HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-08, Page 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII00I � qV
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. . .1 �, 6ndh -PL_ — .
41 - . � - — . — -1 4 III, III
. To E"aft of Ahiwet� - . .4h_o . .
. 11 Do&ated to Cocei Printing ,
I .
I � h C0004"OKY 414d ftftri 7U.Star SIA" is 40W*04101 to 0i 11 , N
I -1-1 No stAar mwNwoe e" sW tU t*** of fawn"ar Priatiow III- iII __=....___.__._, -
� " aceaowtaffy of .0dowtidag of diotinctive q*dity. t , '.1 . �,
I . a- r 60
ist 800% C_ I 11 0 lCrItc ... It From THE GODUICH STAR * ' ',�._
I r � - .1 - .11 . i �
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1. 1. ". I -,,I-' � � I'll I . I I I . .11 ..........''.I...'.., .1 I . . I 11 11 11 I .1.11 I I ,I I 11 I I
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- I .1. I .
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. , . . � I - _. I 11 I -, # , I �_ - � 44 !
. 3 fair. fourteen poor and four Ut '. I
�� I � I - __._ ''... _. MMW I BYLAW It building, the t ity's first structure, AMONG THE CHURCHES t
TOWN TOPICS materialize. The question of what In Form 11. thirty-eight pupilslymw I 11 / .
was beat to be done -Aith the old Baptist church, April 11th. The writing as follows: good ,�
ow statogth show ASAIR roatp**04 building,, which is of much historical pastor will preach. Evening sub- .11,MP ten, or tw!n -two &4 .
Son OWN Assurance Go. of Canada AM �) ject, "It ROM41 chriation? What is bed Ave. ty I
I On &I of the uaseoonabU lnt*rO&t to the' citizens, especially In imilon in Form U16, #
I , I - - a full Of twouty. I I
I I I www"WINNO 4 weather the Sprinir Sho* of the &a. with the 100th anniversary of the the real antidote?" we have $oven PuPiIX, two, wow . 11
. - auntelp4glity only church And the old gospel. Com*. is %levon pow ' I 11 � .
Wkst Ufs Insurame pow. RYLAN'%- .NO. it OF I".-, op TIIV forth AirrIcaltural Sod#ty W. been foundation of the r graded 1:� e ht fair, t . .
. 1. . . . ag! North St. United church. $or- in Form It in $0116406
, I OF `I TOWN ,nat postpoI until Tuesday, Uttli more than 4 Year Away, was and six
0 t has been W, 41 said That it tho princip,les of Life, Insur- , (X"UhIRATION I PrI - -1 of thirty-eight pupils, QW, was
I I OF WDER101. . I Mb. . ,discussed from every angle. every viefs for $undAYs APAI Ilth 0 , . I I i.,
1 - anco, were fully: iccepted "every � fafiilly would be , Clinton Carried Collegiate *.I* phase of the"question being consid. 0 -rd-, Mtn's CIA CU,11406 AU4 Ms' ed Rood. ifirlitten fair, 'eleven -1
. Pro M. I I I '151.4 w ' 3 V I, 8WW41 - SI , 1k 4 eight' bad. Book -k pi g
. �&Idatad, e4ry 614 Orson would be in comfortable 4 MZY A RTLAW TIC )ROVIDH� FI'N ' FOR vred by the members of the Commit. don Send, AA r #e n ILt . �
- . n O W .NIVNI, The bylaw to expend $80-000 in too and r* r114111tAtives, of the Wel., it a,m. srA 7 p.m., Public Worship, quite 14tisfactory; art port .
-, stances, every business vrould be SOC2 every credit would be . CIPAL BUILDING. erecting a now colloclate,buildthe in lingtqn ,t,rleal conducted by the pastor, Rev. C. X fairly satisfactory; record; of prac- , ��
,.i - . - Clinton was carried -by a miderity Society. A plan . "
" good ad everyone..wouW have I savings account." Life . in I NVUEREWS It Is proposed to erect I Of- mi,irgested by Mayor Robson, which Clarke, tift, and experimental work so - ,
suance is not..a co, . tmnodity but ot service. - new brIOU, stqej and concrete, fir4 110 on Monday, the *ot,e beint,278 was generally accepted, wasi to have Victoria St. 'United church, Pastor, science, satisfactory. .
� I
I �- I I I I � � I . proof munielpal bUildinx of.approxi. Ito 168. A, Similar bylaw, was do- the building reconstructed At the Rev, Selby Jefferson. . Services for The ratio of pupils to teachers 214, , ,
, t tAm owrw mateh, one hundred- eI00i feet 4110v- tested by 10 votes at the municipal out side of Gordon street, on Royal Sunday, April 14th: Anniversary to 7 or 31 to 1. Division of'Autles. � �*11 .
I .. . . R � , - - - ruty-ilve (7.51 reet, three storplevs. and elections. Construction will be coin. City park, The mayor favored services; ape a a , atisfVtoiro ' 4 �,
�__ __.- _1 X_ basement In heigfit, to provide s4e. . . effil MUSIC. 11 a.M. And among the teacher
. ..., .1.1. I., I I Aw"1011,11 I 11 .. . . I wiate, aocomm(Kiatlon for im;Aki,pal meuc*4 this summor� I erecting a replica LOf the structure, 7 P,ra. Special preacher, Rev. F. W. Discipline quite satisfactory. 'r4jj 4,_ -
. .
- 14-- —: ------- offices, council and committee ebam- 11� � ,
.77 M � .1 . . �. ... I I " � . �
-7-----7-- wAxign - I _41 , - 'Agallast . Carling an# even to size. 1. I . Mahaffy, B.A., B.D., of Orangeville, drill not practised. . I - " -
. . I. . -NOTICS I bem, fire hall ..and Ilremen't; apart- CTnXid ta C�00. . The values of equipment, etc' ' R 11
. ___ _ � . monts public. rt%st rooms with eonvoi. � Public School Boari Ontario. 3 p.m., Bible Solkool; CIA$. .1, on -
. �
. . W.% � . I . . n ,L'T,0TII1--I1(Pme , fences: rommunit-, roo,m,.;, auditorium, Trial of the charges. sgainst tbe sea for all. given as follows: Reference 11b_t&I I i I _",
.N IN .' Baking for sale,
i ,NTF-D--4yJkt1 to "KL '%N'Ith farl: A, .Nir.,4.11i�rx,,.N,Itobinsona%$PAR,t��14 - The regular monthly meeting of A4 W ,
,work. Apply at STAR PI?Vla'# (int,"RY MW,1. Ilamiltou street.. '%* aults fop- rmirds hnd areblves,, pollev Corling. Exporting, - � Brewing sin" the Public school board was hold on In Knox. church, the services will' 41014,25; supplementary reo . I
W-444resIl. I - I -, court, woommodation for m;I98 Wile P ' , � , A C -
I I I , ;__ . and vh�ldren"H. aft) department, and to X -ill &*a Co. and the Coniblitistod. Monday evening, preaeAt Trustees be conducted by the minister, IA ravy, $1"t"'i $Cie 4 parst%1% k 1, ,
I ,
'AV,A%TED,—A young kTIrI !top housew WAR V�G equip thtI - I Everting Corporation of V#zcouvtr,. Carrie' (in the chair), Cutt, Thom- the 0I the annual �allorsl ser. $1g54-80; map$,, Charts, 910I OW., . �114 1,,-�
I 711' m,tld!Ns,or1-._ App .11UN- ----- * - � ANT) WHEREAS Robept NIcKa-y. Esq.; B.C.', NXIslur out of the saiaure last so,n, Wallace, M ,lor 1 $102-84; art models, $10.0, ty ' .
