HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-08, Page 6•
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ed the first shot, or whether his At-
tempt •to do so spurred his *ntagon»
ie. to lightning quickness, was long
a matter of dispute. In a flail the
1 room betemc • a place of dvafenine
s; 'hoes. Shouts of protest, yells of
fright, the crash of overturning fur-
niture, the stamp of fleeing feet
mingled with the loud explosion of
XIV. (Ceswtimast) went with hint obediently. gunshots—pandemonium,
erierfing this conference Roulette ,Ks• they breasted the swirling Fortunately the troupe of women
,Mori nal:owing, her face * blank, snowflakes Duret told himself that, who had been here earlier were gone
wwsMliesly indifferent to her sur. ' pending Sam Kirby's return to sin- and the tent was by no means erowd-
samil.tIs. 'Poleon made her sit ity, this sick girl needed a woman's ed. Even so, there were enough
Owes, and but for her ceaseless care quite es ,ouch as a doctor's; men present to raise a mighty tur-
anX she light hoe been in naturally his thoughts turned to the mail. Some of them teak shelter be -
Countess +Couremot, Of all the wont• hind the her, others behind the stove
Ileget'es indignation mounted as en in White Horse, the Countess and the tables; some bolted. head-
**" stiction indignation
to plain to him. alone wee qualified to assume charge long for the door; still other* hurled
"'".line Vint!" he angrily dhimed. of an innocent child like this, and be thentaeelves bodily against the can -
*rat for you tellers ,leave dis week determined to call upon her as soon vas walls and ripped their way out.
sd venin' up, eh? hie, I come joie. >is he had summoned medical assist- The duel was over almost as
it taw for catch a loafer makin' off .ince. gut' , as it had begun. Sam Kir.
,rite her. Again he swore savagely. When, without protest„ Roulette by's opponent reeled backward and
"Dere* some feller ain't wort' kil- followed him into his snug living- fetched up against the bar; above
carters, Doret thought again of the the din his hoarse voice rose ; i
1. here dere,degn ent o tin'od ' dial fader.'srutflen from whom he had rescued "41re started •It! You ,saw_ him 1
'visas won't be no good to you.; her and again he breathed a male- Tried, to kill me!" i
What she needs is a doctor, and she diction• The more fully he became
weesds hie quick," the bartender aware of file girl's utter helpleiteness
avowed. ; the Angrier he grew, and- the more
'Eft hien! I fin' hint, tool Alsim'-! erispninal appeared her father's con-
ae lee" -•'Poleon turned to the girl-••. duet: White Horse made , no pre-
Tare'se bad scCek, dat'sa ftce, 'r lay stat on,at oa (ity; it was breathing -point ,where
aawtd 'for- ::tap fn say tcntt" The
gitii__etsred up • at hint blankly, un. the nisd rush to the Klondike paus-
neseprehendingly; theen, drawn doubt- eft; there was neither law nor order
•eras by the genuine concern in his here; .the women who passed
troubled ga"•e, she raised her band through were, for the most •
eat yea• the •majorityiof ever, , excitement
e sme ngers cur ng , Mon burst ext rem etc .p aces o�
a i o0
enncea ment•an ;nae or • e o n
Hurt so Bald 'PRI�NTATION o ► NEVER•
Mortis Bo Bid FERGUSON
Coot: Not Sloop
Mr. John. Jay at. North Huron, Pre -
sents Huge Bouquet of Rases
Mrs. 8. Hearses, R.R. No. 1., Enter• to Mrs. l?ertusaon
prise, Oat., writer:• --''1 leave been ao A demonstration o: C'enservative
greatly lseae tted by usieg Dti]bw*a'ae . solidarity came on Thursday night
lleaart and Nasse S';1Is 1 feel tbst I March 18th•, when a complimentary
skould write you to tell Jou how grata dinner was tendered Hon. Howard
fel 1 am for Jour epleudid remedy. k'erguson, by all his supporters in
ley keart kas been bad for Ike past the Legislature. It was a moat en-
