HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-01, Page 4• 1 .1% • SIOSTR mai••••11.0901. IIHE GODIMICH STAB 40•1•10.11•••• ••••••••••••*••••••••••• ••••t OV.I.1,1"•... allp4001110011110.111014$001 power to act from your council, we people** paper, contain* twn photo- have purcluseed the property at pub- *whit of the local members, the tic suction for the sum of $1,300, sad Y. P. Band of eight members, and 0DAKs we recommend that a. cheque for the singieg bassi numilioring eeven. 2180 be issued at owe, and the mat- The local officers ettended officers' ter cf arranging for financing the councils at London last week, v../hich balance left:010th the finance coat- were vonducted -by-t Commis/43w SpringisaShy Maiden But will Blossom Out. in Full Glory in Due Time You will utint vs look n your hest'when the fine days come, so we in ite yon to come to corn fiehrsvfor our outfit. A New Shipineni of Ladies' oats Featuring straight lines and flare effects, with trimmings and pleating ano tuck- ing, buttons ancl<ombroidery, or fur, in all the new shades of grey, rose- wood, French blue, san and Circassian, etc. • • • 1 New Spring Millinery Come in and see the new Spring Millinery. The newest colors are here, such as *eheri, dove, sand, circassian, platinum, atmosphere, flesh, grain, as well an the ckher staple shades. , Ladies Chiffon IJose In Gun Metal and Rose Taupe. Spring Needs for Men and, Young Men Men. who appreciate smartness during early .spring, •will prefer to make their selections where certain style and thfst' "quality — look" are always.obtainable. e' • We do not stand 'for high prices, but we stand ftir high qualitY. Men's and Yoitnglif'..ens Suits Vile have a wide range of Men's and young,. en's Suits in the season's latest styles and shades. Our showings lurieinever been more select, nor the variety 2f apparel better. We have new line. .,fMen's Ties, Hosiery, Hats; Caps, etc. • • •- • AORNF.IE.LD PHONE 418 LAPDIES' and MEN'S WEA TO SHOP'. WEST ME QF S(irt°lE rP.t."9" IN"TED • . GQDERICH ONT, • 01 •1 104 1 .1.,et* • • 1 i ... .. •. ...... ... . . . . EDITORIAL COMMENTber in the • LegislatuW, is showing Iniien cloud Considered . a the is es . . that,: though he medestly claims to,' unit, occupying only a amall spot l'ICO2170 gentle spring, ' .• .• be only a novice in finance he has a in the sky, and '700,000 "light-years Ethereal raildness come," • - . splendid grasp of this subject. -,' Ms ! distantfromthe., earths, we are led • suggestions lit the way of the. lin- i 4, wonder if :the inhabitants on any . ,• ........... The three. Iluron members (htes. prevenient of agrioulturee 'and On ,. of • the myrkeds , of heavenly bodies, , arsWigle, joynt and Tretvartha)many other subjects, as , reported, if, there be any mhabitents, 'Nave . . votedolidly against the Brackin elsewhere in this issue in his 'speech I. any problem as peeplexiag as the : S atnendment • favoring Gevernment last vVeekin the Legislature, .show e question whether the whale ewal- . contra , • . . . that he is studying the mode of hs lowed ..Tonah. ' . , • ...,• • constituents and theproblems of the Barrie Beare 6fTrade,*which is .Provinee in a eery practical and Mu- 113 -,WN HALL BYLAW_ _TO . ........r.....a. . ' r ON MAY 4th ' being revived after a few Years of bless -like. way. • Huron 'County ran! • BE VOTED inactivity, is expected to lute.e one hoash of° *ending 'three very able .., Town Purchases!, Douelas Property bundem and , 3, , le „ sit orters of Premier Vex uscin' to • ' • , • for Grityel Pit at 21,300 not the Goderich Board of Trade the Legislature • in Mays. . Wigle,' .. been -inactive for a suftleient number Tr•ewartha and: joynt. .... - , . • I ,.... Tn • i e new town hall bylaw will be • of yeses, to be eevived ? . ....--....