HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-25, Page 5• ?lif14i', MACE $Mit, 19N SQUIBBS' PRODUCTS NOW IN STOCK Squi],.s' Cod Liver O11 Sqt be' Castor Oil - Squibbs' Milk of amnesia $quibbs' Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste - Sgatbbs' Epsom Salts . - Sgaibbs' Lied Pr ftrolatum Squibb:" Liquid Petrolatum with agar 60c - $1.25 w1 30c 6Oc 45c 25c • ;AMPBELL'S DRUG STORE PHONE 90 GODERICH THE GODERfaMs i 'AE The public works committee re- 1tMONG THE csua `9ES commended that the 1923 road oil thanes of se". Haini.ay's be ss, In Rnox church the ailirViella sit be eociduet"d by °I. triniatsr* cJu6 jutted so that they be on the same basis as in 1924, plus the Elgin are- jests 4'4 scene": 11 �a.ael.,, '"Tse Place Called Calvary; 7 p.m.. nut charge. u "cI.earldnE By Ezperiettoe." 13ab The special •committee reeam School and Bibles Classes at 3 mended that fifty small Wraps of the u'c k. town be purchased. The fire committee reported as `Moria it. United Shu t; pastor. follows: We have issued a build- The Rev. Selby Jefferson. March ing permit for a new front at Gray's, Sabbath subjects,. Incidents and ,Deg Goods store. We recommend Charades in the Poisson of our that Judge Lewis be paid $1 per Lord." March 28t1t, 11 a.m., The year for right of way through his Trial;" 3 p.m., Bible" School; 7 p.m., property. from Newgate street to The aI'• rear of stores on the Square between Baptist church, Marsh 28th. The Hamilton and East streets. easter at both services. Evening These reports were all adopted. subject, "Wu Peter the first pope On aecount of the date of the next at Romer What do the scriptures regular meeting falling on Good say? What does this mean today Friday it wail decided to hold the Watch for next week's subject. next regular meeting on the Thurs- Prayer W'e'dnesday at 8 p.m. �_ , day preceding, with committee The Esater offering in connection meetings the evening before. h the notice of North street LT Red church will b ' TOWNCOUNCIL taxes, $510; 1924 taxes, $t70.41p In accordance wit 3J COUNCIL 1925 taxes, $83,53; 1925 oil, $13,09; motion given at the last• meeting' received^on Monday evening. March a total of $777.03.Councillor Lee moved to amend the '20th, at 8• tem. The. speaker of the Date of Civic lioifday Changed tot The 'repast of the thorn auditors- bylaw fixing the date of civic holt- evening will 1* Miss Agnes Rennie, First: MoMiy in August at Rena- for 1925 was received and .referred day. by •caking it the first 'Monday .New Hamburg, provincial secretary lar Meetitag•- Adjsuraed Meetings to the finance coottmittec to have in August in place of the Brat Wed- for Young Women's W. M. S. work. Windily and 'Wednesday Thin printed. nesday. The motion was seconded Miss Rennie appeared •once 'before Week. A letter from the Canoe Club cal- and carried, „and a bylaw was put on a Goderieh platform as a politi- ling attention to the lack of accom- through making the- necessary rad speaker and those. who heard her Tlie regular' Meeting of the town modation for row boats.and canoes amendments, then will enjoy her on this occasion. council •with held on Friday evening at the harbor, and the condition of . The whole council were present at A cordial :welcome Is extended'. ' last, • all the members betiig present. the river and connecting channel- the adjourned meeting , on. Monday North St. United church; Rev . C. The repel, of• the - tax collector between harbor and• river which night and the matter of the esti. showed the following collections Made the river unsuitable for cane!' mates, was