The Goderich Star, 1926-04-01, Page 54
. .
. -
Squibbs' Cod Liver Oil - 60o
Squibbs' Castor Oil
Squibbs' Milk of Magnesia -
Squib& Milk of Magnesia Tooth Puto 45c
Squibbs' Epsom Salts - 2c
Squibbe Liquid Petrolatum
Squibbs' Liquid Petrolatum with agar
tares and you get a defitit ita atatad
* to tremairms aad n .
Our Weekly
the treasrrer, and in his printed ad-, -
dress, which you helve before you, it
1964 and late are not ed by
By W L. Gorden
hot a eines
oaorabe evaber Issa said up to Ow. 1.
present that the deficits of 1913. of
• stat
ns is English '
is self-oricitht that if we *pond
maraey on hydros, Northern Ontario,
T.N.O., roads nd publie buildings Weds Ones allismaed
.aggregating about $20,000,000 for Don't say "I have no fear of it
• a
the year, We must ray the interest sn'owman, :say "of its, spogiosse
on this amount the next year. That Dos% aay eon. who does that has
is why the interest bill is steadily
*creasing, but it may be said that seisms to ease,
* right to 'he commended." !day "de -
such as Hydro, T.N.O., and Northern pikoMpine't pleysehlte"re Say skAtellv,I•livilanthittenn
suet' expenditures on tapital account,
Ontario, will be self-eustaining and ten." *."Fewer" applies to number,
be revenue prodreers, bemuse we ell
know that the Hydro System is to ."less" site.
Don't say "the sewerage drifted
pay its own Wan that the Northern ossaya# Aey efsewageal ',sewer.
Ontario Development branch is to age" is a system of sewers 1"- drain -
Make it so that settlers will go in ing the sewage.
i there and settle. .The Honorable Don't say "trees had grown on
.... — a -- - ----a.-- member for West Ottawa went on
hP:oveniiitti.reel $07,000,0001 In thiseither side of the road:" Say "each
side" or "both sides." ••••
• _ •_._. a__ .
• .111"11` to say, we increased the debt of the
Mr Wfigle in. ti)ebate- cue E1/4„,„ 1* "he is a very affsible
t# o y left 'out of the ealculst- oiliesname if, you nielln eourteoUe.
tion OW this Crovernment, when itpolite.
i .• . . **burned office, bad to make a loan words °nem, miapsosoaased
pf $40,000,000 in order to get money
11 Member for Centre Huron Shows the Slendid
e ea ge-a,11dtrheangfiersat eprananuncean, andhy-drnoant-
nough tocarry on and pity osthe ‘ o e
0 Pess the Perguson(Government Has debts. Fully. $25,000,000 not this as in odsin...
amount was to pay the Drury in.
4 Made iin Provincial Snances . debtedness. This Government init. Bronchitie. Pronounce chi as kl
s . ' • in "kite."
self has actually inereaud the debt
e • I. e nit of the Province about. $40,000,000 or not as in othisa.
Beneath. Th as in "think," and
But lopmesest ow agriculture His main Inane at the rate of $20,000,000 per year. is preferable.
• - •
Karnes. Pronounee both at's as in
• If you look at the Debt Retirement 4
itrutee's report you will see tliM 'Mit. Mid accent the r. •
. Suggests Making Agricultural Short Courses ')(1)enniDrury aRministration rarely onmettia. Pronounce rein -set -We
Recognized Part of Rural Education—Gives not poln-setett.
spent less than $40,000,000 in capital and
account and in some .eases spept as '
have acco
Views on Several Other Subjects high as $70,000,000. This Goveals. they mplisheds", he said.
*•creasing revenue collection about "We all rediernber how ill days gone
ment should' be `given czedit for in• -
Mr. E. R. Wigde, M.L.A. for Oen- that he was a novice in financial mdts, 40,590,000 without putting on new by speakers would go Up and down
the eoncession lines telling the far- --
tee Huron; spent the week -end at his ters, but that he believed, howevettl taxation. In 1925 the increase was
home in Goderieh, looking none the he could 'show that the criticisms ntI $12,00000 of whith about ss,uoo,000 he was the most abused person in
liter how hsrd was his lot and how
• worse for that "strenuous all-night the 'Honorable meinber for West Ot. was new taxation. Instead a say the. country. Well, this committee THE CASH STORE PHONE. 96 '
• 111111 1
The Choice .of all-
. -.Smartly Dressed °W omen
We have been fortunate in
securing the agency for this
11 n e of Ladies' Hosiery
which is recognized through.
out the retail trade as the
hest mad., in Canada.
