HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-22, Page 2IMAMS h Quality Always 'JIR'311141. *7191 • , choice tees rur<sed exclusive/. Ir. In Salads'fielid richly' oft air delicious goodness. Sion 3*le4*.r 4 v� Gomm*nut rr*z r the newest tsrllsine diilaastriet. rheaF sleeker et a. at. Lawmen/ navies- the Previews for the raaiatenassee !aunt h will be fortg-eight feet *deux ties erasers. Six liners left Elegised and constrautiun of good roads sad will bs operated by a thirty. Aped 10th and will rare stros* theitittOOthosat the Province• horsepower crude oil engine. Atlaatie with their new Canadian And whereas it is expedient that «! eitisens. Meet of the emigrants owl the eousKil of, the County of Huron "The See treadling ender the P16'scheme. :linuid memsarislblz�e that MW,st r of One of the ,most fascinating lib. Highways for Also ?revises of On- rary exhikstiuns ere. Rees in this Intermit. Support Magee tecta, to have the necessary keen. ' country was open to the politic last Ca %*dian war veterans are arpar- floe Passed by the Provincial Gov - week at the Reference i ibrazy in ,rntlir rolidtly behind the new teens,: ernment to carry out the above sng. Toronto. The idea originated . with than b>raateh of the British Empire gt s tionr. It is thazeforc stored by Dr. Georges H. +Locke, chief nitrate- - Service League, sudgirag froth the V6 m. L. X eurng and seconded by an, who in his short annowaeement results +of s creat mweting in I4assey Hugh Hill that the caused of the card suggested turning to the sea mai,st whirls they yti'skodenr. fir . County of Huron be requested to foe stories of t+oanaiwe, adventure, perrLake, wast a speaker. The ob- memorialize the Minister of High. and fact, as a . relief frees the IIu t of the brevet' is to arealgassate ways to have the noeesaary leglela• and pettier" literature .of ted*T the varied 'interests of s�weral Can. tion passed by the Provinelel Gov. The exhibition was entirely devoted adian esterase. organisations `ernment impaling a rat* not exceed to the sat, books on the Irkitret, Pie• present a althea front on behalf of ing six cents per gallon upon tures of hew" skips and reedels of the men who fought le the Great gasoline used in the Province of On them. The entrance was flanked by war.. tarso for motor purposes, and t red and green port end starboard .. the license fee for automobi 'sateen*. ' Tables and groups of Byy, Mere Fewer ' should be decreased by 30 per all • the THURSDAY, APRIL fid. 1!911 ee the Correct Styles dor Spring at Ciias. Black's In correctness of cut, smartness of style and excellence of tailoring. Fabrics that cannot be surpassed. One Lonesome Hat Coves Your Head Get a good one. The latest shades and shapes in Brock, Watthausen and Horton. carat ,chairs were Ye . ,r4e Hydra Elsctri Costarission of and that spy of this res a dution 124 each tsblp dartstoabarranged tt.:omo� pihaaevisitorsof ii preowned by the reeve of this m uni abs ma story or of evade life, naval the Province of Outeri° lea' Pur- cipalit3r t'o the next Meetitdg of ` Our Showilag of Ready-tosWear. the , for Spring is the best yet. Latestt'cuts and fabrics. MEN'S SPRIN( SMARTWEAR history., merchant shipping, ystht- eluned front Quebec from *80,000 to cotiitcit of the County of Huron." Inge 'rasing-, rowing end so on, Dox. U0,000 horsepower annually to pre- Iblr A Good's resignation al rood superinte t wee' reeelved. ' On ens of models of cid ships were also Y*nt " tltps thre*tsttdpd sbertage of tweet wee on view, power in Ontario. The new power motion of #[r. Hill and 11Ir: Gold. supply will be second in volume t° thorpe the—dark was. itostructed° to. •> ions Ott Iaerlte Ten Has Three Portfolio" that produced by ":Jielera. w+vrrito the superintendent the court - Thee s",moet startling • developments Fora She searket clewed oe j» in view nine points Minister of health and of nator IL IS. &land, f oSoldiers . Gatineau Portr is er Comptbany at $11.5 Par sincere regrets and' tefrom the own arooprenws st r express tsante he of the a eek have come out of ,the the reduction its activity' which was Civil Re-establW nyent, has resigned horsepower and aan be sold to .Ofw ,appreciation of