gone into and adjourn- F. Clarke, pastor, Services far Sun - '.'from Mare) 5th to 19th; 1923 ing and the east side of the harbor, anent v�aq made to Wednesday night Club, ,topic to28thtoken 10 a. 1'rinc pal an acrotut of weeds,. unsuitable for (last night) to corhpiete the work.. Iiume boat houses and asking for the e PI Model Tbeate WEEK 9F MAR. 29 • to APRlh 3 AMATEUR' NIGHTS . are On .Tuesday and Wednesday Entries to date 'PERCIV AL" :(,Toth a nithe .boy) "'STEWED" (A, Songster's Debauch) • " • "'TUCK" • (New 'Tunes and Steps) "TUE COMING CHAMPION" (Ethiopian Ethics) WINNIFRED MURRAY ('4 ocalizationtsi ' • BILLIE JOHNSTON' (Elocution) _.- "MONA • (Terpischorean) - - Another bylaw was passed con -- -•+�++..•••••• �..w _ - r.i...11•1111.1.1•111•11 �,w7,.•w _ __ _ __ A'!'�r�� �w�wwwrm��rwwa�►wWm� rin• Has Come Makin necessary the purchase of the New House Dress and Street Dress. Aso after4t on- nd evening Gowns WAVING end vored to choose a lusivePatterns, shown by French, English and _itrsten an manufacturers, we•, invite you to call and have us show l'ou the new material;; and designs for. Spring wear. We have mentioned here a few of the new to show you : BORDERED CREPES BORDERED VOILES FANCY FLANNEL . SILK BROADCLOTH PLAIN GEORGETTE RAYON SILK F.IC�URED CREPE • 4 -CHECKED VOILE PLAIN DRESS LINEN BROCADED CANTON goods we have SHIVERINE Striped BROADCLOTH Plain BROADCLOTH CREPE SATIN Figured FLAT CREPE F: E. HJBBER T •' THE ' CASH STORE AWWW4WiWiNWWWWWWWWWWWWWANWAN is k PHONE rte class for Chrlettan Fel- 'a lowahip and Mission Band: Public . , ; of the' freight shed for staring of firming the appointment of Dir.' A, worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. It is .year he also. had charge of the Pert' PEOPLE WEi'f)1 1 It's -queer that •a cigarette cyan afiesg , MI canoes, was 'received. .The letter • K. Robertson in-place of Mr. C. F. expected that the ufervlces will be Albeit United church Ngtwith f pointed dui the desirability of some Jackson and fixing the re un at n Ms C' A Reid water pageant k . the Centennial ieelebration next year The cornet' then adjourned to School, at :3 p.m. The attention of large number of young people .of the 1 Diis. IMi. C. Cameron is in town fora Ina church niers people tastitrr • (- and and the need ' for the .development Dlonday, night, when it WAS ,intended the public is called .to the .ttpeels1 • Y. P. • S., which he organized upon a. few drys, over their seat than their atariim�,• of. skill in tlfe meantime in the hand - the takt% un 'the matter of °shriking services to be held in the. church dors assuming lila duties here. ,. Mrs. A. J. MacKay 'has returnee' ling of canoes. The fgeight shed• the tax rate, ing Passion Week. The pastor will ., from her trip to Toronto. I • The devil Bever takes up n roars i • was desittably located with parking flit, and Dira, S. Rogers, of I d- , f'' remuneration is• 1 �" a fire In bush and n tint of 'wt • conducted by Mr. H. G. Whitfield, of standing bad roadie, a !age eongre- r: ci was in Toronto oil can't hi a range. r ea Y of the auditors at •$120 •each. last week. in connection with - Knox College, . Toronto. Sunday gallon . was present, including a have associated with him the• Rev. BRIEF Z'QWIv TOPICS ' tion. Ari eontributloun are us1satairy., place for cars, convenient access to ACROSS CANADA AND BACK D. N. McCamus, of Leaden, :who has A meeting of the Goderich Radio mouton, are visiting the latter's ski- 4 � . the harbor with ` steps down to the - had marked • success in services of Association will be Meld on Friday tel, Mrs. R. 11. Johnston, Waterloo : Y .