HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-22, Page 3-Tingasoxy, Arattook4. rog miss Dyapapsila Or IsApe. Owe to OW* NW buy Shalt The Enterer troes. dyetiegsia, er tar nianitio* wise km piek nut enrage kis toad ie the west maisornisle iseakiad. Reit eles netts he degIM imams suck torture, tad dioansans pahetly tlist. it does kiss Wade gent Whet tka deopeptia newts is set artiliena dimmer* Inn sassestistag that wt$ pat the eleseask right in that It W a sseaufasitare its eint eligeslive' reorient*. "111111Hailhis IN* VIM " 44•44.4.4*444* MUSIC JCKSON-Inetruction sa- given 'in Voice Culture Organ. Piano_ ...Violin. Guiles: Thews,- 'etc. Studio and residence. North Street. .-....10••••••••••• • 'TT HAMII•TON-Orgeniet Nortli St. •ona Jniited Chureh. Concert plaeer and 'reacher. Residence at Mr*. Colborne's, St. Pat- riek Street. LEGAL CARDS ti, DAMNS'. • Barrister, Solieitor, Notary nubile, thee Seeteseor 10 J. L. PbOne.97 Office, The Smut*, Goderich 'MALE%B, ItOISMICin , . 'ae' Barrister. %Moan. la'otare Public. Conveyancer, Etc. PHONE 27 IIAMII,TON STREET SPECIALIST DR. neJ. it. PORSTEll. • EYE, BAR, NieSn, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Oplf- thaImipearensearal Hospital, assistant et Inooreneld's Eye Hospital and Golden Scp*are Thread Hospital. London, Eng. 3 Waterloo St. S Stratford. Tele- -- -- M Hotel Bedford, Goderieh, on the evening of the thirdnloaday or each Month, from '7 o'elook till the followins Tuesday, at 1 p.m. • CHIROPRACTIC • News N Picked From Our Ex The Glelee's New Editor Mr. Murray Anderson, who suc- ceeds Mr. Lyon ne editor of The To onto Glebe, is a empires/ of Mrs. (Roc) John Rout so long * residaat of ItrucerienL Rene I. C. Harrison, of Sandwich, Clintea _Iss• aoreates WAR set in 11611 and woe te Cealsi NOM* the deceased end kis broths* whoa ko was a year s* and let wee eoege started this street milers: ADA se tip early settlers is Maids service. a business venture tha townsidp, wort he roost *nub, all roved a success and led to welkin nis Linn sumer to Ineaseis some ar after its saceesdul iisetuguratke feS twelve years ago to lies retired. ith for a kandeotistr sum. Mr. V• hey ...XI it to the late Sir Erank Simi" Allitileetlkul."14 Tfmleg imT. Xisly, after settling in Toronti Gray and she is survived by her Inss- Su Sudsy morning, Arril lith. Ns triligntureedwnn"iltil s, iasolentlse"drora ie ecttthe o band. e before 7 seelocktaiiisamZanexarylw viv‘iniitt ierevoraultotlinsttiettionean,seandthteuninttiel retifintesir - rteath ef Mrs. E. E. Steeras. 10 1144 41111414tar , . . re , II•M, Etwasele, and the lets down/ keen see : , Cleveland 1 I'lield., manna TruddlniTY air" Op Friday news was received fror Mrs. F. Berton Sturm', f‘rnihr'Y front A heart attnek. Her mother o : to sled Mrs. Amos Ttplirsge of Willem* , rateleg nor up, the spark of lite ft.. u le WAY *no Mrs. Ann grant, widow of the late , ',amnia"! Oat., of the death cd Wes the Tiptine, daughter of Mr. heard ker breathing passed away suddenly Inee_efsle"', Her death tame ass great shock ti ...a. ...gorge Gront. 4 one time lend net merchant ot Goderich. on Tnead*F mrnm,'he relatirse and friends as docesses hot The churchwardens of St. Faure church, Clinton, leave been netified by the Bishop of Huron that the Rev. L C. Harrison, of Sandwich, hair beers apemiated to take charge of the wish of St. Paul's. Be will tome to Clinton about /day 17th. Desalt enYertner Clintna Boy Aar. 