The Goderich Star, 1926-04-22, Page 14UNIVERSTY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Summer School JULY Ith to AUGUST pith ?•r infer/sott.sr waftRJ., DIs seer, Or» M. R. XM w se...r agr. K.E. R. IVx..i indliell0" SPECIAL COURSES FOR TEACHERS 1. :rm leo NIA, $..kk aaui lis. 2. Cm's** '1* 1'e.w.k C.nv.r.ati.n. is }Calow Geese, h tlisi► s.k..t A41•tii* Ats,. �ksr *wows is 344 rkysiow A sp1.w4114 ...fat ,mind +rt'1►+ Wm program throughout xk. tk..im week*. tit wow Umt..rswy *. 4lowita rwwf '.i c i .E w. .t gmtx .md u.n, WORLII EVENTS °Psriiarseletarisns TE O CA STAR AR made as early as We. Tim brawl- rem legeeTitibr ilio dist* tke yew_ C>ItA,P111R. 1t iCU holdRr±i started en ssloc Ati6ti fiitty twee r,•islifser.. Mille wee westseed busty heal pas casae to repeat her years ago to keep their theme alive fear** blies. ua waved :strips hie �,,,.. hs the dayys that fel- t and are now hoping that the United Awls iswrl{t mow es saslrasits. lowed. mares maintainsei 'Rides veil see the ,justice of their ahs to *gee his dose ward ties woaaea meiab of the demand, bed,' • "Watt" wars p+rol>ably! party sat Adsairable attitude of aloof- !hundred intend* to build one The" kas loess 1 tr of sicaeulatioa bel diaeowrl,was;, he merely isolated' ! hundred grain elevator* this eontip *Pea tbr many __**.ere himself freest thein mai discouraged summer, *reorient to report*. It is leen esfllat4 to wrest the secret their 'somewhat timid advances to. of •+ °si th!a connection that the out- iratn las stales} aieueosndarits. ward friendship. This doubtless would tame met Iaiur 10 New Elevators Ye*Pensik rs fur kis menet feria ,pass. He was not rusle, neither was look for farmers, both Rist and west, llL*t.. r IAvestora with eta whole. has never been so promising in the hearted approval had he not treated i s The extss� to wkich knoyvlsdiCe of her ire may the seine wa . She investments bee increased s ince t at **sum A aomew m_--_---. war Imam and *Avinga campaigns �s amphant air of propprietorship to - posts wa hi but this ukkl gave way G t . The average value of the oecupted Brittle own investments, Their They began to know each other, to farm lands for Canada as a wole. co� etned investments and holding* be sure; for hours upon end they .Mately of the Dominion ea t r i the had �t ed hat t I !right nasi. atriki�lvspatelt by the re ix, q y if+i 'yAlues of Farm I.snds chat nil people in rest o ehiretlling ertxlrely xhverent. .15 ,,.0•ra..w,.w...'.,s,•, II II I II THURSDAY, APRIL 29th, 19201' • �Ifarasi'a 4044444 44frizttRasetkig.. . " • ''' in lit2;,, including both improved and represeet nine billion dollars. were together, "which could hive re- ' tai unimproved lard, as well as dwsl- stilted in Nothing less than a thor- reallzedd that here wAs a baf'Sing Iling notifies. barns ,stables and other Ma Gevei'rxer-Gen+erAl ough acquaintance; notwithstandinjr secret and she �ihe did not possess arm f buildings, ie returned at #3S r this, there lurked behind Phillips' the. key to. it.. red h ha truth came to h }acre cf the Canadian parliament be per acree according to the Canadian Conessi teapots as neing gave friendly interest en emotional ape- One me t t tailed upon to give some exnlanatinn t Government, Bureau of State*tics, t x11 prtrtiee in Routh Africa A- the thy that piqued the girl and put her Rest had made camp later than um - to the general public of their avoid. By provinces the averages are a* fol- stiecessor to the Earl of Athlone as on her mettle. She hid her chtg'rin al;, and as A result had selected' a epee of the matrimonial yoke. lows: Prince Edward island, 4e; Governor -Ceases} of that Dominion., under an assutn rp,e f caxeeessnees- particuls ly bad spelt for it -.-a a., u... Nova Seabe. *37; New Brunswick. His, aepnintpxent would. establish a but fetters y s ,tallied Nina for 'brushy et' running back from a $34; Quebec, ;5'i; Ontario, i0er l eedent for native-born viceroys. 1ar+i Clewed every hour he bulked bigger to her. high, overhanging bank beneath out oT fit. lit' exercised a pronounced effect up- �= .