HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-22, Page 11THURSDAY, APRIL *Yth, 1916 Atur"ftigh H HYou Baal ny Tee m math street se ton May be rt the tut that ea the lust et a eeock or coed it skeuld be rid .ot tuatediately, u failure to de se eases years of safteriitg frost lung troeble. Pe* *say be lorry if you don't take star advice and get rid of your or eeld by wing - Dr. Wood' s Nanny Mel! Syrup ' +I preparation hos -beet eat the starlet for the put 31 years, sad ie ek*.wledged, byse all thewho have wed it, to be the best media*. they eita Fontein for tee Jetta! of their oh oand' °olds. . Yeti doe't experiment whoa you buy it, but be oars yea get the genuine Stet is put up by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Tomato, Ont. MUSIC PROF, -1V. IL JACKSON Inetruetic given n thcrgaPlanoioln Guitar. Theory. etStudio and residency. North Street. TT. C. HA 1iLTO;\-•Cirgartist ortltt St United Church. 'Concert player and Tree -her. Restdenee at •:lits. Colborne's, lit, Pat- rick Sheet. rhood News PickedFrornthirEx,: �,; es .,-_"" Become_ wan - carpenter by trade and sixteen seas* A pretty wedding was solemnised yearn ago went Wert and followed at the honer of Air. and Mrs. William his trade, Bremner, 4th con. Grey, on Saturday Hleevale Spring Slew a Saccsw °e J April 17th, at 12 o'clock noon, when BluevaIe spring show and sale on their deogkter, Florence Mery, was Tuesday afternoon, April Beth, was TO* + � STAR Emma or Sett ilthooms -Allows !M 1Mat NW fitted* Beessaa. or salt rearm as it la cow wordy called, is sae of the awe atleaia- tag of all silt* disaasas. The agWears herniae. iesitiag sari .. the rt parts are especially at aib.t, or ells* emit uabe.rsble exposed gt. reater weleoaaee. Tide meet rdisb1s sat .k.eties reatedy we kww of is united in marriage to Albert Elston e. great success, despite the fact that - Cardif, only sen of Nelson Cardiff. the roads were almost impassable, also of Grey township. with too much bare ground for Lake-Veclden sleighing and too mush snow on the A quiet wedding was soletnnized hills for wheeling. This show wag at the Ethel United chute1}i� pane e. held under the auspices of the Turn - age, on Wednesday morni ig, April berry Agricultural Society and it is 14th, when 'Annie May, youngest likely to become an annual event daughter of Mr. and Airs, Thomas There were in the neighborhood of odder, of 1~tltel: lyse, united in mar. twenty-ftvo horses and thirty cattle Mrs. Lake, of Brussels. i HHorstee, Thee. Morgan. Ripley; cattle riage to Bert, only son of Johnaa exhibition. The judges were: n Farmer Brunel* Man Killed at Henry Johann, Belmore, and Ther. Guelph Fells, Wingham; PISS, W. J. Currie; Mr. 'Wm. Jordan, ,ran' a former resident- mete of Fenner Winghaat Man ceived at :Guelp , He had been rid- r, eter Campbell, one of On - East Wawanosh. a of gd from injuries re M P ing on one of the city trucks and fell tarro's pioneers, passed away at the h from it its it wets turning a corner, ome of hie son in Toronto on Set The rear wheels of the four -ton truck urday, April 17th, in his 86th year. n passed over his abdomen and he died In 1886 he became a 'resident of I• just as he Arrived at the hospital. Turnberry and in 1897 moved to the LEGAL CARDS F. R. DARROW. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc., Successor to J. L. htilor.t Phone 91 Office, The Square. (taut"rich TTUULEY E., HOLMES. +4r Barrister, Sollbitor, Notary Public. Conveyancer. Etc. .'PHONE 27 HAMILTON STREET. . SPECIALIST DR. E. J. R. MISTER.. EYE, TAlLeNOSE, THROAT. elate (louse Surgeon New 'York Oph- thalmic and Aural liospltal, assistant at Meeeefleld's Eyo .Respttal and Golden are Throat hospital. London, ling. Waterloo St. S etratford. Tete - phone 261. • Zy At hotl Bedford, Goderich, on the evening of the third .Monday. of each month, from 7 o'clock till the followlnJ day. Tuesday, at 1 p.m. CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTOR. DR. A. N. ATKINSON, • Reglatered Chiropractor. Goderich