HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-01, Page 6e .mdse SW a;:HAPTSR XIII. (Cautioned) .The girl tock no offense; she srsaintained her curious observation of him; she appeared genuinely in-" tweeted in u.gl'ainting her+ielf with ac man who could piaster such a phe- nomenal gtupity of ligror. There wsa mystification in her tone when alien said: "Buts -I :,aw you come in alone. And no,.' ycu're drinking alone." "Is that u reproach? I beg your pardon." Pierce swept her a mock- ing bow. "What will you have? Without removing her dhin from its resting -place, the stranger *hook her head ebortly, se he downed his berera** ins before. The girl weecbed him interestedly as he paid • ter „it. "That's mere money thun I've Been in n. month," said o she. "I elsoeldn't be an free and easy with it, if I were you. 4 No? Why not?" ' She merely shrugged, and con - Sheeted to study him 'eaitif that same 'disconcerting intentness- she re. minded bliss of n'frank and curious child. Pierce noticed now •that _else was a very pretty girl, and gtake appro- priately dressed, under the eircwa- >stances. She wore a boy's suit, with a shorts' skirt over her knicker-boek- ers, and, since she was slim, the gar- ments added to her appearance of immaturity. Tier face was oval in outline, and it was of a perfectly uniform olive tint; her eyes were large end black and velvety, their lashes were long, their lids were faintly smudged with a shadowy under.coloring that magnified their size and intensified their brilliance. Her hair was almost black, never- theless it was of fieri texture; * few unrttly strands had essusped from be- neeth her fuze. cap and they ,clouded her brow and temples. At first sight she appeared to be foreign, and of that smoky type commonly associated with' the Russian idea of beauty, byt she was not foreign, not 11m/slant nor were her features pre- dominantly racial. "What's your name?" she asked, suddenly. r, Pierce told her. "And yours?" he inquired. 4'Laure." ROTECTION against "runs" is nothing new. But Monarch Green ' Stripe gives you double protection ,, --- the Green Stripe and attother "stop run" a few inches . below it. Pure thread silk -• for ,sheen; -• fibre silk reinforcement -for wear. Every newest shade. $1 --an example of the values in alt Monarch-Xnit Hosiery from 71cto$2,00, At all good dealers. IST rT w GREER STRIPE HOSIERY Dunnville, Qat. Infernal and externa Pains aria promptly religsvoci by SAI THOMAS' ECLECTRIC 011. THAI elHAa11004t f11100NEJailL-?mrrtWang AND la TO.OAY A GREATER ;MAAR THAN man wont la A TiaT11AONIAL THAT aWZAKS holt ITaa 1401.160041 WRArivii ileatirtfa. Banking by Mail The Security afforded -by the Province of Ontario Savings. Office, together with the facilities , extended by every Post Office in Canaria, and other Countries, make it possible :for doveryont to "deposit their savings in this -Bank. Interest is allowed, compoynded half -yearly, with full. checking privileges. The confidence the rural communities haveshown in this Bank, is indicated by Elle large increase in deposits, which are now over $21,000,000. All deposits are guaranteed by the government of .the Province of Ontario. Remittances should be made by Post Office money order; express order or registered letter, and should be addressed to r ' your nearest Branch, where they will,receive prompt attention. Province of Ontario:: Savings Office Oft lo Head s : 15 Queen's Park, ,Toronto Toronto Branch Offices a Cor. Bay and Adelaide Sts. Cos. University and Dundee Sts, sit Danforth Avenue • Otksr Branches it . IlaialIton, St. Catharines, St. Nary* Pembroke,. Brantford, Woodstock, Owen• Sound, , Ottawa' Seaford*, Walkerton Newmarket and Aylraot. The Goderich Star's CLUBBING