HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-15, Page 3Rub Rheumatisrn or°
Sore,Aching Joints
1 Rub Pain right out with email
1 trial bottle of old
"Ift, Jacobs DIV
I, • ...............
elfthatStIl y; ot
one cam in...fifty requires internal
treatment. eStrek dila Rub sooth-
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Or right
into your sore, stiff, aching joints and
muscles, and relief aeries instantly.
"St. Jacobs oir. is a 'barmiest rheu-
matisnie whichenever disap-
yob1U 'ancroratot barn At. skin.
• Limber Mit ,Quit complainingi Get
small. .ttial bottle, of 'old, honest
"St: fobs Oil" #. any druestore,
and in • just a moment you'll be free
from rhetimatk pain, eoreness, stiff-
ness and swelling. Don't suffer!' Re-
lief awaits .you. .."St. Amin Oil"' has
relieved millions of 'rheumatism, suffer-
erslin the fast half century, and is just
as. good for sciatica neuralgia, itud-
bag, backache, sp s.
•Treat any cut,
-bruise, itching
spot or • sore
with Zam-Buk.
it soothes rain,
allays inflam-
mation & soon
grows new skin
altALP SOREt-eire.
Webeer, 51g. Seigneurs St.. Montreal.
amaze-a:We feared my little girl would
lose Iter beautiful timid of hair. Bot
Zant-Duk saved he. As we steadily
persevered with this splendid bairn it
removed ail trate of the dreadful s:irerl."
F1011111-EIMS COT OFF.-Mre. j. C.
Mel wird'. of Cat niltiff. Sask., write,,,.:-
" My little boy tut off hie finger mid -mid
it seemed a case for the doctor. t For-
t u natel v.1 had a box of Zara.11uk handy.
It soon ended the pais and bleeding,
and lizaled perfectly in a few i;av,;."
•••••••••••.m. —
Yoe Can Qat MOO
Front Coastifpatlea
My Was
IOW treelike Woe huatia rem is sell-
Orastipseisi is suet 11611 meat pee.
Jed te, aad the "setae mese st
matey of „oar admen* Sir !E the bowel*
fail to perforsakeirlamobeas repay
11 Out othaelei4rai . if the body will
• Mop your Iseetticsermaleig aittundly
sad gualy by ales 1:411 Oir
P4X/PLITer Pills, einit g true* ewer
• wifiCtliVerastikitillitteeelt•ablethOothee
Seoul:dee eusedIPY it•
• Yoar 'neared 'daggist et dealer
kindles theta; pet ep oath by The T.
Milking Gee .Lheilice4 limeate, Oat,
plk0F. W. JACKesON-einetritetion
're given la Voice Culture, Organ,
Piano. Violin, Guitar, 'theory. etc.
Studio and resIdeuee. North Street.
C. IIAMILTON---Organist ahirth tat.
•'-e- 'United Cltureh. Concert player
and Teleher.
alesidence at Mrs. Colborne's, St. Pat -
teak Street.
B. DARROW, • ;
13arrieter. Solieitor, Notary Public*,
— Succeseor to 3. L. Eilloran
Phonein Office, The•Settare. tote:rich
B:.:rligt4grolloRnr. Notary
• ConveYetteer. Elea
0...14414"--411,-.4., •
, .
Tut. P. J. R. vonsTF.n.
I•sto House Surgeon New -York ()pla-
t/Altaic and Aural Hospital, assistant at
Moorefield's; Eye Hospital and Golden
Semite Throat Beeping. London, Eng.
63 Waterloo St. S Stratford. Tele-
phone 267.
At Hotel Redford, Goderieh, on the
• evening of the third Meader of cork
' agrath, from 1 o'clook 1.111 the followura
der. Tuesday, at 1p.m.-
Reiered Chiropractor. GoderIch'
flltroake,Ornarik and Nervous Distales
Constiltation free
9ffibehoir*-2tO 5 abd 7 to 0 p. m
and by appointment, eateepting Monday
and TOursday alternocem and eremites;
flours on ht ave days i0 to i2 a1m.
C4wor...f.osi And Victoria
- • aree- ---- -zee- _••••e-
OLE, R. 0..
West Street; Goderich,
Rouer Graduate of the Canadian.Oph-
, thatnelo College of Toronto. „,
Eyes examined by the latest_roetnede,
end the proper fitting of glaseee at niod-
e,reite.prices. Ontario hoard of Exam -
kers Certificate No. en.
