HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-22, Page 13Hamilton Street Shoe Store Complete lino of ladies'. gentle- •illon's and chiltll'r'n's shove. • Como in end coinpaire tete itritre,s. • J. f'lIi,51i(�1:11 Qi THURSDAY. APRIL tli,tk. 1Y$$ �v I, SPRING TIME IS KODAK TIME Thin is the place to fit you out to take pictures. Brownie Cameras, Kodaks, Films and all sup- plies needed for amateur finishing. Our exper- ience of many years is at your service, either in finishingor picture taking. veloping, Printing, Enlarging CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE 90 GODERICH PORT AI.DERT `lister; Fifteen members brought in the awn of $009.25. It is perhaps Billy McDonald, of 'Detroit, spent not Amiss to make special mention the week -end in our midst. of Miss Harriet Hayden, who alone. Quite a number took in the dance returned the spleudid sum of *16.85. in Kintail oa Friday evening. i Seeding will be very late this year, Harold Tlgert had the misfortune as there hu not been any work done to have one of his horses kicked and i on the land yet and' the weather ,is its. leg was broken, so they bad to still very cold,and the land very wet• dispose of it. • i However, we hope for better weather A number took in the play at Car- !conditions very soon. • ]ow on Friday evening and report Mr. and Mrs. •Ashton were In town good time. at . • . I on Monday, it being the fiftieth an - if the marriage of Mrs.. making some . calls in this neighbor, -Ashton s parents, M. and Mrs. Jes. ho od on Monday. Stephenson. We extend congrat la= tions to them and wish them m�ny Miss Minnie Aiekson, of the A. M. more happy : years together. & G. hospital, spent Sunday evening Next Sabbath, May 2nd, the sacra- • at her home. NILE menu et the Lord's supper will be Mr. and Mrs.. White motored to dispensed in the United church at 3 Windsor last week. p.m.. • Mr. Albert Glen his gone to Pelee Hazel Green was' in Goderich the 1 Island for a few weeks. eatitbd, "'file Story it Two Yung ilea." will be riven. Mr. Arthur Fishier, Mr, Jebel Mr. John Treble and Mr. Pedlar t• tended the anepia( of the represen- tatives of the various chanlw of this district at Auburn on Moeda- of this week. The atsttisir was to discuss and make plans for the re arcing of the work of this ant' neighboring districts. They report- ed that nothing but the most gra, eious spirit characters:eel tue meet ing and a very amiable decision war leached. Final settlement will be announced in the near future. LANES Mrs. Alex. Hackett is improving nicely again. Mr. Samuel Sherwood visited friends at Crewe last Friday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. George Bunter visit- i ed at Jos. Hackett's one day last nversaF o >'8» L. Beed .and J. Simpson were latter part of last week helping Mr. Mr. Seguss is working in Goderich and Mrs. Warreiter, who are both on this week for the Dominion Road the sick iIiat, Machinery Co. ° Mr, and Mrs. Jas. McMillan at- Mr. Allen Currie came out from tended the funeral Of the late Mrs. Goderich last Friday and spent the .Jno. Kilpatrick, of Crewe, on Thurs- week -end with friends here, day afternoon of last week. ° ` Quite a number of Nile people took Victor and Bobbie Hoy aro spend- in the .play at Carlow last Friday week. ' Miss Lena Hackett spent a couple of days with friends in Lucknow lest week. Mr. Alex. Beckett and son. Mel- vin, visited et John Bradley's one day recently. Messrs. Tom and Cliff* Hackett were working on the gravel road a couple of days last week. eeir. Max Raynard and Nelson. of Paramount, visited at Harold Fer- guson's one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philips, of Goderich, visited at Thos. Ferguson', for a few days last week, Mr. Earl 'Sherwood; who has been on the sick: list with the cold, has•re- turned to Lucknow high school. Quite a number of the people dis- posed of some potatoes to Mr; Goo, Douglas, of Lucknow, last week. Mr. Wilson Irwin spent a