HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-01, Page 3THGHSDAY. AMU. lit, 192$ Eczema or Sidt Moms Aims No Riot Day or Mal* Resew or salt rhea* ss it is emir essoly ia uuef the meet suis big of all skini1iss. ' Te iateme bursting.. rishisg aat smastisg, especially at meat, er whets the pots are expood to Mat, is al. sliest uabsers.ble sad relief is greatly ' wakened. • _ The swot 'reliable sad iSeetive remedy we know of is " I t 1 e Thie -peeparatloa :km ^ Ism.* Ake *est or the pest 47 years, asd wiU de st.11 we claire for is. Tour nearest; druggist or dealer sells it. Put. up Oaly by The T. Milburn Co., Linute4 ttotausto, Oat. mimic p1101. W. • 11. 4 CESON-Instruetion even M Voice • Culture. Organ, Plano. Violin. Guitar, Th'o's. ete. Studio and residen('e. North Street. Ty. C. IIAMILTON-4)rganist ".‘Torth St. United Church. Concert player• and Teacher, 'Residence at airs. Colborne's,..St. Pato rick Street. - • LEGAL CARDS F. B. 1).Artnow. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public, Ete„ Successor to 3. L. Nitioran Pluine07 Oillee, The Store tenterieb . . _ TIUDLEY E. HOLMES s "•-• 13arrister: Sollettilte'Notart Public, Conveyaneer. PHONE 27 HAMILTON STBEE'n SPECIAL/ST DEL F. 3. 31. volts -ma. EYE, EAR, NO;sE, enino.yr. Laste House Surgeon New YOeit ()ph.- thalgkes and Aural llospitietiegseistant Montirefeld's Eye lioepitaillignd Golden Sware •Throat 'Hospital. London, Fess; 53 Waterloo St. Stratford.' Tele- phone 2417, • At Hotel Bedford, Boderieh,. on the evening of the third Meiidny;. or eneh • month, from 7 o'clock till the renewal*. day, Tuesday, at 1 pan. et • CHIROPRACTIC' . • Ne' News Picked From Our title doolkkiicit siza. esie demister auerelim: NICISAA and W. & R. MAIMISS., Of CHAtoss. AR* iohri Smith and His Edeseual. et the Baas Line, sad Mrs. T ether MHeimarliHill. (Cepbotglat MIS ler e$ Titres brothers and elven sisters also I Seeeise) died iss the West area years 11410- I The Mateo Felder. Radio warvive: /dm C. Levitt, Mrs. Was. Seppard. Mr*. Wafter Stair and 4....sn' Noises WI, oe Clinton:. Mrs. E. Lear, No. 21: Relleslag Mails .Pal* Relating. The deeessed was born in Mr*. Hill and Mrs. Sturdy,Smith had reached the point where A. t'liates, Amines& Chins Mr. W. A. Crich, of Sestorth, and England in flay, 1861, and spent lus' 1114bantrthi ; Mrs. Raithby, Halletthe' could look over a wiring diagrem Mr. H. Itartlift. of Clinton, have pur- young manhood in Suffolk aad &ilex .7 A. . ainial Ball, Eberts, and Ephreint of a receivinset s g uld see something chamed the Bluthner bakery and re- districts. He came to Canada in Bon ' T to. besides lines, but when he purclutaed chased the Meaner bakery and rem-. 1875 and lived in the vicinity of Clin- canto,* Bobo' /Aunty sorloty How a bookful of lsook.ups for reflex set* taurent business in Clinton and took ton ever since. Meek Cessisty Conseil he found himself just about where Col. Ranee Retires Whitecharch Mill Bursted Smith, Jr., would be with a calculus • . The mein feature if a recent meet- text book. According to militia orders Lieut.- A mill at Whitechurch for the chopping of hay and alfalfa forte inc of the Community Literary So -- -- "I looked into this reflexinlr WO - (,L H. Torr Rance has been permit- ted to retire from the Canadian MW- manufacture of poultry food was tot - county c•uncil, which proved a very Med it was one of the simplest ar; tie, retaining his rank. He hes boon ally destroyed an Thursday night, . a member of the militia for nearly March 18th. stuccessful eventCasapbell-Slagkman nutriat thgments in radio. I've a office who always tells me that friend ' forty years. A Creditien Wedding Death of Fenner Clinteulan in A charming wedding was that of A quiet wedding was sohnnaissa Ito' had a reflex set I wouldn't have Psoutsylvanie Mists Mary J. Flynn, daughter of Mr. in the First Baptist church, Holly- to have so many tetbes. And he even lEr.