HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-04-25, Page 8i t k 9 t'.i,}i rixxxxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,Axx Tivsua\Am XV.N.MMXXXXMMX `�,ov�r Come 'With new House Furnishings, Curtain Materials, Fancy Lace 'Curtains, Scrim Curtains, Hem- stitched 'Voiles, Fahey Edgings by the pail' of by the yard. Chintzes—In all new patterns for side curtains and chair coverings, Rugs—witton, Axminsters and Tapestries. Sizes 21i3 to 4x4 i, Window Shades—We have our spring stock of new shades and we take special order's for all sizes, Liuolerrrns-•--Ill English and Canadian qualities in new patterns. All regular prices. All widths. canna A Borsalino and King • Hats E, Co. TAILORED BY _ t TORONTO Eastern Caps .Whitechurch. The lied Cross .society last week lie i h ipped the following goods: 20 pil}owe valued at '.)1.9.::.4); 16 ouite pytanlao 40 00; 2 night r;liitte `tag 00; 11 rehear 1134 40: 173 1 pillow swat.,, 1,43,;,;'x; 7;1 eliceta ;,109.:0, ti A yards cotton 90e ; 114 pr. etit,ks 1144 or A\ I117 pr. euelei to boys from Whitechurch X111?; old eottun, Total value $483.55, The Society are very grateful for the cso £ollawing donations-- I pr. sheets, 1 pr. pillow cases from each of the following: AMrs Samuel McBurney, Mra Robert Shiell, Mrs. R. Irwin, Mr's, Wm Bee- croft, Mrs, J. A1artin, Meer, J Smchzer•, Mrs. Joe Holmes, Mrs. Robert McClen- naghan, Alva, Jerry Casemore, The following gave 1 sheet, 1 pr. pillow cases: 2Vlrs. Angus McKenzie, Mrs Geo. Fal- coner, Mrs Mac Ross, Miss Garbutt, also 1 pillow, Mrs T, Moore, Mrs. Geo Wilson, Mrs, W. J. Coulter, Mrs. J Craig Sr., Mre, W. G, Hutchison, Mee, Jae, Wilson, Mrs• Jas. Dow Jr., Airs,' Alex. Pardon, Mise L Paterson, Mrs 1-1. Henderson, Mrs S. Hutchison, Mrs, A Pox, Mrs. W. Lott, Mrs, Sperling, Mrs Cottle, Mrs R. Pardon Se, Mrs, H. D. Henderson 4 yds, cotton, Miss T. Laid- law 3 pr, pillow cases, Mrs, Alex. Ken- nedy Sr. I pr. pillow cases, Mrs. M Chown 6 yds. cotton, Airs. Wm. Martin Sr. 1 pillow, Mrs, D. Martin 2 pillows. Miss M. Martin $3,00 also 1 pillow, 1 pr pillow cases, Mrs, J. Clubb 2 pr. pillow cases, Mrs D. O'Ca laghan 1 pillow, 1 pr. pillow cases, Mrs. Jas, Martin 2 pillows. 2 pr. pillow cases, Mrs, Mary Moore 1 sheet, Mrs. Jas. Dow Sr. 1 pr. pillow cases,_ Mrs. Chas, Martin 4 pr. pillow cases, John Martin $5 00, Mrs, J, Gillespie 2 pillows, 2 pr. pillow cases, 2 towels, Mrs. G. Gillespie 1 sheet, 4 towels, 11iiss E. Peddle 1 sheet, 2 pr. pillow cases, 2 towels, Mrs. D. MacTavish 1 sheet, 2 pillows, Mrs, John Falconer 2 ;Pillows, Mrs. Jas, Sutherland 2 pr. sheets, 5 pr pillow cases, Miss F. Johnston 4 pillow cases, Airs, H. Paterson 2 sheets, 4 pillow ,eases, Mrs, Henry 2 sheets, Mrs. Robt. Rose, 4 pillow cases, R. W. Simpson 2 sheets, Mrs, T. Gaunt 1 sheet, Mrs a '1 Moore Sr. 2 p'tows, 1 pr. socks, Mrs. A. Mod: e 1 sheet, 4 pillow cases, Mrs, 13 1111 Gaunt 2 sheets, Mrs. A, It'IcLeen 2 pillow eases, Mrs. Jo?tri Kennedy 2 pillows, pillow cases, Mrs. AJirehouse 4 pillow cases, Mrs. W. J. Dawson 1 sheet, Mrs J Johnston 2 pillows, 2 pillow cases, Miss M. Ferrie 5 yds, cotton, 2 sheets, 4 pillow XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX a Fordyce Mise 'Victoria Chatnpiori '‘.called on Mena in Luckt ow teat week. Mr. Anthony Hackett of Blytb, spent the week -end with • his daughter, Mrs. Souder Taylor. Mars. Robert Haines and Winnifred spent Sunday at Wm. McQuillin's at St, Helens,' Elliott Taylor delivered a fine pair of cattle to Win. Naylor, Wingham. Stuart McBurney sold a fine cattle beast to Ab. Louttit of Wingham, Mr. Bert Miller of St, Helens, is work - rig at J. Turner's. - Bluevale What makes Mr. Wm. Nicholson wear a broad smile? a baby boy born April 9th. William John. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mathers are the proud possessors of a new boy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward and family also Mrs. Ward Sr. of Seaforth, autoed to the home of Wm, Nicholson on Sunday. Mr, Robert Rae of Toronto, is visiting boundary friends. The ladies of 13luevale and vicinity packed and shipped boxes to our boys on Wednesday, April 17th, Belgrave There will be a concert in the Foresters' Hall on Friday evening, May 3rd, given by Mr. Redmond, his pupils, and local talent, The program will consist of solos, choruses, drill, readings and violin selec- tions. This concert has been given at Westfield and Auburn, to a full house each time, Admission 25c and 15c. Proceeds for patriotic purposes. Doors :open at 7. Program to commence at $. cases, Mrs. Walters 2 towels, 1 pe socks, Mrs, G. King 2 piilosys, 2 pillow cases, 1 sheet, Miss M, King 1 sheet, Mrs E. King 2 towels, Mrs. J, Caslick 3 pillow cases, Alr•s, J. L. Falconer 3 pillow cases, Mrs. D. Clow 1 pr. pillow cases, Mrs H McGee 2 sheets, Mrs. C. Sunburn 1 sheet, Mrd. H. MacKay 2 pr. pillow cases, Mrs. J. Norrtta;L 1 sheet, Mrs. W. J. Deyell I pr. pillow cased, Mrs: W. Leggatt 1 pr, pillow cases, Mee, J. Webb $1.00, Mrs, L. Grain 40c , Mrs. F..3o'tlter 1 sheet, Miss Davidson 2 pr• pillow cases, Mrs. H. Godkin 2 sheets, 2 pr, pillow cases. East, Wawanosh Council $65 00, Mrs. Wm. Purdon 2 pillows, 1 pr. pillow cases, Mrs. Wm. Burchill 2 pillow cases, The society have also received the sum of $396 25 which was collected by the men in 1917. A. M. Beecroft, Sec COMING TOINGHAM, TOWN HALL FRIDAY EVE'GI MAV 3rd. W. CRANSTON Presents 1 THE W tN I AM ADVANCE Thursday April 25th 1918 FIFTEEN AMC75�A:ANliifyRi, 9NDREDARS et year is1 11' ,f a . 1}c eatery t1•'.d } YYY graduate of ten years ago. lice two sisters have since taken cours- es Father and mother are gone bnt the, three daughters are also• lutely independent and beyond want, Parents! What about your daughter. Write for the "testi• menial of the above girl and a thousand other graduates. ENTER NOW NO VACATION =SPOTTON= BUMS COLLEGE Affiliated with Canada Business College, Toronto. Lieut. Foster Ferguson, (Somewhere in France) Principal. GEO, SPOTTON, President. onmeonmweameammariammodoraramass 311 1.11 All ►i. oil i�' 4,1.011OM THE EN'S EXCHANGE Offers the following bargains; Maple Leaf Crochet Cotton per spool .............. ..Bc Tea Aprons, reg, 50c for....35c Ribbons 15c per yd for .. • .12ic Ribbons 1.2c per y`d for ..10c Discount on Stamped Goods, Laces, etc, MiSS G. .PY14E Manager �♦�� oi� its> Ips >,�. ►IAi.S pIip.,ti►It ,1418I8,.1s4.i{ I,1 Dr, Waldron's World's Moat Wonder- ful Eczema and Rheumatism Cure Golden Root Rlo:rd ENTIRELY poi r,,ifie pVEGETABLE Prepared from strongly concentrated extracts of Roots, Barks and Herbs. Warranted not to contain any mineral Substance or Poisonous Drugs and per- fectly safe at all timee. The GOLD- EN ROOT BLOOD .PURIFIER in- variably cures Kidney and Liver Di- seases, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Billions Attacks, Remittent and Intermittant Fevers, Cramps in Stomach. Catarrh, Costiveness, Files, i_-It/Ties, Weakness, Torpidity of the Systelii, all Rheurnatic and Nervous Complaints and Female Weakness. The aged find GOLI)iN ROOT BLOOD PURIFIER just the tonic they need in their declining years. For Female Complaint it has no equal, Being a purely vegetable preparation, it is a safe old reliable remedy for old and youilg, married or single females 1rt every condition of health or station of life. All are helped and permanent- ly cured of that debilitating weakness peculiar to their sex, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE Registered under "Canada Propriet- ory or Patent Medicine Act", PREPARED 13Y E. RUNSTEDLEit & SON Erie, Pertsilvania ()worse, Michigan and Mt'. and Mrs. A. E. Runstedler Wingham, Ontario This medicine is procurable only at Mrs. Runstedler's Millinery Parlors. 