HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-15, Page 6142 THE GODERICH STAR Urri-(11/ERSM OF WESTERN ONTARIO = Mute accords in stab complete har- mony rit unierstanding, as during the day* that inmsedistely followed - SPECIAL COURSES FOR Summer School their oconciliatien. Zook aura un - i TEACHERS • 1 Coors, Is Frollas Monk cool LAO ef ! Oreloascr. i .3., Cow.. it, Vowook Cootoproodlow 3., Powtow Comoro no Insio 34.04 AWN* !i I . so Moorkooloofook - Moo than, oaor soor000 to Aoorovicoor, I. **baarft_Foolialkpitirocook,.4•0coloav, _Goy. "1.1**300fisolorrio=ror.ocolott** 1.ra41 • . A estiami moist aes saw Who promo* clwooll000t 1 alloosooks ots wok*. 1 • Illootihd oow VotrowItY il, StoliortALI4Couroo 1 "owl gotte 1.414410 / 144 14/114 JULY Otis to AUGUST 14th For istorcioolloo acifoo the 1:0011,080.1r. N. it. Ximmotost. *tyro X. P.P. MordUadliwproo *ow* .40 dertook to outdo the other in skeet( . ness; *Eh man forced himself to be sonsiderate, and strove at whatever expense to himself to-' lighter, the other's burdens; all of their tele - tions were characterised by an elate - grate, an *host mid-Victorian tour. tea. A friendly rivalry in self- sacrce existed between them; they querreled good-naturedly over the dish -washing. that disgusting rite which trio the patience of *veer grown Man; when there eas wood to be est they battled with each other for the ex. But there is * limit to politenue; gamine, sunshine grows tedious, and ito does * monotonous exercise of megnanimity, pro - ecu of splicing it together again 'While, it had been an easy matter to crt their rowboat in two, the pro- bed required patience and ingenuitn, ' time they arrived at Miles Canon, therefore, the season was far ad- d both inen, without know- ing it, were in a condition of mind to welcome any sort of a squall that would serve to freshen the unbeare ably stagnant atmosphere of =a- bility in which they were slowly suf footing. Here for the first time the results of their quarrel arose to embarrass them; they could find no pilot who so would risk hie life in a bad- lycraput together as theirs. After re - prated discouragemente the partners took counsel with each other; rehire, tautly they agreed that they were Up against it. ."Seents like I've about ruined us," Quirk ackowledged, ruefully. "You? Why, Jerry, it was nlY` fault we cut the old ship in two," Mr. Linton declared. • The former speaker remonstrated, gently. "Now, Tom, it's just like stoit to take the blame-, but it was any doints; I instigated that fratricidal end it had resulted in delay. B the s it UNAPT= XV. (Ceatinued) Lucky was Are first to epeak. ' • 4•Mlieuir The Frenek Cana. "Lett's a good girl, y'understand. . dimes fate flushed, he raised hie She's different to these others—" „ hood and pet the gaze of the two 'Polon interrupted with a ges- I men. There wee an Mr of dignity tureteof impettence. "It ain't mak' abort •him as he said: "Dere'. 'no difference if she's good or bad. plenty Vine in dis Worn we don' get She's aeeek." Tee for. You didn't 'spot no pay "Me 'n' the Hid have done some yesterday when you run de Wlte heavy, thinkin', an' we'd about de - 'One for WO dis gal an' her Paint, tided to get a high stool and take • did you? No. Wel, I'm woods- tem looking out Letty'a game, just man, riverman; I ain't • dam' stem- to see that her bets went aft they peder, Dis is *ray eountree, we're laid, hue I got a hunch you're a frien's together long tam; I love it square guy. What d'you think, • *u't it loves rue. I love de birds and Kid?" . _. • hanimals, an' dey're frien'a wit' met Mr. Bridge* nodded hie hod slow - also, 'Bout spring -tan, w'en 4e, ly. "1 got •the