`Jarses A. Yuill, who was born and -Mrs. JAMS* Flynn, croditoo. wood, California, on Thursday, lbw. simplifies reception by using a loop near Brucefield and who spent his who was married to 'William WarinS 18t111 when Mr. Douglas Campbell *oriel exchssIvely, .He says half of de)? of Currie's school, was a meek nem," hot exPlailtedi "booms. I inutir- early manhood in Clinton, where he Oidoeted)'s son of chcis. Dinner, WA* united in marriage to Miss Anna ml" equipreer.t le uanecessary, end ,. Oust b n f the .fl 4s1 ' ish, has died at the home of his many took place, at the parsonage, wh° hall bee° living in SI° rritnCii" an iinn he V ke "That's true, but your friend isn't prices. rner well known Seaforth boy, now Novels the time to buy a set of dishes 101, off. Dttath of Mr. L Weavers, Clinton elating. , i murk of a hand for considering the in busineas in Holl .wood t. The ftineral of the late Mr. lease . Nimmo-McCowsin 1 law of compensation," I replied. Irma alelfrory to any pert of the Totten. Weavers, who died in Clinton' hospi- At four o'clock on 'Wednesday, Searortk Milling Censpesny ,Incorpor- "Water power le far simpler than -• ated I power generated by burning fuel, but NMI NM rI •••II 11 McEwen's S ...—.,....,,.. Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 25c A gdod tesapoon, Kin George deka, given away with each 25c worth. 24 bars Soap, McEwen's special 6 cakes Palm Tree Toilet Soap for 3 lbs. loose Cocoa for 6 lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .25 Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Black Tett. We will give 1 lb. ,of this Tea. 1 loaf Bread. !:".4 lb. Biscuits and 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any package Tea. Special price on large Flannelette Blankets Special price on Fancy Blankets We are cutting the price on Men's All Wool Underwear and Men's Fleece lined Underwear. $1.00 .23 .25 Good Linen Roller Towelling 25c per yd. Good large Bath Towels • lo 00C per pair ng 0 ew or y, t Some nke Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right Ives married to Miss Maria lifeTays Crediton), on March 16. The cells- make one tube do t or f for some years. 'rhe grootn 1* a for- two. claightor at Wyoming, Pa. Clandeboye, Rev.' Mr. McTavish QM - tat on Thursday morning, Mani% 18h, March 24th, 1820, an unusually • • took lace at the The last issue of the Ontario Gee- you've got to have a suitable dam or rte announces the incorporation of a waterfall. Those tiny engine* that after an illness of ten days, took pretty weddintg place t1i the following Sunday from St. home of •Mr. and Mrs. Duncane Faure church. Rev. Canon Gunne of- Cowan, Seaforth, when their eldest daughter, Elizabeth Vemtta, beeame_ forth, with a capital of 60,000, economical but owners have to put PHONE'40 South Side Square the bride of Mr. T. Victor Ni rne of Toronto, Rev, Dr. Larkin per- Lucknow Vuron Flohr Mille Ltd., Sea- rrn the foreign automobiles are very J. J. McEwen - 4t__ C111110PILACI'Olt. DR. A. 14; ATKINstes,' •• Registeted Chiropractor. Goderich Chronic, Organic 'and Nervous Diseases •Censultation Free Office hours -2 toZ., And 7 to 9 P. '1,e. and by appointinent, excepting l‘tentlaY and Inureday afternoons and evenings; •Office 'lours on these daya 10 to 12 aen. onIV. Corner Eitht.ip.d•Victeria Sts. 'OPTOrIET-lif" ,4:, L. COLE, B. 0., • "'• OPTOMETRIST, OPTICIAN, D A -IR Y - Honor Graduate Of the Canadian Oph- College of Toronto; PAVI LS 174 Jr • Eyes examined by the latest methods, end the proper jilting of glasses at mod- AIHIVE 0000$ ARE HANDELED BY .i -at vices. Ontario Hoard of Exam - • A New Dairy Pail at a Popular Price ' See the new *Dr Dairy Pail next time you are in tOWIL They are made of smialqual- itY, high finished- tin, have 1arge Wry paireate, riveted - with large rivets, soldered Bush.