HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-15, Page 5THURSDAY, *AICY lith. 1lftt • formaldehyde Government Standard strength for treating Grain for Smut: ONE -POUND BOTTLE OWN CONTAINER ,,45c 40e per lb. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE 9Q GODERICH ED�EZER Maple syrup making is the order of the day, but there has been no big run of sap yet. forge Rutledge sold a. fine geld- ing to Henry McClineby, of Auburn, on Sotarday last. Some from here took in the play at Aubutn on Friday night last end ,report agood time. What is causing • the serious looks on .the kiddies' face this week. Why, eaehool started on. Monday. We etre' informed that Wm. Good has rented• niom,g,s Hamilton's farm on o whom s survive, • Earner over Westfield way obt. J. on the old home- Miss Laura Johnston, of Goderich: services is to uarantee a' hi •lt class after ;pending the Esai.er o ays • TBi G6DERICX STA PAQ! VITE i TM AUBURN E EAST BRIE' Hoerr ('osit itoRT SHOP To Illy Patna' l inCONCERT d After na year in business I feel it h' i my duty to thank all thew who have Aab+tra Choral Society +r so kindly, by their patronatre, as - (under the awe teau�.oa.iP o! silted ate to eke out a living under ' a ,Mrs. A. M. Rice) t l my unfortunate bodily condition, i Kb C;► CIIUR('H, AUBVRti, Especially ape 1 indebted to my 1; .friends the farmer* of the surround- ing . . 1 ing district. F FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 30th As in the past, >Po in the future i i ; at SAS lee will etuleavor to give my best at MRS `alargsduat sof- O - reasonable prices. Bring your shoes (Professional Smiley Studio)e Owen l to be repaired and if in need Qf any A. Smileg i Elocutionist good shoes for the farm, for outdoor, Admiseion: means. Bee,, children i and indoor work, for the school boy.. q,e, i and the school girl, let me show you, A. J. Ferguson, J. G. Thompson, d that I can save year money on good fres. stet, i quality stock. 1 i Yours for quality and service, WILLIAM AHL. The sleighs are off the roads and East St., opposite Knox church. autos have 'started to run. OIMMINANAIWWWWWWWWMAANiiMiliWiWWW0' You will be Looking for Your, New Mrs. George Hamilton spent Fait- able to preach last Sabbath. His has seen fit to remove from our er Week visiting ltrr mother at wife and daughter, from Toronto, are midst one of the old settlers in the i3rueefield. here at present. person of Eliza ,Stewart, widow ot, ' The- Farmers' Club had two cars a'Yimmie Y onion's Yob," a cont Thomas Rutledge, who preceded her • of flour, shorts and bran delivered mealy drama in three acts, will be to the Great Beyond about thirty- here last week. presented in the Forester:+' Ball ons nine years ago. The subject of this Mr. George Yungblut was in ,Tor. Wednesday evening, April 21st, at' 8 sketch was in her 80th. year; was gats last week attending the .school p,m. under the auspices of the Iiar- born at the parish of Derry leollon, trustees' meeting. .-• mony class of Knox church, Auburn, Louherene, Fermanagh. Ireland, and • There were services in the 'Loth- This is n. good play with a fine plot came to. Canada about the age of eran church here last Sabbath, It that keeps vp the interest right to twelve ••ears, and made her home had been closed all winter. the end, • Admission 35 cents and 20 with he uncle, Christy Stewaltrt. in Miss Josephine Weir spent her cents. - Cotborne torpnship. near Nile. At Easter holidays elalting triode in The Manse, Richmond' hill, Ont. ter her . marriage to Thomas Rut- the locality of Stratbro I have heard Marguerite Doyle on ledge they lived on the lit con, .of y various •occasions, • and always with West Wawancish.. From . this union Mrs. Straughan, who has been extreme delight. She has a rich a family of 'five children were •born, spending the winter with her daugh- • • Window DURING THE .NEXT FFW DAYS WE HAVE A NEW AND . UP -70-- iA TE STOCK OF ,ti Panels, ranging is price from 951. r pair to $6.00 eath 50MInch Silk Over.Drapes' and Arch •Han `ugs, at $1.50, $1.95 and $2.95 per yar . 