lw years, sad say scenes in +nick a joyaable occasion, featured by the
*tate 1 eould not sleep at niekt. presentation to the prime minister
1 was tired all the time, tar appetite and Mrs, Ferguson of a large cabin -
was poor, sad I had iso courage to do et of hall -marked silver. The prem-
ia to , as i rso c ter was deeply touched, and the
self was no leas mow
diead or teat, se alae day I told, my hue- when Mr. Ferguson referred to solve
';s food t� • T'f•A
ytk' g eI d d t era wrkether I gathering rt 'xl ALWAYS TIRED OU changes in °the Canadian Publishing
Field and as far 'as possible tlleaae
band tkat I hta gelate to stop Jester• - of the incidents of his political car- People Who Feel Like This Need the changes are accurately indicated in
ixK, as I migkt as welt l,e bead as the ser in leas fortunate times. Jahn Help of a Tvsei,s each issue. -.^
way I was, attd that I would be better Joynt, Nortit Huron presented es The dictionary defines a tonic' as a T GOIsue* .A+r�l�Ri►R'
a4'. huge bouquet of roses to the prime medicine that increases the• strength
. Olt! no one Icaams what 1 suffered minister for 1!irs. Ferguson, An- meankine htgor'to thee h . st Tgat W11vat, per bush',, l.tt ''to ,� 1.40
from my herres, ass I was afraid of atiaer interesting feature was the tells why eDr.go to the ,s' em. Plat Wheat, per, bus bulb, 36 to 70
fact that though the Cabinet min- are +s rhyl tonic. sands. of men Buckw eat, p , ash 1265 to 12,70
Ito waved a 'smoking pistol-baxret erary seise and snJ heart would latera were present, they ware given 'tl (lata per bseab 40 to 40
at the gambler, wino had sunk to his { ,i'olid," at every aonnd. a listening rose, and it was ri,ade and women are ailing today,. not sick Oats, per bush 1,45 to 160
knees. Even while ho was ahoutinxt All tke rennedie said doctors I bad �� .., in bed, but without ambition to do a 45 570
out his plea for justifleation 'Kirby! `' private montbora night. In ad- full d$ yes Work, though they are ,Barley, per bush.. .
tried did me no goad, until one day clition to Hon. David Jamieson, who forced to kee on.. They are aloe s Cattle, ordinary. per '
slid forward upon his ?ace and the a friend told itis about 3dilbsirn's .presented the silver; Hon. J. E. tired or nervous; do.not sleep well, cwt. 6,25 to fi•l6
fingers of his outstretched hand 1leart and Marra Pill,, and after tak- Thompson, who proposed a toast re- and awake in the morning ,inrefreah- Cattle, export .. • 6.20 to 7,25
slowly unloosed .themselves from his lay; the first lox T could sea a change, Boys, d to by the only visitor, dd A: ed.nMany have headaches, backaches (per Got')
goo• eesf M.P., there were brief e, Tor- •Cattle, choice, cwt8.50 to 0.75
It had boon a shocking, a sicken -1 n and a#ter taking six I esu *ow cow
and stomach trouble. Stith people ,,.
ing atYair, the effect of it had been pletely rid of my troubles, SOS from Col. John erA. Currie, Ox- need the tonic help of Dr, Williams' Lambs, pet cwt1„ 00 to 12.00
3ritcnaified. by reason of its unaxlaect onto; W. Ii, Chambers, South. Ox -
Pink Pills. The beneficial effects of Dairy, Rueter.,.. 40 to 40
I feel that i! it lad not t'ee* far ford; James McCausland, Toronto; this medicine reaches the whole syn• Eggs, per doe 25 to so
shameless cr u , edneas, and now,, aittough it was hour Pills I weal heelebeen dead and J: R. Mark-, North 'Victoria; Michael telirs. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do Family flour, per cwt 3:90 to 4.QQ
aaisi placed it sli his She left it ga tiered foxy. by „ .
them th LI fl carting' the men were ant ilY, unresponsive
buried sow. • •McKnight, . East Elgin; W, lI. Kd- inose than relieve the symptoms-- Patent flour, per cwt. 9.76 to 6 Ol)
to anything except an .appeal forth f their 1 #wards, Toronto• Dr. J; II. Ilaicourt Bran, per ton.. , ; • • . 32.60 ter 33I.Ui?