- 100% sanitary. Cut out this advertisement. Show it to your regular dealer. He has our authority to give yon a special low Arlen 0** pale 9f these fine palls.- Death ,of Mks. (Dr.) Tennant, formed the ceremony. Mrs. (Dr.) Tennant, for many Seisforth Man Dies at Detroit Mr. Francis A. Faulknerpassed years a resident of Lucknow, passed away at her home on Thuraday, Mar. away suddenly in Detroit on Thurs- 18th. She was 81 years of age and day, March 18th, in his 58th year. had not been strong for a number of Ile had been a resident of Seaforth years. She had spent the greater for over thirty years, and his sudden part of the winter With her son, Jim. demise will be keenly felt by his F., at London,' and following the trip Widow, formerly Annie Lambert, of home the first of last week she de- Seaforth, and two daughters and veloped pneumonia. liam, of Seaforth, and 'Fred, of De- troit. - Twenty Necks ,tlinton Voting Again Next Monday The Sault Ste. Marie Daily Star on New Collegiate Building recently had an article with refer,. two sons, Lillian, Loretto, and Wil. Former Brusselite Has Saved Clinton ratepayers will vote again once ,to Mr. Uriah McFadden, IC.C., fi on Monday next cm a bylaw to raise aold Brusselite and -a brother 6fMrs. David Walker, of that town, in the necessary funds for the erection of a new Collegiate Institute build- the course of which, it is stated, "Mr. ing. The inspector has recommend- McFadden has a record of having de- ed that the Legislative grant be wifended approximately twenty people with held unless satisfactory assurances charged with murder and was in one can be given that conditions as they case, in 19g4; retained as Crown pro- exisecutor in a murder ease at Fort. and at the school will be remedied, Frances. In . no instance did the and writee in his last report, "Ex- principal suffer capital punishment. • copt in two particulars, the acorn- Besides his ,many murder eases, Mr. modations provided . by the present McFadden has engaged in equally as old building are about es nen n.r. Pee-. many manslaughter cases, attempted they could be. I know of no worse conditions in any Collegiate in ,the rovinee " up with a lot of gear ahifting. Its' „ „ the same with radio. The reflex idea _ _ - - - - flex seta are extremely sensitive, but All mothers can put Isway anxiety is excellent, but its complicated. Re. mars HEALTH handicap. f For local stations it is IN THE SPRING their very sensitiveness is often a • 4 sl-s+-sssitssendsgs...1 necessary to operate Went on a loop Can Best be (Weeded With Bab?* so ait. to take advantage of the direct. Own Toildete ionil effect but you would not like it is possible to have a radio set that The Spring it a time of anxiety to to see a loop in the living room when looks like a piece of furniture. mothers who have little ones 'in the heme. Conditions make it necessary" I have seen reflex sets of the elm- to keep the baby indoors. He is often confined to overheated; badly "-So much for. the disadvantages. pleat sort perform some, indendid ventilated .rooms and catches colds work because of their extreme semi/ which rat k his whole system. To guard against this a box of Baby's tiveness, and you ' mist recognize house and an oicasional dose given Own Tablets should be kept in the that they • are more economical than many sets which require twice as manytubesfor the >lune -results.' to .0he baby. to -keep his stomach and And you must also recognize their'. bowels working' 'regularly. 