HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-22, Page 6• tlarlt'f * V. (Cestietnd) Jetties lips he spilled its contents. Ideates showed kis eoajetnpt Ser The girl rolled her basil restlessly. elsis riifrukone assertion bye • silently, "Psltaw! She moved." past tate bedding higher acrd snag- "Rhe never moved," Jerry, contra - elbowed tacking It Jerry promptly dieted. "Yea grimed her. From elbowed him, neMid and 'p stied it leer• i his neatriie loused that sn*o$*t 1 er. Tom *tt,de�t!t angry •gesture. that insukiteg, smart of derision ,tad, for a third time adjteeted Abel so sorely tried hie partner's cowry to" suit himself, wtaereupen patience. "You had. a fair ,shot at Jerry lnatnedi&t4 chMngell them to lbet', login' dewa, Tota, and you never awed with his elms. tatKbad her•'• Aggressively, violently, but with. "Maybe I'd have had better luck! vet words this time, the partners ar. if you Wait jiggled me." Seed the matter. They were glare "Hell: '" ho jiggled -eV' Mg at melt other, they had Walesa "'Sb•h+' Oneo. moae Mr. Quirk ewe te Mora when, with a atert• had spoken aloud. "If you've got to Jerry looked eat his wait'ka. Swiftly Boller, to down by the r*pido" ha posaeg►Mct. 'himself of the mete. Afeee se'erel elwney *tempt* ciao gjess and 'peon; to Tom he both men agreed° that their patient _ fired : bad doubtless received the eldest. "ellek! Lift her up." Listen refused. "Don't you know aaytWder:'"' he gnarled "Never ' is. Give it to her as she lays," "I thought you done line," Jerry "How you goin' to feed medicine spoke with what sostned to he gentle eat of a spoon to anybody IMyfn' fine eommeneetion, "You got it in- •- .' . *We" the other demande+t• to her nose every time. "Ear/it" Tom took the glees end Tom exploded with wrath and `it the teaspoon; together the two then was Jerry's turn to command -oil- beat 'over the bed. enee. But Lenten's hands were shaky; "WhY don't you hire a bell?" the whom its pressed the spoon to Roe. latter inquired. "Or mebbe I better tree a 'coon for you so you can bark w as loud as you want to. Family Great• e c o n b ,as Huh!" Linton bristled aq- greesively, but: the whisperer Contin - e e ued : ` Rheumatic Clippies "Ono head of children don't make tlNe a fetidly any more 'in ohc heed of heifers make a herd," • tali a asemiter of ay iiit&aliy 1.,-. "1... called your wife worae'a ,. that. I've heard You." "I *want everything I sai•1. She eves an old eataaaewac <arel --" "Prub'bly aha was a line woman," Jerry had a etiseoestieour habit of interrupting. "Ne wonder site walk- YrR Thee* pry I3, IL it*. la ed ou y ifsese Oak, irises: ]G wee se. MA human. No doubt she had a lone with. my Reece *ad ammo 2 weeds bear eharad ter to start whit. So did 1 to Ns up eat of fired *Oleg the 1' fer that smatter, beat there's a knelt ase! walk the Rest ata X.aaenll ► to Yoeheliaa eat have to r bosh bei Bawd eci� sells, oda 147 "Yoe don't haw t. past IT with fir_ imp Unger than yea went to. Lhe-- Mart, I *obi tleisk that setae imill I tog s aved, under his bresak. W. mull hie before I got over thew. can get a divorce easy, All it takes - ' 01.411wM1, '. a411 p, ,IIIA ent of a full dome of medicine, so Tom replaced the glass and spoon. "I'm a little out of practice," he ex. same s tuck person unlese you have 1?leinned- 111.Se tMiyipled'Yoa Cant Use Arms Tom paled; he- showed his teeth er.I.egs, Rheum* Will Help roru, beneath his gray rn stache, Lean - or Nothing to Pay , • Ing forward, he thrust his -quivering .•..-.