HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-25, Page 1risPlar The WOO' of kiwtioing 1* if. anomersjetWirmerapo 40. ocatioanicolly ass is r-tA GOOD LIVE 14CAL PAPER y. Wag LJc A • IIIMMOMIIIMMOWNWOOMM=MMW • . _ tar a atxrr fiECOND YEAR GODFiRICH, ONTARIO. CANADA TRURPAY, *ARCH 26th, 1926V4NATTICE WAYTEL, reblieltersi Town Coun'il to Meet Monday Night to Deal With Petitions For and Against Re-Submittin'i of Town Hall Bylaw — 4 Sun Life Assurance Co. Of Canada What Lifo Insarancte Dews. It has been well said that if the principles of Life Insur- ance were fully accApted "every facility would be 'properly educated, every old person would be in comfortable circurn. stances, every business would be saie every credit would be •! good and everyone would have a savings account." Life in. surance is not a commodity but a service. - Tim* 12$ 112. LONG, District Apia .6.11,-ruor sAuss ,. i To 00 N Topics Total hogs. 128; *elect beton, 41; to beaatify the capitol et the Dom. outstretched wings the bible rests. 4; lights and feeders, 4. Auburn- of Gm w":"klywche CeMlniesiest has done stands a messive task, on whose /11.1eAleleai Alarrifea SALE (IP thitk smooth, 80; heavies, 4; shop inion. It was Sir Wilfred Laurier, A plain brass shield fastened to the ‘-' 110teE yrallomircos. boo, 1. Huron CountyeeTotl hogs, the father of the .Contratesion, who front of the mein column bears the I am instrueted by the Miseeei Far.. JGO.d4Cy riintekhrinf***44' 8`1" - - 1/34; ettleet bacon. 150e; thick *moth, said that he wished to make Ottawa following ineeription; To the row to sell by nubile Auction at their 1,018: liteaviaa. 108; extra heavies. 3: "the Washington of the north" and Glory of Go4 *ad in Loviror Memory 1 SATCRDAY. APRIL 101,h inaa:pkeitt"ale 141,0a40abe belsicaeissad.areaar.e °was senile*" tby""Cles rit";Allippaihttated".1t.e4deP. ra' 1$* hvelringlItellebetill tbutheb"fuln fia"*IlmentPlilloil.af thrt 1,111".Dric., eCe.MaYaleRYttc°t°oUrTaV•In'ardelilirldin of • this Church, who entered into Rest honk. corner or Waterloo and Light- The •thood a the Goderich Sum. 'house etreete. tiotteriele, on 1 trommenclitg at i teat)* Aar') ' •the United church ave July 1Sith to County Clerk G. W. Halmsn is !Itr‘bl' „ _ Sept. ilth, 102,41, sod 4. roam ling: Living room faratture. dintng • ' now entitled. to write .1, P. after hie 4110s1104411.1 mint1011$ crI signature, Wing been appointed a mire* 1Priabitiarts1 • -.. iCharles Jame, Hamilton, M.D., M.P. • All tete mavens of the home'. lueltat- seta This Leetern is given by hie, Father, etitter'OrtoPie'ewa°sliNe•erm. lialelarpt'h* l'i,t's,n,un.p°0ert: raThilwty annual exeraination, of the man clerk* "Iniing al been somewhat handicapped hereto- tee of the Huron Presbyterial of the , County of Huron. Sr. Holman bee A meeting of the interim eommit- Justke of the Peace in end for the Melted) April 27th Aolf4thbeielhtuisrett*, ;me:" hVer'r..IN* eTtlie.r17.tr. room furniture. bedroom furniture. Postal Inspector Mere piano and aeat, coat range refrigem. I at the dediration seryke Spoke very eertains am vaccines diehes, glees- onto hod hfoodor sold frowsy- ii fore in cerryieg out his dutionr, as United church of Canada was held. hi hi f tb ash sifter, tyansvriter, carves, rugs, Goderich was !Conducted at the neat Wed"*"Y" i the lecY t°ern wesureneerectlewd.b°41antrieem•forlut • ware, cutlery. garden Wee, garden . chairman of the County Mothers' at the manse, Clinton. tools and numerous other articles. Mr. J. W. Stewart, intleector for the Anowsace Board, in receiving de. Merch 17th, to arrange for the or. TERMS---Casin London district. , aerations and certifying to cei•tain ganixation of the Presbyterleld and intelligent Churchman. "To Ws J 11101•O Will he no reserve. At The Harbor * papers in tonneetion with this work, which