The Goderich Star, 1926-04-15, Page 4•
1 m
Net S'
afea. 14
t o.' sek5' CLUB MINSTRELS
vamp nue
Mannish and tailored styles.
Ladies' Suits in charrrtenevtricotine and
poiret twill, lined with canton crepe.
acfount of the backward season
.special values are ttiTered in these at trom
t$t5.00 up
i; New Shipment of
Georgette Dresses with printed Crepe -
de Chene slips, Dresses of flat Crepe and
esttri�mn ings oftsma king, tuckingtane d em-
Ladies' Hats in all the• newest styles
and shapes for Spring. We are featuring
the Bancock Hat.
Guaranteed all wool Indigo dye. Speci-
al prices in Men's Suits, with two pairs of
New Garba.rdine Coats for Men.
ilei..1 Packed Houses Greet
elt"4ti Production Under Auspi
HEhI-I spoderich Lions Chub.
of the interlocutor and the sign of
the . Lions International was display -
/eat the auditorium.
IiO ee - When the curtain went up the
cc f it
if not
g stage presented a poctUresq a sp.
pearante. The six funny end men.
were wonderfully arrayed in sults .in
ce' of the
cl Show under the au. the Lions' colors, purple and gold,
i spiced w thhe Goderich Liana Club,ad .wearing . abnormally. large
^^'� which was held f Thweek, rov7itnigy eoll'arss #ndeselecorated i
Friday evenings o , many ways.
THURSDAY, MARCH 155th, 1926
tie, *ecoaspa naiad by the Mewing ad- MUCH SUFFERING
drosses :
Dir. Wm. Cosset:ell,
President of Marine Club. Health ;a r Restored
Dear Sir, -•--'ate, thh members of Tkreugb the Use of a Mod- i # �� i./ +�'"` ""'�
the Marine Social Club here *seem- 'MOWN; Teal:
bred at a regular yourmeeteur of the ^ __,
(. iub, astestify to your worth and An epidemic of influenza, such as FILMS
asincerity as president sef the Club, is now prevalent in many parts of
and as we are about to tseparate our-
selves one from another, ea a�t:r so- Canada, always halves widespread
sial festivities are *bout ended for 'unsring in its wake. lbs disease
the season, and as *sell (MN of ua itself is dangerous, but the 4a ger is
takes up the yoke where he laid it Bolsi suer when the eharauteristic
down at the and of Inst settee^ +0 symptoms of the trouble have passed.
continua his own vocation In what•• There is left behind depression of
ever channel may lord hii�t, let • us spirits, weakened vital powers, thin
hope that a kind providelree may brood, impaired eigestion and over.
steer his course true and bring him s, i
back again safe to this port that we
who were robust before stricken with
love so well, and Aa we are about to influenza rind tne,r perdaes cess i.ed
heave the anchor short, we can not with pain previously unknown to
let this opportunity pass by without them. This is due to ,an abnormal
showing in a small way au* aPpre- thinning of theeblood and leaves the
elation of the manner in which you system an easy prey to other serious
conducted the *flair, • of this Club troubles. This is the time when the for the past three years, It was convalescent from influenza, should'
through your untiring efforts, sir, build up the blood with a reliable
that Chia Club has come to .stay and blood -making tonin such as Dr. Wil-
to you, :sir, .is due the. credit of llama' Pink -Pills. When the bleed
it all. Therefore we, the tsembers regains its rich red quality the
of the Marine Social Club, beg of nerves recover their strength and the
you o accept" , o
net to appreciate it for its intrinsic ly • and the dangerous, p
Developing, Printing)
• • and Enlarging
' The Rexall Drug Store ' *• _
Bedford Block - Goderich1
r .'f
t ace t" this small gift and
organs of the body function natural- - ^ --� ` AUCTION SALBS
I h da s depressing the 0 Ri A as the Goderich town
value, but tar the happy remem- after-effects of influenza disappear. ship delegate. Ht�(tHtt:#NT LU�"1I.U?t .;'►i�kl Gl"
beano that jt may bring to you Proof of the undoubted value of Det • Miss Marguerite Falconer return- 1 ti'A1dtAlil.E Hh 11DF'At:F. p11. -•
whenever you alt; down to use it. It' Williams' Pink Pilin as a blood- td to Stratford Monday morning to F,RT1h:S AND HUI'�+k Hs.iLU lct'li:tl4ki•
is given to you, sir, with a hearty builder and nerve tonic is shown by complete her course at business col- I'` '
good will and in the spirit of good.. the case of Mrs. R. 0. Stromberg, loge.