Chronic, Organic=and-Nervous Kiwis_ Consultation 'Free oflioe hours -2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m, and by appoiitiinent, excepting Monday .and Thursday afternoons and evenings'. OSlc Hours on these days 10 to 12 ahem. turner East and• Vietoria •Cts. ' OPTOME.TRY� t. L. COLE, R. 0., ' - .r OPTOMETRIST, OPTICIAN. West Street, Goderich, Honor (,eacluate of the CGnadiarfelphe thalrnic College er' Toronto. Eyes examinedby the latest methods, tnd the.proper fitting of glass" -at Mod- erate prices. Ontario Board of Exam- iners Certificate No. 875. AUtf1ONEERING 1O,1fAS (;UNDRY, Live Shirk and General Auctioneer, HopeIton Street, Goderich Sales mad e ese- rywieere and all efforts shade to give you satisfaction. .'armeis' sale notes disepnnted. ,. OBERT ROBERTSON. OunIdled Auctioneer, Eldon Street. Ged'erieh, • will conduct any sale W the County of -Heron. Foi' informakron apply, to'1>. J. Ryan, Hamilton St., oe -refers iett with him will receive prompt attention. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Wet. BAILIE. - NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing CP done Good Companies Represent,'tl • Phone No. 298. Goderich, Ont. E. (_ik1EEtiSLAD1:, CONVE:YANCING AND NOTARY. Bayfield, Ont. INSURANCE ettecKILLiet, MUTUAL EIRE 1NeCi • ANCE COMPANY. . FARM ANn ISOLATED TOWN Pi(OI'• ERT' INSURED. . Value of propertyetnsured up to Jan- '. ' uiar'Y, ` t:1t0; 443,048;070,00 . •• —• OFFIUFII4•,-Jame* Connolly, Presi- - dent, Goiterieti; Jas,. Evans, Vice-1'rest dent, Brentwood; T. E. Bays, Sec.- Treas., ec.Treas., Searortli. DIRECTORS --I). F. Mc(tregor, Sea t!nrth; 1. 0. Grieve. Winthrop: Wm. Wren, ronstance• George McCartney. '1Rteker miter; John Ferris, Buttock; John Bennewise, Broadhagan; Murray Gibson Brucetield. AGENTS. --J. W. Yeo, Cr/Merich; Sandy Leitch, Clinton; Wm. Chesney, Sea-: -forth; R. llinchlev, SMforth. Policy Ifnidlers can pay their asseas- "meats at R. IL Cutt's store, '„n/h•rieh: h. J. Morrisli's Clothing Store, Clinton; - or J. Ii. Reid's, Bayfield. FIRE INSURANCE Have'it atte jd ttoo�oy� the e WESTWAWANO$H U9TUl , F►wsMRst+RANCE CO Establithed 1878 Head Office : Dangannon, Ont. Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God- erich, pres.; Wm. J. Thompson, Aub- urn, vice pres,; directors --••Wee Mc. t Quillen, St.Helens; W. P. Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow; H L. Salkeld, 'phone 000r11, Gerlerieh; . Alex. Wcholaon, Lucknow; Wm. Watson; Jas. Girvin. R. R,fiio. 8, Goderich; Wm. r. Thomp- 'eon, Auburn; Ten Griffin, R. R, • No. 7, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, 1.1 lie. Ont. THOS. STOTHERS,'T. G. ALLEN, Treas. Secretary. BrODQ8u Bros. OODERICH lie Loft r?enrol DIreetal's and Embalmers Orders earstully atbeaded to at all hours -14M or day. Former lerusaelite. Dies in the West Town of Wingham, where he reaid- Mr. John Petch, a former Brussel- W "e I its, passed away hospital on Sunday. April llth. Ile I'i ingirsm is planning a celebration ed until the death of his wife in 1912. at. the Edmonton Ingham to C leuraae May 34th -_,- al for May 24th, with*.,real trades pr cession, something the town has n had in 42 years. Wingham Home Gutted by Fire Mr. George Ross' home in Win ham was gutted by fire . on Apr 16th and $2,500 damage was don only partly covered,. be ihsurance. Daring Robbery In Wingham A daring robbery was pulled o in Wingham recently,. when a coup( of expensive fur coats, several dre ses and suits were stolen from' Kin This prepay tial has been ea the asark.trho the put 47 years, and will do all we elan. for it, Your surest druggist or dealer sells it. Put u only by The T. IIiilbara (e., Limited‘ Tosoato, Oat. April 16th. She was born in Sure rey, England, 77 years ago, but came to this country as a child, For the peat forty-seven years she had lived in Seaforth. Death of Mr. Richard Gidley, Exeter lir. „Richard Gidley, for almost o- seventy-five years * resident .,ef.,.Exc. of ter, passed away suddenly. on Satur- day morning. April 