.Iv to SUPF . I and Noftel. vice will be held, to which All marine . "writ- 14171 . ,
TZINDFINT AlexandruAlarine and 0e.0- UNTEXIS TAKE NOTIQN.—No likint- of -t4w Town of Goderjoh, -haw gener. fall of the stock at the warehouse at The principal of 'Victoria 3chool men are Invited, Su4jects of &or. era, $17470" biological spotim"*, . ;U1. '.1
. AQ M�AZ. I . H. era or Aogs alloI trespass onsly underialim and agreed ,to Pro- the dock., took place on Tuesday bo�, 11 a.m.. "Learning By III '$110.36; for physical culture, $4n, . �
. - 1� on N"I"Pst -half of Lot 19, COnclesslo" 4. v1de Wotvp Thousand Dollars (fte.. for I o Magistrate reported 174 boys on 'the roll"ind moms, I t .1
. .
,;:Z,e�Prgi, .-,tr hat M a C 13, gymnasluln, $360. . .� -
,WA, -,-PFA in ad ta. Wkt Nyawanosh. By order or UE'U.:000.p,lowirds the N).qt of the Con- . Bold. Judgm4w 181 girls, with an &V.er4ge attend. Porlenee;ll I p.m.0 A, an, Plat in I f ,
, , . .
I Inakol himself s;rAenliv XWII � S. wlthy)N. 1*11goonon, Ont� -etruotfoli .of the ,said -building and was reserved for a -week. A 'mo"' ance of 155 boys ,And 161 girls, 80 the Unh"orse." Sabbath 'School and . I I
tarm anti c*`bard; Apply at , I fatly the.community rx?at- detailed rerort, will be published, per cent. Penny Bible Class a REPORT OF EAST= '. .1
I . -
- .
%=13IFFICE for address, I . I 14�0* AAIXO-.Z TdItZk '- urprf(ttrse. 'I I I . Bank deposits e at 3 *o',clock, EXAMINATION OF
_. .---, - - I , __ 1�=_�=__ I I I .1 . ) WfTERE.A.S. the exIstiner hulltI nest -week, .. I � $97.68; number of depositi, :148, � � . . I
0m,- near ST. PETER%' SCHOOL , "
I - -- � .. � . In is entirely unsuitable for the priN-1 Art McLean Now Muskorer " , I Mrs,. I;Wddttt taught seven days- to; SERVING NEEDS . � �
� " �kikflcljFa r" 11A.I.m. DENT.-raturnaaiet; to 1; . . .
1 ,...*,4."�O' I ", � � *-^—T� 14 are. Apply, STAR OFFICE. e I rMulrements pnd NIIIII not lond It Lig , tt, Store in - Citaftift � , Xlas'V, Watsoii avid I,% d - , C14-io TV, $r�-Ted Plantei Clar. I
- � I—— . I q . t . i _�_�__ i , go 9 .
. TIOR ksAu,.,,��01�1, Oio,rid irict.ro)a, 8 I to advantag�Nous 'or economical . . � . oys for EXC OAKLY ence Lannon, Mary McII Ted - �
. A; wacd 11011se r I . . of Mr. I,. . � , .
Apply tb, R*. 0. WALXPRI,�'cor.,.To *IIENT,-Partly Wrni odelling ; From The Chatham - News Wilson. bliss Hume tAught
New I to rent � for s`u.m1D0r m0aths, AND '%VIIERF . .. leased to note 2 dain'tor Miss V.-Wattion And halt Inspector Anglin So Reports of Now Haechler, Irene Jeffrey, Eme4 � �,
Zutt K,und Caf*rlii. hoaa" II . AR it 14 deemed degir- March 2fth we. are p
� . . I I
41011. .1 � .. qtIml alodern. --A�ply to,: J(1111N VICK. nbW In tlbof,hntero�ts of the town and the ar,cces8. of a former Godoricli boy. a day for Miss 0. Sturdy, anti �Xlsss, GoIderich Colkgiate Building Ckow, LawrI Geromette, Oillie . �
� . I. I . ... . . t ,o . � 11 ,
. 1, . - - F.W1 St.11atricu . t. "
1.Llij) -CA UPF FOR. FALM.'-In first- 7 - I I I . I pcoysle (I vc-rumunity ip Pront a. The item is As folltiwsi OI Me. E- MacEwan."half a day for' Mr. -B; - . Stapleton. ('1488 tv. Jr,a.13111ie Hax,,. A I
, .. modern 1jullding as set fortli above -, �. .
'r 0. ,eondition. W1,11 be sold ,RWNT�Atter Npril Is . , - The principal .of the Cen. The veport of Inspector Anglin of tows Autystine Page, Harr�r Ph%I 1.
4� I ,;I%
. 41 '4" NL%RLDW, I r. roomed, furnfsWd apar -i , '.IlhltF 1, it ,Is aelitiftely (ks. Leah (Mae) who for the pfAst. six Wilson. Teresa Chisholni . Ed%srd Jeffrey, �� . 1.
MW . ;6'. ANM . NN ,A,. tral school reported 9a boys and 01 his in ' "I
� Vint -in the emI of the specti6n of the 00derich Col. �
V0, Apply L t') .1ment
' ,
ql�, . I Uhbr�b; Artmt. Apply to NI NIOXINI ,oired e-onside,rable 1*ventie pan years has been '
. � I I �. .1 '' � _______. ' '.bA derl,ved. from.. the said building L..H. Liggett Co., Ltd., druggists of girls on the roll with an Average at. leglate Institute of March 2nd and Rhea Daeohler, Billie Webb,"' ",Aor, - . � .1
P.ORTA.UIX. TYPEN1 aTER FOR ' .patly.reduce the au -for many tondance of 82 boys and $1 Whitty; AbAent-Eirl Were, Haviry I
E.911LADLE 111110PE)ITY FOR �MIX %Nbleb would w - this city, and who wals XI or 4rd, is a very satisfactory one on the I � I � .,�.. �,
, � . nual payments. thereon'; . i4. .