1 rim lnstt+ttctFil by Ile, .\�. F. Clark:
fellowship, and • in closing we Would Cobalt, Ont„ who says: --"I hada i4f>; ,; All Rhes, formerly of tilde -
self by publics auction at the peau w
suggest that the motto of thin club very severe attack of grippe, or in- 13es m tnsi town of (;utt. i i, on,
be, "The Wilts of , our 'brothers we fluenza,eek.which confined me to my bed •crest, has taken over the farm of h{s ti;tl pubes , APRIL j th
brother, Mr. I{eith Roae• We •wish' rommeueing ak 1 veto& bode
write upon the sands, and their good for a weep. On getting• up again I b{m success. parcel No, • i. -'errs comlktrtrllVely
deeds y.' the tablets of lova, and did• not recover my usual strength, We Are leased to leas that Diiss , ue+v Partici residence, corer rc f Yk.,
„ � P •arta dllti ;��++•t*utn atr(•r:y, dantainiug
memory , • I was very weak, had a severe pain ,
'Signed on behalf of. the members in my head, and a constant back- Emma Powell, daughter 'a# Mr, and t.+iut( room wean uie nrepl fl, dining
of the Marine Club. ache. • I had to get a woman to do Mrs. H, Powell, 6th con., who has roum, l lulu n, porch.bi4�ryvotulrlH'1t
been very ill with pleuro -pneumonia room, sleeping
Mr. James Bonny • • . my work for me as had neither the t,a,.vu•�ar unurr �satble house slut a
ghted s
the past week is now improviutg. ,feit.t4u 'hot .wcec• t ttea.ut* eN sdG'tn.
Dear Sir, -=Wet the members o! strength nor the energy to do any- ,, I ,
conductor, bad had , a large the Marine Club, wish to acknow. thing. • At this stage, remembering Umon school • re -opened after rho in • h+�riKe is well bunt and• void a
and th ledge f appreciation # seek sor the great •beneRt I had through Dr. holidays Monday morning with to ewcry ;articular a>td 'has 'uuunber°
g f eel leaWre•3 to reeenee uefeee es
th 104%1 tt 4e talo thisdie a and soon charge, Twobeginners Jean Sow.
share of the work of getting up e • e e o our apprec a ton o o sera ,
musical }tart of the program . in vises as well as your• tree and willing .Milianta' Pink Rills in girlhood, I good attendance and Miss Graham -in Deere is ate) a well ecluemect'scable,. ,
with abundance of room for
practiceq both..with• the orchestra manner in . e.way you a er gen. ng me in , car e, , - t tercet.abundance
--:t v4u,r rt,mtuRtulalo -,
and 'chorus. the Club and we . wish you to accept My strength began to return, I am erby and Stanley. ` Me�in sin, were en- < few (Keelung, covered witti metal ° •
of songs, intersects this small token from us and that now able to do all . my own work rolled: In the afternoon Inspector sakeki% ,•itu.ited o1 Victoria et. fibs •
The program h dining .
with which were the yokes of the when year day's work is done you again, and take care of my baby boy. Tom paid an official visit. house contains living. .room.
ed of the following: may console yourself as.well, it will I am very grateful for what the pills At the annual meetin of. the Unit- 'half ' ti kitchen,
ine a tr rooms
itstuMa .,_
end men, consisted
and Baritone solo, "Down Some Shady. ', help to bring back. a few recollect•. have done. for. me, and, hope' my ex- ed church of Goderitownship it•----ttn�n proli+rtiea esctt nu�o a rrun`t`
In T,,,nor': els Harry Ba'rker, cQtalt :ons of t} past svutter...months-that-.periettce-xvill�lva-of benefit to some Nvas deci ii ihat in the future the '•oge--otabout 37 feet on'1'lntonia,atruet•.
