HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-22, Page 7TIOJEEDAY, APRIL Mei, 1121111 II MI -•• -•••• Hotel Tuner DETROIT 8001tooss - =Baths $2.50 per Dalai up SW* Of Moly 'trouble Amok like kidneys get ill the beak *1111*1111els•in e out. Nee the beek is not to the *else MOSS fret* the kid - mem wheat De yeast the and of the beak Thar04441, yeing in the bade sr elm% quick twinges,. sue warning* 0±ellek ektditeys-wanuage of kidney ebreohlat._ rienests .aaa uldnusti will do tilet�Od, bedhents toed, for they Ca011Ot reseh the ititimes whisk cause the trouble, • • ea" Ike kidneys themselves as they atre epecial remedy' for. thi; Edelen *kidneys Alter out the pollens from butt ng. flesh creatine tablets mommisi.----mommommemmeauso Sunday Afternoon LONOININNOSIO ANIONN- 10110,81181011111111111INONNWINOSISSIMO -by MBE, RAWL Fox; Gatimport oat. When creation in her poets, Heave* her heavy groan; When. Thai *dem** exiled sons Breathe their litter moan; When Thy widowed, weeping Chureh, Looking for a home, Serteleth up hem silent sigh. Tome, leeed Jesuit, come' Hear then, in love, 0 Lord the cry, in heaven Thy dwelling-plitee on high. 'H. Boner. PRATER Thom covenant leaking met berme "ant hewing God, help ue ever to lift r Woe to Thee 'and seek to love more and serve Thee better. Amen. 8. 8. LESSON FOR MAY 2ed, 12241 this prom* God said, "I do set itny 'Polion al)* to eoue* Leesen Titio-sreetiht Covehem With •bow he the cloud, end it shall "see Roulettes area remained vaeant, Noah.to pat* when I bring s 1snd ever bar eaaeakaa whispering continued Laasen rassa20,-4ets• 0:847 . the earth that the bow shall be seen arid the man straightened himself, Golden Teet-Gen. Oat !various theories about the rairibow turning upon his elder„ 131' eotonallierie• In the intervening chapters bee' the cloud," Legendary lore gives Lan a's* in his tace; his voice trefoil butt day's) lesson and this bdt this Bible story survivee them anee„,„a: %E. _ '1 there is' recorded the sinful eondi- all, for whenever the rainbow op- V,. .'0. shall we do ? tion into which the world had sunk, rears we see in it the handiwork of "e.t.a"' le" reed's deternainstion to punish it God and know his promises aro eure. hollpetttles.T.ompoenredt Joeuterrstedealrethem helpIleshsia, and His eoraniunication to righteous "While the earth remaineth, semi - Noah of the impending fete of all time and harvest, and cold and hest, hands tame slowly together over his g. living excepting himself and family; and eummer and winter, and day and breast, hie roping fines inter , His giving instructione how to build night shall not come." We see how locked; he elosed his eyesand for theeTark and preserve so' mane., of firmly this covenant with Noah war mornent he stood waying, hen coming of the flood, its duration and established in the use of the affirms- he *eke again as a mart aPeake wh rs each of the besets euffemottal *tigrish. "She num' nant with ou, and with your seed and the birds; the tion, °I, behold, I establigh my coy- 001 die? She -mute not diel 1 tell ty I you somet'ing now: clis li'l gal she's after you." come to mean whole lot for me. At ent Articles of agreem the receding of the waters, the vim: out from the ark of all that bed been confieed there for to many months, the building of an alter and the offering by Noah. of a burnt of - tering in thankful aelinowledgaseat f Ged's favor to him and his. In all this stafy Noah appears as a Mark of faith and foresight. In toslay'a lesson we have the pstablishment of God's eoveimat with