Orient Hose is made in
three numbers.:'
365, Full Fashioned Silk, with lisle top. 550. Full Fashioned. (Silk to the top
52, Full Fashioned Chiffon Hose.
,11 you wish th'e best in Hosiery you will wear Orient.
We also have a complete stock of Supereilk Hose which is also a Canadian pro-
duct. and we believe, the beat value offered to the trade at $1t50 ptr poir.
We carr' 30 shades in stock of Supers& Hose. If the shade is made
• we have it.
• • widen the" Legislature last tawa the official financial critic for trig we -are the champion tax collect- has gone down the concession • lines
farmers. and has fornintated their
ThitrsdaY • art and Friday incdPs theilberal nartY, and thq Honorable ors.. the Government should be -given
. grievances. I 'believe that it the , . . . .
. . . • . .
valuable •contribution to the debate nimbi' critic for• the Farmer dt•oMos were entitled to. In other words, a
spleedid record the Ferguson Goa- than. . constructive. Neither 'of them ed to collect ' their taxes what would dations w.hich that committee has Grievous. Premium° gre-vus, ' the Mends in G0(1011011 last week; returning hsopnelnex tithevayEolisstitT tisglatisotahoolat lg.: . .
eminent is making 'in financing and offered any plan ito : better the 0nan- the electors do? Byournew audits - made, it will be found that it has e as in he,"" u as in "us," and not as *tile Monday.' '
• . .. Mr, end Mre. IL J. Rutledge spent "closed n • Week earlier on ' account, tit
in the improvement' of, agriculture, tial condition of %he Province .other
and he gave his views', with some titan that •eutlined by the treasurer. 'emelt .of what we ire entitled, to col --
We have improved co -editions so that tanetarnornopslished much of real benefit to gre-vieus.
throughout the Province." • Words. Often Ilistmlied - •
two daye lead week with •Mr. and alresit epidemic :in. that meals: ." . .
practical sug'gestions, on the sub- T* Honorable member for West Ot-Buckle, not el. Miner and *Tor. Il!illit. riunitett.. , . s • .
jade of medical research, the bring • taws who spoke on the budget Yes- ers. 'The . plan. of the Debt. Retire-
lect .does not -slip through our tinge-
ment were mentioned by Mr.. Wigle, Merchandise (e, not •a). Opponent.
The short courses of the Depart -
Sandy Young, of Nile, purebased. a 3 .
c i dren, Mee and Jaelcie, of 13 *5e
Mrs. Donal 1 T. Mtn kiss mid naii ' •
ing of • Alberta coal to Ontario, terday instead of comparing the fin. g most ou stan ing •
who stated that they werealoing. ex- Nuisence .. • Mhotellaneous. • •
' • " ledge one day last week. . • .
Yeatsold !Illy from' 'air. :Jtoorge 'tut. • he t --:-.--s' -----
. Townikin school boards, and muni. .
andel year • of 1928, which was real-. and it- is an " i d hthis G .
ment Committee i • t cr
sys cefient • work. He suggested, . how- • ' Synonyms •
P ht the Colborne Ail:tram*
After pasing the usual compli. ministration,. With the year of our • -
eminent in 1927 will • meet the first
part of the education sYstem in the - s ' • ' ' '
pnasis, •urgehey,- importenee. •
• • Lillie Pluokett and Miss Erma VkIlli•
. Wolfe street: ' s.
ned a few • • •••• • a.
ration. • , • • . ly the last year of the •Fermer ad.. _ tie pate t at
over, that they be made a recognixed • Stress, estrain force Pressure, em. of dote last week. with hertriends, 'SIM
' - Miss Model Rutledge spent a couple s• --t - ' *1141' lah' Nvels, N'%he• gee s • •
taut with her sister, Mrs, T. thiuleye••
meats to the' Speaker and referring government •. instalment. The ,Honorable member
1924,, ' insisted• • ' . '
on for West Ottawa refers. to the plan, •
rural parts and given at some 'cen. Wonderful, • wondrous, extenerdin- gan. - • • ' . •
to the passing of Sie Adam Beck and :coinparing the' year of 1922, 'claim- • b ' ire' point in .a eounty at a, •time •
ary, rare, surniisine
amity have.. moved their • househoill ‘Goderieh, and -Mr. Ches. MiSdletens .
