HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-08, Page 4. • +T' A POC* Ass Get Your Spring Clothes at 1 • e CORNFIELD'S This is the Store, that hme 117,e Newest Styles, Materials and Colors in les and Men's :Wear. d'EVie► SHIPMENTS or LADIES' COATS Featuring straight lines and flare effects with trimmings and pleating and tucking, buttons and embroidery, or fur, in all the new shades of grey, rosewood, Fr,;:ich blue, sand, Circassian etc. NEW SPRING MILLINERY Come in, and see the New Spring Milli. nerv. The newest colors are here, such as cher', dove, sand, circassian, platinum, ati- inosphere, flesh. • grain,as well as the other staple shades. LADIES' HOSE . Ladies' Chiffon Hose in gunmetal and rose taupe. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S WITS We have a wide range of Men's. and young Men's Snits in the season's latest styles and shades. Our showings have never been more select, nor the variety of apparel better We ,,have new ..lines of Men's Ties, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, etc. A. CORNFIELD. PHONE 418 LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP' WEST SIDE 01 SQUARE GODERLCH ONT. TR" .00DeIC'$ STAR EDITORIAL COMMENT A MISER W1DDING In connection with the new town Mr, asci Mrs 'R. schawp*s,Itoean- hull project the statement is being •'ills, Formerly of tCeiborteao, eCete- made that the building completed brate Happy Asaaiversary. n and furnished will cost much more than the amount being provided for in the bylaw. It should be remem- i bered that the *85,000, provided for by the bylaw, plus the 112,000 to be. dseated by Mr. Robert MacKay, provides considerably snore than the amount of the tenders for the work, and is intended to include the cost of equipping the building. The procedure isfinancing the project would be for the town to bor. row the money from the bank until the structure is complete, then issue the debentures, and it is hardly like. ly that the debenture issue would be made till 1927, so that the first pay. meat would not ',come due until ills year 1928. . In the meantime,` in the years 1926, 1927 and 1928 town debentures to the amount of $170,771.96 (not including water end light debenture Issue) will be, retired, the particu. lire being as follows 1926, Sewers, $20,000, . an- nual payment.. .... $1,156;60 1020, Patriotic; $e,000, an- nual psyment, . . • 790.01 197, L tx c al Improvement, $11,509,16, annual pay-' ' ment.... ...... .... 884.7$ 1927, K e nsington, ' $25,000, annual payment.. . 1,921,90. 1928, Consolidated, $25,000, " annual payment.. ,..$1,445 76 1928, Wheel Rigs, $60,000,:.. *tweet payment.. . . . 24,012.12 1928, Doty, $25,000, annual payment..... „ ..... , . .2,000.05 1928, L o cal Improvement, $8,262.80; annual ern 't.'' G63•:Nt zit::: ng to 'finance themselves. it coni IN LEGISLATURE tcntion, however•, was that Terumo FINALWEEI( was the state university, mid 'it was n y, ' scot reasonable to ask the province 1. to indefinitely finance two others.,, ., Great Amount of Nosiness Dense -Little Opposition' to Gover• nment• - , , .'Mi1� fart of one afternoon's discussion; easur'es on Wednesday, sufiiced.todispose of Col: Johns A. Curries. ' government a , . control bill, and also to give oppor Govt. to Take Over Ontario Hatcheries tunny for argument on the 10 per 'oY* cent. beer bill of J. A. Pinard (Lib.. • • East Ottawa). Debate on the lat- TownshipSchool Boards Bill Withdrawn for a Year -Five Million for ter was adjourned' until Thursday, and Col. Currie'a bill was ruled out Northern Ontario Development Non'. Jas. Lyons L of order. Premier Ferguson spoke Completely Vindicated Toronto,. April 3, -With t*o . Morn- ing sittings of the •House, and as martyr' as three eonnmittces at work at ono time, the Legislature handled a great. amount . of business' in; the Seat week. Not a great deal of leg f*iation lrroved• contentious, and; the Opposition Appeared' to. have net ser. lotto objectionsato Government, meas- ures, Such discussion as there ;was • •took place on public and private bilis; •`_ The prim, minister's intimation --a few days ago :that the Government :.aids to objection to staying on,' and • '•continuing the :. session after.: water 'xdjourameet, appears to have. had. ins i i iy to mem- ber* .of P r r a to expedite business. "In addl- . tion, the Progressive group has not baste very heavily represented, end. during most of one evening session thin -week. •every seat in that section • of the House was vacant. • The Township School Boards Rill w e discussed on Tuesday by the prime mini'.ster, Dr, J. D. Monteith (anon. North Perth); A, P. Mewhin- neyE. (Lib. West Bruce); Sam Clarke (Lib. Northumberland); A. J. Falls :. (C•on, haat Durham); J. W. Sangster '• . (Lib. Glengarry); D. J. Taylor u (Prog. >vorth Grey); D. M. Ross • (Pros. North Oxford) and A. Bel- anger (Lib. Russell.). The bill, as previously intimated by the ' Prem- ' ier, was• srbmitted only for dines. • sion and publicity, and was then. • withdrawn for u .year. Mr. Fergus - 1 on said that while he had a number of letters and resolutions from trus- • tee bodies 'in favor of : the measure, „ the Province was evidently not ready • for it. He said: "It is true there is a good deal of feeling in opposi- tion to the suggestion. One reason Is the sentiment that surrounds the . 'little red schoolhouse; • the other is the reluctance of local school trusteed • to tote ar•tononty in the handling of loon' affairs, I think it only re- 'ree a. little education to ho qr.r show them t tit ha we can raduall ' ft • v g_ S ,,pias the situation. Oftkere of the depart./ nient who have • worked out this °pro-' •' Mem front a financial standpoint as -1 • tare me that in sive or six years.the emit of education under such a phut; would be reduced 25 to 30 per rental • and this would certainly be a great, r Z of to rural people." The Public Accounts Committee held its Lina) sitting on Wednesday, when a report wee Oesented by the ' cltriirman, Major Alex. Lewis, re. viewing the proceedings and report. • . irag the evidence to the House with- out eneeial 'comment. however, W. 7). Ramey proeeedee then to read a Rio -page minority report, enunterat t4 Ing various little details he had pick- ed out of the evidence from time to time, by 'way et...criticizing depart- mental methods; with the immediate result that Col. tGurrie .and M. M. MacBride moved aa resolution: that "Hon. James I.y ons; is untitled --to a 'ccenpiete and unqualified e�aonera.. tion of any breach Of the. Legislative Assembly Act, . and that his com- pany's business :record with relations to- the- Governnwnt or: any contract - on having business relattions with the Government is beyond reproach." This was adopted on 'a vote of 22 to 5, the five being' Messrs. Raney, Kepnp, richer, Sinclair and-Widdi- field. Annoyed by Mr. Raney's de- parture front preeedent'in seeking to intr`odece a partisan finding, liam Finlayson, East Simcoe, who had conducted examination of wit- nesses for the• Government, made it known to: the committee. that Mr. Raney himself was a' director. of the Copeland-Chatterson Company, of Toronto, which. sold supplies to the Government, and, that he had also been a director in 1920, as well as: a s h areholder • continuously, being therefore in just' the same position which he had declared so reprehen- sible• in the case of 1►fr Lyons and George Oakley, M.L.A. „When it is remembered that the evidence of a witness one day during the week dig- closed, the feet that Rev. Edgar Wat- son and "Jack' Ramsden, while mem- bers of the Legislature during the Decry regime, took commissions on insurance placed by them for` the Government with to Toronto agency, it will be apparent that the Opposi- tion bp not only achieved nothing by this session's Public Accounts En- quiry,. brt received a lot of undesir- able 'publicity. ltir. Watson, who is now in the United States, 'was U.F.O. member. for North Victoria, and Mr. Ramsden wan a Liberal nropresent- • M. nn aToronto constituency. a When the douse was passing sup- plementary estimates on Tuesday, Premier Ferguson called attention to an impression given by sonne, nerve paper, headings that the Government proposed to cut off entirely and at once