HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-22, Page 4111 1, I 11 111 THURSDAY. APRIL 21.4. • 4. , pring Curtaining and draperies • These new materials «-ill thrill the Madras Curtaining in various pat. heart of every woman who Hees then{ erns They are being offered at special Heavy Net Curtaining by the yard ptSces and we invite you to come in Silk Lace .and Cotton Panels and see them. the yard. Special value at 65c per yard Jetted Feil lilt m ith pretty Wiled Silk Madras Overdrapes apes in differ. edges:'. . .., ..., „.,., ent shades. n add Flowered itiavquksette New lines in Chintz and Cretonnes in shades of White, Ivory and Ecru. •- foforOverdrapee. Silk lace Curtaining, yard wide. Flowered slice bo dered Se illi by •, • o' CORNFIELD PE IE #1D • LADIES' and 16411481)'Y' E I'S ' Y' ,• ".,.; . o "Si1Ol' WIN lata YOU ARE' 1!(Y114'IEKI TO 31110,' - Ql��'. "WEST SIDE OF SQUARE.GODERICII UJXOR; NAPLES, POMPEII, C Mtelrterther•.Seed is Egypt, Sus Ten Goes Is Italy .'e Naples �� blestChCharminglyCharmingly Beautiful, 1 sal Ubeem egessist i pick mist aver interior. It is lore that the Royal tiesr+dp. !"amtl'y arid away it tee 1hltrseeie se . Xe Maybes art MO) x.aa. end men of Italy are harked. reeaire d at $,W pee., a leog day best tiatutdey ere west first to the efts fret of beauty. The following Citurels of fit. Ciieraaeii, why the day was suet et Capri. The sane Pepe" are crowned. %s the pales e e bock beet Arrived at ails Mug of this church they lhse0" ttsrt bed Grotto at 11401 a.m. Ther. you get the stairs from the haw of Poetise into small beats and make the ex- Pilate, on which attest trod. Altar. torsi.* iota the Grotto. The open- wards we picnicked at the laths of ing into ft is so low that or is fore- Carscafl& and marveled et these .d to lie dews in the bottom ad the amazing ruins, a huge 'sulkiest, boat while making an entradet. Nei msay of the walls atilt standing i one means able to explain.tbsle intense though the outer easing of marble btu* of the Medlteremseen. I. the haat been removed to build palette" the wt ltae je . only sW ex- and churches. Some of tite raoseit oft teary bim but k Is litminotta floors aro still Watt and are bum - as if lit from the bottom icy electric- tlful. At six we went to a coneart itt. The fish, evsx at quite s• depth in the Coliseum given by tho Vett- ere visible, even ix detail We bad can choir ---boy sopranos but they our lunch on a tame overlooking aa*nded like angels. They bad out- - the sex, then walked until time for lined each tier with oil Stares set the return boat. 'Under Tiberius, about two feet apart, a most effect - Capri waft the centre of the Roman the lighting. After the conte* they world end, there are scanty remade* lit tremendous red flares which east of palaces 44111 to be sewn. r 1 the Arches into shadow. One could '" Rotue, March 24th, 192j .M0* easily imagine Nero sitting • Our days are full. Have . very tit• i there fiddling i funs morning le me was bare. Palm Sun.tie tin* to write letters or read up on Rome and what we intend to a ase. day wa attended the service tot St.- SWtdeY` morning, March. Vett, ere Peter's. The Metairie of the 'Palms' e . S Pe emive end resit to sl in ther's and beard soma r M 1t Fs coos rabies. the lam- low the post office, the rink, stew, ut 1 pro - lovely music in the Gregorian �us.p«� catsstanal gorgeous as the priests b the Property of auiyt :hhoof urate• " ' .h, after bleb rue made x:. o�� the Cathedral, visiting St. ; 'etez'ss There. are no stets of any kind tai they were considered to be .placed won three •timesf, not'neoeusriUv tai:, ' ' ' tomb and those of the variouspoMs, i the church, but on a ` crowded day too much to one side a of the .town• and succession. With the wineing of ` e It lie a very beautiful building butt You lice people perched on the Altar too expensive. each cup types nn Award of lllerit� . prefer the Gothie. arehitecture to the railing or on , the bases off ` statues. Shire the vote 'in January the Certificate that may be frar*ea .stied - baroque, There " ate "many wonder- - The peoPke mav- around so ninth to prapertY occulted by Mr. Wheeler's kept by' the school` as a preknanente- .