• d clan tothebathing Marvelous beyond t' thisI8' clock 'Mi " t t water, • an c ose a t rue ous yo ,conception ion . in - kind. You are invited to came evening at o c oc, in , agis o street. house • ' aptly describes the glories .of Can- sand heir again "the world's greenest Refd's office • Miss dialler of the nursing staff'INSURANCE This natter was referred to the-ada's 'Rockies. To be fully appre- love story:' Dir: Walter Kelly 'is the whiter of at Christie- street hospital, Toronto,. Wier committee. �_, • . elated ;they, must be seen... To .start t•he• annual meeting of the A.. an article in last Saturdays Free is visiting at the residenie of Mag - A request -from Mrs. Fre out oil a trip by one's self into this f 1' but' far-famed d " d• gresssive Bible Class ' suss}' 'held An Puss . an the •• caning ' Bobby Fair. to ' fstr(tte and .Mrs, q, C. A. Heid. son for removal. of one shade; tree, un .ami lar . u ar- -. me para tse Victoria St. Unitedschurch on Tues- be herd in that city. ' • • as the' trees 'were too dose, was re- on -earth, to many appears quite aDir,' parents, Diurnan avho visited leered to the public works and parks task. Realizing this, Dean Sinclair day evening; March 16th; After the The erchre and` dance at Oddfel- his. Mr. and' Mrs. Fred devotional•exercises, and 'the • wind- lows' Ball' on St.Patrick's night Murne"y; during, last ,Seek, has lama comtnittees with power to act. Latt of Macdonald College, an ex ing up of. aouw .business, reports. •of was a geed success. , Miss McDon-. transferred from the Senforthbranch �'t� A request from the G. C. I. board • perie eed •Rocky Mountains . Travel- last year's work were 'dealt with. add and Mr. Melvin Clark were the of Dominion Stores to the manager- Assurances,Pany The ° Mutual Life • f payment of ;2,000, for April 1st ler, for the third year in succession a payments, w referred. to the fin- has undertaken to condect apartyAll the reports were very enequrag- prize winners at cards and for thel,ship of the Company's store at.Chat- p y • ing„ and the .•members anticipate a dance the Redmond-McDormkl-Cook ham. , O Canada ante . committe, thrdugh this glorious wonderland. • The God rich Trotting; and Pacing i splendid showing for next year: The combination rendered good music. . Dir, and .:firs. L. R. Bender, who t'i i1eues.. Association 'asked the use of the a special rG'Aand stn of servait on cont arty rd following officers were elected'Eight candidates received• their have been ,spending tovo or "three Rein ()t'Fte"g.: WA4'E'rt:uo, Oar. agricultural soci ion asked for for Aug- 2nd sl epi g', is h • d hes Mr. H. •Mew• vice Areal; iMlr first degree in Oddfell hip in weeks ' tow at the 1 'of their ment •ears has been chartered, to o •s r e to n re reface o i it �� • for the rasa meet: and the request +R. Reed; see y, Mrs. R. T..Phillfps, Huron Lodge on Monday night. It 1?arents, Mr, and Mrs, flint. Crafgie, ll.. D 11!!rL A eel kayo Torontd on July 19th via rho .treas. Mr. 1' Tabb devotional Mrs. is .intended. to put on both the'see- and Mr.- and Mrs. ..Geo. -Bender, left' �' another was referred' to the petits commit; Canadian pacific Railway._ Stops' IL •Mew; membership, Mrs. S. Allen; There is still time for. ' sees ..� d and third - degrees on . Monday -last, week for, .Owen Sound, where (Piton) 'u4 at Port Arthur and social Mra, wm. Dioore • - iaaist on •' Fprt •Willie which togs er arm Mrs 0, Sonley' The following` are t ?