" o Time" Mr, Harry' 'were all spent together. Wishing other sufferer.. services will 1* held Avery Sunday in 'they win b•: offered as atilt lot; if not
Cxot `+1 5utit .1(4t + • v' will be• sold separately.
i f last week pxov- The dress Tire e n song, •p Y , tx the Bethel church on the Cut line, , .
success. 'Cite hall was Soloists and the interloou- Sturdy; tenor solo, "Sometime,"
Mr.: you u happy -and prosperous season. begin taking eeI)n. WilliamsilPnkPula 1k.Ryi;, 4� a,cr;cent. 02 purenae-.
ed a his u eluded the. a ear of 1 6 0. toWe hope that the people of the coin= price to be raid •at thno of sale. liai-
packed each evening and many had tor, and behind the circle was the Campbell Tweedie; coon song, I y
f accent- dozen voices, Didn't. Ask, BeDidn't" Say, so I Signed, .President, Qfl{cers and today::Sold by all medocine dealersf infinity, sof show their appreciation atter' within. 00 da•s or enrant;emants
'NI be turned away for lack o e , chorus of a: couple of e „ • Members •Marine Social Cltnb, year or sent by mail at St) cents a box by b attending mai be matt" as bu further »a rant nts:
7diu *tion. The event was put on to The charas wore dark trousers, Dont Know, Mr. �V: 13uchaltan; eerie , y _,r ,every :S looms at 2.45 .;ale oc'ii , ftts mss .bo lashed ed ani • '
odround and wing base solo, "'Davey. Jones' Look r," The reclp{oats replied in thanking wtxttng The Dr. Williams Medicine ,Everybody welcome. Come afternoon after eel* aril. aici : of the'children's. Pla white shirts, black facesthe • Chub for their expressions of ap . Co..Brockville, Ont•
fund' and a nice sum was llzed. collars. And the end men, of . Mr. George Belcher; Coon'solirg, ,rind, fill the church• . ' At the r'atme, .aril. all the contents of
There is some talk of repeats isg the urse faces.. "Look Out Below," Mr, G. L Par- orpeeeees or
per exit of the ' f ten 'discoursed sons; baritone sole, "Moonlight and opened for business on Aijxoi 25th. parte.
prrfttrmanc¢ :for the benefit An orchestra o o
if the entertainment were music before the curtain •1i4sea;' Mr, J. AlcDermid; Coon Mr. Aikman' could not remember
band and popular' Business,". Mr. 'CARLINC AND GONSQLI� • the name of all the little yachts on er het, large davenport. Serge uphoist-
pet on in a couple of weeks time went up for the big First .Part and tions, Its Nobody's ,, DATED CASES APRIL �QTH h a or Were- � ►t tiers seed aria chairs, alorris {parr, grvv
M # liquor
the brick house tI)r.. Clarks hone)
will be, sold. copy srisina. Irving room
dining room, bedroom. and knotted
farnistengs, 'ticketing: :l -piece wick:•.
good h broke into theA.F Sturdy tenor solo,y which the shipments 4 qchi 'o era' flrnev a , p
dittolY, it a i e y a , opening number , ,
good attrendance• from the . ad- ' a e 'to merit You." : From that "Shove Me the . Way to Go . Home," Charge lAgainst 'Carling- Co. Will Be he knew the names :at the time cif r -
writing d g , combined ear an •
be a !; n-kpie ss d • . sway. Dr. J. N. Grabens; quartette, "`Mas `Changed : to An Offence Undipe the various sh{piiieiit. The fo}low-
Markers .Penn]Cards
writing' desk, 3 -section bookcase and
joining country, and prpbably a ton fun and frolic held Y in is a list of some of fire `'sill uunibers.of bootie insane clocko rug °'
`rer geed success could be record- manya good bantered jibe and jest sa' the Cord Ground,.. Messrs. Sec. 41 (1) of the O. T. A. g ,, P- FROM f2e.xt2, rug t0ko, runner 3x12,• isle- '
ot... 6` ,b
" bantered liaek `'and forth be -Wilson, AicLlermtd, Saunders .and •••-•---• meats shown by the customs en-■� tures,
mirror canr,(t se t. di small om. f 'trail..:
wenn d the Inter- Thomson; Coon • Song,: "The «'es'i • Trial of the charges against the trys - 100 cartons lager beer ship-, �' u Axa , .c n n� room ural•
• The Opera House, Welt had re- 'Tween . the end nen . an Wind,".