couple of evenings, with his brother, . Wil- liam, Nn Lueknow, who is ' very sick with pneumonia. The buainess meeting of the Back. ett's Sunday school 'was held last Thursday evening. The new officers were re-elected for the. coming year. Quite a number of the young peo- ple of this community attended the Darkey concert ace rt f n Luckno ws la t Tuesday' and all reported a •good ing some time around home waiting evening and had an enjoyable •time. time ` -or '-h- h,,a+q to sail. .There is still, Some of the. members of the Nile a great.deal.of ice to contend with, church attended the meeting of the CARLOW The ladies of Christ church Guild Huron Presbytery'"n Clinton last Mrs. J. 11icride. spent over the are to be congratulated on the.sue- Tuesday. week -end with her sista r, Mrs. R. 11I. cess; of. their talent money scheme. The regular -quarterly. eommunitn Young. Each member. `at the beginning of service at Nile United church, will be Mr. Addeson, of L;.ndesboro, spent Lent was given 25 cents'. on of the I held Sunday morning,'May 16th, in- Sunday with his daughter,M Mrs. George •Richardson . is in stead of the first Sunday of ,May.. Dae Bean. Goderich with her'mother, Mrs. G. Hear the London boy soprano at; Mr. Albert ' Green, who fs indisposed at present. Nile 'United church on Mair, 24th. this week, b We hope she is soon restored to Other •eleven London artists will aid his home this h ealth, :. • in the program. Came and enjoy a Miss Pearl treasury and asked to return $3 at real treat.. spent the wee • Calvin- Rutledge, son of Mr.'. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge, is visiting at home con- Mr. and valeseing after a serious illness dor- returned to t • ag—whiich . he was chniinet to h ingeth t .ere are :the -facts - When -3 On orders . telephone e can be in l:he'time _r.r torple of clays last week. required +for one 'order Spring seems to be here at last. ewer' the. counter . —' as • The cars are able to run once ,note. has been proven —.and .sap weather is over and ploughing p and house eleeningare the order• of lawn/minaof atelephone the day. -sale averages .almost lt hospital in Port Arthur. e w s Mr; and Mrs, Chas, Maedeli' of years ago: About 18 -yearn agn rte_ him a speedy recovery. Essex, spent the week -olid with the moved to. town, .whore 1 .has since ' t M resided His sister, Annie prods WESTFIELD ormer s parents, i and Mrs Paul ceased him about ten 'wars Annie, .i 11,E:itJt'+N -41 kR $ALM OF Nan JUICE SMASHES ALL RIPCORDS *tatrrenta of Psalm Comilog F AR Palatal I "Year HERR JUICE is the only lee that gave Iiia any roost from coastzpatwn. iadigeauon and hatdsche, said Mrs. K. ration. sod &loge Ave., W Incisor, "L nave hart eoaszipa.tion since a young gsri. Wad continual. her►dau•he, stuntman nes at• ways out ut enter, hunting t ace' agreed with me. t was thin anti had! a general tattling of drowsiness. one bottle of HERB JUILU unproved me trust wonderfully. My appetite •r now splendid, headache has d.sap- peered, tired feeling has gone and I era not troubled any more Ninth con - titivation. HERB 411C'1: has given, me new life. 1 have more energy and vigor and reel like working -ail the time.. I honestly think ktnR13 JUICE is the best medicine 1 ever used and cannot say too much tor it: For elle' by all druggists. Price $1.00. , as the Hallelujah Chorus and "The Heavens are 'A'ellinfr;'_ etc. rurtner announcements will appear in a aatez issue of the Star. Meetings will be held ` as usual next week -end. ►►»►'NARY W 0 0 D S.