17th, in his 90th _ year, never having known a day's sickness in his life. He ,possessed fe all his faculties to the last and died ° as he had wished to die, without t 0: being * care to anyone. He was born in London. Eng., Aug. 17th, 1836, and in May, 1884, came to Can- ff ads with his parents on a sailing 1 RHEUMATIC PAiN AND THIN $10 Liven/tate of Ns Avail—The Tresth 1. Mast be Treated ulterior the The most a rheumatic can hope for in rubbing something en the swollen. aching joints is a little re. lief and all the while the trouble is. becoming more firmly rooted. It is now known that rheumatism is root- ed in the blood, and that as the trouble goes on the blood herons.* still further thin and watery. To ni get rid of rheuatlsm, therefore. you must go to the root of the trou. ble in the blood. That is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have proved ad beneficial when taken for this trou- ble. They make new, rich blood which /expels the poisonous acid and the rheuttlatiem difappears. There aro thousands of former rheumatic sufferers in Canada, now well and strong. who thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that they are now free from the aches and pains of this dreaded trouble. One of these is Mr. Robt, A. Smith, Mersey Point. N.S., who says:—"Some years ago I was attacked with rheumatism, which grew so bad that I could not walk and had to go to bed under the - doctor'a care. It is needless to say that I underwent a great deal of suffering. The doctor's medicine did not seem to reach the trouble. so when I was advised to try Dr. Wil. teams' Pink Piles I did so, and after taking them for some weeks I was able to get out of bed. I continued using the pills and was soon able to work, and `I have not been troubled with ,rheumatism since. In other e r spets also I derived a great deal f benefit from these pills and I hint them a wonderful remedy." Dr, Williams' Pink Piths are sold ba y all medicine dealers or by mail t 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wil - lams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. e vessel. For several years the fam- es ily esiQbd in London when that city Quick Relief for war a small village. In 185e the g - family moved to Exeter, where the • father started a furniture factory. the sons . assisting him. Mr. Gid. ley's wife, who predeceased him in 1866 was the first to be interred in Bros. store. • Winghant Foreman Receives Fractured Ribs !lir. Ed, Corbett, foreman in the t Exeter cemetery and since that time Wingham Rax milt for years, me with a. -painful _accident last week I t while working at MacLean's saw mill, when one of the heavy truck tell on him, causing the fracture o several ribs. Death of uric us ness Man . Mr. Ferdinand M. Hess, a well- known business man of Zurich. H.AVV you ever noticed where he conducted a carriage and wagon business practically all his that wan you llave'tut, life,. died on April 14th in his 5th bruised or burned yourself year. �► you are always knocking the Seaforth Curlers Curled sore place against something? Last Week No matter what your task, • Seaforth curlers played 22 ends you stye ftaitlpG'ieal by evert on Monday of last week and the fol- the most trivial of injuries. It holds lorig `morning a ef-ew- ends, 'ever back your work—it; hurts you to Played* • do anything. .Mrs. J. C. MacKay s' However, then realinold dangerlies the and highly s g y o teemed resit' -nlintttti hellos of disease'Which swarm - dent of Seaferth; • *nude away on into' sine beerOro(.the'skin and -*et up Wednesday,- April 21st; 1926, in the Poisonous infection unless Zam-Buk person of Mary McIntosh, widow of. is applied.,• ZsntsBuk immediately the late John Campbell MacKay, af- soothes away pain and protects agaiast ter an extended illness. Mrs. Mac - dangerous germs. It can always be Kay was in her eighty-fourth year ,depended upon to heal quickly and and was a woman of remarkable vit- cleanly with fine new skin. . . ;alit,. ,,,,d was exceedingly