'This will . value as self-containing sets, since ,prevent. col s, constipation or co t some of them do not need anything and keel, baby- well. The Tablets are groundy batteries and the loop. No• eold by medicine. dealers or •by nuill but dr connectionis required. at 25 cents a box from The De., Wil. liems Medicine Co., Brookline, (int. Everything is rather compact.' ilot- When you don.'t know \What to do. 1 urally, these features are highly de- sirable in many elms, -don't , I think youre a little confused over these hook-ups bectiuse you've murder cases, and other cues of a. got reflexing mixed up with the re- generative idea. In the latter, the outpet from the plate circuit of the 1 11RINV serious nature. • Keeps EYES ' Exeter Victim of Sun Stroke Dies • 1 detector is fed back to Abe grid. of Ciectr Bright and Beautifu/ Last Week ' , the detector tube so as to increase Fatal Auto' Accident A very' sudden death took place in, the • strength of the incoming signals writes.muath,..,,,,_..„..n- • Mrs. W. J. Howson, Wingham, re- eeived the mid. news on Tuesday 1 and thus increase the. corresponding Morning last week that her brother, Exeter on Monday of last week, when . MrJamesIN ilson, a well known re siffgnalsaectedin the piste Circuit, which is MrJohn Colvin, had died of injuries proportionally• In there - flexing prisms, received in an automobile accident in sident, passed away m his 71st year. „ .“;..11 .• however, theeidea VaneouverHis wife was killed is pe deceased -had been in poor health simpiy to use the same tubes for . in the some manner several years ago - or several months, the result ofa r lt radio and audio frequency amplifica- sun stroke,- suffered while engaged Um/2' • •ltning`Factory last summer .) Celebrated Thirtieth Anniversarat the Ca y ... - Smith admitted that all this soundOn 1arch 181h- mimber of mussels Masonic x,ndge ed simple enough but pointed to the Mrs. Ernest Dennis, of .Morris town- • er 11 11,1 h . complicated diagrams and asked wherein - they suggested any such , r• an for Half a• Century Caned by ship, celebrated their thirtieth wed- • e"°w -em'ers ' simplicity. The trouble was that he in Seattle. • Y, - regarding,* their suffering chiklrest when they have Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to give relief. Its effects are Sure and tasting. Cheek That Cough At Once If You Don't You May Be Sony Too much area cannot be placed cat the fact that on the Met sign of et cough or 'old it should be gotten rid of immediately, as -Were to do` so tasty rause scars of suffering front some knout lung trouble, You inay be sorry if you don't take our edvleo end get rid of your cough, or cold by using Dr. Wood's Norway Syrup This preparation hap leen on th• marjFet for the pest 37 years, and is eekdbivledged, by all thaw who have used. it, to be the beet medicine they can procure for the relief of their coughs and colds. You don't experiment when, you buy it, but be sunt you get the gentile* that is put up by The T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. A SURE RELIEF FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS TEN-DAY TREATMENT FREE mors Certificate Na-., sza. A 6fib NEE It ING = THOMAS GUNDRY. • Live .Stock and General Auctioneer, Hamilton Street, Goderieli • Sales made everywhere and all efforts n 'tade lo give you satisfaction. ' Farmers' sale notes disoomiten. hOttERTSON'.. • '$ Quaintest Auctioneer,. ••• • Eldest Street-' Coder's*. wr condutt any Nue ;nine County or Iiiron. For inforihavion apply to .P..1. By Hemilton St., oe ',Merit tett, with hitt, 'ti will receive promm artentlea. ding anniversary at tin • h t At the meeting of St. John's Lodge, was looking at a two -tube reflex JA$. C. CARRIE Brown • en. erne a , . stown. , • • . No. 284, A., .F, and A. 11., Tuesday hook-up employing . a fixed crystal • of lait week, Brother Wm. dete'aor. Thits provided for two sta- ' • DP).44 GODERICH EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE The Late Mr Chia i TI . evening- The only. ITareltvare on the Square Eli 7.a hemming, widow of the lei- iDark, who hae been irmember of the ges of radio frequency amplification • Iffr CI 1 Th f Tu blodge for fifty years, was presented and two of the audio, making the set died at the home of her son, r. Wil- with