The Goderich Star, 1926-04-22, Page 10PAINS IWO
Young Tender Leaves
and tips used in
are seated in air.tight aluminum foil.
Their fresh flavor is finer than any'
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CHAPTER XVI, (C•ostiamted)
Ianten spoke finally; his voice was
low, it was husky with emotion:
"I've been 'getting acquainted with
m self to.night---ltrst time in a long
v. Things took different than
they •did. What's the good of fight.
ing, what's the use of hurrying and
trampling -on each other when this is
the end? Gold! It won't buy any-
.. thing worth having. You're right,
aaDoret• so,;nebody tq love and too cares
fot,""tdtnebdy' that cares"' for you,
• that'. alt there is in the game. I
had *earns, too, when I was a lot
Xowiger, but they didn't last. It's
bad for a man to quit dreaming ; he
gets mean and selfish and onnery.,
Take me—I ain't worth skinning • I
had a kid—little girl—I used to am
her around in my arms. Funny hew
it makes you feel to tote a baby that
belongs to you; seems like all you've.
got is wrapped up in it; you lige two
lives. ;1y daughter didn t stay long.
I just got started loving her when
she went away. She was --awful
The speaker blinked, for hie eyes
were smarting. I feel, somehow, as
if she was here tonight -•-as if this
girl was her and I was her daddy.
She might have looked something
like this young lady if she had lived.
She would have made a big .differ-
ence in me"
' Tom felt' a hand seek his. It was
a bony, big -knuckled hand not at *11
like 'Poleon Dent's. When it gave
his lingers a strong, Arm, friendly
pressure his throat contracted pain-
fully. He raised his eye, but they
were blurred; he could distinguish
nothing except that Jerry .Quirk had
sidled closer and that their shoulders
sit but touched,
Now, Terry, for all of his crabbed-
ness, was a .sentimentalist ; he also
was Wind, and his, voice was equally
husky when lie spoke :.
"I'd of been her daddy, too, would-
' n't I, Tom? We'd of shared her, fif-
•1 ty-fifty, I've been mean to you, but
1'd of treated her all. right. If you'll
forgive me for the things I've said
to you maybe the Lord will forgive
S an example. of the
CIS values of Monarch -Knit
Hosiery presents at every
• price from 75c to $2.04, take
Monarch Preen Stripe at $1.
Made of Imre silk, for thea
sheen and smoothness wo-
men love—reinforced with
fibre silk, for Tong serir ee
Every newest color. And
"runs 'that start never show
--the Green Stripe, or the
attond "stop run" a few
etches below, stops them.
Double safety.
Iaiead Wilyr,,1 Dunnville, eat..
me for a lot of other things. Any -
hew, I'm gin" to do a little rough
prayin° for this kid. I'm goin' to
ask Him to give her a chance."
Ma lead >ab of it, as he more than
uspertied, neither of his earthly,
hearers noticed the fact, fur Itis',
words were honest, earnest. Ulu:
he had finished Toim Linton's arm"
was around his shoulders: side by
Hide the old amen sat for a long time.,
Their heads were bowed; they kept
their eyes upon Roulette Kirby's
face. Moret stood over them, riot -j
ionlesa and intense; they could hear
him sigh and they could sense his
suffering. When the girl's pain
caused her to cry out weakly, he
knelt and whispered words of com-
fort to her.
Thus the night were on.
The Change came an hour or two
before dawn and the three man
watched it with their hearts in their
throats. Mutely they questioned
one another. (leaving deep comfort
from each confirmatory 'nod and gen-
ture, but for some time they dared
not voice their growing hope. Ron-
letta's fever was breaking, they felt
sure; she breathed more deeply, more
easily, and she coughed leas. Her
discomfort lessened. too, and finally
when the candle -light grew feeble
before the signs of coming day, she
fell asleep. Inter the men rose and
stole out of the tent into the cold.
Doret was broken. He was limp,
almost lifeless; there were deep.lines
about his eyes, but nevertheless; they
"She's goin' get well," he said, un-
certainly, "I'm goin' teach dat
bird to fly again."
The partners' nodded.
"Sure as shootin., " Jerry declared.
"Right -o!7 Linton agreed. "No*
then" --ho poke in an energetic, pur-
poseful tone --"I'm going to put
Jerry to bed while I nail that infern-t
Ia1 boat:.together again."
"Not much, you ain't!" Jerry ex-
claimed. '"You know 1 couldn't sleep .
a wink • without you, Tont. What's It
more, 19l never try."
Arm in arm the two partners set
off down the river -bank. 'Poleon
smiled after them. , When they were
out of sight he turned his face up
to the brightening sky and said,'
aaloud •."Bon Dieu, I yank you. for my,sis-
ter's life." a
Pierce Phillips awoke from a
''ramped and troubled slumber to find
himself lying upon a, pile of baggage
in the stern of a skiff. For a mo-
ment he remained dazed; then he was -
surprised to hear the monotonous
creak of ours and to feel that he was'
in ' motion. A fur robe had been.
thrown over him; it was powdered
with snowflakes, but it had kept him
warm. He sat up to discover Laure
facing him.
