HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-22, Page 16TAKE A PEEP
at our windows, and see the beautiful models of
the newest in Footwear. •
Not only are they beautiful, they are of ex-
cellent qaulity and workmanship, the products
of- the best Canadian factories, and the -prices
are very reasonable.
May ve have the opportunity to fit you
• with your
•4 x • R
Thonslo 1$$ GICH
Pouch Bgs
The new shape in Ladies"
Purses in fashionable
colored leathers, priced
from $3.00 up
iAlso several new models
in the popular under -
the -arm' Bag
.from $2.50 up
1 Your rvicee in connection with this
' ' Cf"1 ST
• alty, and kindrww to the boys in Stratfordmr. g
i 1 t ruck* others happy and Mrs. Hugh Ckn has vaeated lar
M Mf ttsebte stud in promoting *wry 'arae ani has rented �!
We •will not soon forget your kV- )[baa Crno ie Allen is a
1 a with her sister,
your class, your energy and thought- Harris.
u net►, ., to Mr. II
tootrot Ryan, who Trill move intF.s it in tbe
etiterprirse in the connnunity that near future.
might lead to progress and to bet-
ter living Messrs. Lorne McKenzie and Her-
• yotr leaving us means a decided onto this, wick, returning with au
We will Nos you, ,but we realize man Carpenter made a trip to Ter -
Overland Six sedan
gain to some other Sunday school
and neighborhood, and so we all join Mrs. Sam Treleaven left on Tues- -
in wishing you the very best that day for the West, where she will be
life an give.
Will you accept this clock as a
ceps* a n, us an as expressing }i
its own way the esteem and love in
which you are held • by the Sunday
- Scholl hare•
Signed on.behalf of the school.
March 21st, 1926.
Miss Bisset expressed her thanks
to all for their kind expression of
k k f d 't
Master Charlie Worsen, Goderkh
visited friends here over the week-
end•is always a •weleame visitor to Dun- Mr. and ]lire, Bogie spent the for -
a guest _ with her daughter, Mr:,.
sic sr Anarew:-
The funeral of the late Mrs. 1'de-
' Seth t's Fax
imiusamee owed to joht the
ilfemagel Exchange.
nls^ kyou to mi -
or k sdrred
ame sail en eo n-
Ifes pitttkttlets .apply
Donald, of Ashfield, mother of our i ful her pin sot with pearls and to
townsman, Mr. R. McDonald, was I tWgroomsmen a pearl tie pia, Mr.
held at Greenhill cemetery on Mons' and Mrs. Chlaisoloa will reside on the
day, Rev. C. H. McDonald, of Luck-' groom's fine farm which he recently
now lrestisterian church, conduct- purchased on the lake shore road in
ing the service. Colborne township, whither they aro
Card of Thanks- —Mr. John Kit- , followed by the best wishes of a host
patrick and family desire to express ` of friends insthis locality.
their thanks for the 'Many kind-
shown during the long illness AUBURN
and sub tient'death of a beloved
wife aMr. Robt. Scott has rented a part
tiful floral tributes. nd mother, also for the beau- of Mr. Frank Stanley's farm.
Mr. Andrew Kirk, from near Sea- . At last reports Firs. Geo. Raithby
:ort', is renewing former vecquaint- • is Improving as well as could be ex.,
once with friends here. Mr. Kirk peered•
Mr. R. J. Johnston has employed gannon, where, in former days, his mer part of the week visiting friends
Mr, N. Knight, of near Seaforth, for genial manner and kindly disposition in Brussels.
the summer months. won for him - the respect of many Plowing has started in this neigh -
Mrs. T. J. Johnston, Goderieb, ill.' friends. boyhood, but most of the land is too
'nem+cot; n few dovewith her dough- The Wednesday heti holiday will wet to.work on yet.