• Lhe Seek arid General Auctioneer,
Hamilton Street, e
•• Saks made everywhere and all eiforts
made to etre •you satisfootion.
. Partners' eale notes discounted.
' = -901$1,fied nuetioneer, „
, „
Eldon Street. Goderieb.
• will conduct any asie :n the County of,
Huron. For information apply to P: J.
Ryan, Hemitton a -•eerier& ieft with
him will receive prompt attention. .
1.11111 1111 ' 1 1 1 111 1 1111 1 11. 1 11111 11111111 II
1 III 11 ,
taw at J
7 . 1111 . 11
News. letideperk:s. sleet the elerphosse is 1
the basis et aM Ow *whew yea see IN OAYS OF YORE
for the filial reareitillortaitt of the re.
esSmith was somewhat surprised to (Front The Goderia Star of April
learn that the difference between 12tb, 10011
• loudspeakers, as well ate that be• Over Falk mid Rock
Robt. and Mrs. Esti, Gerrie, become was more than of .one 'Am. Hit bag oh WAntlitliki ett)ht. ?Sett and I
tweet% lotedareekers mei earphones.
the bride of Harold Ne Younliiet son no idea that aside from variations (rim viaited Anburn and isunched 14
of John and Mrs. Gowdy, ef Howiek in the sire and design of the horns ti•!. thrae new "14 a the 14"1"d
Med From Our Ex
Mr. Doak Beeman Niaity-Nise
Mr. Veva BOACOM, of Cliptoa,
celebrated his 99th birthday on
Sunday last, April 4th. "He will
proltaldy be planning," pays TIM
Cliptese Mews-Rectria. 'to tele part
Dial the Orange Walk here on _Jur
Dr. Rumba)/ Resigns
Rev. Dr. Mark Rumball, who hate'
been here for over thirty yeses min -
biter of the Presbyterian church at
Morden,Ilene has placed his resig-
nation n the hand* of the session
and is littering Morden shortly. Dr.
Ruraball eld Goderich township
- boy and is a brother of Mies G. Rum-
• ball and Mrs. 3. Ford and Mrs. W.
-Pickard, of Clinton.
Death of MM. J. Shepherd, Clinton
Mary Jane Dutton, widow of the
late Mr. James Shepherd, died at
her home in Clinton en Saturday
Morning, April $rd, after c, a short
illness. She was born in• Paris in
1850 and spent .lier childhood and
girlhood there. The fatally lived
for a time' Rocheater, but on her
marriage she came to reside in Olin -
ton and this was her home ever
since. A family of fear sons,. and
three daughters survive.
Clintqn Tsx Rate 420/S Mills
The tax rate for the year for Clin-
ton has been struck at 4234 mills.
Wingliam Pastor Receives Two Calls
Rev. W. D. McIntosh, who has for
the past year been co -pastor at
Winghant Uttited ehureit, has ireeeiv-
ed a couple -of callte One to the Em-
bro United chureh and, one to
Orangeville, both are splendid char-
ges. The .Embro church is one 'of
the largest. ,It -was in this chureh
that Rev. Dr. Gordonel father of
"Ralph Connor" preached for years.
Gowdy;parl Nuptials '
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place in St. Andrew's manse, Wing-
- ham, on Saturday, April 3rd, when
Emmeline E„ youngest daughter of
• Wiet, BAILIF. • ,
• eiheral temveyaneites done
• Good Companies itepeesental
Phone No. 20S.• Under
• •
hayfield, Ont.
earn INSURED. •
Value of property insured up to .1:n
nary, i9-10, M018,07100.
OFFICERS -James ConnollY, Presi-
dent.' Ccoderich; Jas. Evans, Vice -Pest.'
Meot, Beteltwoodi 7'. E. Mies, See.-
Trean., Seaforth.
DWEGTOBS., P'; ateGregor, Sea -
Vain; J. O. Grieve. Winthrop; 'Wm.
Wrist, Constance: George MeCartnei.
Tuckersmith; John Verrie, liarioen;
John theartewiee. Broadliagart; Siurray
flibeon, Bruceilehl.
AGENTS -4. W. Yeo, Gorierielt; Sandy
tenet', Minim; Wm. Chesn!y, Sea -
Meth; it. Hindle,. Seaforth.
Policy holders ean pay their assess-
Mento :it'll. It: Cures "etere, ianderielt;
A. J. Morrieh's Clothing Store, Clinton;
or J. Real's, hayfield.
Have it attended to oy the
• Established 1878
„ Head Mite Dungannon, .Ont.