'Harry Twitc% h.Wireiaor. The deed formerlY tatill,e,ht, see__110:4 lead been down street on naturday The The Goderich Star of Apri rOth, 1006) in Winehaln. Zetland and rtmEaara epprirently enjoying the best of also Nieeselien Opened Up Junction. In 1916 she was married health. Deceased was born in Gresz to kir. Will Buelianan• who Save hil township and was in her 35th year Hardware Bardeen; Mr. J. Nicholson, win* has had was born a little dauthter• Jnna ville, moved to Brussel* a year age hardware life in the Great War and to them /insineaS, has opened on' and with her *tether and brother, Or • about eight years' experience in the Feur years ago she was married tc use eam. for himself on West street. her new bereft ha'llynd 2144 theY Death tif Mrs. John F. Melceey . Death of OW Resident of had since then resided in PainavBle, Inmate Ross, beloved wife of Mr. it foritter Clinton bon, ,has Pallor& Oluo. John E. McKay, Tuckeramith, Patarid We regret to441recolielliril the death of - away. He was a son of the late Mr. e The Late Thema Bissett away April 70, in her S6th year. lira Wm. Lane, sr.. one of leahliehr* James 'resift -bell, of Clinton, and Another of the old residents She was the aeeond daughter ,of the oldest residents, who died at the Ye. Mrs. Twitchell, of Windsor, area the Exeter pa.of _ ssed away on turd aY• late Mr. Robert Roas, of Grey town- aidence of her son, Mr. James Lane family resided in Clinton until about AprilelOth, in thf e person a omit* ship, a pioneer of Huron Cornty and Lanes, Monday last. Mrs. Lime war eight years ago. For e time they Bissett in his 80th year. The de- one of the first precentors of F.S- in her 914t year. lived in the West but returned and censed had been ailing for many mondville Presbyterian church, settled in Windsor. His widow, for- years.He was a mason bytrade A Waxen's,* Death Twenty -Fifth Anniversary of •Union merly Miss Easie Rosa, and their .. little daughter, Betty, survive, also and at one time he conducted a Ity. ery business in Exeter. He is sur- The 'deatb took place on Thursday, Choir, Gesterith Township the" deceaent's mother, three sisters e . . April 8th, of ,Mr. Robert ' H. John. vivea by his 'widow, whose Inaiadneart *ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joieph and three brothers. name was Margaret Carling, of Blyth. The deceased Death of Clinton Young Sian who also has been ill for a number Johnston, r in East Wawanosh in the • Mr. Harry Mmiro,,,only son of Mr. of years; also three daughters and year 1888 and almost his entire life and kMrs. E. C. Munro, Clinton. pan. one son. was spent in that section, where he sed away Wednesday morningeof last Wingham Dieellinn Is Gutted by Fire carried on farming until the first of week in his twenty-fourth year. He Tho'. home of George Ross, Water this year, when he' leased the farm was bOrn in Clinton and gneid up street, Wingham, was gutted lisr fire and moved to West Wawanosh. He there. Saturday morning. The fire was was married to Miss Mabel Camp. Dwyershlurray ° caused from overheated pipes, start- bell in the year 1910, and besides his The marriaie Was ,nitietin snlems ipg between the floor.. Mr. Ross widow, son Murray and parents, he silzed on Thursday, Apri l ath, in St; was at breakfast when the blaze was is survived by one eister, Mrs. Colin firaS, noticed and tried to put it out Fingland, Blyth, and by two broth. with water from buckets. In the ers, Messrs. John Johnstdn, Blyth, meantime the firemen vSere summon. and Clarence Johnston, East Wawa. cd and before they arrived on the nosh. The funeral took place from scene the flames were coming the home, of the deceased's brother. through the roof, being fanned by in-law, Mr..„Colin Fingland, on Mon- a strong wind carried the fire to the day of last week, service being held at the house biAllev. Mr. Banes' of Auburn, assisted by Rev. Dr. Bern. by ;Ind Rev. G. Telford. 