all contribution to Queen's and Wooten:. Universities at Kingston and London, lie -explained that while he had given the authorities of these inrttitutions warning that they must look about for endow- ments -1n order- to-sugment their re- venue and carry their own financing, yet he recognized that both were doing good work. and there was no idea of terminating abruptly and en- tirely all provineiai assistance dur- ing.sueh period as they were arrang. rrtfllr ll., ,i..nl, IU amigo r it.. Or, r,• 1,. lamiaimmuir • _a. A , aiut Savings Account Is a Reel Convenience PARTICULARLY as a matter of family convenience docs the joint account demonstrate its value. Alt funds deposited are subject to with. • drawn at any time by either of the persons in whose names the ,joint sAms account is opened. in uses Of the decease of one of the parties hold- �,' " ' ing' a joint account, all money may he withdrawn dy the other. A joint YEARS savings account In the Standard Bank is a real convenience where: two pople desire access to the same funds. ANDARDBANK e P C,ANAD.r►. GOIND ir(s i f IwAISCH-M. K. Ida�1, Mmes * all and lem deer at A.b , > $ U .•,d Oto ta►wae to both bills, repeating:his'declara- tion that the Government proposed; to: take ne more referenda -or •pleb- iscites, but rather' to gather informa- tion regarding •the feeling of the public in;all parts .of the Province, and reach` a"decision on that basis. When that was ,done, the public would be informed and given oppor- tunity to express therrelelves at the polis. The O.T«A, will be an issue at next election in any event, for the Prettier on this occasion pointed out that if the Government decided the Act; should • stand unchanged, the electors would have :opporturtity to say at the polls that they' thought About that.... ' When' the a Premier s bill to grant '$5,000,000 additional for . Northern Ontario development was before the House on Monday, several .'Liberal speakers took oecasion'to,endorse the expenditure. Mr. Sincldir objected only that more detailed information should be given in. advance, but' Air. Ferguson pointed • out that • it 'was: Based on the estimates of divisional engineers who 'were en the ground and fully ac'grainted • with the needs of their.districts. Hon/Jas. Lyons,. although, not now minister of lands and forests, made a vigorous:rpeech ott behalf of the north' country, and emphasized the fact that the outlay on. roads up there : is "not a flea bite" .compared to the millions spent in Old Ontario, particularly under the last ,years, of the late Govern- ment, when the worst of the: roads in, . the older part of the` Province were better than the best in the Although the special committee on the Election laws throw out W. E. .Raney's bat to prohibit 'campaign contributions from brewers, .gover'n- ment• contractors, ete., several im- portant changes were approved. Ad- vatnced polls will be held on Thurs- days, k'ridays and Saturdays imnne- diatel preceding election day,for Y p g railway men and. commercial travel- lers. . ravellers.. The three months" .residence gratification is •reduced to two, with a view to relief of farm laborers and others who take employment in a new place in the Spring. Elections itt this Province sametimes come in June. The voting time is Also to be extended an hour in, the evening. Provision is to be made whereby persons in rural constituencies who find their names left off the list may vote by making an affidavit and ob- taining ...the- si!Sdar"t of one well- ktown persona Chiefly because was not ;op- portunity, at such a late stage. for full discussion, the Municipal Com. nate* en 'Wednesday threw out for this year amendments to the Trait- settle Traders' Act providing for a. of license fees for peddlers and for the regulating of transient trad- ers. Representatives were present from various brstness interests and the Retail Merchants' Association of Ontario. and exemption from the pro- visions were asked in respect to sew. ing. nnachines, Fuller Brush Com- pany, tea merchants, newspaper tan- vesaere and others. One provision of the hilt would have the effect of )giving a rreference to Ontario ascan. ufactured products, in respect -to dir. ect sale methods and It was pointed out that this might induce retell*. - tion against Ontario by other pato-. sincere. The Committee agreed that the retail merchants who pay heavy Ilexes had a grievance in respect to 'the competition of peddlers and trap - 'dent traders, but felt that there was' no time for adequate discussion. and coeseeiuently the measure was not reported to the House. 