• •, Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, Goci•••
erieh, pres.; Wm. Thompeon, Auhe
urn, vice pres.; directors -4 -Win. Mc-
Stlielens; W.?. Reed, R. R.
No. 2, Lueknow; II L. &add, 'phone
4180r11, Goderich; Alex. Nichellon,
Lucknow; Wm. 'Watson; ass. Gitvin.
IL R. Not 6, Goderith; Wm. Thomp-
son, Auburn; Tint GritAn, R. U. No.
Lueknow; Chas. Hewitt, Kiocate
dine, Ont.
Treas. Secretary.
Brophou Bros.
ms Lading
rellefil Directors
afld Eabakeers
Woo estaftsilv stiondod to
ilk *II lenurs—niight te
Oe t s Sow ef s!orta-fsak .fvs*t moor deabar
totriery !
(Hr sits* *um iee.: 41141$.
ittittictihOk ceotifi 4171414 1W b„ tfe, c Jaw,
Arn Wheeler
/meta Diteetor out
Ooderiob, Ontario
M1 calls promptly attended to
oity or night.
Phones Oboes Howse 813w
Rev. Dr. Perrie (glaciating. there aro three broad classes of River Navigation Cesetpany, "Red
• Fexteh-litolserteeit loudspeakers. White and Blue." They took the
water exactly at neon and in a few
The Tee:knee ef kr. and Sirs. rituarlm ifirtisat raais itythe:iantanplhuiradest typesincht saimites,,were far beyond the "Swett
T R0* tit Weleorhain was,
tGlve"irenc; of pretty wedding on eartanwtir4 It is known as the e- rilivellia'gks.e1ThePatairnainOre warrwt lisostanal
r en, •
Good Miley, Apry. 2ad, at ateos, the- tie type and does just
about what its name implime A titeat made by the fleet kit year, but
when their daughter, eAnnie Edna, di*. t slow time VE1•1 not the fault of
became the bride of Mr. Teems Ai.. thin iron disc, known as thaf h the boats, bet of sluggish stream
bort Foxton, son of the late liVillient Fhrodini and low water. The fleet anchored
floats on the pole* ? t e
Feick,* and Mrs. Foxton, of Culross. tIee. troonagnet. ,The magnet in the p.m. just off the bior board -
Rev. W. D. McIntosh, of the United delicate radia phone reoeiver, or a, • .t 7:4°
church, officiated, assisted by Rev. simplified loudspeaker, .is usually named by a lenge number of meal.
mg house, their arrival being wit -
referred to as a solenoid, whkh is
M..1).414.01:1 enfnetMt.rs. Catharine Welelt the technical name for a wire spiral lowe the only mishap until the fleet
Alth,ough the water was exceedingly
through which current is passed. vel
• The death of another of Seaforth's
For Smith's purpose it wits only was thin one hundred you'd* of
old residents otcurred in Hamilton necessary to picture this part of the - '
landirer stare was the immersion of
on Alonday, April fwhthe captain, in the person sound reproducing equipmint tut a ' who was thrown out
the late John S. 'Welsh- 3026 wound around en iron core, When
when the Nesse! struck a snag.
of -Mrs. Catharine elsh, widow of hormeihoe-shaped coil of fine wire Whenthe boats were near the her -
Welsh, whose maiden name W$current is passed through the coil, bor of rest one of them struck a
Catharine Sperling, was born it or solenoid, the iron cores Attila and which mishap sided the boat
and threw the three occupants into
Streeteville, May 14f0, 1$44, and the iron disc across their end ie
il " the water. Allthee boat e passed all
when but a young girl, moved to and varying degrees.
settled with her parents in McKii- In order to obtain more volume the falls in the river and passed
them all safely. The members pre.
lop. After her marriage she lived with the sante amount of crrrent, a
for about five years in Bruce County second general type of loudspeaker sent at the annual outing in 1901
were Captain J. S. Phitt and Seamen
and then moved back to MeKillop, has been developed. This is known B. D. Grant, Harry Matson, Grant