— 1 re -submitted to the vote of the rate-. • We read that 'a great event occur-, Payers of Goderich on May 4th next,: • We cannot help .but adieite the red en March .7th, one which is des.' tech being the 'decision come - to St ,. . youthful enthusiasm .of some of tined to be more far-reaching than, the meeting of the town council on ' .-.• those who *ant a new town hall- anything that has hitpperied in many Monday evening. Alt the. members . ef was but not now. Some.of us who ren- months. Thi, was the discovery were present and the matter considered in committee of. theswhole. lime that n whole lot of eer living is element .01. the elements of which , , The perchase of the Obtiglas proper- ' • • going to he done in the next &cede our universe is made woo believed ,to, ey for a gravel pit was also discus- . • -would like to see it built now so that number 92 and there' now 'remain en- sed in committee of the whole, the we ran enjoy the .advantages of such ly three gaps to be filled by discov- : matter of purchase of this property a commenity •centre before we get cry. • We venture' to .say, however,!.having been left to 'the committee of t too old to enjoy it. ' • that this event, which, It is said,I. the. whole.. The council met as, a will give Prof. Hopkins. of the -Uni- ! council after considering these mat- • ease. ;Jere in - committee, and reeeived the • Thi3se who attended the organize- versity of -Illinois and his , following reports,.which ' were adopt- . Ilan meeting for the centennial cele- eiates an immortal place In. the his ed, the. one as to the Douglas pro- e *year Cannot fail to. have, been- im- . much excitement in Goderzeh as . bretien to be held. in. aoderich next leery of chemistry, will not cam as Will:to the town hall on n 5 to 3 vote; the • _ perty unaniinously, and the one as .-1 Pressed *with the Peculiar suitable- the Minstrel Show under. the auspi-- Depute Reeve , and Councillors Turne a ness of the present town hall for the ees of the Goderich Lions Club to er and McLean oppoeing it •• .(re reception of 'the visitors who Val be given in Mad Opera Mine on; ...Your eommittee of the whole tom.. a come to Goderich during that event. Thursday and Friday of next week. i e.ii hog to report that we have exam- a • The ratepayers will have a chalice . • to vote for a new building en May 8VIlen we read of a stieecloud, 4th •next: consisting of millions of stars, some of which are thirty thousand times' holes and find that there is bequan- Kr. wigle, Centre Heren's mem- as luminous as • the euneeand . yet,. tity of 'good gravel, and, as we had • ' , • • • 1.11•1•• - . .0 +MN, - 1 THURSDAY, APRIL lat. 19..N1 mittee with power to act. Sowten and Col. Henry, who recent - Your committee of the whole met °Iy arrived from New Zealand to take this evening to consider proposition up an important position in this ter - of again submitting new town hall ritory. •About seventy-five officers bylaw and, after considering thi two attended. petition* in connection with the mat - •ter, we recommend that the bylaw 'A CLIO.= PRoptenoN be submitted for the erection of the The Arthur Circle of Knox church ° Town Hall as per plans and ;awhile has a long list of successful enter - cattalo; as *Omitted at the election tainments to the credit of ita record on January 4th, 1926; that the bylaw and ;he event of last Thursday and • be submitted on ToesidaY, Kay 4th, Friday was quite up to •the usual 1926; if the bylaw be defeated the success and certainly waa fully up to expenses of the election to be paid the beat of the dramatic entertain - by the Goderich Planing Mill Co. I menta that have been given in the It was then moved by Reeve Mun- past. There was a large attendance nines, seconded by Councillor Lee, both evenings, the lecture room being that a bylaw providing funds for thel peeked to the limit the -first night. erection of it new Municipal Build- Mr. Will Weir was a new character ing, similar to the bylaw submitted on the' list of *eters but was wore e• to the ratepayers on Jan. 46, 1926, derfully successful, both in his get - Goderich Rion of bylaw te ratepayers on May hteDermid also was very good, FILMS a • Developing, Printing • and Enlarging H• ., C.. DUNLOP • The Rexall Drug Store also a bylaw providing for submits- up and in his acting. Miss Naomi • /ler/ford Mock . 