same hunch. The • • grub she's abort, de Canada Safe dei'l point is this," I explained. '''We tome to visit me, an' 1 feed, dem; 'can't very well throw the Countess sometam' I fin' dere's groun.squir. —we got moue of her outat-nnd, rel's neat, *oder my tent, an' mebbe anyhow, we'd. be- about as bandy mister squirrel creep out of Inc hole, around an Invalid as At couple cub einkhe summer le cote. ,Dat feller bears. I think we'll bow out. But, he's hogry; he steal my food en' ?env—if ever we hear a kick • be set longside my etove for eat erom that, gal we Its -we 11 feller you OP • Not a Wall Day 1).°wbf."}Ittr,*thltg'")..!g!`?"'" "1 paid for nuie, if that's what you mon, bet 1 bought nal for you, same as 1 bought that &poor. You've et most of 'ens. *ad you've drank moat of the -whiskey. You nestled it worse than I did, Jerry, and I've always considered—" Now any reference, any reflection upon his physical limitations, how - remote or indirect, aroused Jerry's instant ire. "At it again. *in% you?" he erittit testily. For Two Wore Hurt sel Nam Miro So Bad is'pose yopll forget Viet vide - s key in, four or Ave year*, %hope Ise I--;i1SII,411" Tom made a gesture commanding silence, for Jerry had "unconsciously raised his, /voice, 1"What ails you?" he inquired, sweet- , ly. "Nothin' ails me," Jerry muttered 'under his breeth. "That's the trou- ble. You're atlas talkin' like it did I—like had one loot in the grave and was gespin' my last. I'm bard as a hickory -nut; I could throw you down and set on you." 34mi V: 41004 10100k Cate writon---"/ ea writing *iv te sue abut what Milletra's /issue sad Shen Ms lutes dare far am I sat sew twenty-three you* of ago, )041, bad titres children, aad hardly seek a well day fee the past two yew,. " liattrt hart* me, at them, that tette/ was vat lug for tide world, sel asew; mid net sir demi to could sot stead tho least noise, or the ail. aren cr,ying, trot I could. sot do anything that wee ateady, and rater a miserable day I would go to bed and get a little reet, but could not sleep. much, After / started to take Kilburn'i 'kart and Nerve Pills I seemed to hue more nosbition to work, and any • heart and nerve* are a lot better is every way, so I will gladiy recommend then to all those who are suffering, es I did, from their heart or rtes.'. rut up only by The T. lfilbtn Coy •Limited. Toronto. Ont. We've got a few, liut they ain't for sale." • The stranger—Quirk remembered him as the Frenchman, Dorot, whom • he had seen at Sheep Camp--orniled confidently.• "Oh yea! Everyt'ing is for sale if you pay 'nough for him," said he. Now this fellow had broken .the him. for t'ink 1 hurt dose hepless like a, track, Won't, we, Lucky?" Sweetly but firmly Linton differed thread of a Conversation. innto which .. -fil t'ing'? You s'pose I mak' den; . "We'll foller him to hell!" Mr v with his partner, "It ain't often that a vague undertone of acrimony wee pay for w'at dey tett?" lirond feeilag1y deelared• ler opess a ), Jerry • old bo -1t creeping—a conversation that gave Paleon was ling as only hie ItlreV'ebs ceremoniously, the callers ain't more than once or twice in a every indication of developmg into sea' free said could soar; he indicated the shock hands with Doret, then they life-tune—but you're wrong now, an agreeable and soul -satisfying dif- Out at his baCk. Whence issued the returned whenee they had canto. Pm the guilty wretch and I'd ought feronee of opinion, if not even into loud and freesgpolten argument of _sound_oLltouletta Kltineq eenselaaa They_went, ?holy. wax; oundte,s_de. to hang for it. .My_rotien temp- • --tittr-oldstidoiliar port. Tze have the • • murmurings. lirlunt continued; 'Felon's problem " • • "Did you ever give lemons to sick folks?" Tom inquired, in hts turn. • "Sure! Thousande." • Now this was such an outrageous exaggeration that Linton was polled sto exclaim: "Rats; You never saw .a thousand silk folks." • "I didn't say so. I said, I'd given thousands of lemons—" • "OM" e Tom filled hie pipe and lit • it, whereupon his partner breattett. a sibilant warning : "Fut out that smudge: D'you aim to strangle the girl?" With a guilty start the offender quenched the fire with his thumb. 