� bearded face close to the hateful Geta bottle of Rheumy today end countenance opposite 'him. "D'you, wear a satisfied ensile on your face mean to call my daughter a' heifer?" tomorrow. he demanded, irtierestrained fury. < St's a~ remedy that is astonishing "1 eep•them whiskers to yourself," the whole country, and it's Just as Jerry snapped. 'You can't pick , a good for gout, sciatica and lumbago row with me, Tom; I don't' quarrel as for rheumatism. • . • with nobody. I didn't call your ,It drives the poisonous waste from .daughter a heifer, and you know I the joints and muscles -•-.that's the didn't, No doubt she would of Made secret of Rheuma's sweep. *..line woman If" she'd of grown up, But we don't ask you to take ourbut*Say! 1 bet I know why you wordier it; go' to H• c. Dunlop orlost her. I bet you poured so much any. dkugglat -and get a bottle ognledleine in her crib that she drown Rheums today; if it does+rt do as. Ceded." Jerry giggled at this thought' promise get your money back. It "That ain't funny," the other rum - will be there waiting for you, , bled. "If I thought you meant to Mire Is er Midi iiia stta'on iio tak g' attuned• ;astray* and producing b*nusaiss dist des sbiiityr to. phi' is pttagettable. file tis aA6ilitt► to toad a ..M aaxo at the lank iniad Sao b tiitodeaea fac*ky el esculins stain.. Fee tits arson who ear !My the riiaio, k is easy to harp "Son* Music i'r ry „ . . Mo sad *woe nerd woe music,, stag day, es . alit: tt IVelif ad 'Merl 'may issdl t gt a norm oedstia. Tho � k ss etch isoliiratisa. it it tine leaked& of hosts IWe-kosoiag the WWI to. gadert, radlsting geed cheer #ail t tiaMkgr batneoy'. Every Music Teacher innate. upon the value of purity of tone for �tuccpt• f�l piryinr. Th t is one. tearon why the , Leon re Kirch Piano mho generally favored by discriminatinc people. seta S"TI X1 ORD BRANCH: 97 ONTARIO ST, i Banking by Mail The security afforded by the Province of Ontario Savings Office, together with the facilities extended by every Post Ot`dce° in Canada and other countries, make it possible for everyone to deposit their savings in this Bank. Interest is allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full checking privileges. The confidence the' rural communities have shown in this Banh1 is indicated by the large increase in deposits, which are now' over $21,000,000. All deposits are guaranteed by the government of the Provincdof Ontario. - Remittances should be made by Post Office money order, express order or registered letter, and should be addresad to yore' nearest Branch, where they will receive prompt attention. • Ravine of Ontario Sam Office Heal (Nide t III Qassre's Peek Urea, Threat. ,lrsaeli rlUest t C.e. Slag seed Adelaide idler.. Car. Urefrntoity sad Devise its. illt.Dsaat rtes Avows Oaten Ibraetohes at flgifbsbrat, 111. +CatitiJ... «a' o«+ret'`ierw+. �Oliva � 11� _144 grate aid Aghast. Nowt and Nome W� S► Dad t and left eu fiat -she was •_.s< fde basad on aMothly mad Sesser ream gels s: Mira IV.-.-Kaxgaret Debiel 1:; Lena Leidy, 77; Herb lriassiga". 0*. Jr. 1V.-llta*y Mama - moo, 41; Cara Ffsaigaa. A0; Menta Y.aiMg. 41. Jr. III.--Iiegb Leidy, 70; Margaret Aderrwe, al«. Sr. II. Mary Dobie, fit; Xiteheasr Fisaigaa, U; Dorwia Madan, U. I. -Gordon Dale. 88: Ysaaletb Hodges, 136. Jr. Pr. --Harold Reid, Margaret Leidy, X. HOGG, Teacher. L*.fi.8. Me 1�rand Giber* The following is tb. etaadbg of Use pupils as shown by their use ath- is a saw." OW taking two boast els• 1v exwteinatioas in the Brat row of "You meek that creek once before, 1 the other. Some of them leave *U- sed one .or more examinations. as with difficulty did he anatntatn a tale shown in the brackets:" Sr. IV.