. SAIX-In f1rat rlal:, condition. D ,Cornor ot North and Niilsoa. ,,'-is: � yes Ploy or the, 10. X, . . i Babb. * Chiss 111, Sr. --Albert W*W . � 'I
W Ito% 3D,1 , I rs in the eth 89 per cent. Penny Bank deposits .whole. Mr. Ap n The - � . ��
TeVS1611311 e buy. Apply I I 111. be ,necessary Gunn A.I druggists, who,' formerly ons g" ""a' ' ,. I .. � I .. , . i :
ApplY to,'VIV.1t. JACKSON. ' � ANT) 'WHU'REAS It kv $67.7-9; number of depositors, 168. accommOdati rovid en. Elleen O'Brien, Lucille draf, )Itt
*STAR OITFICE. � I . , I t ,� . f*r the purposes liertiln to rals- the 1 onica Ryan, Thomas McLenon. ICleft 4 - ' ... Z .1 , -
1 AP AR 1*�N' ENv TO tAF,NT.-.Ab,9ve sum 'of and isque debe6tures, of.the -occupled:the, Liggett Avre, has been � Mi'. Stobehouse, principal of Vic. larged . And rem P oil, 7 b bc ' ,
; R SALX.�Y�ItMv iwoot - clover, . WarI .,. Meat. �)Iarl�et. Apply. 1,4q,poration of the .Town of. Goderleh appoin torla school, reported tol I od d Ziding are 111. Jr.-Alwa O'Brien, John Lon- I .
� . . . ,ted, -manager of the local store, Ilections of, serving the 'needs of the school ex. i - , -
* . . I nan, Margaret Wero, ,)can Chisholm, . k .
s1rarliled, .hvvernmertt test 40-M. LEX. SAlJXD8RS ' . . I pit for cellently and I a- I I
iZ _ . I . fo' H1"`ht`Viv" "MOU""Il `1)011a" bis,duties to commence -I lialwly. fees .from non -!resident pu a ., ,
bush�L RAY.MON,rp FIN.N1. .- —,-,. � M,10W.00 %be proceeds *flhe, sj,ld de- , Walter Lannon, Tommy Page, Ray- � I � I
RENT"ne -DoI property on ,bentur" to,be upplit,d to tile purpose Mr. McLean Is a very p, Ad caretaker � � It I
(;! ' . To',N . motth they. wir' . tmiting in an - endeavor. to' Mond Dean, Harold Overholt, Clov � �
i,78 r. , W." it. R -o. ii Pi*,PTkAOA. ie.i. .. laitiano i I =Dpr ivol. Match *it $027.a For the previous principal, teachers a 11 �
;5� . . I . . . %,. noid, I ticres and 'otonc, herein and ho ,other. � dent of Chatham, and therc�, is Ito o W. . . keep the Baeghler, Lenore . Antonio# Dorothr. � . I �,
. - � I � - 1r1b1g`q4'9 doubt that his appolntmeft.4�fil b� , A list of books for supplementary building in good Condition.' 0 4 . 1'� .
I 1. housk. Apply* to L. L. KNOX, Toi . YA' !,jN7) NVIIE�RNAS It ,Jq, d"I . . oQ . I
'AM k�kLX�A *oe-borsd plow, AlIT's Uvrj%, � I I . Issue the sfofql debentures. amotitilig,' ' . work is Carney, Abstnt-Mayme Page, Grsce - � "I
. �, . . 9- a welcome one On the' -Ti4ding for Victoria school, was ap being 'done in . sill depart- � .
, part of 'the - ` I .
� . 11 � . 'F ; .
.................. .... to 11961-�--Five .Thou-iand r�q Harris. David� Tobin, Lillian 14n. I
,,"I'll, �1. ,littN pqrchisinar . *ublic.. The t,oul Proved and' a number of Accounts Inents and ,the Pupils appeared well I . �.,
0 I , "k. 0. tul � la P, NVANTED TO RNNr.�--A snua 4u" 4#83o%.0) at one 11 -me and to . . . A X., ' � .
I . mko the nedy, Madeline Geromette. CIA" V. I
. . 'o . thyt,e -prInNnal .of the said debt rppa -able by ggett Company is the .largest chain .
r. - hand6aws. plaw- - wron es -aad Aimall . acreage witty. dealt, with, , . behaved and' Industrious. The at. I
.I I lY W Mileg -1011! I _V - - Mary Buechler, '. 11
,other IN-tir-entor's, 't 01 . P , I io: N. � W`0011-kUo vear1-.y'qtrm,t (Iur! ., a porlod.4 twor). store corporation in the �vorldj h ,h -DQri8 Plante, . I.'.,
JIL . ,,
, m X%', -,.. 011,114, Opt. _ . . letter from t Is Ontario School tention of the board is directed to *tIe" L I
� L, X '11. .0 . ft". . XV_ L ... :�
, -ar'N' Y10AWrfif, , . t ie . I . I . .. I b- ykrs, being nimhe, Caere . of the ., . '217.teea' and ItAtepAyers' Associs. the fact Ibut the present enrolment Claire: Wab, Comilius -StA01 . I I I
", . - .
. So 11914 ON IDA 0 d. L - I 1. � , ,� said yearly S I Ing . approximately: 1500 - stores ,in - OL , .Overholt, Mary Sts lei;;: I I - . . .
, " . - 01) � TO ;1RN.Tr.-LEver- *paid dobenture.0, t4o 'ttoW* invitod- the - sending of *one of -the school is-olightly berpnd-thit Anna P
,,, . I As=nr - LAN , , . untS r . .
WM 44t.F.V. V 11-V . . 'P. . being & snieh reswetivo ampunts I ha I Great Britain, United States abd . .
TVA -Tellow Is W . ' - *
M � ..
, %0,15 I of.'eatl%(,. W&Pteil atL � CanudaL Bit.. - I 0 or A .
t. . "Inalox woker.- 16fmiteO, nwirber the. aggregate amount �p?,)-Abb, !it . I . hletoe�n in �la zew more'deleggites to the annual.conven allowed' bY the regulation ' f C`Yril- TWbins", C4th6ri*e- 10=04 � .. I
* e -Csoviorrft(I grade N . , I SLOD W $A.50 pet year Ilor P,rfncln,qi- and ntere.4t ine r . tiori, in -Toronto.,.April ath�- 7th and staff of sovert..t*achors When'iext Robert - Spain, 'N"n Graf. Part � .
let, 41, ft. 'N*N%��t' i head per vnaatU.- A -aid dpbt shall be as toarly Position will receive. the valuable I C4W_- L , I �
I , ?Ply t4 � I URD );Pwt Of s . ath. This was filed. - -��. ,.-1%e Ward finds it weasavy to eI It.-4rerema Buechler, Mildred , , I I
11 . ala* !1�10bur,;,`. N "4 Go erlth t LL tl P, rl a H.'Guvih, Who .
IL 064.0rIcti.. � ,% ", : , ..4 M M; 7tb -_4*n,.1M, rim adsiatsu4 of. Cha e , .
I I I . . IIII postI oqual if, the amount pay L ItL tollo, Josephine Refinotly, phynk ..
. � .. ,.N . .1i, * has ge would.be wall to . I
r.-� #.=., __ - - �, '1�g6n � te4 An application for -'an increase in. ca -a teacher, I . I * 1.
I , . . able, In ,,elch :of the -other inete�l more or lesI oqnne.c . -7-Sr6--j-h- O'Snort, Jasper I . I __
�. �110V$X To '. . � . .11 - . -_ Bat;ohler, Jose '.