will be made up of the Wforno tivrehtnarknweawa him," he malt itisHliiiiafee:h1:8$7 r. (1 ...xio ', . , WARNING C.,4,RD OF THANKS -• For the pageweeks see.cutting hence the vonferring of 'this addition- en s es nary nn4 pceshytechm actuitted by a loyalty to known truth eALa OF FARM, eroGK. has been going on lin the harbor and el elualificetien to facilitate his work former Methodist d d t *" on ea•est half o Lot 19, ekneesaion 4. lee teen heipful 'sympathy and era . • JAS. MeWIIINNEY, the various ;)›olita 11011 arri,vad lind With Conclusion of Winter triet and Mrs. Grier, of Winglunu, OBITUARY 'West Wawaneelt. ivo order of 0110. tributes, at the time ef Seer sad ber- via s 1 • Penile At!etion. at Pt., Lot the ;work -of refitting the boats has Sporting Eventa • secretary. bin. Hogg named , the McKEE.-The funeral took place churches. hira. J. E. liege; wa* ap. I an n TAKE Nvalrt leiiract e Orser and Mr. ind Mrs. X t PS•sr, WW1 10 return sincere lew,151111.F.,MENTS, sEED umrs and this week the beets *re being un-. on tine metter. tri i.i era or dor allowed to trespass thanks to manv friends and aelghnbersi , • . leaded. Alreedy veveral trews of SprIketike Weaklier Interferes- pointed "Key" woman for this dia-i • • • ri..VOLSON, tainsan n, tint. " eavement in the loss of their liusband •_.1) it, Lake ;there Road. (Aherne le. Oaao eommeneed. The top et the W. L. - •tial $on on Aiareh lath, 19'26. • . - • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1141, 1926 several minor repeira. Thursday, bier. llth. of John ' following, who formed the members 14.8t of the committee; Mrs. Andrew, orter A e ee, grandson ot John Forted fleet are also yndergoing a finish on both the curling Porte; Goderieh township, from the 14nd organizer for Goderieb Methodist WINTISD nines. noteh of Dunten) on V 1 X The thaw of the petit week has put district,• Mrs.. Mollerd, organizer ter ndert eking pe rlore Meson. hockey schedules. The Sethoteli diou- Brophy Bros. The dereased vi•as in FOR SALE.-Perlar ,Crraud Viet rola., . • ,--;-•• leommenelnic,at 1.00 o'clock sharp • 'did not read) •eonelusion, and in. ley, Clinton; Exeter district; Mrs. George Ship ,p1 to R. C. N.1,A111031. ('I J) ti,A 14'..1tS aNANTaa.),-,tientleinea lorses.-1 -span of matched Belgian The Dates, of tbe •Art . Ides tournament among e cur ere Afrs. Cummings, St. his eighth year and liLe death, . Newgate St. and Camlbria Mad, Ciode.1 • -preferred, Apply at teTAli: OF- :.illAoreeibrsIiting 7 and yore :weighs at the Collegiote, "ARTICLES FOR SALE .....4•4•4044.• Helens; Mrs. James Hamilton. Gode. Port Huron, Mgr. 4th, was due to Cattle...a. white coW 6 years. old, The dates a the egliibit of pia- the town hockey league series, the dolt. FICE. rich, arid Mrs. Geo. Telford, Blyth. scarlet fever. The little boy was the • . "pa SALE.--Vellew sweet ae • aieerkeed, government test 45•03;91). 'wora. 4.1>Itte .STAat OFFICE I eow 6 year, ‘01a, eat; red cation Co. at the Collegiate Institute to play to determine wbether they eloyee. WANIII).--'‘.1-ao 10 as‘lit".viill farM milking dile to freshen in September: urei loaned by the Elson A.rt Publi- Matthews 'team had one more 'game, It was decided to hold the inaugural only child and his sorrowing parents • " NYNIOND fot address. • eow io idd, mains; grey cow; are April 14th to, 17th, afternoons would be tied with the Alt Stars for meson 0 i accompanied the remains to 'Oode. • . . g liter o Istreet • church , •noo rtr u• 1VANTED.-.1, good go:KIM PurPeee FOR SAL11d Oats, Banner, front 3, p, ge;;GHT, Rev. its -C. MeDermid conduct- ` 0 years old, milking; hlaek cola. b Clinton, on 'tumidity, April 27th and years old, milking. due to freshen In and evenings. Arrangeneents are the honors of the second half of the arrangement$ were made for' this . e • d the serviees se Li inner • I steer riaina 1 year old bein made to have these ictures schedule. If the Matthew* wan thia P ti g and pupils and Ptettchers second belt and if they' lost it the be present. The president aid *calf. 7 months •olc1; l heifer calf, et Collegiate horse. obout Jive years old. Alrat prize bin in neld and bin Per kovhel. 