-- inaudible to t sick girl, "Out of �� Roy Eby, 80, 139 Mabel loetes`, 76,6, 143: Clayton Foster, 76.1 0), pity I helped yrou. p:and handed you 72. Jr. IV. -Teddy Woos**. 73 (2) back your crutches. But this time figures and. by their daily work; in enol I tilled your Muff:" Jerry'e angry face was now outthrust; only Milburn's Ili let you, lay where you fall. .A henndr$d dollars * dozen fcr lemons! For a poor little nick, girl! You 'ain't got the bowels ef a shark:" "It wits your proposition!" "It- wasn't." "It was." • "Some folks (.ie faster 'n a goat Bann gallop." "Meaning me?" "Who else would I mean?" "Why don't you call me a liar and be done with it?" "I do. It . ain't news to anybody bol. youl" Having safely landed his craft be- low the rapids, 'Potton Doret her-' vied bark to his tent to find the part. ners sitting knee to knee, face to face, and.. hurling whispered ince. herencies at each other. Both men were in a poisonous mood, both were ripe fox violence. They overflowed with wrath. They weft glaring ; they- shook their. fists; they were racked with fury; insult followed abuse; and the sounds that heeled from their throats were like the rust- lings of a •corn-flelcl in an autumn gale. Nor did inquiry elicit a sen- sible explanation, froni either. "Heifer, eh? Drowned my own child, did I?" Tom veiled his teeth in a ferocious manner. "Don't Tele your tusks for enc" Jerry chattered; "file: the . saw. We're goin' to need it," . "You men goin' cut dat boat in two again'"" Token ' inquired with astonishment. • "Sure. And ' everything .wev3e got."• , It was L`nton who spoke;:there was a light of triumph »iu his eyes; his face was. -ablaze with an unholy ,''W satisfaction, ` et a been drawing lots •for twenty minutes, hind this time --I beet the stover" . . CHAPTER XVI Once again Tom and Jerry's- el:iff had been halved, once again •.its ,owe !k'smarted ,.ttnder . the•. memory of insults unwarranted, of gibes that no :trilogy could atone for. This time it had been old Jerry who cooked his supper over an open fire . and old Tom who stretched the tarpaulin over his. stove. Neither spoke; both were . sulky, avoiding each other's eye; there was,lan; air of bitter. im- plaeable ,hostility. Into this 'atmosphere of constraint tame 'Poleon Doret, and, had it not been for his own anxieties, he would have derived much amusement from the situation: `As .it was, however. PON ]irti W wwi lg1' . BEDROSE Is food tea" TEA T117111104,Y, ARIL Wad. MOS 1II11111AI,1”M,. 1 ■. 111 ,ill. 1111 1 . , ail, -- •t... ,a _MIR.. --r. _ . (l.' '_ . _ .. -...w.:..,_ meat, Mr. Wileen 'introdueed a novel 'witha�it -sacrificing the accompanying selection in "Mollie lrlletg," with 1'a n psgrt, accompanist for Clarks. . soloypart well suag by J. the ehelir,. deserves great ,credit ter had r 'this trete thpainte t or een-ee the **saner in which she perfoclaaed r had beenm roused to the eo - de. her Not at any time dick the thusittsm where an encore was• de �' 80; Rath Foster, 06,1, 116; Dorothy, Jones. 65 (4), 71; Jtargarst Rea -1' The selections bx the chorus 41131•sy'mpst etk and artistic ter, 68 5 108 Lloyd ]3riadley. *74 a Rood laid 1 braced riot., ending with throughwasout,. earenpm neeut . doodnete. ; Iyer Week Intradacinft thea pmaramme. Wile - (2)• w. Sr: III,---Theicaa Jones, that tine number, "Soldiers' Chorus 1 pension, the a of #i1t( X got.bstter ass ase sew ars W44114.4. 74.5 (4), 86; Ralph Foster. 61.43, 153; from Faust,'. which was given with owning, psis tribmttdr fedi swet1C 1 es kearte es ever I was. - Sr. IL ---Isabel Pollack, 74, 158; Ina the dean' and brilliance sg necessary Civb orae ti»t •'t atraka;d,, Williams, 62.5. 