*W�.Mtm. Axtj *M"Ct - N. 7.r " d a. , , ode, yearWof the saki period : .- with the sto for many yt,gre.- Salary Was made by Mr n ouji,' �seturo a male. teacher -with a Corti. ph . . . I I .,
'i� 'LA'II�'� ' *" . I . ;� . - -, -- , -, a I., .j . Xn I " , AN -D, '%1ILAXkS ,�hhe . . rl� . - Antonio,, 41oseph Barke, Edwin Doav, . 4 ., I L I .1 .1 � . .
- .
.L � I 111� . 'I', .. I rMuirod by Me Cont,Wl ated ..Itfuniol. It . L I . Ing for $200 additional$ to make the assist' or relitie Mr. Roberts 'Verrai Phalen, Francis . Moro,, ftm�. . . .
, , , , � � , :1 -, �4��]V" iroeb I . ; .. 'ELL � ,it amount- "The Prifiry" it. -WL" principal of Victoria school, be Ask. fleate in phyalcal'culture. In order to.
, TP(:5Z$ I AOIIISF�S I � . . �"' . : , . :. Soft .Guelph t,Q Be L I �
.&^ .L P I � , .. . .ie 213.., 1 . . 1. I . ... . nal Act of - MV. to, be raliwid annually econI � , . I I L I . oq in onaL''WhJWIJIp, Leo' S' - . .. .. �
: . 1W "le. , , ': . Flog . . . . L, - isalary $11100, which he �onsldored. this, work. All of -the teaching" * mIjh,,, XSX16I ! :- 1% I
SAXX,Z_Two p ! - 1. I . -
.. .
I 'ful y.ed . ". -1. � I . , �44, goiitoita* A spevIal rate -for 1I the. Safi] Thlb:fflemory Of Mr. joh.4. GA141.01 Bmall #I remUneration ,far a 9- Ifectivii. *M,mucb of, � 4s,.vaery e �. 13 . L . '' . : . . I I . .
NvoIr It, -, tola"u't, I ."brfeX 14o'uses; . � � 1 I I r it I . I
I . .
' . . I
46�1114n! t L dem.�V Iti " 1. *baMi,es,db-o'fh Irc i ..g4god i6ca I obf. a"d 4Titerest as' boreinafter pro-. th I C,shtds Comp h , , 'it __-Xobwl�khool- He' submitted's0ist, of PiO",4." U4, itaIr *4 the A9Ii64L'."V, � Ow.rinont 6 unifer 'auspice$ - IDI . L . I I . I .1. , #I . I � I �
. I . I ixv bu I ' ' � I Mat. ;� , 11 '013* , vided , Iq the. .surn '01'. six , Thousand e I I any* W or, a . ,,-& - ue ,; su'l I e - - 0 . I I . . L I . . f . L
� ; .a " 'ft* rl*, 0 11 ' * �* 4crOg"'Of, ' �'U 14 U d , Itl . Atlfnlh'�X .$41;
, , r� MICI-i '176 ii e" �6 ttiti*;i, � `�I'� ,Eight ollundr..Ied� 'fp d. Twentu _1W . I
; . I I - hm.,�W 'W#, 0 'r, &U- ta-7 o , jars � � foimd#d'-th0 " �Of- 006619'- -i.tiow1hi Arl a" paid Inthide the -full. number I . q
. I .,;p ted C fj2oo. 'WM V,10 dj-00dit NV.1'.0Wn'WO�W. 13-4684WQL)"' ' ' '"be coin-memoritod "J. ' . 'Lqnt 'of 8.000W` 9,4I I,�sf'ChAoter, I.O.D.t., AM* I , .:
, _ �S IS, .IRP,
III it. ., 21 ; * ' ;
_AAp ears ' 'ag*
., 1,nbft6-W7*-aih-k, x0willmll", 1W WAIt all . asem, i. - ) taken ftom the Gover�m - ue Ists .required for - OolleI itaktus 0.1rd ,And
�. . , L " �� ill , , ' I � . I 61 . I . . ..
�,4?OU"o 'frem *M, �,* "me, , -, - . - AND NVUPMEAS, ;nt 01''the 'W' u at' .1 . I .% 24th, in vacant st9r#,,cot- 1,
. To t;,�_ �, , ., . "rq" �fi'
I , . . - I � T, GUk�DRV. �-, C, AM 'a - r ed at I the � first Mte&L �bo�k. , * I .1 . pnd no -temporary ce,vtIfiestoa are . .
L' 1"hd � I - , - " %N *able. ptox1f,liv �ot the,716wri . .1 r -'s .nIUS ,.I,Tj�atee Catt L . .. tier Fast street II .9quare. Anir-'. "L, ,
, A , � . � I . , � 1.� . , I
* ,
tAisabi'.4,41 the, provent "UTA". " . *-;. . .holo rato ing of the ,special - committee of the . moved that Mr� neceasary."' . I I 11 1. I I having articles toW
- I
1. , - vefend � buylOg'CoMe iWaodgi,ec. I 4!( , , -T54� Mok of Gode-tith ae*otd n- . 'to thm last rp� city 0 1 L '-The griding.of ai . I . . aUitabl and therL . I . . I .. I . I.
)i4 8"ix . U �To, - I= . 'unci , V09 - the Priory I one 11
1, L MaL 11 I *4XWru tVVo4parkft*t hfousti aft v1sed w0-essmI mlp , - . ar4l0l; I . I ccominodations Is , . . .
, A 0 UAItYAX ShOM-149J-0tt I , ph��R41 iti Two , . . Stdnihouse's ssla�y' be increased t6 . - bliss ,,Saunders, 105, . .. I . . �
I , L .Wrt . " Nelson' strtet, - best resi6jtitlal loeality* : Million %even Ito& red and 4 F)ftylFIve I , , ,. .. . L #16K dating from April' lsit,t and given � as follo phone I I . L
I ertiqs 4 have I . tor sale' 71 -� In: "lorfoll. Can -be used. 1�i:,�dne resl- ThOW"nd Ono ilandred. and Se,,I TI R, Wallis. Poll. Cl,ei,U, JU11jes After consid6rable diste ' L I . I � , �1. : .
. I .. I , - will be called for. .
I I � I I .1 0, .. � .. . ; I .. ' 1 . . ussi,on TI supply, schoof, buildings, els*8 tooms! .�. I I . � . 1. . ,. I .
' I deuce with.-LmI batbmooms. a -lirge, �ae- Two 0.010* 12,755J72,00),.", - XcMcae'.- - , . . I
; I P. J. itVAR4, r, And tattltvd ,veraft8ah. Roasonitblo ,L tfie -o.uat of. the lgolfinK - Sub-DIvislon No.� 2, a Mormon soconded this and: it fsails, cap moms, teachers, private. j'� . I li",
, .