•i KODAKS FILMS De 1'opi 4 -.Printing and Enlarging l g DUNLOP ¢Tlxa Rexali Drug 'Store Bedford Block • - God+iclt } ,heal treeeeres In St. Peter's. Was so Bert the beat view or to hear the beet store on Hamilton St. has Also 'been record,. ' '• • surprised to find the last of the inutile. The .constant meting suggested* to and ugliActed but the Price Placed tin it • Mr. , L. P. Burrows,' secretary' aif • : " on" the unbroken surfaces is still per- Stuarts' buried here; ,the money for fro reaninds••.ym;t of the Grand Gen«to also too high. Maim/Its-rattMaim/Its-ratCouncil at Ottawa) .'. RI feet. the tomb was contributed b ' 'y King trot Station at New York. • were After much thought and discus- announces that the number' of en-' March XOth—Spent the morning George ZV. In the afternoon we disappointed than the rope did tot scan it . was finally decided at that tries being received -promised' keen' ,efts ' ` at :the Temples of Karnak and Mut, went to the Augustea and heard a 010440. 'It was Cardinal eeerrydel time "khat, not only on Account ofWitTs- d competitions this year. h' ,..? . and "the afternoon- resiling on the - symphony concert, lead by st splendid Val,, .economy, but also for hiatorical rea- entry a. photograph of the grounds Nile—a peaceful, delightful after- conductor, Molinari. Italians. are ' se. For,.the evening we had 'tickets eons, the site of the present hell 'wee, should .be eupphed, to be eorepsredi =dn. The country,though fat, is entbuslastic shout muele. It is )'joy for the orchestraconcert at the Au- all things considered, the "most• suit- with a similar picture taken in the very' lovely, undulating' fields of, fuse to 'hear and see their, pleasux guateo which by the way, is the c able. , autumn ahowi�g . the improvement 'wheat, asae a , tomb Might 1 he permitted t o h t >n s f purple and whore in it `of Augustus Caesar. It was'ted offer u that has • beet~: made. Trustee les and to the background the Monday morning we . returned to excellent, but after' such a strenuous suggestion in regard to the present boards, Women's Institutes and Viet- pole r ur- day r was almost too tired: to',enjoy site, vier That the property • occu- ticultural Societies are urged to co - it.:. • . -�r' Pied by Smiths Art Store ot the. one 'operate, with the Council:, wider 'will +, 'Isere was a tremendous mass side and also ;the property occupied provide instructions and, suggestions• mew,* of the Fasclstt on Sunday by Mr. laic lanes and Mr. Wiggins on the plants that may be used and. afternoon at watch Mussolini spoke.; on the otherbe if, scoured as b oppo tun- hese their arrangement in the school e seventh an«� ' . . • , great laud duties turning purple as St. Peter's for a more detailed a rranels bias Bine illi 111 Pelle urPtla ,re the sun nets. Vey,' spending considerable time in Wlwtr� o� �ed�e �' and on the llth, paid another visit. jewels and gifts, also malty gorgeous to the Pyramids and Sphinx; , had - papal xgbea of departed popes and di . ins G rietlan church wars decided to make- the tour on camels, e• unperors; Tho robe in which r bar- Ttie foliawriritt extracts from M latter still a h s di ry of her trip will 'built at one end, but of thin very but dismounted after rounding the lemagne was crowned is here. The be read Tom's p first yramid.: It is A horrible mode erase presented, y Constantine. le -ex - intense intereet t little remains. l,, ire with Aces lI.