this new world, eveepe elate -et shellei man Ity the judgment of Ged *pen the wickedness of the early world. „God assured Noah that eerie nein should the earth be flooded as he had *witnessed it and in token of :err I Mall; tbl, et the sweat. "It it: tilillsr= Imistathm wit war witoriew el pee- . grim." DONENATIO*; cadre': absolute authority. "'The string held the weak mailer the domination of form and fear." TY/LAN NICAL; despotic; cruel. "The rider was tyrannical in his the mania." INCITE; to in:Fel te a particular action,• urge *sward. "The shout* of Orr mak incited by its leader, were doofoolor." TLNST; an opinion, doctrine, dogma or MOW midataioed as true. °Free speeds is tete of the emential tenets of Americenism," INVADE; to wreath upon; to enter. *We malt snot invade the freedom others.' WINDS OP CHANCE (Continued from plige 0) "Me soeur! 14e peas soeurl 'leis Is Your Child Parties have seals attached t'i' ena 4ral Vrn sorrY, de same lak You feel. .1 Sure! But bimeby I get to itriOW Thin and Weakf isoo.,..?#7(.1u'nt"7# Igirelghersreo immutability of hie promise," fahpurendinginstelVetohl7e.othaecre, forjisk eFeearazetaiok,p211gersko-n, a. .en talnlieashrna Towns 4544 4462 everywhere. _ensemonesesesiselessiowels.. . POPt'LATSON or 1111.110:4 Sereiral Mealeipalitiee mid Total Pepelatiste Moe Might Increase ; Last Year The population fur Hurn count) *Mews * *light rain for le25 LA era- I pared with 1914, wording to the. Aware., of the serioult municipal as. alakiltat filed with the county clerk. Mustiviptilithei which skewed a vain in imputed,* are Ashfield, Colborne, neee MelKilloP. Stanley, Stephen, Turnberry, Tuckersmith aud both the - Witwenoshes, among the townships; 1 Illyth, Exeter, Hensel! and Wroxeter asnottat the villegat; and Clinton and' Ssaforth among the towns. The fig - urea for the two years as as follows; Township 1025 1924 Ashfield.. .. 2073 2058. Colborne.. . . 1176 1172 Goderich Tp.... . 1571 • lt•90 A restful night on Lake Ede mt" et the Osese alp oi Ike lien left MAW gersolOO UNA la oat jenistery. sand hod he those mei somenellee a Imo mooted sleep end ea appoiskeig brealethet la dm 11110014.10• Ortermars 111111=CITT OCEINIrt--"Cigear waym,00 .10 Or filersarior 1-.4..."114riaktiormm}..tir,eitvamatt roortro It.10 A. 211644trfsbirriLretet.= *moo tee'elsholtitattlitit: *4= Mati.moinindung AvisowerblisKamo-47.8116 SOireOrig=MOSIONOIN teleedied. Ohio Yeseltearterietele 0004 Illesterisomaess 1966 19144 GODERICH MARKETS - A tettepo#etful at vinegar ma the water hefere puteeete presents them going block. HauyLlett.... . . ilewlek.... i. 2645 2626 Wheat, per bosh $ 30 to 0 1 14: 2784 2802 Buckwhent, per bah. 66 Morris. .... 1802 1884 flogs . . . ..... '12.50 to 1.2.50 ileKillop.... . . ...,..1037 1898 oats, per bush tLtePh en ' ' ' ' . ' .. . '''' 21484r8 2147125 opirttIlie7,..;oPredrinbaUrysil. ';;1•• 65 t<1 70 I litanley• . • , • a f • * ..... 1474 , 1400 peas. leer bush TTectirkneberarnrrith.:: : . ......1957 1942 owe, ..... (Lee to 0,251, thibortm.... . . .......173L 1710 Cattle, export . 7.00 to 740 E. Wawanosit„ . .....1256 1206 1.411 too •t.3 CANADIAN NATIONAL It W. (per cwt.) Wawallosh• • • • • • .1408 1477 Cattle, °hake, tete 6.50 to 6.75! ' Lambs, per 12.00 to 12.00' TRAIN SERVICE to TORINO gaily litstesept limesellav Leo. Goderich MOO m 930 p.a. " Clinton 0 25 a.m. 2.52 p.a. " Seaferth 0.41 a.m. 332 30336 30287 Ailey Butter..., ... 40 to 40 Mitchell 7.01 eau, 3.42 pea. Villages Eggs, per doz 25 to 30 Arr. Stratford 7.30 a m. 4.10 pen. Baylield.... . ••• e• • •• 352 377 Family flour, per cwt 8.90 to 4.00 Ritehonee 8.20 a.m. 5020 pee. Blytla..... . • ......... 