.10 AND W119119AS aM , it W. tite T P mt keqoived April Release - PA- t � I
. . . . Real Estate sad Inpini". rent lor rellablo tonant, Owner lia%us evisting AebenI,ure debt of .the ,said -1St,aPlett611'-4-TaII(.r t4hap, East St. De- wa*, tarried, Trustee Wallace - not' rooms, desks, lighting, heating, veu- son - Amberol Itecordq. Newest hits. ' .. . .
. . I P110130 50- perntimently., A40ross at the. StfieIa,of,, Municipality 'is 'Thre'6 Hundred dnd ,�uty-fieturnllng 0MeAr, 0. D, 'Z%Ioqney� voting. " ',� : .. . L' ' . . .
, . . I - Oolt Cie . F e el . . .. 1, . - . I. tillation And Adequacy ,of' 4ccOmmo- 'CAMPBELLOS DRUG ,STOI . . . I I . I I
, I � � . I . "'. �
. rk r d W r dations, are sill' 'graded first, class,- � �. .. � ., � � .
, 1j),1 AMISTAONO RKAlo ESTA .. �, . --Pnor -Eight - VdIb4g ftb.11I No., 3, at the 'PEOPLE WE KNOW -, 'blackboards, symussiura and a3sem- � , , SALA.' MISTER , . . . I I
T ,. Ali and fice "" aP?c�y to D- 1':. 110tA)JE9, bartfst� Tbirty-SIX Thousand Onki Hundred and :1
I . � .
r . er, God � e4, , . . . I 1, Ninet) , Doollars and NI I
f , � INSLYR.&IN" Ala". CY. . . � I L L � L 1 6,104,98) (mclus Deputy-fteturhJuk ()dle?r I I . I . . .
I . . I _ . � cept's (1W Ive 4 .I'op,al TOVII0 __ , . ... 1.
. , -- SALE".In-AhI6 Town9hip Improvement debt,4 seounfit by JJPI E 4;'. r.' Poll �Qerlk� Quo Belch, motored to ble JJaIIL second class, and ichool . � .
L . AARXV: FOR '. 11 , 4 I I ! - Mr. It. L. . ,Watson . . - 10th--Clesv- ,
4I�At aqd.Auta Rr. . � . . . 1. .
I t0r, �qun JA IF ;Zclhe &y. , L I I ESAT16RDAY, April . I 1, I
� . I I . .ot Goderich ,on Provincial High. aetiq. ea" .or. asAessments,).,.v4i0reof' - Sub �o. Hamilton last Frid L gTounds and waiting rooms third Ing auction male 'of 'house furniahlig" , . . I f " . I
iftbilo Insur440C . .' %'AY 6 0 I 6i Wood. � clissi . Some other extracts from th I a I
I I I til 5 miles from, Ooderl�h And . fr m no principal or intereat ,Is In arrears. Polling -iDivIslon tN 4i at Stoth- : 4 -
- ,
L" ' . � .. . . L . ' gon Shof t. -I I , I I . at tbe"reqlAillce, comer watftioat , , �
I y D;.
I i�6 . . . 0114 on;. adjacent to 04uroh and III ' NoW, ,TA ,,FtF,'F I-, Ille , _ - , N1143torla, S ,. Mr., Ernest ftlichiard . .
06t.L.0J;Idrft.eOn1SI8tsI .30 � .VunlCjj,%jl 4�rlq' WiW 4
1 r sali�--Larms and, 11OUPS. . aud ,.ho -put��%;Iletqrulng 011cor, Huron .8. Turr stoc spent the woek-end in -town.. report -see as follows : . - .1 :. L streets, commencing, , 1, I . I 11 .
. . I .1.
_6,i;-.rI4s4..,l"4,wt1Il tilk &Wned, A Town of uodevli�h Macto as follows- _ . thers. Miss .Ethel Handy ,spent the holi. "Twenty . At A to'clock,' TICS Mlssps FAR- . I . I . .
, acres Of Council ,46f.,tha Torporation of' the k sx)d Ligbtho�$e
I � in Coder" aoid v101ilt);; M411Y'or rord. Poll Uerk, Wflilam ��qo new commercial. desks , I I .
. -ment bfock,7-room house, bank . I I . I I . . . I �
I o9twift at abOJIVAuCtlQ6,SaI6 told ce , * _ Polling Stib-DIviglan No.,�; itt,,P.�--L. tdity With her'pareints and sister at, and chairs have been " XDRT,- . I
. I . . POW, Proprietresses. T. GU. . ..
I I �, 'I . 3ft5f). Orphard-of-55 good winter Apple - T4wn of �-'6derfch ihall raise the 4um' Returnin; Offleor,.0mvald, $turdv. - P(,Il ' a ertOn. . �' Auctioneer.* . I , . . '' . I I 11 4 1
1 ill. - � - arn Aft30. driving hogset. and.garagO (I) The Allunic,pal r,olm011 of thO N'Valto0s store, West street. Deputy.; , purchased for
ra"IS for LJWe I:', W Ik . -the second yeat c.ommercial dlas I a.."
I of 1010tv-Fivo Thousand � hdMeL L L26 ant) 31r. PIrneit .fu order to retain Grade,.1 for . I L I I L.. L L . It �: .
Jinan�L listed : � treeh. ,Never fallig wat6v f;uPPIV, (-Jf05,0W.0D`I-' for the 11"Post" Of erOct'- Pollfn� -DIVIO! SATURI)AY. .April 14th�Import- 'L I I
I just a few of the L)()llars Clerk. Harold Blaekstone. * ' bliss 'Marlon'
soft said to For rurther -par pulars ly to , Sub the teachers' T11I a, Coach .should . � 1 . I
� . I n teachers' an vuluabit, rot. . . � . L .
, amy Munfe) al Buildi Vest Stropt. ,Dpiputy-Returning :Easter, vacailiin-. li� be . . I
-y loam t ' fenced 0SWALO'GININ. in derfelt. (Nla"n'llunit"�4141.1 situate la the'. Uffice, . - Placed In the wome -
.-n aerc-.4 godd ela No. t, V, � N ug 'and. ()nl,,, 06 -NO. 6 at Yates','Lee Lure from Toronto for t . - `
. t auction sale of
1* , n first �,Iito oiKhtlon,'well - -s a 14 41. L. WhNon, Pull Cit:rk, * ' opertien and hougehold fuv"- . . . I
eMjr). OrI berrkl,s, etc., Good- - "*--'- Town of oderieb and the propf-eds -,vm. "rait. - . L.. .. blessrs. 'Do�: Hume', of Toronto, room., Onti or two -easy chairs and .
� . . . .1 �
tatildtlyrs, nfeo ap;pParalwe" on ipublid F fAR81 FOR i4iLE'-�w -tim T',notilp gram the 4ale � - PIoIlIngL and Alex, .11 would also a" o'clocicshar`P� DR. W. " , I I
L , , lerich , I of Gioderfeb. 2ad 'Coneesslon, on in. or the debentures here Sub-i)hislon Nti.,7, at J. W. time, of London, were a rug. ighings, at 1 . .
