HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-15, Page 7TECIISDAY, /LARCH 164. 1911
Hotel Taller
800 Was - SOOBaths
$2.0 per Day sad op
Arabian Restaurant
Gothic Grill
Cameral liasuirst,
Children's Coughs
and Colds
Can Be Rolleved By
iwwwwwwwwww_ ow sorficukvai cam no proper etoraye place may use !
'Sunday Afternoon -
sluellow boxes "Nen Laskets iu •
with* to ettite. ths• teams. A mothl
CROWING GLADIOLI FISR irately dry atmosphere and a tem.1
ORNAMIL'OrAl. TIFFICT pent/ re .1- *but 45 &grills F. in!
etIle? Henry J. Moore the ettirage lilac* will be proper.
w 'by ISAMU, HAMILTON, Goierleh, Out. al Th. average person who grows Do rot lift the cerme until the
st a
snwoonellAVIROMOst 1111011611111S1WillingillinilniusaleaMOINIONIORIIIIS Gladioli will merely • purchase the lemes and stem wee in a weg. ee,
Look from the sphere of endiens and Abel esere the eldest. As they corms which are of a flowering size yawed etate of decay. toren Fhould
day, 'grew to manhood Cain chose to till and plant them to prodace flowers a light frost teems- the Forms will!
the first yeer. It is not not ba injured. Frew, Amid. how.11
0 God or meacy and of might, the ground and Abel to be it ship- doting
necessary to ism a *pieta. plot for i ver, not be allowed t' reach their,
In pity look son thoae who stray- herd. They. having been teught by
plants unless the object is to after the cornet ure lifted. •
Benighted in this land of light. their "vents about God and their the
In peopled vide, in lonely glen. e duty towards their Creator. each raise flowers or corms for wile, in i
• In crowded mart, by stream iir brought an offering. In the let end which ease better cultivation VAR be'.
2nd chapters of Levitices we read , , (Coittirtued front page
the laws concerning offerings mid we solely to the Gladioli. When grown',
for sale the plants ore ueually set of forty dues, and it was this face
see that the offering of each was a
was aceeptable ie le God. The allow of cultivation. The corms ere anniversary of the re•burial et $t
out eine inches apart in rows which that issue Ow to the Popular belief
may be two or three feet *port to that if it rains on July 15th, the
fit offering., The fruit of the greeted .
iia welt as a ending of tbe flock
plantea tbout three inches deeptclur- Swithin, there will be wet weather!
story in' this lessoi, plainly indicatee
How many of the sons of nun
Hear not the message sent from
W. C. Bre-ant.
Bowing low at Thy footstool 0
Lozd ,we would werhip Thee; we
would bring the gold of obedience
and tbe incense of lowliness with
whittle to adore Thee. These ere the
offerings we lay at Thy feet.
S. S. LESSON FOR APR. 35th, 11126
Leeson Intly-The Story or Coin
and Aga.
Lesson Passeiree-Gen. 4:146.
Golden Text-Gea.
Adam and Eve bed many sobs and
daughters (ch. 5:41 of which Cain
effected when the plot is devoted SHRINES of BRITAIN'S GLORY
s for the following forty days. In
It is, however, with the culture of 1010 Bishop Walkelin. the fiest N'or-
the, Gladiolus for ornamental effect men prelate of M inehester, demo),
that this article will deal. It is not ished the Saxon church and replseee T•ime has Tefited IL -Dr. Thome'
fully realized by even many expert . it with the longert cathedral in Eng- Eelettrie Oil ha been on the market
tirowers that the full beau* of the km& and o Imo rortioo of his upwards of fifty years and in that
pilot when in full flower is revealed betiding is embodied in the present time it has proved a blessing to
only when compared with other gar- streture, which is mainly the work thousanee. et is in high favor
the difference was in the spirit of hit Me'
the two brothels. In Ileb. X1.:4we
read that "by faith Abel offertkd unto
(Tod a more excellent sacrifice!, than
Cain, by which he obtained witness
tat he was righteous, God testify.
ing of his gifts."
Immediately on seeing his broth-
er's offering accepted and his reject-
ed, jealousy kindled in Cain's heart
and was seen in his face. God, dee
siring to bring him to a better state
of mind and heart, reasoned with
him, showing him how "he is not
willing that any should perish but
that all should come to repentance."
e opened up to Cain the way of
blessing and showed him thet God
is no respecter --1,of rereons:
thou doest well shalt. _thou not be
But Cain did not Mete and then
learn that God's way is best for
envy lay dormant in his. Mind until
a fit opportunity came his way.