023 ` 618 Patent flour, per cwt. 4.75 to 5.00 Guelph 8.45 a in. 5.410 pen. BE,reutreerl.s... ..........1583 .1627 Shorts, per ton, , . 33.00 to 35.00 Resuening-reetvo Toi onto 0.45 ani., Renanli 3,25 73211 Hay, per ton 41•11 * 10.00 to 12.00 19,6,1 p„m„ and 0.05 8-59 902 Bran, per tone,. .... 32.00 to 33.00 Toronto. .10•10 e. In, 7.30 p.m. "v.* • • 00 to OQ 7 Hides p ----- -"Potatoes, per bug.. . 2.50 to 2.50 Parlor Cafe car, Goderieh to Tot- o know her soul her life.• tier tend cod Liles, Betted In Sugar Coated firmed his covenant by a seal. A.s , - God loolce upon this seal, the bow in : its.f 1.1telle.rmiisfiee-u els tilt it, wtte, an beau - piece, lak broken dish, Seine Tablets Puts On Flesh and Ituilde ant So ehoukl we remember with little Clinton, . „ se" 1976 1946 Goderieh..., 4221 4221 Seaforth„ . . ....... 1860 1847 Them Up the cloud, he remembers his coven- i I t im together in Wingham.... 2421 2440 •••••••••••• ••••••••**, &ail thankfulness that he who covenants piece I never fin', but I save 'newel -ft and the kidneys only, They banish In just a few days -quicker • • • • "As the old world wet ruined to e m I sleep li'l bit, but when Looking back over the regor lintsMunnuCc'eChaal°•f°1311CinIn°4 called McCoy's Cod Liver Extract e *Keeps EYES' the pains and taji ithes by making thhealth e. you ever dreamt ofeetheee wonderful .with his people will perform. Sem ta a tnak picture here and dere. Total for County.....45358 4 * Bright and Beawitui I so this. si.10 stn. an' moan I spik to her an' Goderich eee • 'the eyeteme b monument of jisstice, slog. again un il-she know illy town evhiek iliolert Om% Um' 4raggist or dealer sells them} Tablets will start to help arty thin, world remains to this day ,, moue - d' t th see voice." watched 41t. 'Poleon •-• paned;' the old men had 3839 population and Winghani • since 18t#1, in u 410 • up only by The Te, /Inhere CO, underweight little one. ment o mercy, accor mg o e o Toronto, Oat. After sickness ana where rickets of God, that that waters of Noah wor mg face. • 2167. Goderieh has shown, little • should no more return to cover the ' id • id are *Inspected they are especially vat- - Usiees, he went on, "I'm lonely change in population since 1020, earth,", (Matthew Heave). Minaret's is,the'leriemy of _. all thou:natio; troubles. Rub it in thoroughly and • atone , It tutees thee plan, suPPI** ,the joints, puts new Ufr into the tissees. "- 'Anis it la to- swARTs. Pato and liars') Livery flack Stablest Elo. stable. WORLD MISSIONS Most people • know that from the /ive ie dreams. vats all I go ------------------ was reached id. man.- rgot no frien's, no family; when it ad 4220. The highest liven of the lowly wettish eitandnes Hangchow Chrietian •College,- the dm whole ' worl'-jus'et dreams, One 1913, when Goderich had 4906 popu- of the first Class arc „extimeted-the only rChristian .college in the pro- dream is die, dat some day I'm going :bitten, 1014, 4811; 1915, 4670; 1917,' kind that help all feeble. underweight .vineee.ef Chekiang', China, has made find somet'ing to love, somet'inF dat 4553; 1918, 4407. 1019, 4562. 1913 a remarkable recon d. It began as Men, women and children. . nell love me. De harnmals I tame and 1914 were high points also for Try these wonderful tablets for 30 smelt primary school in 1845, and is e, dey tun away; de birds I Mak' play Wingham, the population those' days and .if your frail, puny child now duly chartered inf cli,ashington, wit' de) fly south when de winter years being given lig 2619 need 2628 don't greatly benefit-gefeyour money D.O., under a bEoard ot. ! trfetorseree" come. I son_ Moret, die gal, she,e respectiyely. _In ' 1891 eeClietoneliatie ... .._, The star and_Loactott...pree_press,_.... ‘ „.77,......