0E0. 'W. SNDREWS. • men to represent us retarling'our competition for. 1925. Price. 75 eants,SALESNIEN. WANTED. -We want lire I 1 • faSt honseholci.,neeessIties.• All - and 1 • wine* rising year 't plaeed in the assembly room of the game thev would be tied for the meeting, when speeial speakere. W1111. • „BASTER MONDAY EUCHRE have been fed for baby 'beef); 1. better e months old. two , AND DANCE • will am on hand to explain them to All Stars would be the winners. dele ates frot • c ,Swiat•.-1 ••:Sr!OriAhlio $0W. due to lit' 'visitors. The All Stara wen 'the first half. makge uP the Preestly)tterlilar,liar4 The entertainment committee ef . nt , as the Pres - cover the entire coil y • lItr.o.e Lodge No. 82, 1.0.0.F., intend • •-veararound preposit en. .11 1114 t 4/ I er April 20t1i; 1 Yorkshire sow, due Report of. Hog Shipments for , Fraser-Johnsten bytert does. • Mrs. 110gg entertain- ao.uing a euchre and dente in , Odd- • Fall SALL-A, "eclar Fence Posts and tfmlia up lasting r .rneteenti businass. April lath, Wednesday of last week waa the • algae for lie.tchIng. "We Will be prometect ;territories. Write It. Poultry. -About 00 iv. 00 pluz. bred Week Ending 'March 18; 1026 Goderich-Total hogs, 25; aelect wedding day of Feely ed inembers of the contmittee t I fell°w8' nail on the evening of edeeeed to Tote you prkes on aboVe WATKINS COMPANY, Dept. 62, flare; Ramie ;eland ited.pu Pt14 1/1.W ens; 2 e' -pile tha, are,reasonable. The qua- Ilton, Ontario. • b RI (1. Wand roosters* - • n age . tanned be excelled- anywhere. geese and i gander. 0 b Easter 'Monday, April Gth. Admix - • Grain and 110Y.-.\bietit 150 bushels Poets are rell slae and atrong. Our! . Leghorne are Delemeres . production A REFINED WOMAN good clean seed 'oats fflociluerorl • about 125 bushels seed ,bailey, about °mutest strain. W. F. CORBETT, Mill quality for the' least in money. doe, e eut; dIse . .• TENDERS WA'NTED • . laadtk•eproof guararitett alarmed in. seed &nu Massey-liarria -Also har• Road, Phone 44 w, Married •or single, to take orders for 7 tons of bay. , hosiery that offers the most, in implements. -t Massey.11arrla bin - ItEniDERS. . • .. each pale, ilighest couilleMaleas row; i Ireinting mower.; 1 ft Share ;first' consideration. Na'alet CHAS. row•e'd Fleury plov.•,sef• Iron . Paid. First.applicateon will ,reeelve rake' 1 No. 21 •I'leur, plow; 1 0 -fur - 'renders velli be•recetved by ttle Pub- ponTft,',70 Albert St,. Toronto, barrows; t eculilete *1 -set New Inter - De Library Board for the decorating Ont national bob eleighii; 1 7.1eLauginaln rit the Reading Rom, Stuck Boom and ,- ' (*utter; 1 McLaughlin rubber tired top Batts of the Publics Library. Wore. to ' huggYt t 2-eeated bugey; 1 Adame ' 14-n do"' nanle as the cwnrk in 1'W' FOIl SALE tin TO owe wagon: i wagon. box and stock rack; . 42tildreo's Roorri„and ithe Board Room. .....„. , , i gravel box; i grind stone; 1 liar Welantleatted and' ifil•ee ocaata of Paint:• ergo ala:ait,--Arter April 1st,. ' six- vote; i „ aleTaggart fennIng mill; 1 004 re . meta/al until Agrelj 511, a.,- roomed furnisikil apua•tment on .Ian 11'- greacelne eiteene 3.1iorse is to be left with the retare, Chtreh steeet. Apply ta lits '4 MeElal. power; i No. AO cutting box, jimt new •••• 'P., KIDD. , , fern, ear and putties; about lOCk ti• .)? "liESITLABLE -Pcitoialiaittlf, POW MIX. feet *item bay fork rope; Mil set of • ESTATE' AND -ITIS CE tortv, orNoritt tufa Nosoo stq. and brass mounted team harness" i tRAN APply to *. aliCKSON.