Oa the Seminoles Forty Years ter, Mrs. Roy Chambers, me observed again in Dungannon Mr, John Dingwall, of Blyth, t1)e
Mr. Hugh Davidson, who has been this year, beginning with the firm.. latter part of Inst week called on
* home for the nest few ntonths, re- Wednesday: of May and ending the acquaintances in the village. i
turned to Hamilton Monday. last week of September, inclusive, ' Mr. Kenny McLean has left here
• SALT,F(,RD Mrs, Root. Mcllwain was in To- the following merchants having and one to Ashfield. where he in -
The annual meeting, of the Salt -
for(' Sunday School was hold in -the
Sunday School on Friday. April 2nd,
at 7.30 o'clock. The teachers and
officers were appointed for the fol-
lowing year, also the financial re-
port , by . the treasurer: Balance
Brom' 1921. $14.91;coll€etions for
1926, ;127,1D; rent. of ,hall, 1t1254,.$5;
tihristmsa entdrtafnnlent, 424.25;
bazaar, $135.62; • Salo of hall, $100;
bank interest, $1.04;. total, $408.91.
E x n mgrs-•-('arrying' on Sunday
school, $109,62; piano, $273;, total,
$382.62; talance in bank, $26.29.
Following the business meeting , a
social evening was spent by the par.
ents and children,- as community sing
Rong, games end lunch.
Previous to her Marriage : Miss
Margaret Bisset was made the re-
eit lent of the following address and
gift •
To Miss Margaret Bisset.
The members of Saltforil Sunday
school and friends, wish to express
to you our sincereappreciation of.
ledo, Ohio, attendintt the funeral of signified their willingness to close : tends to remain•for theefuture,
her aunt, Mrs. Robe. Wildman. >''. Jones, L. Smiley, S. Townend, 51. Several officials of the United
A iolnt service of the . Sunday Culbert, Wni, Sproul, E. Shopper(' church is the village attended a
+erhool and church will be ' held at G Elliott, R. A. McKenzie, 'Bi• Hotfi- meeting ren Clinton last Tuesday
Union Mother's Day, May �)th. man, \Ein,. Mole, C. Alton and the
Suverwoods' store. Any week, dor- Mrs. Holtzaicer. Land her daughter.
Mr; obt. Johnston wa called in' which- ,a �Sublie holiday conies. Jeun, were visitors in the village
sway to attend the tonere of his the half -holiday will' be .omitted, during the latter part of last week.
sister. Mrs. Root. Wildman of To-
I , harry Beadle and Albert Rucking
ledo, Ohio. i Bock1*gham-Bellamy , , and their families, of Detroit. event
Mr, H. McCool and faintly former ' A quiet wedding took place at the the week -end with friends in this lo-
+•esidAnts at Beautifier, urc�occuny- home of Mrs. F. L. Palmer, 15 Roft eality.
'ring the house on the 4th con. be-, street, .Stratford, at noon on Wednes- The "Rev, Ur. Gracev, of the P,�.-
lonain(r to the J. B, Orr estate, on day, April 28th, when her daughter. bytdrian church, went to London this
which he will be eniploSed.Luella Dellamy, became the bride of week, attending a meeting of the
Union 'Young People's Society re-, Harris E. Buckingham, .Jr., of Wil- Synod.
eseeed the biweekly practices ai.ain formed in the livingmroomwas the Mrs. Shoal's, of Detroit, is the -
this week for the play, "Palley guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Farm." which"'fhey hope to he able home, which was attractively decor- rchie Robertson, of A the 13th con:
to nut on in Mao, 1 . nee: streamers of .pink _ of Hullett:.
Navigation ,Openingacid white.'Rev: W.. E. Bellamy, of
tr «"- •,•. +i,.,) to sae ailr. John Arth-
Yesterda.: fternoon., the Steamer Centro' United chu>t'ch, officiated,
1 . The bride was given away by her ur able to , attend to hid shop again.
Drummond left"die harbor. intend- brother, Mr, Harry BetlaMny, of There are several'cases of the flu
ing to go to the Sault but found the .TAIL.), ,,ne was attired in a .lovely' in this locality at present.
ice fields too heavy and 'had to ree- gown of blonde georgette ivith old Th t t '
conditions. Match, and carried a beautiful bou- Friday evening by parties from here
g S e, g e en ere amment The Poor
turn to port to await more favorabl embroidery, shoes and -stockings to Man's Wife," was given in Blyth last
quer of Butterfly roses. Mr. and They gave it here a couple of weeks
ritax- -01:11,0=0""'"'011:10/
e+ h W'Il' d Olt' Th bride q is •well and favorably known in Dun- who have been este f th
-atl\� iilrs, Bucking:lam will make their
eine a r )are , Ohio. e • i e Mr. and Mrs, Johnston, of Carlow.