137; Tony Vrooman, to its ieterpt'station. Near, I would mamma" ifinsura'le 58.5, 92. Jr. II. --Irene Graham. 67, Stratrord P� s nieely-bal- expnesatrrg the hope that paesant. ae- Heart end Nerve Mills to all who er0 103; Marion Poster. 66.3. 113; Iraub an. -ed ladles' quartette, liteatdames F°aefilia'hraenrts, gdtraal &ar they noight bothered lit any LLway with their heart Foster. 65.6 (1). 109; Clarence Es- M. Wyatt, C. Clempbell, G. Sntytho ', would simply ire flea foesrun rex or mime, as I tenet may too mocha is sex, 63.7, 83. Sr. Pr. -Gordon Fol. and A, D. Grant. AM is so oftet• the P Yrarteso eta; al* 1 girt the exte•ae4. to » 1ock," 164: Cecil Pollock, X18; Myrtle case, they came closer the hearts tlterr pzaddte which Florid* communities had in. Foetcr, 26. of the' audience with oI me select- Iltilbttra's heart and Nerve Pills• 1t1IRIAM JOHNSTON-0 zona. Xn the Southern song, "'Nen- forested theata4iveet is the ooanzne►1pRt have been on the nsarket for the gest Teacher, tacky Baba." the •. harmony was icy music, expr(s3i*g the hope •tb*t „ ertactinrly clean, but carried thea h the same idea might be developed 3..;yeeng see that you get them whoa g, S. Nen. 2, Goderiek Tawnsltip locally.. ' - with ski 1 sad the soft *swages ymt ask for than. The following is the report for skill, to ' n�asre •, Pat up only by The .T. 31l1burn Ce, March: Class •V. --Jean Holmes, ,ab - ,Limited, Toronto, Ont. sent... Sr, IV. Kenneth Holmes, '75; Robert Groves... 70; Elroy 'Bodges were xemarkebly effective. It was a fortunate selection 'that• brought H, C. Hamilton, of Gale:rich, ! las solo pianist. Mr.,, Hitmilton is, or- ganist and choirmaster of North St.' 'Wray United church, Goderich., a musician ; „ _ _ of merit. Opening with Chopin's "Cradle Song" he gave -it to an in- terpretation that 'reflected ,sat once the mind of the musician. When he turned later to' a group of •Mende's. aohn numbers, he °gave further evi- dence of a desire to attain 'his own personality to dictate the method and mood of production. In a number' so much played, as the "Spring Song" some .might ell be inclined to self that he took liberties' with the tempo, side her, administering her medicine (absent). Sr, IIT. Marion Holmes, 7 a ; Olive Fuller, 74;..George 'Me - regularly, maintaining an even tem- Gabe, 73; Hedley Praise, 69; Har- perature in the tent, and stringing, as old .Chambers, 58. Sr. IL -Marjorie best they could, to ease her suffer. Prowse, 8T; Jeatt Whitely., 87. Jr. ins. This done, they cdruld only ILA., -Helen Whitely, 66; Olive• watch and wait, putting what trust Young, 58; (,B), `John Prouse, Gladys they had 1» her youth and her vital- l eeeCsbe, Kenneth Chambers. Sr. I. "'V. ,Their sense of helplessness; op-; -Bertram Iolmes, Clifford Sturdy, preatsed the mon' heavily; their eon- Alice Chambers, James Youpfe Pr. cern increased as the hours dragged ._ Benson Whitely, 'Dorothy Prorse, elong and the life within the girl. enson Prouse, Eigin tesamberis. flared up.to a blaze or flickered down MISS Iii. CALVERT; .. to: a mince spark. Teacher. 'Doret wasin a pitiable state, on i the verge of exhaustion. for hia vigil S. S. No. 5. Colborne and so he did' but it -was that touch had been long and faithful; it watt The following is the report for of something different that gave an a nightmare period of suspense for S. S. No. 5, Colborne: 3r. IV. -Bert added charm to his work. Seldom Occasionally hr, dnn�d a has an audience hei;rd tbe soulful him, Freeman, 80r/c; Aileen ; Freeman, 74; 62. "Consolation" played with the mei- ly to staano ak rt ' t wefU Inda Mary. s .and jti Morris ilei Fred Horton , , l ody standing out so 'prominently experience apprelreneions 'keener . Sr. iII.