• set of tioldeen mounted sin -le 'harness; PARTMENT RE'N'11.--Atieve ar.inde tor aa.te. • ' 'Tee Sale 11. 1;141;S k.'S 'MBES r . A largo iron sugar 1:ettle; 1 pig trate; A Wire bnlIdirig., r/(0.16 1 • ' went- aseAti- Irma. root..„4 ales:treble property.feriantrage and acatt.-remdition. Appte .•• r- oll, Matlee..-Onet o•t the' best"totritichw sitc, FL, /goad ni, • in. 410tierteh. A barge* for 41lek ' • and emelt aereag_a within Three P. J. RYAN. miles *of town, G. w NVYND1101 Real Estate and Insurance, • it. It. No: 7, Guelph, Ont. O'Brien's Meat- Market, Apply • • Sat INDERB. tenetat 4RQR SALE.-SeetiOric of bisiek v.enter; • :91"dit'IL- li(S/lik. i:S•14gStatte, 111 1 11 - WANTED, TO etENT.---A email house sale. •• • • , VIA)13° ro_85Tuflo LANI) gin Itkitsv.-47,v6r- :DOE ARMS.IVIONG REAL ESTATE and • running. matter. Limited number ••••"^ INSURANCE AelENcy, of (*Attie aemented at 81.00 to 81.50 per „ head met month. Apply to 111(.31ARD goblin Ineuranee. 1101.,'SE .RENT, --Centrally locat. , Life (tun Life), Accident and Autti- BOND, ‚7TO th oon,; Goderleh-tosynship. ' • ea, 1 TOMS alld DOW. modern, Opt. Sale-Frums and 11011$eS '•atid OPWIY deCOlsaled. M. W. HOWELL, tato in.Ceorierlelt end vielnitv, many. of pihene..243. „ . . . ' thorn Offering a about Auetiort Sale • • lanieeS,, . ' ' Volt SALE. -Two good comfortable ., . Omni Iiir Sale ''' hones, both in a good location. . Just a few of the many listed t Abei 40 aero $ , of pasture land with 43 acres good 6lay loam soil. Said to abundarice of water. Close to Cede - be in first elms condition ..won, eeneed rich. Terms to suit purcluisers: ermvevierit to seheol, ehurea, nor; "' modern two -apartment* house on .and railroad' station. Price rim: Nelson street, best residential locality Ore:lard, tberriek etc.. Good tr..4;t2iDRY. read about 4 miles frorn reiderith • F°'1 SALE. OR TO RENT. -Red brick buildinge, nice appearnnce, *on 11/tIbtle Patty 101NMS It dealred. . in Generical. Can be used as one rese • 45 ones,- on,. bonding% s,teopt &nee with twO'bathrooms, a large par- ,ateres, all buildings. $2,500: an acres, tor, and lattleert 'verandah. Reasonable with barn, well •watered ' rent fer reliable tenant. Owner leaving 11,300 tea rorr( s good joAgl son. .310 voktri Pk'riflarietittY,t ,Address at the Star of - or tuieveness. Well Nee:tared, all round t nee or aPPIY•to D. E. 1101,MES, barrist• One buildings. Silo, *windmill, water ter. God( -rich. loogly Irvcrh and maPle bush. cop.! J.VARM FOR sii:ii.L..ffiltie Townshin .. la house and stable; about Se aeres1 vonient to school, church, market, and of Godenlch gin Provincial High - railroad Anti/in. Excellent property,lwaY, 5 miles from Ccoderich ana 6 from c row pvivol easy terms it desired, Glint.= adjacent to ehuraNii and ,school ,eaodeelap about any place ot. ioratioll Orst-olass land 'welt tile drained. A For. all partieulars see bacon, 8; thick smooth, 12; heavuti, Johnston, daughter of Mrs. ,Craigle * Mon GO tenta. Good Orcheatra. 2. McGaw -Total hogs, 68; select and the late Capt. John Ritchie Victoria Home and School Club - bacon, 18; thick smooth, 39; heavicia, Craigie, Goderich, and Mr. Dough' Observe Birthday Anniversary April release Brunswick Records "Thank* ter the Buggy D. Fraser, of Stratford0 son of the On Thursday evening last, a very on male• late Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser. The sureeesful and enjoyable social even- Ride*" "Say Mister Ma.ve l'nu Met AUCTION SAI,Elt Kettle " "Sister " etc CAMPriELL'S gents at plraecacidqeaueleetlyef inththee-hmeiodrens; friends of the Rome and School Club, ng was spent by the members and t , t • te . brother, Mt. R. It Craigie, 131 Ring of 'Victoria SehooI. This was the - •"1.1:°1.1;11°P.r.EIk:LNTSP4OPandP.Irotstireort 7nv 1 DRUG STORE. Mft. ROBERT :SIARRIAIAT,' street east. Brecirville. FURNITURE. ' , The .bride third annivereary of the founding of win sell by pubeie auetion tit Lot le, was given away by her brother, Mr. • TwO brand new Brunswick natio. e Console d II Con. 13, Colborne Tp, (one mile met t.... Craigita and Rev. Donald Mae:. of Sheppardton) on drum, of First 'Presbyterian church, , FRIDAY, MAltat 2.601, commencing' at IWO o'clock ,eliarf) performed the ceremony.. After a llorses.