The Goderich Star, 1926-04-15, Page 2.11
I, 44
You Cannot
its luscious freshness Ilk rich strength
t snail* it liner than ear Gunpowder*
japan Cir Young Brooch. Sold ever.
where*Ash for SALADA. to.dor.
Or110.1111C7161. •••••
- A 1
I1 itkIHirrlilt
sista of more than seven theasandl States. Sim is fifth among the na.
members and the conferring of the! floss as au exporter aad seventh as
peesideney upon Dr. Locke the is t s an importer. la national wealth in
be the only nonsinte) is considered millions of dollars. (1104441 11441116
thc, greaten honor in his profession.' wereath. And no cuuntry in Ow
world. mays the ewe, has the oPPoe-
tunity for expaneien within the next nyej city of lianclsester, and there
quarts,: century to compare with are none whose history can be
that of the Dominion.
Three New Canadians traced hack to an earlier date.
When the, Romans took poasesaion
of the corntry in 44 A.D. there wan
An emigrant mother who reached an old -established British settlement
St. John reeentlis gave birth to trip. on the site of the city, which was
lets -upon arrival, and left soon af.. known as eater Gwent, meaning the
terwards for Toronto. The triplets White City. a name derived from
casuist of two girls and a boy, and the white chalk hills an tete& the
all are doing welL Isettlement stood, and here the Rom.
sus built un flourishing market
The eked mares get WM. I town, to which they gave the name
- An noun scholar believe* he' has of hints Belgarurn. Its position in
_ at last established the teamk about the centre of six Roman roads made
the burial places of Saint Peter and the plates of considerable import-
1 11 I II I I 1 E 1
•43.1....Wisseheat. ear 1, Seethe
greater lestone, mterest than the
for Spring
There are few spots in Mritain of
THURSDAY, MARCH 1501, 101.
Correct Styles
but it was mot until the days
Saint Polit, and is at work to I 'meet
is that of a few lines of inscription1 known as Wintecaster and wits the Our Showing .of Ready -to -Wear
at Chas. Blades,
In correctness of cut, smartness of style and excellence ot
tailoring. Fabrics that cannot be surpassed. •
One Lonesome Hat Cove's Your Head *
WalthGaeutsean"a°ndd one. The latest shades and shapes in Brock,
stantiate his riS hall. The discovery' a the Saxons, when the eity beeame
San Sebastiano, on theAppian "Way,
upon tombs In tyre little Church of 1 capital of Wessex, gist its era of
great\xhenhistthoerilteingintseroefstvih:ateana- became for Spring is the best yet. Latest cuts, and fabrics.
outside of Rome. This is the church
whteh contain* the stone ll which the rulers of all England the city
are marks said .to be the impres- sbeoinle the English eaeitel, althosigh
dons of the feet Isf Christ. made " I° a a form e r v•a in
NO Supporting Heine industry Aitether "Shamreek" , Premier a New Brunswick, who has when He appeared in a vision to London, which was located in a more
central position and possessed over- CHAS BLACK
3. „Irishmen seem to be failing to The Twentietlt Century, personiti- announced his intention of applylig Peter, who was. tetiinefesfrotmultromthee. wbeiraint
commercial advantages. op
'support at least one home industry, cation of good sportsmanship is Sir the brake to pubik expenditures. The eliscoverer
• justVng by the report that the SAS. Thomas Lipton who, far from being He will introduce a measure at the tombs contain the bodies of Peter
,of peter was Normans in 1060 that the latter city "The Men's and Boys' Store Worth While"
It was not until the advent of the
nfacture of Irish whiskey hes fallen in the sere and yellow leaf, is still rresent session of the legislature and Paul, The body
• teene-tenth of its volume ten years sufficiently active to contemplate the providing for direct taxation to make hitherto believed ' to heso been became the actual capital Lot tbe
aro. High taxes, and a •growing
%tete for Scoteh whiskey are said to
thr the reasons. Three Dublin
plants, which employed 600 men in
1921. now %sylph's, 'M. It
• 'aromErEirir mErmr.•mmErEmEmmor rormr E. • AmmEmE*11.110111.• r
xpected buried under the high altar at St•
ki • e North Side Square
ngdom, an even then William the ?hone 219
construction of another "Shamrock" up the idefleit of e640,433
Conqueror recognized the aegieet
to sail across the Atlantic after th: duringensuing Yoke- Peter's it Rome, and that of Paul ie f he -
America Cup. This 'would be th the Church of St. Peel Without the c iainis° r being
*owned in both cities, an example
fifth vessel to attempt to lift "the Marithoe Rights Centatissiow
Wells, also at Rome. • which was followed by several of
famous yachting trophy. Not even The Maritimes ore to have an op.