`had lawny colossi of of locomotion such a rolling sensate bibbed with pr do. It is passible. to Luxor, > g5pt,"filar, Oita, 1026. ltam tion sesta elle down slttin paid u�-. ,.tape elevator to:thise roof after h sally- two, of a aro see . l a bit rising of p be it y 1Ve returned to Cairo that neer t, the treasury where are kept all the _----TV k n ao-aateet bewildred- which 'place act, y• the ast'is dieturbin . to which you may climb many a weary r . gas .daY's wt°o era almost+, bewildered, which remain intact' was mn adegree, . flight of stairs to tho tap of the • Yesterday we arrived in Luxor at 8 disappointed to lend that the columns redome, but when you p.m. and after breakfast. started out here' were not monolithic ,ast tad Vienna after 2a 1 embarkedleg from dome, vh emerge mei find : for the Temple of Karnak.. It is 'expected. The little .,scenes onp ewing' the city • from a tremendously impressive, as . it ie walls are especially Interesting Cairo to Alexandra. pour hours height of four hundred feet you feel el so" to ndous: The mate to the Rameses had hintiself depicted as through' the: Delta, no desert, *11 'un- -*ally: repaid: for your effort, I a< to home whole armies of Ana, der °cultivation.: They. get two' crops, ;,After. lunch. we visited the Gard a e 1 Concord bringing enaa''of..the Ifnighta of Malta, stsfiich, aite.on.athe banks of the Tiber, being quite ferrous: for their box -wood hedges etnd &Avers., .Prom there we went'on* to San Sabina, a church ori- obetlisk In tam ..l'1 ca d a (Paria,t is atilt standing here and to mics by the hair of='their heads, of wheat a year and live of alfalfa tut excellent' rondition. ,It iteelhwd 'Wherever you see him with his wwife, The oranges and lemons on the trees: either mall ,seen among such tre- she only comes up• to about his knee.'made . such a charming splash of ,col ndoue columns~. The early Egypt. This morning we took ..a boat 1 or •againirt the green. We had a 1 therinel les "of across the Nile, .then donkeys to'th# rather stormy crossing to. Brindisi,. lana a turgtoai a l p i va lle: of the ueeha. On the, .vas no chance ,to _enjoy the boat:which :ginally"built in 932 A.D. and rester. e.rehith taro. with the exception of a . e of the arch. • , We passed three' huge fields tit pop- was a splendid ship.. ttrindisi is al ed 'tilde` various popes. `— one, that a afor OPIUM, but oeern- nondescript little town, and we. tars Tuesday . we . made :a .pilgrimage Atch our :hotel rontayGg i e, WV Of 'pies . (green* l , it along the Appian Way.The Cato - womanista front Greece: three meat controlled) mostly whiter and: lied but two iiaura' until train time pp i g ur le oats with a scatterin of red. to. Naples. Were .much amused to combe of StCalixtus were especially us toj join err • men. They . asked p l g' p They made a ' beautiful' picture, and see a herd of goats driven along the interesting.. We -seemed to:go ,for us eoveryial~ ,.un tte as feel that and : milked in front sof the: nide 'i underground. Mane, of . the we are - f`oir.unKte,: �►s they Arm the yserfpme vitas delicious; •. street the hi for of Egypt andthe tombs The fertile area. either' Aldo of the houses. One woman bougit only tombs have never been opened. Un hietore iX1ptNile producers the tineet of wheat, one cupful. Tito preicesfi "of milking der. San Sebastian, forty feet dovtfs, Maples .' : thein •' frau~ Alpe. was prolonged atthe house for have,, .been found the tombs of . St. We AMA iiaguide, 'just trail around but l believe the Egyptians reap a p of ,gcd next ; ;. , h Peter and Sts • fatal: The early •, iii. their wake,and•- they tell , us al ,. much richer laits!vdat fix,nt ilial~• dli- they required all of thine cups. u " i -i o n iCht'fstians certainly • suffered' fol• .i►1"ws t ecce lti na, ,chew • sect ellen tales do 'from their arable , 'it's, arrived at Naples at seven: the land. Never have I seen so-•inany,next •yarning..,:Have: no adjectives their. faith. ,. rn t afternoon we n). 