50•Inch Silk Madras, in Gold, Blue, Mulberry and Rose. We also have a few Congoleum Rugs at Clearing Prices, F.E.HIBBERT THE CASH STORE PHONE 86 V AIMPAPIARMAMMR~VMANIMOrM some personality. To secure her and varied repertoire, n' captivating 1 re urn to Cli dayl f hh lid from a Buffalo, R One day last week. stead, and Mariah theirs. Robt, Plun- was in the village last week, visiting and a satisfying. program, 6 ' at her home near Crewe. Win• f;tewnrt is busy taking out kett) of this place. Two sons died relatives and renewing aequaintanees J N McINTOSIi• ')'here was no service in Crewe telephone poles • to replace the ones about six years ago, Albert, or Van- of (orator days. 1Ir Peters the dish con, of Colborne, four softs and one daughter, three . tars, returned to her home here last method o£ appeal and tt most win Mies Mn B site r 'gym. Dobie purchased a horse till i George, ' of Saturday. lit ton business college on .Tues Minister Richmond Hill Presbyterian United church .last Sunday • on ace .'the a(a n damaged on the Goderich couver, and Thomas of Hamilton. Last Monday morning school • church United Church of Canada . count of the bad roads. • Onto again lite • Angel +o'f .with left to mourn her logs Charles the school was all caseated and new Misses Violet and Miss Ruby KR. ResriL + Three brothers of the deceased are started again. During the vacation . was unable to get out. (From another corrrapondent) Stewart, of Nile; Thomas, of Ash• black boards were put in. Mrs. (Rev.) W. R. 1p went to ratrick, who.spent the' holidays At field, and l;eo ge, of Muskoka, and Toronto last 1'1 edneada an a visit > This bas been an ideal week for their home near Crowe, returned to two =half • brothers in Muskoka, g to friends. the su gar bush, bt:t it has been dr their schools the last a last week. Um i f this Spring* Miss Rae Andrew, of .Goderich. Hamilton Street Shoe Store Coinplelo line of ladies'. gentle - •men's and children's oboes. 'Ooum in andcompare our priees. J. A. Cfl'I IOLM whose names o wx iter o on fall wheat and clover. 'NILE sketch doers not know; , After her has arrived at last; the birds are visited friends in Auburn. last Fri- hrshawl's death she still -lived on day and Saturday. hexa. . Mrs. Louis Taylor is ..home again ., the homestead for a number ofI f -S. S, � la 3f o1* The glav given b .the, eang._p .•. • after-fipendittg•-several-weeks- 1Kiss_iiami on,_o years,-tfien purehaseniefarm t' nosh borne is on the rick list this week. pie of the Anglican chµrch last 1! ri- trop. „ • where, she spent the declining year. • 'field, then finally moving to Goderich ' ' Her place is supplied by M. Rob- day evening attracted a.large mid., Mrs: Seguss is spending n few!. S ertaon, former 'teacher of the fence and was .very .A., l dining. Rev. W. R, Alp, B.A., left for 'Tor. clays ry g Rob - pelted her to give up housekeeping• of her life until failing health com school. and make her home With her daug'h-' Effie Stoltz, after s speeding their attend the Convocation in. pepmity of The roads h • ter here. The late Mrs, Rutledge sats p g Knox and ,1'ictoritt Col', a es on 13t1i deal during the past sneak and sours mu. ' Rainton No, 8 Tjie play, "Yimmie Y+ nston's lob" Most of the broken telephone poles' thol Washin ton anti Miss onto on Saturday last, where he •will ith her daughter Mrs Alvin Thompson.. ave improved a, great of a quiet and retiring disposition holidays with their parents, left last •, !; are once more in use here. I and had n host of friends Tile Sir- Saturday for ..:their. . respective NOTICE All owners and oecupiore of premises. aro hereby notified that •.