HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-01, Page 8v
raalZa MIR
You Know Our Do You Know Cour
Quaiity. Price?
Don't buy your wallpaper until
you have seen our sanioles and flet
. r prices. We know they are low.,
ear than others are asking for the
same papers.
• _alli,,_,
sty, williesely end teilehly, and liar
departure will leave a vacancy Wellllen's Fancy Work
which cannot amity be tilled. We ,
wish ;to pre*. you with just a Exchange
small token of o r fricsal -'.,its a::d SO *minim/re wanted to join the
esteem Thompson, will you !weptGoderich Women's Exchange. -
thfe rlack' One Dollar entitle* you to eon• -
We all wish you the greatest >aa- tribute Fancy Work or kindred i their return the happy couple will re-
eibte happiness in your new" h article*, which we sell on coin- 1 aids ou the groom's farm at Westileld.
mission. I'or paitieuisri apply Their wally friends give, them their
and community, and the highest pas~ to t beet wishes,
sr of lir. and Idrs. Darla Gook, nth eon.
East Waw auosh, to Frederick John,
son of the Tate Mr. John and lire. Cook.
took place et the personate at 1 o'clock
on Friday. March:WM. P4*. Rex. P. S.
Banes officiating. The .bride was be-
rousinglygownetl is a poetise blue flat
memo with hat to watch. Whey spent
tbclr hoaeyaaoon in Hamilton. On
be the richer for your •companion -N O RLE
Bible success wherever you may be,
knowing that your new friends will
1 LANES . ship, and that you will fit into your Wilt ISH EXCHANGE BLOCK lilies army Fiat is visiting t
riends at
new sphere as cspably and well u .� , -•.�, Ststnoch.
a-1.+-� Mrs. Maxwell Expiate is visiting et
in that of Taylor's Corners.
Walter Alton's.
Signed an behalf of the neighbors.
DUNGANNOlel' tier, Berl tiherwood. of L. II. i;., spent
lir. Johmade Savage ade a business the vreeleendat bis house here.
MRS. PETE YOUNG, trier. to Eckel last week. Ales Myra MacDonald spent the
MR. R. RODGES, has been the usual trek of tea• week•egd et her home in .Gucknow.
MR. G. WHIT1rLY. . ahem and others to their respective Miss rata Irlvtn in assisting Mrs, Al.
Dear Reggie : boxes here, te. enjoy the Easter vacs. tred Sherwood with her household slut.
We wish to express ' to you aur tion.
lea, '
sincere regret at yew departure airs. Lorne McDonald and little son, Mrs. Joseph Beckett is spending a
from our comntunity. You will la- Roan. of Peterborough, aro guests at few days at her daughter's', Mrs. Wil -
deed ,he great)); mimed by all 'ths, the boute of the Isdy'n persons, Mr. and fred Uretuaen's.
class of. which you have been such Mrs. A. E. l.rrtngtton. and of their tela. Mise Tule sberwood wba fe srsisl=
faithful member. We assure you uvea bore and at Luoknow. . lag her sister, spent a few days et her
our best wishes r.go frith you to yur Mrs' O• M• McKenzie and son, Kal ,team,rosentiy.
calm. left pn liaturday tq spend a tar.- Master Melvin Morrison spent a coo -
new home,and w ha i re to • t
e pe n Yea nfgbt at f babamo of ihs tsdy o ttarents nle wt weeks with bis gtaudparentic .
• come you will sometimes . look, back per, end tem. W. J. Woolidge, ' creme.
with pleasure to the times you have Mr. McKensie leaves today (Thursday), Mr. end Mrs. D. K. Alton.
spent in' our midst:' We would ask to spend the week and tt► titer 03 ails. fla.rvey Miller spout the week.
etgd at tbo homo of her parents, Mr.
you to accept this ring' as a small Kis' Elora o urnin. who it in attend. and Mrs: Andrew Stein, or Paratuount.
. o token of our regard. alum et MoDenaid College, Guelph, ir_ icon.Cyru Cautphen and children
• 'tt?f1 the Square for Forty Years Signed in behalf of your Sunday spe134114 the 7Elasts+r vacation at the spent couple of days last week at the
' •school :class, -Dmnhoninor feet pesrenlr, Mr. and tetra. R. J. re of the fort,lcr's parents,
lhtrnin. otMRS. ROBERT RODGESt'''
Ashfield. She wilt reaunia .
tear studies at theOelles nett week. xtolsteatla,
The Xriontls and aeighhgra iat
:. (� . _..1 - : _1111. .�- JOAN -GROVES and -..