his faithful end sat- budgett resented to the WW1 7se. likely to result in the Ford Canadian his portfolios and they have passed tarso eanautttets 4 623, or e2 less presented iefactdky cervica On motion! a! aha bilttlster of Finance, tion. 3' ' factory. Next' morning the . blow to Hon. J« C. Elliott, who will sale than that*evprroduCed' at Dliagars. De» .Councillors Hill and Goldthorpe the « Sentiment ht favor of the re• fell en'Qshaw* fox when aha gecko minater them in addition to that of livery of the power will begin to -cleric was instructed to advertise for adjustment of the income tax seems men rootlet, the plant of tlt+e° Caen Labor. 1825 'eared will extend over thirty l' ..fairly enanireeea and a chants era! Motors Corporation three thous, —.— .years. ',pan or fifteen millions will +ti' "Bias of relief have gone up from end of them were turned away. the 5•,t O,G00 People for Coned* be spent for transmission lints. t,tult srirssll sfelaried people, Amar» manages*tat ,knnattticing thalt #hey �xirel rnan without; dependents will nosy had closed thele dooria untbl they 1pe axempteu for threat thousand dot` couid' aihrlve at some policy uitd4r lars, *na an unworried prerson is al- rho new "bole. lowed fifteen hundred dollars free of tart.• • A stow' at the Motor Industry However the automobile industry of .Canada is struck a staggering blow in the reductions in tariff which wilt present a great advantage to foreign manufacturers. Thefirst • result of this was #eIt in the New A launch is being built at Mid. York eteek market on the afternoon land, Ontario, which is to be used Of Thursday, the day on which the for .earrying' trainers' suppliea from budget was presented: t tnadian • , Hudson into the Red Lake district, Federal Budget Minister of Finance, who has an- nounced the federal budget which includes suggeations for tax reduc- tions amounting to $26,000,000, and a return to penny postage on July 1. or Launch for Red Lake ' . Tto � pp, Knit He's ane .eatanple ee-fillanerdt" Green Stripeat01.00. Pure silk, • for rich sheen sod luting snwot .. reinforced with fibre silk for long wear. Every ;newest color—ondif ra 4rurs 'Wad start it cannot pase the sec- ond “stop sun," - • �, J1ar+ietre!ere tAf" efe'seaetr`tt'.Cat i clot ;alfa"'° .,t iQ'l 4 t thettplaretett Chultual Red Lake Aseeels. ''our $est Opportunity CItCt�Mltli To wow* werldng capital for elseelopateat only the Cbeknni liedMissing Aseoeiatiaa are Mien limited num. bet if ass*e1a malts at $111.09 seek. When allotment of a omits is seal** l** wilt be avaiteble. To make "big you kelt get la ea the vetted. . Searle. THIS IR YOUR aCt lRTUNI>'Y.n (Lunixed to SSW Units) =1N1 SlimEACH POSITIVELY NO PYRiOXAL i1r'AIILXTY . 0W ai'$x.AY--Ptkdsu*..*rasetacaalieia.. &+mete ,cafe at naaut r a 4 ■a.at et ep,. b(( Os*W. whet it ems% ttataaeril Madi1 i U +edig tK.rtM. ,moi 1► . 'C1Ml NIti ICLAMS At -. • Canada will stave fifty million citi- zeros before the end of the present century, says Provost C. A. Seager, of Trinity College, in a recent'. 'Por. opt() address. He believes that Canada's awakening to the con. sciousness of nationhood will result in a mighty expansion in growth and prosperity. . Lord g1n"s State Coach • The state etch used by Lord El- gin when Governor•General of Can- ada in 1847 figured In a street par- ade arranged by the Toronto Hu- mane ;Society recently. The old coach was used by the Governor- General at Ottawa until motor ears eamc into use, • neundtiz±n hoes '‘Over. the Tope" The adventurous. Amundsen is Fall set" for his dash into. the Arctic in • a great silvery dirigible which was built for the purpose at Rome, and which started' north *erase ~Europe to Great linitain and from there went to Norway. The airship, which is tailed the Norge,salted over Amundssen's home, six miles from. the Norwegian capital. After mak- ing a stop in Norway, the Norge nailed for Neningrad. Amundsen will meet the airship at. Spitzbergen for .its dash across the top of the world to et.lasica. A Warning on an Egg A North Bay :housewife found among her eggs recently one with a few words in the shell. They read:. "Earthquake, 'beware April They were raisedand a little darker thanthe shell. Several-eseperunents have been made but no one' has yet discovered bow the message was in- scribed. Emigration !tare Six :thousand British emigrants are en route for-Canida with the ED LAKE MINING OC-IATION WCKY NORM COUNTRY fi SPECULATORS ARS CONGRATULATING THZLV. An investment of $25• QO in the Howey Red Lake Syndicate increased in value to $14,000.00. 