1 t Int a hill including the teea!sion'a t amendments to the Miunkipal Act, , t which was put throesh nn Thunder,' a there its a :taunt' enablin4' trustee* e+ -of pollee vilIsges to pass a bylaw 1 In The Star's In Day of Yore col- umn last week appeared the an- nouncement under date of Feb. 22nd, 1901, of . the wedding in, Colborne township of Miss Jana Blake, fifth daughter of Mr. William Make, to Mr. Samuel Schw*ns. of ,the Mait- land concession, Mr. Shaw, of Ben - miller, tying the knot. This week we are able to publish an account of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the wedding taken from a Rocanviile, Saskatchewan, paper, which is as fol- lows The home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Schwan: was the scene of a happy event en Saturday last, when these . two pioneers of Roeanville relebrat- , ed their silver wedding by hanging out the latch •string to all their l friends. As a . result, despite • the i somewhat, inclement weather,' over i two • hundred guests, between the : a hours of 3 .p.m. and 11 p.m. called to ply their respect', partake bf a dainty laneh and be entertained. In. .addition •many messages, of congra and .Light Commission Mar. 25th a ,AWV'1'ION 13A140i..%. . tulation 'were received from those deputation from the Goderieh Radio . , who could • not attend. The bride of Assoeiation Asked for co-operation . a,bfl'f VALVA ALr�I'ntIDION SALE ear pe vALUns1.F, ftt�liaE."yaF:. prop: twenty-five years, dressed in blue in eliminating as far as ' possible I ITIBS AND II')i1:1131iou0 loCheinte, silk and wearing a bouquet of white radio interference from the Hydro INC:. _ • and pink carnations, with the groom, lines, Mr. C; A. 'Reid addressing the • , ,.t,tt. received the ., uests. The rooms commission. in connection.. with the;, 1 ern v pubic. ue onrrr'' t • P. t:latrk g tit sett b publics. aue.tton at the •p. em- were tastefully decorated through- matter. ' On motion of Mr. Taylor it ices in the Town of.Gode'rren, on. out with.white bells, and streamers, `was passed that the Commission co- ; 'SATURDAY, APRIL 11th including cut flowers,. white and pink , operate by looking after the lines of Oorilmeneing.at i o'elook sharfl• carnations and several bouquets of'f the local system, and that it ask the' Parcel No. 1.-'1110 eornpar'tirrty Americ n Beauty roses contributed ',.Radio ;Association• to write • the Pro- uew brick '�-r01.gers t•et,i. , sof i�k. toric and 1lervetaie streets; taptainint by • sends, Continuous" entertain- vincial Commission regarding their living room with tile fireplace, elinins ment was provided, consisting of vo- local high tension wire. room, kitchen, pour bedrosena, is th cal and instrumental music and A •number of applications for else- a'ewmte sleapJnrs porYsh: A rua11 3ilktrtec readings. Those assisting in the tic lighting services were•. passed. . , b)! n•jt 4ai rP'afirohi'utitg.'��.�rtterna performances were Mrs. M... W. 'An application from A. Valencourt, Thy house fa well belt And •taniae;a8e Campbell. and Mrs. Fred Salkeld, of ' for electric power 'for s'welding , ma- in ':ve:ry t,ar•tieuiur and 'htrs, aryuarty Roe:Wrinc, end Mrs. • 'Wynne,' . of 4hine- et the; dock was passed. of aear�elat .fh attire s fo ,rci+m}rttaeifal wil 'tBrandon Man., renderingvocal eel-- • • •Ana lication from James Laverywlteru is• olann x, we11 orutpped stable , PP • with abundanca•" of zuorr for au1•ns, ections, accompanied 'at the piano by for water, service for his residence Parcel . N0 2 •-A vett comYui-ii i Miss Cora. Salkeld; also instrumental on Eldon •street was passed, service• Pramen drve111ns;."VVYcred with ''n1et3 