gannon, whhre she was chief opera-dn'ightcr, Mrs. (Dr.) Weir, of the
Lor In the Central o'ff'ice of the Gode-.returned .returned to their home last
rich rural' telephone company, and. week.•
her many friends here extend to -her • 1
then . heartiest wis'e's for her future On Wednesday afternoon of this:
week the executive of the Althorn
After an illness of about three Union Sunday school Association had -
a meeting for arranging for the an -
months' duration there passed to her emit convention which will be held •
reward on Sunday morning, April in Juno. - .
18th, '-at her home on the 7th con- (From smother correspondent) i
cession of Ashfield, Frances Albin I Mrs. Allin wetland!. Inst wee;:.
beloved wife of Mr. John Kilp.petrick.
Deceased, who was ms her t5th year. Mr. Lawson is ' running his saw
was .born In Armagh, Ireland, andmill.. •
was married to her stow bereft part, Mise bloc-n.rguoen arrived home;
. 'Twenty or' thirty first-class 'mechanics and p
'Working men would take three or four weeks to
uild, up a good engine -or wee -of niachmery. 1
One husky man of no mechanical ability
could take a sledge hammer -and destroy this ft
engine in about one hour, but he could never re- ° '
build it.
The Councils and citizens who have the best
interests of' our good old town at heart, have
been considering planning and preparing to
build a new Town Hall for the last number of
years; and now place before you' a completed
' If there are any good 'criticisms consider
thein carefully. '
' Don't listen to the "biker a.t}l" whojust goe.4
around with his hammer merely trying to de.
stroy, and-ofiering nothing.
o ner. at Newcastle,. England, on Nov. last .Friday from Exeter,
23rd, 1874, Six years later, . its 1880 o- Miss Alp. who has been visiting
they came' to Canada and on April at the manse, left Monday for Tor-
Ist, 1881, they settled- on the intoe -onto. ;
where - Mr. Kilpatrick still resides.
j-- orrr...'1'.- --- 1•OZOKa .0=„.-�io$at
In November, i924, they celebrated We are sorry. Mrs Sem (We' 1' `cls
*dr golden - wedding. Ofa family' - ren Goderich .;hospital.• We lube' her
of seven children, six survive, the a speedy recovery, ,
eldest son, Joseph, Fein"' called - by 'Messrs. Harry Beadle and Clayton
death in ION waving a WWI of
Ladd, f D r
three children, who received Iovii spective homes over the week -end,
eats. The six surviving children CEDAR VALLEY
are: Wm. John, who resides at Rich- Miss Delia Dennis is visiting
Cros2ileld, Alberta; Mrs. Gibbs
(Margaret), of Calgary; Edwin A.
a of Ogema, Sask.; Milton, of the 9th
concession of Ashfield, and Miss
Susan, at honte, the constant and.
' kindly companion of her parents.111
The children of the late Josggph Kil-
patrick are Miss Violet, who 3s teach-
ing at Sandwich; Miss Ruby, at Sev-
O me -
stead. Bridge,
f from a distancJohn on the e who
were present for the funeral were:
William and E. A., sons; Rev. Rich-
ard Kilpatrick and Mrs. McCormick,
from Detroit; Mrs. Agar, Kitchener;
Rev. Isash Kilpatrick, HolmesviIle;
Violet and RubyKilpatrick, grand-
ehildren. Of a kind and affectionate
nature, dec'eatleed was always ready
to lend a helping hand in time of
trouble, and was held in high esteem
in the hearts and lives of those with
whom eke 'crime in ..contact. The Johnston will be pleasool to lea
vi M' a , o ettott visited at thoi`r•e-
s' q care in the home of theif grandna .j
mond, Vii.; •-Mrs Laut- (Nina); -of- 'friends '- near •;fielgrave.
Our teacher, Miss Mary Rote,
spent the week -end at, her home. near
Lochalsh. ' •
Mr. Elmer' Moore and family have
moved into the forma. MoIlwaine
Mau L. Taylor, of Nile, spent a
few days with her friend, Mrs. Lorne
The maple syrup season is over
for this year. Quite a number have
proeured a good supply.