When alone with his brother the,
subject of their offerings 'wait no
doubt introduced. as topic of con-
versation by Cain and hatred soon
his hcart Smaller numbers will, howeVer, make of the sacred farm.
Was upon the throne • of
. .
Dr. Wows 1 WOMM
Pine IN 20 DAYS
•Only the mother knows how hard it Skinny Men Can
is to keep the children from catching
odds. They will run out of doors not
• properly elsA, or have on too much
elethiug; env too hard stall get over-
neeeeo.and 0oor•off. t4) iallideUtT; get
ugh. 16,4 '1141+Ititg tliebed clot ee
at night, and do a hundred things the
•mother can't prevent.
'Youngsters take "Dr. Wood's' 4
without any fuss, and its ,promptuetis
and effeetiveneest in Joosening the
phlegm and healing the lungs and
brmehial tubes is such that the trouble
is checked before any serious lung
trouble can possibly develop.
Your tamest druggist or dealer'
dle It • put uponly.1 TheT
lIfilburn Co,,- Limited. Toronto, Oet.
• ' ' • -awe .
. /.
all rheumatic troubles.. 1
Minard'a is the enemy of
Rub it in thoroughly and
• -. raten. , •
It Cases the pain, supple*
the joints, puts new lift
Into tile. tisane&
Rub it In
Do The Same
All weak men and women.
All nervous men and women.
AU sigma men Ana'. warner's.
Can grow stronger, s.heelthier and
more vigorous and take on solid need.
ed flesh in 30 days juin,. by taking Mc-
Coy's Cod Liver Extract •Teblete four
times a day. -sugarcoated and easy
to take as cander.
And what a bit these fleet; produc•
ing tablets have made. One druggist
tripled his sales in one week.
Everybody knows that from. the
livers of the humble codfish collies a
first 'lass vitamine that is a wonder-
ful vitalizer, flesh producer and
health creator •
A restful night on Lake Erie
OR au
of tila Groat Skips ei tit* Ca* Liao maim, a pleura*
brash la yourjenradry. A load bed la a does. cool sunotoont.
a Wog, wend sissy sod ast appothing bessitiest in slas soonsIng.
Oftweent OCItnito-"CfTY 11UPTALCY,
/ley die le niciesseber nth
tears leanee- ado P.
Maw id •hoMecti pe#11465. ,/,i,44,/e aCtid*All Tata
totowor On proem 7+H) A. Si.
g:41.474i: Zslist swat as Invegit awswcy *One Wm Liat. New 4 wow
sec color Pei" . TMJ.. Vulva sod edeselophwe
Clovelead. Ohio
IYew nell'Ilden le I
0004a. snit
Odin wawa*
se Vide semi*
••Fare $5.80
den subjects or when growing in of the renowned William of Wyke- throughout Canada and its excel- .
company with same.
ham. who was Bishop at the end of knee bas ettrried its fame beyond
Even the person who owns only a tbe 14th century. the lea. ./f it were double the price
small border may grow it few Gia- The Cathedral ' contains the graves it would be a cheap liniment. I
dioli among the herbaceaus perm- • of baulk sWalton, the author of "re
nials where they wilt' be perfectly at Compleat Angler," and Jane Austen. i
home, ebecause growing in proper the novelist. both of reborn were re- --
company. Whet subject is better eidents of Winchester at the time of Wheat, per bush.....$ 1.35 to $ 140
adapted for the herbaceous border their deaths. In the Presbytery are Buckwheat, per bush. 05 to 70 i
Hogs; :e.eee-s---.........: 12.50 to 12.501
than the Gladiolus? It is a peren-I large mortuary chests containing
the fall, in Caned I. The stately ' king. and many of the Saxonerulers. Peas, per bush
i p •
1.45 ' t� ' 1.50
40 to 40
trial although it him to be lifted in the remains of Canute. the Danish
spikes afford variety to the border, which were removed from the crypt -Barley, per bush(i5 to 70
but harmonize with- other flowering" of the Saxon church, and in the cens Cattle, ordinary. per
. . 41,25 to 1.1.25
p)ants. A greet deal, however, de- tre of the choir is a tomb Whieh is cod.
bulbs and the choice pf their position
pends upon the arrangement of the generally believed to hold the bones Cattle, expert „ , ,,,. 7,00 to 7.50
M the hated "%VIM= Rufus, whose (per ewt.) ,
in relation to that of other bj t burial here was much resented, and Cattle, choice. cwt.. .6.50 to (1.0
For use in the herbacemis 'border the fall of the cathedral tower in
the corms should be Fielded .in num. t07 Was regarded as an expression.