—Sincere sympathy is felt with Mr. Geo. S. Woods and his son, J. Edgar Woods (of Niagara Falls, N. Y.) in the death of Mrs. Woods on' Thursday last, the result of a' stroke. Mrs. Woods was form- •erlyi. Miss Martha S. McDonald, daughter of the late James. McDon- ald, of Ingersoll. About a year after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Woods came to Goderich and this had been their home ever since. Mrs. Woods is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Rob- erts,of Goderich, and Mrs. Fluke, of Nes York, and besides her hus- band leaves u son, Mr. J. Edgar Woods, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fluke, of New York, a nephew.and niece, were here for the funeral, also a niece, Mrs. Wm. Beatty (formerly Miss Cora Roberts) anti her hus- band, • of Mqunt Brydges, and, of ., . "1n aB AvitimmattawwwviiiimawAmiwwWwitiewatk S . ecial Announcement RIN :s WEHAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN SECURING FOR CODERICH AND VICINITY THE AGENCY FOR THE WOODS LAVElTDER LINE of SILK KNIT LJNE RIE This Lingerie is Lock -stitch, and is gue.rantee i t,)+ the tnannfacturer not to run. We Have in sto k Vests, Ills )'tlot'a, t'i 1 Sti't; 1 1 t"/. r" illi l'ia'r Sal A 1 a•3 : L Et in- till�', Peach, link, Orchid, White, t:inuautuu Pink, awl Silver grey. 6 You have to see and wear these garments to fully appretiiate their splendid value F. E. HIBBER T THE CASH STORE. PHONE 86 QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT MODERATE PRICES. r s 1W M1P11 Y n 1! t M A� MM RNWO greatly misted. "Mike" Sanderson will be their pitcher and 0. McClupa- key who caught for the C. N. R. last summer will occupy a position be- hind home -plate.` The G. C. I, should -have a strong contingent this season. Many fans will be sorry to note that there will be no Saltford. Nine but instead 'will be the Colborne Rifle Web includes the two railroads. The Square team is back for the second season under the management of Don. Grey. A number of last year's players will be signed up again this year. The MW is not saying much vet but with the addition of Bill Weir will no doubt be a. team to put up a good showing. The annual meeting cf the Gode- rich branch of the Women's Inst:• tute, will be held at the home of Mrs G. M.. Elliott on Thursday, May lith, Flection of officers will take place. Association, which is practically the c Saltford teat with'` .several other R' tit players. Just what the marksmen itos. course, r Mr. dgar Woods,. the son, are doing is not known but it is ex - was here. The funer 1. took place petted that B. Barlow will be their ,on Sunday afternoon from the fain- monndsman. 'ily home, St. Patrick street, Rev. S, "Pete+" Turnor is busily engaged S. Hardy, rector, ':of St, George's in forming a transport;..ion t. church. conducting the services, and ' the pall -bearers were Messrs. Peter of • - ,_.. t,.,, MacEwan, Hee.. Hays, W. C. Pridham • a REASONS WHY and Reg. Sharman. I RECOMMEND Mrs McLEOD,--His Many friends will s regret to hear of tbo sudden and un- Glen is it Pelee Island expected death of Mr. William • Mc- but intends to 'work at Leod, who passed away at his home year. on Brock street on Tuesday morn- ing, April 20th. Deceased had been k -end with her parents. in his usual health up to a. week ago Allen Wilson, when he contracted the influenza and Mrs, A. -Johnstone have hiccoughs, which af%ctod bis heart heir home after spend.' Mi McLeod was born in Goderich r. with tbai,•datughterg_ township near Iiolmesville about 01 He �•laiaedel • s ..., A number of the young. people at- Miss Brown of Dungannon, visit- night. i •t+^. is su vitied' by.his'two IYroth@rs, John. e its es a i night, end and tool. in the play, Mother Mrs. Alva McDowell visited a few 'Mine," on Friday evening days last week with. ` Irondeaboro Mrs. McDonald and little son, Ross friends. - - . . of Peterboro, who have been' -visit-- Miss Annie Wightman, of Auburn ing with her• parents, Mr. and . Mrs Wight- ht - t M Earl A. Errin r . o h ton for i e b ra. s a w. c .., , tesl;_b I. , � ora g few weeks, re - man, last t.reek turned to their home on Saturday. Mr: Elwin Taylor visited his fath- _ The play, "Mother' Mine," on Fri - of tended the play at Blyth on Friday ed M V t Fisher over tbe week- town, and'. Angus, of Clinton, and b,one sister, Catherine (Mrs. Alfred ebbutt 'I' also'. oftown. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon to Maitland cemetery. 'Rev.. C. ` F. Clarke, of North street -----United church, conducted the., serviette. The pallbearers were E. C. Belcher. Wm. Milian, John Sturdy and Malcolm 4 .1,-- . e olawing* referee' to ' the • death of Mrs-, Ernest Col- borne's father ' is ►taken from Th Mail., and 'Empire:, of 'Saturday, April 37th: "An employee of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway for :38 year. E. J. Tout, 302 High Park avenue, passed away at his huire yesterday after being ill with pneumonia Por a week. He was 52 years of'••age and d been on the passenger service on the Toronto -Owen Sound run: Ile is survived by his father, J. E. Tout; his widow; two daughters,' Mrs. Mor- leyFetch, of Strathray, and Mrs. Colborne, of Pontiac. Michigan, and ,pie" ren, Sidney, ef- Toronto. The. late Mr. Tout had .been a member of Iter•nony •ln"o"ic . Lode. 938, and , ef the Brotherhood of Locomotive En;'ineers. Local 2111. under . whose er, Mr. B. H. Taylor, of Goderieb, a 'day evening was well patronized, the church . being filled to capacity. The performers all took their parts ex- cepylonail)' well. Theo night being all that could be desired, many came lank distances • to enjoy the playand urogram, which was well received. The ampuntrealized was over $80 'whi-h will be for Sunday school pur- Poses. ' Mrs. H. H.. Holmes; of Sioux City. third more, as it does, • Towa, and Mrs. H. Morrish; of Tor - can there be any doubt onto, returned to their respective in, your mind that the homes on , Saturday >jfter spending merchant who uses the the past two weeks with the latter's sister, Pars. Robt. Henry, , who has telephone consistently been seriously '111 but seems. to lie *ill win out over the .slowly improving. rival who does not'fn (Intended for Inst week) • Can you ford to over- Mr. John Chamney and Miss Ethel Brooks are on .the . sick -list with the tookthe rapidly inereas- flu. ' ing - importance .of the Miss Gladys McDowell returned to telephone in your busi- her school at iiolmesville 'en Satur-. DOSS for increasing sales day. rand reducing the,;cost,oO, • Miss •l 1sie Bradford, of Oadetrich; is visiting her :cousin, Miss Minnie telling? . Be open-minded. Try it -.- not spasmodically, but consistently, and judge for yourself. NO .MEDICINE LIKE • BABY'S OWN TABLETS • For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones -- 'whether it nes'whether-'it be for the newborn babe, or the growing child the Tablets al- uring the past eight' years he' had ways •do good. They are absolutely "t' n"es the f•:•'rrll TS being held on free from opiates or other harmful Monday' to Prosneet cemetery." drugs and the mother can always feel safe in using thein. SOFTBALL Concerning; tate Tablets. Mrs Joh Mrs, John Cook is.•spending a few Armour R.R. 1; South 'Monaghan, - " Prom all appearances. it would days with her daughter, Mrs. nag , Ont., says: --"We have three fine seem that softball will again this. Carter; of Auburn. •health children, d • en, to whom, when' a year be the popular sport of Gode- Mrs. Robt. Buchanan spent the medicine is . needed we have given "rich Although no definite steps week -end with her 'son, Mr.. John only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab- have been taken in the formation -of Buchanan, of Wingham. - lets are the best medicine you can a league or arranging a schedule, We are 'glad to be • able to report keep in any home where there are prospective recruits are having daily that Miss Della McDowell is improv- young, children." work-outs in hopes of making some ing nicely front the flu and pneu-, Baby's Own Tablets' area mild but of the teams; s -thoroughlaxative which regulate thebeen only six We are glad to report that Mrs, stomach -and .bowels;, banish consti- teams' considering application to the Robt. Henry, who has been seriously potion and indigestion; break 'up group, but there might be one or monia. g To date there have be } ill with pnoumoni_ is, we hope, on - colds •;•arid simple fever and Ariake enter: at the last- moment, 'The.teething easy. They aresold by - Lions, Club .and; Bankers . who had medicine dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- 1iame Medicine CO, Brockville, Ont - a fair way, to recovery. • ' 111.1.1111111.1.11111111111.11.13 Miss Bertha, Ellis, of Courtright, returned to her school on Wednes- �,_ _.. __- __..