00000000000000000000000000 000000©flQpoa00000000ocfs 1) 0 t EXTRA! Wanted All ki ids cf junk at the . following prices; hags 0 .. 40 per lb, Rubbers 0,..,,.,,.c per Ib. Scrap Iron (c .$1 per cwt Horse Hairi_i 25c pet' lb d Collect up your junk and get the cash. Orders promptly attended to, 8 0 Il which four paralleled stories of the world's progress unfold before your vision in thrilling sequence SEE The Fall of ftabylon Belshazzar"s Feast The Humble Nazarene in the Holy Land Paris under the Scourge of Catherine Oe Medici it Gripping Modern story contrasted with these his- toric periods Aagarn l anted b an Orchestra of Notable tMtusicians acyl OrJgtnal E ecis r�l.r�„ ■ilrrnlli Yrrrriri.W Phan of ;all open Monday at the Roxa11 Store Prices ;s1.00, 75c and i704. EXTRA EXTRA .t, ♦t' When selling scrap iron or junk of any kind be sure that you know the weight, Some bi.q•ers etre honest and others ..are not. I will positively pay the highest price for x111 kinds r ]t1111:. HARRY WOROSAN Phone 240. iIttlArttft4 WINWtA'4 MARKETS (Correct uta till. Wednesday noon) Wheat �r 12 to 2 u0 Flour, per r tt 1, ,tandard .0 7,i to 5 85 i nr;tn, t)t r ti,u 3s 01) to 3t3 00. :ihtrt:, get tr:tt 37 00 to 414 00 Bar .... . , , (15 to 1 05 Barley . . 1 40 l0 1 110 11al1; ()0 to j3 00 Butter, per lb.--.daity, . 40 to 45 Eggs, per dozen I;5 . 40 Lard • , 20 to to S0 Cattle, med., butchers, 9 00 to 10 00 Cattle, butchers choice. 10 50 to 11 00 IIogs, live weight 19 00 to 10 15 I3uttcrfat to 01 A BACKWARD GLANCE By an Old -Timer in the Montreal Gazette Nearly forty years ago there was a notable session of the Dominion Parlia- ment at which the famous National Policy was debated and the Conservative Government confirmed. It took place in the building on the Parliament Hill. The Premier was Sir John A Macdonald, and the leader of the Opposition was Alex, Mackenzie. With few exceptions the men of that day have all passed over to the great majority, and today another body of men are facing the greatest crisis in the history of Canada. To -day the Opposition is nearly all made up of men of the one province. In that other day Quebec stood shoulder to shoulder with the others, and now she sits apart, It is interesting to the. onlooker of old days, to see the radical difference in the class of men who then and now represent Quebec. Formerly the most eloquent speakers were those from this province. To -day they are only distinguished by the rancour they display, the petty jealousy they exhibit, and the disloyal utterances they give voice to. No'matter what the subject they have a grievance— these spoiled children of the Confederacy. They have made themselves a cap which they wear and are irritated because it fits so well. They do not want woman suffrage, As one member put it, he wanted to be .master and the woman's place was the home. They will have no daylight saving be - Cause #t is a Government measure, and therefore to be rejected. They object to food control because they want to show their independence of all attempt at meeting existing difficulties. To hear them one would think it a lot of ' boys squabbling over a game of marbles. Not Many Years Ago Nobody swatted the 8y. Nobody had appendicitis. Eggs were 10c a dozen. Butter was 14c a lb. Cream was 5c a pint, Choice steak 10c per lb. Hardwood 81.50 per double cord. Maple Syrup 81.00 per gallon. You never heard of a "tin Lizzie." Morris Miss Eliza Messer of London, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Wm. Abraham. Mr. Robert Baird and daughter visited the