-1 team of bleak Mares 12 short trip Mr. and Mrs. Fraser will years old. reside ,in Stratford,. where Mr. Fre- hoptemenis.-i set of tearli tharneaar ser' is in businese • ,poie; I eet single harneas; t pair of NVIlg011; I Met 11111per,;. 1 mower, 0 ft. Ahmeek -Chapter Night At blind hrldlee; steel tire top buggy; eut; Massey Milder, eutd horse hiralel 'Theatre , • coke; i hay rank; f quitter; I .set of The proceeds Of the afternoon alui; duce. wen* watking .Plow. No. 211 evening programs at Model Theatre on-Thureday,• April- lei, .a go to swell the funds of Ahmeek Chapter, Zee, ,Maxavell, proprietor, having, ;kindly cimsented 'to hand over to the Chapter the theatve for their especial benefit on that day. The usual prices will be charged and an educational film depicting "Trap- ping in the North Land," "The Teachers' Trip Through Northern 0 n t aria," "Picturesque Ottawa," "The Romance of the Huronia," along with other features and a com- edy picture will be shown. The 'Chapter will appreciate your attend- aGodncee•rich Feir"To Be Held Sept, 8th, eth and 10th • 11117'. 1 g•eavel Ilex; 1 set•of harrows; A cut - forks, chains, shovels and lither keep trio nurnerous to mentioil. tee. I wire streteber; begger Por TEliana...-Alt sums Of $10,00 am csohito, .cont; cocks (too. stovels, rimier, cosh; ever that amount 7 ,,‘..hiniacces 41116,raliavi akaper Vee0,it• SV.11.1- ISA tiiir„:11- V11114 • 'fatiltitt'atipreyeel joint' no es. A ha '.....i 1A Barred goo; Imes. and 3 'count of,6; per cent. per atiuntu roosters. A number of lloneea and Lots in honse/ Vann •corsIsts. of 30 acres of moulted. good cement block 7-roren honse, bank ,Atistsritom, 3ox5o. orchard of good winter apple trees, Never falling water ouptdv, barn 40s50. drivinf house and garage (41. 'ftar lain 'ern 'el'ealt• ant°unt'a• eTit"! alkresehold .Etteets.--1- Quebec* treateri' tarn) has been • sold, and everYioalg i °meter. conker with:hot water front mist he • sold without, reserve, • .kt- the: same time ana placse there and oven; 1 Crowe !toren c•oolc- stove; will be. offered for ,ah' -subject to 1 organ; alislies, curtains, rugs, ;bigwig g and scalera.. . • .. . • reserve bid, a lewd conifortable 'frame dwelling. nonse • and about two • dome- TEHMS.-All'aurma et Ili°. and under, of choice garden iland and new•chielteri eaSa ; (ever that amount 8 months'. ore, house, with all kinds of 'fruit, belong- .lit will ba '•given on furnishing up- ing to. tne Estate of Abe late Mri.• Ellen Prayed Jobe,. Dotes A tilseonnt of 6 per ,eent. allowed off for' cash on 'credit ,of household 'furniture. Terms -Cash. amounts.- •rifnee inn:tales next to EMS itt•-• For:. further , partioulais arie , More. Setrarek P. 0.•80a Ige(lotlerien. OSWALD; GINN, n. No. t, Ooderieli. bath,' has splendid electric, iixtures. w .erest took place. at the home o r. . • of'. Goderiche voncessien, On '1•1ey will be offered as line tot: ir not • MORI SALE • by Alma Howell and Gladya Brown- SATI!itirAY, April 17th afeWir.inney. Nile, and a squill amount l'erms on property made known day RonT. Arit411M4L4 T. 01•••MbRt' of s'ale. and possession can he Ind at Proprieter. Auetioneer, JAA, MeNVIIINNEY, Administiei- LEMILNO AVirioN•.5.aLv; OF FARM JAMES, MCWIUNNEY, GrallartY., STOCK AND MPLOENTS. tor for the Estate. ' , ,PrOprietor. • Atietlerierr. AUCTIoN . SALE• OF. •'• tiES11)ENCE EitTIES ANI) 1'1)1'8E1101a) FCRNIS4I- INt1:4, .1 urn instrochat•thy Dr. W. F. Clark to sell by public.. anetten at the. pre in- iatai:in the Town or tiodetieh, on .S.k1l."111)AY; APRIL .17th commencing at 1 (Mock share with ealf at *feel l 1 2 -Par -old lielftsr* agriculture' I (filly or gelding 3 years grain. of choruses, duets, recitations, 1 g , . Parcel aio." 1. -The •compriviiively with calf at font; i black eow 7 yoftrs . . .011,1 • and Newerate .sireets, containing' ' • • a •• i •i- . 