$6. -is • back; - -presenting the . xect.3 rver, t.,cfnInnWe poor, she's frien'less, she's alone. 2635, in 1925, 1976; in 1891, Seaforth e. ., 12 pounds in 7 months. A very sickly child, age 9, gained of Foreign Missions in Ashville and the Presbyterian Iloard of Foreign She's very seeck, but you pin' mak' lied 2640, M 1925, 1860; in 1891 ,Thefitar and endon Advertiser.............. 6.75 her well. she oin' gain' run away, Winghtue had 2107; in 1925 2421. 'The Star and he Toronto Globe • 0.75 • Azik any druggist for leleCoy's Cod Missions in New loth, Over 1,000 Liver Extract Tablets -as eaeer to students have (attended this schoot , _ . . , She ain't ;coin' fly off lak deih birds. The total ropulation of the terms The Star and the Mail and Empire, . - , ....... 6.7S ' • . No. She's goM love you lak a bre,of the county was 66,827 in 1891; onto, on morning train, anti_ Terms% ., ,to Goderich 6.05 p. ut. train. Through. coach Goderich tole's** Tenn Patmenger and Tickets Areal, F. F. LAWRENCE ilk SONS - 'Phone, Clhildresii.- Orr rUR FLETCHER'S CAST`ORI'A The Goderich Star s LUBBING LIST • Montreal Street lust off the square +woe. SEVERAL VIRST.CLASS AUTOS READY -FOR SteVICE--GET YOU ANYWHERE Abs WHEN YOU WANT 70 GET THERE 'Inuseeis Meet aft frame ems Paesenger Beats • Pastiengere catted for in any earl of the town for Ail trains at O. t. It. or e. p. Depots Promipt, Service and Careful'Attendance. wrestle Our Livery and Hack Service will be found 411#40 -date In every rsepecs, your Petronege Solicited' - TSWARTS Phrase 107 • Mot -treat Street atoneweeeeeeereseeteseeseneeseweesweee. ueeeeee CREAM FOR CATARRH I OPENS UP NOSTRILS ,15 Tells Row To Get Quick Relief , from Head -Colds. Spiencile in one minute your clogged nostrils wilt open. the air peasagee of your head will dear and you .an breathe freele. No more hawking, tinuilling, blowiter. beednebe. dryno.o. No struggling for break at night; your cola or 'catarrh ivill begone. • Get 'a. snail bottle of Eises Cream ilsins iron, „veer druggiat now. Apply a little of this fregrant, tentireptie. heal. hog aeon your reetrila. 11 pent, trate; through *very sir peerage of the %mid. soothes the inflamed or swollen emenite nombrsee and relief ettleg in - stoutly. ita• just fine. Don't 'day stuffedeip with a old or nasty catarrh -Relief ram gekkly. 11111111101111111111 1114 a 1 1 trethefiastatat • For COWS. end SRONCHM • 'Aft •ior•.••d•••...-4,4••••••••••••....•k.•... •••• take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 cents. and come under its influence. Of • 6.75 er, an rriebbe she's goin' let you 45,358 in, 1925. The total nepulation the 200 full collo e ad at s 13 t T WOMEN sixty havt.geng_into the ministry, 1 about seventy-five ‘• into business, it m about thirty-five into the SYthi.C.A. drown', Ohl It inak'erne-siteeinside; 1925; -The tote! population ot tne ale elm warn ' an glad, I tow s n hips Was 50,462 in 1891; in per in her ear "Ma soeuri Ma 1025. 