3n tt very few .months• -••-a worth- while speculation. Chukuni Red Lake claims are close .to the flowcyr,prroperties and believed to be on the same „break." 1"IMirt aimiti r." esssette X. 14. &CAMPS. N.1t. aborimerr ty tsetse at " 1'iap,.am Mark. Mt. It. 1011, Feiei se ter teeAs..dU,* italf11.111117117CAIKAlla a.aorrati..a ' „r *fret• ii iter l..M r Awa as ihe,i,att asst xdst .....,....• .- trtt'r,art4twlner,• acne ltiring nor.kirsei .1iNf. sad .+t.A tea,"'......,..-- �,..........,•"' Autotnoblir Workers Tho automotive industry has is- sued a - stat*sent shoving the num- ber of people affected by the indus- try in .Canada. According to it, twenty-three 'thousand people are employed in the manufacture of au- tomobilee and automobile parts, with salary disbursements of nearly . thir- ty-two millions. Welt in Years S. W."Stevenson, aged, one hundred and two years, made his ainnual .visit to the • Legielature of. Manitoba op his birthday recently. Business was suspended and 110 made a short speeeh, wishing all the members longevity. • Suppress Court Details The British Commons passed by a vote of 222 to 3, the second reading of a bill which is of salacious details of court proceedings in the United Kingdon;: Merely a..'concise state meet on the case, summing .up, and the verdict, will beallowed •to ap- pear in the press, and funs and im- prisonment ere provided for..those who 11JPettk "the proposed law. May Settle Debt France and the United States are now in agreement over the payment of war debts it is said, the French: ambassador having agreed to ,certain terms upon Which. the United States will build a settlement. • Prance will 'Probably pay no more than twenty migion doh*woolly at the first. with an increasing scale of payment over'the period of sixty -two years: France is realizing that a definite settlement^ of the war debt probtem with Great Britain 'and they United States. is 'necessary before the bed• get can bh balanced. Strike Against Strikes .• The British women's strike against strikes in London on Saturday last; was a very effective argument for arbitration. Twenty-five thousand women who gathered front_ all parts of the old land and marched through the streets of the•'capital, left beds unmade and dinners uncooked asa practical illustration of •'what the strike weapon is. Strong police pro- tectien against intervention, andesee practieai+illustration of whatthe ese, taction against intervention and troo t Cts e on against troops of British intervention, i parched with women to prevent attack. The nrgunient of. -the women is that: the families' of the strikers suffer the greatest hardship during • the time of unemployment. • MUNICIPAL COUNCILS Goderich Township At the regular 'ineeting of -the council en April nth, .the following • accountswereordered paid: S. J. jilndre sen tile, $6; John Fraser, gra vel. 4$.20; Goderich . Star, printing,. The council derided to otter 12' centJOS pRhir G ;a CHAS. -BLACK' "' ,ms's and Boys' Store Worth While 4 ; Phone 219 North Side are' * road superintendent to commence • nuties at once at 36 cents an hour. ,e,,,,; ewe. A speeial meeting of council. to be ,—..,iW.., -. ,. . i .. bold April ,lath at 8 p.m. in the township heli to consider applies- A MEDICINE THAT "This is my *0; aind, 1 call' !mer tions and other business, The clexk ,,,, iAL,1. MOTHERS PRAISE Margarine. "Gractutis .what. a Iiamde," t was instructed to • communicate with' » „ s, the Loudon Health Associaticd; re abs"'s. Own Tablets Banish Rsby. Well, you see, vee` haven`t•'any condition o'$• indigent patient ifY the hood and Childhood Ailments but her," institution. Moved by 1Mi'r. Hill, eeeonded by Mr. Young,° that the PP reeve resent the follows ee - " I bare used Baby's Own Tablets in . P aimg z elft tion to oofsnt council., 4 ext.. 1P3' home ,for 'the . pt flfkeen y ears � PisaPPe4r,,, y t>< .meet ,. . ; ' ,,I ,.. ,. ..,'ice . ..o hl -5 r. i, asng: That: whereas the aural bSal1 bsblevet17e goad h alt myl30piiniprl.ettttizngo ay Couriers' Association at '.their. last ch$dreii enjoy is due entirely to this salves now needed to cure P11 its • annual meeting in Toronto passed w P y resolution to the effect" that the ;tires- ent system of letting'the delivery of rural mails be changed from that of: "tendering" to one of appoint- matt—similar to that of post .mas- ters and also that the resent system" . 