a gold headed walking cane and the equivalent of a neutrodyne which . tar es ern, o rn err , ham Thom in Colborne in her 70th an honorary membership, accompan- employs five tubes. • , • Year, March 20th. Interment took ..tsi" by an address Wor. Bro. A. C. There was only one thing to do Ouch!' Aching Joints . t place March 22nd in the family Piet .t.i. awes another veteran . of . the and that was to look ,up a diagram of Wingharn cemetery. ..01 a family of red by' an address, Wpr. Bro. A. C. the simplest reflex set -a single -tube tseelve all of whom lived to than and Wor. 13to. S, Wilton, a close third reflex .receivei employing . a crystal deteetor. Hbre, however, it was Rub Rhetimatic Pain womanhood, except one little girl, for v,eteran, made the presentation. now only three survive, one son and Bro. Darkjoined $t. John's Lodge on necessary to digress a moment to , explain why crystal detectors are the 10th of August, 1875, and has Rub Pain right out ivith small two daughters, William, of .Colborne; usually preferred in reflexes. Be - Carrie (Mrs. Wm. Krohn), of Wing- been a real Mason all his life. He trial bottle of old • camie there is such intensive use "St Jacobs Oil." - ham; Laura (Mrs. Day. Johnston), is native of Grey township and in made of the tubes in a reflex set, • NOTARY PUBLIC,- ETC. is outh commenced as an operative 1st line Morris. Five brothers, Stan- hy the u q ieter detector is, the better. ley Flemming, Niagara Palls; Alex- mascot and laid many a structure IA pi. imILIE. truly and well. Crystals, being nuiet in operation, - NaTAR----i. purma . Rheumatism is "mire' only. ander, of Manitoba; George, of Tor- (Continued on page 7) •Not one case in fifty requires interb- onto; Albert, of Wingham, and Jas. A District Horticultural Convention :tented to consider the proposed ban- ' , don't The district delegates to the con- quet and report later: \y. F. Burg- vention of 'the Ontario Horticultmal man (chairman), A. L. MeDonald, Association will assemble in Walker - Joseph Wilson, H. Allen and Charles ton in June this year for the annual Copeland. . (NADIA „convemion. The 'district comprises the following three cowl - lies -Huron, Grey and Bruce. It is expected that at least 100 delegates,1 • just a moment you'll be free from Hensall, but since her marriage forty representing horticultural societies rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. years ago had lived in Chicago. • Calgary Dentist, Deceased, Was in the towns of the three counties, Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St. Jacobs Oil" ie just us good for sci- Hensall Native will be in attendance. . aim 'neuralgia, lumbago, backache, , Clinton to Have a Bishop 4 i pod Cerimanies lien re ;en tel a e ' F g 11 II „ . • H., of Kincardine, all died recently soothing Perietratalg St."acobs Oin'. eight into your sores. stiff, aching tioderieli, Ont. •in the order named. •Pli. one Ni;. 29S. joints, and relief comes instantly. "St Death of Hensel] Native , tiORUE E. GREENSLADE. 011" h 1 rheumatismMrs. J...1?.. Habkirk and Mr. R. P. liniment which never disappoints and Eel!, of Seaforth, attended the fun - cannot burn the skin. oral of their sister, Mrs. J. MeMor- Limber lip t , Quit complaining( Get . ran, in Chicago on Saturday, March a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. JecobsOil" at any drug store, and in 20th. Mrs. MeMorran was born in MIN CONNEYANCIN'O AND NOTaitY. • Havfleld Out INSURANCE • cKII,L0P • MUTUAL FIRE. 1S: -Vit. l- • ANCE COSIPANY, FAI 71M AND ISOLATED TOWN P1.' p. ERTY INSURED. VI eine of property insured up to Jan- uar: -v, 1010, e3,0•48,075.00, 01 vnamts.-.4arnettt Connolly, Poen- • dem , Goderich; as. Evans, Vice -Presi- dent Ifeechwood; T. E. Hays, Trea Seaforth. • IEGTORtes-D. F. MeGreger, forth ; J. G. 