'The idea of lightin' sheepelip in sick-rooml" Mr. Quirk went on. With his cap he fanned violently at the fumes. • • "You don't have tie blow her out of bed," Tom growled. Clumsily he drew the blankets closer beneath the sick girl's chin, but in so doing he again excited, his companion's op- • position. • • "Here!" Jerry protested. "She's • been& up with fever. You blanket • 'em when tkey've got chills." Gent- ly he removed the covers from Bou.. Jetties throat. • (Tobe continued) • RD Is THURSDAY, MACH 15th, OEN •StdRostetants914oeli loocirodryahffificaiiatiote. Odor career was a temporal,' thing while walking for * husband, 1'4 but new the husband is temporary. Some men are leifting their hair grow longer eo as not to be mistak- en for their wive*. A irittid hs on who eenli*s4 -aliAt to 1 you lAirai, au old toad you wers. oommo011oon • "Di 1-e- h ' .1 it" as ti 11 me nwhile however "Prigaw! You got• one of the nic. rronuse of•• invigorating quarrel • $011 PRINTING AT THE s get 3 S tiny snot w nere e a y; a • • broken wing. Bien! I fix her wing the life of the North did not sleeken est dispositions I ever aeo—in frustrated. by an idiotic diversion Children, Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C T Pfrt 1- A. Ilmo••••••/. *1•• A SURE RELIEF FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS TEN-DAY TREATMENT FRF.,E - Orange Lily' ,i's / certain relief for' all disorders of women, • It is applied locally and is absorbed into the suffering tissues., 'Me dead waste mat- • ter in the. eohir4sted region. is • expelled, giving inuhediate Men- - tal and. physical re- lief ; the blood vessels and nerves are toned and streneth4neil. and the circulation is rendered to normal as this treatment is based on strietly scientific principleti, and acts .on the aetual, leehtion of the disease, it cannot help but do good in all form.; of female troubles, 1m:finding delayed and painfnl tion, leucorrhoea,failing of the womb, growths, and overian troubles, etc, Price $2.00 per box, which is sufficient for one month's treatment- A. free Trlal Treatment, enough for 10 • i • days, worth Vie, will be sent MBE to any suffering woman who will send inc her address. Bnelose three stamps and ad- dress; Mrs. Lydia W. Ladd, Dept. 20 Windsor, Ontario, STAR • I Sold By Loading. Druggids Evertwhere de hes' 1 call....3_ittakLIsercs' ty.011illtits_latiektigette . nan. You're. sweeter 'n • a • persim. concerning lenems caused both old •eseee, „ • . ' . ALE oF Broad and Bridges bad listened at. tions had Tom Linton and Jerry was exposed, I'm a thorn in tile bon upon the apeaker. 4"dre've got use for our lemons • I teach her to fly again, Dat's alL" Never eince their- niiiiiii-sssoe- youliffTethr rerii--mee"4eTn"-their-Pee-exesPera'— • ss.ss.s2de , • tentively, .•••their foots impassive. Quirk found themselves in lamb ab- flesh, TOM, and fo• lks vrou• ldn t mil ciao you stone for dein' away with T and we're going to keep them," said "We wouldn't give "lemon aid to s "Now, Tozer Sadly Mt. Quirk with laY aPare--" nobody."' Jerry grinned in malics • ions enjoyment of his own wit, wagged hie graY head. "I don't 1.