0� salary—namely "biddin"—.be ,",t' 1 t vwbere. mile—Be it resolveii that this council go on record as being opposed: -to these changes on. the ground that it will hat `increase the efficiency of the service rendered but will consider-. ably Increase the expenditure of de»• l livening . he rural mail at a. time sickly baby into a wsell, hapPyr laugh- , them, but cannot. when retrenchment of expenditures sng child. These are the kind that' are iia»ger-: is absolutely.necessary. That the Bab;r'a Own Tablets are sold by our, the land •that weaken the lungs Mrs. IL Oakes, Sands, Ont., says: medicine. The Tablets are helpful an form, Dr.. Leonhardt'ek -1 EM - at ,,teething time; .relieve colds and RptD frees the blood eireulatidn `.iii are always.beneficial in' the' `minor the loner bowel and removes the • ailments of little ones. I have. re- cause: It's brought quick and last- eomutended Baby's Own Tablets to ing relief to thousands -it mutat dc. other mothers whose experience with# the Same for you or.tnoney refunded them has been as satisfactory as `my, by H. C. ` Dunlop 'and druggists own. over p e .ge --to—a: -flat,--rate- ti "aro per —Baby's—'Owt, sale rte Gw y.,,: thing = 1- r� . th only, but they do it well.. They act as a gentle laxetivo which thorough- the horough That Sticks ly regulates the bowels.and sweetest. the stomach, thus banishing consti- Some colds and coughs seem hare t. pation and indigestion,. '•colds . and, *hake ote; stick right 'to you. is spits' sump a fevers and turn the 'cross: of everythi:it yon do to gat. rid' medicine dealers or (tweet by snail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. "Wit- liams'..Merticine Co. Brockville, Ont: reeve , be asked to bring this before. the edunty council and if possible have- a similar: resolution passed there and forwarded to the post meager general. The clerk was in•: strueted #n` send` a eopy of. Wan. Young'a resolution: to every town- ship council in Huron that it may be more intelligently eons(dered at the comity council: '"The following accounts were paid: Melvin Jewell, $3.60; Wni. .Troch!, $11.8Q; Walter Petnian; $4.60; E. Hoitzhausen, $8.- 20; R. McCabe, $1; Gus Venstone, $1;' Amb.V•anatone, $1; Harold Good $1; C. Walters,. $2; Ed. }Lardy, 3 7.60; Geo. Hardy, $4; Howard Baer, $4; R. 'Goddard, $3.20; Geo. Million. $6.40; Jno. Fowler, $4.80; Ed.:Strau- ghan, $2.00;; R. Bean, $1.00; .T» 0. wearer, 80e.; Wm. Clark, 80c.; D. Bean, 80e.; Wm. Turtineen; I. Jen- kins,. $2 (all for "snow work); Wm. Bogie, snow' work and 1 day spread'' sing grave.!, $4.80; A. Good, road sup-- crintending,: 512.38; The Star, adver. tisetitents '(1925), $6.65; Municipal World, debenture forms, .36e.; Mur - Ply ` Johnstone • (wire. 1926), $7.60;, W.J. Symonds, supplies for 'Steel family, $8,,68;. •Wm. Daw, repairs to Culvert, gee London Health Asso- ciation 588.50 (for indigent patient); Board Width. half yearly account, $26.90. • Next regular meeting May I'lth at 2 p.m, G. S. HETHERINGTON, Township ' Clerk. Where Asthma Conies do not.. dee sitair. Turn' aft' once to the help ef- fect,ve--Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy: '#'iiia wonderful remedy, will give you the aid .you need so sorely. • Choking% ceases, breathing becomes natural and without effort Others, thousands of them, have suf- fered 'as you suffer but have wisely. turned to this famous remedy and ceased to suffer;,"Get a package this $42.85; Geo. Jenkins, lumber $19.51; wary'. day. per yard for gravel for 1926. Couto- T'rHB sTAR enter Jervis' statementof expesdi. tura on Base Line was accepted and the clerk instructed, to forward same. to Hultett council for settlement: The clerk wags instructed to get too- tation on 2 scrapers ,as there were not enough last year. The council ere expecting Engineer Irwin of the De1Sartinent of Public Highways to address them on township road building _.Ratepayers are-dinvited to attend this, date to be announced later. The council then adjourned to meet May 3rd at 1.40.