--Ella Horton, 67; Jean Hun-, - _ I than before.$' The man was beside ter, 72.` Sr. II:='Eva Iforton, 69, f' himself, and his anxiety' had its ef- Jack Hunter, 64. Sr. Il: --Doris • - fect upon Tom • and Jerry., Their Johnston, 89;' Marjorie McWhinney, couupasaion increase. when they 86; Hazel Cooi.., 72; Cree Freeman, learned how Sam K rby had been 72; Teddy Cook, 50; Robert Cook, 45; taken off ,And how Roulette had been •Billie .' Freeman, 38; Jaek Cook, .30., brought to this desperate paes..The-Sr.--L- Iarold-Freeman Grace -Hun- story of her devotion; 'her 'sacrifice,',. ter.. Pr.= -Andrew Freeman, . Ruby roused their deepest pity, and in the Conic. heat of that emotion they grew soft. B. GRANT, Teacher.. This mellowing ' process was not sudden; no spirit of for eWinebe were''' appaeent 'in either of the pair. Far' • from it. Both remained setllen, un - Club: relenting; both maintained the same. b% H C. HAMILTON - �• icy front. They continued to ignore, Organist North Si. United Church each other's presence and they exp clntiiged speech. only -with Doret.' THE STRATFORD GLEE CLUB Nevertheless, their u. sernpathe bad Possibly the ,int:atc lovers 1* GodE- been stirred mid a subtle change bad y.. come over them. • rich are not yet ; aware that there Theis athangfe ,ryas • m' +tabexists, not far away, one of the . fin. tn 'Linton. ,As elfin 'migostht' worenotieonle est body of finale voices that can be diatresaing• memories, memories he heard outside of Toronto• The pro - considered long dead and gone, arose gramfven I?riday, 'April 9th.; as to heiress him. It was' trate that leu here Rivett, was happity chosen and had been unhappily married,. but Tendered: leosaibly 'tetemost accept - he was quite blind to it, allowing { time had cured the sting of that ex- able numbers, from the paint of view" I nothing save his own deep feeing perience, or, so be had ,believed. He of the. audience :were, "filing Out of concern. `discovered now that such was .not Wild Belle," "Annie Laurie;' "Mollie • 4'M'aien's," he began hurriedly, tbe cage; certain incidents of those Darling," :an;k "Soldiers' Chorus." l "dist gal she's . gestin' wore stock. forgotten days recurred with poig Mr. Peter Wilson, the conductor', I'mscare' she's goin' die tonight. Stant effect.. Ice had experience% tche as a personal musical friend of many B Tebbe you set up wit' me, eh?" dawn of e.f's •1ovig at.,f a ' , Years Aten iter e' In 1910-7, „ Its :'Wats Meese qutelche volunteered. ev."Why, pride;'�'k he .140e, self °:in 'a ...email; eltakeefaster • in St. 'Andrew's 'Ierete sure'.: Pm a'. family man. 1,--" choly consideration of what might; ,byterian church, Lindsay, while b ' ''Family map!" Jerry si ted,, des- .have been' had. fi`ot that dawn been Mals orgapist. 'The choir con Pert. he risively: "He had one :heart; mister darkened.. How different, how full produced there was one of Lindaay:s and he lost'' it inside, of .a month. 'hoed, satisfying, if --As he looked 'musical evened.. Naturally. when' he I'm "a better nurse than him." down upon the fair,- fever -flushed asked me to assist on last. Friday's "Bien: I take you both, said facet of .:this. girl he felt en ouster • program I was. • expecting to hear, !Poleon. custbmed heartache, a throbbing 'pity swine extra tine 'work, and to say But. Jd ry emphatically declined and a yearning tenderness. The that the results .otters "freining pas- i fhb invitation. "Cut' me out if you hand with which he stroked the hair sed 'my &pactatio/ s is nothing bat' aim to make it three -handed -I'd nark• from her brow and rearranged a simple truth. Jim the deck, sure. 