HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-08, Page 2a rte • 9 .1 4. rseil a The Delicious Flavor jIf • drawn fees the loaves of LAD GREEN TEA bas won it millions of oaths. Finer toe_ v. Jepon. Gunpowder or log Brawn. Ask for 5AL.ADA. Prime w Fir Victim is upon the , women, especially the mothers of the children that the Many parts of the World seem to hardships of proloeged strikes fall, ltgre been suffering an epidemic of and the startling; expedient. which h m>, mild' type of influenza and Cana- they have adopted roily prisent dims been tdo ddisregardedetc- bit ntlds respect. The germ is nmet in industrial troubles. respecter of persona and the Prince of Wales has been operated upon "By Their ruits- - -e ' for a» infection of the ear arising hike a clean strong breeze from the. directly from Wiled -ma. His aunt. north comes the message of Dr. Oren - the, Princess Victoria, Is also still fell of Labrador, who, having just raetiioutly III with pneumonia° as a completed a tour of some of the result sof it. world's mission stations, is visiting ,:-- -- - Toronto before returning to his far northern; mission field, . "Live your. religion, don't argue about it,"is the • substance of his message to the world which is splitting theological hairs. In the thirty-five years of his mission work,: he declares,'he has never asked an assistant what he. believes. Christ, he pointed out, con- signed • only . oneclass of men to eternal punishment, they of whom he said, "1 wee hungry and ye fed me not; sick and in prison and ye visited' .me not." Mussolini May Want •War European observers express a fear that Mussolini may go to war as a final means of •uniting his now dis- rupted and disgruntled party. An ominous' silence has - been maintained regarding. the seventh annual cele- bration of the establishment • of Faa- elem, and telegraphic, communication. with the outside world was cut off at Mussolini's cotniiiand.' - It. is fear. FAMOUS ltisTOfIAN DIES ed that.the dictator see in war t who devoted a means; whieh can be used to close Miss: Janes f'arnoehs m, the ranks: of the Italian people her: life to the collection of Cana -p pie and' than historical data and relics, who serve° him' as ,a bridge to cross a year. daily: at his feet. ., THE • GODFRICII STAR Fuesians from all county eir of the world—except itussia—gathered at Paris es delegates to the first Rue. scan Emigre Congress now in ties- eion, four hundred in all, represent- ing three million exiles from their native land. Nearly alt the dele- r Rates at one time graced the court of the murdered Czar Nicholas. The Congress was organized from more than thirty anti-soviet societies and is intended to organize a world cam- ,paign against the government of . Russia. i r pnaaed alrny in int -Vat ye chasm which threatens to 'widen 'file Women Take a Iland Cwasdlain Castle's Fates,,, : . 'British women .'have decided .1-o . strike .against strikes. On "April fit Casa Loma, Col. Henry Pellatt's twenty thousand, women from all "castle" in Tor into, which for many parts of this 'kingdom will parade years has be** the' gubjeet _af, ca. London under the ;auspices of the iosity and debate, is eventually to.. Woolen's 'Guild of Etiipirc, as a pro-# converted into a palatial apartment tea .against strikes and revolution- hotel. Casa Coelia was said to be the largest private residence in ary Agitation in industry'. The wo- lam " have been organizing the dis- Ane "ca and was once furshed 'play for months past and the object with almost priceless antiques and ' of : the demonstration ,is to, call uponivorks of;, art. labor and capital to unite and ad.. ,t ;just their differences. After .all it Russian "Emigres" Tei -Act A Great Canadian Passes Canada truly mourns the loss of a good citizen in the passing of Miss Janet Carnochan, curator of the Nia- gara Museum, at Niagara -on -the - Lake, in her eighty-seventh year. All her life has been devoted with a singleness of purpose