The maple syrup season so far has
. _ __.._......-._:.�wrv�t.rrr atterthree,Months of excellent been very pour . owing to the large atthe !some of Laurette Sackett 4n
casan sec s oven a n to • o
away, ret n k rlday evening; March' 20th to show
!sleighing. sr ars have been running on �" pl t i 1 ins was amoPnt of snow in the woods end
spent, the • cold weather. About a woods,
Ehor:ellint; and breaking the roads the it:tench' Reed for the past number
are the ord::r of the day. . of flays. Bell ilrothere were the first
Mrs. 13. Il, Willing and little t h their c out on • the 4th eon BELFAST
xisr3and of Harriston, attended the sandal;
f rut 'of titer grandfather, Thos. A gnu evening's 's stntertaiftment le as-
• mored you at Union Church,. Thursday,
b C . P. 8.,who aro
-. April tith; b the )C.
e' si �n s the most tnfl. y
�►at farlu at , Union t o P
did el these ct.svti' Valley Farm. of presenting,"%alUev Vann," a domestic
mime. inapest it ytiursett next Thurs• ciratua is four auto, With 'a cast ot
;,b y, , . • . . twolvc characters. test winter this
1Itfa ieicilros, from near '&eatorth, Play was put on by the young people of
wee h,. vIoku,n •rclatit•es hem, wow itenfleid,. who were called upon to re.
5tosrrat ab the home of her brother, Air. peat it no less'than fifteen times in that
41kris. dohnsl0u, test week. - - neighbot9,00d within five tanoutlis.
lite are ;rorty to hear of the ill- Rev. C. F. Clarke, at North St.L'tiited
*ma of Reg. Thompson, 'who has had Church,-Godericb, occupied the pulpit
a severe attack of the flu. ' We wish at l'ntou loot Sunday and preached
their esteem and *specs to iter. The
ago there wag a good ran of sap for a4110#8 were colted to attention and she
few days, but. there 'has' been very - was preaented with a handsome vaulty
. dressing table and *hair to match anti
Mr. Jas. Agv spent Saturway aft- - Mr. John Iitlpatrtck has disposed of the following address was read:
this season, having ,rade a trip in it ` little stare g ti
it a3 c d; recovery.. very acceptably, taking; as his. subject;
Res. p '� " •Christ's Trtntaphal I:atry." It . had
Theserviees at Union :Church. e•
ons» been Wended • to celebrate the rase
::lrasciag next Sunday, will .-Ise held 1n Supper at this eervice. but awing to the
• Abe afternoon at 3 o'clock. 13. !3, • will lack of some ot the necessary articles
..asseroble at 2 o'clock; The pastor. Bev, through some mtsunderetandingi, it -vas
Selby .hate raou,,,wlil.pre*ch. tleoided-to postlione that part until a
A number at neighbors *the tx aC
g st
of Union Sunday
, tin iJ o
the Inoue of Mr. and Moe. 11. Wtiliatts• Thtran t al �iteo g
raw. oil the 4th conriatlsiou last •Tuosd*y School teas - held in Union church on
e rcaiug to spend a social evening . with Friday night, Afoot: 20th, there was a
eb.a. before their departure to theirgood attendance and. Encouraging re -
wow lam* oa the 7th concession: a ports wore hoard from all departments.
beet *ties seeing Volley rum, the -'The pest year has been another tine at
Illeaset's play" to be presented at Un- m4 g j 8 Hoar s the the treasure cyet-
i t* Church, on Thursday, April 8th, pert showed a subetantlal balance• 04
:oat it p.m., under the auspices of the hand. .Miss Adelaide Davidson's olaas
-'T'oting People's -Society of the of girls had the highest average for the
alorrch. Adtuisslo:t 35e and 25c. ,year, anti won the banner held for the
past few years by Mies lf, Oke's claso.
sleegtLbtt anti cutters are be'inn stored heist atteatlance ands highest umbe s
verales; . 'l hey aro Aiisaes tllartotf' Gal•
welt and Ileten Davidoon, who repeated
six hundred and five verses each, and
.sGt 0a meant" can be hired et the -The election of °Macre .resultial as fol•
•viewed reeoe es leave attain made. Two girls tied for the prise. given. for
J efiir appeattgnoe . un the roads nod n rot
a SADDLE HORSES -attended each session of the school
RED BAR,,,lows:- Supt., Mr.tome,
Orr; assistant ta,
' Mrs. Geo. Mcllwaint Sttoretary, Mr. E.