—" Ancient Anew For gala on her; his voice his laughter •K rb xeaarr A horrible story ,.ams Manitoba, $29: Saskatchewan, *24; One at tHouse. traditiof o maintained a few Alberta, ;..0; British Columbia, $62. by the British,rs'Houser of Commons i- is Thomas that was left to sleep in the o the baehalars'. dinner, held perlodi-! upper rt of a restaurant keeper's The average valves in 1925 of orch-t rally by atli those members' of the! home and was pawed by n rat. The ard and fruit lands, including build - house who have elected to remain in Igrooved ings, etc., In the fruit -growing die - single blessedness.: One of these child's mother disturbed the rat at triets aro estimated es follow*: dinners was, given last week end the 1 its hideous work and 'found the Nova Scotia, $10$; Ontario, .$153; public was inquisitive' as to whether' child's hands badly mutilated and its British Columbia, $301. thebachelors would include head and face marked with the ritt'a . or not . teeth., the only girl bachelor in the house, • Birth Rate Declines- - ' - Miss Ellen • Wilkinson. • however, i Million for Coal Exploration The Canadian birth rate is declin- ths lady did' not receive an invite -1 The Sault Ste. Merle Star voices int in every' Canadian province, 'ra- tion and so could not be them to a demand of that busy little city eords show, except in the case of join in the client toast which was that the government spend one mil- Quebec, where records are not Avail. (trunk with solemnity to the mem- lion dollars von exploration for . ',i., In•' ten the birth gate per hers who had joined the benedicts coal in Ontario. This sounds liken thousand of population was 25.3 and since the Jest dinner. Among the . lot of money, but in relation to the has declined in 1925 to 20,5 per guests was the most eligible belie.: import.;. of coal from the United' t,,,,usand, ' for in England --barring the Prince States, annually it -represents not of Wales -Sir Philip Sassoon, Th" much more than ane per cent. of fir' ' e Nee. ]'rinse^a Prince was toasted as '"The Prince the price. Canada pays for the pro. i end purhess .'f York, who was born 1 lv coal has been located` in Ontario, ++:i April it ,.1, displaced_ the roar atrika of Bachelors. ,r a lets of foreign mines Undoubted- The little daughter of the Duke Why 7 Just what ito qualities are and the p t t of the known. fields and the q' ' pendent to a cam:wh n pei)er recent a "osaibiiities in unexplored arras are And in this connection a comes, extent ly suggested that ,vmnarried mem-• th*nil's the Ontario public would like to know. Gold for Canada•• TheREO PEPPER 11:111 discount at" which United ',r+txtes funds have been srtferintc in Canada . has or d Aliments of gold a oda o ce p s from that 'country to this. The: n'a,vement begun last week, the first ehpnie+N bring one 'pillion dollars. DIOS iniu CHEST I..ast fall forty million dollars in gold came to Caradn foe `the same e reason, from the United States. Ease your tight. setting chest. Stop the pain. Break ui, the congestion. New Liberal Leader Feel -as bad cold loosen up in,.just a J. T. Shaw, formerly an indepen: short time. • dent',membor of the Commons.. for Red Pepper Rub is the cold rem- ,V&.$ Calgary. has been `chosen •lead- edy-that brnigs:quickest relief. It can- .er of the Liberal .party in Alberta. not hurt you and it .Certainlyy seems to • end the tightness and drive. the conger. Collect Debts from U.S,• tion and soreness right out, ltonresetttatives of the British Xotlung hes such. concentrated, Acne» heat Penetrates right dawn'into colds, "mlhen dollars in debts -contracted iealertly guarded toe secret of his by the States, during and nrinr tc ``eestieg plaoe. since his death in the tor;csti+ln, ,*chin . muscles .,and sore..... ..1. • stiff joints relief comes at once. the Civil War in the united' States -Bettie of` ltlorevian'tow'i in °deism.' The moment you apply lied Pepper are prepared to take their rases be. findf18ia, have• recently intimnte.f Rub you feel the tingiing heat. In three pre the United States courts in"an . when the .fame of 'Tecumseh is minutes the conliestedd spot is warned effort to recover their money. This ndeg:i.