HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-08, Page 3• ••/1•••••••••••• •.•••••• TRU ' A.Y, APRIL b. 1BI Weaken With Weak ._KIkftseya Shotakil UH Be !masa. eat be otrolig itad WOW Weft bas labels see wet) *ad aise thew oat of Seit the kidney* are ta Moues for the wealc, lame '*4 whiny. haek few whichA. wren too ittd. When ewe gird your kideree oitt.of arderewhes. yotir bask &Owe and pains sea gm, yol! mulles* misery, ell you have to do is take a few bezel of Dosia's Kamer Pik sad you will Sad the mites and peas wHi mutish, alarnaata Yet Bettltht alalaitintery sad. able to enjoy life to Ow utmost. Alll druggists and dealers beadle Ikea; pet up only by The T. Weans 0o, Limited, Termite, ant. MUSIC t • /Meat, Ia. 11. JACISON-Inetruction 0 4.1 borhood News N Picked From Our Ex MOILIH era Mee. iiiveggerabosa. iettilsititta. tken Mg. Irmuhlo• llsakiimatc Ow Itiditekgral Coign trigisal. true. accepted, **twits- •ivit.a..ei.,488:tlainsietlit %siudati crafty, le NCOVERING GARDEN leahttliag. IdY. 8U1ITIC111 es tudtrriasitsuitri.sioaywaldi. unag.ionw.adlock. nup- With the advent of spring the (By Hnry J. Moore) e Agitetion, exeitement, stir, trem- gneiteat attention ehoulti be paid to l All Spring Fairs Postponed Mr, Joan Vincent, a noted artist. or, trembling, quivering. the proper and timely removaof Aunusually late spring, the who, xecompanied by his wife, spent Abserd, false, erroneous, ridicu. the protective mukh from the recite n great amount a all bue the vnibk-end as a guest at 'Weigle) ous, irsconsistent, irrational, pre. of newly limited tree, uhrube, in- clr* snow and a impassehle roads, have made poet- Farsolutge. Mr. Vincent, who is a iosterous, stupid. uding oses, fruit heathbushes, evergreens and else from herbate. wood dates ttoeolaary ter au tee native at Newfountilieed, but who ' Stedy euse a word ow* times am it au* perennial Ideas. To remove rowdy agricultural eculeties bolding ham been studYkkg sad Paintiag limbs Them swore" Net been Europe for some years, came strew is yours.. Let vs inec our vs. the mukh too early or too late may • each result in disestter. coin April 13th, andClinton to April 15th. 181 . . each day. Words for this leseon: The8Q1JRCE8 OF INJURY soots to paint a arm y group or , the. .Atlantic .undertm r•000 poatponed to A.Fril 8th; Hensall to ethulary by masterhur met word re are several teeter* which a Chicago mi hewer., but was un• Lack Kereately Makisqr Geed le able to get into that country owing , ' - : contribute to the injury of garden FUTILITY- the entente of being Toronto useless. °Then tante the . to the fact that he had been 'nog. -utile; f f tilitv: he realised that it subaects, whether the latter are of The following from The Toronto ea to come over to do that work "°88 0 ei! is.-- - an *Aortal or woody nature, and Lion, a monthly publication refer- 'The United Itates is si, demoe.satic "141r e°'"" ''''"" whet* branches and stems have per. ring mainly to Lions Club members country, all right You cannot g. REMINISCENCE; the calling to *dew above ground all winter, or and their activities will be of inter- to a foreign country and hire a man Mad. "Let n'te alone in the re. whether they are of the kind whose est to Mr. Kennedy's many friends teed* et demin and bring him along • mirthteerie* of 0408° (108'" stems do not persist but whose root* irt Hub= °County; "Lack Eentirdi With you. And the *Ent 11VW *pellet DISPENSATION; the act of dig- do so -the herbaceous perennial has been a member of the Toronto to artists. Some arrangement is •'tensing; distribution, "I shall not plants of our borders. Den for the past three years,- prev- being made, howerer, as Mr. Vin- ask dispensation in behalf of my To the arboreal kinds the chief bus to which he was a tun fledged tent expecte to go to Chicago in people." source of injury is the aun, and it i* Lion with the Wingham Club. Lack June to commence work on the INVIOLABLE; that must not be only injurious