4th,. 1926, be prepared for presenta- though his part was. a minor one. tion to the coma -Carried. 'The caste of characters was as fol - Moved by Deputy Reeve Moser, se- lows: Sam Selwyn, a mewled man, conded by Councillor McLean. that Mr. Fred Weir; Fred Bellamy, his new tenders re new Town Hall be unwilling alave, Mr. Douglas Nairn; again asked for, and that no outside Capt. Katakill, of the Kilkenny Inc - tender be accepted. -This was lot, view, Mr, Eric Wilson; Dibble a only the Dept-ty Reeve and Council-, domestic who straightens things out, fors Turner and McLean voting for Mrs. IL C. Dunlop; Bosco Blithers, it. Professor of Penmanship, Mr, Wm. • Weir; Mrs, Selwyn,Selwyn's better AMONG THE CHURCIIES hem •miss Adelaie Nairn; Grace, The* pulpit of Knox .church was.' her daughter, Mist Dorothy It ell; MeDermid preaching in St. Andrew's Toronto, on Sunday last, Rev. 'Mr INamni MeDernild. Alt tktek:tahing occupied by Rev. Alex. MeGgegor, of Lade Blithers,* Fred's fiance Mies part were up to their h t form, church, Guelph. which Is saying a lot. Betwe 'Acts 1 and 2 the orchestra gave a se et - At Knox thurch on Sunday next . • the minbster, Rev. R. C. MeDerinid, ion and Mr. Jack MeDerinid.sang will preach both morning and even- solo, and between Aces ; and Mrs. ing. 11 a.m., subject, "The •Resur- MacKay rection;" leer, "ImmortalitY.','• also a quartette by Mears. Eric Wile sang and there was Baptist church, : Altai' 4th : SPe- and. Jas. F. Thomson. The aoloists son, C. N. Saunders, Jack MeDermid • eta' Baster music.. Merning, Easter sermon. Evening, "The Roman mrse maexay was presented with. a and quartette were all encored ..-and Catholic Church, Present Place and beautiful bouquet of roses. Mr. Future Power." -A study of vision Macdonald Gibbs was a. very efficient and prophecy. • accompanist and the orchestra gave Victoria street United ehurch, Rev.ea good niecount of themselves. Selby Jefferson, pastor. 11 aan. are:* OBITUARY •7 p.m. April 4th, special Easter ser -i vices. Mr. Roy Stewart, of Town, fable school, classes for alt. -••-"; R. Chilies daughter of the late Wm. CHILLAS.-The death of Mes, E. to, soloist at both services. 3 10 121 North St. United church; Special! KnY' M.A"., for many years one of Passion •Week and Easter.services Goderich's prominent citizens, took 'are being held in this church under I pnelahrteyon The . Mwaarschbralu9sthh,t 'atta us, „of London, On Good Friday John Kay, of Toronto, a brother, and of Key. D. N- McCain -I Ooderich the following day by Mr. the direction afternoon and. evening the speaker' will deal with the Message of the Stratford, also came up.' The fun - Messrs. George and Ed, Kay, of .Cross. On Easter Sunday at 11 a.ni. ural took place on the arrival of the Mr. MeCarrius will take for his sub- a'N.. R. train to Maitland pemetery, ject, "The Resfirrection. The sae- Rev. R. McDermid conducterthe ,, rament of the Lord's Supper will I* servites, and the pall -bearers were administered at the service at 3.00 Messrs. R. C. flays,C A. Nairn, 3. p.m. Sunday•schoel and Young Peo- E. Toni and O. P. Carey. • Mrs. Chit. ple's Rally. At 7 p.m. Mr. McCamus 1 las was a widow. Her father, the will - preach; subject, "Can -the late Wm. Kay, ALA., used to be in •Church Save Sinners?" I•business on the Sqpare near where During Holy. Week alvices have the present C. P. R. office is located been held at 8 •p,m. on Monday, and was for nialiy, years secretary of there wilt:be twilight everiaong at 5 band only a couple, of years, Mrs. F. hl $t• Over-', the G. C. I. board: Tuesday and WednestiaY ge's church. Today (Thursday) ' ' PRIDKAM.