• 0 m NC. ; Gonnitt us Mrs. " tis 'request on b ball' of -the milk will be made , + p evening next the lodge td assemble they expect to remain for ,the aunt- 1.as'r adult .entry. f . ..' . ,jl' i:h f co 1 f favorite " t d by 'M'4 H Beattie and me early ars, your sea . men, Signe. ' Canada's greatest grain port 't, n- the teachers: 'VIr• H' Mew Mr. J a 'a P' •• Tuesday . and Wedee Sday . Jas. McManus, was for the taking nipeg• Beach the ;molar summer re- Minion, Mr. �R • Reed, Mr. T Tabb, The April meeting of the Women's ' of the • average test for• n �ieriod of i i s• Winnipeg, ' Instituto will be held nt the home of f' intik' d sort or W nn peger , p g, Mrs. R T. Phillips. throe months o than mi an Canada's third largest . city; - Indian Mrs. J. .Marshall, Kenya, st., • on cream. This was referred ts} the ^ Salvation' Army Notes PICTURES FOR THE :WEEK Head, the Chief tree distributing cen- Thursday, April 8th, at 3 p.m. It. special committee. r ire of the Federal Forestry Branch; • Captain Kingdon, concluded .a sue- _expected the": district .president, Mayday and Tuesday A representative .of the Rotor Co: Regina, the capital of 'Saskatchew- cessfr:} musical tour last "week: At Mrs.. Ctuikshanks, of MVinghcrm, and r• n-taia to 1VI or. Gfi i 'resided at thecr a n ALICE TERRY and LEWIS SxO:rTE was present and addressed .ouAlberta's�1, . y p p the district secretary; Miss 1MfeAl- anlft •• 'rc al a an• Gy. Calgary , t e musical• held in ire ' fJni d o thetown's h to head n wonderful cast .in Victor Sea- oil .tfnan ;order forBanff, :the world-famous mountain lister, of •At but., will ,. present, !tram's great production depicting a requirements.."f lie price is the rt; by automobile for 104 miles church. The Lyric theatre' atMian- Roll cast will be answered by e;c- n last year over was the scene of anothkr rrrusr h f bulb d 'll Kindly modern"• royal romance BaAeAS letter from Messrs. S. B Coon over "the Banff -Windermere Higli, cal, Reeve :Armstrong •presidia A change o s3 and idles.' n y ,, Ar' _ways the most spectacular. drive_ in : lr• - note the date. !•.. Cdnfeaa.io[ia of a .Queen . & Son t}ie =architects for the propos- aria a, _through yKootena %eke to large. crowd. attepded.the 'meetirlg• ar EDUCATIONAL COMEDY • ' y Ttie Globe on Thursday int • had "Bachelor's Babies" , rase. A . • . . ed new town hall, asked as to -tile Nelson, the • eonintercial `centre of Listowel, .nwhere Rev: Jackton, that . a .photo of Mr. Harold '.G: V'hitfekd, proposal to resubmit the bylaw, as Southern British Columbia; ••then Baptist minister, occupied ,the,ehair .a. has -been elected president of ' ' in MacDonald's musie ha1L ,Noun# contractors were anxious to .know. thraug•1i the. Doukhobor country , to the Knox Collette Undergraduates' This . was referred to committee. of Penticton.. along lovely Okanagan Forest was also visited; the sleeting •Association for 1927, • Dir. Whitfield 'Wedntsdav Only.. the whole council, as was also a;le GLORIA SWANSON ter from the.town papers-offering.to steamer to Victoria. , • „ burn eongregntions. and .wall sem- steamer in a;great story which takes you be- give the necessary publications of_:. Returning, the trip will be by. the' fright last' and. saw Hole's Lilo of plete his theological course .text' •Aiattire; OLII'y asks D ihind the scenes of the. big theatres • the bylaw gratis to 'help overtone main' lijne of the.Canadian Racine, Christ" on the screen. The service �� hesitancy on the art of the council was an .impressive one, year. His many friends are pleased little 11e1j3e p t h f h' 1 ti t thist �.f er+velr Meg It •doesn't. take Much t Lake, and' to Vancouver, tlionce • by : being held in the library