30,333. '• . g gr u e , a ou stay close by." Dieu: Diteei Si the villagee 5084,in 1801; 4544 in - OF M1OOLE-AGE, secretariee; *Tut thee rerottiedee'hnee 'Poleon dat split. He's goin' teak become engineers, physicians, liter- you well,' an' every tam she and r conditions of the stomach and bowe and other religious orgarezations as petite simile Yoler beeg header 'Worms OM enconrag-ed by morbid • . • Sey uothere, etc; Rev. Robert Fe sten'. lint pow....4 • els, and so subsist. • a4iller'i Worm • mrs.wiloonto Experience*, Fitch,, D.P., the preeident„ writes • A e- , Powders will alter these conditions 7 sob choked the speaker; h Guide to Women Passing gradhated in which there e•as a sin- ,td, rnise bl "In all tEese past years no class has opened his 'tight -shut eyes and star- the worms away. " No destructive e almost immediately and will sween parasi e can live in contact with this "I call to her an' she don' hear. a m gem o, e . ra y at the two old men. through theChange of Life gle member who did not profess his 't T s an ecome a rriene w• t r " d he" medicine, which not only a worm The Star and The- Toront,..# Star Tho Star,and The Fartners',,,Sun, ' 3.40' TN Star and The Frarnily 11,.traid and NV#.'ekty Star. i.00. • . The Star and Saturday Night-. „ „,... .. .. 5.50 The Star and The Catholic Record... r 3,73 The Star and . McLean's Magazine... • $3.75 •The Star and., Rotl• and Gun, The Star and Montreal Witness • • renewal 3.85 new, . • 3.50. • • • • * 1, 4 • le I. • • 3:90 • The Star affd World Wide, . .... - . renewal 4.23 Neither Linton nor Quirk ad 'destroyer, but a health-givig medi- new- 3.$5 Harailten, Ontario. 41 have taken her of the Church. This has token e cine most beneficial to the young - severalbottles of Lydia E.Pinkitam a ogee in spite of the fact that mole reply. 'Poleon leaened forward • .,:(:•••## • !••••,,. Vegetable(' Com- than half of our men come from nee- fiercely he inquired:. • , • • pound said can- f h the most influential families • of •the • 4 . . highly of it as I - • . . es man. Which one • is go to was at the Change Province. • of Life and was all run-down and had no appetite. I was very weak • ,constitution. •. ristian homes, many o t em from ewmeh ere 0- yeu feller,. is de not speak too • . • • ' o Our Weekl clinch de mos?" ,',' -.....-, Tom and Jerry eechanged glances. It was the latter who spoke: "T p n3- this gentlemen - knows n and sick, and the , k -e -e- --- - - es- ' ".- more about churches thaI do. He "" " ainsen re 'back' e as' married iii. one. were so ad I ssons in ng is . • Mr. Linton madded. "But that was couldhardlymove. By w L. Gordon thirty years years ago, so I ain't what I got very sad at • you'd call a regular attendaht. I times and thought I hadaiet a friend -on erirth. I did not care if I lived or e used to came- ray religion in my ' a eied. I was very nervous,- too, and Words Often Nlisused wife did not go out yery much. A friend , ' advised me to trY abottle of Lydia E. Dont say "now I want e (To be continued) 'd) go , - ----- s name, when I had wife." Pinkharres Vegetable Compound, eo worse than ever." Se- ay"more than e I did. 1 am a faismer'a wife, and al- ever." . waysworked hard until lately, and Dot s n'say "he is hm oe today. in" was bed for two menthe.' 1began to feel like a new woman after they Say "she is at home today."' first lmttle and I recommend it with Don't say "the essay delds-ert great success, also Lydia E. Pink- matters of '.CI'. 