HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-25, Page 3r • .
11 11111111 II HI I
••••••••• 1.1•=11.•••••••,1!. N....-. -.Nur.
THURSDAY, MARCH With. 1111111
Madmani SUM Slos
Of kldnri Trouble
'Wb* the hideigs gat ill:the haelc
Ores uut. But the bark le not to
blae; the setae corms front the kai-
sers whick lia metier Ow wan of the
Therefore, dull pahui in the be*, er
*Um cpaiek twinges, ate waiter of
oak kidneys — warailigs of kulairy
Plasters seta lishosate will do the
beak res geedfor they reutain meek
kidaeys witieh mate t troulelit.
-resell:t1. kidneys tkeressixes, m the,
.ere of, serial remedy for tke kidaeys,
mid the Wens oil. Thsr baaMk a
-fie ,pelate sad ;mhos by making *a
Sadasii 'Sher out an the *gee from:
Tour druggist or &Klee seat themt
pst up oy by The T. Milburn ON
1 11111 II1 III_
licked From Our Ex
/115‘16. V•
maroon! 11 •••111 • •1
• I I•'••1,•
o•11••••••••• Elm • I NINE.= N.IINN•Mil, 1.1E6 Nu
Mateo. Mak Cluenges Heeds bort, and by one brother, Janis, on
Mr. R. G. Smith, who bought the
Clinton rink a couple of years ago
and who bas been managing it ewe -
manfully since, has sold it to Mr. T.
iteraltaU, of Clinton.
Death of Mr. W. H. Bali. Mateo
Mr. William Henry Ball, a re-
spected resident of Clinton, passed
away very suddenly on Thursday
the st *ta-
morning of last Week. He bod not Players n res .
At a euchre and douse. put on by : Smith did not visit le
boret in the beet of health for a year
the Clinton Hockey Club on 34eindety don, nor did he go 'behind the acenes
weal, and no one thought his con- evening Of led ewe, tee sem Cup. of the moat unpretentieue. This en -
or two but had been going about as
lowed by, The eiegageeeegi, wu abled hint to obtain a. true picture of
Gibbhtgii-McBrione ipreaented to Mr. Frank htutch, the lm
meregfroe meorndozaitiont4 and prevented
to other° radio
dition wag so mrioue.
"Evergteate Grove,",„ the home co fountain pens were preemie.. my .oe
f eliPtilin of the viltining,...g t""e' *need fans the eumptuousnoes of the turn-
the homettead of McKillop..
tCopyright 1925,
The Feature Serege)
Death of Mr. Isiute W'savers We. VI: Visitlag a Stenos
• Mr. Isaac Weavers, vtlict had been. Believing them was emelt to be
undergoing treittmegO then Cliptore gained by getting behind Om scenes,
Hospital for ten dogs or so, Ptimed Smith arranged to visit a broadcast -
away Thursday morning of last ing studio. It wee- hie first exper-
week in his seventy-second year. ience "baik stage" in radio, and
Prerientatieirat to (gleam Mickey naturally the event was filled with
Mr. and Mile Vie 3. McBrien, Hull me" secretary of the league to Lest e
on the one hand, or the ap-
udeness of the electrical
lett, was the scene of a very pretty risS. Castle and Harold Jer- parent cr
wedding on Wednesday afternoon, vis, the best goalkeeper, defence and equipment, on the other.
hat impressed hien were the Yet -
March 10th, when their see. on1 forward developed during the sea-
vet hangings of the studio proper
daughter, Amy Viola, became the son. These prizes were offered by where eters located the piano, a few
and His
alieuptly coming to the end of his
visit, for the program was about to
"Wish I had had a Outwit to wee
what was going on in the control
room," he lamented.
"It wouldn't have been a chance,"
I interpoatele "It would have been
a nuefortune. Wait unti you know
*anal. more abort radio. Then go
back and ;debt up the story where
the microphage left off. That'll be
your program for the coming week.*
Next Vag*, No. 21: Reflexing Made
(Copyright 1926 by The Ullman
Feature Service)
nal IMMO
McEwen's Specials
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 25e*
A good teaspoon, King George design, given away with each
• 25c worth. 1
2.4 bars Soap, Mclwen's special $ 1.00
6 cakes Palm Tree Toilet Soap for .23
3 lbs. loose Cocoa for .25
te lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .25
Just° to hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Black Tea.
late will give 1 of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, lb. Biscuits
and t bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any package
Special price on large Flannelette Blankets
Special price on Fancy Blankets
We are tutting the price on Men's All Wool Underwear and
Men's Fleece -lined Underwear.