,h' „ tore, aL3o all dlNhrs, glasa+iart•, sliver
dowing the term of its W lya8C`%CAR .
mained closedj locator . and some surprtaing stories '� ind, Mr. E. Videan. • Carling Exporting Brewing and :ped by "Tire Yankee Boy, June sit-
thet l personages in After the eloping chorus o 2 1 beer, +platting o'
tables, •'dentals and chairs,. ,
deer tamp, : ween wttatrrot, cherry
e, k c(, 1 ed ltuokc d
vrhen.the roads got into go can- as it rose the chorus roe n F. • , •
i likely that. there would b "Hello people,we're Mary" hit Eric Wilson; Coon song ` 1 made from the' warehouse, : though
f the 30th• 3 packages ale,ager ee ,
f thet d- 1 t'o b the or y t
acen(t • of . the p oduc ai, way .to r g. � g .
1'►�(ro ktitd outing;, thr(yt eompi?te• !(otb>..
lease to the 'Griffin people was wer¢ attached to, loco p g C and the r^vonaolidated „ "all'
MacVICAR S SHOE STORE d,r betliWt,n1 furnitnrs , 'Iitatudinlr i
r tion and ie bring a laugh from first par an ase ec t n y iialti g Y 23' Atlanrel :;site cont ilninr; tted;•,matti�ess,
b ° he $k erbee , nd alt b MttMTN iIOE OF SQUARE • , • t;Irrittgs, ,,creaser; chiffonier, • •lady's
an entert• I •-. chests came the second act, a scene• ha -porting Corporation, of :,V;ancou •packages lager beer a d 5e. Y writhes desk and Chair; will len sold
ratablished itself sus a audiepee. . ver,, .artartt., out of.:the se{aide - „ PA. Besse lel -- t od•riehr
doubt will be r, was . the interlocu- in a canoe; Nip, and Tuck (Budthe pelphine; -July 4th; 2 pack- "� (r8s
menti house 'and' no R,:.�C.`Hays, fro y . last fall. ;of •.the stock at the i+?ar¢•
mitre in use as a, Place ofentertain- tore andcarriedthe - the oil curtains (1 truer
lieu a at the ock" took lace sues- °
an impeller. 'everal `bedroom 'r mad
1 art well The Sturdy and Douglas 'cairn) floating ,,goo of ale and 1. of lager, by air an drapes. Ala .
P , " a cars t --;..•a.,.-,,,, ,.; i' tlu c•icetrio . heater. ° f d� read
a h dock, P <all. July 4th t
s in the 'l J ,
i ukuleles
ole, Y
a played ed the r k H• ,
Inattt since the auspicious, re -opening end men .were Lienal Parsons, H r1 along to they p Y day morni„ „ S(nger u.wing readmit +villi .motor, i :
..I Sturdy, eeeilter Buchanan, Dr. J. A. or. guitars, end sting .or eeneeesed Y , . > `of.last week in the local tons freer, by the'Natanio Aug.. y lazgc mirror,. 'h:ttnpi:rs ilet�ver batsk-
llidt week. . Y, magistrate's.) • court, - Chef Inspector ”
'MO O 'committee which had' charge, Graham, Ernest -Videan and Pred together. Another star ' • performer 3rd; 3 packages of atoll. the Turn- Radia Users,You Can $G-
tee; swing zoom seats ottetatians, .
•madea good job •the dress 'circle were was Master George Parsons, who Elliott .was present and {`,rowit qtr kin,,, Aug. Rth; 8 packages ale andkltrlu ii .. cabinat, r+•fi i rotor, tss
of the de.orations a Sturdy. In torney eager conducted the ease for. „ ,,
i The seats for the minstrels art Barker, Geo. Belcher, " Jacek sang several selections, his mother, of 4 of beer by the. Francis; Attg..R; quNae Your'Here
Rwdio P; pt oar2d, e! ineUlt ,at+(-ra doh. Clmevottic
<►i" t, the "prosecution. Mr. Harry Low,
+ purple Andgold, He t ntid Campbell Tweedie, .Eric hies: I>arsons, accompanying hila on . !3 cartons lager beer by the"Mel-
Mel- L'1c pass rustle and. before s.sendah and lawn
were decorate! d itt e p Di D , p'Valkerv111e, general manager of the „
t Lions Club colorer. A large 'Nilson, A.. L. Cole, Ernest Porter, the plana, ba, Aug. 14th; 9 cartons .of ale and. renewing is a partial list of .: seats, windo+v t,nass, +eraoctatt rugs.
i d C. K. Saunders, d "The Carling . Co. ares on hand as. a ,wit- Zit of Taber by the "Melba," Aug, our stock. of used machines ; washing machine ane +rrint,cr, garden
caporal L 'Was placed over the chair Jas. Thomson an A clever sketch was entitled Hess and Mr; Furlong, of 'N\ h,. cartons•.of beer by the Cockshutt,. •lti-disk drill.. Itt•s.•, Rard•'11 tools, acsltlrig-y screen
.,,. who acted ae director, blit: chess Agent, the Jew and the Hobo, per. appeared as counsel for the defend-` �8t , +vindotvs, fawn mower, step ladder, .