11 ;l7„ ho11iamE Porter; assistant Secretary, Mn -. Dave
A"t "s" Sri. and Excbs►nge Barn Davidson; Treasurer. Mies: Ruth Beet;
•▪ ae'wiletry to supply your wants In Llbrastan, Miss1 i3oevtrby; assistant.
;all' abases of Horses: ll,t les and'Mr. II. Johueton; Organists, Mies Annie
3Fittu4:ts fibDavidson and Mrs. Gordon .11a.rwood.
Auditors, Miss'. >;, McAllister. anti Mr.
4"aoistora, * farC rs•ia#J seek; attics these; t3uperintendent of the
• "Storage ! cradle Itoli, - Mist, Dena Cox. During
`or mouth. Pates': (Uy, Wel 'week, the ;evening a duet and encore wits sung• .
:Birt..,$. worth,1400. by Miss Graham and. Mr's. Ilerwocd,
" • o le �(/,sty Fleav Horse,,? year* the latter playing the accompaniment,
'For a, servieemhlvyssound.: also Mr. Ed, Kowerby rendered a violin
solo and -encore, and; Misses 11. Dell and
Auto and florae Ltvre'ry 4 A. Davidson a vocal duet acro, and all
were wpareClatetl.
Feedaste old Exchan
4 - The Ladies' Aid will meet at the,
home of Mrs, Wm. McCabe on the
7th concession, on 'Wednesday, April
7th, at 2 o'clock.
• :
Lilies. Daffodils, Tail,
Caruati`rls; etc.
Morar 105 - Oewd.alialt
her son; .Reggie, during the course
.of the evening a , -
Mrs. Thompson:
We, your friends and -neighbors,
of Taylor's Corners, have gathered
'together this evening to express our.
sorrow at your parting from us.
While you have lived beside us we
A gathering of friends and neigh-
bors took place at 'the home of Mrs.
: Itobt, 'rbonlpson on Thursday even -
ing, the friends •coining to •express
their appreciation of Mrs. Thompson
and her son, Reggie, before their de-
parture from the community to re-
aide In Goderteh. Mrss. 'Thompson s
Aiv w'lf r it t'•on the #arm
son, following
a e
The following addresses were read
mid a mantle .dock .prssented to
Mrs, Thompson, and a gold ring to
+if".�"111.. R
.y ., ..,1111. R..P
• Spring Millinery
in the newest shades and
.You are, halted to call. as
Universal Millinery
•o tt- USdtoStore. _ir• •_nt.t e.t.ge
ernaon at Mr. John Campbell'e.' }Bis 1004,ere tarot matins 7t1% concession Frlday,'March 26, 1026:
Mica. Tillie Sherwood is staying . of Ashllelcl, to Lia grandson, 'Mr. S. J. DE" i EISNb:
with her slater, Mrs. Les. Ritchie, of Kilpatrick. who gets posaesslon April LiWe, the friends and neighbors, have-
let, Mr. Kilpatrick, sr,, who, has been met hero tonight to ea.tend to you our
Zion. appointed mad -supervisor for the town. Heartiest eongratulationa on your` ap-•'
Mr. John Campbell - was . over to _ *tele of AebAeld, will nbcapy his time preaching Iw
Donnybrook last Monday delivering almost entirely with duties in connect- Vit are glad y rematnl g
a horse:. ion with this work. -
Mi. and Mrs; Jas., Ager spent Sun-. , With the Advent of Apr11, people are
day afternoon at. Mr. Jake Reed's, aspeotautly anticipating tt>4 e coating
in wll f
near Dungannon. 0
geese have been seep and heard for
Mr.- and Mrs. Wilson Irwin. spent.- some time, yet a good deal of scow atilt
last Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs, Jos. r'entalntt here especially on the roads
Smith, of St.� Helens.. • e . tv�gchnsakes rreveliing rather difficult
din a few ew g t o the • fact that to the west and
Miss Mary Vint ie spell 8 eottth the roads are nearly baro,
weeks with her. cousin, 1Vtrs. harry Itemeanbers the entertainment of the
Campbell, of l3elgravc. "Wllliilg, workers" Mission Band'in
Mrs. Joseph Smith, of St. Helens, .Erskine t'reebvteriau :church on Friday
spent a few days last week with her of
this week. In addition to severe
bt the t
brother, Mr. Wilson .Irwin, interesting nowhere v 4 Band. " will be Weems two sets of colored Midele
Born --To Mr. and klra. Alf..,Sher' t«Paton Ot the New.itebridep", and
woad) on Monday, March 15th,. a "Child I',tro'in Japan,",Rev. C. Jf. Mc -
daughter; Congratulations! Donalai, the pastor. delivering ad.'