11 Ir.lfer iiiie - other in Class Al heavy draft (filly .entertainment • was onelled with two. WFDNESDAY April Ith---Auct; . A . A. i and implements early in April.. • ,-- '...•;-,•• ,,, , ' I ts • : It • , new. brIc'k •rcaeicleni*e,. corner. of Vie. otd, ate. 'in '1 t'. i .2.year-oni .nelf.e, old, prizes $5, $3 • and V)* and the qt aiid a play. The 'evening's. i • • The Goderieh Fall Fair dates the Club. The meeting was in ' grail s. on Taylor, and the program reflected quick sale. CAMPBELLS DRUG great Credit on the new executive. ST011E. The pregrant was given almost en- ' ' • . tirely by eh° nien of the Club, who Going sway 'for Eaettri? ern:lased their feiende by their Mill- member.. we earrY a full IWO . of ity as entertainers., After the us- Trunks, Club Bags, Suit .Caees, Hat ing it; in brief an outfillir of the pro. follow- Moires, ete. Quality geode at right prices. SHARMAN'S. • nal routine of bullies „...3 the gram; Addreesei by the retiring .. , . president, Mrs. Redditt, At the- fiall Y01 0 lIall)"0. wherever awl are 0080 .c,e this address mch. Itedaitt 0 come to St, George's HIGH T end wee. pootented with * ..botiquet of ' 11/14"/"." Al" 16th• 19" roses .' Vocal duets by Mr. Cbas. ' ' mit:bent:1r soalnods llilyr. Aj1.1%.11A.W11Seheeireet, N G't ad:4143Chlt:64dinelell°1°rdlitligg ei lg.-244'14%4 ' ' . ..i'i A I cello solos and songs by Mi. F. Mle. and dance in- the Masonic hall On. ler, songs by Mr. J. F. Thomson; ac. lunch which followed was without a Easter Monday, April 6..th, Music at.• . , tompattiets, Mrs. Cooke, Mr. MeDon. ti aid Gibbs and Iiir, Hamilton, The . doubt appreciated, as was also the .by the ElsliAotisOreithEeGstIrse,.rER birthday eake, which had been pre- FRIDAY, March 26th ---Auction ' Mrs. Redditt was uppointe dee rep - tiers Of Cane and Sehoo/ Clubs, to 'shaolueseottfoldfarrurnittocurk4 lawtPileernt e1nOt",3 caonnd. • pared by the retiring preeident. 'held' in Toronto Binder week, with I% Colborne tp. (one mile east of Mrs. A. Taylor, as alternative dele. bo 041,cleoPcirdntoont,T. prietor. T. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. "AmlituiReSIlinAgLI014Pro- 1.- resentative to „the Ontario Federa. ' . ;charge of the new president, Mrs. right. At, very epeciat rice* ftrr 6 .• WEDN ESDAY, Mareh 810.-• . ,.. .. 'MR. W. 3. biERB gate. The meeting was • brought to ;Clearing auction sale of farm a oc will 44.il by pantie nuetilen at. Lot "ifii have been set for Wednesday, - "Thurs Ira :_clo,s,e by singing "God Save the and implements at lot 10, eon. 1, Cen. 1, West Wawanosh tone mile cast day and Friday, Sept. 8th, 9th and of NI10, on -10th, the sante days as last year. ""'fr• , West Wawanosh (one mile east of L.. Children Present Program Nile), commencing at I o'elock. W. "act.) 61(1, wemang Lew les,: t weeks revising the prize bat an na. the Missionof the North Street 3.' KERR, .Proprietor. T. GUMMY, ., . WEDNESD.VY, MARCII Mat Van The Board has been meeting every tommeneing at 1;00 &chat sharp Saturday evening for the petit three On Monday evening the 'children of 'llorsee.,---i mare 42 years old; 1 horse - ..Aretioneer. * d iBand horse, rising 0 yeaee rad, proving it, Two newt sections have United Chnrch, ,prettented to a very Ezra Fishier aneeunces, that _ke Cattle -74 litaek eto,v I wart; old. been added in horses, one inaClass 5 - appreciative audience a veried pro. has rented. his farm and will be hold. • • ' al male of farm stock Ealing 'room with alle tireplaee, .dining ..roorn,- 'kitchen, four'•leetrooms, roem, sleeping poreli. A well lighted basement under 'whole house and a salentild *hot water heating syst, ni. The house. is \yell Wilt -and finished rlUe 10 to.eirlf; vow years o to gelding .3 years old, prizes $5, $3 inenhang Choruses, -"Booster, ion tinia of farm oe p • . also for the best bushel Of canning Bells." The chairman for .the peo.