�, All Garbage, Etc. meet be retuovocl from tIeie ' inemieee by thea tat day of 'goy 1J26. • V. (1. \i -'],;iii -Ass't Sanitary Inspector. s REASONS WHY 1 RECOMMEND HURON AND ERIE Your Family and Friends want our • Photograph Make the appointment :Today, R. R. SALLC)WS 11T, ew Snappy .Footwear Our New Spring Footwear DEBENTURES is Attractive tit neral was held .on Saturday, April schools. v.Younger, STYLE. will be presented by'. be: Hat•monv around here have. been replaced but This I,2-vet+•=old Fin:>,ncinl aQUAtLITY of the Ba - et read or t st , - ---�-- • 3rd, to Maitland cemetery, Goderich, The 'tSr • p the wires are not Y. Y where her remains. were laid •ttr rest fist church, has been. on the sick list. Class. of the. United S uday Schq sla z in the Forestersall, uburn • Wed.Mr. and Dirs,. Paltridge; at Gode SADDLE HORSES beside her long departed husband in and was unable to take his work innethe , April 21st. K Goodlllounte can he hired at the • the family plot, Rev. W. R. Alp, or. here last Sabbath.. Mr. Groose took RED BARN Aubi(rn tinted church, conducting .his place. - open. SOU .11 ST., GMBafCR . the services at : house and . grate. The entertainment in the Forest During; .. the past w Owing to .• the severe blizzard that ors' Hall last .Friday evening was - reaper again. visited o ep this datrich, visited last Sunday at the home • of their daughter, Mrs. Leslie Pent - Institut ii.nI- Cow am ie t;hartorect, 5% per annum is payab'.e' half«:nearly upon $100 r commumt or more for'1, 2, 3, 4 or a years, Y he la "The Vil- t -fore the Y, t p g Ytb bhe.Sals a» g ohenste Bata raged all day Saturday, only' the im- well patronized.. It avas • well re- .and removed two valu tl and much loge. Lawyer," wo hich. is .ttau, even- s the wile. church on Friday even- e to over 00. p i eve will try to suguly your; evants in mediate friends _followed the remains ceived and .'every dile .was pleased. respected and beloved citizens in the all• hlasaaen o[ I draset+, Iinrta3ies and Arsons of Mrs, Rob 1VIeDaiwell ung" Tues •and •her two W 11 f t Thursday, April' Rth, The of 1 Hareem. to Goderich. The pallbearers were The proceeds amounted $ her two sons, 'George .and Robert, Our • mail carriers are on sure Tuesday anti Mr Itobt. 0. Johnston • Miss Kellett, deaconess of the Up- . per Canada :Tract Society, Mission ' Good Storage for Cane -Day week, cousins, lam andfooting .again. ' For a few days t iserviee o£ the €eraser snag. held in or month. Bares day,, ode; week. Hugh Stewart. To. the ..sorrowing was, almost impossible for them to , to the Sailors; is in town making the i, pjl brotherta sons and dau liter we ex- owl in some estfield church Satu • . Y. Ala... 10th annual appeal 'for.. funds for. this g is theroutes ng geHple-•One.lieavy Fi,:rse, 7 years tend sincere sympathy in this their parts, togreat depths of snow and. and of the latter in BI th; from the worthy cause. •- old. serviceably AOUItd. •.. - hour of 'isorroW.. home nF >U� and Mrs rYi.l;.. L`;«..- ..w in others bare ground Ant'b and Horse Livery Fnad;Sa4 . will meet on Wed» ago has so fax recovered as to . be sympathy of the' esti land, Monday, Apr. 12th'. 'Rev..P..S ASIIFiELD ;,'• •: • The Rev. Mr. • Gracey, who was panes . conducted 'both 1o and Eatc 6ari0e Baro 'Cite W. M. Sunable. to take his' work .a week sorrowing friends ha* nesday afternoon of .this week -at in their sad bereaveme T M. DURNTM Rev. Mr. Ferguson; of Toronto, Mr. Wes. Stackhouse. CRE took charge of, the services in Ash: Mr. apd Mrs, • Joe Killough; o%s Matt. Shackleton is getting hie w r . • field Presbyterian church on Sabbath Dungannon, spent Saturday and -wood cut this week. i; last Sunday visiting the latter s fathers. . Miss • Alberta Beekett, of • the Mr. John McDowell, and :• other Some people • have h d their carat 'Pocahontas The foAowing person.„ of , the. home of Mrs, D. A. McDonald. derson who is staying with her son; erviees:. The • the sincere e community. t.•- Car 4 in. Ltatmfi G d ' h h out already d C o arse " ospital) is• spending a few friend, in this vicinity: a sea y around r we. Coal days at her home in intail. Mrs:' Mnnwell and her. • daughter, John. Kilpatrick ma e a bueiness ich.,' trip over near Belgeov lest week.•, 1.$a.on per Ton .,'i4 G.