"Hello!" said he, • "You here?"
The girl smiled, wearily. "Where
dtdsleep?A . you -think I'd be? Have a good
He shrugged and nodded, and.
turning his eyes shoreward, saw that
the forest was flowing slowly past
The boat in which he fouiid himself
was stowed full of impedimenta;
forward of Laure a man was rowing
listlessly, and on the seat beyond
him were - two - female figures bun-
dled to the ears in heavy wraps.
They were the 'coon -shouting sisters
whose song had drawn Pierce into
the Gold Belt Saloon the evening be,.
fore. In the distance were several,
other boats.,
"You feel tough, 111 bet." Loure's
voice was sympathetic.
After a moment of consideration
Pierce shook his head. "No," said
he. "I feel fine—except that I'g
hungry, I could eat a log -chain."
1 n t1 emtko "ai ed experience in the North had
taught him a good deal about the
whotterod HerNervescharacter of dace. -hail women sac
of the men wko handled them; ht
lows nor 1't sod was in no wise deceived, therefore -
by the respectability with which tht
3SrF, henry tarter, VPcft�hester, Yword "theatrical' cloaked this troupe
of wanderers; it gavehim * feeling
51., writee:---"I am wilting to too, of extreme self-consciousness to find
you, as well as cditers,'shat Milburn' himself associated with such folie;
.Heart and :tierce .Pills halo doss for he felt decidedly out of place.
UM What would his people think ?
Foutteea years ego t bad a sun- And the Countess of Courteau?
stroke *hick worked on the nerves of Well, it would teach her that a man's
tris head, wad left neo with nervous heart was not a football; that a •
tcradaeies, wad every nerve in my heal man's love was not to be juggled
would jest see* to •iereep wad crawl" with. He had made a gesture •f
until at times I thought 1 surely could splendid recklessness; he would take
mut live. r the consequences.
ars ago, 1 went through In justice to the young man, be it
Then, two ye
two very serious operations whisk cone said he had ample cause for resent.
Atoll, shattered my nerves cul 1 be. vent, and whatever of childishness
eame nothing but a nervous week, era ho displayed was but natural, for
err heart berme afro in a bad state; true balance of character is the re-
set I decided to call is our family suit of experience. and as yet he had
physician and he WA use that i had barely tasted life.
nothing aerious my hear, As for the girl Laure, she awoke
butt that Cues ner.lrveswrung werewitso bol tAety „ no real interest in him, now that he
were pressing on mit begirt and eau/41)gmow' her in the light of day; he in -
all the trouble, and advised me to use eluded her in ,his general, vaguetype
some good heart and nerve tonic. contempt far all women of her
con -
Not long after that my husband was There was, in fact, a certain con -
wine home a tamination in her touch. True, she
at the store and brought
box of Dtilbarn's heart and Norse was a little different from the other.. ,
fills, and since that time t have takes members of the party greatly diff- '
several boxes as it seems to rue that event from "otherPierces preconceived
they are the only thing E can take that ideas of the sort''- er, nots '
works on my nervous trouble, and I sufficiently different to matter. It is
would not for any money, be' without the privilege of arrogant youth to
theta in this house. • render stetm and conclusive judg-
ment. �,
o t r enc
would advise any one suffering from . ah
cermet praise thern toohighly, 1 Best waved his party toward the
sn forst of nerve trouble to ire them ore shortly before dusk. A land -
7 , i ing-place was selected, tents bed -
a fair trial, as I know by my personal ding, and paraphernalia « were un -
experience that the results tan be notb- loaded; then, while the women look-
ing but satisfactory." ed on, the boatmen began pitcking
H. and Y3. Pills are put up only her camp. The work had not gone far
The T. Milburn Oo., Limited, Toronto, before Phillip*,recognized extreme
Oninefficiency in rt. Conrunion grew
progress was slow. Best became
more and more excited. -Irritated at
the general ineptitude, Pierce finally
None.'hy? ' tnok hold of things and in a short
Laure's brown eyes widened in ad- time had made all snug foe the -1
rPation _,and . astonishment. "Jim- night. -
miny! Yours tr hound for punish-, • Lights were glowing in the tents
vent. You must have oak ribs. when he ound his way through the
Were you weaned on rum?'; gloom to the landing in search of his
"I never took a drink . until last own belongings. Seated on the gun -
night. I'm a rank amateur." wale of a skiff he discovered Laure.
"Really!" The girl studied him "I've been watching you,". she said,
«•t'h renewed interest. ' "What. set "You're a handy man."
you off?'' He nodded. "Is this the way Best
Pierce made no answer.. His face usually makes camp?"
seemed fixed in a frown, His was
"No headache ?"