• Lake Shore Road, Colborne Town- ;• ealves, • • r. • $1) SPeeial prire 'is offered, (r, Be a Booster,",, and, "Misaionary seed grain and hay, at part lot. 8,, • r caw, 6 years ojak 3 2•N'inlr'' old ateers; 10 year-old ealveci; i 'Winter " ' • Swine. -2 sows dee to April ith; tomatoes. A conimittee . ap- gram was Rev. f".: F. Clarke, who, lila ship (two miles north of Dunlop), wati 5 ?ins, IGO lbe. " Pointed to meet a committee •of the his few' remarks,. highly commend-) ronuneneing at. 1 o'Cloek /Tharp.. There Is alse a WP11 equipped stable,- teeoless lest rievirr 1 22alich horse town council, to discuss .ihe adeisa- and 1,•otec.d his unpreciation of the GUNDWY, Auctioneer. a , • hi every particular and lias aumbt•r inplements,--1 walking elow; 1 Sot • 1 h d f th Ail ' Ba JA4 11•WIIINNEY, Proprieter 11% of swelal features to recommend . it. bob s, marsc Racing AssociatIon and a t e e o e ssion m frame dwelling, eevered with met '.1 months' credit men be grand stand. • ng, auction wale of house furnishings Pareel No, 2.-A very a.omfortabie I billy goati. 6 PM/Pies. .. the leaders, Mieses Mooney and i SATURDAY, '4.1./.11ril- with abundance of reran roe autos., crawl., nisi rubber. tired buggY. bility of improving the stabling. and sacrifices and .effertS put. forth by aiding. Situated on Vittoria st. This given on. furnialling Improved joint Celebrated Eighty -Eighth Birthday Brx/dford, who else must be coniplia. at the residence, corner IN aterioo- : • • f b sd r aril straight allowed for eq.41t An eVent ef mere 'thee passieg •int. rind 1,1glithtiuse streets, conunencing house •„eontains • 11ving room,,,• dining notes. disenunt: iif i per , cent. - • mented on arranging such a line' program as Was given. • Reritationg at 1 o'clock. • THE -1•.IISSES FAR- . , were a se given y ean Robertion Row; Proprietreeties. T. ttL,NDitl, - Theae 111 '01111, Put) have front- Proprietor. . Anetioneer •arid Mrs. •D. JonesNorth-st., on . FARMaffe of about 47 feet on 'V letOP•14 Stzect. Tuesday March .3rd, when rs, . • Hat SALE. --..n • and Billy Johnston, cis well as a duet Auetioneer. J. CRA1GIE McNabb, mother of Mis. Jimes, ce viten Farm eonslata of 80, aeres lee, all of whieb, Were well, received. ' 'TKIINtrea-dif per eel% of'. ;footrest.* MOIEDIAGM • (Cy (num brated her 88th birthday. Mrs. Me- A .•ir _ ant auction sale' of Valuable reale very humerons 4.*The the (*minty road tde milea, from Cloths* 1,„1,,i .rmt wav „via tirag,atoly, foRNI pasture land, with a never failing priee to be Pahl at time sa e. - .DENTIAL PROPERTY IS T.1% Nabb was born in Whitechurch and • setting 'creek and 'trig:lit acros 'of good anee within 30 clays or amingements Aa'N Ia./DERR:IL • Real Estat and Inman tiordv,•ood bush and about four acres. im,kv ce Will it t n e I ' • • be- made tn payment% . moved with her parents . Mr. and' Minister's otsed, raaok tiote,e preperties and household furn. Mist:Ike," • , Smith to th'e towns ishings, at 1 o'clock sharp. DR. W. CLARK, Proprietor, '1'. laughter when t e young aniniater I • • 1111-! 