when we fail to re. ie president and general manger of group, In the meantime he has violated. "We must obey these •in. speet the lawsof nature. When Alemite Service, a name well known been living in Toronto and has been violable laws." •spring arrives the sun'heat is very by moat auto owners. Ilis firm ,apebusy with some commissions in that MORBIDNESS; the state of being powerful, and 0 the transpiration viten•in 'twee Cultrire Green. cialises in lubrication, gas and oil,. city. The Chicago •commission is morbid, "To live alone foster mor. which takes place from the surface* Piano Violin, Guitar, Theoer. 'etc. selling mainly to the garage and- in. not the only important one he tret, has bidness." of sterna and twigs and especially Studio and residenceo . Nrte Sedustrial trade, Lack le a member ever undertaken, nor is it the most INT I MACY; came friendehip. , .., _., _from those of evergreen trees, whose TT. Cl: 11AMILTON--erganist eeorth St. of the High Park Club, lawn bowling: 'inte*lineso giving him eleven.sit- 'love." in loss of moisture; the oubjecta PHONE 46 tingi He ePaletted Pope XT. "The intimacy soon ripened into roots are in a frozen state, result* hutted Church. Oonecri player being his chief hobby, He is also a ' his ho LE.GAL CARDS trait of King Geetge of England,. • IN OF YORE evaperateaerilw - - ' - .. rick Street place that which tranopires and .• .44._,............e.e.„ tees,11. Fo1 first night at the bowling alleys." Vatioan. He has also painted a por. es from thir al rmer Blyth Poatmaster Dead DAYS a.egeret 4111411•••••••••• McEweils, A good teaspoon, King Georg?1 Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly t .25c worth. 24 bars Soap, McEwen's 6 cakes Palm Tree Toilet Soap for 3 lbs. loose Cocoa for ti lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .23 Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Black Toa. We will give 1 lb. of this Tea, t loaf Bread, !.; Biscults and 1 bar Soap for the sante price as a pound of any package Tea. • Special price on large Flannelette Blankets Special price on Fancy Blankets We are cutting the price on Men's AU Wool Underwear and Men's Fleece -lined Underwear, Good Linen Roller Towelling aSc. per yd. Good large Bath Towels 90c per pak Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at rigid prices. Now is the time to buy a set of dishes tor., off. Free stairway to any part of the Town. • J. McEwen -sa• and Teach4r. fiVe pin bowler of no mean ability, tinge, and the pieture hangs AIM in not able to absorb moisture to ,re - I Residence at Mrs, Colborecet, St. Pit- g scores well over 200 on his the Pope's private chambers in the growths their roots being frozen, WilliamSims, ast The picture of Ring George form TwENTY.FIVE YEARS AGO consequently the cells collapse and , former' M- t I ultimately die • .1Eis 11. DARROW. • Liaqister, solicitor, No y s mixt; anitnciouvil;,,r foroomf atnhye tar Public, Iltc., a&01 of the neee Liverpool Cathed- . shrivel and the stems par 0 a arge picture of the dedi- . . Suceessor to J. T.,. fillioran (From The Gederich Star of A,pril -------------- st10110ig & IengthY Per" oil the recomme d ti f th h' n a on o e arc t... Quarter of a Century Age at a time when eetot action should glettiLEY E.1191,SMES iod tif ilhhealthThe funeraleas tett; Sir Giles Scott, ' Thi i t c tire Mr. Den McLaren has Placed a be starting the around will remain IlerMASahaitore Not8IT' held on FridaY, with his pristor, Rev. • • . 