that should inspire her fellow citizens, to re- search into Canadian history, eape. dally that which was enacted in the. Niagara peninscla. She was the founder of the Nilgara Historical Society- and its ';resident for. thirty years, and she was Instrumentalin *miring for her museums hundreds of relies, many of which cannot be duplicated and will be of increasing importance tothe study of. Ca Vidian history. Needs Advertising Communism is not making much: has decided, and neede the Third the s stimulus of violence to lend it ,publicity. Con- sequently Moscow has ordered a re. tiewal of violent methodh through- out _ the world. Solomons Renew Their Glory A cold Easter postponed the dis- play of both feminine and masculine finery to an extensive degree. The. men - folks , who had the courage - to do so, startled some fashion parades with a new disiilay of color and de- sign in their clothes and Hamilton is stili talking about .the young dan- dy who appeared in a smoke -colored suit with a flowered vest and letnon colored gloves. - Grey and. blue were the . fie/arite corers for women's wear, in the Fifth Avenue parade, Wand New 'Yorkers confirmed 'their love of small hats • at the same time. A .Tragedy of- Revolution ' A Russian refugee who. is bring- ing suit for . u,; thousand dollars against ; a New York antique dealer, was oncethe Owner of •many ,nil• Tions, and after the war. fed 05,000 starving . Ceeeho-Slovakians, for which .the government .atPrague has never paid hien. A tale of appalling hardship, was :told by this man who, with his family, has been -an exile and it -wanderer its a result .of - Soviet persecution. New York bankers have confirmed his •claims to prev- ious wealth. Trouble to Labor Ranks There niay be disruption lie the h n oreParty 'ranks of the Ontario L b y as a result of the cofitrol which has been seetured of" its administration. by the Communist: group. The rail - be way. unions. are debating withdraw- al from -the<• organizati'on as a pro- test against the condition of :affairs, United -Control of'. is ries . Miiu t '. Premier •1Iac1enzie • King is' plac- ing the Department of 'Health with the' Department of 'I.itbiir, Wider the direction of the new minister, Hon. ',e, ()Jebel :lase Baa wig Assoc:/flrl, "$25.30 Flutter in od Lake. Units Werth $t4, 000.0e In Few 11'iinnths'�` Nartheraz Minst,Cot,a:lt That's what was realized' by the original investors in the '!Howey" syndicate. - The property controlled by , the Chukuni Red. Lake Mining Association is just two miles east of the "'limey" elaini and thought to be on the same "breafc",-' 1 PUBLIC OFFERING (Limited to .500 Units) • U is 410.00 each -- •� POSITIVELY NO PERSONAL LIABILITY Look a tine lap-'► ]see the location of the Chukuni Claims••- ttlote►�olt Right in the heart of the Red Lake District. 3Au Thal— sag Devi *2ent Co *ng. To make money like the "Howey" investors you must "get in on the Orou d Floor". Units In the Chukuni Asao'• c iso should advance rapidly once development starts. 't The preseat aeries et Orakxnl Red Lake Unite is to *scuts aw,sa wgaM! p alias the elletment of 51110 omits is abeerbed no kaaarvatians rr1ll be wok In tilt cedar is whisk their aro readied. �y is Lisifto1-�.Wit* or 'shorts Ivor +crier y at our itepoase. Y. D. klialeP:r. 15.11. XNEs• iis�ek rlhirlit irat woork.� (w =SAS 14 IROAr Srite:iae tw' IFe Ane eirt 4S. ttiitr'tKmt;tte(: Isle Dodd: of (•awdM,6 fiweevafiraa,avyr is tak- mri..sot w' se ow �,� Mimes aaer• a cw erve fl p•. a ft+,l et.. 4'r esat.sst ILA t♦ A,,,. • 04 mod tel` v2,1; art A+ ;amM R.+eek, .. ... • O'r.tter�l�a►..,,. J. 