bers of perhaps twelve in masses. or Divine wrath at the desecration
,and the murderous spirit lede to the a nice 'tlulttP• Straight lines of Of ..the nemerous ancient buildings
corms should never be releesintteld indthe in inchoate'. the most famous
border if ornurneatc.1 the College •
awful deed of taking his brother'sahich was founded in
Millions of keCoyht Cod la er ex-
tract Tablets are sold every week and
thoueands, of frail rundown under-
weight people are being helped.
eee "A box of GO tablets for GO cents and
if any skinny man or woman doetn't
. gain at least 5 'pends -10 80 days-
. Money back.. Ask any druggist any-
where in America. •
Be sure and get McCoy's, the ertg
find and genuine and don't forget
there is nothing on earth eo good te
make' backward, listless, underweight
children grow strong and robust.
s estr-
life. Abel died a martykei death. :ed. Formality of this kind should 1382 by William of Wykeham. It is .
for it was heeause his own.. works .
be strictly avoided. The natural thus the earliest of Enpland's many
were evil. and. his brather's right...
beauty o tie entire border will 130 great public schools and several of
Lambs, per ewt.,....
Dairy Butter... .....
Eggs, per don
amile dour, cwt
Patent floureener cwt
Bran, per ton
Shorts, per ton
Hay, per ton.........
Hides.... . .
Potatoes, per bug,..
eons that Cain slew im ared or be '1 .t1 b the • 4 its original buildings are still in
As in the mist. when Adam and P .11 N s s -
ion of a formal lint. daily use. TWO 1,
Eve sinned,. so now, God arraigned
the_.culprit before htitte and gave
him, as he did them, a' Ain't -fa -To
eonfess his ,guilt. Cain. pleaded lg.
eorance of any knowledge of Abel's
wherealsoterise- Zits'- adding ,, another
sin to the Het, that of lying. t God
returned no direct answer when Cain
insolently asked, "Am I my bretti-
er's keeper?" • but • Be allowed hint
the ,witness against him was the
voice of his beather's blood crying,
to him from 'the ground.
He made littie.of his great sin but
on hearing. the punishment meted'
• out to him he entered into judgment
with his judge and cried 'out, '.11y
punishment is . greater than. I can
bear." It began to dawn upon him
what it would mean to be a fugitive
and a vagabond, and to have the fac,e
DRAGGING.DowN ef, God hidden from him. Its broth-
, . . e .ers lifc WAS nothing to him but his
i me ri iru 0:ittit was eyypregoursi air
8 no CLI IG lt ton hillim teharuwouldaedistinguieh,
I It is not usually regat•ded that the obtainable • at any reliable drog
12.00 to ' 12,00
40 to 40
25 to 30
..e0 to • . 0
4.75 to 5.00
1200 I o :MO
::•00 to 8500,
10.00, to 12.00
06 to 00
50 to 2,50
Corn* disappear when treated with
Holloway's 0 ins Reu'nvier without
leavieg a t•car.
Daily Except Sucalliap
Goilerich 0.00 a in, 2.20 pm.
" Clinton 0 25 a.M. 2.15i1
" Soatortlt 0.41 a.m. 3.12 p.nt,
" Mitchell 7.01 a.to. 3.42 p.m.
Arr. Stratton' 7.30 non. 4.10 p.m,
hitehonor 8.20 a.m. 5.20 pct.
Guelph 83a ‘.5.50 pan.
" Toronto 10.10 a iFF. 7.30 p.m.
itotuining-Leavo Toronto FI.45 a.m.,
• 12.55 pan. awl 6.05 Dan
Parlor Cafe tar, GoOrkh to Tor-
onto, on tits:riving teeing and Toronto
to Goderich 0.05 train.
Through coach Goderich to Toronto.
Town Pay/tenger and Tickets Agent*
Children Orr
So God
a mask
Whet planting the cortini • 0 post-
' ethane ths.....rolddie of the border_
is -a good one for masses of Gladioli. A. .d s
(Conrrighted). . • • Seleeeeeenle. ere ie • e, •
' • ' 6
e an via k e China
Only a fie; w:delv separated masses, CI
however, ebeuld .be • planted. The
taflberlinceoue pererrniats win net
as a baeligronnd and the- dwarf ones
a foreinvmd to 'the flowers.,The
corms in the =Secs Should be about . •
eine ...einenes apart. The -masetes • The Real Cause of Indigestion
novrr .At) placed'. that the • ---
tall perennials 'obReure the -G.adloli Acids in the stranach irritate oend
when in flower. Nor should they. be inflame the delicate stomach:Ming,
placed so near the front of the.hor- sour and ferment the food, prevent
der as to mend oi t abruptly as to be proper digestion and lead to oine-.1
inost conspicin UP, ' . • ' tenths of all Dyspepsia and Indiges-e.