selections by Harold. Colter, 'Warren' to be' installed from 'William street ho nR ceitaLed tm t' route., , •. ,,jai home). c k t n. liar g root u . ,.tl an Rook and Blake SehWanz. •The to the William street line of the pro,. poem, kitchen. four bed rooms, an groom also sang a solo, "Love••Sent perty. - bath; has splcadld` electric 'fI tut,,. You to Me." While .the announce- • A notice from the' •Ele!ctricity'In a ,o�ha al o tRe',7 feet pniVicvonla a coni meets asked for "no gifts please, . specter that a number of meters are at aey wail sae offered tis•one lol.:.'if iii several clubs and organizations of- due for re -inspection was presented ra 4e that WAV •will bo t;ottl sepatratA). feted their. congratulations and ex- and referred to the engineer. T1sR�IS.-10er cent, of puri'tiaa tended their good wishes • by appro- .,,,I.,:: r pre, l.. pe c('r{t tirtxj of sate.. Iia priatc gifts, among which were Lad«anco within 30 dag•s or ariona;rmr4 Union PROMINENT CITIZENS FROM sway be r;11:00 a;s to r:14. tr pa}'m=sent 0 fes Curling Club, church Choir VARIOUS PARTS OF;.ONTARIO :nu properties' may be inepeefed at and,• Prosperity friends. Also giftts ENDORSE MILLER'S HERB wfmrrnen aster ti 3rd, ,from several special local friends and " 1t tar, sama tint+ti'all the eanfents r JUICE . the .aIle sial, er tDr. Glaring taoma l from: Rev. and Mra. Kcall, Aherne- •''� "nu sold, com»cislng ltvins ,root thy; Rev. and Mrs;. Hartley, York- dining rayon,,, bedroom and kftruze ton; • Mr. and, Mrs. Snyder Moos° 11Vbereveetc Introduced, Remark• ,furni:ah:i,i ,'' int lading: 3 it ec vt• ' e, Jaw- . The,graom's gift, to: the beide able` Statements For Publicaat- 4`aet, •layer. davenport, '1 rg..up,i }, rrod .arae tata1e,, celesta Chale.:: gar w was a chest of. silver (1847 Rogers) i ' blest Have Followed . ` earn fancy tq>f1cQ pedestals and• chart and a pearl . necklace. • The. guests( • - -� Boor iaratA, :walnut rVinatna)t, cosy, from a distance were Mr.' Wynne, a HERB JUICE,the new reined •for rvrlt;nex desk. •t ottibleed'''inookaasa at y rv:rn • d k..3.seatm nt1on Casa. at Brandon, and Mrs. and :Mrs. Emory stomach, .liver, kidney,..and bladder ttuttrins of hoaLS, matntlas elenclr+ re Snyder,. Moose • Jaw. Mr. Sohwanz troubles, • constipation, biliousness and i2'ixI2, " scat 10x8,: , runner, 3 d '• • i is the .,pioneer merchant • of Rocan indigestion has- scored a•,remarkable; . tures, a•,urtalns rtncl small. ru, h cille. He started • the, first general. success in, every City in which it -has ` � rror nand. Beat; : ttintiag raYt nr xren store here, later going hardware been introduced. Following ' are o, al. o all erv: . geashrvare; siit�e g g intoJ'sraro and crttle i throe vsomplate st exclusively,: and now owns one of the. some brief . statements., from points a•of bedroorir forret re,, inz•1n fns most up-to-date stores,• outside of • outside the `Border Cities ; ' Mtarool' suil:a �ontaidiit;; .betl,' tnattin the larger centres,_ in the West. • ' .:.F.• D. Curtis, "tea and coffee king"I ctttn ', d dresser, crhlfronier, -lad . B eek and tehalr, • �vitl h+', se ...,: of Hamilton: "Herts Juice• gave . me ,all tasether; Ser erne bedroeirra•. r ' 4 GODERICH HYDRO :SYS a :HAS GOOD SHOWING>P*ornrt relief #roti,, iGas pains, slept-, el ouxm�lgtrics l•..ot:ercir 2'4 ::ti .ach trouble. and • indigestion;I fit heater.. t tirotyhe ,,9iMet' See„__ gA..tiAcla,inea Wane mister, O . i•at onfor 19- ten ,years yontnger. 're large :mirror', hampers; ,flowea'.. e: pt, 11 Shows 'Net Bur• ' fit, A. Hagerman; London. ,. I Pts, seesaw . vroom • gnat. , o"1.1.,11; to b a t t>;a plus of '16;829.28 After .Providing+ suffered for years with :biliousness, kitcltPn .cabinet, ;rMrigeratoC gee for Depreciation.. n liver ro . • i carpl�4ara1, . .fai! Ieaf Qoble re n f .,a}late.plessness, kidney ar d t e ,piatds f2 etPanesrt)'. �ecraneiati .gy f . ;bac. 