- particularlss to:the 10041 interest that big that. this was the last year of of anmetsr prid and sags that the
Whew the ferment% sees and. daugh- . el . - • a' • •
mager,• *sirens,. ardent, earnest,. Ur' 411(1 linteblii" 11" fr:1:17.(11:11.11:::n:.LINttil:ti'ad:::"1411=
Sit. Adam lied in• the electric •fight •the ' Farmer administras'la edd b th•t•a r g
t • • t tgreatlyi d
ets were eo occup e impatient, impetuous, .yearning. •
. meeting of' the: (*onset:Ns-dire Arno. '
prohlems •of the town, lYir. Wigle• Said •was a .silly way of handling -the mat . '
done This and the committee is not new but has -
P IS reeomm n e y e le su e
on the farni. .13y such a'plan, he be. -
aCelm placid (Wet serene tran effects to their (aria* Goderleh town..
sh1 We wi h t o' r et • ' Canyi
.. • elation hi_ Toronto kist Fridey :Mtn
he felt that no monument that could• ter because' the present Government
- been used. by the Csity of. Ottawa and.
lieved„ a larger attendance would be - ' •• • ' ' ' *
quit, peaceful, 'smooth, 'mild, , still,. . , :
, . 1m erected in his -name would reflect came. into power on theolilth of J ly theCityof T t .f • . numbet f.-
oron o or a nu er o
secured and advantage would be had
. . uedisturhed. 7.. - - • - COLBORNE
u , -years., The treasurer did not- say
and has hard the complaints of the .dig5thivoihmmiwimitimmaimilmiwwww\amommi-f'
init. Mr. gle, himself. made a member for West Middlesex, the fine await for getting what the people I a,
that night, in which •he showed the were .very weak and more deOrucltive it were a 'municipality ani they fail- Government acts •ort the recommen.
• the ballfillet to Premier Ferguson
•the feelings and appreciation of .the 1923, and was only in -power for three, that he had smile new scbeme but he'Q Touch, feel, handle, finger, mani- Miss Minney tniey % I,
people.. The member also referred and one-half months of 1923. The equipment such att the present short pulate. ' r stater. Mrs. alio. Potpie this week
said of the three typos the one se -
to the Incasing cif Mr. Sydere, the expenditures for the year 1923 ran leave woo* seem to meet the re.. courses lacked. Be suggested that
Clerk of the House. over $49,000,000. The member for the short course idea inight be in -
Solid, firm, hard, rigid, tense. 111te. La Roque vlsitbd bei mother in
• Toronto, last week. • ;
quirements of tha province best, and Word St • udy •
• • Budget • Centre •Iluron• said. ",It is ridiculous . corporated in his own county lees •
•A friend' is -ono :who collies Oast
. yo:Urss.! aLNevtordusthirne:retaitsiteesouatad'v'iotcala sflfiel:01"131,01entgl;
the member for Centre . Huron said
Coming to the subjett 'of Budget, to say that this •Government 18 re-
sponsible for this expenditure. The t e cities narned is all the more rea
on Why it should be adopted by the
he fact that this type is in use. by
the high school at Clinton.
While upon the 'subject of agricul..
nat. had their to tell you:want an old fool vou awe
• • • expeediture. was .tiased on estimates Province- The Honorable members tural Wigln. took oc- bY mastering one word each The. Zion Lasitee'
the evening. ,re
• The devil never then up a ctiR,tes
tipn. contralti ions tires. Won- •
t • • '
• day. Words for this lesson monthly ineettug at the home of aloe —st--;•
and policies and progress certificates eaSieil to repeat previous protests
nenrly a year old, All of the Honor- who have attempted to criticise the
COINCIDENCE; a circumstance E. Mitchell. on Wednesday aftignoun ADVERTISE IN THE STAR.
budget have not told the government against matriculation being prescrib-.