8 P 5th, 1001) ra , or which he wee especially ehos. moral of the winter'a mutat? Sim - What has this. to do with the re - years, died on Wednesday night, w otb On a Phoriettl Otnee, The Square. tiotieci en by the art commission of that eitY BuDding That aa It ply that if the removal its delayed which is thirty-two feet high i not pretty • dah around his dwelling frozen, the roots inactive, the aerial ' Co • r b4 for some *uNietvoerlir street. harm may result. Remove, the . a ahh 'wean"' ' Barnaby, conducting the oervices. yet f •Work was corn- portions will lose their moisture and IIAMILTuN STRk.ter • . I . • mut led, will not PHONE V Sons • Was born in Perthshire, years, as the cathedral is not yet menced on Monday on the foundation • • • • SPECIALIST • • Scotland; in 1848, and with his par- completed. Mr. Vincent, •weo is still for Mr. James, Yates' dwelling and, mulch en good tine* front woody ents came to this country when six in his thirties;e•Was • born in New- cello' on West street. Buchanaes subjects, allow the warmth of the Ditele J. R. FORSTER. • aears old. The family remained for foundland and spent his boyhood and Lawson this week commenced suto ne n petrate the' soil so that it time in Montreal, where his •rnoth- EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. • a • er 'died. Re and his ,father then pthaeinretingHaendhawdisahinngattuorasitugdiyft fifro8rt dthwee;ifionugnclation for Mrs. Adamson's will thaw out and that root action iLate• Huse Surpoii NOW Yore Opa• on Church • street. Mr. will not be delayed abnormally. thalude and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorettears Eye Hospital and. Golden • 'Square .Throat Hospital, London, Eng. 53 Waterloo at. S. Stratford. Tete- ., phone 267. At Hotel •Bedford, Ooderich, on' the •• evening of the third Monday of elicit .inonth, from 7 o'clock till ithe •#(1110WtI1j 4131, Tuesclat, at, t p.00. CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPILAGTOn. DR. A. N. ATKINSON, Registered Chiropraetor, Goderich • Chronic, Organic and Nervous Diseases "Consultation Free • Office hours -2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P. m. arid by appointment, exeerrting eionday and Thursday afternoons and evenings: Office Hours on these days 10 to 12 ate • only. ' -parr East andellilittorie Sper • oliTOMETRf A. L. COLE, 11,. (WT0)1E:TRIM% OPTICLaN, • West Street, Gederiett. Honor Graduate of the Canadian Oph thalmic College of Torontet.„ • •• Eyes examinee by the latest methods, end the proper lltting of giasste at mai/- cc. orate prices. Ontario Board ES.9111 toe= Certtticate Na. 875. A(!CTIONkERING 111110M.- GENDRY, Live Stock and General Auctioneer, Satre made everywhere ane all efforts i Hamilton Street, Goderieh made to qive 1:oa eatisfaceRtn. REO PEPPER FOR Farmers sale notes disoOunted. ROBLilla itOliERTSO'N. Qualified Auctioneer, • Otto*, titpleat;.findoeicit. will condnetluo Nue ".n Leerily- ot Huron. For infortneamn apply l'• J• fiyamatemilton St., o. -goers tett with him will receive prompt attenthm., • NC/MILT PUBLIc, ETC, hAlue. Tv NOTARY PUBLIO Generat• conveyaneing dotie Good Cotimanlee Itepresantal !'hon- No. 48. tioderich, (Mt. GEORGE E. GREENSLADE. COSNEVA3CING AND NOTARY. hayfield, Ont. came to, Port Hope, where they re- mained untie 1864, when Mrs Sims went to Newcastle, where be learn- ed his •tilde of blaeksmithing. In 1870 he came to Platteville and while -- there met Miss McLaughlin, whom he married in, 1872. Feom Hut tin - having known Rev. A. A. and Mrs. whom died while young. Mt Sims - opportunity of visiting them whee faonadmiaLtaiwonsofnor hmarte,) wcmom„ commenced cot stems to speak of, There are two ion were born eight children, five of Holmes , in SLJohns, Ntd., took the result, as the plants. have no aerial enlisted at the tune of the Fenian they were as .close as Toronto. tage on Timfalgar street and are factors likelk to cause. injury, Raid, but was never called out In erecting verandahs at the residences chance heavy frosts at irught, and Hen.sall District Men Die Suddenly of Capt. Donley, Lighthouse street, the heaving of the ,roots .of the 1874 he moved to Blyth and had • Two residents Of Hensell district, and Mr. James Stewart, Arthur st. plants due to alternate thawing and . took up the study of architecture in Jamieson Reid has started on the •The removal of the winter'a mulch Boston and New York., Later an op- foundation of Mr. A, Rougvie's