# Tom. "We're • lemon-eaters—full of , 'citikoTes----.m.v4 IN ItZEPING 'TWINGE; NEW'' ""'`You'i; 'way off. I climbed you "id—that's as•'' 14 am, lI• ,,, *-..s. ;L;0 4, 1 11,1 4• ; 1•11j0a104...6.';‘ P ..e ' r i' l 1 III 1 1 k' Aangley's Now Return Your Dress or Suit in a New Patented Intley'54 taw ontatner skip &ammo sod lo ono 1044001 •tootaiaor whoa Ili* frail fisislotidoof trotosioi. • Pi A Rlf Curtains, Draperies, etc.. kr Atoned by mail from Langley'a reach you just as freeh and beautiful in ilnish as if they were delivered personally by our drivers in the city.- - Just an indication of the superior service given by Lattgley's1 There are IMM.. -alt over Ontario which, bend us suits, dreases, coats and other personal Apparel to be cleaned, altered, repaired or . restored to style by our "Valeterist shape. s mouldine emits. And we have hundreda of • eustornera who send us such item as. ruck (*reeks, draperies, etc. We Pay Return Shipping Charges end charge only our Toronto prices.. Simply send your parcel to Mr. Geo. S. Langley and • write it, letter laying what you have sent and what you want done. He'll give your order hia personal supervision. • "You got how many?" 'Poleon offset argue with anybody. especially with you, but the damnable idea of P°r/i/ntted* dividin' our spoils originated in my• 011t bout'enough' l'ilehhe a• 11"- •evil mind and Intligoite •to pay the en er • penalty. I'll ride this -white-pihe ,`I 'buy 'eve Dez•C'ss poor sock ear him down till I get both won't.buy anything here. Don't tell feet in .1‘ea in brusquely, You tbe- stirrups. tlieit turn biro. a -loose t h leather? , . of our own. and poverty ain't amOng &mei for aookke clescr4io, wow Mows we cos (Ass • el: lire. lost •Envois price*. D CLEAIMERS AND DYERS 01 °M.' 911g11/4417=4144:441441 r4114 8°4444 Head Office: 249 Spadini- Rookd TORONTO • • iiiii11111111111111111111111 •1 , essesse,_ Aeweremomece outlaw 'through by *yams Yon, lOd3r--"e" s • • . 14 /*11 finish settrn' up and I won't puli IS Y troo le , we se go enoug • "How .5'ou 'teak? Beats ain't like the neelh horse!: It'll take a good oarsman t9 trouble you got. eh? Me, I'm de trouble man.' Mebbe I fix navigate thete rapids— ,, em "Well?" Quirk lookel. quickly, ." „„ o u Ay the uartoerh skxplained "I'm a good eat'emaa' The" IY"'" their difficulty.'When -rPoleort rn. momentary pause. "Ain't 1?44 • , derstood be smiled again,. More wide - Mr. Linton hastily remedied bis slip of the tongue. • "You're a bear!" IrGo! 1 mak* bargain wit' you, •he asserted with feeling.•"I don't • •know as 1 ever sew a better boatman Ateeeeh'' .hlet ret .et. de ben an :,..tak!.iyour hot Vrough fcl or ose tban you,•for your weight and exe Patience, but.--therea "2 few 'Hinge lemea''' about boats that you never bad the The elderly men eat im; their exschanged startled glances. ' chance to Pick up, you being sort of * cactus and antrai glamor. For Ins "D'you mean itr, stance, when you went it boat to fro "rut goini have dose letnee." ' y ,, 'gee' you have to pull on the 'off' "Cant ou buy any in The sat - oar. it's plumb opposite to ss the way °veer you atter a'horse.". "No. Wal, w`at you say?" "Sure! Didn't 1' figger that outTom inquired of his partner, for the both of us? We 'most had "Reckon you can get along without st runaway till./ doped it.out." 'em, .Terry?" Why, / been satin' 'em for you." Now this was a plain perversion 11 of fact, for it was Tom who had "Then it's a go!" - • "One" t'ing yme, eh?" made the discoverou do for y, Mr. Linton 'Polon hesitated momentarily. "It's Was *bout to 30 state the matter when he reflected that doubtless PA' tale tam for 4ns" 'am foot to heir row dat Itatealbut—/ fin' him, Jerry's intentions -were honest and that his felling memory was te, Iliebbe you set upvtvit' lin see& gel. while I'm gone. 