ha11. • has had charge of Union and Lee- - to. keep you'ill .tr'im A, good crowd gathered Sunday • !'Stagestruck" a;,,• • , PATHE COMEDY "What Pince Goofy" through the great canyons bf the raster ' War Cr s numbering 600 o ear ° is a ec on o pas to incur the expense of. a new vote. Fraser . and . Thompson Rivets, arid have' just arrived for distribution. The' Women's• • Hospital:' Auxiliary.. T1f,'1L"�'�e, after every This offer was made conditional up th h th S lk k d R • on assurance as to the continued our e e it s, an Rockies, A supplime�tt plate is ,presented with availability- 'of Mr. MacKay's ofYlr Affording scenery. such 'as• can be each copy, . of .12;000 and :of the contract prices found nowhere else on .earth; Lake ;Meetings will be held next week "Iliursday : 1latineev at 4.15 p.m. p Louise, the Pearl of the Rockies, the as usual. THE A)aiMEEK CHAPTER, I,O.D.E, for the work being as previously e tnos perfect gent of scenery on the . tendered. ;�' •'has arranged 'a special program, 1 world; ancapltal y aABeata, ISaska- c .consistin of • The finnnae 'committee' , reeamr � ton, the capital of Alberta; Saska- _ • V4'ESTFI1lLD` . • ' g mended, re the fequest of the. Al-, toon, • the city of optimism; Devils Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .1 Lockwood, of '`'Trapping. in : the Northlands'gonquin Trail Association for, a Gap 'Camp, on the ,Lake . of the Blyth, spent Sunday with the form - "A Teacher's Trip Through grant, that a grstnt of $30 he rtaade;i'1Vootts, near Kenora, thence to Fort ,es's father, Mr. David (darter'. ' Ilan put on a very successful Five Hun - Hun- dred and Dance in the I►ia meal,. beaefittt .,teeth, on St. Patrick's night. The prize breath, appetite and winners were: 1&ddies-1st, Mrs. digestion Geo. Jenner; 2nd, Mrs' 11 Tebbutt; onsolation, Mrs, Oakley; . gentlemen Flavor o- Every Taste •�-••ist; Mr. 1a', Bisset; 2nd, :Jiffs, Jas. ',*[ Mac\'icer; •coni;olatiom, .111x, flog, - Williams. The Hot Static orchestra case played good music for the donee, Northern Norther - ,Ontario" . I in the matter of .letter of .Feb.:20th i William, where one of the fine Can- Mrs.' Joe Killough and .:Miss Mab - 11 �+ from the 1?ublic Library Board ask- adieu 'Pacific steamers • will be used el, of Dungannon,- were . visiting 'the • Romance of Hitronia Wing for appropriation for the year across Lake Superior and Huton to farmer's 'father;"• Dir. ' J..McDowell, 1926, that the Board be .granted the Port McNicoll, then mail to Toronto, and other friends a fete days last sum of $1800, reported that the where the trip will' terminate. • week. Board had been Mild $100 on their •l:verythfng, is included in the price .airs. flim. ("rosier, of Crewe, is 1926 levy and. recommended that a -of $330.00, {from Toronto; t:anspor- here 'saffron on her nether, lbs. frrther sum of $400 be paid as e- tatidn, sleeping ears, aecommoilatiflMi. �a ji. Campbell,. who has bceri (suite! guested; in , the matter of letter of sift: hotels, and bungalow camps, ill. itc are. glad to hear the report Mare'h 5th from Mr. 