{- 81rS. LCRm:Uu, - of Saginaw, -• joying their holidays at their. re- sett rued home on Tuesday • after - Mr. • Albert McQuo d and Mis,' tiso.;a car of 8igtia:tte;f spective • homes, have returned to visiting the former s. '.brothers, Mee- : Lillitl vieit<d at Mr. nd Mrs., .Jas. .take up their duties inschool. ars. ltobt and John .McDowell, for a. Little'- last 'Sunday. . 'Weighed on Market Scales On Sunday attention the barn be: few days. ' Mrs. Jesse Gray,: of Goderich, is longing to J: J. Bowler on the 30th Mr. .and Mrs. Robt, Buchanan re- , spending; a few' days with her con, : of Ashfield was totally destroy- reived word on Sunday of the death . daughter Mrs. Matt. Shackleton, ed by fire. The horses and cattle, of their daughter-in-law, Mrs: F. B. Crewe, !Phone '170 3, which happened to be outside, were. Stearns (nee Mrs. 14111 Buchanan). Orville .Durniri was in Goderich _._. - -y saved but the farm implements and 'of Painesville, Ohio, which occurred . last Saturday with a load of aoveet. L. FLICK a quantity of hay, straw and grain, on Thersday last. She Ieaves to elovep to staip anaey to other pasty ' were burned. The cause of the fire mourn her loss her ,sorrowing hue- oit•Ontairio. is u:iknown: band, heti daughter, June . Buchanan, Mr, Barr West'atid Miss' Isabelle and an infant. son a week old, also Sam lsSherwood at his supply ofTre- e Millinery ywood c•rt last week, :leo Bert Tre- Grart, to the G. C. Te Misses Anna. herr father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. 'leaven, Raymond Finn gau doing the In the !newest . shades andh and other • Stratford normal school; basses friends. Much sympathy is extend MacDonald and Eels MacKenzi , -to . A. Tippling, of ' ing am,. cutting. • styles. Margaret MacLennan, • Anna Attie- ed to the sorrowing friends:. e ------e..- -.- You are !invited to can. Kenzie and Bessie MacKenzie, to M'r. Robert 'Johnston, eldest son ' • Toronto; Miss Lillian MacKenzie. to of Mr:. and Mrs. Joe Johnston; of tJp„weifsal Millinery - Monticello; Miss Marguerite Mac- Blyth, pass cd away on Thursday a(g' •.$yilsaa,Store . N. S..ot Sousse Lennon, to Ford •City; Miss Selina evening: Mr. Johnston did not seem Grant to Leeburn; Mr. Chas: c- tie, With the operation he underwent Gregor, to Kitchener. . a week before his death, and though • Grant, to Orangeville; si Miss Bessie to have the required, strength to bat - The funeral of the late Donald friends and neighbors were anxious Mot 1 Th��tre D111 Gregor, of Duluth, took place to for his recovery; God knew what Kintail cemetery on Thursday, April was best. The remains were taken Rth. Mrs. MacGregor,,- accompanied to Blyth to the •bowie of his Sister, by her darghters, Aida and Lillian, Mrs. Conn Vineland. Frneral ser- came with the remains to Kintail. vice was held on Monday. Inter- • WEEK OF APRIL 19 to APRIL 24, Beside his widow Mr. Ma'Gregor is trent was made in 'Union cemetery. �iLav sed. Tuesday i daughters, Murdock, Kenneth and sorrowing wife and son and ether survived by three sons and five Much sympathy is extended to the Francis and Mrs. D. Mne(,iIl, of relatives. LTLIA:v fXISII A:vD ; Ri'fngh utst; "biissas Ida,. Lillian. and ST.],E.-CO.lUI'.hl) U()R ri7;1i.isjta I It' snag' With"c%ep 'regret'itial the- .__ ._.. _ hionaida, of Duluth, and Mrs. Bud- ole of Westfield community are characteristic of our furniture with Ronald Colman in the ,marvelous ova, of production, whit a COMFORT ANI) GOOD - pe p h has been called learned of the death of Mrs. Rob,. whether for the Iiba4ary, Brine- loom, «_ ►« .- Mr D ... ,a Mrs- McDowell had been . dining room, Wrenn, or say ether "The Perfect Picture:" This is areal '•. Mrs. Joe visits eleven reel: special, and wilt be shown at regular prices. "R a+r EDUCATIONAL' COMEDY "Hot Feet" - WE TPIELD' .u�a/v,h {., ...... _ in ill health since last - fall, but had room of the house.' Our furniture is talker, of Toronto, Is been. as usual until a week before made to last, to git•c comfort, sand to ,rother, Mr. T. il. Tay- her death, when she took the flu, harmonize well. for ' pnermonia setting in. On Tuesday Mr. Stanley Sibthorpe, of Blyth, morning it was thought she ,vara spentover the • we lcend with h' some hater, and slight hopes were J . R. w EELER friend, Norman McDowell is held for her recovery, but she took a • Furniture Funeral Director Mitsses Grace Redmond and , Mary turn for tine w• orse in the afternoon Hamilt Street Wsieastlity and Tlludrlaay Bell, of Goderich, spent the 1:aster and passed peacefully away about JOHNNY WALKER and VIRGINIA o holidays •$t their home here. 0.30 p.m.' Mrs. McDowell will be O1tM0. .u>a0. 