'ilrlitve, Winthrop; Wm.' /irrin Censtanee; George Mersiriney. • Tuck, sirsmith; John Ferrie, !lat.:141i; John Dennewase, Broadhagan; siarray Gibs° tirtieetlehl. NTS ---J. W. Yeo, •Goderjell; Satiny Lettch , Clinton; Wm. Chesnsy, • meth: It. Hinebley. Sesfortli. Poli Holders can pay Their .:assois,- Inents ! R. IL Cutt's -tore, ',odious; „s, J. torrish's ilothing StorticlIntan; Oe J. *Ent He II*. erich, Quille No. 2, 4000.1 Leickn R. R... sot, A 1, Lu dine, THOS. 11. Reels, Daytleld. FIRE INSURANCE ave it attended to ay the AWANOSH MUTUAL FINE INSURANCE CO Established 1878 d Dungannoti; Ont. y L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God- prea.; Wm. J. Thompson, Aub- iee Pres.; direetors-Wm. Me- n, St.Heletts; W. F. Reed, R. It. Lueknow; L. Salkeld, 'phone Goderich; Max. Nicholson, w; Wm. Watson; Jos. Girvin. o. 6, Goderich; Wnt. ThoMP- uburn; Tint Grifiln, It R. No. know; Ches. Hewitt, Mincer- nt. STOTHERS, T. G. ALLEN, tap. Secretary. • Br 'Moo Bros. 0001R1CH Th LOW* rsr,. jolt [Moors tow fmtrobaimers oases oitele amended te et ell itoitMv—likilltt dwe. - Oranie i 1 y i a ttertain -relief for all disorders of fvoinen. It is applied Ineally and is almorbed info the .suffering• • tissues, The dead waste mut- ter in the' eti it gest ett region is• expelled, giving immediate men- tal . and physival re- lief ; the blood seeeiels and nerves are toned end strengthened, and the eireulation is rendered to normal as this treat wolf ict Nisei]. on strietly soientilit• J)1 104 and. aete Ain II), aetitul leeritiim of the ills. eAse, it cannut la,lp but (10 good in all forms of female tronides, ipeluding delayed. and rtainfit11-16enstcoa• lion, leuenfrrheen, falling Of the womb,. growths, and ovarian. troublee, ete. Price $2.00 per box, whieh is suffieient for one month); treatment. A free Trial TreatMent, enough for 10 days, worth 7.5e, will Ire sent FREE to any Sufferine; woman who will send me her address: Enclose three stamps and ad- drese: Airs. Lydia W. Ladd, lipid. 10 Windsor, Ontario. ' -THI Sold By Leading Druggists Everywhere ODERICH sprains. • . Dr. 1). D.ROSie one of Calgary's -inc Bishop of Huron .has confirm- , • one of the Old timers of Bishop Lucas to the parish of St. Western • • the past twenty-five years, Dr. Ross forced to retire from the Mackenzie For Paul's; Clinton. Bishop Lucas was. Rel' -f for • Canada. passed away reee.ntly. had been ernctising dentistry in Rheumatics River diocese on account of . the ill !cktit'ti tbt)t§ • " oldest and best known dentists and ed the rumor of the appointment , of . Western Canada.t n * 8-x-cen of which health of his wife, who was unable - were spent iCalgary, he having gone there from Medicine Hat. He to withstand the rigors of the artic was a native of Brucelle Id and re-.winterInany longer. The bishop and ceived his dental training Toron- s wife have been 'ministering to Local D• ruggists Sell Ithenlun on to. lie is survived by his widow and the sPiritual needs of the population, Money.Back Plan t yrffer Vein tortur .line heu- °ne °o1.11._ daughter, Mrs; ("hag. -Sweetieve, since 1903 . Rev which are chiefly Esquimos, of the If ot"Su Roes, and northern dietslet one matic ,pains, swollen, twisted joints.Cenen • - Gunnes- - former-- rector. .of b. • , ,o , of Calgary., as well as the following Christ's church, London, will look after the Sunday services of the Clin- ton church for the next few weeks until Bishop Lucas is ((bit' to 'estab- time, . then you need Rheuma, midi of 8edo5r'rucefieldi Yir•-•11.• Il• noes, lish himself. Rev. C. L. Bilkey, who rt1 1, and Mr. Alex, Ross, of was, unfit recently in charge of the need it now.