about it's big thumb like those of t 1 d d f th pe H, mid N. Pills axe put vg only by , 'they remove the cause. Dies. E. Vir-
3.00 to 36.9A
child. "Poor Ti'f bird!" The woods- conn* animal Appetites Sympathy, Parry Sound; T. D. Johnston, East theta Gray, the ca, Alta., has raw Shorts, per tonconsideration, a heat had all but air; the stricture Vomited its occu- The T. Milburn' Co., I,]initede:berso, Peterbero; T. J. Mahoney, South p Hay, per ton . 10.00 to, 1240
mites britt puckered, a moisture, ' en the value of this medicine snit
gathered in his eyes. "I)is is hell, { van]she<I fn the heat of the great -pinta out into the snow, Oett: Wentworth; H. A. Kennedy, Temi- Hides..... . `. 06 to 4,40
Poleon Doret had been swept __.,.. . ,, _ -. a molt:— "I can sincerely recommend Potatoes, per bag.... ' .60 to n 5d
Ter sure. Conte,. den, rata petite. I stampede. That Sam Kirby should aside, then borne backward ahead ofeeee �"'"-� skaniing, and J. Hill, East Hastings. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for a tired.
tire aa nes' for you," Be raised her halo abandoned his daughter to there is to do here,"the physician In , a memorable .speech on the everywhere•
to her feet;then,removinglila heavy such as these was incredible, crime» that stampede, and o ta��co cornth er, announced. "Now about Kirby's ideals and principles of the party and run-down
-dow 'followed the the
ng .. - -�` '` `
zeal. Mere 'intoxication did not ex- himself w edged into woolen oat, he placed it sheat her , d would heard the victor repeating: "You daughter.
t nodded.Heshe'told lofoRou- M partystaaa alwa s stood for the profession for ai number of years and
The pilo n d y interest of the Canadian toiler _
after a Few weeks of hard or trying
airaR shoulders. \Vhen she was case it, and Poleon.�awe he sow him. Tried to kill me!" The
enegfy buttoned inside of 't he led give the old man a piece of his mind k turned blanched
face and
c'c at the first' opportunity.
apes er erne a -'--'" - drenching
floor s+et into the slim g,•ray'ln"; ghee His tent .was still Wenn; a few glaring ayes upon those. ~witnesses previous and of file state in which producer. The legislation that
" S Kir-
i he had
just found her. "Jove! propose to put on the statute books
•sticks of dry spruce caused the lit- who etsll, remained. Hes .ani r- do year atter. year shall not be that
b I had to get hint or he'd \Wive 'neumonia, ,neat likely. It sound•
tie stove to "grow red; he helped Fou- y ae,ioua, , and, I'm afraid I can t o which emanates from the faddist,
lefts to lie down upon his bed,, these got toe, " He pressed a hand to much{ You see I'm all ready to go, the man with 'aeure-all for ever
�y Physicians ReCsmmentted he drew hie blankets over lief. his side, then raised it; it was Y
"You stay here WI while, eh"." He smeared with blood. In blank stu» but--af course I11 do what'I van. little difficulty .that arises, but leg
at this
"Who's goin' to nurse her?" 'Po- 'station that.. deals in a broad, gen.,
Magnesia fa Dyspeptics rested g p
Doret e h k h head ren of this pro -
better,'' motionless figura sprawled faced down „Who indeed! It's a wretched alt- Vince, slid if we do that I am eon-
"eke a. tittle . magnesia after. , Tho Gold Belt' Saloon had enjoyed upon the floor; it was he who lifted nation! If she's as 311" as you seem vineed . we will always carry. the
molder in now a favorite dYpepsia a profitable ail -night patronage; the gray head and sppke Kirby's to th]nk, why, we'll have to do the judgment of the !Conservative par -
among, thousands. The•loss than an hour prel'iousIy, mores same. A swift examination that was best we can, I suppose. She,prob- ty," In acknowledgement of the
arsasoer for Chi:, lies in the fact that, gest had rounded up the last of his enough to make 'lotto sure the ably won't last long. Come!"To- spirit_of file gathering, the Prime
• practically ninety per cent.. of all gay song -birds and.put an and to old ratan was beyond all Help. Out Bother he and the French Canadian Df!ii%tster said: e'My experience of
atwaaca trouble is slue to acid which their carnival. The poker game, side, curtosity,.had' done its work and hurried awe 10 :or 12
iradkates and infbnuie£t the delicate! if the human tido was setting back in. y' years as member of a goo
{however, was still iti Progress at to the wreaked saloon, When 'Pel- CHAP'I'13R XV •ernment, and long before that gas
mucous membrane. lining of thethe big round table. Already nu- ppgovernment, when
Isterh and makes natural degas -1 rater us earlyrisers were hurrying eon rose with the body in his .arms It was afternoon when . Lucky - ac otter. of a'
"'sr' o y h'e was surrounded .by a clamorous Brock and Kid $ridges',eame' to 'Pel- Sir James Whitney dominated af-
aliaa impossible. Medicines, drugs in to, fortify themselves against the.crowd. Through it : he bore the eons Doret's tent and called its own -fairs, convinces me that never has
tract, diets all fail simply because they raw day just breaking, and among o q there been such unswerving loyalty
de not remove the acid, the cause of 1 these last-named, by some evil whim lint fixture; to the cloth -covered et outside. , .
