HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-04-01, Page 2f
Wben A(pd to. Air
otrotragth and Memoir"
a *0R
for that reasop. is l sever sold in
delicious biten . TrIr SALAD*.
1, li l
MB GOMiaawts• MI
ai 17 a •1 1 11 1 iii
oxer the alleged purpose of Senator
Borah to pens for the collection
from Great Britain of damages for
.citizens of the United States iacur-
red when they were attempting to
run the allied blockade and dater
goods to Germany before the enn-
- They Had Speed Events on the Stare Twenty -Fire
trance of the V.S. int. the great
Years ASW
This, from the Loudon Sketch, is
'pretty- plain language from one espi-
tat to another.
"America now professes to take -
no interest in. but iissists upon tak- iL
ing a very large amount of Ip
h Was Twss y Years 110 ?hat Go.hrick Hockey Tama Played "p
from Europe. .For too long WicM t0 � IL A. Finals.
Sum has wanted things both ways,
to say the part of * #crisping credi- (,Taal
tor, wringing. the last dollar from his - (From 'Toe Goderich Star of March bunched on the tape, Sam M.,
debtors while posing before the Lith, 1901) Miller, owner) winning by a short
• world as the emiseaey of sweetness A Besiassa Chang* • neck. In the second after some good
in the light of moral uplift and dis- Messrs. Becker and Myers, furni- square•trotting, Maybird (W. L. Har-;
interested benevolence.
not be lmaintained indents. Uwe dealers and undertaker$, have thirdpwassrwell contes ed, theood nhorses;
Rely and it ie refreshing to read Sec. disposed of .their stock to Messrs. being pretty close together through-:
retary Msellon's declaration, that Cornell and Son, out, Winning Jim (Jno. Johnston o
A Burns Night Quarter Century Ago
THURSDAY, APRIL 1st. ifiga
America's llnancial policy towarfl Mr. g• B. Cegoer, of Cliuten, Wedded owner) scoring first, and the fourth,
Europe is backed, not by sentiment, Clinton New Era: Everyone knew • was an easy win for the Mame . horse.
but by sense. Bait for the trifling that our, genie'. townsman, S. S. (pram The Goderich Star of .Marek
. error due to the° use of the. word Cooper, had built for himself a. beau- loth,• 190i }
sense when Mr. Mellon meant cents. tiful residence andwas only waiting Maybird Best wsodlawn
• this statement might be allowed to for the happy woman who was to several days the trotting pow*
to Cross AtIantk Wednesday afternoon joined the bon- subjecthorses of discussion at Hotel Bed
bridge crew , the seventy-eighth en- be of value,' andGeneral Bramwell Booth, bead of edicts. At 3. p:m, at Mansion #o�, the result being a bet of $25
ries) rowing race between Oxford able baying up of the old issues, but the Salvation Army, and now seventy Iiousa: Island, near Milverton, the that Ma5•bird could beat Woodiawn.
as Cambridge Univereitiesi hut's their r. ei't were rudely awakened ears of age, PI about to .eras the home of the bride's parents, in a Tuesday afternoon the match '
sraeitq. according to news writers a by a xneent ,statement on its value Atlantic to visit the headquarters of prettily decorated drawing room , 'came off on the Square, the course
the old land. Just brforb the race ;by a government official. , Army work on this continent. I Miss Maggie, third daughter of Mr. being three times round for a heat, ,
each of the •Cambridge men • were Ilan. T. C. N to Resign -^^" - ' and Mrs. Robert Hanna,•became the and the test three out of flee. The
given :two teaspoonsful of 'brown Hon `. C, Norris is, quitting the 1$acos er Cause of Measles _ bride of Mr; Cooper. • animals got a good send off but tie led the haggis bearers, Captains Pp' d church
ata 'shish, according to experts, The fdiscovery of the cause and Wood$wn got"off hos feet many Wylie mid Alex, craw., ell ground over their teat
• sotsld become effective just when- the Provincial political field next. ,autumn,$peed Events on the Square times and Maybixd, never breaking, the room, iniad the .merriment o
extra effort was necessary: Ae a he has announced, when he wwill hand' stunkmess in Newe 'ark asannounced
the resultthis
of The first of a series of winter trots crossed the line a few lengths ahead. . some and the wonders of others. '
remit, Cambridge arrived at the seal in his resignation . as leader, of -tyle researches of a Detroit doctor; 'lir. • came oft' on the Square track an The second heat was like unto the The coarse was, partaken of by near -
Week 1
Fina length's ahead. of their rivals Man[toba liberal p7trty. P11 -health N. S. Ferry llievea he has an anti. Tuesday afternoon, !incl notrvith-
'first, with a little more breaking, and 1 all present and the ha gas- ens
is the reason for his withdrawal from y g
with the cretsr.fiirly.fresh, while the toxin against the disease..atandiifg, the severe cold, a ver- __ like
pretty badly ex this sinblie;a large b before, belated. Cambridge has won thirty- 11 h i It
contest and . Oxford, forty. .