't*dates tiest translated °fol Incane ,� tourists. � � Every � hotel � .ts" full- ' to adequate to express � the beauty � or . ., : l .11 t 1,�r:of for (Thebes). It datesof the hiscriptlotns in the catecohibs. "ell the way.front Ame o las (1410 overflowing and, with most of them, .charm of the place. ,.i A .,. .i, lye en- :", , tt l . It ,said, • This, man heed ,for • twenty. B.0 j'`'ta Alexander theGreat,ntotic+r flows take roster. I chanted Our hotel is on then 13aY, -iter, Our room has a +charming' little, never known to quarrel with hetet ,- -• Aran• er and r w live, years with his wife and"was 11"0•: saw two temples and 'two only* a drive between it•and the wa- .. tombs, the tombs .were. ifl a remark tibio stats . of eservatioit being balcony #eon+ which you can get the : tdtnb of Cecilia. Metelle •(dyed A ' muck yaunller than those' we ttawv at entire panorama of the bay with a V' ir'ua t the le#t smoking ser- t e date from Asa t Sahara. ase only "� dating , pr D. completed our tour. In 't 1l. c ed o . t iso � l have been collected various: Pagan w:.. about '1500 • B.C. The bas-reliefs ene•y.the Appian - Were excellent and the color exceed- ' Tl, ri m h 'th fir and Wim"• The Mutual Life +seance Com an: - . of Cas ads ' nen Cense; Weennetio, Orr. 0.11100111t Aged I'tfoxu' 2,10 Bear ,1 : : Go0t fiicu, Our. - ,. 1044)* e Painting e aqua u oases 0 o a. Itsturning to Rome we lunched in ingly fresh. Unfortunately the ' re £suns of tad ,1liedtterranean, most , fiefs on these later 'tombs -depict the es;.`raorditslery'' r*ritier, .. ineluding ,A,D the liest of l+rajan.s Forum: nt 4 religious life .rather' than the dome jelly fish with trimmings not unlike '1 e now: a e woad bio restaurant. tie life: et the Egyptians, eo one,gets an electric sign, in lavender, pinks building is wonderfully lt>?esetev°« verb bored and a 'ltttl'e hazy on the ,and blues~, sensitive plants, which re- ed and. Is decorated with lamps, vases! stiejeet of the gods. About the tire into their stems•if dieturbed, :fish and *tattles. flitted ° during the exca- third tomb one io very' apt to eon- saw transparent you can watch their •• -, ' .fuse Osiris with. his (Xinyr and ROMA is mach more fascinating digestive processes. We found it tame°l expected..1 think 1 was a lit- deeding to the . town its uoe',.is re- ;and that°day, helots the English • e •' Queen.• - • very .difficult to tear ourselves away, ,tla>, lktareh 9th--'Iodsy was •given to In the afternoon we went u on Appalled ut the thought: of aft tricted. National.' Saints' Dar, was always!, Q(� l and picture galleries ,_. The !Colborne apartments on Nam- very hear 'to Mr. Cuff.: k most Corr tt HURON AND :ERIE. g e en titan et.—This i sunset, T y, It wee to celebrate th its* presents se either y pure gr niversary of their organization: n or .arbitration and the block from .(Xssued�by the Director#of Pubiaelty, was aurprising to glee' alt the the Square to Knox •church be made. Dominion Department' of -A gricu•-. small. children as ,wee as the old. a municipal square, thus: making a tura, Ottawa). )semi and 'beautiful site men - and women . that marched - a11' central, . onve " for alt ttFite. Peolie who have their own - way ,-• that weary way to the race course— i •: - -ilii the tints -'generally edon't--know-•-•- Yours, tru.IY,• , t,• where the meeting was held, The W, P, GAT..LOt4", to do with it. 4 streets ` were choked . for blocks , 8 �, The narrowmindednessa '' r � a d. n u a the [what . p n d street cars congested ,. C. ' THE CHURCHES � for ';thee rest ,of the .day, . We went 'A•`' seldom bothers: unit• YAur cons cigrice' along 'with' the'crowds. North St. 