dwel- frona subject's which are not so hate portunity mine for him to study art ling at Lighthouse Point Mr Wmdy as trees and shrubs will depend ilorence. His studio is still in Acheson is almost rettiliding the upon" -other cOnditions because in . n-:F Florence but he has spent much time • in England. Mr. end Mrs. Vincent, d on Trafalgai street. Buchanans frame dwelling he recently purchas-1 this case loss 'of moisture cannot be blamed for any injury .which might been • a • continuous resident there ever since. In partnership with' Robett Slater he conducted a large blacksmithieg and carriage making business there for 25 years. In 1906 Mrs. Sims died, and in 1908, he mar- ried Mrs. Talker, who, with three sons, James, in business at Blyth and Artlitnhnd•Ray, in Tokontoesur- vives him. He took_aLkcenJterest in Ideal -affairs-mid servad as eourt. cillor and reeve, while in 1910 he was appointed postmaster, which position he held until last year, when retired owing to ill-heelth. In religion he was a Methodist. and .in politics a Liberal. An Eminent Artist John Taylor, of the village, and Ed- Mr. Jamieson Reid has contracted to freezIng' of the soil. mond Troyer, of the township of ,build a foundation to Mr. Ben Evans' To allow the mulch to remain on Hay, died suddenly on Friday last.' residence near the agricultural park. perennials too long will cause the Mr. Taylor had retired apparently crowns to develop and the stems to in his usual health on Thursday When Mr. A. Mel). Allan Was , Taken for King f Belglum push upwards, leaves •will open and night, at tbe home of Orville Twit- i.o g um dell, where he was staying, bute ex: Soine of the papers are printing under ite protection the plants will become very tender, to be when the pied_ during ,the night Ite• was en item telling how our well-known neatht is finally 'unmarried and well advanced in leerninnan, Mr. "A. McD. Allan, while probability by the first frost, removed injured in for many years on the fine farm on attending the Canadian fruit exhibit all The practice should be to remove a TS. Mr;-% Z*0 a:* ie had-e•esidecl the Parr line, township of Hay, died rit• the Paris exposition last summer little- of the -mulch so as to allow at Hillsgreen, where he and. his wife jesty Queen Alexandra, who was had the honor Of waiting on Itis Ma - some light to pass through and also through the exposition in- subjects the plants gradually to the had been living for mite time, Passing cold night air. After partaking of dinner he corn_ cognito, showing her otir Canadian To remove the Mulch too early Wattled of not feeling well and. lay fruits, explaining their merits, etc., prove harmful The soil without knowing who the royal lady may als° down on a lounge, where he expired . in which perennial plants are grow - had 1 in ton News -Record: Clinton.is jwairfe, jhe is surviveo! by one daughter, w,ith the reporters,, that he , knew h d t ing should not be allowed to lice= _few minute! later. Besides his was."Mac"says had over the week -end a rather dis- hard after he meld has once been f s. areott, of Brigden. . • very well who Ids visitor was, an • d tinguished visitor lit the • • pereon atinton 'May Make Milk pervder desiring to put her at ease, pretend - . . INSURANCE ttlicEILLO1 :VICTUAL FIRE . INetIlla •L'a• ANCE COMPANY. • il , FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN 1%01'; ERTY INSErtete . Value of property Insured. up to Jan- uary, 1910, a3,018,975.00. . e James Connolly, ,Preci- . ' dont, Gederiell; Jae Evans Vke-Prest- wtent, Beachwood; T. E. 'Heys, Set.- tereas., Seafortli, p • Swollen Joints DIAEOTORS-D, F. McGregor, Sea- Joints forth; J. Cr, Grieve, Wintbrop; Wm, Verna tamstunce; George eleCarthey. Vanish .'-, Tuckersmih: Joatti Ferris, liarleek; . :Rem Itennewise. Broadhagan; Sitar:1y tithSerl. priteetle)(1. 