'No, I'll set her pillow was as gentle as a worn- The Ladies' Quartette of the First.: around and watch my grub -pile." an's. . United church, assisted with a few, Tom addressed himself to 'Poleen. Jerry, too, altered in his peculiar nu.!nbers, possibly the most accept - but hie words were for his late:part:. yew. As • the hours lengthened, his able being "Kentucky Babe:" ,f . • neer. - wrinkled face became leas vinegary. The following is front The Strat. "That settles me." said he. "I'11 between bis' eyes there ;appeared a ford Beacon's report of the concert; here to stick dose to home, for deepening ateovni of apprehenakee - A program of exceptional ° merit there's people I wouldn't trust near More than •once opened his dips to and ' pleasing variety was presented & toorse outfit." ask Tom's opinion of how the 'lit hunfler the auspiess of the Y. M. C A.; This wee, of course.- n gratuitous profiteered, but Else Club in the City Hall last even - affront. It wee fathered in malice; restrain ..himself. � heimeetad;',ing. The • assisting, artists were the :it had its-letendled effect, Olo Jerry maietatin silence no longer, so he al e*' quartette of the First. United'; hopped as if .springs in his rheum&- spoke to floret : . •: ie'hteleh, • and I#: C. Handltub, solo tie legs had suddenly let go;, he. ut- "Mister! It looks to me like shepianist, of Galeriele - tend it shrill war -whoop --a wordless ain't dein' well." r Peter' Wilson, the conductor of the battle -cry in which rage and indig• 'Poleon rose from his position be- choir, has performed a good service nation were blended. side the stove; he bent over the sick- for choral singing in Stretford in the "If a certain old bnrxard bait sets bed and 'touched Roulette's brow work he has been doing ini''building up with you, Frenchy, count your spoons, t)1Rt'3 ail. - I )snow him. A hundred dollars a dusen for lemons! He'd rob & child's bank. Hed Meat, milk out of a sick'baby's bottle" The pilot frowned. "Des ain't les tam for eailia' names." he said SAVE THE $ABBY . CHICKS Mete them strong.'tturdyr, 'prpductive, Fang -LAYING' Pchats, with Pratte Baby Chick h`ood. Item. atrifle more , but :ia CHEAPEST. l* the; end; judged by result*. The siva 42ilockt you. save aadtai. -mor e. thaa.payforgleche. . Pratte Baby ChickFood you um. Ask ;- your defier -there's one near you. ; 1'MFI''FOOD`c70. ► 3 1 Cirlartst** Ave., Toronto - e rices on A'nthiadte Coal Chestnut (Anthracite) .... . $lite Stowe (Anthraabite) •.......:. - .$16.50 Peace (Anthracite) .... .. ....... ,.913,00 Coke.... l? obipttta • • : -.* .. • . , .. "."14:00 • Domestic Lump for your Grate and Range 412:00 pe r ton Our Coal is weighed on Your Own Scales Ain tau it'iocnitr;" With Spring ,House Cleaning, you will require PAINT. We still have soma Sherwin-Williams. left that 'We are sell- ing at $1.00 per quart., Muresco and Alabastine at Sec per package., Liquid Veneer and O'Cedar, small 'bottle, 23c Targe bottle,, 45C each Special prices on Door Locks and other Builder's Hard- ware Clothes Wringers and Garden Toola.at,Speriid Prices ., m order to clear. CHAS.. C LEE The Hertbraio at the wharf - SHIP OHMNDLOill ° PLUMaINo a nd HIATIMQ Sten 'noes 22. • ' Moue 'Phew 112. 