.0 e ea rinsaetionnlemtrpsalscnowtithl we at this
, . mittments for a year hence. When
C"n^ but they content themselves with the the
where and how they could do better, ed ilesthe standard . for entrance into egrteing, ve!th another. "By a drig end (talked a aulit.,. s_. . , - •a• .•
the present time, he gaid, the farm -
Guelph Agriceltural College At
ed into the room." ' PEOPLE WE KNOW
matic coincidence her 58 115 walk-
• tearing -down criticism. We admit
the expenses had been outlined and debt fth Pr i • ' er's son whq desired to go to Guelph CAPTIVATE. lo chailes fascin t M A 13
. •
captivated by her winsome. friends and relatives in Toronto. _sass
were • three-quarters completed how eteasing
that theo e oy nee is in -
for bis' agricultural degree Lad to -loin, 40 # a e• Mr* . . Cornell is visiting
and increasing with great
tstasaria. ness, forgot all else.
_ita various will the people be content with a less as though
rapidity but we must ask ourselves
1 Th
he intended mitering med.
clined to yield. "He relte Witty •
spending. a feW days
Mrs. Walter Naftel lias been •
‘vith Toronto
take the same preliminary
• i r.n. a nni„ e . _ a *Mir 1 h MOW WS Government, stop them ?
ur ArniLt 3 CO aroma 1..0 All the road progress, + RELUCTANT; unwilling; disin-
and Tuesday
Iasatinee ' lionclay ata
Florence t Or, OM Moore and k.
Es or
haat) •honest an
exciting comedy
Hydro Commissions, th various expenditure on roads, Hydro North. icine or aw.
. , a yimrs of prepare- . . .
view of the goal towards which the F
"Then. austerely, the judge entered ootwear
OBEISANCE; 'an act of courtesy tOWn. visiting at thera home 'of iar.
the year 1922, $37,000,000, but it is Province, with suggestions fox- its. stepding was, furthermore, •diffieult Miss Grace Jackie's of Stratford,1 our New sprio9 Footwear
th f to achieve in many e se : a or reverence. "The men arose in spent the week -end with her sister,
rosalyaie of marts ,. i e ce• ay with .any of the years of this Gov.= the greater part of Mr. Wigle's ad- ditsons on the forte. • •
. ghastly. "It was a hideous dream,"
• • . — eration• the year40237-which has al- of Agriculture; the • member averred, •••
grants to Hospitals and Public Insti- tion thus thrust upon the boy were, submitted to the demands."
ern Ontario Developnient, etc.
• nappy
• tutions, ete., had to &Paid peame • . ••• . Mr.. Wigle. believed unjustified in Miss Ethel Farrow, Tot onte, is' in
AUSTERE; severe; graVe. stern
• • Improve Agriculture
• • the room."
"The Drury Goveriniient spent in The condition of agriculture in the youth was striving, and matriculatien And Mrs. Geo. Price. .1 •
, entirely unfair to compare this year inmrcivement, supplied•the erne o a tn er con-
"lhe Trouble With Wives" eminent without taking into .eonsid- dress. The Provincial ...Department Women's Institute Work. HliDE°US; - sheehthgi dreadfu
b ' 1. I, • • Mrs. S. II. Merklinger, Elgin Ave. - • • • is Attractive in
,sabliss Norma Cook, of Clinton, has
• •
been the gueat of her aunt, Mrs,
Thompson, •of, •for the past .
• Mr. • Wigle staid high tribute to the•a
JIMMY ADAMS r• ways been considered the last year was doing most commendable work work of the Women's Institutaii de- • •
g t at t e r success a en
Government has done well in keeping try. As proof of the ene via Atig, 4ek. J. Dineen of. Sault Ste.-,
week. .• 0 UAL! Ti'
end' PRICE
• • You are
invited to shovat
"Fair, but Pooh h'' • of the Drury administration. This to develop and intensify the Indus- clarin h h h d 'be WESTFIELD •
most phenomenal view of alb • fact Mr. and Mrn.' Taylor ore the ite
Wsdassday and Thursda —•
the expenditaires where thdy :eye, -but sults which we're accruing. from Gov-
ifl . arie Mich ram was• vieitinxr her
• that the idea was one which had ori- Proud . parents •of a •baby boy, born "
• • • • ' if. you want to make comparidon With ernment policies, he quoted fignres
•brother, • Wm. • Bird; . has • returned
„terse 1.. Lasky. • 1922, why not take the year 1919, .the showing the mounoi ting vOlues of farm ginated , in Ontario and .• spread Mardi 1Ni]. „
essitiod aessnaa soOnie spier,. The .expenditures that year were particular credit to Huson County.*
. h , • H throughout the other, Provinces and Mr. (Thee. Reciting and -M. only are nnnle' • • '
Presepts the , great Pare,mounts hit., last year of the Hurst government ;# Produce grown eac , seal. e too even to E eict d S I d'
and Italy..nlhen instictoutteasn, ,he14..rtncie. movies in Mr Geo. Wiglitinanae tempo Mr. and Ifri. Thos. Bird, of Inv:
ou the 7th con. or la W.. lately vacated troit, and Mr. Alex. Bird, of Pala
. $1 9,0 00,000. Subtract ' $19,006,000, a grower of fine 'apples and.a.raisee were conducted by' the ladies by Mr. Chas. Wigatunue ley 4 • t • .1. , 1 • tl II •
dei find hunsor• e • , it It. Wtc t It I I • I •
from $37,000,000 and ,you :IOW a dif- of quatitg hogs, declaring that 'aix de4 • • •111
• ". 44Pollif of the Bikllet" ference of $18,000,000! As. peinted per cent, of a $0,000,000 crop of ap- N eddik bons were einglug mi Fri Wm. 13ii.d, who has been eery.