Mr: Balfour Simpson is adding to
the warmth and appearance of his
house by siding it with shingles.
Mr. John Johnston has been busy
the last few days trying to improve
the condition of the road by drag-
ging. .
The many friends of ;Mrs. ; George
ren ,
funeral was held from her late home - that hope is entertained for her re-
in Ashfield, on ''Thursday, April 22nd eovery. She is slowly: improving.
t,unt:•annon eetnetery, the service We are glad to correct the mis-
being conducted by her pastor, Rev. take made last - week that 'Albert
J. -R: Peters, - B.A., the pall -bearers Brown, instead of having his- thumb
being Messrs. Riebsrd Johnston. amputated, was only badly cut and
Thomas Anderson, Samuel Kilpat- m
rick, Albert McQuaid, Wm. Grolier
and Rug
i'[)iaty %i eather holds no terrors for 'the
owner of s Chevrolet touring.
This sturdy, all -season rear provides real comfort
and song protection against rain, wind, snow
and sleet.
Its tigiltk-,fitting, carefullytaikred curtain keep the
w,teide cold from blowing ht. its big, wide eburs an
retool with overlapping, weatheetifpht door curtains that
ste ri idly Supp' ed on rods end swing with the deers.
No ether cm of equal pride *gets equal quality ,salt
syseiptnent, Nene other combines Chevrolet's fameas
all•yesr•rouad< economy with sweh all•yeer-rwxli caw•
maiewe'e need comfort. Ise summer it's a era*. cool.
spencer; in wittier, it keeps ytte wane awl gen yell
shore and beck!
If » mat a*t.rrs,rther protectiett plus guilty aoa-
$mecism at low cwt-- l ens it the Car to own: Cisme it
--wee k aeetsyl
- THURSDAY, APRIL 2iltk. little
A - - One Etapartmsnt of Our Store of Special
tet' L_:�„ - _
''. . - g - - . 1 I it..1 I I 4 ," 1 _ Interest just now is the
41.;:tEiSifinVY=fiMitreaaeartme■ ed"bpapt
in and examine our range.
. The openingofthe Wallpaperseason is always an interesting time, and
this spring we Have a greater. range than ever before,
We invite you to see our range of dainty patterns, and new combinations,
which we are showing for this season's decorations.
A little Money spent in \Veli Decorations will do more •-to make your
house attractive than any other investment. ,
VALUEis what counts in all' lines of merchandise, and we sell �Val1-
papers as we do Drygoods—at the lowest possible prices for
.quality Goods.
Everything Marked in Plain Figures'
W ith
.L - —
is improving nicely.
Mr. Jack Ryan Ieft on Monday
for Detroit, where he has secured a
good position.
wife and little
son, Bruce,
intend to join hint there
in the near future. We will miss
them from this community. -
The S. A. Gray Co.
Three large Diry Goods Stores at
i Sacred Ileart church, St. Anonet..
ine, Ont., was the scene Of a pretty
`wedding en Wednesday, April 28th,
at 10 a.m., when Mary Marguerite.
5only daughter- of the late Wm. and
Mrs. Margaret McCourt, of Dungan-
non, Ont., wan rnited in marriage to
Mr. John Chisholm,- second son of
i Mr. and Mrs. John Chisholm, resi-1
dents of ('olborno township, near C
';ederieh. Rev. Father .1. H. ChM.'
holm, of London, brother of the -
I s*•oono performed the ceremony. -
The dainty bride looked youthful and :
unarming in a Parisian frock of
isory satin faced canton, elaborately
embt,+idesed with rhinestones and
pearls, with lace panel •front and
long court train which hung from
the shoulders. tier veil was stream.
1 ed with a Asrenth of lilies of the
valley and gold leaves* whitt I.::
white hose and white kid pui.Mps
completed the costume. She earried
a lovely b uquet of 0phelia roses,
I lily of the valley and melded hair.
fern. She was given in marriage by
her unc'e, Mr. Jas,. Redmond, witie
whom ahs• has resided all her fife.
Mise Mary Flynn, of Clinton, Ont.,
• acted as bridesmaid, looking lovely
in * shell.pick satin dress with over.
dreen of same, trimmed with sliver -
las e, and hat. ami hoot to match.