finally' settling in Seaforth, where, u the electro-ntechanical type, and
tii the death of Mr. Weigh in 1924. plies. Electra magnetic form is
is alit° just about what n -..name im- Cooper, Fred Shannon, Jas. Masson,
they resided for over Aft3r years, un -
H. Jordan, Fred Shepherd, Chas.
Death of Mrs.. WM. Work, Brussels - suleplemented meepanical action. Megaw and Geo. Allan" Many think
the trip eleven the* Meitlanci, .when
n this type he Ipo es of the sol -
After an illness extending over the river is in spring flood, la A new
v th f llo • t enoids do not pull directly upon the
tal dise er diaphragmidea but the trip on Wednesday was
of Paralysis, :lame Robb, beloved
wife of ?dr. Whitton Work, Brussels,
passed away Sunday morning, April
4th, at the age of 01 years, 4 months
and 21 days. Deceased was a
daughter of the late,Mr. John Robb,
of Morris township. 40 years ugo
she was married to her new bereav-
ed partner -and for many years re-
sided in Grey township, moving to
Brussels about six years ago. Be -
aides her husband, she is survived by
three sons, John, on the homestead
in Grey, and Robert and Harold, of
Toronto; also one sister, Mrs. John
Currie, in the West; three brothers,
James Robb in the West; Geo., of
St. Catharines, and John, of Brus-
°On Wednesday, March 31st, n
timighter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc-
• Beath, hear Brucefield, was united in
marriage to Mr. Alvin McBride, of
Stanley township. The ceremony
took.,place at the home of the btide's
parents, on 'the 2nd con. of Stanley.
Reeve Geiger Wins i Court of
Appeal • •
Zurich Herald: The many friends
Of Reeve Owen, Geiger,of
were glad to see by the Toronto
papers that he had again won a vic-
tory, this time, in the Court of Ap-.
peal at Toronto, in the action of the
Excelsior Co, ,of Cleveland against
himeelf. The case was first tried at
'Exeter by His Iliinor Judge Lewis
who gave judgment in favor of Mr.
-Geiger but was appealed by the
plaintiffs and was reviewed by the
full Court of Ave judges early last
'month, their decision being reserved
until, now. The action arose over
the duty on a carload of fiaic ship-
ped to Cleveland; Mr. Geiger had
contracted , to pay the duty and did
so to the C.N.R. at Bengali when
shipment' was made. The Rilry
Co. did not forward the duty prompt-
! ly however and the :car arrived at
Cleveland nift elim2ed. The coneign-
ees did not notify Mr. Geiger of this
but attempted to get the car cleared
themselves. Meantime, however, the
American tariff on flax towe was
inereased by a largo amount and -
they were compelled to pay upwards
of $200,00 more duty to release the
shipment. For this excess •they stied
Mr. Geiger but he contested' his lia-
bility on the ground that 'it was the
neglect of the plaintiffs in 'neither
notifying him nor paying the duty
'promptly before the rate went up
that was the cause of this loss. Both
Courts have now given judgment in
favor of the defendant with cpsts.
E. C. hetts, of London, acted for the
Plaintiffs and J. G. • Stanbury, of
Exeter, for Mr. Geiger throughout,
1 TOhlMith and His 1
1 ' (Copyright 1925 by . re 1,
The Oilman Featureadio
Service) In 'fact they are Alto only 'medicine
. . --.a she has etici• had and I am proud to
say that she took second prize at our
No. 22: Types of Loud Speakers baby ehow. She is eleven month:
Smith is a real radio fan now. old and weigh,: 22 pornds. No
Ile has started experimenting. mother whose child is peevish or ail;
He has found that there is pleas- ing will make a mistake in giving It.
ure in operating a radio set even if Baines Own Tablet -la"-
he pays no attention to what is coin- NW's Own Tablets ore sold by
ing in _over the ether, forait isthen+ medicine dettlerg oradircat by mail at
that he is tenfpt,ed. to try little. ex- 25 cents a box froat Tbe Dr. Williams
periments 'that help to unfold the aledicine Co., Brockville. Ont.
whole mystery of -wireless communi-
cation. • Miller's Worm Powders can do no
This explaine how • Smith diseotr. injury to the most 'delicate child.
ered that he could not get any re Any child, or infant in the state of
sults from the phonograph horn -adolescence, Who is infested with
when he substituted cite of the ear- worms an take . this preparation'
phones for theeloteispeaker unit and
tried to make the cryetal set do the without a swain: of the stomach, and i
work of the tube set. will find in it a sure relief and a full
protection front these destructive'
"That's funny," he eaid. "When
the thirteenth made by Mr. J. S.
le upon en armature which, in turn, Platt and theta is well authenti-
is connected with the diaphragm cated C4.100 of one being tried over
tfirough a series of miniature levers, twenty-five years ago,
Smith could clearly se q how this
gave a sort of mechanical' adVant-
tage, making it possible to get a lot (FroiTi The Goderich Star of April
of volume from very littlenergy.13th, MO
Here I returned to the earphones:
to tell him that this mechanical type Deputy Registrar Became Beak
also is found in one of the popular Manager
earphones, though the armature and- Mr. J. D. O'Coneell, so widely
leverage action is necessarily minute known and highly esteemed as de.