••. • R. G. THOMPSON, 'Clerk. _ Township council met at 2 p.m; April 13th, with members all pres- ent. Minutes of lliarch • meeting read and adopted after the following correction was made: .Clause refer- ring to number of delegates to be . paid for expenses to O. B, A. should reed "enc" "not one or more." An error was also motel in published re- port of ,monition introduced.by* Wm. Young and should resat '"imot to ex. irederl fOla**rt a,lhe treoLaxintl' Sbgasn fall: "Whore"' it 1* expedient in the tnteresta of the rnaletenanee and • construction a good rouatry roads. that the tax or gasoline hared by motorists. should Ise raison front the present rale. to a erase net *weeding six eelata' per tallest anti that the license #w pant for ear Argun. * ehotelel be.redeeed by Ss% b an ion• pne tion oneh as is eseggeetese-.-a large Me*m* would b.e deeteed by aira11MI. View1ait11sat alleeereee For. Rheumatic 'Pains,—The pains and. aches of Sciatica and 'theme, tient 'should` be treated with ' Dr. Thomas' Eclectri'c: On. The sooth ing ' and healing properties of " this •famous' remedy -have been demon- strated for,fifty years. Use It for inflammatory pains, Cuts, scrat- ches, bruises ,and, sprains, either anhuman beings`" or: the lower animals. t His last words as he speeded for crossing were addressed to the rear seat: "Shut up! I know what I'm. doing.,, ,• A lump of:sugar saturated with vinegar will stop the hieoups. jjjjjZ HEAT STOPS PAIN JNfEWMINUTES id; -umatism, itambago, neuritis. back- ache, . stiff neck, sore muscles, strains, sprains, aching joints. When you are. suffering so you can hardly at around, just try Red repper. Rube Nothing has such concentrated, rene- trating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates.. right flown into pain and congestion relief comes'at wee,just as soon as, you apply' Red Pep- per Rub you, feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the sore spot is warmed through. and through and the torture is gone, dower Red' Pepper Rub, made from . red peppers, costs little at any drug ;tore: Oct •a jar at once, Be. sure to yet the •genuine. with the name, Remits in every' parkas*. the kind that allow !emus lung troubles. to get a foothold in yoer tifstem. On the erre appearaaco of a cough- or oold° you shoul!! .profane it bottiq. of Dr. Wood's Norway` Phie Syrup and -you• will find that after taking °R few doses your eoegh or cold will 6axa ' dieappeaied, This prbpairation'.hata been on the verket for the past 37 years,. so When : '; you _bey it yon are not experimenting . a with some now sac! untried remedy, • but see that :you get "rip. Wood's"" ; when you askfor it. • , Fut up only by. The T. MUbursi Coe '. #'+hutted, Torento, Out, 11 M .f s Mem. UNDERWEAR Good weight I1'Ierirlp• •Shirts and Drawers -7% and 956 Combinations, at— ry l:.4ryyr1115 5 and .$1. • Casbriiere Shirts and Drawers, in ereatlr bar- natural shades, reg. ST.5e7; Clearing out at• 95c OtINS. N at Special Prices griNrigr __• evenly and gently supp8rted `1'he Marshall Mattress has shoulders, hips and legs; the revolutionized sleeping comfort. Marshall Spring Mattress, built It is a mattress scientifically built with many hundreds of individual to give real body support for every highly resilient spring units gently weary muscle of the sleeper. Only : and evenly supports the natural Nvhen every muscle of the body is contour of the , body. .Every completely.telaa cl+ ntrueg aid e,.. rll�>ogth+ .may. b.ingtcmfort. ,.:;.• • ul sleep be enjoyed. Ordinary able and properly supported stuffed mattresses give' support • means true muscular relaxation, only to parts of the body -the and real health -building sleep. .Coad fee cur fret t..• kle:, "Perfee•t .Cheep"' )4Aft,!'k ee,eNtitLarr i1w1A'rl'itt•*%C.X.LIM reln.'113rCAniTO L2t.Tltio rs.