4J1illt0PRM7FOR. - Dfl.A. N. hTKIOTSON. Begiatered cntropraotor. Goderleh Chronle,•Orgenle and Nervous 10Iseases Consultation Free Office hours -2 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. m. and by appointment. tempting Menden -and Thisreday atternoona and es•enins;s; ' Office limns on titese days 10 to 12 ann. 'Ciestel- Fist .m00 Vieleelinenatsee • A.. 1.. COLE.- R. 0., • , OPTOMIeTRIST. OPT,ICIAN, West Street, Goderioti, Honor Gradttate of the Canadian Orli- thsttmle Collee of gTorei•ito. Eyee examinedby the latest meth ds, nndehe proper nttioir or StataRaat Moil' .egate.,:prices. Ontario Board of Eons. Mere 'Certificate No. WM ot4 Patrick's church, Hamilton, of Mise Margaret Murray, daughter of the late. Mr. James Murray and of Mrs. Murray, former well-known residents of Seaforth, to Mr. Howard H. Dwyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dwyer, main part ythe dwelling. The fire - Died in Turnberry • e mof en worked vigorously, but it was A highly esteemed lady was Mrs. some time before the fire was Joseph Gray, who passed away brought under control. The builditeg her home in Turnberry en Wednese. wapr_a_fraire_itructuro:_,,rwTow day„-AprIr'eth, -her tette year.- se finnitedbe at 0,500/which is partly Her minden mune was Martha Jane- covered insurance. TIIOMASeGrINDRY: Uwe Sleek and General Auctioneer, Maniliton Street, Goderiels &lea shade every -where and all efforts inade-tre , give you satiefaotion. Fanners' ,sale notes discounted. ROBERT SOIsERTSON. kin eitrneki Gaeta:be • wilt conduct any ease in mo County of Mom For information apply to P. J. Ryan, Inunliton Ste ele errors *eft With hist will receive prompt *motto°. ' NorAttx PUBLIC, ETC. VI. BAILIE. 0 __ • NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing den? Good Companies Repreeenbel Phone No. Zan Ooderich, Ont. IlE0110F, E. GREENSLADE. u - (hotline* ,Anetioseer. ° • CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY, Daylleld, Ont. INSURANCE ACI CONIPANY. OnrcKILLOP • MUTUALIR -PE FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN.• INST./BED.- • ' Value of property Insured up to Jan- uary: 1010, 113,048,075.00. • • ,OFFIOSIRS-Jaines . Connolly, Pres'- . dent, (socterinh; alas: Evans, Vice -Presi- dent, Beechwooti; T. E. tlays, Ste. - /Tess. Seaforth, DIRE1T4)BS-1). F. McGremir, Sea- , forth; J, G. Grieve, Winthrop; Wm• Wrin, Constance: George McCartney, Tuckeetanith; John Ferrie, Berniek; .J.ohn liennewise, Droadhagans elerray 4.11boon, Itrucefield. AGHNTS--.1. \V. Ye*, Goderich; Sandy .• • Leitch, Clintont. Wm. Chesney, Sea - forth; It Seaforth. Policy Bottlers COO pay their asseee- meets et It Cutt's etere. soideriehl •Clothing Stnre, Clin(on; Or J. li. Reid's, Bayneki. FIRE INSURANCE Have. it attended to by the 4ESTWAIVANOSII WHIM. FINE INSURANCE CO • Established 1878 Head Office • Dangenneu, Ont. Harry L. Salkeld, It. R. No. 2, God- erich, pins.; Wm. J. Thompson, Anti - urn, vice pres.; directors -Wm. Mc- • • Quillen, St.Helens; W. P. Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknow; H L. Salkeld, 'phone 600r11, Goderich; Alex. Nicholson. Lucknow; Wm. Watson; :is'.. Girvin. R. R. No. 6, Goderich; Wm. 1. Thomp- son Auburn; Tim Galin, R., R. No. ".i. suffered years of agony through blind itching plies," " Luckniiiv Sentinel; .An -unusual . , _ says mrs. Wi Hughes, of spectacle was witnessed on Jeucknow Hochelaga. St., Montreal. streets on Monday, when a long line "Pain, loss of strength, • of buggies, reseinbling eastern cant - complete misery, was my van '(minus the camels) slowly mov- ' daily lot until I came. across ed towards the C. N. R. statiop. ZaM.fluk. I know now that What. could anybody be doing with there is nothing on earth so many second-hand buggies and carriages, representing every imag. 