W a
iihare it with him. But rie keit hiu ems of For ever' owned in town was the
West�att Brown Sugar : irises cuts. Speculators believed paes�" secret .aa lona as he could, and an
Brown sugar won for the Cam• that pre-war money would some day !x Chief
1 • there was consider -
Your choice of all the latest shades ar:1 shapes in
The latest in coloring amt style.
Our shoving of Ready -to -Wear for Spring is the best yet.
Latest cuts and fabriii:
'The Men's and Boys' Store Worth.Whitt"
Phone 219 - North Side.Square
fRce.'' la a number of people saw:the four and -the race was given to Maybird. ed on this dish ore the relish of ,
no Premier Baldwin has been charged There were five. entries and the tom The old ho
more ' people Warr,/
than their standing.
crew were a hthe't e •, past 10 o'clock . ic
us iCsiitada Sp kis lis heats finish An Ol i,axid M
seven victories in the history
e is that it tank to n s race. d° enaric owed a evening, ng. as ,
Mee Mind Charge Seel:liens
men,'t, in use .that stood for so before Chairman . Allan commenced bid
ed itself an. with Socialistic' tendencies by a sec-. petition was keen, ea every driver long an the corner at Montreal and tGOntina n pn anSe n I W, we
blanket. •
year 1877 the race was a dead
ter *steel recently
The a# the The Ciatiusdian parlfa
In the: uncertain noire, subject
Beat. , tion'. of his own party &b a result.of wanted to win theI i hth u streets oppaaita the .
. ateclly 'upon. the subjectr'� oi'. the Chi --1 course was twice around Square, � t this week removed to a Far Fred T e•W t Notes Worth 3 Conti sago water Promoting huge The total value of 'Germany's pre Arthur Meigi�a+x threw lig the entire
Hon. his electricity bill. The gave nment
is. motin a u e national Iectr
i ht oft hi s sty'behind the gov- eat system.
war curreney is. now estimated to be We if pa
aliment in its prate ashington
' rd lett to•
un the ' g ° se ' F t Bites and Chilblains,--
i- and as the track was in good con- mar e ' was Chilblains comp . from undue expos-
new sit on the Huron road by Jos -
•clition, them were some pretty �iig h Ja�ine who h d urchased it,
8 p aira.lto slush and cold and frost -bite,
bursts of speed. In the first heat ' eephe job was'' big one .pure st a dot- from the icy winds of winter. In the
- the horses got away well together
1925 Drink Bill en teams of horses and 'from 50 to treatment of either an excellent pre-
, -^ egiina the international water Great Britain's drink bill was and at •the end three of them were 75 men and boys doing the job the paraben is • .Dr. •Thomas' Eclectric
h1� wards astonishingly large for 1925 Fifty- Bitter by "bossing' pushing and '
�$ ���� Child h h are o seriously aftocted by f ii ns of al h lac best., to this side of he litlaiitic as poor h t d th b f thf tion and relieves the pain The act-
ghts • ,•' Oil as It counteracts the inflamma-
w geMr.
the sanitary canal in than city.
our million ga o co a migrant rind worked in the berry s outing an a former y ai
' �)maintained th t th only 'images were consumedr in the year, watt, w i he Pulling.