A tragic Pak; het Gould not bear to
think of it, much less Gould he speak
of it. Noting,•that the oarsman apt
peered to be weary, Pierce volun
teered to relieve. him, an offer which
was quickly accepted. As he seated
himself and prepared 'to fall to work
Laure advised him :
"Better count your money and see
if it's all there."
He did as directed. - "It's all.
here," he assured her.
She flashed him g smile, then crept
. into -the =place--he.-.had- vacated -and.
dreW up the robe snugly. Pierce
wondered why she eyed him with
that peculiar intentness. Not: until
she had fallen asleep did he suspect
with a guilty start that the robe was
hers and that she had patiently wait-
ed for hint tofinish his sleep while
she herself was- drooping with fa-
tigue. This suspicion gave him a
disegreehble shock; he began to give
some thought to the nature of his
new surroundings. They were of a
1 tort. to Warrant consideration; for a
long time he rowed •mechanically, 'a'
frown upon his brow. -
In the first place, he was aniazed
to find howbravelyhe bore the an -.1
guish of a breaking heart, and how
little he . desired to do away with
himself- - The world, strangely ,
enough, still remained a pleasant
place, and already the fret' for new
adventure was stirring in - him. He
was not .happy ---thoughts of Hilda 1
awoke 'real pain, and his sense of
injury burned him like a brand— 1
nevertheless, he could not make him-
im-.etf feel so utterly hopeless, so black-
ly despondent as the circumstances
plainly warranted: He was, on the
whole, agreeably surprised at his
powers of -resistance and of recuper-
ation,• both physical and emotional.1
For instance, he should by all means
experience a wretched reaction. from
his inebriety; as a matter of fact, he
had never felt better in his life; his
head was clear, he was ravenously
hungry. Then, too, he was not alto-
gether hopeless; it seemed quite pro-
bable that he and Hilda would again
meet, in which event there was no
telling what might happen. Evi-
dently limier agreed with him; in
his ease it was not only an anodyne.
but also a stimulus, spurring him to
optimistic thought and independent
Action. Yes whisky roused a fel-
low's manhood. • It must be so, oth-
P''wiee he world never have summon-
ed the strength to snap those ehaints
which bound him to the Countess
Courteau,'or the reckless coutage to
embark upon an enterprise so for-'
eign to his tastes and to his training:
ass this :one... , . -
Hie memory of the later • incidents'
of the night before was somewhat
indistinct,• as wee his recollection of
the scene when he had served his
notice upon the Countess. Of this
'nueh he felt . certain. however, he
had dene the right thine in freeing.
himself from a situation that rr-
fleeted discredit upon his manhood
Whether he hod acted wisely by
canting in his lot with Morris BAst's
enttit was :,!+other matter altogether
He was quite sure he pari not acted
wisely. but there is a estinfaction at
pertain' tutee in doing what we know
to he the wrong thing:
Pierce was no fool; even his limit-
Dome es Purchase
759ir of nowaysyaiUcate
An investment of $2L,00 is the original Ilow.y
Syndicate realised .;14.000 in a very taw
swathe. There is still "big money" to
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Daft Delay —.The offer* .f CMtkeni Ass.clatioa hafts is
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Odom your reservation today and 'wake stere of the Minuses wisest
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t+.wd t. Cha .r, *e
Now "&r.44". Soma,
es m+rattir.ny
X`. t 4.t Mettle M.
liwsiae.e iw mars.
derefelrmeat v,.I*.
JAIL vros
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Ole letiteic Ateettsuse,vi *eel tet
Men's lnermo -
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Good weight Itterino
„Shirts and Drawers
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Combinations, sit-z-
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Latest cuts and Fabrics. Expert workman-
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We also specialize in Special Order and
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Our Furnishings Department is Up -to -Date
"The Men's and Boys' Store Worth While,
Phone 219 - North Side Square
"Sure, Only it usually takes him
much, longer. I'll bet he's glad he
hired you."
Pierce murmured ,something.
"Are you glad he did?",
"Why, yes—of course."
"What do you think of the other
girls l"
"I haven't paid much attention to
them," he told her, frankly.
There was a moment's pause; then
Laure said :
"I say, don't!"
Phillips shrugged, In . a world-
weary, cynical tone he ' asserted,
"Women don't interest me." -
"What ails you today?" Laure in-
quired, curiously. -
":v'otk;ing. I'm. not much of g
ladies' man,..that'a all."
"Yes, you are. Anyhow, you were
last night "
""I, was ail tuned up, then," he ex-
plained. "That's not my uot's1�maI
"Ann's you like me as well as you
did?" - -
"Why -certainly."
"Is there another woman?"
"Another?"' Pierce straightened
himself. "There's not ' even' one,
(Continued on ;rage G1'
''tr Odsow OR=.®.�
s Nolo -lalse.for aysr-so ties
i0', 49 O ERS
IN colo
$29 59 Vak. — Fist1� en
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