'r Elliott. He -bar give +sur-. cietelopment and .he eorespartire nnce that the work of neither de- acleeseeueuti vo'i'd not have best. pos• partment would be curbed by this sible. thee, however. tu!ght suggeat•arrangement, but that the work of that the amine--self-trade men tireHails' the Department of Labor would be tither in power or actuality, geniuseit • , t•re;ilea his owls circumlttance y extended. A - THURSDAY, APRIL ash, ik2S I II whleh will 'cud hint to his expression. t This is title. but we must nut°forget Good Times Coining t . - that 4 genius -born wilt not give ex The long talked of era of pros- prctslon to hie 'powers in the desert perity seems to bee approaching and of Meta or the Polar regions. Alan indications of a renewed interact in is by nature a social being. and it is s -- Canadian industry and natural re- asaert that Ile takes from sett con- i sources .by investing capital is one, tributes to the welfare of the Cour-1 of the good signs to be noted. The munitf in Ito social intercourse, nor i British public, little given to im- Is the case of a genius an exeeptiom,. , pulses, has been indicating ; heal- It Is still a (bitted question whether thy interest in Canadian affairs and "man makes the times or the times British papers are devoting a lot of make man." Whether, in other words, space to Canadian news, Within "great men snake their age or their the next ,few weeks at least thirty age makes them." My. opinion Is that highly '°laced representatives of Bei. the Induenee is mutual. I am Inclined, tish firms will land. in Canada on to think that Napoleon's genius could private visite of investigation. They not Aare eepreseerl itak'if outside the represent a part of the growing conditions tao the encs Europe s they een• army of British travellers who are ,they and the d oof the of the eighteenth. ceu' penetrating all corners of the Ere.teeum i.disson"s inventions would pine in the search for trade oppor- not bare been possible If that Amer- tunities, !can gelling had lived fifty yeara �^--' sooner. But on the other hand the Thanks to Wembley late war d1(I not give a genius as Without a doubt we are now be- Napoleon,:though 'tbe times were as ginning to reap some of the results favorable as a hundreds years ago for of Wembley. advertising. The cam- paign to ""Bev British Goods" is also making itself felt, and several Bri- tish cities have been etreseing Can- adian products. London is about to launch a similar campaign. Comedians More Cheerful , . This interest abroad in Canadian products is also reflected in a better general tone of optimism within, the borders of Canada. There are sure indications that, having Iearned well the. lesson of the past few years, t aur choice of all the latest shades and shapes in BROCK! WALTHAUSEN and HORTON . EASTER NECKWEAR The latest in coloring and style. READY-TO-WEAR for SPRING Our showing of Ready -to -Wear for Spring is the best yet. Latest cuts and fabrics. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT IS BUSY. - CHAS. BLACK the . expression of a Napoleon, . a Caesar. an Alexandre the Great. 'The Men's and. Boys'Store Worth While" Tho TThe self- Meaning of the 1l'ltrrase.-- Che self-made man, as cont-' tnonly understood, bas.no school train- ' Phone 219 Ing. Ile is ids own teacher. But 9 - here we may ask 'to what extent is• a , self-made man self-taught? What is . the purpose of s^hool edueation? These quertions will find the direct or In- direet answer in the following con- clusive part of the paper. If we were to understand the Meaning of "self- made" In an absolute sense, we would find that to a vera few men in the his - Canada, is about to- set out 'briskly -,tory et mankind it could be applied. along a road of national prosperity. there a man, no matter haw high LYnchi Records .54/indebted he ranks in the History of they develop- Luent of the human mind and its activ- the Se*Cy venteezilted' n States personsrant were yealyncheds',alt 'to in lues, a iia liar ditsevelfullopedest leisextent'' own.1T) pTeher•^ of sonaiity ., them negroes, the Federal •Council arswer .to this question .is No;, of . Churches reported recently. Th ..or ' nt least we should reels- that we lynchings took place in ten differ- •tto .not know, 1f we ars tot jhdge on the ' real or supposed, evidenee at hand, we must say that only Goll in