'Unitotl churcht. Iter. C. .+v,•,,,w,, we attended - -- 25th:. 1p am., i.Len'at�lub,`Fellaw- `•- lectures given by Prof. iteneau, ,an ship Classes and •Mission Band; 11 archeologist. The morning . Iecture am. and 7 ,pant,, public worship; S was, at the Forum and the one to the p,m,, ;Sunday,•School., afternoon on the Palantine Hill. Ile is .services at •lCnog'chureir Sunday so graphic he ,almost . made the Aurin 25th, ,.• :ducted by the pastete stone talk. The 'Ceasars seemed to Rev, 'Ii" C. ldcl')errr►id: SubJeeta at live again far that short -time. . $erttiees. "The Ministry Ate y - Per . Ton $13.00. .p Silence;" 7 pease "A' Soldier's Testi- DR. „GALLOW DISCUSSES mons" 3 p.m., Sabbath Sclioot and ` also a car of Bigts,ettes Wei acct -on MMartcet Snake 8 � Makes :'tPortn While Suggestion For on. Presbyterial of the woman s..•1lss- - FLICK. Fisture Development Maiitirsiona y Soeiety -of the United church w cipal Block:`• e' ' of Canada will'•,be held in Ontario t" CO A L0i Car 4 .in, . Lunirp .� - Focahontaas • `offal TOWN HALL SITE Bible. Glaoses. The. ityaugural cervico of the: Tlur- 4 - Phho a 178 .. ` street cher h - t91 neon n Tuesd'a , eat.... .4 ,. _ lR . ,.r., Y,. •<... �.,�.•` Goderi h' one,. Aril; 27th,'1926 .at•:10: s.m. •.This' . " ` i ij� t ,` s•�e .. .. ' � , taw l r :. ' •` A.prib 2Gth,-.i,92f,`• taken the' place of #lse'forix►er.district wawa .. , To the Palter The Star. conve tion "of the, lV man's ° biissios+- • ` ! . t. � wawa 4' Dear Sir, -In discussing the toes- ars *Society of the former. Methodist tion of the new municipal buildings church.. fi.. I "i:tLINE the proposed site of the budding The Rev. Mark Turnbull,'. for - .eeenis . 'to be •. one that frequently. man yearsthe much :beloved rector.. Y s In st les and ric s, tti arises, " and in this : connection r . �_ would just point out that i of St, George's, church,, �rt119 pay a suit. ail.. ` n 1ft24 "sit. to his farmer..cotty;r"egat'on oar he the Quest i We <invite you to, call anti see our. -Stot.l;r.. , sites that were proposed' 'at that ganint in St.. George's tor many : .111'Xe•rsal Mlila4 time, amongst them were the: follow- ears. Mr, Turnbull will dedicate i ing the tablet and 'preach at the- 11 sant,' .•old IiyBro Stsncl N:R, o! Cqugra' Victoria Park --To utilize :this service. Sunday, April the 26th;:' has groged .wo,=' ._ tad old' neceseita e . -- .- t going to been chosen as the. day tor the=:dads. the Legislature for a speeial act of 'cation. of the tablet because. it es the l parliament for permissive, for in its Sunday. nearest to St. George's day ton a#• a new hall wail Sunday. ' next. The. occasion of his first'. broached, a committee formed canting is the dedication of a brass, of representatives from the 'various mural tablet to the memory of the organizations in the town did con- late Mr. 1'v A. Cuff who, during Mr. siderable work investigating several. Turnbull's rectorate, eerved' es . or • 6 REASONS WHY - the Valley of the Xings. It also icon many churches ; a the Bill to et the view.: Had tea off Tit 1 d r RECOMMEND the west"side of. the Nile but consid- to be seen. qua tit eg $ , s este the owner had dial invitation to attend this service ► a delightful terrace and watched the, I�EBEIV"�URE�, = erably farther iota the dessert. We � se he Ba whichts a most make the former worth the effort, gust renovated and repaired and dad in St. Georges on Sunday morning took a carriage anateadeof donkeys. unbelievable. blue, turns quite irri- Vies visited the tombs of Tutankamen descent at »unset, e . Asn ase sift a or, and S ti I d 1Z a II Th f Tuesday morning we spent at . the trier is interesting as the only un- , museum, most of the treasures there ,OC rifled tomb that has been excavated, have been unearthed at Pompeii or The beautifully • cis still red sand« Herculaneum, an intensely Interest.