'there fs nothin>r. on the market,.rust c and 'hickory verandah a The• financial statement. of •the �_ seats. t nd is s Goderich'H 'Hydro System for to equal Herb Juaete, window toms, verandah . re Y1925,•: as W. G. Ward, prominent decorator' lashing machine and wringer,- gots presented tb lane' Wafer and Light, of Harrow: "Herb Juice made a garden tools,' awnings, •yet, Commission at the regular meeting. rtinclos,7. Iarp:n _mower, .eta, •lade g g new man of me. It ' is remarkable goal ell: �steive, `�froi§•Itl'�'ltdui°cl; :rMCt on Thursday •evening, March 25th, how quickly I was relieved of con- `toaster, electric nett `avatrtner; ,,trot • by.: the H. E.' Power Commission, is stipation, kidney trouble,' backache, Iron: a number of seaters, :and. a very gratifying one. The state.„ . klt,.lr n utrnAila, ~sour stomach and gas •Pains. ' I. TF.R�IS.� (:ash. ment• was • acconinpattfed by the fol- It well known Brant- nR:. XV• lowin letter•. _ . H +. , , F. GLARtt. ; T .L*1.i ChR7;. le g i ford manufacturers "I had chronici . Proprietor. �:Auctionee' r L. J . Knox, . consti ation. and. attendant disord Dr {Hark Is•.,oftn see. Public. UtilitiesPi Gale the (tar zing toe it' ole o 1 Commission, erg. I tried many remedies withoet township k 9. Coif 9- fn rloibo .Goderich, Ontario. satisfactory results. "Herb Juice Wast tainitt ; p tLot 0. f:on, 9 "b Is,) A • Dear Sir, --Wo take leasure in iso abler. r will be' soil P, ,the medicine that relieved me of my v'nry reasonable terms, all [ntait enclosing a copy • of the balance troubles," !tion t`a'gardlittg came naa Dr. Hark, e3oderirh. • 5. be had. ft sheet and operating report for 'the' -z. J..11. Robbins, prominent railroad __. Goderich Hydro System for 1925,' as engineer, St. "Thomas: "Herb Jutted t uortiN c. .T OF . it will appear ;in ' our annual report:. has- exceptional .merit in the. treat- �iM E .H Tj `7 ( You will note a net sur lus,. t p :1\7) 1,�1'PLE3Il \Tti. the P from , meet of constipation, stomach,. kid- } 713;1 b18RIliR year's operation of $6,829.28, i� ney and liver disorders. I heartily r- ' •5oi1' by F 4 • after providing for depreciation to endorse it as -it gave ane most won- P ltt aUctiorn at Ln't 7, the extent, of $1,221.00, which is derful relief." ''ort•• F%• 1►, Gotborne, •i; f -h Miles cern, ver • gratifying. tienneliets on 5 g Y g. • Burton Fox, Toronto: "After .two' . •TI�Eci1AY•, :'J1'Rll, 13th,, • You will note under the heading, years of suffering . with' indigestion, eutnauenri I to it'S .Other Reserves,"an item.of $2,- gas .pressure, constipation and loss •lintL�by I}raft r;+*1Qing; 10 years 786.00, which is a doubtful account of weight, I tried Herb Juice, All .+It raft gelding, a peaty old: ps;rtr.ult reserve, set up in respect. to the Nu -'of my troubles have entirely disap- t•I�..,Jr,' arj 014; gc+na:�'al purpose to tional Sl;jpbt;l:lding •.account, as' it tpeered and I have gained five pounds tit-j'iI,1%_.p°lied :lttgus carr, ; )�c appears -necessary that some previa.. n weight." ttue in Jufr : Uur iotltnm r Urr•, 1 r',•aat'y n s c' ho Id be made'f a cin Thos. Levitt, m tuiSalesvett maManager r t3 ultimateh Re- lack 1carr 4 r,•• r at. eri loss.., a •. la fiance .Garage, London: N°'thing I ;'''''''''''11' uuil:h Iljj�teln +rosy, a ,•.•;tt'y, 1'r„r+ ...The: actual cost of power on the ate agreed with me. I 'could^not ' ooIst.,f we, tt ,,•arc, slu tlrtatber; ttolstnira .+csy, ;!. yin r t, .t books of this 'Commission was $7, sleep with pains in my stomach.caus. tsoto)aer';.;Ilolstrin t'rv, 3 y,'u,?, clu 718.36 less than the amount of the ed by indigestion and 'constipation.' t3etuber;•Polis ct rttrr;id bull, ia3 roan interim bills, for which. a credit • Two bottles of Herb Juice made me 'i �1iF i, -60 choke breeding rove memo will be 'sent to you in: due feel like a different person.' 1 am lamb In 119 i �t)xford rare , 1` ST time. You will also receive at the I telling all my friends about I•lerb ram. y' sante tfine a charge of $2,303.96 Juice." PIf;S•.••Sow with 13 plea, lean..