'What?" In a few blame for the misstatement, It was words he nulde known the condition annoying to be &ebbed of the credit of Of; affairs at his .camp, and the old for an important discovery, men agreed readily enough. With course, but Tom swallowed his re- • ; • undisguieed relief • they clambered sen"traTheentpo* int is" this," he said, with stiffly out of their boat and followed e resumption of geniality. •"Younl the French Cenedien IIP the trait As they toiled -up the slope 'Polon •get *11 wet in them rapids, Jerry,• and—you know what that means. explained : . , •"De doctor hg'.c go to Dawson, an I'd t h e on, Idrowning myself than to nurse you" through cruet in de head. Every hour med. another bad vsold,' icine, oaf de tam fire in de stove I Good er ince ;Smashes All. Records Waist Seller. on the Market To -day A proininent Windsor citizen, Mrs •D. Robinson, well known paving„ Contractor residing at 206 Glengarry Ave., gives unstinted praise to HERB JUICE. • Mr, Robinson stated • that he . Bettered terribly with constipas tion, gas pains, trouble with his eyes, was continually' using strong cathartics„ was losing about Sim pounds per month in weight, could not sleep well and would often het !bilged to leave0, his, busieese on ac- count of ill health. Mr. Robinson further stated: 'Seeing what HERB JUICE was doing for others I decid.- ed to see if it viaeld give me any re- lief. It is truly marvelous what a' change it has made in me. Before - taking HERB MICE, I weighed on - 140 pounds but now my weight has increased to 105 pounds, All of my troubled have disappeared, I mit and 'sleep well and do not lose any time , from my business. HERB Juicr is a wonderful medicine.” For sale by all druggists. Prie rat er a e aettne t'ke day dis girl been seeck— $1.00. It was a perfectly sinert epeecit Saore! Inn half 'sleep." an indirect expression ''' of deep • eWell tottAtsp with her as long as tor concern that reflected no little credit you Want." Tom volunteered." Being , upon the speaker's generosity. Tem a family matt myself, I'm a regular teas exasperated, therefore, when mese, 4 . jerry, by some cheracteristie process "Me, too,» sorry seeednAes or • of crooked retooling, martant'a to toyer had no family, but I illus been • e, or Ink lin 01 ' • _ munnterpret 11. Pleintively the lat- handy around bosses, and bootee is al The security afforded by the Province of Ontario Savings Office, together with the facilities extended by every Post Office ht Canada and other countries, make it possible for everyone to deposit their savings in his Bank.. Interest is allowed, compounded half -yearly, wi full checking privileges. The confidence the rural communities have shown in this Bank, is indicated by the large increase in deposits, which are now over $21.000,000. All deposits are guaranteed by the government of tire Province of Ontario. Remittances should be made by Post Office money order, express order or registered letter, and shook' be addressed to your nearest Branch, where they will receive prompt attention. Province of Ontario Saviip Office Huai Mee I 1t gems& hole, Town* Cot% Ray aad Adelaide Sta. Car. Ualystaity salt Duaiss Ilesdkelh, Easallass. Et. Wharton. NerYn Ibraottord. Wdedultook. Walkerion 1119 Diger* Aram Other Gretteloos at Owes Nowaverisst and Alionr. Poiehroin, Termite beach Mee t ter midpeople, "I s'pose I am a haedicap to you. theMr3.annidentlion8 utifled )augh at this Tont. YOu're" nighty eonsid`rate of remark.