- etone sarcophagus is sstill there one thet t coffinsf gilt. Th mummy tion an Ia na in very condi- the sllass* bronzes: and jewelry. Tho and was in, the workshop, but bronze bath«tub is the came . s!hape it is to be left permanently in the as the porcelain on of tai two outer Have your car painted with the new new-LaquerFin- ish. • 411 new colors. • - Ford Car $25.00 Alsofurniture Te -finished. o yti t e beautiful, but I think I most enjoyed 1 t good tomb. It is a very small torah tom- 1m e t es ay. paled with the . other two: They Among the surgical instruments were thumb foeceps, ,grove directors were tremendous underground chain' and dilators. Tittle ivory vanity eases, with.theerouge still in them, were amusing. Wednesday was epent at Pompeii, where there are many recent pee*. Nations, and these are most interest- ing, as the statues, fountains, fumes tune, etc., have been left where found. In two gardens the lead:wa- hero. cut out ' of than • solid rock and marvelously decorated. The ceilings are done. in the sante exquisite de- tail as the walls. There had been 205 visitors at King T`ut's - tomb. be. fore 11.00 a.m. and they were stilt corning strong. We a ate. our lunch, which we brought with us. from the ® hotel, at the Rameseum. The hu Fred &Amok Colossus of Harnesses is prostrate anis ter -pipes for the fountains were etill badly broken. To /we an idea of intact and the caretaker will turn on nevem '..:; . f its eistees the.<etrr is ate feet • long ..th'e..._water for you. They !rave re* and the toe nail one foot in length,.eonetrueted the gardener, using the ste�ohL�l �,, ," .....,.�.- lelilrl It, le in gray granite and the mem towers and *bruise .delisted in the ,r„ s„serme freeeoes, :The Eighteenth Amendment was, as had roofs, them as had no roofs --- well I'd let bygones be bygones." ' It is very interesting to bear what people twee to ' say of Mussolini. Apparently the country is much more prosperous and better • org*nia ed under hint, but on the other hand I lett out return to Naples we went Am one dare criticise the Govern.: to the Cinema to ~see The Last Days went. - These is no freedont of the of Pompeii. The pictures were telt. ,press, k�-Any paper making *reverse Icomments is quickly suppressed. en on the spot, the buildings receive The voice of Labor t'niotu is ntrgr strutted for tate occasion, It made 'I,Mtd, M tut how. . it All very vivid. The eruption was c wonderfully done, and the deetiuet• MerO MI --Again *pent the - ifai ''sof 'the 'city very thorough. morning at the Vkdesia, this time Thursday we motored with five with the pieta~.., tweet est eridela had I friends to Sorrento, Amalfi and Re. been stele by l(a*doso i. VPS.231.1A - i vello, then baover the nto*ntxlns return. under. tee That, EY '!' ck ah'w' to Naples. It wvas a perfect day, tine, then wslOe WWI is tiro Ya#ilsie glari:ear sunshine, end oh meek seen. Of on the' eallsettiea 'the Maples err. We Trent about 144 miles. Moet are the iwsst issv if. Jlfter luseaei of It on mountain roads overlooking. wr v_ nom t Cs„art ^ it— h first the ley of Nspise and then the waste *tell M. t self w i'l1ay of Sakrite, hewsl a is a mesas perm i' 11 hit . t lits a tr: - tale Tillage bangint, on the aside of a A. ateRii precipker about 1200 feeti n p1..r ire' isle ..,+Acct IA. a!ls5 above the eta. Yea ran imagine