'e to equal this gratin herbal , triable style and make? Well, these' healer. Since It lifted me . buggies were on their way to the' from misery my earnest wish Prairie Country, and the dealer in is to Maim ,.am-Buk known barge •was Mr. • Victor Whitley. O all suffer6rn." ono sox '- While in the West last simmer Vice -1\11i1V6s Pain Ltio, eh elm' tor discovered that there was quite lerrhaewinteneeen.eoelehse,„,...e...see a demand for such rigs on the west - eel Af vo.- :..:i . :••••••,:. no:ees:. ern farms, and, always with an eye 1 open to business, and remembering :1',",,st• , e.efee . . the many discarded' buggies in On- tario barn yards, he decided to sup- ... Ply the western demand; hence the " unusual ehipment Many a dollar „i. has been Made out of articles thrown away as waste. ManSleeps Like Log, ' The home off Mr, and Mrs. It H. • . 'Webster -Burrell • until, Toronto, was the scene of a Eats •Anything pretty wedding recehtly, when their Used to Conduct Planing Mill in Wingham • The remains of the late Mr, qr. A. Kerr, who passed away in Cree. More, - Ont., on 'Sundan, April elth, were laid to rest in Winghani ceme- tery on Wednesday afternoon of last week. In 1878 Mr. Kerr and his brother John• came to Whighara and the' conducted the planing mili there under the then name of Kerr and Watt. This was later own. ad by Mr. Se Bennett., The deceased was in his $0th year. . Buggies for the West IN DAYS OF YORE (From The Goderich Star of April 19th, 1901) Mr. D. B. McKay Left to Attend , Glasgow Exhibit Mt. D. B. 'McKay, representsttive of the Goderich Organ 'Company, left yesterday for Glasgow, Sceeland, to attend the great exposition. there. He sails from New York and will be absent a considerable time, Huron and, Bruce Loan and Invest. meat Co. Was About to Wind UP The London • Free Press of Satur- day said, "The Huron and Bruce Loari and investment Company, of G-oderich.- after an honorable career of eiome sixteen -years; is about- to retire from the neld, and its affairs are to be' taken • over and wound vp by the Canada Trust .Company, ,of this city. The memileties held, as security. for loans have all been val- ued by the purchasers, and it has been ascertained that the sharehold- ers win receive 67 cents on the' dol. tar with interest at 4 per cent. per annum from the 1st of January, 1901, which amounts to over 98 cents on the dollar at the present time." There is a possibility that the com- pany will not wind up, as several of the more. energetic stoekholders think there is room for continuing aiperations, and -they say they have now a controlling interest • . • "After taking AdIerika I can daughter, Eunice Evelyn, was united marriage to Mr. Daniel Gordon at anything and sleep like a marriage had mreeb.stenhson of the late Mr. and gas on My .Stornach and Ric ard Webster, of Lucknow. ouldn't keep food down tior Death of Tuckersmith Pioneer leep." (signed) It. C. Miller. ,• anist,eLulee Fortune, one of Tucker. )NE spoonful Adierika removes morpnlionzerk,zasis3ett aiwaz Tues. • 3AS and 'often. brings surprising day fillt2nd elief to the stomach. . Star; year, at the home of liisndal: heichael Downey,. St Colugmbaerr: hat find bloated fe‘,:;:ng. 0:0f1; lwihres.reMhad made his home since en brings out waste -matter the death of his wife four years ago. ,ever thought was in your sys- ., .. A Drysdale. Weddin em.' Excellept for chronic con- w tipntion-. . .A veri; interesting wedding was. , ,CarripbOl's- Drug Store - .. 