LIST The Star and London Free Press $6.75 The Star and London Advertiser 6.75 The Star and The Toronto Globe 6.75 The Star and The Mail and Empire 6.75 The Star and The Toronto Star 6.75 The Star and The Farmers' Sun 3.40 'i llc Star and The Family Herald and Weekly Star3.0o The Star end Saturday Night 5.50 The Star and The Catholic Record • 3.75 The Star and .McLean's Magazine $3.75 The Star and Rod and Gun 3.90 The Star 'and Montreal Witness renewal 3.55 new... , 3.50 The Sitar ars! World Wide renewal 4.25 new... 3.55 . C ag , with�tr Pl1 tiodk xf�a .7417, if any list had. tlpp ii�s idast tt At liar Office or 'Phone 71 for any inforaaa'ierr. . "Leers what?" "Just La*,. -tor the prwnt.'1 "Humph!! You're one of this - theatrical company, I presume" lie indicated the singers *trees the room. 'Yes. heart:* Best hired us to work in his place at Daw,wn." "I remember your outfit at Sheep Camp. Best was nearly crazy--" He's . crazier now than ever." l.acrs wdisd for the first time and her fare lit up with mischief. "Poor Idigrris! We load him snorkel by his, big nate. He's deathly afraid he'll Ioss us, and we now' it, so we make his life miserable." She turned serious *Wendy, and with n candor quite startling said, "I like you. "Indeed!" Pierce was nonplussed. The girl nodded. "You looked good to rare when you came in. Are you going to Dawson?" "I suppose you have partners?" "No!" Pierce's fate darkened. "I'm alone -very much alone." He undertook to *peek in a hollow, hope- less tone, "Big outfit?" "None at all. But I have enough money for my, needs and --I'll prob- ably, hook up with somebody." Now there was a brave but cheerless res. ignation in his words. I4ur0 pondered for a moment even more carefully than before she studied her companion. That the re- sult satisfied her she made plain by saying : "Morris wants men. I can get him to hire you. Would you want e THE GODERICH STAR Two Sorieds OpM'aHsns Sioatiend Her Kenos *s Her 1'ismt Reid Mrs. Hears Carter,Westchester, N. writes: --"I aaa writing to tell lo*, as Well as utkres, "kat Miliaura'a Wen sad :tierce Pill' have done for me, I sotrtosa years ago I had a sun- ' stroke erkiek worked ea the serves at my bead, seed left me ogith nervous esa•lackes, zed every nerve in mr.kesd "resale just seem to "creep and ers*F1" uatit at•timee 1 thought I surely could net lire. Tea, two years ago, I went through two very serious eperatiens whisk com- pletely 'battered any nerves sad 1 be - ease nothing but a aervous wreck, and lay bene beeitute also in a bad state, so 1 decided to can iu our family physician and he told me that 1 had nothing seriously wrong with env head, but that any nerves were so bail they. were proven on my heart and causing all the trouble, and advised nie to use song good .heart and nerve tonic. Not long after that my husband was et the *tore and brought me home a box of Iwtilbure's Ileart and Nerve Pill*, And since that time 1 have taken several boxes, As it seem* to rite that they are the only thing I eon take that works on my nervous trouble, and 1 would not, for any stoney, be without arso in the house, ; If your nostrils are c and our I cannot praiser them too highly, nivel ent. a0 docile. so nnqueetionirig, that clogged 5 (meld *della any one suffering from he remitted something was greatly. freely he ad is stoned and orcold ca t. Njust ,swat, -1.ion a,.1Pe• p' ihted ; vott for gg'rinne.I, "Well, I happen to have rcom for her in my tent." As Doret's fingers ` sank deever into his flesh the nun's anger role; he r undertook to shake - otl the unwekome grasp. "You legs. go! You mind your own business-- = "Dia goin' be my biznesse," 'Pe - leen annorneed. '"Dere's somel'ing fonny 'bout dis--" '"Don't get funny with ate. I got as much right to her as you have---->' 'Poleon jerked the man off his feet, then flung hint aside as if, he were unclean. His voice was hoarse with disgust when he cried : '"Ort. out! Beat it! By Gar! You ain' * fit for touch decent gal. 