'Wm. Morrish meals in diners; hotels and oil lege:ding arrears of taxes against that there is some improvement. Che .mnirersal favorite with a .very steamers, and- sight-seeing tours at ,c unusual calf in the' arcat crook plc• lot 9, RS., that the sum of $G be points i+isited. The Mission Circle held their finite , rture ts►xested as. on this'%ot,ttand thatfull any forth-' The trip is open to nit, and app i- good prok ogram am was given andning on Friday evening. a social •er balance, be struck off the roll, tthis cations,: for accommodation . are time was spent. Proceeds for std- being received. ad - offer to be • aceerted and •the, anionner . mission. .'alts boxes and sale • of paid at once. The committee' also 1. Fares from other • itoints than candy amounted to about $38. . recommended payment of a, number ,Tot onto will be mined, and descrier- •The Young People's League held . of accounts and the filing of the lye illustrated booklet sent on , tip- their election of officers: en Tue.4dny treasurer's and tax collector's state-} p�ica�ian to Dean. Sinclair Laird, night of last west.. The officers "lint Id College fast. Otlicl,' Que. the' ensuing year arei President, L. 1- , Buchanan; 1st ,vice, Miss E. Sower- by- • see'y, Miss M. Walden; treas.. s,. ,12 D• ' W. Campbell; orgtinfst, Hiss W. ('nm}•bell. • The treasure!. s re -1 porttv s given, showing a balance I. ow hand of over $165. _ GODERIC.4.TpirkNSHIP (•inning• ---:'Valley Farm." a play �� in four nets, at .Union, Easter week. The sacrament of the Lord's Stip- per win be dispensed in Union s ,r .i':I • ehureh at the service, commencing -,a at 7.30 p.m., next Sunday. The annual meeting of Union Sunday school will be held in' the church next Friday evening. A short program will be given by, members of the U. Y. P. • S. The I annual. meeting of Union church I will be held next Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Cut; Line, • kindly loaned their hollre Iast' Tuesday evening for. the box social under the *wives of the local Ladies' , Aid Society. A pleasant1" time was spent in games, ete., and a fine miscellaneous program . was rendered. The boxes were sold at 60 tants apiece, thereby adding , a substantial sum to the treasury 'of the Society. "Picturesque Ottawa" PATHS COMEDY "What Price Goofy" Friday and Saturday d HOUSE PETERS • . "Ra'f'fles" . .. UNIVERSAL COMEDY "Getting Throttled" "PATHE REVIEW" Matinees—Thursday at 4.15 p.m. • ' ' ' Sat. at 3.00 p.m. • meats. Coming 'Polly- of the Ballet." 11 It', Fun! Frolic !_. Laughter! Big.Old Time • Minstrel Show Under auspices of GO ERICH LIONS CLUB vicroRrA APRIL 8th and 9t6,'26 OPERA HOUSE P Ioceeds Children's Playgrounds Admission: Gem!, 35c; Reserve, 50c ; Plan at Dunlop's Drug Store. Miss R. Graham and Hire. G. llai•-1 wood sang a pleasing duet at 1'piu10, inure!! last Sunday. This was the', farewell service e,f" Mr. Harold ` Vihftfield. student at Knox ('c,lles;e., who leas suce•essTi1Iy ministered heti, since senting to take charge of the !Union anci Leeburn 'congregations tat, yearn 14,1te. 1'u: -h g the past 4' otemmer Direct ` .Toil Service is Quicker Starting April 1st, Direct Toll Service will be available to the paints shown below: Ow this type of Service it is not necessary to .asic for Long Distance. 'Your local operator takes the cumber and while - you . "'hold ithe line" connection is speedily .e,tal)lished with the distant telephone. If you .do' not kuovi the, number, ask `•Infortiir tion.1 ;p Following are the points available by5I )erect Tole Service, with rates: :: (;ixierii;ll-•CarlaMv.�. _...... ........ Ito ' *God erich--Dti11ga1lnori .,..e)r•: iilderieh•-C 1intou_. . .- . 1 5e ._.. _. Goderich•.�,tr'in} 11at1 ....,,.- .. aoc • A...4.w+,y ``Torminutes taIlk+ all ()theri y• 3 minutes. d : se Direct Toll Servi`e.....i( is the most L'cemvnueal= way to reach tlw points .1wwn aborti . J. T. PA `I •TO.!•. District Al4uuzger New Snappy Footwear: • � Our: Naw'Sprsna Footwe:r II is Attractive is STYLE QUALITY read PRICE Yoe are -; invited to shop at W. HERN'S SHOE STORE The Square - Phone 43W 4.`