Card table, .and there, among the "We're hitched up and ready to as I have today at:the hands of the
oil Ythe trouble. , The value; of mag-• of fate, chanced to be the man. for scattered emblems of ,Sam Kirby" say 'Bid -dap,' beat we came back to Conservatiseo party. I ' appreciate
aitissta, which is neither a medicine, olein Sant Kirby had so patiently eelfin 'Poleon deposited his burden: '•see, how Lety's getting along," the that more than I can 'express. 1
VW a drug; in the ordinary moaningWaited. The fellow had not come; those arils and those celluloid former explained. have tried to tell you thee I, have no
wilds lies in to ' . ng frau e--nd one w o n to B too c b " os made his o eon shook c >v
the old am 14r had. a comforting hand Kern her .peeaetion the man slimed
jean demanded for a second time. eral way • with sound principles that
shoulder. 'Poleon goin' find
your "Pere ain't no women n s place. wilt appeal to the sound: sentiment
• papa ..now. Bimeby you gain' feel ow Tlie phyeiciars shook is . ea . of the average cite
> i dis
D t was tit first to leach that
e,aC tJaesei fid tl fact that seeks b] h k a3 disks g 'Poleon 1 1 his' hoad''doubtfully; special interest' in' advocating .enc
dt'srradrallzes the acid. Of the
that: they should carpet his bier, week." ?" interest is to exercise my judgment
many the one
�ermed ganiblei's reputation his face was
l living;- grim fitness was. in the fact grave. "She's - bad. policy more than another. My Own
forma of inur'ineata sueb.as the oxides, sought trouble with him—but, learn-
actikinates, milks and: tinkle, the ing that• Kirby was still awake and
When. 'P lc Doret • had forced Does she know about old Sam in a way that I think will be in the
. is undpublte']ly .Iltsurasted Meg -,in a dangerous.mood, he had entered his .way b main stye tit out of the "She ain't, know not'in', •She's
moist, * taenepaanful or fetor. tablets, the "Gold Belt determined ta protect Gold Belt Saloon, he removed
his jus' lak baby. I'm scare as hell."
ail which in a little hot water, after himself in case of eventualities. cap and, turning itis face to the crazee altogether. Poor li'I gal ale's
media. instantly neutralizes the !acid, Duret wass but a few seconds be- wind,he breathed 'deeply of the scoot, They cotttidertce-men stared at each
tom t. - fermentation of the feed. hind the man, but those few seconds clean air, His brow was moist ; he other silently; then they stared at.
sari thus ensures painless, natural r were fotefnf. As the pilot stopped let the snowflakes fall upon it the Doret. What• we goin to do about
asiigtetstieet. Pura I3iaurntesl biognesieI into the saloon he beheld a .sight that while be shut Itis, eyes and strove to it'" the Kid inquired, finally.'
esus• Me obtained from .any reliablei was, enough to freeze him motion- think. Engaged thus, he heard Poleon was at a loss fax an an-
Fist and •stomach ; 4sufferers less The big kerosene lamps swung Lucky Broad'sddress him. ewer; he made rte, secret of his an,
give it a trial. xiet De doctor s e us to
aritawId gi in from the rafter braces above,' shed.'Luckysay
With the speaker was Kid Brid- bh m Stay
1 over the interior a peculiar sickly - ges3 that they had come hither on right here--"
fee Catarrii.—It is one of the radiance, yellowed ::..w by reason of - the run was plain, for they:were°Here?.