Erasit. Ashfield United church at dresses en- the salve. An enjpyablo
l� closed Sunday, March tit" la antiipated:
acnes was c ose on un ay, are . Tho Pullen Contpany'S dieptay of lad•
28th:. It will be fifty Years this suint les` garments, which wvas'to ba exhibit
mer since the church was. built, ed op, Monday afternoon and Tuesday
Mr. Roy Irwin: held a very success- morning, was delayed Datil Tuesday
fel .sale : last Tuesday, although' the
weather *.lid• the roads wore not good.
Mr. Elliott Miller was the auctioneer.'
The people of the Iiiackett's church
met at the home of Mrs. David Beck-
afternoon, owing.to.tho lamented death
of the travelling salesn,au booked for dance -a new dance, •
Dungannon, he being found dead in bed
on Monday morning. Boon learning the
tragic news luihtedtate" arrangements "
were made to have another reetesenta•
tive of the companycome to Dutigaha•
on. Tuesday Muiraret is
We You are stilln
in our neggbborhoad, and we trust that
hi your iaew ;hove you will stili go on
helping) to do your Dart both in home
1111 1" a,
ds d
Off Comes the
Selvage t
WALLPAPER saves all the
and trouble of . trimming w
scissors or straightedge, 'Just
rap , of two • -on the table with th
ends of the roll and :the paper is
all ready to paste and hang.
Furthermore, these•wallpapers' intro-.
duce all that is newest and most effective
both in design and coloring, and amongst
our splendid selection you will find just
what you need to make each room in
your home bright and attractive.
Step' in' and look. at our. wide variety
wt. -
to 1,50 „
66 to 70
6.25 to-- 625
7.00 to 7.50
5.50 to 6.75
12.00 to 12.00
. ... 40
.. '. ;5
ai beautiful patterns.
and o4arc4 autt so build ui► etre litaster's Ourcomplete new,stock of
kingdom. Ca��
Live for those who love you,, ,. ,r
For those who know yon true,
For the heaven, that smiles above you d Wallpaper
And awaits your spirit too, .K
] or the cause, that tacks assistance,For the future, t
)so the wrongs,,n me diiitance. that need resistance.
is' view ready for your choosing. #QO patterns to
11:11 choose from
ay co . Qoderich
. 1
e � c
And the good that you may de.
As a More lasting expression of our
love. and friendsbip we ash y,�a to
accept this vaulty drossiug ,table antt
chair.. •
Wishing you and yours many long
and 'happy yearst.in your new loome And
in the Saviour's service.
. Signed on thait of the people.
• -• W ILr. At xoN
The easy way for a man pant 4ill to;
make at fool of hiinselr is' to try to
Your Family and
and presented - her eldest Baugh- v b rllends : want our
ter, • lif,as I,arotte, with ~ st beautiful 1111 .
h o gra'
her marriage on d on Tuesday,of Mrs.S.E ,Sanderson
vanity dresser and chair, previous Cs The death took place *bout11 Part. a of p
We neaday, .March Make theappointment y
• *:(ter sn illness- extending over.ae"v- Today
era! months. The retrains . will be '
.1 taken. to . her former home near
tVottdingliollsareringttnt• Woodstock for burial, but at time,. of __ _ -�.
ng -funeral arrangements have • •REASONS WHY
At Nile parsonage. Wednesday taorn- not n completed owing to the de- - tWHY
Mg. March 91 st, 1926. Miss Gladys moralized conditions of telephone I R • • O_
lamest £}egluss of elle, arae, united to g P Further parts-
color* will be even next week. u U
-marriage. to Mr. Alvin xhompaeon of g Nl1B�N.. AND
l otierion TO., lieu. ,L. C. White' ofti• The funeral of the late Chas. Merin',
3•lst. ..