Good Linen Roller Towelling
25c per yd.
Good large Bath Towels...o. .... .. ...90c per pair
Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, diderent widths at right
Our Weekly Now ithe time to buy a set of dishes 10,1 off,
petoke, W, JACKS)N-Instruction ceremony -wax performed by Rev. T. Muir -Edgar the innocent looking microphone Lessops in English
hines, Kindersley, Sask. The
MUSIC bride Of Mr. Fletcher Benjamin Gib-' the league executive.
chairs, inviting Beate end, finally,
A quiet wedding was solemnized i through which artiats and sweat- 13y W L. Ceorekm
given in Voice Culture, Organ,
n St. Thomas' church, Seaforth, -on makers rub elbows with the world.
, under an
II. Brown of Seaforth,
Phut 'Violin (-Mier Theory ete
• . Studio and residence. North Street.' arch of evergreen, from the centre Monday morning a last week by
• pr. C. HAMILTONeiti;ganiet Nortli .St. of which beng a white wedding bell. the rector, Rev. T. IL Brown, when
go- United Church., Concert player A Wingham Wedding' Caroline, third daughter of Mrs.
Retildence at MN. Colborne's, St. Pat- Mies Valeria rine Dinsley, daugh- Edgar and the late Rdbert Edgar,
and Teacher.
rick Street. ter of Mrs. D. L Dinsley, Wingltam, was united in marriage to Mr. Alex -
wan united in the holy bonds of init. ander Muir, eldest son of Mr. and
LEGAL. CARDS . , rirnony to Mr. Chas. L. Hawke, of Mr. John Muir.
' .E. it neanoig, Parkland, Alta., a grandson of IVIrs. CIO -When
Andrew Mitchell, of Whigham, on Owing to a recent b •
Barrieter, Solisitor. Ncaary puke:, nice- St. Patrick's Dity, larch 17th, bY the family,'"es"nient in
'the marriage was very
Successor to .1, L. eater -an Rev, -Dr. Perrie. . quietly celebrated in Toronto on
. ragge pe ofnes, 71!,Square, +1.1nel...._lelt Deith
of Mr. Henry Wheeler, of Saturday, February 27th, of • 'Violet
Wingham „,, ?day ,Chuff, ' ItNe, daughter. of the
" e ' - Batiritilbtetirel, tilittfattra'bri:t.T.te.. g Mr. 'Henry Wheeler, a highly late Mr. and Mgr. Samuel ,Cluff,
• ham, paissed to his reward on Tues- oridh Merlin Whan, son of Mr. S.
and the late William When, of Oril-
° day, March' 10th, after a fog days'
PHONE t7 HAMILTO• N STREET esteemed old , gentleman of Wing. formerly of Seaforth, to Mr. Fred-
illness. He was in his 78th year ha, Ont, The Rev. John MacNeill,
Ten,. F. J. R. FORSTER, aid had been e a resident of Turn- of 'Widmer Road church, officiated.
---se' . berry for a long time beliore retiring Renwick.Eadie Nuptials
Lags House
EYE, EAR. ItiOSE, T11110.aT.
surgeon Negeyotee .h-toto live in Wingbain. He was an ee- ° • a .
A very pretty We ding was solon-
agesieut a thusIastic memberof the Salvation nized by the Rev. C. N. McKenzie of
Wealth-. cold Aural llosPiial,
Mooretield's Eye Hand
ospital • ("olden Army, Besides I.ns widow the late Belrnore, at the borne of Mr. and
Square Tbroat lioepital, London, Eng*. 53 Mr. Wheeler hi eurvived ,by eight of I meg Colin Eadie "Cherrye Hill"
a .1 VililY0 viz: Mr. Wright, 'Wright, • of farrn, Glenannan, on Wednesday, Waterloo St. S. Stratford. Tele- , ,
M Hotel Bedford, Goderieb, en tbe J.,....ameatown; Mrs. Will Reid, of I March 10th, at 4 o'clock, when their
in" of the third Monday of cow
b ingham; George and Arthur, of youngest daughter, Mare A., became
luorith,e from 7 o'clock =the follow -01j 'hear Bluevale; Thomas, of Turn- the bride -of Mr. Waiter Eldon Ren -
day, Tuesday, at 1 p.m. berry; Peter and Ensign Margaret, wick, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
------..7------* of Hamilton, and Mrs, Fred Hogg, waiter Renwiek, of Howiele
cautoPilAcuu a Turnherry.