'aiou spik wit' her again, I tear you in two piece!" Turning to. Roulette he said: "Atam'selle, you • lookin' for your -papa, eh?" ' Tdise Kirhv wee clsaping and un- clasping her lingers, her face was atrr4ined, ' her response came in a mutter so low that 'Polson barely 'caught it "Danny's gone• -gone- Dad, he's ---No use fighting it- It's the drink --and there's nothing I can do."' It • wale 'Pol�eon'v turn fo girl by the shoulders and wheel her *Bout for a better look at her face. A 'moment later be. led her back into 'the �sateean. She was • so oddly obed- TIdURSDAY, APRIL 1st, -, good �TP.�i 'WA want aft vet fiko�^"..' n 444Rea Miller's Worm Powders destroy worms without any inconvenience to the child, and so effectually that they They thoroughly se from the body thepestom- ach and bowels and leave them in a eondition not favorable • to worms, and there will be no revival of the pests, « •f•'M.-.,. •,.....,... • .., .... .. • ♦ • +•.1 .: STOP CATARRH! OPEN t NOSTRILS AND HEAD #i ' �Creaan Appplibd in Nostrils t ves Head -Gelds at Once. any forru•of sleeve trouble to give them amiss. He laid his hand.against her a fair trial, as I know by any ppearrseoonal' 'flushed cheek and foe td it to he burn - experience that the results can. be'nothe -lug- hot, whereupon he hastily "con - trig but satisfactory," aulted. the 'nearest hveteedertt. Thee to hook up with es?" • asd .Pills aro `put,iin on17 by' . sftreed otitis him ' tlAiat the girl was 'I don't know. It doesn't much , T, Milburn 00„ 7.,imited, Toronto, indeed. 11 -.amore. than that, she was matter. Will• you h;tivo something to ' half debriors. • drink now?" .-- ----�- '- -.: = e.. - "Saere! W'.at's she. dein, roun'• a °"Why should I•? They don't give but scarcely uneerstoo4, "I • don't saloon' lak dis?' he indignantly de. any percentage here. Wait! I'll see know," rshe confessed. $ho was U0 mended. CHow come *he's gettin' Morris and tell you what he 'says." longer smiling, and, although her up diffore daylight, eh?" Leaving Pierce, 'the speaker hurried gaze remained -hypnotically fixed up- It was the bartender who made to a harastdd little man' of Hebraic on his. she seemed to 1, Searching -plain the facts: '"She `ain't been to countenance who was engaged in the heel own soul • "I don't know," she heel at , all, French 'She's been it n dif ieult task of chaperoning this un• 'avid again,."but you have. a-eall. " all nirh*. r' lin'' herd on old.Sam Kir- ruly aggregation of 'Talent, . To hint In' spite of the young woman's by. Iie'a-deinkin', understand? He she said : • eharmar, and ••they were nrmerous tried to get some place for her to "I've found 4 pian for you, ?dor- enough, Phillips was not strongly.stay, along abatkt midnight, but -there 4 vas." . drawn to,. her; resentment, anger, his wasn't any. 5hc'� been settle' there ranking sense of injury,. all these alongside of the tove for the last " ,M'?" "Toango to Dawson with as, That left no room for other emotions, few hours and I been •adrt of b eepin' tall, goodlooking'fellow at- the. bar." That she, was interested in him he an eye on her for 'Sam's •sake." Mr. Best was. bewildered. 