„ • •
in the apirit •cf true service to - the •
• • y which they 1,i -sere ha ay last, wben Mi4eadne, cook. (laugh. m a d •
•PATHE COMEDY • out by the• treaeurer. he was prevent- Pies in the Province had come front
communit in - w
lieitountt Of the increased. interest, a $30,000.000 production of --------------hto mr. Fred Cook, ton or \Ir.,: and the Wail -Mrs. rolborm a. sister, 'Mrs. . • - •
• phided epo------------.- l
but if you look at statement oe page The .figuies show, r. g e
A. E. „ mime 115 (1. aster ••
ter, of M1'. and Mr. David cook.. Wag
cated and were factors- which Could • SHOE STORE
ed from nuaing a ettex • showing on • • • , $2, . ',0 0. f • ited in tint iy b mos ot uritrimony Keith art• spending "Easter linlidays
• ''Name Unknown ,
Friday and Saturday
• -Yakima Cahutt
make his how•to Goderieli patron%
in a chariteterization. of a 'human
thunderbolt's adventures in the rip-
roarin' west.
"Sear Hanan"
• The TelePhone Girl in
"King Leary"
The Square Phone •43W
ci . • problems equired solation. ' • late JoiniCook, be Rev. IS S. Millen, H. NN allington, near Brantford.
p i a ti you see raid, with reference nil, the. farm en. • Medical Research , • of Auburn.• Miss Ina Wrilictine, -of Chatham, -
. that this Government spent over two terprise generally, "that the farm in- • Mr. Wigle strengly trged eneour- • At the congregational meeting of -•-•
agement through the public. health the Westfield United church on- Moe- •
and 'one-half millions -less' in 1924. dustry is in a flourishingscondition •
• "CMAPTSM.risi 1•N KEZPING '11-fINGS• • NtVe
than 1023; •and uver a Million. less in and' they suggest. that. St hano. vent. department of medical .research, ao day evening .the varieus serorts of
1925, . than in 1923. In both our . der that •agricelturists are concern-. that discos cries of . importance might the different' • goeletieS ' were elven, • - .- .,
ing theniselveq. enore and more eaeh. benefit, the people and not be cow, and a balance wham! at reported
years, therefore, oqr controllable ex.'
penditure as improved • over that of 'year with the question of marital- ' niereialieed. In connection with. •the. 'be. an, The Ladies" Aid havt• ti. bal-
the Diens. : Government. This would for their produce." • 'Workmen% Compensation Ada, he at- .ance of eve •• r240. thC: 'BrotherhOod
gued that the term "accident" should cater: 340; the Sundae' si.hool S12. the
explain the point .raised by the lion- The Centre, Huron . member Was be more i•leady defined, pointing out League. $160; The W.M.S. vent $' '
()trade. member for. West Middlesex• eulogistic towards • the- 'Agricultural:
that it workman at -the mills in, Gode- and Circle 2140 to the- branch treas. -
as to the treasurer actually 'showing Inquiry Committee's work, averring rich,.•
for examPle, might. gradually
dd that it had aecom h d el
• • .one part of his a ress a surpluspse ofmulbang about a serious- condition in his CARLOW - •
shoulder through hotstieg flour sacks;
Nelson 1-earsoo 4;4114!