Johnson -Tanner
401,1"mc,,roe. Now Leader fo------------------------.. iebut pretty wedding WAS
forth Highlanders' Band. He was Saturday, March 13th, at high noon,
Cnronle, Organic and fee' rvous Diseases
Office hours -2 to 5 and 7 to 0 11; rn. ion Band. was united in holy bonds of testa
mt. A. N. ATKINsoN, Mr. Itaminangof Chesley,sehes solemnized at the. home of Mr. and
been engaged as leader of the a- Mrs. R. L Tanner, Walkerton, on
negistered, Chiropractor. Godertch
di a of the .
largest phonograph commodes in the '
world, and recalled the barrenness of Words Often Misueed PHONE 46 South $ide Square
the phonograph studio 'ati compared Don't say "it is nothing like .as ,.
with the coziness of the broadcest- beautiful as 'the other one." Say "it
ing roam. , . is not nearly so beautiful," I
nine-. 'He spoke with A ;Jade in -
"I shouldn't think it would be nee- Don't say "he vowed to wreck his 0 A SPRING TONIC ,.
He had visited a atu o ofon
Free .dellveri to any part of the Town.
J. J. McEwen
Consultation Free formerly leader Of the Bruce Battal- when .their youngest daughter, Tena,
and by. appointment. eleeeting OM day Death of Mr McCluskey, of th 1 to . • R. H.Johnson, Clinton,
Seafer onY Mr
son of the late Mr. and Mr. John
rend mrsday afternootu3 and evebilA's; •
1. Office liOurS on these days,t0eo 12 an: The death tonic- place .early Satur-
emery to have everything se sound- vengeance." "Wreak" is the CO)' DISCRIMINATE; to note the dif-
m Johnson, of Williscroft, by the Rev.
Corner East and VietorteSta
day morning, arc , .
John •Franiiis McCluskey, for -the
R. Perdue
Clinton Hospital Association
past foie years a wi*thy, citizen of
COLE. R. 0..
West Street,.Goderich.
Honor Graduate of the Canadian 0141-
thatinie College of TOrontO. I
Eyes examined by the latest Methode.
And the proper ntting of stasP, at mod-
erate prides. Ontario 'Board of Exam-
iners Certificate No. 875. e ,
-,T11.01iIAS GENII/IVY. a . ..
'J Lire Staik and General Auctioneer,
''' ' Harniltou Street, Goderie
, Bales made everywhere and all 'fforte
, oatitde to, give you satisfattioto .
Verniers' sale notes dise.ounted.
ROB' ERT 11011E1ITS0N.
Qualified Auctioseer,
Eldon Street, Goderich,
vvill"coieftge sirre'aigisur lite Cottriti• Of
Huron, Lor information leelY lo P. .1.
Ryan, Ilemitton St., o- eenetes left witti
tern will receive prompt attentlete
General Conveyancing done
(woe Companies teepee een tfel
PhOne No. gee.
. '
Oceleriell, Ong
PrOOf in here," Smith said to his rect. word.
ferencee between.. "We- must dis-
noises during • a concert I. would interesting." Say "aulesequent ear- INVOLVE; to draw into entangle- You Can Lay the Foundation at
Good Health Now by Building Up
guide. "If I heard any strange • Don't say "her future career was criminate between right end wrong."
blame it on static or the set." eer." . ment. "I do not want to become in. Your Blood and Strengthening
"That's where the phonograph' Don't stay ."this candy is for yOu Your Nerves Through the Use of
volved in your controversy."