<oInveolent, f -a Is�-hool. chfirob, -over Easter. ,- - -_ L I - -AttractivIonesi 'and to thc L teachers, i;RY,"ZtIoneer. . . - . I I . . . .
ft�,4 al -tot I miles fmm Qk ',ft r montioned shall be used, for PI res,jdenep� cbrner� (-f NVIllfain home ad muelf to'�'ts F- Cl ARK, Proprietor. T. G UX -
. gtoip'- the county road cilx mllps:from Wde- tb, bfala purposes and, no,other. I . . L I I I
' . jQW.- rk4i. Form VOM14ts ,of 80 acres of and� Strj.,Pti. 1h,put;iReturn- . I . . .
sW rallroad stat$ft. Price , i Kond 1)aAure. I -anti, ,,N,Ith ,a never falling , Donald - MaCKay. Poll d two children, . .
owy termSL If de%,Ir.0d. - (1-1) In Order to. raise (110 .said sum, . I n g 1;101ft1'1`c1-y, I, Mrs, J. Hawley an comfort.'! � . . I . .1 � . . I . . I
t,o_ 'ode- 4jle�kj I I
45 mr-. all bii1ld1p.p., 4)01). ,C4 spring rrftek and (11ght aercs of good, de.lionturm bf the said TONN't)'Of.Cr Robt. Tait. 1, . I of- Toronto. are spending the week ; 11A.4 an empty I clas . .
. . . a. room is 'now. M
. I . I CARD OF TH4. NKS . L
i*vw, ail buildin4q '$15M' 64 neres bardwood busli and about four, acres vie -it to Jbft. amount Of F,I#htN'.*FivP On qatunlay, thl* fir'st, dav (;f may, with bli-113 Connie Stewartv' in. use as a girls' 'Nivalling room, I . .
mvaran.L Will Sell at *nee 1) a,4 Won— . 1. . 11 Nfr-�. ja,q. It,*,r1t.m% Orr and tLIMIly , . . �
vAth btim.. Nvoll NvAeWa R3W. ' " - "' "".'tr s 110usand loollars (MII 111,111 tho A13 -N61 --or tbe Said ToNII,n will have' ,given grade 3 to this . Iten . _L, . .
, .of'r' cf.'111. &tte 'It thft (:,)une I - N I. (1,.,4)r,, it, oxpriN.; thor ,s1n(u,ri,*,.Apprv* .
- -ther partlei�14rsa ' said bearing Interest at fiV(' , I .I 41amber.,4 of Ito, Study" tables should be provided, ci.-Won tot the- many mpresslins of
J$0 Berv,I good town' soil, 11") Xvit'A., - VAt. fm Sply to 11EG. tit Mi.' and Mrs. Elmer Bwom, of ,
or une-,I Well w4tetvd. .111 roii�d .701IN14TOIN, -ft. a. No. 2, oderieh. L i3i�t,,, pet, annual. shall be'h`siWd N"Ith- tsdd Tfmn.al, ten Wolock fit. the for(!'- Torontp, spent. the . Easter vacation . .
1. � . however, as well 'as chair,;." SN 111PAttiv 'thow ha,"- ri-eeivoil fr(*a L . I , 1,
III buflding,A. 'Salo, win4inill. water z - , ' I In one vear. front the passing (if this � kwul t -f? appoint PF.rsons if) ;11tend at with Dr. and Mrs. J. 51, Field. . I land iI [11011 JIM91111IMN Jll 4`1171UOC4� . . .
_iZ Itylaw, �aeh of which! debentur0% shall the I "Si.-Iteen new..' . . . . .
111 tionsn .and Aable; about 26 acres . 111G)i 4%,_A_X_D_ Alt vadous ollfnq� ,plaeoq arorl'sald, 0 L i :
,_ .,__ , BAZA . ... L typewriters -1 have lan with their rment Iiuddon bers-ave, . . .
be. for the surn ort not less than One `Lt the I nal' (,r thf. Dr. 1lary 1. T m of Toronto V ' I � .
**ostly beeeli and� mapfe bu,Ah. - I and I F, sttmmlrwr lip . "' been purchased and a comiderabe InfInt . . .. I . .
L . I .. . : I
winimt to s.-chool, .murvft, markdt, and I � , e -Votes by, the. (,Iprk on 1whalf of- tho. versity, spent -Eaitor with -her par- amount of seienee equipment, much . . I . DIED . I , . . ,- . . . .
_ (;On Iq I Ilondred Dollars W00.0D!'and Ahall ?b
. I I . I . .
. 1.
loidiftl(l '.'(, .1 .1 d&ted 11pon tile dale of the Issue.,there- p rson�s AntereMed in and priNnuting onts, 'Mr. .and 'Mrs. J. � E. Tom, . , �f . . I 1. . .1. .. I . L
."%tIob.L Exi-MlAnt' property, L ANNVAL. 1, I of.. and shall he payable annually at " it for Individual exp4rimental *offll, Tit i4idpritilt L'ANn-twip, Ott .1 . . 1.
116w,pri,eii: easy tont" It dosired. . H* , L . . - Lor opposing, thf� � passinx i'd tho safti - - . . . ' '' ,
boor Ott lioutwo and in the Ranlcof Montreal, .at the To�Wn of ,prolloAptl b�,Iaw, yt�,qH-etivi-ly. . Mr..A.. 'N. Robertson has been in work.,,. I I FrId ' April 2nd, 00S. Jamo.q fOrtram. . �, . I
, a I lerIII N�Ithlm twent ' . L -L L - I " . .
1. . y years Wive, "Th . 11 vear, . 1. I .
)ou any price Gr 14 to AW . I 'f. the ' e attention being given i , . , - . I . I
0*�A '(T'� I 0 C!a! t n mee Ing 1.)fr,',�n' It.* '1111
I , , I , TbiI of The C,ounell (if tho said Attendance at the t 0 I . I I . I I I . . I . .�
, r1od, . . I igh Tea .. Banar ft1f,t`(11r. ,.;, I .1 .. . .. " ' Toronto this week. . a 0 . I . I
. . . I I . I Tt.Nvn of. (ItI ,%N-111 al1pnd at his O. E. A. Ili L .
. Or 01 . partloulaos see . . 131 aeh 4ir tlytt sold dobenturps oflIA.f. in thp lt,2,p� ,Jail. ip . pelling and writing in the lo, - IN MEMORIAM . I
. , 1�� - ' wer
I . undet the autpictits of at . n o'clook Mr e'nry Hunfalvy, of Detroit, 1.011001 is W180 .. . . �1� . .
. 4 -in tbe.forenuon, on Toosday, thi, 4th .
. .. shall .oil .K!gned by .,the '.%IayoP of the . H anti. seems to have. (:,)X. .11, 1,tNing n1,,np,rN 111.1 JaMOR I 1. I
.. ay OL St. Gootte i r4h , .Virmiration of -the Town R Mulptirt, dav uPlay. 1026, to som oro the num. . L - been quite . '� (1,ttx. . mhoR doriamed thN. 11P Al,NIAOth, 1. 1 .
' __
, Iftp :1111hilles next to � Or, t. C o S ChYA 2 was on, Faster visitor with hi.4 par nedes'safy." . t1g)" . I , . . . . I . I I .