- "That'll show- you." laid - are fetditt's not to threw it up to me he "You leave -it to ine Jerry ' = any oftener than you do." 4ell, ain't they?" . - • • "I don't throw it up,to rat* none. • "NO." I never did. No, Jerry, i'Il row the "They are, too." • boat. You go overland and keep "Plumb diffe&nt." your feet dry." The argument waned hot; it had "A lot ef good that would hir. reached ata whin 'Polon. bud Quirk tpokr morosely. ned starve * anger %vet his HP% commending to death welkin' around if you lost silence. On tiptoe he led the two the grub." • • men into his tont. When he had is. sued ch This struck Tom Linton as a very ae a boatman the partnere instnietions and left in searmeted nextntria veil' sehleh way of laak' themeelves awkwardly. their caps in log at the matter. Me had taken no ma's ions& caskaaly, awakes. suds view re of "tut he grb offer; hi had oseely, they thought less shouthan feof rilltdue.igirl, the feverdhashitd abost his •Ruth's)* saIlkt,Y. It wits 'Tthe arty, *het she. 'Jerry whisper - an laeonsidernte and unfeeling . rt. od. raark. After a moment he said : Teat „doe& amt. an "Tau know don't throw things riot, too? he aid, 1a a teaseae taw Vp tO TOO. JerrY. I abet thst kind*: then, after a moment: "'I've been *diet *wen se soy that, did Yenels rester *bout a hoadred &Oars a Kr. Quirk stirred uneesily. 4.,Ire" thinking* lout them lemons. We're What JarrY walla heee ass"' down for 'eve. Mod et a, rotten - is ustertoirt, tor his sttetniott at the ilia, ander the *immune". re "aawaS was attzisets4 by 'a stranger sorry you prt it up to that tenet. the - who strode down the kook avid now mar ym seeseted kiss and his partner jointly. Boo lour. restror'sr sold the nog- Mr. Quirk stiffened, his eyes wid. _ renter. •I'at kale for lofty some ***d natewhthewmt• lei*'. Too get some. ao!" M. I didn't pet It vp to hi* n• Mr. Quirt{ spoke Write*. '*.Sure. Yes dene it. Thry're your havient." vanieeme SAVE THE BABY CHICK Make them strong, sturdyt productive, EGG -LAYING Pullet., with Pratts Baby Cluck food. Itcosts a trifle more but is CHEAPEST in the end, judged by results. The extra dliciet you save and raise, more thee pity for all the • Pratte Baby ChkkFooclyou use. Ask ' your dealer—there's one near you. PabyChickEbod plikrritsre44;k7WMOWP866** .."*74Z ' A, LTV. • 32g law Ans., Terorato Ifiort blotto mai Maim _ lie MS ParavoraOlftsers1 Reduced Price'; on Anthracite Coal • Chestnut (Anthluciite)k. .. 416.00' &Aria (Anthracite)" .$16.5d Pea (Anthatite) 413-00 Coke , • s15.00pertaD Pocipbontas... Domestic Lump Frit your Grate and Range $12.00 per ton • Our Coed is weighed on Your ()urn Seales.the Markt kide - . With Spring House Cearzim you will require PAINT. We still have some Stem:in-William Ieft that we are sell- ing at $1,00 per quart. Maresca and Alabastine at Soc per package.. Liquid N'eneer and O'Cedar, small bottle, 23c large bottle, .4Se each Special prices on Door Locks and other Builder's Hard- Ward - Clothes Wringers and Garden - Tools at Special Prices in oraer. to dear. • -, • CHAS. C LEE. 7 . SNIP CHANDLER ' • PLUMMIER% *nil NOTATING • Store °Phone 22. • Ennio 'Phone 142. NEW COATS kr the Fashionable Women and Misses Coats of Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Duvetyne, Velour, and the fashionable Tweeds, some well-placed flare.s, marks of smartness in the inode; others straight of line, and in the smartest shades. • • WOMEN! The very newest Spring styles in Dresses Plat Crepe, Georgette and Taffeta. many are smartly flared and others straight line effect. Prices to suit every - everyone. MILLINERY Hats to suit both Matron and Miss in this department. one. Royal Ladies Ready4Wear Co. EAST SIDE SQUARE GCIDERICH 4/MIIIMAIMM/Ifl 16. —r" op, 1 1