capable. s a If you suffer from torturing rhea. he cemetery has been enlarged Rheumatics Local Druggists Sell Rhenma on twice, oney.Baek Plan -l'iow, at Spring-cleaning time more She is survived by two sons, Dr. .than ever, you cannot afford to, be . Charles MacKay, of. Seaforth, and without this wonderful' Zam-Buk, William, barrister, of Toronto; and Also: in cases of eczema, pimples, three • daughters, ,bars. L. _'Kennedy.: psoriasis, impetigo, ringworm, piles, Toronto; Miss Elizabeth Mackay and ulcers, heels, abscesses, poisoned Miss Minnie Mackay, at home. wounds, etc., Zam-Buk is rifest Nonagenarian Resident of Hullett soothing and efficacious. gasses ' Vaer own drogNst are semi? thir lr.at An old resident - of Hullett town. Nail hsd.r ef sea, lea, Or ZaTars,; •04141 Oe„ Ter.., ata Easy mut ship passed away on Sunday, April a.Nai Trial Sarno% art: FREE e. must. . ' 18th, inthe person of Mrs. Gavin Hamilton, who died at the ,family home on the 10th concession at the advanced age • of ninety-two years. Mrs. Hamilton, whose maiden name was Agnes ,Thompson' was born and reared and married in Scotland. coning with bier young husband to Canada .in 1857. They stopped in Vaughan township. near. Toronto, for a few 'months, later coming, up to Huron and settling on the farm in the 10th, where they continued to make their home until they finished this mortal lite. They shared the hardships ai d r ps andrivat'o P ; ns ofP looser life acid lived to see many of the fruits of their early labors. She is survived by a family of two sons and, four daughters: Robert, Jean and Aggie on 'the homestead,. James Wife and Husband Both 111 With Gas "For years- I had gas on the stom- ach, ch Th e first doseof A dr le ika helped. 'I now sleep well and all gas is gone. It also helped my hese. l'lrs. J. Beattie and Mra. James Lei - band." (signed) Mrs. 1). Brinkley. per, all of Hullett township, ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings astoniahing relief to • the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Brings out old, waste matter you never thought was in your ;system. This excellent in- testinal evacuant is wonderful for constipation. ,CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. - . . Rub Rheumatic Pain, Soreness, Stiffness Rub Pain right out with Death of Mrs. -1. W. Elliott After art illness extending ever some weeks, Jennie Wacker, wife of Mr. John W. Elliott, passed away at her home in Clinton on Friday morning, April 16th. She was a danghter of the late Robert Walker and was born and 'spent her .entire life in Clinton. Three., brothers and two sisters survive also: Charles Walker, Toronto; Jackson Walker Portland. Oregon; Williarit Walker Port Arthur. Ont Mrs. Thos. Robe ertson, Northgate esSask., and Mrs. J. Bartley,Eciereee.esy, Ont. ' The funeral took place from, her late home on Monday afternoon, April 19th. The Rev. J. E. Hogg conduct- ed the services and the pallbearers were: Mostsrs. J. A. Ford and L small C 1' lee, inton; OPver Johnson, Gods- - " trial bottle of old . rich: William Johnson, Blyth; Geo "St. Jacobs Oil." • CIA1,4c, Stanley township and J. T. I Reid, London. - Was Native of Goderich What's Rheumatism? Pain only. - Mr, Harry Munro, of Mr Stop drugging! oteaoonnieeticas Run and Mrs. E. Munro, and grandse of fiftyr Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzsimons, of soothing, Penetrating "St. Jacobs. Oil" Clinton, who died on Wednesday. directly upon the "tender spot' dill A riI 14th was born in Goderich, his relief comes instant(. St, Jacobs Oil"P is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica patents having spent afew years of liniment, which never disappoints and their early married lifea there,but he cannot burn the skin. grew .up ih Clinton. Iles deth was Limber upt Quit complaining! Get dna to intestinal flu. a small trial bottle from your drug. lee front thet,matic and 'eciatic.pain, soreness stillness and swelling. Don't staffer! soreness-, awaits you. Oki, honest "St, Jacobs 