� 'quart'. P. 0. Aft $0, Godarleh: .. . . (st, b-, .,v other person authorized be� ,, %ofes for and amminst the 'Ra" ents,11r; and AIrs..A, Irunfaivy. - I Thirty-three. 'p'uplis were examin. - . - . 'WIVE and, FAMILY. . . . . . I
la.,v oInm . . . � . .
, sw, �, , - I ,. WonteI Guild by to -sign tho iiame and by If"" prupwsod bylaw. - ' HN
..�. . - I ol - - In the, P&rllhL�Nill I -as- ed in reading' in Form 111, and of. L lovIntip, 1 6 -f I '. I
I � Treasurer of the said rApPoratkon, and L: L. I;N()-%?. ql,,N%,h t,lt rk. * Nits. Abro�wsj Toronto, 4,i� An E . . 'A \1 11,11. in Abratilm . I . % .
I L . tho rileNCt,11,111 attanh thereto tilt', eor. - . . [.these four * dM' good, *ten ,.Irlifil, %*,,11.1 Ihp4I'.kIjrIl.'1.1i,. ip'j.,). , - .
I . 1. I I L I . . I . . ' .. 1. I . k isf-ot At the home of ber . were grd I .
t L 5 I 'pdrate. Seal of tile Nitiolcipality. � I I . MORTGAGE SALE .. fair, seventeen poor and two ))ad. i 6.) hilt .,I..k Ill.- it I Tilis'),11ml, . I I I
Thar day', April 15 t,l) During tht, curreney ,of the said — - ,-, � - , � parentso Mr Q ,Nits. J. W. Fruser. � k 1. I
. . I 0I - . rf`wc�nty-�seven pupils in. Form I-,, . I 11"lls V., 1,4 'oleh it %,wallt toNe.- : , I
I . J. W. CRAIGIE debentures there ,shall be rafs,A.an- 11plill;.kop, smx .1 00011 first- Mr. and Mrs. Thom and four chil- - N- N, -r sit 411 1 forixet th,,%4- f.tste,p,I;, . .
. . L I . . Hothe Baking. Fancy Work minify 'by 5 ovial rate tin all the Pate- DE.YrIAL P110PL'AlrY IN, ,rim - were reported on in wAting and i . .
�, . Aprons an Candy Till L I Al�lp propery in tho said Corporation TOWN OF MR)ERMIl. town with Mrs. Thorn's moth ' - these two were classed good, seven WIF - N.-alM ('1111,141E.S. L I
� : d es FIL dren, of Otttawa, spent V,uster boll . . I . (I I' AIA ill it dear f,411141.1p fief,� . .
I welwhmwe I bf tilt, "I"ON'm -of Goderiell 1111- 14un? or , __ . daysin I . - � I . Lk
I � - ission to Tog Soo .O -lx Thutisand Eight Hundred an(l Till,, PIVA)ERTY ,(XtN'Sls'�54 � ,!- -I -- - - ____ . ...... W_ 1, I I . . ....., I.'' - I - -1
N, A". I 6F - A er,.Mrs. W..D. Tyc.'� � . , I __ -, . . I I I
. 11 I - . I - Twenty Ihillars ttti'it Sixty-TN%ij Gentim; 'IA, Iii. -Irl, 1-1), .. 1. � .1 I. . . I L I . . I . - . � -
I , 0 K 41. U M AND A WE. , m
-4 , , . S.. Minnie Campbell, B.A., com- , . . - . I .
`0 - X -11p* ....__.._,_..._ 1.1--l- .X STAE
1, 14, J�"J'IJ_ - -1 --i 4�� ..'#dJ't20k_furAhf! purposE_(I 14119 ._JI()1,;E 41 . Miss , .
. X, I I I - L . . I . N . E ..!.___ -!�.... � �mer __ " - kirth Ilay - -�-,�--�..-.-.,�.,-"--'-�-.--.'----- ' _,_,__._ '...- __ - . -, __ ___.__.,__._.,_._._ ____.____ _._1.______-_-___-___
I W. -A,; -&A -3110 114— ___-14_L_& -#a . - I-- . .
� 't .tile amount due fit vaell 44 the saftl elil tafeli& 1ri t1le N ck . R
� , $ L I � vvm,s 4for prineipal anti intemst in r,, --i I'MiEft AND I1Y VIRTtlj.: t)f iho C-011egiate, is spending Easter wf. . 0 .
, X '
nortgage.,whieh w . ing . . 11
& L ,rt of tht- said debt. , II'IN'wr of sale centalmd it) a e(,rlain IrI. V Ill -
- 5 be prodtieq,41 %t at the home of ber fatber,, iN ime ve I
j.) This ll'yluw shall take 44roet foil I . . -
I . 41111 I tit#, link(, of tqalt�,tt,0-1- ,vili I,,. rm.-rett .Campbell, Quebec St. I I I . . . . . I
0, F..: CAREY, SON, Limited . """ , da� of the flual pas,41ng thowof. bN 4alp at publ aul-L-oll, -111 t1p. 17th I . - 2dr. unit I ... I , I . 11 . I - . I . . . .. . .
. . I llltf)� 11410.XALLY pa44eft by thl, 1 d:ty*of April, A .(,11inton New.4-Record V BUT A r . �
""J,)ek 'a,[%, "02,% ," 1""L ...... I' ,
01uncil 4if tho Gorpu�atlun (of , th'. 1 "'n 1) the Ibri-n-P.M. A l"f Mrs. J. F. Reynolds have 900 to .
, INVESTMENTS and INSURANCE .11 I * . - . .
I � . I . Town of Godorleh t I he fh,4 4 . Lty lif rondses situato in tho '1'..�-,tt 4,f Goderich and will make their home . 1, .
. April. A.D., 11112(). �Iifnlvrieh, in 'till' 6tiulity of liumn mid yvitit t1leir mn', 11r. J. B. 'Iteynold,;,
,, Masonic, 1remple Building. . Sgd.j� 11. .1, A. Nf:wKWAN, .Vayor PrINNInep of 0ntarill. lofincr V11111tW"I'd . t I . I
�1_11,9kt.j L. L. KN(s.X. TiIt%vn 4;lerl, "ff"irt of Io( 148 Ill tLhe ,rtmn or iiurlw governor of the county jail. 1IP11 LEAKY ROOF "' -1
� . I I * ' -44TIC' --Z riell as tiboym �rn, a loian Lif if,,? zmn 1�'thvl Whitely, teacher at '..,
I GODEIRICH , �:' '—. ONTARIO T..&KE N F, that tho abiow i..,4 a Wis�; I
. a
I 11PH0N9 230 I trup r,opy uf a propI hvIaNy iI%h1ch "t 1;4"'"Iell (I'li`1 -;#'f""11Ih`1' 111th- Dyer's D. y, near Wiarton, Iq spend- . . .