111•14.41•141 IeMil MUM McEwen's Specials Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 25c A good teaspoon, King George design, given away with!eaek k. 25c worth. - 24 bars Soy, McEwen's special 3 lbs. loose COCOA for. • $1.00 * .25 ,25 6 rakes Pa m Tree Toilet Soap for 6 lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for, .25 Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Blackcrea. We will give 1 lb. of this Tea, i loaf Bread, IJ Ib. BiuIs and 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any pa age Tea. _ • Special prke on large Flannelette Blankets, Special prke on Fancy Blankets • We are cutting the price on Men's All Wool Undctio..eato and Men's Fleece -lined Underwear. Good Linen Roller Towelling • 7.5c Pe? Ykis Good large Bath Towels 90c per iikle Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right prices. i a Now is the time to buy a set of dishes tor'• off. Prose 11•11vory tolisay port of Os Town. 4 - - The quarter century anniversary • • of the formation of the choir of Un. Ion church, Goderich tovniship, wait • celebrated by a reunion at the !name Foist Area on nada, eve ti • Y ng et. ,Forty present and past members and Men can talk about the weather +heir friends were assembled and en. without quarrelling beemnie there is Toyed together the repetition of some neither wades or religion involved in a cold wave, of the old time glees. All of course were not present, but a telegram from Crystal City, Manitoba. and letters from Sarnia Tunnel and North Dakota, helped to remind those present that there were many who would, have been present had it been possible. • A BLEMISHED SKIN -- performed in StPeter's It, C. church, Ah! Backache Gone Rub Lumbago Away Rub Pain from back with email plaI bottle of old oat. Jacobs 011." 1 Ahl Pain is gond Quickly? -Yes. Almost instant 're- lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and fain follows a gentle rubbing with 'St. Jacobs Oil." Rub this soothing, penetrating oil right on your painful back, and like =tie, relief cnnies. "St. Jacobs OK" is a harmless backache, lumbego and sciatica remedy which never disap- points and doesn't burn the skin. Straighten up! Quit complainingl Stop thosestorturous 'stitches."' In moment you will' forget 'that yon ever bad a week beck, because it won't hurt or be stiff or lame. Don't tuffert Get Lucknow; Chat. Hewitt, Itinear- f smell trial Walt 0 • ;fine, oat, ' ' nSt. Picots 'Off'" finee 'your ninseerett ZIOS. STOTnEnS, T. G ALL:ex, aow and get this lasting relief. Tress, Drysdale, on , Monday, 'April 12,th, when Father J. E. Gerard wined in holy Wenlock Nora,. eldest daughter 'was an old soldier arid had been a a very long illness. The deceased of Mr. and Mrs. John Geoffrey, of pensioner for' over 30 years, and be- ee'tr';nneeieteeeee. She leth concession of Hay, and Mr. fore he passed away he had been awarded awarded the Fenian Raid medal for1 11 Alfred Bondy, of Detroit. t. his eervices in those clan of trouble. Stt •••••••••.•44•••••• Cannot Be Relieved by. Salves mu) Ointments • • • Matrimonial On Wednesday at noon the resi. denee of Mr. eind 'Mrs. Benjamin Munnings„ Trafalgar street, was the scene of a pretty wedding, their se- cond daughter, Anna, and Mr. L. Owen, of Ingersoll, beinethe -cons tracting parties. Rev. Jas. A. And- erson tied the nuptial knot. On .Wednesday 'the , residence of Mr. Geo. W. Thomson, Heron road, was the scene an., °April wedding, the participants being his youngest' daughter, Agnes,. and Mr. Frank Wright, of Stratford. The ceremony took plate, at noon, the officiating minister being Rev. Jas. A. Ander- son, pastor of Knox chinch. s • bride was assisted by Miss