Segues, eldest daughter of Mr. and Sirs. arid. tele rah lines,
crating;. otGoderioh, which took place ouTuee.
Special music is being prepared by day afternoon to Dungannon cemetery, $gidll No. !Vile choir of the United church, for
WAS conducted at tbe•graveside by ltev,� •
L. C. White. of Nile United Oberon, the
Easter Service whisk' will be.held in patl,bearers being Messrs. Roy.Otrvin, They- are authorised bt• tofu
the evening of April 4th. In.addi- Melvin Reed. Harvey Andetxon:mei as an inveutment ;for, estates
tion to .the regular service a number Jarvis McBride. In the death: of gg';4 weld trust funds,
of the Glad' `Girls Guild are present- Girvin (t which reference is made else-
ing a , sacred panontine, "0 Zion where in this issue) the ►district'loses a " per annum is payaable d
Basta.'' We are anticipating .a pro maw • acters until his removal tor its o Godes or mor forhalf.!, 4 o G earrst) 3-'
fitable rima:: len a few years ago. The sincere mono
pathy of newly friends in the 1101 hbor.. Why not arrange for an in . -
• Conriec
tion with
Blessed are the spoor. They can't'
afford to clutter up' their houses with
antiques. 1
The moat obstinate' corns fair to
resist - Holloway's Corn Remover.
Try lt. ;
Ol.'1 r I Hese„ - OE
„1111 . 0 , ; ,
Auto Painting
Like Being Handel
Money e,
b Getting your clothes cleaned and
Il . .Have your car painted pressed at Vrooman's-you get so -
' ` Wltlitne-newLacgnerrhi- ap much satisfaction out. of them.
Alt new ,colors. • • 0 They look just like new.
Goderich French Dry Cleaving Works
PromptandExpert Servite-
Phone 122 West Street
Ford , Car' $25.00 '
qAlsofu-rniture re -finished;
queers ae r4 hood, is extended to the bereaved relit- vestment with this 62 -year -sold
There seen%. -to be lots offld tines. Ananoial institution?'
geese and spring birds around. This section of country experienc- -
Spring has come,. you will hear ed one of tkie wordt sleet storms in Norman Lewis
people say; it looks like it today• its nesda on ; Tucson nicht and Teleliltone, 168
Wednesday. Telephone poles were >rVLGZN /1V1CNti»
Bruce Shackleton visited Motels' broken'•and hurled across the. roads,
up north of Lueknow last Friday. blocking ' . traffic and `demoralising -
Orville Durnin was drawing aweet''telephone connection. Dungannon, Is
clever and tax to'Lucknow islet week. ;entirety isolated, even the -Bell lines -t .
Raymond l~ innigfan was. over at being out of commission. The mail.
Winghant with a load of sweet clover man was unable to make his regular
seed` last Saturday. trip to Goulpxlch on Wednesday ow.
Mrs. W. P. Crozier has been out Ing to the` blockade. 'Today (Thurs.
visiting her mother, Mr's. Campbell, day) et has turned colder and we are
of Westfield, last week., having* a °real old-fashioned snow -
Albert McQuaid got. hie supply of
have looked upon you o the truant woad cut last week Raymond l:inni- AUBURN
of friends and the best of neighbors
true friends in sorrow and distress gen doing the : *rutting. lair. Matson. et Blyth, shipped two
as well as in sea i riot. Eorn—To; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred carloads of large cattle to Toronto the
sons a prospe
• ''drs Tito eon has taken her Drennan, on Friday. March 20th, ,at latter para of last week.
_. *mon
slaughter. Congrattdetiams 3 - : _. -- liar, Bob*, liedd West. to Londort.th...
place in both church and carnmun- former part of this week to attend a
_ _ Thct'e was a very small attendance woof thoroughbred cattle.
at the W.M.S. meetings held in the Mr. A, bgr 'yungblat, who has been
1 t:hureh here isat Wednesday to wind visiting tees parents. here, retarded to
l pit the business far the year that is 'Petrait the etegtinaiagt of'thie week.
t pact. - Mr. .F`ar 1 We/Wight made via d h it
Another Sale of
White. Cap . Washers
You remember our sale last Van,Van,Van,a . ,.gro,at1, ratany „pm:, fripkl5 ,..
bought White Caps then, a won- -
derful Wisher, and it Sales so
muchwork, you need on. Wily
not buy yours now? Ask , Odr
friends about them and don't iniss
this opportunity. liasy terms,
the sank as I'efore.