'What still had sense enough to perceive; Doret breathed an oath. "Dot's ails you"?" ho quieried, "1 don't her • amazing proposal, her unmistak• nicaq fader she's p otl I• wish I let 'in) want any men, and you know it." able' air of proprietorship, showed drown." "You want thin' fellow, and you're that much, and in eonsequenee 'a sort "Oh, he ain't exactly to blame. going to hire trim.'' . ' • of malicious triumph arose within He's on a bender -like to of killed a "Am 1? What malars you think him. Mere. riarht et hand. was n" feller in here Somebody's ought to see agency of •forgetfulness, more potent take ease ofthi's girl till he sobers "Because it's -him 'or me," Laure by far than the one - to which he had up." said, calmly. first turned. Dangerous? Yes, But (To be centlnuedt Mr. Beat was both Surprised and his life was ruined. What differ - angered at this cool .announcement, once, then, whether . oblivion came "You mean, 1 s'pose, that you'll quit," from alcohol or from the seg, of -0 he said, beligerently. the poppy? Deliberately he shut his '"""" • "I • mean that very, thing. The eara to -inner warnings; he rinsed his , fi' man has money -o - head defiantiy. • a Best's lingo disappeared as if by "I'll go," said he. magichi tone beep* n "Wehave at daylight," 'Besttoltt, slitmpagy ►� sec y an e of as en catarrh, get a 'neat )mottle of Ely's (.'ream ifatnt at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream Into your nos. trite and let it penetrate through every air passage of your Bead, aoothing and healing the inflamed, swollen mucous membrane anal you got instant relief, AItl slow goad It feels. Your nos• tries are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling,. blowing; no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Elf's Cream Balm is just what suffdrers from head colds and catarrh need. It.'ti a delight. sssIssISSIKfts ria 1 i; , a nolo atic. "Oh. Why didn't you say so? If him. ' - he'll pay enaugh, and: if you want CHAPTER XIV hint, why, .of course-" With "Poleon Doret td be busy was Laureinterrupted With at unex- to be contented, and these were busy pected dash of temper. "He isn't times for him, His . daily routine, going .to, pay, you anything -you're wlth trap and gun had made of him going to pay hint -.--top wages, too. an early riser, and had bred in him a Understand?" habit of greeting the sun With a song The unhappy recipient of this ulti- .Xtwas no hardship for him, therefore, matum raised his hands in a gesture til, cook his breakfast by :candle -light, of despair. "Himmel! There's no especiallynow that the dad's • Were getting on with you; either. What's growing short. On the morning after you e'.• on ya anlnd, by Are You after his rescue of Salm Kirby and his dun - hint or iia•; coin?" ghter 'Polson washed • his dishes and "I -don't know," Laure vras Sax- cuthis weed; then, finding that there ing at Phillips: with a peculiar ex- was still an hour -to spare before the preselon. ".I'm not sure. Maybe light would be sufficient to run Miles I'm after both. Will you be ; good Canon, he lit his pipe and strolled up and. hire itim, or-" to the village. ' The ground wed now "Oh, you've got mei" Best.de- white, for considerable snow had fall - dared,' with frame; tesentrent. "If en durhtg the night; the day promised you want' hint, I *'pose I,'lI have to to be extremely short and uncoinfort- - get him for sou,' but" -he ° muttered 'able. '?Neon, however, was imper- an oath under Itisbreath•---"you'll vides t;i weather of any sort ; his ruin, me. Ay! Oy! I'll be glad good humor was not dampened in the when you're all in Dawson and at least. - work," GODERICH MARKETS Wheat, per boat....,-$ 1,36 to $ 1.40 Buekwbsat, per bush. 66 to 70 1!%o!<s....... - . 12.60 to • 12,50 Oats. per bush' a0 t0 . +10 Peas, per bush 1.45 to 1.50 Bar•1, per bash, . 66 to 10 Cattle, ordinary, per cwt. 0,25 to'' 6.25 Cattle, export ?,00 to 7.50 -f (per cwt,% Cattle, choice, cwt6,50 to 6.75 Lambs, per cwt12.00 to 12.00 Dairy Butter.... 