former's sister, Mrs. John Casemore last Sunday. Mrs, Will Abraham received word last week that her brother, Pte, Earle Aitchi- son of Hamilton. left for overseas on Tues- day, Mr. James Fyfe and family of the 1st line have moved to their new home in Wingham. Miss Mae Powell of Tureherry is visit- ing her sister Mrs. Ebner Hastings for a tew weeks, Farmers are busy lust now trying to get in their crops, in spite of the weather not being very favorable, Whitechurch Mr. and Mrs, Rice of Pelee Island, have moved to the Iiolmos' farm recently oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Middleton. Miss Nettie Cottle is in Hamilton nurs- ing her friend, Mrs. 11. J. Marshall. r; The creamery slanted on Monday, April 15, Messrs. Hector MacKay and Archie Clow are drawing cream. Mr, Andrew Fox was called to Galt on Wednesday last, owing to the death of his sister, Mrs Srllitlt. The regi{ler rneetieg of the W. AL S, wee held ip the church on Wedeesday. The delegates appointed to attend the Presbyterial in Wingbao, on May 21, are the president, Miss T. Laidlaw,. and Mrs. Frank klent'y. Miss Alba, rex led the Guild on Sunday. Next Sunday the missionary committee will have charge• The beef -ring will be continued as usual this season, commencing on June 1. Sacrament of baptism was administered on Sabbath in the Presbyterian church, there being four infants christened, Dr. Arthur and Mrs, Simpson motored from Kintail on Saturday and visited the former's brothers, Messrs, Robert and John Simpson. Me. Ftaek Coulter has bought a Ford Cat'. Men have been at work for several weeks renovating the station. The build- ing is now level with the ground. Tho waiting roost will now be in the east end and the freight shed in the west, With the office in the centre. This rearrangement wilt make the station more Cottvenient1/ The marriage of Mr. Robert S. Purdon, eldeet son of Mr, and Ml's, Wnt. Pardon, to Alis:; Il.tselle Dora Anderson, youngest daughter of AIF, and Mrs Archie Ander- SOU of St. listens, took place 4 1ietl y on Monday, April 15, at $t. Ilelen',t manse. Rev, Tri n pith" officiating. Atter a short trip the yo..ng cottPttt will begin hett,okrrping ;.n the groom'+ farm iii East Wawano'«tr, wh,tre th}. bast wisi'6$ of Enemy frienaie val>S E'm'hart t ern; Qrey The Cranes"sok young folks gave a pray at Moncrieff last week entitled "Willow - dale" which was enjoyed very much by all, Mr. and Dire. tevell:an'and Mr. and Mas. AL Abranl motored to Tltoina5 Abrin', Morris, on Saturday evening, the latter being 3vIr, Abram's father Quite a number would have finished seeding head the weather kept fine, Born --To Mr, and 14rs Wm, Brown, 10th on , a daughter, Ban—To Mr. and Mrs, 'Henry McKay, lith on. a daughter. Wm, Michael lost over 8100,00 worth of clover seed. It 'teas stolen from hi;, granary a week ago Sunday night, Morris Council Minutes of the Council Meeting held in the Township Hall, Morris on Mon- day, April 811i, 1918:—The members of the Council were all present, the Reeve presiding. Minutes of last regular meet ing were read and approved The Coun- cil decided to meet at the Stone School Bridge, on Saturday April 13th, to see condition caused by Spring floods, On. motion of Proctor and Fear the. council passed a resolutidn that no one be allow- ed to cut trees on the road without the written consent of the council. The construction of the 'Bone Drain ‘was let to Jas, Kernaghan at the Engin- eer's estimate of the work, $231 00. The Council to procure the tile, The Tress, urer reported money paid to the different Societies for Red Cross work—Bluevale, 8100,00; Belgrave, $75.00 and Walton $100,00, The following accounts paid—Hullett Br. account, $67.50; Alex McLaughlin, work on E. Br. $3 00; Thos, Laidlaw, filling washout, 82,00; Thos. Miller, assessor, salary $80,00; Postage $1 00. Next Council Meeting will be held on Monday, May 27th, 1918. A. MacEwen, Clerk List of Path Masters for Morris, for 1918 —North Boundary W. J Hendee son, Lot 10; Russell Jermym, David Jew- itt, George MacDonald, John Messer, Anson Thornton, Archie Messer, Peter McDougall, George O. Thornton. let Line—James McGee, Geo, Edgar, Duncan Campbell, William Abraham, Richard Johnston, Henry Bosman, Mil vert Sealers, David Johnston, Robert Messer. 