trasting colors, sizes 36
to 42
$1.95, $2.75 and $3.45
two pockets, in Fancy
cheeks and knit sleeves,
sizes 36 to 40
$1.75 to VA
North Side Square
0.011001111000*, '
source of income for farmers, and
the booklet will admirably :resist thiti
movement by making available to
those interested plain and detailed
descriptions, illustrated by over 200 -
photographs and diagrams, of the
guiding principles of successful and
profitable he. raising. While the
booklet is of n general character,
covering methods under a wide vari-
ety of elimatic condition/5, particular
eitention, both, as regards text and
illustrations, has been paid- to gen-
ditions pertaining to hograising in
Canada, and a special introduction
has been contributed by Mr. G. B.
Rothwell, B.S.A., Dominion Animal
Husbandman at the Central, ExPeti-
mental Firm, Ottawa. Mr, Beth -
well gives an outline of the principal
breeds and types and the accepted
methods of feeding in Canada, and -•
offergeneral advice in regard to the
principles described in the booklet.
Every phase of hog raising is pic-
tured in the booldet, bc.th by word
and by photograph, the subjects deal-
ing with the selection of sires and
mothers. the choice of 'breeds and
tepee, and the care 'of young pigs
from the time they are horn until
they aro ready for market. Feeding,
housing, the prevention of ailments,
and diseases, and the production of
',articular types for special markets.
are all described: in fact there is n*
phase of the industry on which the
beer scientific knowledge is not made
available in plain, everyday
A the booklet eays, the hog will
produce more meat from 100 pounds
of feed than any animal; it • multi-
plies rapidly; and it will not only
Provide food for the farmer's family,
but IS ono of the bestsourcesfern
irce copy
f theb be
ned at the nearest kcal branch
of the Bank.
- •
Make them strong, *tardy, productive, EG(; -LAVING
• Pullets, with Pratte Baby Chick Food. It costs a t rine more ,
but is CHEAPEST in the end, judged by results. The
extra chicks you save and raise, more than pay for all the
Piano Baby Chick Food you use. Ask •
your dealer—there's one near you.
Bahr Chirikrood
• Write for Print** Pooltr,y book—FREE
PRATT FOOD CO., OF CANADA, LTD. 328 Carlow Are., Toronto
$060 Gap AND
..;,'''',. . , et., ...en, ,,,, ,/,„,...„,„ , „es/ •
1' •-41"fite•
, , 7 .
PI, f / .... 0
What Are The Eight Points
• Of Excellence In The.
• mmispReiG NATTRZAS
Ste a Pioche Inner Spring Mattrees, at your nearest
• dealer's (maim below) end ask him to tell you why the Fieehman
is Superior to all other mattreests.
the eight points of excelletwe are in the Visehnearr Inner Spring
• stieeenits *task set 01414614**4 *
14140 NEM ti * 110 beet ter utak,
tines iiNomg. Write ni oar Ale
Priem at* Ile lor awentot U. i*
Then write and tell 1111 in AS few words es nevelt& what
er iait losao• erogy --Oa rasiorrti is itdeee k eaai.
hairt, eittiols* sialeawan 4.4 Wm/trek
tkettni. toot the Attidifli Of 04,
NS no new ow immkop-sost a
rettekier sr be tke_ eight *ohne for
Akio iwaboot %aim. la* itromostar le • iseellniet te the neetwailit lamer
Oit y fit tkmia :primer C.411Paar. " Porker Meters*.
Fit/Amen Intro Spring Mat-
troigoes eaay be amok at the 411batierit
• listed below.