tie. vkw of feces toes fewer slew. All we eo*id do was Oh' and ti fW Y1sr aswi f. Okl It dotes bock tie tar Ssrrweons, the **Ida ii- malts�sst, law ara�l 11000 A.D. "Tae Trak ts+w wrro all *1 * (M'reh, the Wave" alesse el/“ is ihoolo, titp dseord Morrow het• what ws*M b glibe,P* a s Judge a Bank By the Clients it Keeps DURING more, than fifty }earl of constl'uctsve banking practice the Standard Bank of lk ,Cana i. „ established a loyal — was ,lientelefrrom dost to "coast. Our ability satiafactor lYFIFTY to serve these clients year in and MU year out is the foundation up- on which our continued pro. gross is built. .• STANDARD BANK Ali gig** 4110.1116 WNW god Isameausosu and the galleries are delightful, :not care to part with, as he cowed- next le given to everyone. ' Reason No. 4 Huron & Erie books securities especially the :Vatican g*ileries• ered he had' a good investment for . - where we have been twice and hope to make several more visite. The Sistine Chapel -it -with its marvelous, calling . by 'Ttiieltel Angelo is worthy of .repeated visits. The 'Popes have done muchto beautify .Rome. Sextus V and 111. noeent XI had the fountain -Biting habit, most ofthea beingvery be au - tiful, playing day and night and ad- ding much -'to the charm of the pian rt*5. We spent one afternoon inthe lliediel gardenia, after ,which . so many French' gardens are modelled. The clipped ilex trees are so formal but -just in keeping with the ratable terraces . and statues.. One wonders what political crimes were hatched imself,:.Also acuotning. ,property ''I`HE 1sEAIITIFICATION OF and accounts are subject to 1*-,. would have to be secured to round RURAL SCHOOL GROUNDS election at anytime without no - out the site, which ran price up.. %e Canadian Horticultural Coun- t . tice . by Dominion Government The Dr. Holmes residence on Coe.borne St. -•This the mestere refused Ail have earned the gratitude of i7fi`icials. every public-spirited citizen in foot- • lot' annum is payable. to sell for the Purpose,' believing the cring the ornamental planting of the ` -ri' -Yearly ePerr $100 site neither large enough nor suit school grounds throughout the coon or : more for 1,.'2, 3, or 6 nem.able able -for the proposed purpose • try. (commencing last year ten sit- flay safe with your savings -: The King E+iward Motet on lfing« ver cups were. offered for compete' - ant arrange f r a tru tee in. atop" 5t.- «21ere them are about Cour tion tri various districts of the Dom- vestment. different properties owned by differ- inion to the rural' schools _' acs ors- x. #. ent•Pool,l that. would liave to -be •se= el -shine- the greatest degree of 'beau No ah. WIS. - cared to testi the site a suitable tilteation of . the grounds( during the Telephone 163 one, thus running tip the expense. year." Most of these cups were won 1CLGiINAVirCNVIC :. Other sites were also considered, last season, but they cannoecome t b such as the property on West St. be - under these :very trees. Tomorrow we expect to go to the1* FoCP!E which makes me think olady. whose newly -rich son.R . ' sped.. ormanc� on taking• her to Kurone. On her •return Someone asked her if she had Been the Forum. "No," she said, "1• just told John I'd see them 11 not in force here; evert, aecond shop wits dedicated to Bacchus. In front of one house there is a chained dog done in Atomic. On the floor and • 1 underneath is written "Beware of the Dog," - ►ig OidTithe� Minstrel ' Shaw tinder atl'tp'l'iellO of aleOD R1CH LIONS CLUB VICTORIA Tuesday, a 4th, 6 OPERA HOUSE J AT as P. M., SHARP, r ,t)rotctlleds ODF•tICH BAND flee~ : .. ADMISSION w ! 3. RESERVE, 50c. Nan at Dunlop's Drug Store, Friday, April 30th, at 9:00 a. r& This will bet the last rformance in ( rich t3