opportunity to re-. Parupotyihrteagdiantaliairhaof tnh, haaads • ben
phoneser e
This gave me an
mind him that in buying it
is iniportant to bity the best, be. branch of the SgteerrIng Bitenk, which
cause cheap ones are not only easily will be opened for business on April
damaged but are frequently untute 26th.
ed, That is, in a pair of good • Mr. J. IL Hawkins Retired from
phones there is sufficient equalize- Hardware Business
tion between the two pieces so that His many friends and patrons will
the mime tune comes through each be surprised to learn that Mr. J. B.
ear, •Hawkins, the hardware man, has de -
"The third general type of loud- eided•to retire from business and will
speaker mechanism is a little 'more make a quick sale of his entire otoek
complicated' X added, "but it works. •-.
* Rev.McLean House Was
Dr. McL
on the. electro-magnetio principle.
Tho Started '••
witerein'the miniature coil thht re-
is the electro-dynamie type
A two story brick dwelling for
of Blyth, was
Re. . McLean,
reaves the pulsations from the plate vDr
started this week. It is situated on
gap. which becomes a strong snag- ling
circuit of the set Nets ih an air
Bruce street just behind the dwel-
of Mr, E. R.:Watson, Nelson
netic field when current flows
through a street. Mr. D. C. Munnings has al -
large winding of wire' most completed another cosy and
For this type a six -volt current convenient new residence on Brock
supply for the large eleetro-magnet
is necesaarystreet, which will no doubt .be quick
"Of course, there are mixed types.
And, finally, there ia usually some
method of controling the .volume or
tone. In the that two types this•ie
accomplished by a lever which
hrings the solenoids nearer to or
farther away from the diaphragm
or armature, depending upon the
type. in the last type, the control
is by means of a variable electric
resistence." •The first day you take Itheuma,
All of which Sinith admitted was the doctor's remedy that is selling so
a lot more than he would have given rapidly, you'll realize ,that when
the loudapeaker gedit for saying Rheuma goes in Rheuniatisrn goat
for itself.
Next Week, No, 23: Adding Power
;'It" matters not whether . you are
to Aerial.
`. , tortured withpain, crippled wit't
• (Copyright 1926 by The Ullman,
swollen joints or diAressed with eel
Feature Service) casional twinges, Rheuma is guar-
„anteed to end your rheumatic trou-
THE ONLY MEDICINE ble or money back.
.„ • • BABY HAS HAD /theme is just as effective in
cases of lumbago, sciatiea, arthritis
Quickly Drives
Out All
Say and chronic neuralgia. ,.
Rheumatism is a dangerous ills-
of Baby's Own Tablets
• ease. It often affects the heart and
Once a mother as used Baby's causes sudden death. If yon Lave
it in the slightest degree gtt„: a hot.
Own Tablets for her little ones she
will use nothing else. ° Experienee tie of Rhounla from IL G. pli-NrAP
or any druggist today and drive it
teaches' her that they are without a(1
mull for relieving baby of any kind from your aystem at one.
of the many minor ailments which
afflict him at one time Or another. '
The Tablets never fail to be of bene- '
all injurious drugs. r
they are guaranteed to be free from
fit -they catmot -possibly do harm as GODERicti
Concerning Baby's Own Tablets •
Mrs. Russell TIM, Norwood, Ont.. • ""•• ••
McEwen's. SDeCiall
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 25c
A good teaspoon, King George design, given away with each
23c worth.
24 bars Soap, McEwen's special $1.00
0 cakes Paim Tree Toilet Soap for
I lbs. loose Cocoa for 13
. 5
ta lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock lurposes for . 5
Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Black TeL
We will give 1 Ib. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, lb. Biscuits
and 1 bar Soap for the sante price as a pound of package
Special price on large Flannelette Blankets
Special price on Fancy Blankets
We are cutting the price on Men's All Wool Underwear and
Men's Fleece -lined Underwear.
Good Linen Roller Towelling
25c per yd.
Good large Bath Towels . 00e per pair
Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right
Now is the time to buy a set of dishes 100,, off.
Free delivery to attar part of the Town.
PHONE 40 South Side Square
ly anepped up.