`el" "c^^gnize' it +1»e for'- of through and through. When o tine ^"ropey was lent to Florida, Georgia;--' mnmo••a.l they *ill disclose their Offering , from. old; 'tht intimi,° Losileiana • Mississippi. and North, 'sestet. The. ttattitnsous Teettemeh backache, stiff neck or sore muscles, and : South . Carolina for industrial was a rowtserl 1 'fly ;of the - Cana. just .get a :ply of Rowles lied Pepper purposes and national development, diens in resis,t;nr; n. ' vasinn er the Rub, made from, red ,peppers, at any mostly for railways and"public: Americans. and his death carie in an. mens{ store, You will love the quickest works. Some of the loans were encounter wit}; the enemy. it is rnti.f know.rt� which ran a swirling eddy , (To be continued) Nany people are almost crippled with corns. But it is needless suf- with�Ho owsy'�'Corn lover ADVERTISA II'F 'lamB' t ' R '1"he, 'Power of London has been • brought a light and a sparkle to ler i r ' 'EAING 'I7-{IN43 IVE I IN turning out some of its storerooms eyes; she eeuld net rest when he *As ► and decided to dispose of a whole out of her siht. His appeal, un- I warehouse full of equipment of sol- conscious on his part, struck to the - diers who fought in armor and hel- very core of her being. To discover •«.,tt fom- h"ndred "+'P tl ago. ,Sol- that she lacked se simihir appeal fur diers' trappings, which went into him roused the girl to desaperation; battle upon the forms of Cromwell's she lay'awake tights, trying to puz- troops or which clattered. to the tale out the reason, for this was' a blows of the Spaniards in the Battle.- raw experience to her. Recalling of the .Armada, are being sold, one their msetinir and the) incidents of paece at a time, to all comers. that first nicht at White horse, she Revive Pioneer Art eggitt fipple}}sealiewet eseeekassisse iesins' A pioneer industry is being reviv- ed in British Columbia by Mrs. Dena, The Folly of Taking tit nig Herrls, daughter of the first goy- al + _ 'rnor of the eountry, Sir James a D1$@stlVP. ��$ Douglas, She has established the stz s owes in � par t of Mario Lasthy', pow ship urssse, unto 15. 5 new !",aa,ated os twoauser l.,at making of homespun woollen cloth. fe Warne Stomach Sti(ferers, d roam* tMd,rsal, , made of on spinnig B.C. wheels.yThere are al.' . Neutralize Dangerous Acids in p ' r raatwus•ut from the front Pages f o rc t a s of En its ready thirty people at work scour. s •Stomach With Hot Water jnii-nois the the dation rejoiced ;nz, cardfnq, spinning. weaving and and Magnesia•. awn, the arrival' of the little lady dyeing their own products. peigi enteeiesere9esse �eeeteesswe;seete • rosy snore clay become Rueen of ' - Fee'land. While there is every nos- sibility - of the Prince of Wales +naeryine and continuing the un- broken lis of suc"ession, yet there. le the other cel ntrenev as well. The new batty stands in, the flame relotionshin to the thrum as Qneen x'�eteein sed in her infancy. Tice child lia'i caught the imagination of the nubile ard there has been a spentaneon desire on its part to roil - her Elizabeth. ns the nation's thoughts have turned to the great are when another Elizabeth presided over the destinies of the people. To Declose Century Old' Secret Sensational .developments irt- the story of th'!• ,developments Indian et'lof, Te- em"soli, nee -promised «n the near seating heat as red peppers, and when 1°'+'idholders -who lost seventy-five •r stare. His i+',n++le. who l,a•~ on Immigration Tide Starts To Flow The :easel of navi+ration opened nn the St, Lawrence by thearrival in (Inc'day of six passenger vessels eeeh hominis , large . parties of : Bei. tish emigrants., , Jewish Emigration. One hundred thousand Jewish pee. tee have already settled in Pales- tine since its establilhineirt as a Jewish homeland. This shrnificant movement has; been .accorn' fished ie six years. •WINDS F CHANCE Q HA C -1.» -- (Continued from 2) What differnnee ~would it ijnake ifs 1 b.''were`}'' "Oh. none." Laure's teeth flashed through the I'gloom. "I was just +. ca sinus:. Gn.iosity . killed a _cat, ..did- n'tit? Will you help me up the brink»+ Pierce t'"ok the speaker's arm; to- gether they climbed the gravelly in- clinq- .toward the illuminationa frons "hr' cook ere. In the edge of the sseadows Larre halter} and her hand riipred down over Pierce's. "Remember1". she said, meaningly. en+m't—ox' you'll hear from me." "Never force` the digestion of fer- menting food f.'