Edith tAtt; yk,ig Wiggins and the groom was assisted by his' old friend, Mr, Wm. Chidley. cabs. EdWard(*HpitouapreYr, -one of Our • oldest citizens, died on Monday after We ge*CP COAL ON DEP05Yr FOR Irritating sores, pimples, eezent. Ina rheum and other slimn disorders are :HI- signals of -distress, telling that your blood is weak or impure. You. cannot get rid` of eczema and other skin troubles with 'ointments and outward applieanions, because the trouble is rooted in the •blood and can only sbe removed by purifying and enriching the blood. Dr. Wit. liams' Pint( Pills banish these trou- bles, because they purify and build up the impoverished blood. This has been proved .ov.er and over again. Among those who have thus benefit- ted is Mrs. Chris. F. Hummel, Cas- tor, Alta., who says: -"I w was trou- bled with eczema for years- and al- though I. tried many remedies- I did not find permanent relief until I us- ed • Dr. Williams' Pink • Pills. When- ever I did a little work my hands Pained me greatly, especially my fin- gers -ande-jointa which were swollen and cracked, so that 1 eould scarcely move them. Finally as the result of a statement I read, 1 decided to try Dr. Williems' Pink Pills, and I had not been taking them 'very long when I found they ,were helping inee then get a dozen boxes, ind before they were all gone every trace of the trouble had disappeared Had •1 'illiams' Pink Pills might have een spared the I endured, and saved the spent for er treatments did not relieve me. I hope e 'other srfferer Will benefit by known o earlier sufferi inone th my experience." If .your blood 10 out of order login taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. to- day and note their speedy beneficial results, Sold byemedicine dealers or sent by mull at 50 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,• . • Powdered • borax sprinkled- „over any spot in the vicinity of ants dis- perses them in a Tew houre, • , Wise mothers who know the evir-1 tuea of Mother Graves' WorneSSEx-' terminator Stove have it at bend, because it proven its value. PHONE 46 BoOtis Side flqmow ' • When Hollovrayas. corn Remover is applied to a corn it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without injury the flesh. Cihildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S A s ar' o FLI A • Some Facts About The liplaw it has been -Said -that itis a shame to -waste the . • old Town Hall by wrecking it. The contractor is allowing about $8,000.00 * . for it. • All the insurance companies put on it is $5,000.00, This is all the town would get if it • were burned down. • • • The town is not wasting anything, they are selling it at a good price. • $15,000 HAS TO BE SPENT ON REPAIRS TO • OLD HALL IF BY-LAW IS DEFEATED. $85,000 IS ALL THAT 18 REQUIRED FOR'. NEW TOWN HALL -- 4,If this is not spent now and a new Town Hall -built at once,,the gift of $12,000 is lost, and at least $15,000 will have to be spent immediately on old Town Hall to make as sanitary, safe, and • habitable as it is possible; and STILL THE TOWN.WILL HAVE ONLY the OLD BUILD- • ING, NO AUDITORIUM AND NO IMPROVE, MENT IN INSIDE ACCOMMODATION OR OUTWARD APPEARANCE. Is it not better to spend. the $85,000 now, and ,4 • have a new hall that will last for years, be,,,IL annual revenue 'producer, and one that every I citizen will be proud of, than it is to spend $15,- • 000 on repairs to the old hall, from which there will be no revenue, and no noticeable improve- - • ment in appearance or service than the Town , Hall renders at present. • WHICH IS BE'rTER? Spend $85,000 and have a new Town Hall SPEND $15,000 and have nothhig more thanliq 1 I have now. A