40 to Eggs, per 'dos.....: 26 to Family flour, per cwt 3.90 to '•Patent floor, per cwt. 4.75 to Br. ton '12.00 ;to Shorants,per per ton • , , • , .. 33.00 to Hay, per tan 10.00 to Hides...... Od to -Potatoes, per• bag, .. 2.50 to everywhere. .n None are so blind as those. only see our faultb. ems nes...ewer, IP 'VOW qw«A 0hildre 'Cri' Qll' FLElCHEW$ Ada. S "P Q '!.. 1 A Plii YOUR .FAME HERE ERE Send us this coupon and we will mail you interesting literature, illustrating .thc' pianos made 'by -us. Every home should have a L,,, piano. -It is the Source of more • �.,` home comfort than any , other. ° single artielc--and ifyou get a good piano it . Will last•'a lifetime: tr ', HENRY• HERBE.RT`:PIANOS Nave been it1,ing aallsfactlon anti thatch; to happY''owncre 1 . cowls tde tumor ymrs, They ire rally toteraatded b7 ns a r' tajttutasnts of superior w.rkntan• « slip and pasrwsint . a rlch 4Mtaty of topes Moder`ateAmes with t:o'rt- vemens Terms of Pay ni9nt Branches or agencies ix all. parte of Canada -send a Spon to Vend ()!Hee, rorest°,; quad we,wiii oasis" ion of nMr * showroom, MASON i; filS61. 1. 1..JIT1':D I'O?:tee 'l'U • CANADA After• The fellow held the girl for an'in- same further talk the main stent and helped her to gain her ager' approached `Phillips and made equilibrium, exclaiming with a laugh: himself known. "Laure. tells t*e you egay! What's the matter with you,` want to 3oin our troupe," he began. sister? Can't you see whereou're ""I'll see that he pays you vel," the going?" When Roulette made no girl urged. "Come one"resronse the man continued in an Phillips' thoughts were not quite even friendlier tone, "Weil, I can clear, but, even so, the situation see; my eyesight's good, and it.telIs struck him as grotesquely amusing. me you're *bout the beet -looking I m no song -and -dance man, he dame I've run into tonight." Still said, with a smile. "What • would laughing, he bent his head as if to you expect the to do? Play a man- catch the .girl's answer. "Eh? 1 dolin•?". ' • don't get you. Who'd you say you're "I don't know exactly," Best re booking for?" piled. Maybe you could help me 'Polson was frankly puzzled. II'e ride herd on these Bernhardts." He resented th` man'*'tone of easy fa - ran *hand through his thin bleach miliarity an, •about to interfere, he hair, thinner nom°by half than when was restrained by, Rouletta'd upper he lett the States. "If you could do indifference. What ailed the that, why -you could save my res- girl? It was too dark to . make out sone" her face, but her voice, oddly chang- "Ite wants yet: to be a Simon 1.A ed and unnatural, gave him cause for greet" Laure explained. wonderment. Could it be-u-'Poleon'a The manager seconded this state- half -formed' question was, answered ment by a nod of his head. "Sure 1 by the straner who cried, in mock Crack"the vhf over 'em. Keep 'ern Aproach: "Naughty ! Naughty ! M • in line. Don't let 'em get fnaried. You've had a little too mreb, 'that's I thought I was wise to hire good-, what's the matter with you. Why'. lsxakers, but --I vas crazy.. They You need a-guerdeen" Taking Rou- ietrineunit they make eyes ani} ,hens lett* by the shoulders,' the speaker men fight for em. They steal em turned her about so that the dint every I've had a dolcked. teles ,And 'half-light that filtered through the every tante I've been licked. Alrsadt canvas wall of the tent saloon shone four of fey girls are' gone. If I lass full Linen her face. 'f foul more I can't open; x'11 be ruined. 