,..0 .-.• `� r"" v ` :duties kept him behind the. scenes sonatee by G. ,I.. Parsons, Geo.. Jen-. pp Air t the Carl Melba, Aug. 26th; X10 cartons of Ttidhop¢ Anderson Spreader, coat call r:tove, i •
«ortI4:r board elactriti
ati of the time.and Ha Sturdy, To Halos• ants. The chargeag . .y .lager beer by th¢ •Mciba, Sept. c P
.1N S 11 R ANC E ,moat eI rirnt:.ner cry ying Co. ..was that of keeping intexi
e chorus consisted. of M d those takingpart is the same as 2nd, 17 cartons of.- beer and,30 of
g Eating liquor- for sale `contrarl. , to ., „
Jenner, S 1by7 the Melba;. Sept. 5th,
Cott, . Chrystal Archer, Ted Je , eajring the sketch calf good.'a ale, .
Stu rd A. L. Cole, nib- .ec. 40 of the O:x,A: and .the' charge cartons d4' beer and 21 of `
Alfred yt w_._..__ >yart. u. consisted of a sou ,against the .Cotta dated Ce. was .ale by the t`1 .e a Sept 13th• 2�
bite, Alan McDonald, Ernest na- In s. as LA ll the' caste* of a i nor in a lace oth-
• g. Munro, a Y. which was, as follows: FitshuSh• a prieate residence Melba Sept. 21st, 10 t d
Ch '' Mittel, �
M Cormich DearingSpreader toaster, electric • bed a++.t•rner, electrics
Quebec Sulkey Plow.' " iron.: a number of testes,- and. all'
Melotte Cream Separator... l.ltrtv'n utell'Ily: .. ,
1'F:Ii�f� fat�h•
Set Renfrew 2000 -Ib scales.•
Iris. W. F. CL I,I4, T. C•,uxrtily,
Renfrew Create .Separator, Proprietor. • luetioneer.
The ;above machines aregalt' - , Dr. (:lark is offering for immediate
saris idle, Clark home,ab>a,l fn Colborne
townstttp :Lot a, Con. 9, W. 1).) con-
taining 100 acres. It will be sold on
very reasonable te;•rne. Aii informa-
tion r, arding same may be ltad from-
Dt� Clark,' Goderich.
Mutual Life
Porter, scene, �' , that of, having l q p , :recto
er than „ ��cartons of in good condition;
ire M J ick Sturdy R bt•S
aid 'and 8' of. beer. on the
rel Doug Nairn r Aa - , M
Southern I! Hee. f shortening iii '
Before buying
Assurance Colinpen�r
Douglas Brown, Mehl. Grey, 'Walter' organ, planter, . • For rthe purpose o a ale and 1ti c lager by the "Melba;'
` , Harry • Witmer Harry 'Vat- beet; "Gordon Morgan; his son, Ern trial Mr 'Furlong admitted the p
Irafte , e t Porter; Richard Lee Reg. ''Vii- i f t f th
es man ac s o e case. l�L
son, F. Mar
n, Reg. Williams Hams• Roert Bratton !Wm. Drew: of beer by theSept. 26th..
x , ► Somtr interesting ovidenct was tl there have been•
Stanley McLean, Win.
a: Cuittvator
Set.. 22nd- cartons of ale and 4. see the FROST & WOOD.
. Farm
- a busy seabon at the harbor
'4 sir,- Wm..0 y 1, , bent •Snazel (Ger given by Mr. Lew- .'When the Crown ', y Ilene SS -':li1T�lGA�1N(iN .