011" has relieved millions of -rheumatism cull rers M the lett half . centur y, and 1* lust is good for sci. atka, neuralgia, lumbago, b eititeke, swaths and swelliegs. '• str and ' in just a moment you'll '11 be J. ii. Wheeler Wunerai Director and Embalmer Go4erich, Ontario .111 Dells promptly attended to day or tight, Phones: Store 335; Moose 355w Died at Seaforth - Mrs. Chas. Golding, a well-known resident of Seaforth, passed away at her, home of Thursday morning SUPREME COURT matte pains, swollen, twisted joints, and suffer intensely because your system is fulleof that dangerous poi- son that makes thousands helpless. and kills thousands years before their time, then you need Itheumn, and need it now. Start taking it today. Rheumn acts at once on kidneys, liver, stom- ach and blood,. and you can sincerely exclaim: "Good • riddance to bad rubbish." •-•--Many-people; the-moat-skeptical.of right tics ' p ght in thi's city. and in the I country hereabouts,blew; the ' day when H. C. Dunlop and other drug- :gists rug-:gists offered, Rheuna to the afflicted :at a small price and guaranteed money refunded if not sntisfied. If you,have rheumatism get a bottle of Rheum* today. ' Hon, Mr. Justice Lennox Presides , at Court on Tuesday Hon. Mr. Justice Lennox held non - jury sittings of the Supreme Court on April 1Rth with two cases on the list. •• . s Van Egmond vs Jackson et al was an action by Thos. Earl Van .Eg- mond, of Egmondville, against. the executors- of the-•willeof--Luois--Ed ward Van ]r mond g , uncle of the plaintifr, to `recover moneya under an assignment 'of mortgage. The assignment of mortgage, it - was, claimed, was made to the plaintiff in coneidekation of services .rendered, 'and was handed to Mrs. Jackson, one of the ,tfefendants with .whom Mr. Louis Van Egmond lived, to bo hand- ed to the plaintiff on the death of the testator, but this was not done. The defendants claimed that the deceas- ed did not intend .the plaintiff to become the beneficial owner of the, mortgage, and that• in his lifetime he had destroyed the• assignment; intending • to revoke the same.: Judgment reserved. John J. Ifug- gard for the ,plaintiff. R. S. Ilayt for the defendant. The case of Churchill vs. McKil- lop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was settled between the parties. The plaintiff in this case was Benjamin W. Churchill, a Goderich township farmer, who . had hia house, barn, stable and implement house, togeth- er with their contents, insured in 'the defendant Company. List Septem- ber -the barn and stable end the con- Rents of the outbuildings were de- stroyed by fire, and the action 'was for payment of .the insurance. The reason for non-payment of the in- surance ' was the of an assessment .of $16.50 made on the insrred. By the terms of the agree- ment reached e fa d between the parties the plaintiff rgceives $1,450, each party to pay his own costs. " Best and Best for the plaintiff. R. S. Hays for the defendant. Good tr me 'titl! ''aT din Case It makes them smile— it's sure worth • while, ,:010111a�g�1,1+ , ✓ I,+ Afrer 11 every meal THE._....._ GODERICH iktAt ittOtt ALL-THttOo6H YOUR WORK. BY NINE OCLOCK C HOW QQyou MANAGE: IT.? A New Dairy Pail at a Popular Price See the new SM•P Dairy Pail next time yon are hi town. They are grade of special quaff• ity, high finished tta, hue hero dairy pail ears, riveted with large rivets, moldered Sash. 100"j, sanitary. Cot out this advertieetaent. Show it to your regular dealer. He has err authority to give yet Of'tMsci. fine palls. ew rite •n M .'resit M DAIRY RAILSIe4 How many stens does a house- ' keeper take in a day? It depend, to a great extent on ' the kind of coal she use*. Heat Fd,lks deal mean:i fewer stets Less sweeping and dusting—less i • -window ••wnsl:sng. and •eartnin• clean- ; , _• intr.1•"ewer trill -,to the furnace or range • Less time soot in the kitchen. • Reduce her daily work to a inti=.i. ' ntum, i Order your coal front wa. _CALL. THE II 11 sr aril mase. A$OYE M)JS Attt HANIELEI 1Y JAS. C. CARRIE IOOEOICH EXCLU$MME SAROWARE The only ILP dv,a;e ,.. the 4;w•►: rMet> Vol Good Clean Coal O. MUSTARD cOM AifKY P:sone 98 ,• Gaderich TA= TIRi1R Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders' to hand, 3 for 25c -A goodsc teaswortpoon, King George design, given away with each 2.24 bars Soap, McIwen's special $1.00 f cakes Paan Tree Toilet Soap for 23 3 ins. loose Cocoa for .25 6 lbs, of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .25 Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Black Tea, We will give t lb. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, r lb. Biscuits and 1 bar Soap for,the sante price as a pound of any package Tea, Special price on large Flannelette Blankets Special price on Fancy Blankets • We are cutting the price on Men's Ail Wool Underwear and 'Men's Fleece -lined Underwear. Good linen Roller Towelling Good large Bath Towels 0c per ai 9(1c per pair Soule nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right prices. - Now is the time to buy a set of dishes 10"0. off. Frons dslivsry to any port of the Town. J. J. McEwen PHONE 46 Sotiith aidsNem • F-- Internal and External Pains ars promptly r&lievsd by. De THOMAS' ECLECTRIC 01 Le mat sT HAS OM SOLD FOR N*A*LY FIFTY YEARS AND SNRAiGKTHAN OEN won: is A TESTIMONIAL GREATER ps FON IT NUMEROUS CURATIVI; QUALITIES. Mr, Mackay's Offer Out of the bigness of heart and with the idea of rendering the citizens of his own home town a benefit, Mr. Robert MacKay has made the very generous offer to contribute $12.000,00 'towards a New Municipal - Btlik ing. . A few of the opponontn to the Town Mali proposition law appar- ently au stopping nt n linhat�ill-tu Ii-ieopi against -t --mho- 1)� "_ �Ve protezt in indignation at the contemptible efforts to oast any doubt on the genuineness of this offer, its conditions or the ,. 1 spirit in which it was given. • The offer has boon incorporated in .the Bylaw as Dart of the proposition. 1 or. tlio infoi•nintion of all citizens we publish, bele* a iertifietl copy of Mr. MacXay's offer. . . Ito`.: 453, Goderich, March 14th, 1925. To -The Meyer and Coune, . Godericli. ' Gehtleme)t : .. Had my health permitted I would have had erected ere this a Community Hall as a. meeting plate for the people of Goderieh and vicinity, Depending on others, and 'having received no en- couragement, the project has been pigeon -holed. This week a few public officials called on me and asked that I etste in writing how- mrch I would contribute toward a new' civic .building. I. hereby. reaffirm my offer as follows:.• If the people of the Town of Goderich agree to erect what is commonly called a Town Hall, 1 w;11 Contribute Twelve Thousand Dollar* • ($12,100 00) towards steel n building. • • 'Fhe only condition I ask is that the project be endorsed by the people and the building fully arranged for by January first. 1927. That is i will not bind myself for any subscription beyond that date. Theabove offer is made Without fear-or'favor. Itesveetfully yours (Signed l ROBERT M.cKAY. Per' R. C. McDermiti, note the last 1Lta i 1 : :111 offer of this kind should bo received with gratitude and thLnkfuln 5a and ie by nearly everyr y Giti/en. Sortie: of those ti a wuik ing against are straying from the truth item -din; th s offer. READ IT' CAIt1:V(LI,1' AND DECIDE F(,)It YOVItSLLx. 4 ..:111.1,, iiEREi• 011 ALirt' i s/ CpUlli SAL JAr PE CO PIN T RICHMELL0 Ne 111. 011.11.11Y IVION 21) Sockeye c Old City RASPBERRY 55c Reg. SS Purr STRAWBERRY 6150 Reg. 6* ASBayside Or Batterily 2 rims 2 9 tt Choice Quality RN QUALIITY 2T1Ns23c EAPPL.E gHF.AD NeR. l Tl. 19c LUX 61'1 . T.s.t ,C.lF., EA 1 -.. ts� 79 1b. SELECT� l �? I�r 3i b, t 63Ib. PEP2 K BACON BRAN 25c RA OMO D'S r!t viae Sliced , PICKLES v�v�N_ 5TIMRT'3 3 ib. Jar 39c Marmalade 35c Mayfield Eraad ibby's SAUERKRAUT 2 Ths 25c DUMOMAPLE SYRUP C OLIN Fry's , OetA PRUNE Nfitr $179 s) i C illy t� L.argt► C Sixes 1 U lb. Those Prices ha effect for one week from date of this paper 122.0