-4u..-viving her fries - services will be held at 10:30 aan. last iii Toronto. The body • was [ p.m. and tomorrOw (Geed Friday) J. Pridham passed away on Sundae and 8 p.m. On taste' Sunday there brought to Goderzeh • on Tuesday will be an, early celebration of Holy evening and the f 1 took place Communion at ,8 a.m. At 11 a.m. the followitig afternoon from Bre- there will be a fully choral celebra.. pbey Bros.' undertaki tion, matting and sermon; at 3 Maitland hemetery. The -.remains o'clock in the afternoon children's Werd accompanied to Goderien by evensong in the church, at 4 p in the deceased's two sons, Reg and Holy Baptism; and at. 7 p.-ni. evensong and sermon, • leneeneaw, Mr. and Mrs. festal Maitland, and by her dinighteLtahnadt. the :annual nzceting f the North .. Renie a d by her 'brother-in-law, Mr. W. T. Pridham, arid the pallbearer street Ladies' Aid Society Ws held were the two, sons, at the home of • Illiss IVIiitely, South son.indaw and street, Thursday, March 25th. The nePhew (K. 'Pridimm, Rev. Mr. Clarke and Rev. Mr. Ford of town). officers were elected as *Mews for cohducted the services. The deceas- the ensuing year. Mtn. Prete, Mrs. ed y6Irs E. Sinetair; pres., Mrs. J. W. IVIoore; 1st. vice prat., Mrs. W. T. Murney; 'here all her life until thepast couple was born in Goderkh and. lived - 2nd. vice pres., Mrs. Dustow, sec. • N°forth sireet SMheethwoadsista Crnh:rnichberduorf-. Mrs- Long; assistant •sec., Mrs. H.' Mg her residence here and in her Edwards; treas., Mrs. J. WilitelY; younger years her talent as a vocal Mrs. MeNevin. 1st was melt in demand and site was Annuncement was made in the ••;' a valued member .of the their. weekly calendar • of North st. United Many beautiful floral tokens were church last Sunday that the full app- placed upon the casket. ortionment to this congregatioit of - he Maintenance • and •Extension fund Oke OKE. -.-The death of Mr. Thomas had been subscribed. The allotment occurrea-im Tuesday morning, was e1,450. March 23rd, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ruth . Thompson, The thankoftering meeting 01 the Goderich township, where Inc had iratf.S. of North etreet United made his home for some tiine prev- hurch was held. on Monday evening. ious to his death. He, hid reached vith. ..a. .splendid attendenee. The the age of four score years and -nine. raster, Rev. ittr. Clarke., presided, For the- past ten years Inc had been nd Rev. Mr. Fear, who is visiting an invalid, but througe ' alt his afflict - n town, led in prayer. 'Miss Bach - nail read the Scripture, selectiont cheery and bright to theI on Inc never complainedandnwaaads after which came the presentation . • waiting patiently for the call when f several life membershi titi • of North street Methodist (now U 10 n•• Red) ehurch. Before coming . Goderich he was closely identified with the life of the Nile Methodist church, in which church he was pre- sident of the League for about twen- ty years and was recording stew- ard for twentyAve years. 110 was • also M. director of. the Dungan -non Fair for , years. Mr. Girvin was born in Wawanosh, and -one brother surviyes, Mr. James $irvin, in the township. Be was. twice married, his nrat wife being a Miss Graham and his wide was MN s Ferguson. Among those who were here for the 'imolai, which took place on Tues., /14were Rev, 4'. G. Ferguson, Tor- ontefilev. IL D. Ferguson, Learning. ton; Mrs. Evans, of Burlington; Mr. I. I Ferguson, riot, Mich:; Mr. S. W. Ferguson, of Gorr*, brothers and sisters of Mrs. Girvin's, and nieces from Burlington, Phz*hill and How - ick Tp. The funeral iservices were conducted by Rev. C. F. Rai aike and the pall -bearers were nephews and ices' husbands, Messrs. Roy • OR - vin, Jarvis McBride, Melvin Reed and Fred Anderson. S I MUONDS,-For • the greater part of his life -time Mr. Robert Sim- monds was a resident of ,Saltford, where he breathed. his -last on Thmetlay, March 18th, after e brief illness following a stroke, • He was barn at Everton, Liverpool,• Eng., and came to Canada as a boy. Mr. Simmonds wee a'hone-cutter and quite a few fine buildings •in Toren; to, Hamilton and oilier places had ado work upon them. !For many yews he and his wife •ha'd lived quietly in Saltford. He is•survived by his widow but was the last of •his family. The funeral was held on Sunday • afternoon, March 2lit, to • Colborne cemetety. Rev. S. S. Hare dy, rector of St, George's church, conducted the services and the pall- bearers were Messrs, A. ,Gold- thorpe, Jas. Buchanan, Edwar'a nine • rison and James Bogie. • . fur, grey hat, to match. Her mother was in grey • .crepe-deJChine. The guests consisted of members of the • family. From, out of town there were Mr. and Mrs. Pete, of Toronto, and - Mr. and Mrs. Horton, of Mimico, and from town there were. Sheriff and Mrs.. Reynolds and Miss Reynolde, 'Dr. and Mrs. As:Taylor, Mrs. Gaire ble, Mrs. Baker, . Mrs. Horten, Rev. S. S. and Mrs. Hardy, Mimi Hays and Mr. Hector Hays. After eke. ser- vice in the•church a choice wedding breakfast Was served at.the home c,f Rev. Canon G. C. and Mrs. Hill. Coe- gratulatory Jelegrams were received 'from quite a eumber of friends. Tke• happy couple left on the 1:15 train for Toronto and other points and on ,their return will take up theie•resi- i deuce for' the summer hi Kw. a•le. Clare's cottage on the Terrace. Dc lay cd -By Storm On account of the break in hydr • due t.) the storm, The Star is late this week and wee:egret that a very inter-.esting letters from Miss Mabel Torn and a report of an address given by est,sti...1 Messina to the Sunday !Club of orth st. United' church, lie well a. Ism e other items witit not be fount): in t ' lave. They will be made use of our next issue. • ilton • • A pretty. wedding took place at St. George's church on Saturday morn - mg, Watt when Miss Nora Lawson' Hamilton, daughter of Mrs. G. C. ' INSIIR CE. . .."--1' • The . . •. . . Mutual Life .. 1 : Assurance €ompany 1• of Canada . . EstabHshid ISO.. linen Orexce : Weeenr.oes Oxe. D. D. MOONEY, Agent iPflosx 250 .• . BAwr $yr. : : Goutuitex, Or. Hill and the late Mr. Cayley Hamil- ton, was united in marriage with Auto Owners. - Hi,. Edwin Henry son of ROV• . • Mre Philip Horton, of Milano, and •Markers ally Permit Cards hei'mo.ther by Sherifr Reynolds, and was:tho ;given away he. her Suother. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Canon Hilt, assisted by e rector of the church, Rev. S. . • S. Hardy. The bride looked particu- macVICAR'S SHOE STORE Canon G. C. Hill. The bride was -•• GET YOU escorted up the aisle by her uncle • • PHOON J. W. MacVICAlt. 1 larly sweet in an ense bl ' ' . m e suit, the NORTH ME Or SQUARE drat,. being of georgette,, with piping P.O. Boit 414., Bodsolokt of lip -stick red, and her coat of flat grey erepe, trimmed with grey fox ' aameamenlionsimmannuM1Mlnlo.....614.0•11.111•11111M1Pmmi•ilm. frtcommleal rrars•portselisc • /CHEVROIF • • • mod the Douglas property on Malt- 0 land street, and found that there is e abort seven acres, upon which is a stone house. We dug several test t ates. Mrs. HInc would meet the loved ones who ick made the presen. ationforhad gone on before. The funeral s the Methodist unit and he following wore ,d l'was held on Thursday the 25h. f • HrLPFUL BANKING SERVICE rACILITATING the exchange of money and coutraoditieS \by the -jUtikiOUS use of credit is one of ,t,he primary functions of the Bank of Montreal—an activity which brings it into close and helpful contact with t!ie business interests of Canada. 111111114 Oat. The Bank of tviontreal, because *fits resources,. or. '` is' - ganigatioge experience and widespread connections, is specially well fitted to give its customers the kind • of banking service and co-operation which • . 4f. miens moor so their business., whatever I 441:( scope. 