It to London this week. Ile intends sale.
ciarSHI I ILD lug tear year as -soon as the lakes open,
Cockshutt and Prost.. aria
Wiled Machinery -
'P'' Adams Wagons, Asker-
Holth Cireeuh Separators.
A full line of Renals tor the
. above maabinee .parried in
stook,at'all< timen.
Fads. end Indiana Radio
If interested in . good need
Separators or sproadere-,
call itit once while they
last, •
'1'lle,les 5S » DUNGAMINON
Mr. Willie Johnston left for Tor- up1Y[ra. George Itaithby and ern Wm, `'""`4 t,
onto last week. Patterson aro swot recovering from their
Mr." Bain MacDonald, of 'Sarnia, is lata sickroom as quickly *a. friends.
visiting friends in Rintail and Loch. could lays wished.
alah. I - Tim ample syrup btrves& no°tar hag
Mrs. 'Wm. A. Johnston has gone to rot been np to attpeatatfon. sent ttteare'
spend n few days with her son, Al- to iu i** r se fiefs. It welt be tsaalEtt r for
bert Thain, in Goderich. alt f eta iteaeou it shelf.
latr. James !tall, pt Rent county is in
Rev. J S. Dgbbin. o? London, tookfrl
this locality at rimiest visttipg rads
charge of the services °in` e"hiI*eaiaalmtairaessaith
Presbyterian cherch last .Sabbath. atasootatee at his youthral days. pp
A play *entified, ' Desai int Lein ose the rivetook Mao.. *The
Docks, followed kr a box social and were galeklyy' lalttaesd ard meet of the
tuna. under the *hapless of the village Was a tw]R to volumes the sighs.
will be held in this Loch. her. anti Mrs, Jadaes Jobessea stood
*Ash hall en the evening of Apel JI,, Aidrew were to Tomato
'itie the former part et tete week'at the hue
oral of Ser. L. Wallace, et that eery.
4r. Maim* spent hes yoasgee. days in
Nee vilJay�e.
O tfi R Vii: friends Ther. Vere to Presbybsdsa worriers
stn hay anything mitis* w at � Stet. ler. Ortetare Sunday, ey, We see
you can give them gonad te be able le, Awe Neat he is re•
etrvalest tad exist*. Se le attic to at.
Except Yew Photograph ford is iwant araect elailileNt.
(Fromm another "' .,„ el
Wiwi Neel Gerber No other menet:thrive* (l ee lssa week.
viails�l Made la
will give snob haatch:wee The Ohms* Society err potting ea s
geed oasoaet April Stele
Mr. meat Mrs, Elide "ratios had the
salsa a see !sat TkeeiAuy.
The WNW* of Aliso Bdnet, claigara
Visas t!t 3. T. PELL
Car 4 Mt Lome
Pocahontas Coal• ..
$ 13.00 per Ton
oho a Car offAliqusttis
Weighted on Market &ernes
Phone 1711 J..
Hamilton Street
Shoe Store
Compiste line of ladies'. gentle -
mere% and children'* shoes.
Come in xnd oomprre our priori.
Vs" -
Fred Seabrook
Kingston Sopa
Awn.. , .c'
New and Used .
Stoves, etc
in fact everything for the
' Noelle.
We positively Save
You Money.
This is your store. Vie it.
On the Breatih.ay of Godarich
are characteristic of our furniture
whether for the library, • living room,
dining room, bedroom, or any other
room of the house. Our furniture is
made to last, to give comfort, sad to
harmonize well..
Ptomaine tett
Haat ltan Street
'Twill Soon Be Time
to throw of• your Goloshes and Overshoes,
what are your shoes like?
Our new stocks of spring lines are now arriving,
and comprise some of the nicest, snappiest lines
shown in a long time, at very moderate prices.
Von are invited to look at our goods, and you
will be impressed by their quality and appearance.
'noes Me GOM
• 0