- - Start taking it today. r, Rheume. Wingliam. . parish, has gone to Michigan. k Death of Mrs. W. P. Spalding Brussels -Tennis Club Reorganized and blood, nd you acts •at once on idn,can sincerely live*torn- eeh Mrs. W. P. Spalding, *hose death!. Brussels Tennis Club Ws been re- a organized for the year with NV. M. exclaim: "Good rhidance to bad occurred recently, was the second rubbish." i daughter of the late Mr. James Fair, Sinclair as president, Dr..I. II. White Many peeple, the most skep sled ses and was born and reared in Clinton,' vice prdsident and F. M. Wilmot skeptics right in this City and in the leaving there with her husband for, meeretarY-treasurer. 'country hereabouts, bless the day Calgary about seventeen years ago. l New Rector Appointed to Wingham when It. C. Dunlop and other t!rug- ' Her death resulted from an opera- Rev. F. W. Seheffter, of Waterloo, gists offered Rheutua to the Afflicted tion for spare. She is survived by 1 her husband and one daughter, who P. Q., has .been appointed by Bishop at a small price and , guaranteed is at home. One sister, Mrs. James WilliaMi to the parish of %Ingham money refunded if not satisfied. If Seat, resides in Clinton, two broth- and Teeewater. He will take charge, y ou have rheumatism get a bottle of on April 11. Ile succeeds Rev. W. Rheuma.today. fl ers and a sister in the West. The If. ILnell, who was appointed in --...--:-...-_-1--_--...-...L.-------=•----___.-:-. funeral took place at Calgary. !charge of St. Paul's, Stratford, Lot The Late W. Ir. Ball • !January. Mr, W. IL Ball, whose death was C. N. R. Empktvees at Winglutm recorded in this column last week, ' Plan Beiteart was the eldest son of the late Wil- Many .employees of the Canadian hem and .Ann Ball of lfullett and National 'Railway :.t Wingham, met, Was born on a farm in the Base Line, last Thursday nigh:, to form a corn- - Mullett. On his marriage to his now mittto arrange ",r a banquet and bereaved widow. who was NH** social evening with' L. view to mak- *.,:;;i*PaXilt 11 sistere, and brothers: Mrs. (Dr.) system is full of 'that dangerOus poi- Till.ainnnt,2,.0%ovferiSaultaR. Ste. Marte; eon that makes thousands helple.ss , of eginaMrs;. Wm. and i s thousands years iti2o e 'oirn J. ft. Wheeler Funeral Direotor and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario valls protoptly attended to day or night, Phos ee Store 3J1; Mottle 31'iw THE FURNAC GO' ON STNIKEI WiTHTHE KITOIEN RANGE ilNP6AJl eALLTHE HEAT FOLKS IN AT mice AND LET THEM ARGITRATC-.- 'We knew` itil sitlee et a 'teeing problem. 1,Vet ean look at your furnace and your hitelien tango and your. living-rporri grate and tell sou just what kind of coal each ,hould have. If they don't get theyinlit hind. they nlay really 'go on strilio,.' through no fault of .tlieirs. throtigh nts fault in the quality of the coal but because of an uttwi,:.0 It as Select the rjelit Mud fol.- - you CALL THE Christena Straughan. of Colborne, he Ing all employees better acquainted, began farming on the farm now oc, There aro abort 51) families of (‘',N.R, • eupieti by his son. Edmund, where he employees in the town. .11seph 11 lived until 1922, when he and his son was (batman of the meeting He came into Cii.itoto leavirt.r the and eepleiteed its purpov. aster farm to their no. Two sons and which the followirs conuniftee was het Gond ( leen Coal GOAL J. B. MUSTARD mummy Phone 98 Goderich 044 •4414•10•IsimbliisiN• (MAUI Y CDIE't TN EASTER SPECIALS • 1:1:21i.1:'a4,,a, $6.70 I() lbs. 69c PEE. PICNIC HAMS 1,91.1 I FMRI IT;1D ROLLED OATS 1011n. 35c1 CH.FFSE ROWNTREE'S COCOA 1/2 lb. TIN 22c MAPLE SYRUP m..r.140 0. DOSINION rf011 EX TEA Wien Quality Coasts RICHMELLO 791, SELECT 6%, D.S.L. BULK St. CANDY CHATEAUr 4Ma EASTER EGGS LOAF 1.0•Jar. lo. wSareloiellew 1,G r - ow. Ctlaa i KRAFT 39L. CONUT COAWit DIME; LVIII. 13AYSIIDIC 36* sCh.."1"it 99c CHERRI tilocoLATT4* 29c RAPrritoCI!OICE 25c CORN trita25c cHolcz 4) Tomato* "3 CHOICE RED COHOE SALMON Wts• 18c • NAMUR MAID BACON MACHIM1L gas MICRO tow IC 1 Rt. &pares 'pc 1st hike 0416. •••••••••• CHRISTIE'S RUNNIES and CHICKS BISCUITS 35c111.. Those Priem ia .lost tee ewe *mei gross date of Mao Pester 111K • ' •