4 • ed not to recognize removed. It would be a pity to her, That he cause Injury to the plants after hay - Clinton is likely to have effete in- i• s fel them thawing are harmful, therefore, in fed the . honors properly goes with- the wi g a y protected through dustry, a company having obtained an option on the Clinton Creamery; worth repeating -Mt Allan had aev. out saying, But another experience nter. Alternate freezing and which mar be turned into a milk all cases you should be prepared to eral Of them in P' --as when he they usually receive such a severe cheek that very often it is only by a lucky chance )that they flower at all. Sometimes the protective mulch is left on so long that the rooes make growths of nearly n foot in length.t This tender growth is practically worthless. and the plants are set back for the period of a. year. 1 The logic of the above assertions will be realizde by purchasers of Roses and. also of bulbs such as Daf- fodils and Gledioli, when these in their respectiVe shipping seasons arrive too late- or are delayed for some time in transit and during warn; 'weather. The - usually be found to have made con- siderable growth. Such growth when the plants are set out rarely will produce flowers lof the quality • (Continued on page 7) • URINE; egeeps EYES* Clear, Bright and Beautiful leritsaturio•Co.,Chksso.forliniC.atelitook replace the mulch temporarily when- - powder factory.' Mr. Miles, a mem- went into a barber shop where "Eng- ever danger from"frosts threatens. • ber of the new company, has been fish was, spolcen" and the whole staff The growths of roses, especially 1 in .Clinton looking over the situat- iminediately waited on him with ex- the climbing ones whose stems have ton a has elea been ut Ottawa ti f tes 1•1 - ' Vesswe Want eves ono .o coun ing about a charter. The probabil- and attention. Cushions for his feet, into Y been laid down, start very quickly growth during spring. The - • Tile Star and McLean's Magazine • The Bad COM et To -day MaylleSerkausT0111001INS Os role may *tart with a little rms. *leg of the nose, the heed biomes *tutted up, but little attentioa is paid to it, timer:lug twinge it will pees away in a day or two. You noglooffit, sure thea it gets down lotto the threat awl from there to the lung*, sad bse. wines a ease of soughing vernieg, noon ssa night. However slight cold you him yea should never neglect it, for if you do ' it is just possible that it will develop into bronchitis, pneumonia or ions* other serious throat or lung trouble. Dr. Wood's Narvik), Pine Syrup is an unlyersal remedy tot ell thew who suffer from eel' form et hroaehial trouble, &sat stimulates the weakened organs, soothes and twee the irritated parts, loosens the phlegm and tepee* and aide patine te clear swag the morbid eceumulatieaft. ege ------•--, --- JOB PRINTING AT THE STAB The Goderich Star's CLUBBING. LIST. The Star and London Free Press. .. . . . .... - . .$6.75 The Star and London Advertiser » . 6.75 The Star a'nd The Toronto Globe 6.75 The Sta.; and -The Mail and Empire 6.75 The Star and The Toronto Star 6,75 , Tho Star and The Farmers' Sun 3-40 The,Star and The Family ilorald and Weekly Star3.00 , Th Star and The Catholic Record 3,75 The Star and Saturday Night. ,. , . ....... • . ,;53..5705 '-e----- ' . — - ity is that when the new industry special linen and every detail imag- growths from the base of the hybrid ' The Star and Rod and' Gun 3.90 Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" gets started a timber of men Will inable, with Parisian bows without teas and hybrid perpetuals will also from sore, stiff, aching jeints.' It can. be employed. number, were showered on him, much start almormallY if the maleit is yet The Star and. Montreal Witness renewal 3.85 not hurt you, and it certainly stops that Collar Bone Broken to his stirprise at first, till he learn- removed at the 1 -roper time, These , •• . new... 3.50 old rheumatism torture at ono. Mr Joseph MeIntrish was thrown ed in some way that. they mistook g • When you are suffering so you can from . his sleigh going