xbie+f reeomincndations of Dr. Thom- the pale morning lights outside: "He say if she get cold once mare
ae Hclectrie Oil that it can be used Beneath one of the !amps a tableau = Pa" Wh*t'e this about Kirby?" Lucky—1>ouff 'Sha die lak clef! • .Plenty
artensally with as much success as it was met. Sana Kirby and the man,gasped. fire, plenty blanket, medicines very
some outwardly. Sufferers from ea- he had ,struclt the night before were• "1r{te heard he's just been 'croak -
mat's all. I'm praytn' for .come
as will End that the• oil wen used firing each other in:the center of - edt" the (Cid exclaimed. along some woman—any.kin' of
*'test i"'ng to ,directions will give the �toT m, and Doret heard the gam-- ►Poleon nodded: "I seen andit all..
at all—/ don' care if she's
gcarpt relief. Many sufferers from bl cry , He hod it Contin to him, .��
'a°hia :atnbrat'tntt- have found relief in the "I've been laying for' youl" ; : a gesture he. *serried to brush a hid- "There atri't any skirts back of
, . eat a have sent testimonials. Kirby's usually impaat3ive face was hid-
eous picture from before his eyes. us Best's' outfit was -alae last to:
n sight; it was fearfully contorted; _ e "Old Sam! Dead!" cleave 'Linderman. Thera won't ba,
aseetep+t44444+ * + 9.1. 'e it wsuz the countenance of a maniac"' Broad, it seemed, was incredulous: anY mere tin after the freeze-up."
itlAD STUFFED D FROM I His words were loud aitd uncannily= He undertook to bore his way into "E1h bient Den's I Ts'pose I ciol de
distinct, and the sound of them had the crowd•that was pressing through bei; ran, Shepoor aeeck gain
CATARRH COLO brought a breathleta hush . over the, the saloon. door, .but Doret• seized beeg, cold cotntree wit' no trien'ss,
•---- plac- At the moment of Doren; him, 50 money--" �` "Wait!" later. "Dat "No money?" .Broad was start-
a Cream Applied in Nostril" entrance the occul•ants of the saloon WaitI cried the t
sttita Mr Pumps Right Up, + seemed petrified; they . stood rooted ain't all; dat ain't de worst," led. "Why, Sam was 'fat't He had
In their tracks as if the anger in that "Say! Where's Letty?" .Bridges a biotic -roll .---"
best interests of the proyince as.a
While quoting tributes to Mr.
Ferguson, there may as well be' in-
cluded one from the Liberal side*
Jed n s d s
F. L. Brackin, West Kent, said on
Tuesday: "I admire from a-• politi-
cal standpoint my friend the prime
minister.. He has a lot of •courngo.
have never known him. to fail to_
sayexactly what he thought, and in •
times of.atreas and trouble his cour-
age never` deflated him. He fought
best when fighting with his back to
the wall, and* I always admire him
for it." .
Miller's Canadian Herb Juice Wisls
Popular Approval In Surpris-
ingly Short Time
The tremendous demand now being
made forethe • popular remedy, Mil-
ler's Herb _Juice, creating a wide-
spread sensation , wherever' it has.
been introduced, surpasses anything
of its kind.ever. seen in behalf of
any new . medicine, The almost in -
et nostrils open right up; the air mid -notion. Poleon, too, turned it happened?,Does she know g ystomach
sasw.agea of your hemi clear and you cold, for it seemed to him .that ° he - "",pat's west I'm goin' to tell you. dollar' dey ]ef' him. Eighty dollar' troubles and like ailments are being
.este i►rxatke freely• l+o more ha*kia , had opened the door upon a roomful In a few words 'Poleon made knovrrn an'—dis." • Prom the pocket of his overcome by Herb Juice proves be-
esosieTMiI e;oarinr headachy, dryrese• t o of wax figures posed In theatrie res-
oi- the girl's condition, how he had haps mackinaw 'Poleon drew Kirby's re- gond a doubt that it is one of the
ssNssitggiiagefor brppeata at night; yore cues ytires. Then in the flags af an eye pened to encounter her, and how he vol'ver, that famous single-action six= moat effective medicinte: ever forma
Ctrl emailp -bottle of en •'e Cream the scene . dissolved into action, swift had been looking for her father when shooter, the elaborate ivory grip of lated
for indigestion,hailmen
exvousneas, tapay
kalif from your druggist now. Apply. and. terrifying• the tragedy oecurred. His listeners 'Which was notched in several places.