Thin and Weak
u ion of the oil is prompt and. its rip
M 1a aiiI a o ..
judicial body with' power to 'consider at' a' cost of $3d:ii6 per Person.. in tris• patches t is firstsavings
plication is°ext
remely simple.
„.. international Aster
mat oittai � int
purchased for' a song waste lands' fn Honoring Scotia's Immortal: Bard •
• h Sacramento River 1bh er r di m- z'
° C
----- Courts had undertaken to pass jade engagement of the young'' Princess vened l,e 'has emassed;a, fortune out verness Camp, No. 54, Sons of. Scot- Your. I� � 3StiQa
In just a fere Jaya -quicker than meat upon. a -matter of international Marie of Belgium to the Crown. of them of Sateen million dollars and land, like: every function proposed by
&carat of -these wonderful Aspect. "Tommy" Church M.P., in- g
you ever
Prince of Italy. princess Marie wars. 'reclaimed thotYsands of ;acres of vat- tiskbody, was a huge success. Over ^
health building, flesh creating tablets troduced a,.resatutien asking for the
,exiled from her homeland during the uable lands.' Ab his death he•owned one hundred sat down to • dinner, Warns . Against Dotting Stomach
st nts
e e
called 1<ICCoy's Cod Luer Eixt'rtset collection,- of repara'tlons for dam_ �var, and found •refuge England. acres. which wAs an excellent .one, the cater � . , lYitlt ltrti$cial' Dig
ions ever, Mrs. C. ]Teck,: of the St. Lawn t oc-'
annut►11 suffered' by Caanadians as a France Hates' Taxes once, 'hatgng ;provided gall the good . Most people .who •s er, ei her
littl �' Batm f• P ifi oii�ff
tvate diversion. • .Fi ce has before her anotlier tax things obtainable at this season ear easionally or .chronically;"from . gas.
.iter siekuess aantt whe}e rickets result ,of the r wa who' Pillions of eggs. ,of Atlantic sat- an
a mss cted the oxo especially:yal- Thi 'Plotii 'Charles; Ste rt> • t be tx ' dried sh rtly 'tion scheme : bet almost before the�the guests. f The
haII was prettily; sourness and .indigestion, have now
res pe Yalp
- -` - �ir'-tierti negotiitiiig xvith �i;ashfng-
xia611� �-____h
• the matter of interna Ana ' ty -,T-^ , .-the delta of t e.. acramen a , e ahniv say macs in mo �t
ad' Liver. Extract In Sugar floated right . was the Intel l A , Roylal Engagement? .. • for which his sUPerfor white fellow: ory of Robert Burns, given in Odd• �' �,iSia Best For
Tiibletr Puts On blesh4n4 I$uiliW Commission: ,slid 11e exltresaed' "re A 1 neo 's abort to cul 'citizen laughed him to scorn. In the fellows' Rall on Thursday evening of agjQ ,
Thcnt Vp - sentm4nt' that the •United States rtitfaie fn the announcement of the twenty sax ye P co .
royal , roma i ars which have inter- last . week under the aus pi s of. In- �� • •
Tablets will start to help any thin ages am -bunting to several mill
underweight e one. Atlantic en or ac c
imam are a a s o
across the continent to, be .planted in .ink is dry on the paper upon which though not lavishly, .decorated, the discontinued disagreeable diets, pat`
f harmful
Mori" people know thin froth the ton on the matter of the eater diver-
iver- pec{fic waters; off the coast of l3ci- the scheme is written thei*e comes ceiling and. walls being draped and eat foods and the use o
lowly codfish • vitantines' cion,;, lo.d parliaiiiaent, lite . are 'not f Columbia,' effort to perm- the news that the new Finange Min- festooned With flags and bunting. drugs,, stomach 'tonics, . medicines and
livers of the Y tish Col ia, in` an
f Abe e fir .t class are extracted -•the askuig for eoi tpeasaiti ni; .we want anentl .introduce .on the western ister is doomed to failure' aver it. Over the chairman's seat a fine pie- artificial,digestents, and, instead, fol.