Gladiolue 1:ke • all other -garden tion. Petisins and other artificial
asid attention, • cligestents give. only Jemporary re -
it they are to predate the finest lief and do not correct the rause.
bowers -and ,corres.. ;Cultivation- pro- Stomach acids should .be neutralize
duces geed leaver .which leaves help ed daily, and. the • stomach kept
to feed the corms which tire annual- sweet and clean after eating by
le* formed on the. Md.' ones.'hhe drinking a glass of -pure Magnesia -
food of the pl--------------o i d t f 1 •
the leaves -that la prepared for use. four tablets. of .Bisurated Magnesia,
Is Dangerous
• .
• When yaw use SNP Enameled War*
never seed to serape, wear
arid scrub ilittifiertontir-ware* -demand,-
Hot water, soap, a cloth that's all. you
• need to clean theist. It washes Ilk*
china, lies the cleanliness and our.
face of china, but wears like oteeL
Don't be tboolava of your cooking
wore' equip with dean, pure mini -
tam lasting •
orae u water'ma e froma easpoon u 01
him and prevent others from killing cutting of the flotkering spikes for store. This prevents food fermen-
. •
liggor a .1tirm "As ..a Man thinketh itt his decorative perposes - ekails much tation• and .-our meals digest •natur-
10, • ,__Er •
worn" 'mug" . ---IY - Y • heart so is he." Good deeds reflect
• ma; here the amateum. often makes • ally withouf ;akin. Dy following.
Lia E. Ingham a Vege .themseives in thek. eountenance and a great mistake. Ile Mita SWAY . WO this plan yor may eat alynost •anye .
Ham .. so do wicked wor s.
• Collip0111U1 Broiled Her • Cain went iiway into a landdis- results ,in the partial starvation of ••
much foliage' with the pilta, which thing without fear of Inclikestion.
. tent from his kindred and 'began to the ' corms. Remember -that the
/loose Jaw, Sask. -"I am going to build a city to divert his thoughts leaves help to feed .the corms and the
try to tell you what Lydia E. Pink- from •the consideration of hiseetwen roots. '
- hiun's Vegetable Compound has done misery. Ile also built up a fanillY When digging the Gladioli during
.wo'howwww'wolsoW for me. 1 Sufferedvery badly with
d a in -dow pains and mflamma- and among -his descendants We read late autumn, the eorms shout I 1
Above Good* are- Haociled by
The 0013'7 Hardware on the Square. • -
gUtO and Horse Livirt
Jinok MINN, Eto.
Montroar Strout
just off the Square
Busses Meet ail Trains ane
Passenger Boats
Passengers called for In any
part of the town for all
• trains at 0. T. R. -or R
Prompt 'Service and
Careful Attendance.
Our Livery and Hack Service
will be found up-to-date
in every respect..
Your Patrenage Solicited
Pitons 107 Montreal Street •
of some who were endued with.lnuny
ton, also pains in my right side over
my hip and down my whole side into 'excellent and useful aecomplish.
my leg. I had it nearly a year when ments. Bet we do not rend of . the
., I went to .a -doctor and he said I fear of God 1 and this ' worship
would have to have an operation. But amongst them. '
'my mother said .to take Lydia E. Adam and Eve were deprived of
two sons at one time .but God gave
them another son in whom the
church was to be established awl
'Lydia E Pinkham's Sanative Wash. .„ handed down ,, •
I have had two more children since "'Now that- C.*and
. am those who
then an n am peace* well. I used had de >et d'
sc e religion had built a
to have to lie down two or three
city and called •themselves the Sons
times a day, .and new I do -all my
housework without trouble. I al- of men, those •adhered to God be -
ways keep the Vegetable Compound gan to declare 'for him and his wor.
in tlre house -as I tired aelosetnow and. ship, mid called themselves the Sons
then helps me. I am willing for you of God." (Matthew Hair )
Y .
to use this letter any way you,see fit woaLn MISSIONS •
and I will answerletters. If I can belp
any other woman I'd be only tooglad Drawn its, the Bible
to try." -Mrs. ESTHER flduetrroN,
712 Athabasca W., Moose Jaw, Sas- The power of the Word of God to
katchewaia . _ win men to faith in Christ is illus.