• covering adjustments in the coat of For sale by all druggists. Price 10 •Par's; sow thio to farrow, •i°uows Power prior 'to 1926, due to a change 51.00. May ant to Juno utas 3 young seas. g . " Juno 20th to 2151; 2J o unks,,15 tc in the method of computing. sinking , pounds. fend. This has already been taken BRIE) TOWN Topics HENS -40 Trent' •grrd pullets. , up in your books u a charge against in H Llr alt•:. T - ,.ft, tteerin•g nil surplus, has it is not in any way re- The W. n„ T. U. •will meet in the nearly nraa: m 0 ft, Deering . ,og fated to tats operation of the year home of Mrs. • Aitkin ott Monday, Ilarrl ttnv 1oisOtlor-M[aiuiey Marcia just yawed. Apr. 12th, at •3 p.m. Open to every- tivater; Prost d Wood cultivator; ' Yours truly, one. sey-Irarris• seed drill; 9•ft. steel re iDeoring.corn binder; Coakshutt rata R. C. McCALLUM, 2239 eggs from the .1st of Deems- spreader; Oliver corn cultivator, s auditor Municipal Accounts her •of March. This is the re- ansa disc attachment; set disc tare The statement of assets and iia. cord forty-eight White Leghorn 2 yet iron narrates, i0 and i2 Esti bilities shows total assets of $182,- hens owned by Mrs. Bong, Hincks et. raeLiK ytlowt; 2 CnivCr riding pill 305.99, made up as follows: Lands t%iackslntntt Irvin plow , potato pl steel stonehoat; fanning mitt; a, and buildings;' $12957.48; sub -station If people were more accustomed harrow; root punter: Adapts wa equipment, $9,795.28; didtribution to religion in their private lives it t10t`' 'P'g snack and riprinaRs; heavy system, ;47,704.40; line transform- would not trouble them so much . in sl0000p' eighhiaa j t�'ha rack . 8 Int:" era, $15,208.58; street Lighting equip. , public. rank; ru1ther tiro top briaaCy ; tit Ment, $4,851.34; miscellaneous equip- 3000• lb. scales; feed eouke�; ;,Rai .ment and construction expense, x14,- . It used to take a young ratan with a ]Askew co+ap; parr:'.' she" i elippe 718.01; old plant, $14,022.15; bank a horse and brggy longer to get Apa caw i; tins drat,,$; t :ray Purl and cash, $7,261.18; accounts receiv- there with his girl„ but they usual Voss and enblr.; set slat !clinics lel i. ri►' t'essot tKraln sa;r;ndcr; Titan 1(h:0 abet, $14,410706; inventories, $1,3111.. .got back hours earlier. tor; Blizzard No. 3 enstlaee box; n - 46; sinking fund on local debent- new ttiwttlt►dtor *lees; 0-1n. rubber "" 90 feet; .,•in. tubber• belt. a THURSDAY,- APZIL 4th, 1924 KODAKS iIw')s., 1010010100 110•=MN Developing, 1"rintizg g �• t and Enlargt'ng H*' C. DUNLOP The Rexall Drug Store GoderjC'!$• Bedford Block .. $170,771:,04 $12,886,24 This will mean a reduction of $12,- 886.24 in annual payments, $11,000 of which is paid -out. of taxes. The. proposed.:town hall debentures will require an annual payment of $0,820.6,g..From this the. revenue from the building, at least $2,000, will by deducted. Prom those fig. ures it .will be seen that, with $1.1,,00 being. Struck off and only $4,800 ad- ded, d ded , for the ; town 'hall, there will still' be .a . large reduction in the annus amount'required to bo raised out of taxes., Arid it is' considered that th revenue from the use ,of the auditor. iufn, rent of the 'Hydro store, m4- iAtrate's dike, etc., ,will probasbly mea ceecis• the amount magntioned • above anfl cause. 'a . Author reduction in the anrunt required from taxesl Merchants at '*Sarnia,, .Chatham, and 'other; points, through the med- ium 'of' boards of trade, are urging a . Tliursday::aftez'toon half holiday far "the �•fianks instead 'of Saturday afternoon. , The` reasbn' fortads- obvious.. is 'Saturday is always the big day in Ontario. tovvns and ,cities Farmers con* in for ,,oleic around and `many' stores do 60 per cent. o the ...weekly business on Saturdays The-bnnits close at noon. Merchant and farmers, if . they, want to use the facilities .of •the bank, must crowd everything into the morning. So the Bankers' s Association will be. asked to permit•=the 'banks • tn.