She carried Shell 'pink mere. Mr, ,
Henson Chisholm. brother of the
groom. acted as groomsman. After
rongratulatinna at the thereto tate
bridal pert motored to the hams of
Mr. Jas. Redmond, where a nap- t
treats wsiita dialler was merged. en-
iv the immediate relettves of the i
Wide aid grass less t Mei
she Mr.m at tri. i re3**fw..
neighbors sand MMends. The g* , 's
gut to tfbe kiiuuwm*id was a setatitt-
s r`
alea ady Wanted I
Young lady or married wanton,
to take orders for Indies' guar-
anteed ladderproof silk hosiery.
Will repine* any pair that retes
from gartertop down. Slater*
women desiring to earn extra
mosey will be given every op-
pi.: tanity and as-istanes.
Write » Mer. Porter
70 Albert St., • 'Toronto, Ont.
Baby Carriages
ss (irieroi* at %mink* yet port* triode
are iraeketb.ek iietaten are to he seen
stets amity styles. All are welt
mak +►tilgi give geed servks se
water what prise earriege ye* ltd
oat. Nathstts shield carate is *ad
see width these
ll *the tCla r iaiegiend tfar
leeks mother and Wiley.
Y•Irrmituee thipileia � Demeter
°pod Mounts can be hired at the -
At the Sala and; Exchange Barn
we will try to supply your wants in
all classea of Borges. Buggies and
. _ Harness.
l ndOU) ' Good Storage former Cers.Day week,
or nlenth. Ttates: day; 50c; Week,
* $t.50. month, $3.00, .
We are Specialists in this line
fol.. 38 years.
We imaka any size Shade to
order. Also keep all colors
an standard sizes made up.
Shades delivered' and hung for
you free of charge.
Kirsch Curtain Rods .
MI stasis ongle, bulls and triple.
Sriutb's Art and Gift Store
. t'AstStt.: .., ._'.. cph.,>n, iga-..._.•
All owners and occupiers of _
iweinises aro hereby notified
that • -
All Garbage,,,Etc.
must bo removed from their
premises by the let day of May
F. G. WEil%
Ass't ,unitary Inspector.
Spring Millinery
in the newest shades and
styles. .
You are invited to call.
• Upiversasl Millinery
Old HIydro Store N. S. of t4ttpare
Mier 4Lt0, ri%•'
For Sale -due heavy Horse, 7years
• old, serviceably sound.
. Auto and Horse Livery •
Feed Sale and Exchange Barn
T. M. BUR/41N
Auto Painting I i
rave your car painted
with tile new Lacquer Fin-
ish. All new colors.
For Car $25.00
I AlsofUrnitUre re-finiished.
Frei Seabrook
Kingatn a Strsst t
- 1
V.1.0 Lf R beat friends
can buy anything
' .0 tufa give theta -
ixcept now PAato 'r* •
NO caber rsinetabrunes ~'
wi11 giro sweet heopialese
l llleeas til J. T. i L
-.- _ - Mutual Life.
Assurance Company
of Canada
ttatablithed 13*u
HPsAt) OFFICE : WATEnt.00, ONT. .
D. D. MOONEY, Agent
riloNE 250
EAST ST. GOnsniCin, ONT.
Car 4 in. Lamp -
Pocahontas Coal
$13.00 per Ton
also a car of Biquettes
Weighed on Market Scaly
L. FLICK • .
Phone 178 J.
Your Family and
Friends want your
Make the ap.pointmentTodsy
R. R. SALL .,r W$
In co-operation with the man-
ufactuzer we are offering for
ten days a big shipment of
Aluminum . Ware
first quality, absolutely guar- .
anteed. A fine assortment of
Percolators, -Potato Pots, . Pres
serving' Kettles, Fry Pans,
Round Roaster, Daisy Pails;
•'Pea Kettles, etc, all at the one
on the}, Broadway of Goderich
Like. Being Handed .
Getting your clothes cleaned and
pressed at Vrooman's--lou get so
hutch satisfaction out of • them.
They look just like new.
Godericli Freack Dry, Cleaning Works
Prompt and Expert Service
J. H. vnoorvi1V
Phone 122 • Went Street
.-.►ii! attir.r,Jl,