and radio studio differ," the other and L" Say "you and me," RECEPTIVE; inclined to receive. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
explained. "We are fussier about The PossessIve Plural. ')f "Janea" "He was not in a receptive mood,
noise than you would -imagine, and is "Joneses'." and refused to listen." The good old fashion of taking a
it's lust bevause we figure there will Don't say "this piece of goods - tonic in the Springtime, like most
be unavoidable noises at the receiv- will do very nicelY.". Say "verY WM. STRACHAN I of the customs of our grandparents,
ing end. We take no chances on well." based upon sound common sense
spoiling your evening by giving you CHALLENGES la
and good medical practice. Winter
noise that can be avoided. A bad Words 'Often Mispronounced
is always a trying time for thee*
Romance. Accent last syllable, Horseshoe and Quoit PItchers of
needle on your phonograph record is who are not In rugged health.
instead of first so commonly doee. Vero Beach and County Intited
about the only thing that will add Many men, woinen and children go
foreign noises te those which, as 0 ia eggee, to Prove Ability
through the winter on reserve
Gist. Pronounce "fist," and not
Seaforth. Mr. ideCluskey was born The seventh annual meeting of
ut McKillop township sixty-seven the Clinton Hospital Assoreation was
years ,ago and received his primary held on Friday, March igth, vvith
education in No. 4 school. Be is Mrs. Brydone, president of the
board, presiding, For the ensuing
year Mrs. Brydone will be honorary
president,. with Mrs. T. ,Mason as
gg' president, Mrs. H. B. Cowlie first
• , vice and Mrs. A. Howson second vice,
Mrs. Zappe secretary and Mrs, Wm.
Gunn corresponding' secretary. Pat-
survived by big wife, formerly Miss
Clara O'Connor, daughter • of 'Mr.
and Mrs. Michael O'Connor, of Mb-
through some' overshtht, were put in-
to the record in the malting."
The -guide explained that shortly
they would be' in a position to pro-
vide an attractive waiting room for
strength they have stored up during
Partner. • Proeounee first syllable Mr: Wm. Straehen, who is visiting
the sunny summer nionths, and grow
"part," not "pard." in Florida, has not lost hie fondness
Prescription. Pronoulice "pro," for pitching quoits /end in The Vero inereaaingly ,pale and languid as the
not "per." spring days +approach. A tonic for
, Beach Prose of March Oth appc-are a the blood and nerves at thie time
Poor. Pronounce the oo as in challenge from our townsmen, in the
"school " not as in "leek."
I will do muelt for sucle people, by '
following terms :
. putting color in the Cheeks and Wm-
' "Why all these' frills?" Smith . Illusive. Pronornce the us as in "Horseshoe and quoit pitchers of
by ishing that tired feeling thet v. -orrice
asked. "I've seen phonograph stu- "unit," and the s as in "so," not lie z. the entire county are challenged
Bios where high -salaried artists sit
Words .0ft-en Mispelled mr. •wia. &mama, ae onta_eio, gag, thousands of people at this season
of the year.
in straightback 'chairs and stare at :Ida end Mr. .1. M. Frame of. West
blank wane." . Dysentery; (note the dy and the . 1.
er). Parallel; three l's. Proftaic Virginia, to meet them in the city It is impoesible to be energetic if
"You are forgetting that many park at any aim. The atakee have your blood is thin and week, or if
radio entertainers aile giving their (not za.) Encouraging .(not age.)
Papier-mache. Matinee (two e's). been driven, and everything is in your nerves are freyecl or ehettered.
Synonyms • You cannot compete with others if'
services gratis," he was told. "With
the restrictions placed upon the ser- Mg Straehan writes that ',he chat- you do not get refreshing sleep at
shape for a game."
vices of the celebrities, radio broad- Noise, sound, tumult, chimer, din, lenge had not. been taken up at the night, or if your appetite is poor oe .
casting vinfuld have been greatfy racket, roar. _ time his letter was written. you are losing weight. You need a
Ho says, "I -have just got back tonic at this time to add to your ef-
from a trip to the interior jungles of ficiency now, as well as to save you
Florida, where the snakea end alliga- from suffering later on. And in all
tors live and find the air •charged the realm of medieine, there is no
with the perfume of the bloesems of safer or better tonic than .1,Or. WS -
the grape fruit and orange. The Hams' Fink Pills. These pills 'tone
wild flowers and water lilies ere and enrich thfs blood which circulates
wondeigui. The robins Are getting through every portion of the body,
strengthening jaded nerves And run -
restless so am L
if "A bunch of Indians Suet came to down organs, and bringing a feeling
town..I was told they did not wear of new strength and energy to weak,
shoes, so I followed them to see what easily tired, despondent inert, women
their feet looked like, and found and children.