• his successors. Unier the rule of
Ti I
the winning.of the race, which Would port may of, placing before the Do, st Csused a alistetY the Normans the city developed into
take place in 1927, could Auld to Sir minion their _viewpoint in the matter A. *rooster which caused many a a prospereus commercial centre,
Ic Pil •Re le Thomas' leurels, for be has egad,- of their 'provincial rights, The discussion among the folks •of New being principally famous for its ea.
c e
r f
fished himself as a good loser— Maritime Rights Commiesion, cow. Rechelle, N.Y., recently died and as te iv trade but
enry the trade had rifted
CPA only come by removing the
cameo—had circulation in the lower
bowel. Nothing. bat an internal
remedy ons bring quick and euro re.
lief. That's why ointments and
-operations fail. Dr. Leonhardt's
HEM-ROID banishes piles by re.
meting the muse. Money refunded
if not satisfied by H. C. Dunlop and,
druggists everywhere.
which is a harder reputation to prising Sir Andrew Duncan, :ledge a consequence a mystery has been of H VIII
ns e woole,by Olt time
maintain than that of a good win- W. B. Wallace and professor Cyrus soleed. The rooster, instead ' of into other_ centres and, the city bitd
nos MacMillan, will hear complaints and crowing, emitted earpiercing siren coaled to be of any /great nationgl
seggestions, and Iii been appointed whistles and started all the, neigh- importance.
;am to Honor Comtism by the Federal Government as a re- bora, farmers and boatmen to their Winchester's most cherished sacra -
salt of the agitation recon
the eastern members. of, the neva of his calls, • An • autopsy on fredsthe Great, who .rnade the cite
1- ory is its close. association with Al -
An honor le to be conferred upon
Canada. when Dr. George .11. Locke, an by
his throat disclosed the fact that at not only the seat .1Yf ht.memorable
the Chief Librarian of Totonto, is Confederation.
tly carried early morning labor a with the slut
nominated as Preeident of the Ana MSS time the rooster had swallowed government but e centre of learn-
ing, to which mat* great scholars,
eriean Library Association. It con- Queen's Niece May Go North a child's tin whistle.
ANA Stripe -414 Pure
thread silk earanooth and
beautiful; reinforced with
fibre silk, to prolong the
wears every newest shede;
and elosibfy proterted
egoista "isms% A .typical _
• instance of tile kind of
values in all fellatarch.Rnit
Resift?, from 7.41c to pp..: •
At all good dealers.
----oRIEN sum
Another 'British Princess may bee
, including St. Gritnbald and Asset, of
Proofs of so. New Prosperity St, laavid's, were attracted. It was
e;:starare thaemNbleirds:em, e nitt:stlieceQueen of ifglaueedny.
There are good and substnntial here that Alfred directed the writ -
Mary, Watrios Prince Olaf of Nor- reasons for believing that Canada is ing of the Anglo.Slixon Chronicle
way, as it is rumored. Prince Olaf well on the roast to a new and solid and compiled his splendid lode of
Is a likeable young chap who has erosperity, and some of them point. iaawss,laaidtoi
ndwtt esitinhen
dyidede Abbey, the thhee
spent a gooddealof his time in Eng- ed out by Roger Babsop, the statis-
Jana, In his northern home he was tient», are as follows : . . great religious house which be had
• shnply brought up in a happy home 'Immigration during December founded at Winchester, but when the
and was allowed to mingle witlthe last was forty five per cent greater monks removed to a new home inthan in the corresponding month' a the city in 1110 they took with them
chfislren of the capital irr their play.
the 'remains of Britain's best 'and,
United Kingdom Is CattadaV Best year before. .„
*sett monarch and trace of
"Exports for JanuaW show an in- 'west
The Motherlan divas Canada's best crease of thirteen per cent. overstate their final restingeplace has been
Customer loSt
figures for January of 1925'.