-male the •change. Another important. reason why many merchants Would like • to see the change, says the Canadian Grolier, ` is' the fact that :sof much money ' has to : be held over. urttil M'ondjty. If this proposal • were adopted .and • the summer weekly: half.holiday of the :merchants Its the different towns were fixed for the same : day (Thursday)'it might he' a good move. The advantages pf hav- ing the 'same day for civic holiday are obvious acid the advantages of all towns adapting the same day for the weekly half holiday also are ob- vious: It would not ve a good ar- rangement though for the banks. to stay open Wednesday afternoons if the . mercharlts were going to close that hdayandthen close Thursday s Th gels if Y the_ merchants were going to stay open. aalaka it ell the same day. • (TInursday)« , paying thenneelve' ,:or. attendance at meetings, not more than $5 per day. Owing to the action of the Munici. pal Committee the other day, the clause now carries at the end this provisio, "after such bylaw las been submitted to and approved of by the electors on the day sof the annual election of trustee$,"- - - After brief discussion of the prin. ciple involved, I). J. Taylor (Prog. North Grey) en Wednesday with- drew his resolution railing for the House membership to 1* reduced to the same number as Ontario mem. hers in the Commons--82--and for Ontario ridings to have boundaries coterminous with federal constituen- cies. Mr. Taylor is one of those who objected strenuously last seasian to the wiping 'ort of rural caststituen. cies by the redistribution bill. Hon. Chas. McCrea has announced deelaion of the Government to take over doh hateheries in thin Province whkia are being given up by the Do - milder: Government next month. The announcement followed •a con-= ferenee hero with federal officials. The hatcherles„are at Point Edward, Kenitra, !'lollingwood, Wiarton. Port Arthur. Se uthanaptdt, Belleville and Kingsville. The province already operate* hatcheries at Port Arthur, Fort Franei*, Ii enora and Norman- dak.,,� When the Domini** Govern- ment gave notice that it proposed to discontinua nirte hatcheries in On -1 arlo, vinoroue repreaegtatlinre were made to the Ontarin Government not a let them 1* ab*nthnned. in vier of its need* of the fishing indeetry, rid Mr. McCrea ha* placed an am - tent in the estimate* for this year n eganeeti,at 'oak aainttenente. urea, $5,7,2:01;. equity in Hydro AC,L'T`1[dN $ALIi;S a'alse)ut ► System. $29,3ft1.8s; other assets, 3a feet; set lumber wood harness $903.22. Lfabflitfts include debet,- """' team harness numb,'r' of ash rr �!1.l:�ittfit? 1t'c'1'itax -AL1, OF tonsruns and ;harrow' drafts; qua tore b*alattct, $54,015.96; sand' ac- ' iIt)t'�t. T C1t'1ltrJt11�(1a, f or iron poets.; No. 3 Daisy churn. counts payable, $4,876.35, a total of sop kettts•: itt nt n Tftnoltr, city 1 *rn in<inwtrtamd any tha 13Mr�a %ar-,bushr.}s of held anti ieesd �XC,1 11 $66,892.34. The difference between raw til mil by pub sue m at their clean; butte% Soy i standar: assets and`liabtlities to represented hoot'. corner of W iioo OM Ligttt- ulean+d serCenittgs; quaMlty off ins tat ret•erves and eperatitag holm'. +sleets, t;roneriehn, on it ossonnt sweet rooter sed; wtiitriei plias, as follows: Reserve f equity +ATt'1tin, Y. :will. out dotimetrees and numerous other in Hydro system. menus; re- eem►me'mtina; • at 1 a:Week eftarp • I t kie+t. stmt for depreciation on the Hydrotit re... ng ntA cat lire anus, ineiud.. Werf rrnnln re r�tntsdhhit iia ves, ino: Li iris roan frootturr, furniture,* 'ttoukt lir ineictnrrat tit" calf' WI *Mem. $s4,.'t5ta.66; other reserves, rnotn furraturr, �b,xisbam furntWrt; 12,796.00; . debentures paid, #12,1172.- pp�ane uetwl scat. cost ratter, refrbg±ra- ti"td under ru%cr. 09 local aiitirisrrx fu 4 $6.77!.01; std- tor. 3+Pt,Y'r r7 tan71atn rant. .hammock.l TI•:H'lr -_111 ".ata of $10 and u ditiossal tog swifts, ebrarie IAa+hrr. 3 carpet sw.oprr!r,araslr, over that amount, lklr'en Ind +At. leo Serati sur M! 106.- me Wtarr, typnw esee, newts, roga. t'retiit wHt be diver on firratiip�lain' Aerating account' for the cut tsfits and iiictures. s,' Mame proved Joint lrotee. A dIa,'.o:int, or year ,bows total revenwe $64i,771t.71 soca r, +"alley. iOled~ai Burp, atard*n t"'nt..rlraigtit aanver tt fur rush ors a and total !Arent*, $48,843,43• profit 't°" ` 44n.? nu e1oi t °Mer 'artlrins. Indountet. fttraargeers mu+t hays t + 1n , TF,ilvlz aa,tt. Fences from their beniarr. $6.819.a1t• Para• ail! fir nn rYe. ti. :K/itt Pf IiFR. Prop.. T. Idi Noe At the meeting of the Lead Water '1'. t.0 Wit )1. iue1lineer. i x. H. No. 1. Ooder'Ieyr tntti