over the rail- him for the King of the Belgians, produce flowers of the beat quality • rowths will never fenction and i The Star and World Widerenewal 4,25, hardly get around, just try Red Pepper way tracks at Clinton on Monday of who is said to resemble our fellow new... 3,85 Rub and you will have the quickest re -because when the mulch is removed lief known., Nothing has such conceit. last week and suffered a slight frac- citizen quite strongly. The denoue- a . ored to explain in broken English GoDERIcH bated, penetrating heat es red peppers. ture' of the collar bone. He was re- meet came when His Majesty failed , just as soon as you apply.Red Pepper moved to the hospital and the frac- to hand out a gold piece to each at - I ' Special Clubbing -Rates with other Periodicals three 'minutes it warms the sore spot soon be 011 right again. Rub you will fee the tingling heat. . n ture reduced and it is hoped he will tendant; but "Mac" says Ile endeav- ass are g011, ,1 Cell at ihe St's Offic.2 or 'Phone 7i for any infOretatkei. through and through. Pain and sore. that he had been taking run Ask any trod druggist for t jar of A very ouiet wedding was solem- throrgh the grounds without his at may be had on applicatton tendants, and in his hurry ,had for - Rowles Re Pepper Rule- Be sure to razed at the home of Rev. Mr. • get the genuine • with the name Rowles Snowden, Clinton, on. Wednesday gotten to ---"Well, I'll' see you later," on each padrege. • morning, March 31'st, when Gladys and as he stepped out he heard of and something like ---but the expressiona •-•••••• , -• Veral, youngest daughter ". Mrs. Samuel Jordan, of ('linton, wouel not look well in print. Rheumatic was united in 'marriage to Arthur . TWENTY YEARS AGO William Groves, of Hullett, formerly (Prom The Goderieh Star of April of 'Clinton, Mr, Snowdon perform- . • 6th, 1906) Pains Go • AGENTes -J. W. Yeo, Goderich; SinuTY Thousand § of sufferers have freed 'Leitch Clinton; Wei. Cheswy, Sea' themselves from the . bondage sf . forth ;`It. nineteen Seeforth. ponce move ca. p y ,es.e. rheuniatism; rhl themselves of the meats at ItelL"Cutt's More, ,46,1..rielt; Acirturie_g_ hain; reduced the swollen „,ay.._.cancse --and ‘- Don't say 'Aida is. hire or. "that etlirectors„ Jas. _ Clark amt.. Jess .A. A. J. elorrielea Clothing Store, Clinton; joints; thrown was me." Say "this is he," and McIntosh. At a meetine of the (lir- e or J. .11. Redd's, hayfield. crutches, and from helpless beings _ 'ectors it was deckled to engage the became able to work and be of use "that was I." engineering specialist, II. Vett rum INSUBANCZ to theniselvee and their Samilies. Don't say "I can eot accept of i Theon, of Itatre."1, who was here Don't say "the°11nlittur‘doefr.e"i• was ifausitiy. woeleiktialot asef liceernoef o4ti5t01°i;ietr? f,71)Irke Have it attedded to ay the They took Rheuma; the modern Y°11r generosity." ,WEST WARMISH MUTUAL ARE INSURANCE CO enemy of rheumatism, lumbago, :tele - Heed Oflice : Dungannon, Ont. D'on't be - skeptical about. Itheumii. hunago; Say "hanged" 4 . ,, , Don't say"I run taller than him." . favorable, the work will be pushed •report15 • Established 1878 ties arthritis, and chronic neuralgie. town Outwit and if the ' Harry L Salkeld, IL IL No, 2, God. You will know in a few hours after Say "than he." Don't say "who is the letter for to a finish, and if it is unfavora.ble erich, prette Wm. J. Thomption, Aub- beginning the treatment that the ,, urn, *dee pres.; aireetors---WM, Mc- poisonous waste matter is leaving Quinan. Stgeleus; 'W, p, Reed,H. H. your system througli the• statural No. 2, Lucknew II L. Salkeld, 'phone channels. You will feel better in a •600r11, Geaeric'h; Alex. Nicholgen, day; you will know you are going to Luelcnow; Wri. Watson; ;in. GirVin.1 be helped in Teas than a week. 11. It No. 6., Gederieh; Win, I. Thome- There itt no guess worts about son, Aubuen; Thn Griffin R. IL No. 'them* bringing you back to health. 