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11111113111DAY. Ina
Or -Hotel Taber
800 Rows -
800 Balks
$2 0 per .Dly aid et
Arabian Restaurant
Gothic °Grill
Tea Roam
General Manager.
Pile Sufferers
Don't bec.,me despondent -try Ar.
Leotihardt's HEM-ROID. No greasy
salve° --.•no cutting. A harmiesa tab.
let that is guaranteed to quickly ban-
ish all misery or costs nothing at
H. C.. Dunlop's and good druggists
(Near, Brigk&asecl7Bca:tt'if tl`
.eCu Book:
Apply Cream • in Nostrils To
Open Up Air. F,aaeages..
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.Ah 1 What relief! ,Y our,clogged nos -
Ulla open right up,'the. air passages of
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bottle of Ely's Cream Dalai from your
„druggist. now. Applri,a•little of this
fragrant, antisepticcream in sour nos-
*riiq, let it penetrates through every air
passage of thebond: • soothe and heal
the swgllen,.inflamed mucous membrane,
iving you instant relief, lily's Cream
Balm, is lust what every °old and' ea-
tarriistllrerer has been seeking. It's
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Sunday Alternoon!
1 Sy 134415L HAMILTON, Goodertci4. Ost.
r1tww r11111*••grit s••momwrarseasessimstt owym•tre►a"+etr twwww
Perish every fond ambition, with them. Abram, lwiriett of iota,
All I've sotght or hoped or known; plight, with all speed armed kis
Yet how rikh is my condition'. teemed servants and set off in per
(kd and haven ate still my own suit. This .is ithe ,unly military se -
Mute, then, on front grace to glory, tion we ever find Abram wngatfed in
Armed by faith, and winged by kle .was prompted to it not to intriek
prayer, himself but to help his brother's son
Heaven's eternal day's before thee, land one commentator says of it that
':God's own hand shall guide thee never was are/ military expedition
there. undertaken, prosecuted and finished
H..F. fl y1.. more honersielly *knit this of
PRAYER He divided his small army se as
Help us our Father to restless were to attack fusels •dLd`erenat quarter, at
each day we live that in every eon.' ones and he made tbe"attaick at !sight
filet with temptation and sin Thou, that he might surprise the enemy.
though all unseen, art upholding and me s eeeeee see in niceties • his tame
guiding. Amen. - man with all that belonged to hist.
8. S. LESSON FOR MAX 9th. 1926 On Abrarn's return as victor the
Lesson Title --Abram and the King of Sodom vent awl to moot
Kin's, him to express his respect for and
Lesson P*$$1$v-.Gan, 14:1.94. ticutlara of that meetitude to him ing f the
Golden Test -Rem. 8:37. ed, we have the story of Melchizedek
After the food the earth, as it be- told. Ile was. king of Salem and
came more fully peopled, was divid- priest of the most high God. As a
ed by Noah and agreed upon by his. king he made provision for the
wants of Abraham and his men. As
priest he refreshed Abram's spirit
by a' blessing. He blessed Abram
increase of the colonies should re- and he blessed God who had caused
quire. But the people were loath to him to triumph over hia enemies,.
separate and so to prevent dispersion In. return for this blessid+dg and in
--they resolved to establish themselves gratitude for victory Abram gave
by -+building a cityand a tower whose the priest tithes of all the spoils he
"top may reach unto heaven." God had taken:
teoid notice of their intention and The king of Sodom considered
their doings and checked theni, If himself under great obligation to
they had remained one people with Abram and he requested him to keep
one language much of the earth the goods, giving up the captives on -
would have been left uninhabited, so ly. Abram had not gone a war -far -
God caused them to be scattered ing for enrichment so refused tido
abroad upon the face of the earth, least bit of reward. To prevent fur -
departing in companies • according to *her persistence on the. part of the
the languegb they ajuke, to the sev- king, Abram affirmed his refusal by
eral countries allotted to them in the an oath.
division made .before but which'' %hay He would be guarded icd 'his +con
refpsed Ito ..take, possession of. duct so that there would be no cause
In the genealogy, .which is given 'for the 'king at any future time to
we see the beginning of the story of say he'had acted from mercenary or
.Abram whose name is famous, •hence-. covetous reasons: Ile made' the. ex -
forward, in both Testaments. God ception of the food his men had eat..
assigned him to a .land to which -he "n and of the portion due those who
world guide ilial and make of hint a had 'joined. "him on the expedition.
great nation. They went forth to go He spoke only for himself, 'kno(ving
into the, land of Canaan; "and into he was under the direction of the
the land of Canaan they came." In Ring of Kings who would see to .his
the course' of . time the 'land was not being rewarded. After these things
able to. bear both Abram and his the -word of the Lord came unto
sons that certain tribes should
spread out in certain directions, re-
moving fart�lier and farther u the
iMMinlling tkali•tlie•anly'ofice of ai •
is: to•moxa• the borvele,•lni't• a In"I!`
,brly lirepared pill ,should °act beneflet-
,ally upon the liver ;.and the entars,
igg1andular and seeretery eystdm. :
"71131S.i$ Jut What
IM . :F N'.5
00 >By<Theiir Action
- -They.: are •sme71 and eanv to take, and
work gently and
efficiently. wifleout a
gripe, or:a pain.
They ean'.be'ueed 1 pill as 's taxa
tfive; ,2 rills as a cathartic; a pills as si •
purga$iye, 7
- -.v .«.
.Al1.drtlggists • and dealers ill, thank.;
rat lip only Icy The T Milburn Co,
240,44 MO*, iOnte
''se forerunner' ofcolds.
lrpit,e' :
H Ri ,and inhale= !Mist-
gir'd's and rub(Itos the
i; eat ,ocvomtitve.
Auto and florae Eiverg
flack Stables, Eto.
Manion*. otre.t
Dist od the Square
.'hues.. Moot alITraaas and
Paininger tiNatrt •
lr tior+talled ler Wary114 tine town her alt
trawinsat O. T.
Rt.arC.P. R.
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
:..4. •u s, tj OF 1885
Talk about winter ling° ring in the
w lap v. • d . iy a a ear. It w not the
1,1 only k • :