their toes all nice and ,itratght and Miss It'. Sirois, Kamouraeka, Que.,
their soles like a pieee of oak tanned says:—"I would feel that I was
leather. Now they are 100 per neglecting an opportrnity to help
cent. Americans and ere allowed to HOMO other poor sufferer if I failed
eat at a white restaurant. They had to -tell you how enuch benefit 1 bad
for sale young alligators and bead through. the use , of Dr. Williams'
work. The alligators sold for $1.50 Pink Pills. Before taking the pills •
each, and when the Indiare were
I was in a badly run-down cienditioi.
sold out they went straight to a fruit -
t wits very weak, pale and breath -
store and bought apples. So cheer
up, old Ontario; the apple is king,' .
lessat the least exertion. I often
hadilea aches and sty appetite was
Mr. Straehan is now at Het
poor, I began taking the pills and
lhandicapped were it not - for the Completion, accomplistnent, fin-
younger, less known artists. Jt is ish, performance. achievement, end,
only fair the studios should offer c r 'ruination, constanation, fulfill.
these people as much comfort as nient.
rossible. They can entertain you ' Fatigue,' weariness, exhaustion,
better when they are being made to lassitude, languor, drowsiness, weak
feel like quests of our -station.
"When an artist is getting a fancy ne°Slill, dexterity, adroitness, clever -
figure for making a record it doesn't nese, skillfulness, proficiency, knack,
make much difference about the sur- facility, mastery. lte .
roundings, so long as they are ade- Desire, wish, aspiration, Tonging,
(mate. •.This explains why opera coveting, traving, appetite, want,
stars have always been willing •to fancy, yearning.
put up with tawdry back stage seen- Vulgarity, coarseness, ill -breeding:
ery, With them it is entirely a mat- indecorum, ribaldry, obscenity.
ter of business." Word Study
Smith had been looking about "Use a word three times and it is
while the guide expfitinsd the ^gener- yours." Let Us increase our voeabu-
al scheme of things. He noticed an lary by mastering one word each
engineer at work on something und-
day. Words for this lesson :
of the , piano. This "something" SANCTITY; the quality of being
proved to be a special mag•neto type sacred; solemnity. "She • wanted to
of mierophone designed to. provide be alone in the sanctity o'T her own
true recording of the overtones of room."
the piano strings and to enable the HUMILIATE- t b bl • ft* d
ients' fees for the year.were
'Pains Go 52,
Centralia Creamery Sold
Swollen Jew ints Mr. Thomas 'Willis has field his
creamery business to the Walkerton
Egg and Dairy Co. and it will be
Vanish known from now. on as the Shamrock
!Creamery Co. Mr. Willis will _man -
Thousands of sufferers have freed'nany.
age, the' creamery for the new coni
themselvere from. the bondage of
Death of Old Resident of Exeter
rheumatism; rid themselves of the
torturing pain; reduced the molten One of the oldest residents of
joints; thrown away Capes and Exeter, in the person. pf Mrs. Re -
crutches. and from helpless beings becca Poplestone, died an Tuesday of
became able to worh. and be of uselast week at the advanced age of 02
to themselves and their families. . years, five months and thirteen days.
They took Rhetinur the* modern She had been 'ailing since New Yearse
enemy of rheumatism, 'lumbago, scin- Her maiden name was Rebecca Les-
tigagarthritis, tied chronic neuralgia. Bea Brown and she was born Oct.
Don't be skeptical about Itheuma. 3rd, 1884, at the town', of Bellytib-
You will know in 'few hours after ertoAntriuni County, Ireland, within
beginning the treatment that the two and a half miles of the Giants'
poisonous waste matter is leaving Causeway. When the efamily moved
your system through the natural to Canada the trip waemade mem-
orable by much sickness and delay.
Thirteen weeks were taken up in the
trip. The deceased was united- in
inarriage to the late Mr. Samuel
Poplestone, by the Rev. Mr. Hurley.
a Bible Christian minister. They
channels. You will feel better in a
day; you•will know you 'are going to
ANCE COMPANY. be helped in less than .4 week.
FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN "'BOP' Eheunia bringing you .Vack to health.
There is. no guess work about
SCRED That's why H. C. Dtinlop and drug-
value of property insured up to Jan. .
nary, 1910, e3,048,e75.00.
0I10E1tS-3ittnes Connolly, Presi- te
dent, Ciotti:rice JasEvans, Vlee-Peest- _ qt
• Ileechwood; T. Fe Ilaye, „See.- •
Treas.. Seoforth.
DIREGTentOele. F. McGregor., Sea-
eVrin, Coirstanefg George Merlartmey.
sts eyerywhere sell it -With gueren-
e of money back if it does not give
Rub Rheumatic' Pain
forth; 3. 0. Grieve. `Winthrop;
e enckeremitti; Ferris, Hai -hick;
:WW1 itenneeeise..Broadhagen; elsirray
fetimem, Brut''field.
AGNTS-el W. Yeo feelerich: Sandy
• Leitch, (1lnt'i SV1n. Cliesit y, Sea -
forth; B. iiinehley, Seaforth.
. .. ..g. 7.4iorrisn'rs Clothing Store, Clihton;
meets at It. II. Cane etor.e, eialerich
Polley lioldere ern pay their assees-
or J. 11. Reid's, ntrs•nekl.-
Raw,: it attended to oy the
-' Established 1878
Mead Office ; Dungannon, Ont.
Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, '
erich, prese Wm. 3. 'nommen:, Aub-
urn, vice pres.; ,elirectors--Wm.
St.lielenst.W. P. Reed, It. R.
No. 2, Lucknow; Salkeld, 'phone
1, Goderich. Alex. Nicholson,
Lucknove; Wm. Watson; Ong Girvin.
R. R. No. 6, Goderich; Win. I. Thon).
non, Auburn; Tim Griffin, R. R. No.
7, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, Xincitt-
dine, Ont.
rrean. Settetary.
BrODhOU 151305.
The Ludt*
funeral DireGtent
are Embalmers
Order* oarefolly attended to
et Mt hours—eight or day.
From Aching Joints
Rub Pain right out with small
trial bottle of old
"St. Jacobs 011."
farmed in Usborne for a number of
yeare - before nipving to Exeter in
1879. Thirty-two years a'go Mr
Poplestorte died. One daughter, Mrs.
Jennie Welsh, of Calgary,. and one
son, Samuel, of Myth, who had both
been with their mother during her
illness, survive, also one eister, Mrs.
Gene', of Watford.,
To have the children, :,osu:d and
healthy is the that care of a mother.
They cannot be healthy if troubled
with Overture We Mother Graven'
e Worm Exterminator.
operator to increase the v
the piano music when the singer
"paralyzed" the ordid'ary microphone
by.singhig too loud. •
"You, see the microphone's fune-
tion is to catch the variations in
sound values," the guide explained.
"Since there is a current fiowing
through this microphone circuit it is
possible to make it control the Lure
rent used for transmission through
the Air. Naturally there are various
types . of microphones with varying
advantages. The common types are,
the "condenser' mid -the "catbon
microphone. In the former the . vi- '
•brations front' the voice cause metal
plates to. vibrate and to alter the
space between them. This • varies
the current flowing through the in-
strument very much as you vary the
received current when yeti turn the
'ffitil. of your variable gondenser on
your set .• In the -latter type of
microphone the process is niore
"There is ,another type called the
"glow discharge." TIIN is simply a
conetant sort of purple light formed
:lenge a gap by discharge of high
voltage. The, voice vibrations affect
it just as they affect the plate; or
the grebe; of eat bon in the other
types." •
- found himself rather
Springs, Arkansas.
the pride of "His re roach Wall they restored me 'to better health
olume of •
SUBTLE; characterized by
Stop "dosing" Rheumatism.HEALTHY CHILDREN
It's pain only; not one case in fifty
requires internal treatment. Rub ALWAYS SLEEP WELL
right on •p e "tender spot," and by the lf Baby Deo; Not Enjoy Refreshing
soothing, enrtatn, "St. Jacobs Oil"
tin' you say jack Robinson—out Sleep Ile is Far From Well
'„,nes the rheumatic pain and distress.