Iienveu: and Christ on earth are the .only self-made ones. ..'With reference to men, ms opinion is that only great minds of.the world, in the various forms of Barran activity, whether iute11e't.unl or praetleal; swell as Socrates, Plato. Aristotle, Pante, Shakespeare; Galileo, Marconi; Edison, I�hteoln,• etc„ • were self -mai e- filen. ent states. The white lynchers, have more than sustained their reputa- tion, having increased their record by ono over the previous year. of. ticers of the Ian had suedceded, in thirty-nine other cases, 'in prevent- ing consumnmation of the tentless at. tacks upon victims •of mob violence. The state -of. 'Texas '- was free of lynching :its, 1926 for the .first time since records were 'established in 1882. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Ne j Hampshire and, Vermont,the report • says, are the . only states. of the union in which no lynchings have ever been recorded.' What, then, • of the other men ofiert, letters, selene, polities, finance,:hnd, .1u general, 'ef any other,man who rias exeelied In- the.praetice of nny.iiseful activity in the Inman cpinntunity ? .M auswe • •i. h 1 Yt a every a t o r y man, no wat- what Are the etnimandments " • tel what kis path in, life, is entitled Professor Pitkin.' of the Faculty of: ,t4 be ealrcd,,selfnildde.only if? and Journalism in' Colutnbia Viniveraity, uslnue'il'•us he. ,lies contributed leis lin- has berm ;condueting•an investigation .dtviduality .and eoted hhe, own into the general knowledge. of,thepersoualit�. In his work hr the, coni. public ,;cocerning The' Ten Com: 'mnnity. Aren like stars—to borrow rnandments, and as a result he de? 'br elassiii 1 ns of fill;qt •a t x re s on t roin asttoitoui3-•-may 411. learned from books w.thout having, so to speak, made it blood of his brood, be is not much more than. a parrot, A doctor might know all_ th!, looks- written - on ,.medicine and' yet never he able to cure a ease . ,.In his 'awn sphere anyone 'may be a self-made man. Anyone froth the street sweeper to the statesman, from the kindergarten teacher to• the Pui- veroity professor. from the .most humble • to•,.the highest thinker—is given the chance .of being' self.made; That a man .be self -male does not imply that lie did •not •go- through a currleulutit of a system, of education fel/owed..fir' the schools of his own eountry ; it rather implies that be his, • frons the inner self, reacted, worked and built upon the •education coming from 'without, whether Im- parted tby' proftssloual'• teaghers or received directly - thi"ougli' • ;?Woks, through nature or through the ex- perience of IIfe •among his -fellowmen f .. North Side Square \ 1 I O ►STOVE \�W }' r 711e6poPo/sdprbili 1•147: SKINNY MEN Ma'a Memo RUN DOWN MEN NERVOUS MEN- DON'T MISS THIS ^ ERWEA� , at ectal -Pis You're behind the titfleri yoir-don t -- know that Cod Liver Extractis one of the greatest flesh producers in the, clares that the ,younger generation ,.•fcx,nu, eu,ru wo>Id: have beaten the older a erat ,utd• Pourtli ; maguituff , caul. dne 'be- R tl .. len . , . o ' t g fo t to fir e" : Because it outline; more •vitalizing' longing 1, first rf'oui•tli .elass'ac- a knowledge of the .laws of Moi{ s: cordiuf; to;tbe personality that he bag vitamines than any food you can•get, In several hundred tests 'the bn�y ih'velopcd ant a<pressed. ".t Iaa:ser 'You'll .be glad to know that Me- sELFAADE IF EVER MA1)E niele. If Giotto, the great Italian ttle e found , r h #txdwocoldre' ow .laws h u e t' Tablets tome a iv Extract T b m p '•i r•. dI, e E a 1 ma 1.7at•ull ic• - G sCo r c 3`' tl laws Of all tis t A eeotrr y the coutplete `tell comnmandments• was :ti ;es of the '' earth, and, yet ,.'would in sugar coated:form now, so if you ,•fa man who once won a live dollar net hesitate to call him a tai of the really want to put 10 or 20 pounds of prize in a competition for reciting fourth-magultude if tnedidalot crente solid, healthy flesh on your bones and. them in Sunday . ori y se h 1. .The• aver: ulcer his knowledge, ' while I could feel well :and strong and have a comp age person .recollects not mare than e411 the w shoemaker ho'makes artistic lexton that people will admire --ask a. _. _e.. _e. them. - - .been p p ,y druggist fora box of McCoy's od -Liver Extract Tablets. • Only 60 cents for 60 tablets .find. if - Miele before a ster of the first magna- . patter. had not expressed :his own in you don't gain five pounds in 30 days your druggist is authorized to hand you back . the money you paid for It isn't anything unusual` for a per- son to gain 10 pounds in 30 days, and for old people with feebleness over taking themthey work wonders: - The Development of Personality and dhiduality in big paintings; his art The Expression of His' Ps'ersoaal: trouid have ,been Only . a reprodaetion 'sty Constitutes Man's Right. to Be of the net of ''C.itnabuo his, great Called SeIE•111ads: master; If a nmteister detii ers a, ser- ° .• pion° .wltieli • he :himself has not .com- • The • folleWini; clever paper. was 1}-9144* his eongregatiom might :listen read before the Men's Sunday dub' to .tt'.'iilioiiograpli as well. • If a teacher •reasons 1 re Peals what he has of • North street United church, on 11"1" . .Sunday 'morning,. March 28th, by Dr. r , S. Messina: - •- s •- 3/r.. Sar.` President' and members of :the' Club, ---I ale . not ]:now. whose phrase the .subject of my paper: Is and hi what relation to the test it was; ei.sed.'• Tines. I dto.not know the speeial wane lag tliat'waigiven to It. -I will, bow•: ever, try to expinln its meaning' as I . understand it,' leaving to you to correct It If my interpretation is wrong, to., complete 1t.If It is ranting, to develop .It -if given 411117 scanty lines... • - Aleatting of : tite Phrase. If we will • look closely at the meaning of each wort' Si''; find 'that "self" .means one's individetalit;+ ; the worth "made:" in strele phrase, • as this, mann. "com- idete: • " 11nIsited." or, mere exactly, "fill',, developed. " If we were tog • elntuge •tete phrase into at sentence it • .• would hc' lake the following: ":t. man iP he, is ever made Is self-made," ;Cow, again, I found in the Oxford diction- ary that for a • self mile man we aro to understand a.mnan whose sue'ress is assured. Thus the sentence may be , lfiirniihrnsetl as the following: If there Is a man whose sueeess is aseured. he s'ertnlnly Is a man whose- individuality • le fully deveiopcd, -, Moreover, the - usage emphasizing the reflexive meant "htfi of- the' Wein""s*•tf. "the preeteling •' seu4ener mai be substituted with the ' followings "If there • is ..a man whose sureess Is assured, he Is n man who has fully` developw d his .own' indi• vlduality by himself." common tsr Of the Phrase.-.-Fre• - trteently re sitar the reference to smelt ttteai as Minto, Lintoht, Edison, t'ar- na•gle and n bundrett others tis self- , made neem. We admire them and joint them out a': models of will power • direv'ting towards the goal of aumcss, thous% Foetal, c rieunstances might bare been rather agalnet ahem then in (heir favor. I ray "rather" l,ecao t' . if the soviet atiamrpbere had offered no ' chane,• whatever of 'wiping the in. divided to look ahead of tinniest!' and develop lib. own personality in Record- lints*'With thn alae to attain. melt it • Good weight Merino Shirts and Drawers - 't .9 79c,and. 5c ernbaft 1 ins .at$ • - x:45 'an d•' 1.7` 5 CasbmereShirts and • • Drawers,incream c r natural hades, reg. ' $.r:.5o, clearing 'out.. al;.. 95c ' M. ROBINS ADVERTISE IN THE .STAII:" �,eYil!i 7 ; II;;Yid LW!: I ';!rl!• 'THE SPECIAL SIX SEDAN Fail forrce•fead htbricadou, sir cleeweer, gseoliare riper, oil purifier. twin ilm .—Pfws +whoa brakes, fall bauowi •_ tires and s disc wheels included at no extra coon. I MY ell n i, n -• POI nu--.. Y.a...uei This Special Six model—a car of 'disiinctxy exceptional quality --has. the LOWEST PRICE ever placed on a Nash Sedan. f BARKER BROS., Nash Dealers Melee-