2nd Line—Alex Ross, Arthur Edgar, Herold Jewitt. J j Sellers. Charles Agar, Henry one, John Mustard, C. B. For; rest, Lewis Eckmire. 3rd Line John Coulter, John Hopper, Findlay McCallum, John Garnlss, Wm Souch. Thos. Bone, Wm. Bowman. 4th Line—Thomas Brydges, Garner Nicholson, Charles Proctor, John Mc- Gill, James Graeby, James Shedden, Robert Shedden, Prank Kearney, Wm Kearney, (C. S. R.), Wm. Wilkinson, Charles Anderson, Albert Crooks. 6th_ Line—Martin Grasby, Alex Cloak- ey, James' Kelly, Frank Martin, John Cook, Peter McNabb, James Nichol, alaseasseasassiossionsozzoms ausatatzoassozzwassemoisof 51 Operpr, dor Above Beautiful Shoe Not just exactly as above cut for the shoe we refer to (or rather two different shoes) are GREY and BROWN. The BROWN is the richest, deepest and glossiest you ever cast your eyes on—a charming boot made of the finest Vici Kid. The GREY is as beautiful as beautiful can be—neither too light in color nor yet too dark. and is made of the same fine Vici Kid stock, These two shoes are the equal of any shoe made, they are the very same quality as are sold in cities for from $15.00 to 818 00 per pair, You simply cannot buy better, in fact, better shoes are not made. Look at them in north window or better still call in and them. W. H. WILLIS $ole Agent For The FOR .51/08' LADIES THE REAL TEST OF A GOOD SCHOOL • Our Graduates GET and HOLD THE BEST POSITIONS We shall be glad to furnish the proof. GET FACTS, and don't allow Yourself to be "camouflaged." (Tr': Catalogue Free. D. A. McLachlan, Pres. Phone 160. A. Havitand, Prin. David Smith, Wm. Smith, Wm. Ber- nard. Robert Scott, John Robb, W. C, Shiell. 7th Line—Charles Benibridge Sr., John Craig, .Wm, Cruikshank, James Kelly, Frank Beirnes, Simpson McCall, Doug - aid. MacDonald, Frank Smith. 8th Line—John Scott. Alex Smith, David Laidlaw, Thotnas Laidlaw. John Brown, J. T. McCaughey, Win, Phelan, (5, J..AlcCaughey, Wm Skelton, Gilbert McCallum, Joseph Bewley, Jas. Lawson. . 9th Line—John Potter, C. K. Taylor, Findlay Laidlaw, Nelson Nicholson; Rob- ert'MacDonald, Robert Shortreed, John Taylor, Wesley Searle, Peter McArthur, Wm. McCall, Wm, Shortreed. Walton -John Watt. Belgrave—Joseph Miller. A X X X X0X%'''\XXtlGiAXXX XXX ®X \X XXer XXXX%^t%'A\XX XXXX CORSET SPECIALS Perfect in Style and Comfort EVERY Ready -to" Wear Garment, Suit, Waist, Hat, Coat, separate Skirt, or pain of Corsets sold here is perfect in Style and Comfort. SPIlCI:1L X 77 pairs c/c a la Grace Ni Corsets. Broken lines from our regular stock, all good styles and a full range of sizes from 19 k to 28. The regular price 51,50 to S2. Week end special $1.1O 74 Come early if you want a real Corset bargain. these . 41s . -e Linoleurns Floor Oil Cloths Rugs Olir business in lines has been the largest on record. Patterns and qualities still on ba11f1 will. not be procurable later, Economize by making your purchases now. New Silks, Dress Goods, Coatings, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, etc now selling. Our Men's Department is worthy of your inspection.. Highest Prices for Produce. KING BROS. 4elleg'a,1 Delivery to all parts (;f the town. mom x9!xStxxi'iJrtitxXxxxSI9'CxxxCx3CXJCipC 'MW -.Nil's - 400404 4144-4444•444.44444..444104% ,