a .11 ay,
all feeble underweight ,the water' back and nothing' else." co the same species of salmon s The • French people' will not submit .tore of Edward VII hung, and over lowing the- advice so often given in
kind that helpest p a
children. Parliaments has decided that the Un- h d h t '
d t
ane women an c en. t•e made e eastern •coax s fain- stand: raised for the band was a these columns, take a. teaspoonful, or
• themseIves::.to taxation' though fedi the
bet for 80 ited : States must 'underett nd that a5vidually the citizens are' prosperpiis. Portrait ,of,; Victoria: the Good, draped two tablets . of . Bisurated Magnesia
Try these wonderful tablets r A
thi cocntry is.iirinl united to resist sus.
days' and if your+ frail, pimp chile% !i „1•. ..,-�, - �... <> Thera~tis . a fundamental •inability to .in royal; purple. Along one side.oi` in a little water after meals with t..4
' d et our axone any encroachment upon its.sovereign Ito s or Potato ' face taxation in 'stile French char the room were three, pictures that result that their stomach, no Ionger.
don t >yreatly bene t g y �' .g . The romance of Jens/twee f i troubles: them,' they'•are •able to eat
back. 'Mint*. h mane aKing
atter and that fact is responsible for raised manymemories of 'fernier
ac i • si kl child age . 9 gained • " ; -"'"" rant to California has been diselos- France being on the verge of bank -gatherings of Scotia's sons in honer as they please acid they enjoy much
l�vey c Y ,, sill ," !t
ea to been openly shown •aver any' other:., The cities .are full. of fine: big cars, on, Matthew •Hutchison and Judge I. ;preach of meal time because they -
?liver 1<:xtract Tablets- -tgs ease has tuft passed away. Shama came
take as candy and 60 tablets, Gd rents.' issue had desaloped in .Great Britain which put to shame the cliche cars F. Toms. The tables convenient) know this tvonderful anti -acid .and
b b
12poundatn 7 menthe. • Plain Talk fo
- Ask any druggist for McCoyPs :Cod renter\ irritativ
they were better health. Those who use Iiisur-
n than has yelp otatoe kin of.. California " who tions. of financial distress in France those of the late icon. l+i C. Camey 'ted Magnesia neve; dread the ap-
p i;
r liitia•I. Slim ed in the death of George Shims, tete ruptcy today. 'There are no indite- of the heather -clad land;
, y:
:-.0 land veterans of service eneo tered placed for those attending On the foo corrective whichcan. obtain-
.-.... «. I t e a
• on the streets of 'London • where the diners, -were charmingly arranged ed from any gooddrug store, will
nation hers its none to the ,grindstone and showed the handiwork of an ex- instantly neutralize the stomach
paying interest on loans contracted Pett caterer. The dinner was serv, acidity, sweeten the stomach, prevent.
,elan behalf of France, ed by a largearmy of waitresses food fermentation, and without the
and waiters, and they did thework slightest pain or discomfort.' Try
Calgary Bobbed Har Feud :. Pleasantly and without , a hitch. this plan yourself, but be certain to.
The Holy. Cross Hospital at Cal- Mien the haggis came in the lights get pure 'Bisurated Magnesia eve-
"' limy isthelatest battleground t for were put out and . Piper Robert'Crai. dally prepared for stomach use.
'tl�e forces of Bobann-Anti-Bob ad-
vocates. In spite of ;orders to the -Y.
contrarythe' nurses in training bad
a °bobbing bee, as a resplt of which •
two girls within a •'few weeks ofk
graduation, have been dlsinissed.-
Thirty ` other nurses immediately +,
announced •their intention of follow- _
` ing their. dismissed sisters. •Local
medical mien aro reported to be dim-
- posed' to side witli the nurses.
'ran ' Foreign Publications?