*Mae of thht fragrant, antiseptic, heal. What happened was so unexpect-• _ showed • their amazement and their Broad and his partner eyed the wee- stoiried% and liver and kidney dia-
pon with intense interest. , orders.
ilaye earn in your nostrils. It penetrates ed, it carate w'►•h such a lack of concern. Miller's Herb Joico acts freely on
+ifiWss+aetle every air assage of the head, warning, that few* of the witnesses, "Gosh! That's tough!" It was Bridges was even more deeply•- iris-
eatss/tlses Ile inflamed or swollen niurous tit b h ld every move Ilrabd sl'eaking "Me 'n the Kid pressed lay the• announcement of Kir. the bowels, relieving rill the troubles
:iisstaat: relief—no waiting. Your menacing voice had halted them in inquired. "\�'aa she with hint when Vin, (cer i08e ye leaf night sanLet' dollaar' plaay - credible mintier in
argoojes and relief net st instantly. oven though ey e e " p referred to, strengthening and invi
goo jest est, D'xa't #tliy>afufrcdup were able ]iter to agree fullyn-sad struck camp and was on our Ya losses then was his Partner. 8-
]i firs down to fix up our bast when "Sym must of been easy. picking', orating the digestive organs and as-
tiniab a tend or fluty catarrh, details, 'Whether Kirov attuo y r- way heard about the Minn'.We drunk like that He been,
a gaeblin' stating nature •in the perfect aassimi-
-- wee" fool when he was right,hut I a' s lotion of food, thereby aiding In tae
couldn't believe if, for Som u po e
o'Seema like it was a waste of ef- he couldn't ,think of nothin' except manufacture of pure, richblood and
fort to save that outfit,"
Bridges fresh meat for Agnes. Letty had 1 eliminating all impurities from the
oil' htr nut • general . system.
) ••�+�+►. broke in: "Sam dead and Letty eiY' him tagged proper, and I .'bet shed
"�" `" in'—all in thin length of timel of saved him. if she hadn't of gone Dialler's herb Juice. has made a
a good kid; Lo feel awful.t D'you think she's gat at marvelous record" in. relieving and
n?" ,festering
health to thousands of
Who's goin' to break the .news to char ►", `+Tce'or get well`:" 'Poleon shrug- ! people, If you are suffering with
heti don't know." 'Falcon frowned ged his wide shoulders. "De doctor stomach trouble in any way, phone
in deep perplexity. "Derv's doctor say it's gain' be hard pull. He's your druggist to send you a bottle of
in dere now," he nodded towards, the • goin' stay so bong he can, den eewad, Millers Herb 'Juice. One bottle will
Gold Belt. "I'm goin' to talc' him niebbe 'noder doctor come along• I convince you of its health restoring
' woman for „ powers.
cases I take two or three boxes of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and always
with the very best results, The pills
else proved a great boon to my
daughter at a trying age, and I have
seen splendid results follow their use
in • other cases.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all medicine dealers or sent: by
mail at 59 ,cents a box by The Dr.
Williams ��1t1edicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. _
A. McKim. Limited, Canada's larg-
est Advertising Agency, has just is-
sued the 1926 Edition of McKitn's
Directory of Canadian Publications,
'ebb; is the nineteenth. ; edition, the
first issue having appeared in 1892,
and each succeeding number has
shown an improvement oser the pre-
vious one. This Publication is gen-
erally accepted as a reliable source
of information on Canadian- Publica-
tions end; : as well iga.regularly, con-
sulted fOr
on-sulted`for ileographlcal and Statisti-
cal particulars. Each year sees
Banking by Mail
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Remittances should be made by Post Office money order,
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!1 s,J !"Dote : 1$ Qwes'a Park, Tart ot*
Threat* *sack Oahu
14aiir}esiela !its. Cwt. V*keesity and Nadas Sta.
S1! Thaw* * Avulse
Other brauritss asst
St. Catharlsou. Naas . Peak**
'l u/Ma& & ad, Ottawa
Waterloos Natwaraeiist sad Aylmer.
to Nexbut she must havehope�so, �„ For gale by all druggists. Price
to tak'care of her. Mebbe Madame, If she doer win out, then what. t,
la C "
""Why, the Countess is gone'. She 'Poleon considered the question)
left of diylie,ht. Me'n the Kid are ",I o'poset I take her back to Dyea an' FARM CROP,. EXPERIMENTS
per i
That deliraout
flavor of fee h . �rr�'�
mint gives'ss new".
than to -every7ii.�.
wftgtery'8 is R
nxia podfar- Cis4°.
to follow as soon se we get our skiff send her home. I got some dog." J We are informed by Dr. C. A. ?av-
tlxedl' Lucky studied the 'weaker curious- its, Agricultural College, Gueiph,
"Gone"" u 1y; there was a peculiar hostile. Ontario, that 2832 Ontario farmers.