Inter -Collegiate Debate
There was a geed attendance at
the meeting of the Collegiate Insti-
tute • Literary Society •on Friday
evening, the leading item on the
program being the inter-collegiatedebate,
debate, Clinton vs. Goderich. Mese
she W. Canteion and H. Taylor re-
presented Goderich, but the oratory'
of these gentleman and the many
good points did not win a victory for
Goderieh, the Clinton school
An ordinary pipe can be smoked
in 18 minutes -if you don't run out
of miitehes,
r tt
Says:• -•-"I shall Always have a email
I have given them to our- baby girl. _ • _ •
word to say for Baby's Own Tablets. ° %lett
I put the phones to my ears X can
hear our local station as though it
were right in this room. Now why
isn't this noise amplified when I hold
one of the phones to the place where
the lordseeaker units the,
en to
the phonograph?"
"Because," I explained, "in your
crystal ret the only energy that
causes the variation' in pulsations
in the phone circuit it that which
comes in over the aerial. In your
tube set the pulsations are enlarg-
ed-ampiilled----by mean 5 of the 'Ir
= battery current."
"I'm glad you explained thief"
Smith. geld, "because I thought,
'hero was something the mime
with the earphones and 1 NV a g about
to take them stpatt. I might have,
ruined them."
"That might haw been a good in
%element," I retotted. "You might
pests, which are reeponeible for
much sickness and great suffering
to legions of little ones.
IT NEED, A pErrolz.. pier I
LA7,(Pi(e 1
You may have the Ise,,t lirephice
in the world.
Your kitchen rang,c• may Pe in 14
perfeet order.
, Your furnace ni1 I the t'e.5t
on the market.
But none of Ilion will v:
satisfactory lifi100s) !,(itt have the
sigh • kind of coal.
'1 why w.e are in 1tAlle5v-
to furifilt you with the ivA cepa!
or ever:: purpose. tl
Kai Good Clean rual
• , B. INUSTAL ceipmci
Phone 98 — Goderich
• I
• Keeps EYES!
Clear, Bright and Beautiful
Writ•Mutine Co..Chksio.foclisCaritook
rrevish, pale, restless, and Maly
children owe their 'condition to
worms, Mother Graves' Worm Ex- •
terminator will relieve them and re-
store health. •
•44.4•44.4••••••••••••••44.** OPEN NOSTRILS! END
How To Get. Relief When need
and Nose are Muffed Up.
Count fifty! Your cold in heed or
catarrh dioappears. Yrittr elogged 1100* ”
trite will open, the air pump*, of your
will clear anti you. tan breethe '
freely. No more gnuffling, hawking,
niticotta discharge, dryness or headeche; '
no struggling far breath at night.
Get a amen bottle of Ely'e Cream .
Balm from your druggiet and apply *,.
little a*I this fragrant antiseptic cereal
in your hostels. It penetrates throne*
every air passage of the brad, soothing
end healing the,ewellen or inflamed IOW
emis membrane., giving you instant re•
lief. • lieed eolds and catarrh yield like
magic. °Tien% stay Auffed•up and miser -
ate, Relief' is sum
lfred Jin9le
'would hai
Is What Thousands of Mothers hoe sd
'"Capital, sir—excellent vict-
im)* -pleasant surroundings
restful, homey Oh,
very -
lite voluble Alfred would
have had no difficulty in per -
'mauling Mr. Pickwick to put
up at such an ideal hostelry.
'The snug, homey comfort ,of
the old-time inn, with all the
- convenience* of modern
fireproof hotel added, makes
,the Westminster unique.
Perfect equipment and cuisine;
courteous service. On a beau -
i4 residential street, yet
close to the ciry's centre.
Single room with bath, $2.50.
Vrhes jai orrire 114 Taranto mi fee a
De Lam eak toad soy "ireashatan
r /11111 t
Th ot Hotel of llamado
240 - 42 Jarvis btr. TorOnt0
011747 S
WHITE BEANS 6 iba. 25c
BULK DATES 2 lbs. 1 7c
ifd. CORN SYRUP LIT: 33c1,
I PICKLES =greed 35cl
BEANStarns ih,E6. 22c 4 11,. TIN
4121,1aFIQS 2 ss, 25c Raspberry
311. STUART'S 4() ' JAM
• 111111.8 k man Ear 2.71
ItJi , cif
591b. Z):nhahs411741 3 ht 29c
CHRISTIE'S 4 ox. Poroo•ta oath 01,
PIERROT PktAl."14""st 4P‘'
cREAms SOH CHIPS 216.25e
371b. Ii0hr690
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44e. 31 PAIL
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INIMPor 120C