Forty million : magazines and
• twenty million• newspepers'froni the
United States enter Canada every
year. A movement is on foot on be-
half of Canadian .publibhers. and -
news writers to place' a tax upon
.this tide of foreign' literature.
IUNUNIc - Red Lake is believed to be on
the '•B*4-ie • "break" as the now factious
iiowie Red Lake, which was ..recently sold'
to Dome Alines for $5.00,000.00 and stock.
Chuktunl Red 'Lake Should
Prove a Rich prospect
Punic o ' moi
• t"(Umiteid to 5,500 units) -
' ti rar!er+• �ad
.flits raPrl etvwd
get ed art:11A
at pre seardh
Mang Ort lite,
„ Visits $10.00 each - POSITIVELY NO bib PERSONAL LIASIL1TY -
.w+• _ nears
rt ANAtiRtMA
Chukuni Association .
controls seven claims. just
two miles east of the flows
claims, that were peracMally-staked by N. tiOWAti
E. Owens, of South Porcupine, one of
Ontario's outstandingrospectors.
This Is yOdr opportualty
The prt;sent offering of Chukuni malts is t9 Secure work-,
ing capital t•:h:..h will be used to catty ori vigorous develop-
s: ''Aga !is'iiaadt'ra *either conditions allow.
By joining the Association today you can get in on the
"Ground Moor" and participate in the big development—
big meshy is only made by getting in early, base.* the value
of the units starts to increase.
Don't Delay—
Units will be allotted in the order in to :ch tbcy are
toorived. Offering is limited ---send
row order today. -
coats {°
.• ADeisi'de -
• ... +....admok*.mow* .•. - tits.. .
lt.. fel iecAtttrs. 5(2.
Engineer he charge el de.
. tek}ttte2.. stint..
3412.4 r. *AAP
t4444,j Lot ter II. ,its:.,alien
l:rttl•et •
l:t�t AU 1:8N 1%001CA:411A
1.rrta' x=I• :!e tna ' i t trk-
i-h .' t.j. +a,104 a. t+Jr
t,,_x 411144�k41
• f 1011410- M t'. . M...tKr. N.t
ri,N,t tti '4
01'44a .r, t. ci.►.,.
$4014Jt .R;w, .(tt .151 ,! N'..�
x,N;tits J..
Aga Khan Poses as 'Divine
•' There is 'a rivalry arising over the
choice of a "messiah". by the Theo -
'sophists headed by Illrs. Annie' Bes-
ant. A new claimant to that divine
office has voiced his candidacy. Me
is no less; a person than the Aga.
Khan, probably the meet famous~
horse gwner in Europe. A rival
fitetion of Theosophists are support
ang„his. _ claim. to -be regarded as a -
divine 'reincarnation.
. Help for Dependent Mothers
Ontario 'has 4,317 mothers benefit-
ing by the Mothers' Pensions scheme,
and. they have dependent upon them
12,933 children. Two widows have
eleven children dependent upon
them ; four have nine and eighteen
hate eight children. Of the benefi-
ciaries, 568 are deserted wives and.
119 are foster niatheifs to orphans.
CNA Make a Sword
The Canadian National Railways
dorbled their operating revenues in
the year 1925, says a report from the . .
Bureau of Statlatics at Ottawa.
c pa Po/ir%esZty //'�rri/toil. 'r.
for this week t
only, y, a#
10 dozen
in Brown,
1Y'eather, 'Lovat
and Black
Sizes 10to11x
Reg. 05c, clearing "oat
for thrstweek only at
45c per pair or .
3 pairs for S'I as
Futt force -fled lubrication. 7 beariti;?' crankshaft, (*bearing
camshaft. 4 -wheel brakes, full balloon tires, 5 disc wheel.,
neYwMallard Green finish, new Velour , automatic
wi sdshield wiper, Cowl ventilators douse to cowl lights.
`Simplytrytom atchallthefeatures
Ajax Sim +ers with what you can
get elsewhere in the $1000 field.
You're sure to buy the Ajax then!
BARKER BROS. Nash Dealers