"St. Jacob% Oil” is a harmless theta
matisrn liniment which never disap-
points and doesn't burn the skin. It
takes pain, soreness and stiffness front
aching joints, muscles and bones;
stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and
neural ta.
The healthy child sleeps well and
(tering itu waking hours is never
cross but always happy and
ing. It. is .enly the sickly child that
'io cross and peevish. Mothers, if
• your children do not sleep well; if
Langer upte. Get is "smelt trial bottle
Jacobs or they are cross and ery a great deal,
and in a mo e give them Baby's Own ets
of old-fingighonest St.
from any drug store, 'they will soon be well and happy
ment, vitt be.free from pains, aches
and stiffness. I)oii't sutler 1 4* Rub *gain. -
rheumatism army. Baby's Own Tablets are a mild hut
ee -----------ggegegieeeei. thorough laxative' whirl' regulate the
bowels, sweeten the stomach, banish
constipation, colic and indigestion,
end promote healthful sleep. They
are absolutely guaranteed free from
opiates and may be given to the new-
born babe With perfect safety.
, You can obtain Baby's Own Tab'
lets through any medicine dealer at
25 cents a box, or by mail, post paid,
from The Dr. 'Williams Medicine
..o., Brockville, Ont.
And we tan 'have the sort of gov-
eminent we want if no want it hard
Paneranirector and
Ooderioh, Ontario
All oil* Promptly attended to
day or night.
Phones: More 335; House 833W
• Dont Suffer,
• 9.
iritA-14 • I.V.tiltig
For Burns and Scalds.—Dr. Thom-
than I had enjoyed for a long time;
as' Felecteic Oil will take the Are
in fact, my health is now the best,
- -- out of a bunand I gin sure that what this rnedi-
ror scald. It should be
at" hand in every lcitehen so that it
gine has done for inc it will do for
may be available et any time. all weak,
ailing people."
There is no preparation required.
You can get therse byphi
ills ofiriato
front any
Just apply the oil' to the burn or medicine dealer, or
cents a • box from The Dr. Williams
math" and the pain will abate and in
Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont.
a short time realm altogether. •
ye. iemoorrioN'S -eg,---e'eegel--ge':-
RureNiNG 1
i' -,
. . ,ori ,oe.„,•,
1/•,. 4:04/ ''''''/-";,----;:.-: ,.. .._
'-... .1,
..., -
13errER (-40\VIZ
eakflLLtD r--oLBr1 fir 4(64”
Even luthit,; eau
'hard. . . .
- • H People ;vim have l'"oett burn -
MI' Anthracite Coral live
felt as if they couldn't do with-
out it. •
But the Coal strike which deq.
cended on us last fall has made -
Us changc our heating habits..
• •"l'hoe who have lieutt to. 'use
41tir 1tiuh Pocahimtas Coal and
WyandotteCoke find that their
houses are just as warm as they
were !yin') Anthracite.
l)on't let inurs.It 1,0 worried
over the sal situation when the,
remedy is as close as your phone.
?WOO* rareikeotelkW4
AlollieigThs."WrieW A rata
sad orriatirai
la Orrarri.
At Premiere+. Ore Th*. 1044
frog Tie NideMrdpeatr Cc,
Termite 5, 0et4rie. $
**V PfAXt
Fot Good (1,'l C031
Phone 98, Goderich
STORES• OLd.i.*:11D,E'D •
1;1 'Where 4uality ',44ezt;t13%9A '44
4 lb. TIN
11.9c P,Orrit . RASPBERRY
C 5 C
ct..9 •Of
SAL ON 1=5t 1 ib. tin 37c
Soeireyei 1:1 Ib. tin 20c
PICKLES srotztied
F°R 25c
12 oz. bottle
EGL coNDENsnr, Th. nem aia stone. - MAPLE LEAP
xvi/LK el ere TM rt. Excelled
90 lb.
PEARLINE 2 pkts. 15c FANCY HEAD RICE 3 lbs.29c
SOAP CHIPS 2 lbs. 25c Ns, 5 PLAIN OLIVES 2 for 25e
LUX TOILET SOAP 3 for 25c Vem's ILIsittoi,Coosik SrtoolSe
'lima Prices is *Sett fir anor work front iiatio of ilols paper 1M
2 TINS 35c
59c lb. TINS 25c
3 BOXES 25c