4. Say ""deals ... answer letters from women asking with. say '"this climate is lieal- itch trouble nowadays are4-1105,41 by ham's Liver Pills. I am wilting to Nine -tenths of all cases of stein - about your medicines, as I cannot thy," Say "healthful." too much acid. In the beginning the 'teak too highlyof them, "-Mrs. Don't say "however could yeti sae' s tonuich itself is not diseased, but Fedete V•tiesort, .471 Wilson Street,- such things!! Say "how could You if this acid condition, is allowed to Hamiltele, Ontario. Sold by druggists everywhere. v ever say such- things'!" '' continue, the acid is very likely to Ihni't say "he it to _speak provid- eats into the stomach wane wide pro- ---- ------ , trig he comes," "Providing is not a duce 'gastritis with stomach rkers. I eonjenctime Say "provided." This may render a radical sergleal A Practical Prescription For Sur, Acid Stomach USE e, • Words Often Mispronounced operation necessary even to ptolong life. Therefore, an "acid" stonnieh . HYDRO ELECTIIIG Overalls. Pronounce last syllable as "alb'," not as "halls." . is" really a dangerous condition and should be Merited eeriously. The The pelopws powsr Pergola. Pronounce the e as .. in excess ileid or stomach hyperacidity 1 "her," the o as in "go," the, a un- • , P-1`1 "care," not as in "at." iti "and," "sign," not "zirre." the o' worde Robrst. Accent last syllable. riok purpose. 1 Parent. Pronounce the a as, in . 'in eaePeonful Lang sync. Pronounce the a as s. etreseed. Accent the r, not the o. Induetry. Ascent the n, not tie% the last syllable as in used if neeeseary to it is absolutely Often Misspelled harnikee. Be sure - th aek 'our . 'Magnesia especially prepared for druggist for the pure Bisurated this can easily be neutralized by Bisurat- ed Magnesia ' taken t doses in a glass of water after each meal. _Career quantities Inky be Y.- -,14•11•1• 114.41111 ' Catarrh. Hypocrite; note the al e. Envelop (verb); envelope (noun). Connecticut. Derisive; e, not z. Concede; note the cede. Synonyms Wealthy, rich, opulent, affluent. corione, abundante,plentiful. fe Cook by Electricity Endure, bear, support, stand, ° Wash by Electricity abide, suffer, tolerate. iron by Ebothieue, I Weaken, enfeeble, enervate, im• ' pair, debilitate, deprette, undermine. ye Ageeeeete eehre,,„, ese,,,...se ,. • coitygtomorr. 4:LEAK , • Doubt, distrust, disbelief,' suspie- • " ''''." ' '''''' • .1, inti, mistrust, skeptieisni, jneredul- to keep you in trim. mower than cool or woo 4 G if 1, present, donation, 'bequest, % QUICK Nature °nix asks it ifrteningfigtrilfe'el‘tvirr hirLi'fiajnuesrt c0C)kiti.;atir inocair=lee. ' Aul"rt' little hail' # 0 on. -moves the dust. Werke Study 40, Wrigley's, after every _, we guarantee, all lieliei Lamps 1 "Vise a word three tiniest and it is meat benefits teeth' 1 for !Soo hours. „youreft Let let, inercaske our seetile • breath" appetite and 1 boy by mastering one ash d (-*4}) di tido Walk in and see display at day. Words ter this irrsen : ge xx,, A Flavor for Every TC14:0 , The Hydattii dr e ii yry ro Store - - ' I CASTOR iA After Every Meal Otte -Peoftle who have- "nervei," and - think .they need rest usually need' - Cell .he Office or 'Phone 71 for any inforl.ute,01). more work: Special may be had on application Chubb( h 9ther Periodic ng Rates with Periodicals it .0....,•411111101 lAwari.•••••••' 1.101ts ,41111 AlligULI-A•••••••11,1•1141••••111111•11.•••5•14•1•1.. • THE AJAX SIX 4-DoOrt SEDAN Full forre.feed lubrication, 7.bearing crankshaft, 6 -hearing camshaft. e.veheel brakes, full balloon tires, 5 dist 'wheels. new Mallard Gretn finish, new Velour upholstery, automatic windshield wiper, dome light, cowl ventilator and cowl tithes. Just drive the Ajax Six one mile ...or 100 -and you'll experience a quality of ,performance never - known before in the $1000 field. NASH BROS., Dealers 5 *see, MOM • ...•:41,4