r :
customer in 1925. We sold •- the "T w er•ty Canadian industrial It was to Winchestethat William
United leiogdom nearly thirty mil- stocks In Jan az reached the highRufus hastened on the death of his
lion dollars' worth more of our pro. est points evet attained' by themfather to 'seize the oyal treasure.
as t „a
ducts ',,than we did to the united "Last year's wheat crop
wthe (heson
it was here that Richard
States, our next best orarn
toer, in second largest. in the histthe nHearted went to be crown-
ty of the ed for a se.ednd time alter his release
spite of the fact that the United Dominion. Barley, prediced was rent captivity. he Cathedral yeas
e States has two and a half times as thirty per cent greater than in tho
- great a populatien. We sold the Previous yearthe scene of the luckless marriage of'.
United Kingdom goods worth five "The -shipments of newsprint dui.. Maty. to Phililt of Spain, and it
• in was in the city that the gallant Sir
treason against James I after a trial I M. to M Ir.
hundred and two millions and the ing Deeembee,were larger than
Walter Raleigh was foeed guilty of
united Stetes goods to the Value of any- Precedthg snonth.
four hundred and seventy-three Mil. "Pig iron production during Jan.
. vary WAS Otte hundred per cent. which was the most ahecldng tra-
7th century, and was enlarged in
852 by St. Swithin, one 'of its many
famous bishops. The removal of
the saint's remains to. the new cath-
edral, which was built by Bishop
Ethelwold in the 10th century, was
delayed by heavy rains for a period
(Continued on page 7)
Bad 'Blood
is Ow cause or
and. Pinipies
Whit yon need when the blood gets
out of order. is a good. tonic to tone
build up the eyetent sad put the
blood into proper shape, and when this
is done you will have no wore bells
or .pimples. • ,
We know of as /moody that can.
„,for this palletise, during the past
47 years it'll** 'been on the Market
Ire hare received thousands of
• monists from those Who have hem'
benefited by its use.• '
Vat tidy be The; T. Milburn Co.
Limitie, Toronto, Ont,
,6,6•21?..,4efesfesisfsatile ,s,"7at
it special pikes .
Good 'Weight Alerino
Shirts and Drawers
79c and 95c
impie ix re a es r ••;,"; ;
...x..ib.nat‘ons, at— „
• Stomach Feel fine $1.45 and $1.75
NI -dr al justice in British history. • - '
greater than during January of last
' tensile -la- the Front Ranks
Y°411'r. el production for Jamul',
During they great parliamentary war
the city was stronghold of the .81mPie ..licl!thor. glYee'l,net
Canadians rank third in the na,-
%sus of the world in the matter of etc., as mixers in aalerika, often hope
thawed an increase ef one MI:wired R.oyalists 'and endured a le bv
for January, 1025. of Cromwell after. t e Battle of . .
fi Ily f I thehands stomach trouble in TEN mittutes by
in* Gee t B UR` d h i nu - a a- aft° • removing GAS. Brilnga oub' stur.
per capita. wealth, the first two be- and fiftY per sent • over the figare siege,
uostirm retina',
. $10.92 _TODAY
--ANN in
• - Douglas Wright, chief geologist for the Dome Mines, which has an
option on the Howey Red Lake property, states that Red Lake district will
I* a gold camp of very great impOramCc
Chukuni Red Lake Mining Association propertiei lie just east of thefamous Howey claims andsare thought to be on the same "break".
• TO -DAY'S $ 1.0 00 EACH
(Limited to 3500 •Ihtits)
• Positively No Personal Liability
The presoak *Stift of Chubut; emits
itt. reeves world,* capital for property
developatesd. TMs is yew opportunity
54 itter iss est the groene falser ' sad reap
the big harvest.
Unhe allotted In the order received.
Don't Delay 1.4104 your order today.
#41. 1
•,,:r#11 .
gr‘1,„„ •
11 /11 7.
,re-- roe IOW '414W"..
4111611.0. .16,11b. '
. At
etler .• •
10. .1
It. W. al*CAVIPS.
resteeer h eters* et
timotteponeot *dirk.