VOTE AGAINST THE BY-LAW , • - IS A VOTE AGAINST THE WORKING MAN G Opal lett:• you al- &t. TIMES. You eAM• c. TRAW Oft IV AT YOUR- CONVEMIENee, i<tiowiNG THAT OUR REPUTATION ASSURE 5 YOnt • GOOD COAL AND DEFENDABLE 'Stain ce Hay Township Pioneer Passes ia He was born at Cranbrook, in the County Home 1 County of Kent, Englend, and came Mr. Peter .Charrette, an awed r to coada with. his 1, reghnent,„ and, pioneer- "reeidelit rif ' Hay township, had resided in • Goderich sinte his passed away at tee Huron County diecharge from the British Army. Home, Clinton, on Tuesday of last On Sunday, our well-known citizen. week. . •Mr. W. T. Kiely, died at his •resn long Death of Mrs. Wm. Hildebrandt denee, Nelson street, after a and painful illness, ae gd 76 socritary, yeare. _nee- te—ev-W` veineweinewwwnie-inoVe: Brophou Bros. GOOIERICH Mt WINO torsi Moo and Zatadmers onsets eantunv smoolla 6. ot all boati-shitti ot day. J. .B. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Goderich, Oritaxio All calls pronipttv attended to day or night. /Imam Store 633; lionise 355w The funeral of the late Mrs! Win. The late Mr. Kiely was born in the Hildebrandt, of 'Hernia, tool; place city of Montreal. He moved with at the R. C. church in Zurich on Sat- the family to Port Stanley, but in urdser morning, • April , 10th. • She was in her 49th year, and is surviv- ed by her sorrowing husband, two daughters, one at home and Mrs. W. Jones, of Henault; two sons, one at home, and one in Goderich; altp two brothers, John Debus, of Vancouver, And Win. Debts, of Hay, and three sisters, Mrs, Gibson, of Goderich; -231re. Wra. Uttley and -Mese Clue. Weber, of Zurich. elle 50's the Kiely brothers were Hy- 'strInceer dee it llt ing in London, and were kno col'e•.;;.eit-e" of eeseelileoe(u. livej)usiili eetsIs1 throughout Wetern Ontario by their stages, which oath from than city to instItutin" 44•44.4444 t all parts of this end of the Provieee, What would your town be without ineh'ding Goderich Kiely Woe of Financially solid banks': terwards moved te the Queen City. ifonorabi" In"el'ant"? ( onscientious doctors? Reliable pt'blie Mee? —atenetiriatife 'end - eaters: " Brussels Loses Oldest Resident The funeral of the lat Mr. David Ross, Bruesels' oldest resident, took place on Thursday afternoon, April 8th, the service at the home being conducted by 4tev. &fr. Parker, of the 'Millet, church, assisted by Rev. Mesa*. Fowler and Lewin. Death of Mr. A. Forseth, Braseels On Saturday morning, April l)th, Mr. Alexander Forsyth passed away at his home after an Innen; that had extended over the past' winter. He was a2 years, & months And 20 days old. He was bolt in Buckle, Scot - These deserve your suppoil. Give yo•r patronage to your home! 1 institutions and yuu will get your ! inonee's worth in goods and in an assurance .4 pernnatcnt, responsiblo. set vice. --CALL THE PCLItl Fci Good Clean Coal 11 1 it • B. MUSTARD COMPANY 'MAL i Phone 95 - Go'erich ty ( 011 ef e SPECIAIJE RAISINS 2 lbs. 23c RAISIN IDSEIRIATt‘ RAISMS 2 pkts. 23c VEEK :art RAISINS 2 oda. 29c FOR GOOD BAKING RESULTS Whit. Satin • 34 lb. Domino Brand 16 ox. PASTRY nn,.. BAKING e% FLOUR VvC POWDER "VC Ma: TOMATO CATSUP 'a 15c FANCY QUALITY SHRIMPS 19c • CLARK'S • , TEA RICHIVIIELLO "I:gr"" SELECT 73* lb. D.S.L. BULK Tomato • I fin 68c lb. Vogotalolle .11.%0 TIN 3 Ibs. STUART'S MARMALADE CHATILAU LOAF CHEESE 35c Ib. LEMONS 30c dot. Wan sAurs 2 as 25c LUNCH nunipg 100 GLoisz 9q0 UZU w.es• jg 416••• METAL POLISH 000 VIM CLARK'S 3 6" HARRY NORMS POTTED MEATS MEATS 25e CUSTARD POWDER Lac CHRISTIE'S GRAHAM WAFERS 2ec lI These ?rhea in effect tar en* week item elate et skis paper tzt c •