"Sure!" ; gleam in his small, calories* eyes, eondueted experiments with field
"Secret Oe one decent woman in ",Medicine emery hour, and. a steady crops 05 their own farms in 19411.
des place. Wali" 'Poleon shrugpd. }fre, you say. Yoa don't Tigger to The number is increasing front year
"lose dance -hall g*l is got hood get »trach slaup, do yep'!'► Ito year. Choice seed of some of the
heart--." ' "Non. No. But me, I'm strong best varieties is being distributed.
""hell! They pulled out ahead of feller; f can steep hangin' up by de now free of coat. Any farmer who
our gang. Best ran his boats ear 11 I got -to." asks for it may have the seed for an
through the White Horse late yes- "What's the big ides?" 'experiment with one of the classes
terday and he was etf before it wear! "F,h"" . Doret was frankly pox. of farm crops such as oats, field corn,
light. I know, becawe Phillip toll *led. "bleat you mean, ''be. lore,* n angoldn, turnips, alfalfa, sweet
ins. He's joisaled out with 'Rite--- . "What d'yoei expect `to get out of c� etc. The distribution will like -
mew in early a and got his war -bag. all this'" Il continue well into April or until
He left the Comte** itat." (To M motioned) i the supply of seed of the different
Deret was d*rabafesnded at this, - !crops is exhausted. These co-epera-
news and Tse showed his dismay. ;tire tests of the Experimental Union
"fiat -.-derv's etc more rrotxen c A to sR IA hate g •ratir in""ed crop-ysekla,
rnakiatg Ontario outstanding In this
here!" hs stammered. "Dat young
lady sloe's wreck; she mhos' 1* anuric'. Per Ihdludle s>Med Chiktrea raped.
By Gar! Who's gen' do it, eh!'
The three of ihsen wow anxiously
dtsewaing the matter wlwn they
- were joined "by the doctor to whose
'Polon had referred. "I've done all
1111 OWO i W 30YaIM'� Icor rises Mother Graves' Werra
* area Exterawitnetor has ranked as a rriia-
Ige witaa preparation and it always
lips ere et maintains its reputation. f
educed Prices
on Anthracite Coal
Chestnut (Anthracite) .$16.00 -
Stove _ (Alntbracile) - - '. $16.50
Pea (Anthracite) .::$13.00
Coke .. ....,. .
` Pocahontas... .. , • ..$14.00
Domestic -.Lump for your Grate and Range
$12.00 per ton_.
Our' Coal 1* weighed on Your Own Scalea.the Rolm et scale
With Spring House Cleaning, you will require PAINT.
We still have 'some Sherwin-Williams left that we are sell-
ing at ,li i.00 per quart. Muresco and Alabastine at 50e per
package.. Liquid Veneer and O'Cedar, small bottle, 23c
large bottle, 45c each
Special prices an Door Locks and other Builder's Hard-
Clothes Wringers and Garden Tools at Special Prices in
order to clear. ` - -
The Hardware et the wharf - -
SHIP CHANDL!R . - p'L'UMi**N¢ and HIA'flNO
Store 'Phone 22. House 'Moue 1,t2.• -
Smart toats:and Frocks
for the Easter Procession
In a great variety, smart styles, good variety Spring weight
fabrics at reatanable prices. -
Materials are in soft Velour, Duvetynes, Suedines Poiret
Twills, and French nicotine for Matron and Miss, flared and
straight line effects in all the newest shades. -
In rich flat Crepes, Crepe•de-Chine and satin -faced •Crepe.
This `Spring's most popular Silks make delightful 1)rsses in
many, many becoming styles, flared and straight line effects,'
with long or short sleeves.
All that is new and smart for the Spring, in this Special Easter
display, at the
Royal Imes' Ready -to -bear Co.EMT SIDE SQUARE GODERICH
F." i.n111111011111 11M1M, NiY111*11 111,1.1 I I,I.YY1 IIIII,IY.11I Itl 1