111111 11111111 11 1 11 al • K Of .NTREAL ramoushoct Testa Aasiso ilia noes et 0101,~0- • 1111111111..:.41. ;as .4 .41. hers: Mrs. J. A. was conducted by the pastor of the Robertson, Mr8. T. ,Murney, Mrs. Wootton M. J Baptist church, Rev. F. C. Riliht. s . ._e..pall-hearere were his.four fieph- -- gimlet- Mie't Davklaanikliss- -Met ewst John and Robert Oke.,. of God- . Siokes and Mrs, Howell, .sr., made. rick; her granddaughter in Kingsville a Ilenigiums.. nnTldiThe inn tberrnisnee nVtawnsatsonneisadoef life member. Fol the, Presbyterian in Maitland cemetery, Goderich. unit Miss Hume nide the presentit- _ The late Mn Oke was born •in Eng. tions and ?dm J. R. Toni and hulls land in 1837 and when-qaite• a young Jennie Whitely were made life meal- man, Inc came to Canada aridettld hers. Miss Mary Scrimgeour sang near Darlington. Ont. Ile was mar- e solo and Miss Mary Clarke and ried in 1805.to Ellen Dovell, who pre - Miss E. Hume a duet. The thankof- deceased him . fourteen years ago. feting front the Presbyterian unit He fanned eraetkany an. hie Bee. amounted to 2140 and from the He bought the. farm near Bemniller Methodih unit $85. The two units known as the old Martin farm and which have hitherto earried on their lived there rntil thirty-three years separate organizatiltris are now to eigo, when Inc moved to Goderich, ' Inc merged in one organization and thence to the Huron road. Ilere on Atonday, April Sth, a meeting will clear wife passed away and Inc spent Inc held for tine election of officers of the remainder of his life with his the united aociety. Kies Rennie. daugliter, Mrs. R. Thompson, and who nas te have been present at the' Mr. E. Oke, lie leve* to mourn his • meeting on Monday to give ao ad- ins three daughters and• one dress was unable, through illnehs, Mrs. Harry Schulf, Detroit; Ars. • to be: present, but Rte. D. N. Me- Ruth Thompeon, Goderich townahip; 4 Came. of London. who IA conducting Mm. Alva Way, itippen, and ler. E. ,, epeeist Passion Week 'services in. Oke, Goderirh township; also one North street United ehzirch, gave an Aster, Mrs. Wm. Vanstone, 13enintl- Address which was much appreeiat- ler, And two brotnese who ed. predecease rd him. Samuel, of Boisaevain, Man., Se:vette* Army Note* and John, of Goderich. In 'religion • Spermatic Bible studies ars being be wile a atatmeh Methodist. •• taken np be the older members of •'1 the Sungay. C active. GIRVIN.-In the death on Sunday , A meeting will be held in the Inca . 1 . morning of Mr. harles' Oirvin * 1 I wry eonestent Christian and a de- r the PAS J 6*MR:ire. i• The inmates look forward to.. there Ms reward. Mr. ,t re n h d_ bee ,t . Jail this (liming Sunday morning. vette( elturch rnembl.. r ilea* lied to reaklent of Goderich fo o and during his re. ' The imilt Pa" flf thin w e ek 'A n he was a valued member -Team( Soldier:. the Army's young • "ideate re hie yeare or s . 1011111•11.464- • If you wish to buy your Chevro- let on time, thr nearest thing to cash is the GMAC piss General Motors' ow s plea for sell - Jag its cars on time. which is svailahle to ow; purchasers. ' Pullprotection in any weather—. comfort in vvinter—snugrifiss against Snow, sleet, and rain—that's what you enjoy when you drive the. Chevrolet touring cart Pine quality curtains, carefully tail— ored and close fitting, keep the cold. out and warmth in. Entrance and exit to both Seats are unhampered and free because the curtains are supported by rigid rods and swing with the doors. The Chevrolet touring is the loweete priced car of equal quality and equtpe menton the market. It offers all the advantages of economical operation all the year around: en open car forthe open road in summer and snag comfort for winter driving. • Come int Satisfy yourself that here is a low-priced towing car that, *Sent real all-weather protection. HURON MOTOR SALES QUALITY AT LOW 11111111WAWM11111111 111 1 111 11 —