Lydia E. Vinkbam's Vegetable 'totted in the folloeving rent stork'
• CoMpound is a dependable medicine from Persia. A young Sbeikle ' n
for all women. . ° member of a prominent ' family:, .
EassalebYdruggists everywhere, 0 went to a native evangelist in a mis-
------- , ancillary party which was visiting,
- the fanatical Moslem city ef. Turbat
e' • OSE and told hint that as n result of
fly0R0 ELECTR'C , reading a fewb ehaptors of the Bible
some months efore he had come to.
Pinichaties Vegetable CoMpound as it -
saved her life years before. 1 took
two bottles and I found 1 was better,' -
*0 I ke t on taking it and alio used
. t ne •.
rinsed : by means of a digging fork . . ', . *
and- the eorm' bei spread out on the • .
g.round if e weather is dry • and .
favorable. f wet the corms had
better be . 'weed out' on di' ehelves-
in an airy lace. -Those -who nave •
The People's Power
, -1(
The heat 04. red peepers takes. the
"ouch" from a sore, lame back. It can
not hurt you, and it certainly ends the
. torture at, once.
When you are suffering so you can
hardly get around, jut try Red Pepper
Rub, and ',ttu will have the quickest re-
lief known. Nothing has such concen-
trated, polietrating heat as red peppers.
juct as soon as you apply Red Pep.
per Rah you will feel the thigling heat.
In three inmates it warint tie sore spot
through and through. Pain and sore.
MSS are gone. Coale by Electricity
Ask any druggist for a jar Of Towles , wail by Electricity
Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the
genuine, with the nano Retries on each
Iron by Electricity
Cheaper than coal or. wood
• An Electric Vacuum Cleone*
removes the dust; a Itroom just
• moves • the dust.
• We guarantee alt 1-11Arn lonip3
for 150o hours.
Walk in and see display at
*a ak*
the conclusion that Jesus Christ was'
God, and he wanted to be baptized.
"1 gave him as much instruction ns
I could," says the missionary. "in
the two days before I left Turbat,
bet he was so busy talking with WA
friends about his new truth that it
was difficult to 'find time . to teach
him: -The next -day- this men- proud-
ly brought in one of his friends, an-
other sheikh, whom he had led to
believe on Christ. 'What first in-
terested you in Christianity?' I *sh-
ed. came here to ,the hospital the
eday before it dosed,' the second
sheikh replied, 'and' the doctor was
having prayers. As he read from
the Bible and explained its meaning
my heart was strangely drawn.
Then when I saw how tbe Christians
were here healing our sick while we
were doing nothing for tneni, I rea-
lized that the Christiae religion
Imust be true.'"
Asthma, is Torture. -No eine who
hasn't gaspe,d for breath in the pow-
er of asthma knows what such suf-
! fering is. Thousands do know, how.:
ever, from experience how immens-
urable is the relief provided by that
marvellous preparation, Dr. J. I).
I Kellogg's • Asthma " Remedy. For
years it lias•beere felieving the most
"eevere teete. If eta are a sufferer
1/ do not (Pelee n,day itt sticuring this
1 retqa (IF • ftw.01 your di malt.
" r/
eiPealge's3ok..-0 •
like it -miles of vivid interest
'with glaciers alive and moving
, • mystiee totem poles . • .4.
'the snow if it melts too stowt°
flowers that push up- through
cold peaks lifting theit
'shining faces against' skies 10
. 'blue that k seems alt thecoloi
• the world was spilled there.,
4e$ Alsksitalhis year.
'':rhetrip is a joy and a tanker
pactaigeouifolding a petiolate*
of.colors increetkes variety:
" iWonderfah shore excursioasie
1See gold , traders,
peri, seats and sea rtuf;:
eveoriderfulvacation for thane'
Nikotove natureAlts wildest.,
ear Corollate yvitsc Aosta- writ.
W. FULTON, Markt ihweimitoir
Moat, Torsos*
The Hydro Store FOR FLETCHER'S
atilitirell Cry imaistimmarimisaialii
oAs-r olRIA T. M. KIDD, Town Agent
4f. 41
ominates its nem
ONGER, lower, handsomer bodies
J--1• built by Fisher and finished in
two-tone Duco. Finer performance
expressed in swifter, smoother accel-
eration, in greater economy, in easier
steering, and in a broader-P-6We- -
range. • Lower prices give the Olds-
mobile Six a new dominande in its
General Motors' own ante payment plan (GMAC)
enables you tie most economically purchase an
Oldsmobile from your income.
HURON MOTOR SALES ilie,011.1;1
P P0 CY fi -et E T 5," 76,F ;A:14 tt LIMIT Di