33.3 with his great hand. Ina low voice up such an organization, as the Y. M. """'""•"" he addreeaed her :i C. A, Glee 'Club. There is always . Contin tftd on page 1 something wholesome and inspiring iy g in & roup of men devoting their �.I.d time to part -singing, and the results that were achieved last evening. freely compensated for all the time "Tonight dat gal -gain" gilts pit---shes's t • s a Na. 1. Colborne given to rehearsal. The following is the 'Easter report The first tenor, first and second goin' begin get welt. Me, I're mos' of U.B.S. '1o. 1, Colborne (Nilo) : Fess sections were outstandingly dead now. elebbe Sou fellers forget IV. -N, 'V lley, 62. Sr. II. --K. good, and.° little more volume from youoelT IPI while an' hey me eat." w iltienis, 79: K. b'eagan, 72; W- the second tenors to fill in the ;mac!. Tom stirred uneasily. With ars- 17 parent firmness he undertook to p" , 6 ; M• It err, 56. Jr. WO - evade the issre. but in his eyes woe . n, '14• Sr. Wil- ltame. +6 155.4; B. Feagan, 16; B. Kerr, an expression of ungertainty. Jerry. et. gen Pr.-= w„ Kerr. Nuselaer on too, was less obdurate than he bred roll ick Average attendaetr*e 1.74. pretended. After some further' are ,h a, A. H] esdan.e . guinent he avoided a weak surrender• m'e'ssier byotutter right. .*.& Na. 17, W. Wawasaeda "All right. Take him along, Igo 9r: I1%Iflmee Swag. 71; *Ora - I91 knew any era's safe. and 1'11 belyr lou out. I'*t a goad hand with ham ie' i�; ' idose Girvan, Ail. hooses sad hoseea are like- humans, Jr.. IV.--rCZnardos Melte., 7!; Bessie �id bigger. l'bay tat sort ovnoo 'e, R7; *Fmk ohm.. . 614; lelatt a neve aoeetlen too. The/ know se;MewtltM, $t III. --Edith when "err. owl! off• Now if & 66; ltei4,otsr; t. '0e; Via, Mu gate 'down you got to net hi." Ping'" IN'; Godos 0; sap, and *elk him arot,nd, illy idea ,r II t. .11; Giver, 7r; abort this fkhl--" �; Ia`iasdii en, 7i• �{. hire Linton greandd lendly, then Stamey bleGri"tt'n. 17; Aniseed 01v. "1a 'Pelee* 11. *reed: "Luaal lite way. o`' 14, el. • Gkvia'. 61• 'C1f*'tad Yes watch '!Mr girl and 1`11 watch Com' 4!" • 1'""'M 7 tide vet'rbsarl." 14: wise1+Jpwol.e tlR 1!4.--•lnraol That was *a anxious and trying mon 4'7 on sw,bei gfittIesse 111;asgewatg gave isdoped N` �aNd ter the three mann. They wire „e Eurao.aati !!ed is the care of the sick • es, sevartimplealk the, milord the the � lZ• �,� Ileartet, X11 111rt► i'ilh�lr ti'Ww�it ga't'e *)less haat reached its Maioanbonenargegati i that, once the had passed, 71► "li. M.. 0 Wer* WswaasrA► site ovoid be sem thew Reale fes •+ ?M * th. sat OA et Meer. hese OW bow title totV* `,10. 2, W. wsa lmil•� Mart between high and kg( register would have made an idea) Wanee. But the work was good. Tile chorus sang with an eruthusiutsm that made a good climax passible. Ifleteher's tuneful setting of "Ring Out, Wild Bells" was used to open the program. It gave an parts mope for V011411145 and shading. A boll obligate by C.N.R. Bandsman E. Keane added a touch of realise* and �' that brake away frees the ortsa7 . "Annie L*nrie" was a favorite with the audience, and from standpoint sdpoint of good harmony and a ready reapoase to direction It was of bigot standMerd. Ude* the voices as aceompani- qtr Woos mud Cidl�iiih . a Spring Coats for Stouts In Pule Wool Duvetyne, lined throughout with deluxe lining, straight line and flare effect, sizes ranging from 41' to 48. Prices, regular, $24.O() VERY SPECIAL AT $14.50 Modes for Miss and Junior Miss -Sports, Tailor- ed and Dressy styles -Tweeds, Trieotine,Poiret Twills, Charrneen and Novelty fabrics. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION etemeade Rayai Ladies' Ready*War. Co. i