of Canadt► ` Iare+v; • don's .school chums); 014 . Black Joe, Attorney, was pressing for details
e qui The. memberti of the orchestra an old slave of Gordon's, A. Mellon -feat summer with to many yachts
were: Violins, Miss Edna hunt, about the sale of the 600 cases of calling, T •
he "Melba," it. would ,_
aid• Pete, the house servant, .Ted. beer and ale which came to the ware- �'"
Miss Olive 'Whitely, ,Edward Field; Benner; Izzy `Fake, a wandering house: at Goderich, ivhat' price the seem, must be quite a.• speedy, boat J, dCttott
- saxophone, Sydtiry Palmer; clarinet, Jew, Gee. Jenner; ..Silas S;{ek, . hid, goods were .sold at and how payment to load 20 cartons of ale and ft of aa'€t+ommtic'al
°Clyde Carter; trombone, Harold Yankee pal, Fred Sturdy;. David beer on he 21st of September for
Newcombe; cornet, 11. -E. Jenner; -was. made, Mr. Law seemed. a little Detroit, a be back on the 22n /r .; .. t �. , ., ,.. T• -.- /,
Moen 230 bass, Chas. Black: traits
Mee b� C10ttt: ndr•dd, . � rr.
a Mr. liaedonald Gibbs, as pianist pickers etc. This was also ver well how ridiculous it A to
r ' , Y the Carling f ompare a business with small craft (some of which had to
B aWulyd less -
• 11SAn Ovtirn 1 \V•ATEnt.00, ONT.
in Jar •soft i"
Kennedy, a moneyeender, Barry impatient at being expected to re -d and
. it. Laudtake on another load.
The Crown Attorney pointed +vac
, done. The second evening this act the man in Detroit (one C. B. Gran -
and "The Agent, the Jew and the 110- di) to whom these goods were sold
be," were changed about, "In Dixie amounted to several thousand doI- were wrecked) 'as "common carriers;"
Land" being given before the other. Lars a week; and when the Crown but the defence claimed the law did
The whole product°,u for the :attorney asked Mr. Low why. he had not make it necessary that shipmeutr-
should be made by "common ear -
evening lasted fullythreehours but. not brought the *Mee records cover-
over- „
• the interest of the audiences was - in the sale inquestion with hint, he r{ers.
g` Court decisions were cited by both
I kept, up to the last. • ' intimated that the • office reeords
t� ,.t k 1 f h a
Watson; Sanibo, a cotton picker,. member alt the decals n such
T fated out,
• Harry Witmer; chorus of cotton email transaction and intimated that lass' such
, s a• �...,, �:..,y;
Crops Fy` „.
r11�•4.._Y .i"\IIS
A3.11,t,' ice Rl
At frequent intervals throughout
the season the Bank of Montreal
issue; report$ on the progress of
the (Topa iii Canada. These re.
port*, telegraphed to headquarters
from the Maw of the Bank's
600 Branches, corer every Prov.
ince and form a reliable index of -
crop Cot'Kl tions.
The reports are famished freer.
Upon repeat at soft
Bok • ow IWO will i r *cot sorts
oar swanINtt.
BANK OF mown
Total Assets In assess of $78.0,60.,00.111)
aallim- . L.... _.1......
1 thousand cis
sides as to the question
world mean several t tousan poun export shipment; must bo s contin-
uous . SOCIAL CLUB of books. uous .shipment or could be intercept -
The frankness with which Mr. ed and unloaded into a warehouse, -
Low suggested a reason why liquor
An At Home was given by the for Detroit should be routed via without involving control on the part
wives and lady friends at the Mar- Goderich, when his company had a • of those inteeScaine
ins elute to the members and the The defence claimed that Mr. A'{i(-
Cart -
visiting sailors in the Acarine Club dock at IGalfcrrville, was somewhat man wag- the agent of the Cart -
g refreshing. 'uGuess the law. wad 'int, Company, the power of attorney
rooms on North street on, Thursday getting too hot at Detroit,"was the arthoriting hila to sign the customs,
evening, April let, First on the comment, and Air. Furlong was
�•• • :program was --progressive •-euchre,- ee equally frank .-in.' explaining why returns not creating . an agency,- as...
tables playing :firs. John Mcllon other liquor actually !rent to 'Vind- these returns were simply for atatis-
ted and Mrs. Carter won the ladies` tical purposes.
ser for shipment across tl.e river had The deal for the sale of the 600
crest in rix games and Mr. J. Mc- been brought to Goderich for ship-�
Nevin won the gent's first in six ment out. At one particular time cases b deand n the Hr. Lesv stat-
ism*. Mr. E. Drennan won gent's LT. S. ,*i re would be partier,tarly' Detroit - between, himself and Istr.
i, but no writings passed.