'Paton :uaw now that the girl was Cly. , Such a country! Every clay a indeed not herself; there woe a child - new love -affair; every day more ash, vacuous expression upon her trouble-•" face; she *phrased to It darted and I.hure threw back her dark head to eompreltend little of what the and laughed. in mischievous deligght. man was saying;Th . tr ge , he'll our I *tumbled on # I been him." S closer to m pore man, slat *tipped her arm within lets r arewaid no What? and, looking up stat* kis facet sail, tai ,slats st'lsr.d objection ,to slipped mt in * low noire: "1 knew I could fix aria a !jwae e w d bon ewer. !t, for 1 alway have rn a crrr tial you go?" Whet(• het' he itatd ahc rrpratrd. "Will aft with brag murmur late her gear. Thiry had pro- -4W I started. Nis lard* was Disse Ando rat of tiro gloom and frayed and he had diNiettky in hew- No . beim, lobe saaa. > ems.1>nr<- fly. "wore *sidle heM- echelons g m,e wii!thump m. to 1yea�'i., the lista• Aug "Silt stet ' "'It'ia a fact." she told Pierce. "Tete Is was proved beet Best by her blank acceptance of his next gets is the worst of it. ins,intaaure g worde: "qty, it's lucky "He's not o styes r ' e yea. slave; we h re Iota of fun with night .and it kayos, up we teyapki the your* got betty » always y way silo rtae*ltwidie pom'f r g stag -ebiR I go with ? or cseded last a few nests waren Vahan Ing Ms ORO thtr ed Geo of the Olt �. he «pa?» "Jos fb $*' dM lady?" *p aweiaa,d the wast taws eel t14 reheeiri tSUM- ion with the h Cr >l.ai �t ateon t* �. teau. "Why ds fns may beat?" he tts�lt yet grlsas(tr lama aytt'--tyats.aM4't queried. new a maauat. "Why do 1xe - - . • you ?mist are to go?", N+;te iraltDiglih} 'liege an �ltltt'it No Ally � � Keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen and digestion. good. Reduced Prices 011'- Anthracite Coal Sheeting (Anfhrscite) ' . .. 16:0O' Stove (Anthracite) Pea (Anthracite). $13,00 Coke .... - , . , • $15.00 per ton Pocahontas.. , ... ... . , $14.00 Domestic . Lump for your Grate and Range $12.00 per ton Our Coal is weighed on Your OwnScaleS.tho Marta! Nate • With Spring House Cieanng, you will require PAINT. We still have sote. Sherwin-Williams left that we are sell- ing at 51.00 per quart. Muresco and Alabastine at Soc per package.. Liquid Veneer and O'Cedar, small .bottle,' 23c large bottle, 45c each Special prices on Door Locks and other Builder's Hard- ware Clothes Wringers and 'Garden Tools at Special' Prices in order tp clear. CI -IAS. Cts LEE ., The Herdware at the yivharf SHiP CHANDLUN PLUMBING axed' HSATINfit Store 'Phoats !a. Dress 'Pilon* 112. Yota've•never"seen anything like h -.meths of vivid interest, with glaciers alive and moving 1?. , mystic totem poles,... s,-iti' night Alpineg that plash up throug�h the snow ifkaaoits too slowly.' `Great cold peeks itftirt�c their( shining faces apriinst angles so} blue that is sgesas alt the color la the world wasspilted there A�.,.,See Alaska this year. The is a joy and a tome. � Pane *eye teocehww'd Inman Vv ,:'a z, B. C.... i000, by I � �skairsa'" +estristy. ilMatederfal :1pm r llrlwsi*aailrn► tells lore _ l rodualtd i rwoxim - = , rwl nwronmanourdilluigararroder ifftia eek i r ser ort.yiow* t',ilnr�e`s woe sesaselard his: tint~ iMvat "1''�' no glMa_tra ala..*„. aft an odd light its hewt, and a > doe. I"*e Malp_.eymd," Tr 1r MK I SM 41.1t tidier Ingest 7satire aye ft," tIN 'a Smart Coats and Frocks Ides' R�e�d���1�wr G. for the meter Pocession eat variety, smart styles, good variety SprinX waat reasonable priers. terials are in soft 'Vs'}aur, I)uvetynes, Slaedines Ps, and -French 7'ricotlne for Matron and Miss, flaredht line effects in alt the newest�tlades. DRESSESk flatrepe, Crepe-de-t�title and satin•faced CSpring's most popular Slks make delightful Drsstmaany btcomulltg styles, glared anti straight}ane efiat is new and smart fess the Spring, in thisSecial By,at fileIn a gr ht fabricsMa oiret Twill and straigIn ric repe. This s in many ccts, with }OngOrShort iYGS. COATS - • TAILLINERY dtipt* aer R.yalEAST 3436 SWAMI