- : day of this week. Owing to her - operation she was unable to take dcharge of her school after the'East- er vacation. land her sister, la Mary, has beeit teaehing until Miss Flea, is able to' resume her duties, entre e 4 ASHF]IELD . WEEK OF MAY 3 to MY 8 Monday and Tuesday. r3;.AN CHE SWE N dET.IiW NAALD LY COL- in a fighting, snort romance of love, adventure and intrigue. "The Sporting Venus" - MERMAID COMEDY "Fire 'Away" Wednesday and Thursday - WILLIAM S. HART , 'with Barbara Bedford and *�wonder- fal cast in King Baggott's rthrilling and spectacular western epic". "Tuimbievkteda PATHS ICOMRDY "Isn't Life Terrible" Miss Bessie Grant, of Leeburn, was nome over tate week -end. I t *Mr. Hugh MacMurchy, of Detroit, is visiting his -father and sisters at his old home in ;Kintail. Mr, and Mrs. Harld Bogie, of Aub - wet visited Mrs. Bogie's brother, Mr. Vont Kempton on Sunday. 0 Rev. A. E.. Cameron, of Perth, took charge of the .services in Ashfield The • twelfth. annual meeting; of Presbyterian church .on Sunday. Maitland Presbyterial Society of. the - The Woman's r, ssionary Society W.M.S. of the "'}?resrbyterian church" net on Wednesday of last week at will be .bolsi in the. Presbyterian the home of Mrs. I). A. MacDonaldchurch, Brussels, on Tuesday. May' tri Lochalsh. llth, 1926. Opening session 10 a.m. Mr. Hairy West and Miss Isabelle Afternoon Session, 1.30 p.m. Even - Grant, of the Goderich Collegiate In- ing session includSpecial peoi 11 speakers and stitute, spent the week -end at their Mrs. Armstrong;•, Durham; Tete of respective homes. Our New Spring Footwear Kong Moon, South. Chinn; Rev. Dr. »ENMIL.LER' . Forbes, Teeswater. ' • l'Styr is Attractive in Mr. Arthur Fisher has . been 'suf. •l si't'nition ArtiO cNete " - ' t , , LE, ,, -.,, -. �• fering front an attack at sciatica for (el..MeAmmond, and Stats ('apt, • over a week.a end and conducted the sterviees. Q UALaIr T Y The young people of the play re- Capt. Sarson and Lieut. Walker. port a very enjoyable frip to Iien- of Clinton, ette•jled the Home. Lea- and PRICE All. They were well received. SUe meeting Tuesday afternoon last• • They have other dates arranged for. and conducted. a special meeting at You erre The meeting of the Women's Mis- night. !denary .Seeiety of the Huron Pres• Captain Kingdon grave a musical invited to shop at bytery of the United church was held rogram. at Clinton last Monday and ,t in Clinton on Tuesday of this week. Pfister Wednesday: • r HERN'S Mrs. Gardiner and Melt• Poulter at- Arrangments are under wav to tended. have the London Citadel Silver Band The services at the United church of over 2,, nieces visit Goderich on SHOESTOR here on Sunday next, will be: In the the 22nd and 23rd of May. and Kin-. The s 43W E morning. the Sacramc>>t of the cardiae on the 24th. This band, is Lard's Viler will be administered ono of tie best bands in Western -and in the evening the story -sermon Ontario and will render such items ."'`""""""' - •► !MON•O THE CHURCHES Rev. J., J. Baker, of Guelph. will preach at both services on Sunday in the Goderieh Baptist eherch. the pas- tor, Rev. P. C. Elliott,. being indis- posed. , North St. United church, Rd,. C. F. Clarke, naiad-. Services for Sun. tine. Mev 2nd:. 10 a.m., Men's Club Fellowship Classes and Mission Band; 11 a.m., 'Public --Worship, sub- 3ect. "The Man by the Side of the Road." Members of Huron Lodge No. 62, LO.O.F., will attend this ser- vice in a body. It p.m. Sabbath School. 