. . bas bf�en taken Into, ertwild,Ii,ration. and le, 1, m art,4 I)," Imp It. M41)"11,4111, Ing the Easter vacation at the home . I
. � L' 1. . L � . IL Ivind, 'Urvo,ior, .,in([ rog;,;tert�d in I
-'I o jht,y o fee for Ih., 41winty ,I of her parents, Mr. and Mr.i. J. RL Don't decoratt- yriar wall,; and coiling
�_ v0fle.fi N&III be Ifnall� ,pactst,ti by ttw ,, � '4 6nd then " I
I _W,r_" III ,tW ""A' _--Jj, L. J--- � . , *r__A_ 't ' - .It#-
. - — .,_LJJ_ . 0,juncil (of tbo .Nfullwlpallt� Ari i fur, I
. __IfA4_4� /-.. I. elvetil 'I 1 J,,,mortro Partioullely de- Whitely, "crieh townahip. I 11, . * �,
- tof t' wra .'I low.4, (kmfownain.r at ,LVO..
't leak fro L tile 10()f SI)Oil eVej,
- � I I . ,--, . mpnt ae w;swit, of th a. M �.thina. -
theretoi after -one nitinth from tho, the intorso"Jon of Me I;n,,, lopt%vilfln Mrs. Goorge 'Needham and her . . I . .
.; . I IINt publication ,of a o(ppy tbertlot. in Pit 100 arld lot 118 will) till; ,qoutherly granddaughter, Margaret Wolfey,
� 01 . I-- 'rhe Godori,ell 9tar and The Oodprich pfait ,Of Eqgp% stroot; thonet, s,)t1tJ1 '�) rctamed to Pinkerton after spent]." &_
, .
. 'ign6l newspapers, thf kiat, of whieli de re I ""t '314ong Sr4i � ring Rai s ,are Coming �
I S I g PS 15 W1flUt#*4 %v .. ,ap in I
.1 I -publicatwo %va,T the ft da - 4,4 Appil, Iq,, I - parentso . '',
. Huron Investments Limitd N - uthf4rl'y limit ,of Essox tdrpot 4.q fpf� Ing the weel,.end with her I
� , 62%, I .
J. to a poinf; ilience so wrly pa 1I - -s4
I I I Mr. and Mrg. n. 11% .ell, Wells St., *" 0
. ' M IN that mcort,,, or h,.i;,4 14 tho Orth likytit (it Gqd r . . . .
I I ; ANI) FtItTlIER TARL N-)TIQ Z "o ich r 1X Now
I all lemeholders qual.111M un&r the Oupbot! street; thone,ft r*ltt ,,%long north . The three children of Mr. and Mrs. � "L, I
I 'PrOviSiotm of tilt' Municipal Apt. 100t- limit rit Quebtv Ar"t 0 II to R4 ;n- .1
. Stock 11rokirs and Bond Dealers �* I lull 20, R S. 3, anti a111e1jdmf,nt�,J tlil,r>. ft-r;1,etion. ,with the )in#- betwr*n lot - Ltwreiiee Gray, of Stratford, are
1 4 - - 11 . � � I. i . to. art, required ton da,ys bpfuro M" I"" An -I lot IiP: thfIle" U411`11101" spending their Enitor : I WE HAVE THE MEN AND MATERIAL
I . I . � dalt, 61 v4JtlnAr to) 1114� with me a i4fato- , tile fine b0tWil"M .11"A 10114. W holidays with I
t'. r y 11111M. friehIrs to Its intArw4on. with - .
declaration 'to! qualificalk-11-4. fl -It their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.1 READY TO DO M JOB
' Direct private wire, connecting with Toronto, ..IhC.r,�vJ.,i1`) 1114.1t, nameq N%Il not apispap 1110 lhip 1"AI lot log and.l,tt I;A,-; Percy Stewart, of Colborne township.! 110
oil 1110 Noteril -list II 1411e.11 %,11111g. thenw wortherly 'Ah)ng x.A.1 Ihio Ito- and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray, Bruce
" Montreal, New York, Chlicietgo and Winnip'eg ,,AND puirruP11 TAKE NoTICH THAT 1*-"("�6 I'" 100 4n't f4fi, 'k 1#'�t 5 '"ell" St., (;oderich. . � See Our %Cedar Rock -Fa -c -ed Shingles I
11%. I it, votpq of the vhvtors ot t1w sjLifl W fbo vlaeo of boolnfilmr. ,.
I �mock aind Grain Exchanges. 0 1, I lity %ill IN,, taLon tiwreop w4 TI,;RNI-'-_'rPn 1wr eont. f th,i folir- Mr. Wm. Strachan atrived home . I and Rolled Roofing
' " b` P,"I'l � ' "if- tila` "It 'tbi4 wc,ek frow his sojourn in Florl; � I
.Wad"a,y'� the third day 4 Xi�,, �1,".j, (11,140, m0nP.%,1 to
I . commenelng at ihf� 'hipur (it nini, the I,ala. lalince U, bo " -.1 in thirtv , , I
I ,1.1%,s. Tilo gale will b,, �Ukp,el io i 4, The III hoom bwi burst to
" . Welocid Iti the f,)ngnooft anti eittitin"i"W rr�;(,r.%��.l bid, . � the time being he, sayo but Flc,rida�
Our Board Roo i to the publIc from until Me 'besur (A IWO- 0+'O'k in Ill" Goderkh Plining Mills, Ltd.
In is open. , I I*F.r Arthor r,irtio,oil.cm anit oi-ndit- 14 bol�rd to III back he. consideri.,
AfffmhkM for III ttisjue 41,11,, beforp th. ,_ '' , I i L
T4 Q5 6 4 151 E7
1 � I I
0M, I
.an b "AI
�!Io W I
wtvl 10. 4`11 � � " I I I , , 1. '�, .I
11 -
following duffuty r"ItIrflino ..Ifte"r., "'44 ,.,Or tho, *410 apply m ItAv-, It Howev,�% . I .
. ' I . ." ltam,*� Mroli , there N no place, like Phone 47 W .
I 0:00 a. Irl-� to 5:30 p. tn. daily.' - fuld -it th" P�);Iff�-q plae's A.wr'.1n3ff4,v limiI .f., (" .11prielt. tint :
I . DATP'tt if 6,-4otk,fj. Iml.tri,-4, 1�1�4 home, 1w wt,". Mr. Strachan may$ . �
I � inentI . III 4*#v C.U%faroh. Vti.. ifti, 1his son� who bought Florida land be. jl& Al Zodim �
pollilig P1111,11sivNimi Nix I 0 5fillf-efl lf%Y,,-- & IIAN'.4. II-imilMn Flfw.l "1V4_n_VN!J&W 461W �
- I - I 11 .. I ,(hr,"#. ,,d rorni;tr of vieWri,4 Mr,ort, am k,, 9fore the war, has made a fortune, - � - I I
I I I 1W_ I A—. � . . 1, f*.,dArI 01A. !4--theit'.r.' ff'r ''.. - I I I I - I . . . - � .
- fultitim; Office-, � 61001glgtv, M4XAet!1 UA ' .
� FAA.44 A%V. 1h,l'uty-W tul!)y. s6ling out at the right time. . . .
. . I 0
. . 0 i
ILI . . . _aIi4 ,A