00 LEI: CORBIN ER and missed by a large circle of friends. in a great smashing drama full 0f here to attend the funeral of his sorrowing family and relatives. The etceitinbr suspense and amazing rove• aunt, Mrs. Ilobt. • McDowell. funeral was held on Saturday after-. lotions __ Frisby, . conducted by - of the Stribia" • Mr. Iloimes, of the States, was iss Much sympathy is extended to the . � • • cI winter to New Ontario, his returned Rev. P. S. Banes The friends met at LANGpt)1V COMEDY to work for Mr. ('olin Campbell. the house nt 1.30 prat., then thr, re t have your ear painted "The Sew Quo*"Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor and mains were conveyed to the ehureli .• family visited Mrs Taylor's par- for service. Interment Was made in with trlCtl W Lacquer Flu- to Painting -_- encs, Mr. wind Mrs. Smith, of Bras- Wesrfteid temetery. The floral offer - Miley Ili Satrr'Jay • •rels;..nn Thursday. Ings were in profusion and on cards - BOB rtSTER Mr. Bert Taylor hada successful appended c Hold appropriately have in a thrilling mile a minute western_ farm sale on Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs. men planed these theworl , Thher story of life! on the range Taylor intend residing in this viein- Noms, so typical of the life of her c� Vengeance" ity for a short time. we mourn, mutely speak the patho3 of a pitting wool, and are placed on THE' TELEPHONE. GIRL IN Mr. and Mrs. Thompasots, of (al this casket by friends who loved the „watisan Tenetborne, have bought and moved on -lea gala" But rhe is gent, not for . of Blyth. her grave with garlands;' few of as to the farm of Mr. Chas. Loekwood, PA'I1HE RP'' VIEW her our testa!, Bather let us crown ?liras. Wm. McDowell was called to will live as %sell and fewer yet will iatbt_e Sat. at trot b•m• Gstrr i ads—» Prince of woke >eld Mondalr owitir to the the Angel of Death greet 'Pith stash Tent, 4 tiettit - idea." _ nine c,f her mother, Mrs, J. An- a iovloving4tatteh. ish. All new colors. • Fo Car $25.O0 A.lsofur r iturere•finished. 1E Pr•d Seabrook IaistMI Street r.ewianume1 Chooso.this trustee scour- it•y for votir . hard•aarned shire sags. Norman Lewis Tatenhono 1(1+3 ELGIN'' AVENUE and. PRICE You are invited to shop at W. HERN'S SHOE STORE' The .Square Phone 43W Everybody Knows that Goderich ybo y 'Needs a EW MUNICIPAL BU.ILDING AND COMMUNITY HALL IN THE VERY WORST WAY et us all get together _like Good Citizens for ' once, and Vote for the Bylaw The flatter has leen periodically before the council for a long tih a and for the last two year... has been ver:' thol'(iu hlti discussed and considered. Surely the council ought to under- stand the finances of the town suffi- ciently for us to have confidence hi their judgment. The auditors, Mi. 11. R. Long and Mr. C. L. Jackson, have given us a very concise report showing that the town in the next two years are paying off obligations amounting to from J.'.'to 6 mills in our taxes. eri The new building will cot us a net amount of 2'4 milk . No more. -We can liar a the lieu; said -iC the same time have our taxes lowered from 3 to 4 mills two years from now. Tr 1`hiltlt the thing out for ;t our- selves. It is good business for the town. Decide Now . to Vote for the Bylaw t 1ONDAY, MAY 3rd, 1926 P. S. ----When you hear loose rep of is and rumors on the street, go to the pl'()p)er source, the town treasurer and auditors, and see if they are correct or not. Let us all be fair to one another and to the town as a whole. CITIZENS' COMMITTEE �. _