7 seem., Ev filing Worship. Friday' stud Saturday ' FRED THOMSON and SILVER KING the facimis daredevil stunt tea a alio-a-sninete action. plettlt'e "The Bandits Baby" THE TELEPHONE GIRL, int "For the Love of Mike" PATHE REVIEW Kaska* list. at a.N vas. Cstilting- *Tba t *hely Three." HURON AND ERIE DEBENTURES Reason No,5: • The paid up capital and re- serve fund of The Old Huron & Erie affcrds - surplus • security totalling *6,850,000. /6,lien annum is .pUValti - • htalf ;veiatTY iipon``i0f?- or more for 1; 2, 3. 4 or h 'years. Select this time -tested• trus- tee investment for your sav- t ings. 1 ormian Lewis ' Telephone 103 ELGIN AVENUE 4..4101142%.J.116 ``Mother Mute" a play by the young people of • �' SMITH'S HILL .. , will be given in PORT ALBERT « ' UNITED . CHURCH I on Friday, May 7th at 8 o'clock p.m. Adniis.ion•36o and. 2b FOR MOTHERS' DAY • Sunday, ;May -9th Send mother a bunch of flowers, or *in memory . of mother wear''a flower from • Phone 105 GEO. STEWART, Florist. Goderich teams -last year will not enter this year. However a number of former players. of the Lions. are signing up with the Canoe Club, whose outlook for a good team looks bright. They are particularly fortunate in scour- - • ing two pitchers, Dr.. Graham, who pitched last season for the Lions and Bert Sanderson, former twirler for the Collegians. Several changes have b' ii mete• in the G. C. L line-up. D. N'alfn and E. Elliott, two strong players with the Collegliate team of lasts year, here joined the ranks of the' Col- borne - Rifle Association, and will be �vew Snappy Footwear Sparks visited Goderieh last week. 1 educed rices on Anthracite Coal:: Chesbutt (Anthracite) . ... $76,00 ' Stove Anthracite -.,.......$16.50 Pea (Anthracite), .. $13.00 • Coke .. d • $ er 'tai .Pocahontas... ....... ...... $14.00 Domestic Lump for your Grate and Range $12:00'p er ton Our Coal is weighed on Your Own'Scales.the Market Scale With Springy Hausa .Cleaning, you will require PA INT. We still have wine Sherwin-Williams.li'ft that we al=t sell,- mg ell-ing at iti,ocl per quart. Muresco and Malastine at So.: per paekake.. Liquid Veneer and C:)'t:ed:tr, an.tll 1?..a(itt',.2 ie large bottle, 45c each - ' Special prions n11Door I.ocltt and etht'r i•its,',k'Y' ;Laid - ware 'Clothes Wringers and Garden Tools at 'Special Prices in' order to clear. • CHAS* C. LEE •- The Hrrdware at the wharf SHIP CHANDLER PLUMBING and HEATING . Store 'Phone 22. House 'Phone 112. of ter enTorin Coti pk tom , • C La k essential .for t " 't f 1. d, . steep �-.... �: . )j_ • -9 t. • b '+ :•. .war• m • - .... "• ,11. • • At "rieine time" creates the test as rr toe, nether ;leer night's steep ha . given you the renewed .vigor" and vitailiI -err• necessary to the busy Ltivitie' of this modern age. • • - If certain gnu -els: ; Cif the b t.i4' re- main tense for latk of resting support no amount 'of sleep wail renew their energy. For instance-- if the niwcle enclosing the vital abdominal organs ' are allowed to sag and as.,unic tlrin�it•- ural positions due to improper mattrescs support they are under a strain, and cannot relax. Sleep therefore, doesn't „ this part of the body as well or . healthfully ars it ould if lAra - t r �•ui ; art relieved the strain and allot cel the tense ' mu•,tAt i It, rdaa'. ti,iteithi t'tt,t d l'. LILA I LI) NIA t w Y" I1.0 4.4. 3 l.'4. Sr. P epw 1r • •et'+.+► 1_�•. 1R - The Marshall Sprint 1ll.attrecA' built with. man` hundreds of highly resilient, independ- antly lborl.ang 'grin„r, fits the natural contour . of the body, giving even, gentle:,upport toeiery . nurelc. This- kind of body support ensures true muscular relaxation and health -building ° •leer(+:. It is- -tit Marshall*• tpr`•tiu i al .,.o . new steeping comfort tl)at is changing the (leering habits of generations. fate t'-.=ka'rt, •'i'.',f, t S•c.p” i IIt1;5S Ell UMII[ g7,'rOROo O), l.)1 R1Ut)tat alto �5 GRADES ..a a . TRADE •'� MARK - Spr1 '. ttrest ..„47500,. . 0111,IRANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS I 11111 1111 o• rI • r 4