• the interest charges to . the • expendi- the fernier, "There . is one thi but thi s would be classified as a eon- • .„, ,
ano hogs tins week. • • •
Mittinee-•Itondayo and Saturday at and in Another part a deficit. Add • tangible value in the interests of
3:00 p,
Fiinf Frolic!
Laug Mei*/
Minstrel $b0v07: •
Under auspices of
VICTORIA APRIL &h and 9th, '26
Children's Playgrounds
.; •
• sequence of his over/ration.
Alberta Coal •
Mr. Win. Watson hail a vetY mar"Oem4-
ful woodbeq Stet Friday.
(. flIernbCr PUt M a goon word Mr, Elmer Robertson bee tapia.41. an.1:
, 'IN' esiSe
urns'', „C.
Langley Cleaning and Dyeing
Service is Now Available to
• •
for' Alberta real, from persons a,al. ex- reportpoor run ot roqi Lang:ty's now Every Hmi
• o
e h Ontario
perience, • This
fuel should ..• be
Canadian mono:* kept et home.. The el.e.#55 An!
aineerity. of .-the-.4orosident.._af....the.X.. Afe• a.: Ar• *Mimeo stilton:Lt../ a :1 . •'5I'.oSip
s'ors id a
brought down East," he . said, "and easaaor cattle and how, tpi., week. . .
N. R. is not suclathat he is concern- glatl.ttitcnow..titat silo is. imProv• mg. i t"t'ine,rhiehll ih
Mrs. A..Wilson's ontuy friende AM hi 1, ; 41" Petentei
Ing himself whether this takes place gives )in1g.gaeitiliotw,e .ititrYil-tefrrti.i4--:16,Iititir:;•.—Fesillitagii,61". -----
sr not. We want that coati and the Mother Mine." .
more ,publicity 'the platter. gets the , . •• • I
sooner this public -owner railroad will feiMergrit ty'lrit°hulnet;trietn)Seet,41:tfri. ii4ifir 511181.1.'7'..
bow to the. will of 'the, people." .
Township School Board Gordon Young. •
' Mn. and Mtg. 'tavola Sptoung. of .
The tovoiship school board idea Auburn, were the enema, Of air. and
was not new, he remarked, and had Nva. Wm. Watson 0110 day last week. ;
even been tried out for some years A sleighlosd of our young people took !
by two municipalities in'iluron which la the Play given at Ilentuli" Friday
There appeared to be an anxiety that night, and report that it was well done. •
Clark Bros. are intending to take!
later . reverted to the old system.
with, and the member said, thattheir barn Ode summer, and are busy
local autonomy world be interh.tred
while the plan misslit do welt in eonu• drawing gravel for cement nom alt.
cam Inoote's gravet pit.
;dam, it should not Is compelsorse.
bislksItlajin'ed coli6isi.niL31g12;hti2rie'•Ilestasthei(di saMwirnt‘IPs'ohnnt."att iliternh 8"ilinf 1114 ...
'that he would'. not go so far as to ' Some trout lime took in Mr. !ferny!
advocate that settlers should not be . limes sale en iVedneonlaY.
brought into the Provinee at all, but ' Mem Ernie Fiouigan i' tisane; eith s
he strongly believed that they should • her taster. at rolycothorne.
be brought in 'eery gradually in me Mr. Elwin Rutledge was a Goileiteli;
. der that the community might abs visitor for a few doe last natek.—
sorb thenfl and not have them aggro- • The reelg around these PULS ate Mit t.
*ate the unemployment problem. , in very good condition at inatut. #
The great bulk of the unemployed, We believe IVatner Andiews intrude:
he had noticed, was trade tip of pet. ;dug to Eitnt, Ilich. some time soon. 1
AilliaiOr. Geserat 35c . Reserve, 50c . Pia at Dastop's Drug Store U. April 5
) f 1 , sone who had come into the Provinet. dohn Mehl held a heise one day ITS
. a
• . Iiiiiinswuri.'lkIldtiflaTegdh totihiiiilpwrionigk tired week and bas been began.; f yr tow ittl
, .
aill.111.11111' 1111111121MallailinialMalanallallallallalr' tli e winter time. i pureheate., •
Mrs. 'email ;el . 1 tam .; 1, istal a i tie ;
mite for
Afruribing eh*
5:7014W thing*
;Ile tea. Ilk*
• ige, and •
gsirg villa
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We Pay Return Shipping Charges
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Head Office: 249 Spotlit's* Road
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