At 10 p,m. the Iadtfs prepared the other Imottt. 'The purchaser of the whisdcey was
tables for lunch and nerved the .150 no contention of the defence was Mr. Prank Savard.
guests with cake, aanliwiehrs and
that the liquor in question was sold Magistrate Reid, after hearing the
coffee. After lunch the tables were ' and paid for. before it ever emote •to evidence, adjourned ting cases to
Bleared away for an April fool':+ Goderich and tical the selling conn- look into the authorities cited by
second in five games• -.and :1fr. E'. active ata certain point and their Grandi,
Westbrook won booby in 'em•game. shipments would be made from some
dance. . Steve Longridge gave a eget fro er eo o bath nnecti n counsel.
r. . a pontes a The cases will come up oit Tues.
solo, then came a bagpipe solo by the attha. Qri hday next, circa the information
Maitland Marton. Dancing started' otherwith handmai+ter i`,e +contentioter t
n of tither against the Cartirsg Co. wilt be
at 10.30 and tasted until 12 p.m- Thr. Crown was that geode for expoet l aendeto a change of swine liquor
ladies were confronted with great mast go"in h rarttinnous shipment. t? -27" in ace etcher than a private resi-
in putting on the event, If the • were taken ori the train tit
as the lights were out, bat then Cl ticrieb bX one wits Matta er o '
t+e from will-
arlteiaa andhallwas very taste- r. Stamen vradr oplssrtunity. if ikaired, of submit -
fully lighted. The to izes were flea- (arlialt co. rave fate eents•eI of the ting fresh eridenee.
ated by Mrs. M. Menem:ld, Mts. lt.: eteesle• It made la IRPMSP.e* whet
by Xr. A. *Nevin. violin: Mrs. D. C.rehig Co. "hell" them. GODERICH TOWNSIHIP
Martin, prune Mrs. Wm. Thompson., Mr. Parts% rootoaaa• vetoer at Mr. Brock Orr left Monday to re-
plan*. The president and the rival Q,erder�kh. gave ev ssioeialt tbe sum. his Modem at Stratford Nor- -
wish to thank the Wiest for their Alters made set le eswssetisa +rtth mal Training School.
lrirrdnrse and theugtttfolness fee the the Airmen* throw Qetlrrtea card miss Helen 11� 11 telt Sictarday
cnterteurnert, *Iger Jor Me erin, - tit► power of attorney which Mr. ttm+it+iaet for Sandwich, where she boa
Cohn - A. McDonald. " Roy McDonald Allman hall for intima seat the ow- "scared a position as teacher.
and Mr. Lambert for their assist- Ulna foram for the Carla Co, silos Aos+eie l stvidtton, drarst•in-
aner, Xt. Allow" (whore hew* le is trtsisritge. Victoria dace at. Loneett
At the meeting of the Karin, Assslierstlit•rg) glee evidence to sow ,res i to over the r►rek-attd.
tion en Saturday. April sed. prefect. that the , . the ]sir. A. L. v tiwd w•ass in Toronto
lotions were mark to PresMwat Wm. Nsrrying on of the wareMera here tart week . Sollottg the meeting to
Campbell owe Steward James alta. were same wit% haw by •Kir. iris -
y decree under ase. 41 ii of t8s+0.. .
• would not be beaten, so they .secured l?Co s This end
make it, ne a crenae, a new
i the t t f s bevel
CA the and y, diciesir wilt have •clad
Muir and Rh**. ietan• Murray. Musk the owner of base goo& was. the
TORMY we ethet holds no terrors for the
owner of a Chevrolet touring.
This sturdy, all•aeasots car provides real comfort
* and snug protection against rain, wind, snow
• ' ',and sleet.
dokdpiktieg, csrefullytailo.ed cutanea keep the
wnsiaie acid how Mewing ie. Its his, wide doors are
fitted with .vadat pisg, mad ;wing
t doer curtains dist
are tie*rupperted so roils sed ;wing with die alts.
14e ether car of equal pries Fars egad a riity earl
eitedpestme Nana ether ceeeirinae Cleevrslst's faatsw
alM.laar-e rwrd .ceaaaay wide arch all ye setwwsi cwa.
voalsaae earl weethat. 1. *maw it's a speedy, cool,
open tae; i ewieek, k keeps yea warts alai Maas yes
there saki bade! ,
11 year waale s*. waatbee preemie* pas y teat•
wtwetiae at Mw rest -•-bare is the cur t ewe! Cams 3a
- ass k outset
1 11 11 11 1111 111 u ,