7, Lucknow; Chas. ttaritt, Kineat. That's why H. C.,Dunlop and drug - dine, Ont. gists everywhere sell it with guigare 'THOS. STOTHERS, T. G. ALLEN, tee of money back if it does not give Treas. Secretary. quick reliet. __ea .......e ing the' ceremony. — ' Maitland River Power Company Organizer. , . . ' A meeting of those interested in . Our Weekb, the. Maitland River Power Co. was — Lessons in English held en 'Wednesday, ween the cam- • pany wet; organized by the election of the following directorate: ' Presi- • ' By W L. Gordan , dent, Dr. W. J. It. Holmes; vice, . president, W. L. Horton; manager, ----:'' J. '1'. Goldthorpe; secretary, IL J. A. Words Often. Mitaleed ° MacEwan; treasurer, J. E. Rurnball; Brom. Brd, 00010110H TheLeaflU non, Directors and faitalmers °taws tsrefullv attended to se all houte-night tor day. 3. A. 'Wheeler' Funeral Director and Embalmer Godericht Ourtatio All ttalle promptly ettenclea t 4ay or night, 'Thum: Store 33e; Howie 35-,w 1 WANT FIVE TONS OF COAL ENTER THIS LADY 'c ORDER FOR. to,000.e HEALTH AND cofIFORT Pcamps QF WARMTH, .1) Von may think that being a I ...oal dealer is a dirty, uninterestin , then it will be immediately dropped. it311' Say "for whom is the lettei . I Don't say "I have several" mnt eig the Power or- . Urging Development et Niagert But wo don't. tinduens." "Memoranda. plural . form. I Goderieh should he repmented wa 1 We are proud of the fact that Words Often Mispronounced on the big delegation representing are furnishing you with Tenacious. Prot:Imre terea-shus, Ontario municipalities, which will rartn.tit and conifort, health and Tortoase. Pronounce tor -Hs, the 1 next Wednesday to urge the &veto it IS an interesting study—the as in "it," not as ." opment of electrical power at ma, iithireitt kinds of coal for each I -Slough (lluddY plate). Pro- gam by the Province as a public?purpose, the kinds brit suited t i i not -nee skin, the ow as in "found."' enterprise. There ist every k•diel" your furnaCe, your kitchen range i thea as in "may,'" not as "at." wait on the Government in Toronto iappiness. Wye, Pronounce the a es in tion that the delegation will be a re - Soot. The op may be proilou'need influence, the interest aroused by or grate. "father," not as in "at." cord one in point of numbers and , What help eat we give pin 1 as in "look," or "soon;" the fernier the report of the Electric Power with your heating problem! I is prefereed. Commission just made *flown -CALL MB - Financial. Pronounce the first i spreading Thr"y eel the several as in "him," not as in "ice," and municipttlities whir!: undertook the *(cent the eceond n. . enquiry two years gto. There is no Words Often Misspelled to larger question before the people of .sismetement; note the ge. pity. this Province today, and it is emit:- stain. physic, mischief; ie, not ei. ently desirable thee the eeunty town, Israel; s, not z. Analysis (ahm, othfe.11purrtricmpedshiroirulad wtahkicehaintowinteirettredsitittei lar); analyaet (plum!). the beg ening of a new era in the zeward, irsteYorlt:pe":s8e, compenase industrial prosperity of Ontario. igiktingt ros Good (leen Coal COAL B. MUST coopANy Phone 98 Goderich . 41 Will in. 011A1,111C COILNIN Wlil IZI 1)11 1.I.111' t ()UN'S CLARK'S TOMATO SOUP 2 TINS 19c 1 DOMINION STORES CHOICE QUALITY RAuT 2 TINS 25°' 'VICTORY BRAND trik I s A TEA .,,PEARS RICHMELLO :11101; 79 15c Ceiba midi CHOICE PINK 'Amu C110. SALMON SELECe PICKLES LARGE BOTTLE soUtt atixio Oft CHOW T ti, ave MIT MUD 49c DSL BULK 591. 1 5C Oakes Glieeklas Bsyliall &se/ BACON 39%. POST'S 81tAll FLAKES 2 Pith. 25c SPECIAL BLEND COFFEE 53%. • • • CANNED FRUIT A.ND VEGETABLES cMar a. 25c SINGAPORE SLICED 18c AYLMER, SPINACH 15c CHOICE CORN 2 tills 25e MATCHES TOMATOKS tin 14c 3 tn. 294 SARDINES Clacks sr 4sslosi 3 tin 25c *cis* "'mina COCOA 21114.2W CHRISTIE'S COCOANUT GEMS Sic.. ihtese l'rtess is *fort tor ono work from date of likto • .444111• 4/*-• ***, _.•••111611111Eddr._ _ •