' It. Ittllir
Solicitor ter the koodittott
SOYA ti 11411411444 CANASA
rifeerecitheoe rear be We-
Oecoit or et iceil at set
Serteco ch
Solcool 74esor *la"
reperce thdikevie 'lei
Ube it ;sloe 461., or bet low. toot Wei tett sir* Otero.
seu "Fire losses in January were forty NaselY• .1)
aniount 01 , per cent. lower than in the tone- Winchester played an important you never thought was in your sys-
Chriatian faith in the south of Eow. tent, Stops that full, blinked feeling t
art in th eit I d f th
pon mg mon as year, ' and makes you happy and cheerful:
This makes good reading for Can-
aeleas weseeeave boon courageously t 110
land, and was the scene of the %bore
BirinUS. Ite Cathedral R _0131
Aid..., works QUICK. and delight- N.. ,
CasliMerefillitts and
Drawers, in cream (4.
natural. shades, reg.
• $1.50, . clearing out
Excellent for -chronic -tonetipation. m
promise of better times. STORE.
. .
•,-.• •
leaking. for the fulfilment of the ° P •
was erected in the latter part of the fully eagY' CAMPBELL
Good Roads for Quebec
Quebec is preparing to spend six
million dollars on ite good roads
program during the aoming-euminer.
B.C. Seeds for English Gardeos
Vancouver Island is to be the
world's beet. flower -seed producer,
according to the judgment of Eng-
lish gardeners, who have centuries
of fame behind their reputations.
- Millions of flowers will bloom this
semmer in English gaedens, raised
from Vancouver Island ;cede.
Canadian Dollar Takes Wings'
The Canadian dollar is again above
par in the New York market. ,If
• this is maintained blinkers believe
• that the United States wili cent-
• - menee the shipment of gold back to
• Canada. It is Said that the present
low money rates in the New York
market are having the effect of
_ turning capital to Canada for fin.
swing commercial and industrial
activity in this eountry.
Spain. Grows Ambitions
Spain's reviving ambitions are in-
dicated in the tribute paid to Span-
ieh aviators who reeently flew to
Argentina, and who have just re-
turned to Spain aboard' an Argentine
• warship. Tho King and hit roure _
journeyed to Huelva to join in the
tekbrations, and the port was en
fete. Spain is reported to have
plans for a closer union with some
of the Spanishameeking states of
%youth America.
Oil Fields in Albert* •
Wainwright. Alberts, believes that
the time is almost at hand when it
will he recognised as oil field, •
A few years ago, when oil, was first
dise'overed there,, a feeling was rife
among the Miters* that efforts were
being made to conceal time real Mg.
affiance. of the 'Recoveries. Thome
who are at work in the field are con-
fident that a future of import/owe is
ahead of Wainoahrht. Foe imam*
week was rommenced about aix
weeks *0 .5 a new wall. width is
now shoat template& anal there is
every indication that when Oa cem-
ent week has astrebtesed hod the pieie
at Ilse bottom drilled themeris. there
will be another reed , :
The ell terrieary already Nod
thirty by tennity-live mites ta *AMR
and the flied le „ J. ,
Mir ("ALIN art
X Vie*
arch! 16,265 Cars
reatest Nash Month—
Greatest Ajax Mouth
February—tvith Nash.Ajax sales totaling 14,148 cars
—set a new high mark for both Nash' and Ajax—but
• March, with 16,265 cars, swept beyond 'even that
great record.,
And still factory production vi; -4 tiOt sufficient to fill
additional bona fide March orders for 1,518 can.
• For Nash it was the 19th consecutive month that sales
have exceeded the figure achieved by the correspond.
ing month of the'previous year—except for Novem.
ber, 1925, when production was slowed up to bring
, into manufacture the new "Enclosed Car" motor.
This great and growing nationaltrend among buyers
toward Nash and Ajax cars is assure the.propor.
• dons of a veritable landslide.
All bet:018e Nash.Ajax meansgreater Quality, grealer
Value, and far finer Performance— and people can't
be told otherwise. It is only too apparent when you
look at the cars.
BARKER BROS., Nash Dealers
1 1 1 1111 11 1 1
11 1 11 HI 11 10111111111110/11111 MINIMMISMOIMP