^' a your stomach simply to get temporary relief trolls indigestion," says S A well known au - thong/. The habit or taking 'digest- iveepllls after meals makes chronic dyspeptics of many thousands of men and women because artificial digestents, drugs and medicines have practically no influence' rayon the ex- cessively acid condition of the stom- ach . co tents •w ich is the cause of most forms of indigestion and dys- pepsia. I The after dinnerpill merely lee. setts the senaitiveness of the stomach nerves and•. thus gives a false sense of freedom from pain. If those who are subject to indigestion, bloating.... gas, sour stomach, belching, 'heart. I' burn, ete., after eating would get a little pure Bisurated Magnesia (eith- er powder or tablets) front any re- ;table F-uggi8t. and take ii•teaspoon-, int of the, powdtee or two of the tab- lets in a little water after meals, there would be no further necessity 'for drugs or med eines ';bteeause the Bisurated,.ltfagnesia:'instantly: petit- i ralizes stomach acidity, stops food • fermentation . and thus insures nor., mal, painless . digestion by enabling .the stomach to do its worlc without hindrance, . WVrit* for booklet: describing *ht• enemy things iv* can clesai or due. 01 w�`V,'itetire ew. SHIPPING CONTAINF ' free. 1M1 . i r+2 Send their cleaning and deeing'teetbe'bige ,Langley plant in Toronto.' Drosses, suits, and all kinds of personal apparel -- rugs, . carpets, curtains, draperies and all kinds. of household furnishings — come from. nota • only every county in the Province, but even, from mere distant points like Winnilseg.. Montreal, New York, Chicago. Parcels' Haves been:aent fronereefar as Los Angela:. Langley's is 'the most succesefull cleanings and dyeing business in Canaille Its fame, hao:, spread all aver the continent.. 'Tlie'reer- sons are simple« (1) Real etaftsmanehip, backed by the most modernandt complete, equipment in the Dominion, (2) lit btr.. W:. J. Fontaine we, have one of the most exe. part professional, dyers in America. ((let P.,angley'a have set a standard for careful„ - thorough work which aur staff enthusiastic-- ally tries to maintain. We Pay Return Shipj$ing Cher 9 and charge only our Toronto prices. Sleeper send your parcel to Mr. Geo. S. Langley and, write a letter stating what you have sent and what you want done Be'll Slue your order hie personal supervrsioit.. • ' I :.. , M` . .T 'E., .D,.. CLEANERS "D DYERS . .; , ,,Illabrtotr" 'Wa.r,r ' Alarst .nd• Si.urshotd ' F,t,rnishido.,,earratst.Aadorotom Ro a - TORONTO d>,ti�► Road Head Oil.. S� 11,11111'.111TIT� E REG to announce that in addition to our Twice-a=Year Sale, -we .have secured the co-operation. of several 'large manufacturing houses whose merchandise will be a feature of this sale. This not only means more efficient service, but also enables us to give our :customs. ars greater value for lea's money. Our reputation has been built ups.' values and service. Now we shall be in a position to serve you even better than in the past. In order., to accomplish this we have had to make some very great financial sacrifices and we are all badly in need of ready money. (kr reduced prices offer you splendid opportunity to obtain your Spring outfitsZat, a midsummer outlay•" As usual this collection will be ° distinguished by ultra fashionable styles, combined with.the original touches. During this Sale a coni ate range of Summer Dresses wik bye on display Dresses The largest variety of Dresses ever displayed in Goderich will be shown at our store during this sale. ° Summer Dresses priced at $2.95 and -up Canton Dresses, priced at $7.95 and up Biouses in Sire Knit Crepe and Broadcloth, $1.98, $28, and $3.98 COATS A sp,enclid assortment of boats will be offered at prices that cannot be equalled anywhere for their value. , SKIRTS Skirts of Tweeds, Crepes, etc., to be offered at $1.95, $2.95 and $3.95 It is Impossible to mention the prices and values' here, but a visit to our store will ;soon convince you of the values :offered. Sale Contmence's Saturday, May 1st a# .9 o'clock a.m. and will last TEN DAYS. When on the Square visit our Store; the values and prices will surprise you Royal, Ladies' -Ready-to-Wear Company