1151' • [of cedar swamp, Se a PrOPerties .Thay in.ipeeted any TICS PitoPERTY CoNsi.rri4 op A Mrs. Reuben . ri went t I 0 come) one of the membera Auetitmeer„ Fee further partieulare ariply oral- oftorm,,,,o on" Aiwa 3r,i, otiol) lifer Aaai A avata, Heart' ep of Nottawasaga hi the County of li. IL No. Goderieil. At the same time all the eontents 111 WSJ.; cia; LaaEs sTitKeT. Siincoe when a very young. girl. of ilia congregation -.0 2. the briek noose iDr. Clark's home . her hiniband. Au it happened • be ••• . altRRIED . lived in the then un - 1 dining. room bedreem ana et. „f sale eotalio,r4j In e, and brother, er set, Liege 11.1velipert. large in/hoist- ilia time of stria, there oill r•irereil themselves home. Last November tion .w ieh followed was very funny. Th,„ %mad - 1 aorig entitled, "The Lullaby," wan ri.t...o-s. 4..10 r, tblr"at.-4'.111 of • peed arni Mianas 4.115 i f4444,4 by sale at nubile auetbat. 1114 rah. mr given by the tiny tots of the band No,' \Ie."; 1".11.1't*4' •414 oral finev tables, poile»bils 441111 1.114114.4. 40' Ilf ,Npril, A31.. 1a26. it the loon. ur \abl ) came with her dau INVESTNIENTS an INSURANCE tim.r lamp. walnut e,hatiult, eherry 14•1/11.4ek In the foren•oni. al the ter to Goderieli- There were prges- • • . • • . • +, bv •..11111. efapt•ising IhIng* rutin). i'Nlif:11' 1tY VIRTUE of the Here ahe' With her Paretibl• Ititttera went. to the wrong pertain, to one I/Lica tiCkFkl•kk 1/*• 11.•troda • • 1*4411 eh I Id hd Th ti - tile .1 1%. %haat tate, keret. .eue.usti.1 ose cog' la roe 4! CO/IV4:41'1441. ' 014 • • CAREY St SON; 14. st d fiireisL rigs, .11-pieee witecz Vt --a- broken forest,- woeking -neike-;-for- .. • • tumuli, 11,14 It \tr. and e and Lenore Stutzel Satig Vert Peet- • and r oases situate in the ent. for the celebration. her (laugh- "little Otos Ilke Me." •"The • • ' Writing .lesk, combkriet1 booluom , Masonic Temple Building mimb.Kr, Im„)„,,,, manflo (look, eto,t Provinee ilf oritario, wenn ereneesed datieliter Aire.' C. Elliott, of Itamilt. writing desk, 3-sisatoreeliookease and cioderieli, in the Courtly of Iler,nr and ter, Aire. M. Beattie, and grand- Pi*ed Piper of Hamelin," that well. 11,11'r!:!,1 'TriV;14!1•111:::.,Aula„.'11 v•14 riur Nan runner 3%12 pie- 4 Part of lot lin in tho Town lit limit - story, was given 'in two acts, co.,. in het nigh s.t•ar, *piaotez 230, way saver. DCA preeitred 1/Y ow' ••%1"11"1""l• end I HitlithOtre t - tures, curtains and email „rugs.' bail mirror and seat. dining ritian remit. of Ooderiell dated see' •tilil;'r. real as shown fin a pl:tit ef the hank') on, u. son. . . or. '1`,11tywn, , onto; Mrs. J, Marwick, and the Ms- eaht aceeptably. The whole program leen /taking' their part' %cry 'GO.DEPLICH il,CONTARIO • a,. ••,1,0.4 I •••1, • • . Wag Very ;ably presented and a cre. • . iand entlery: three eennoteie sets Provineial SUrVoVol`, roa..oier.41 ,of qiriffral furnidu mahout= th41 nOgistry tilliee for th.. camnly tiOderull. her nieces: .also her mini- , • P dit 'any Mission Band. . - enamel suite eontoning teal, mattress, Iforoni hying more -.--------1 ,MEHORIA:H. • pattietdarly ew, W. Andrew, of lireek at, Let- •-.1:ti‘itialia Miura- 'Nt•ireli lath. tte-al. Role rt Sac - lit .11,1.. at lea 7gth Yoar. Iluron Investments Limited Stock Brokers and Band Dealers <1 0. Th a ington of the North March dth, we notlee an account a Tt, •i a q a Natr tit ph 'P : ., WI i. r t r,raliplye.11, • Nr6I114 111.'!I or,:trt 4. . .. ,. ,214: sAIP1111.1.. . In 111011.or. of ,t1114,,. , ters of eongratulations were r ' Memorial to Dr. M. C Hamilton to.: sivrityam, tic...seer, etatfonfee, lade's scribed as followe; Commeneina • at writing desk and rhalr; -will be sold eemv- the 411terseett"11 14 the titte le•tw'vli ed from friends in Totento, Mundt.; of Coriovall . , an together, govoeiil betit'00111 111:t4 and hit 100 anti lot 148 -with tie. 4(41014.0y .;, I., se, all eurt.airie mid IA ordratpos. .• Ma- I mit of MiitA $41•Ceet : 1,111.1100 smith 50 on, Acton, Creetnore. and Sudbury. From the Cornwall Staralard or --$---.'4' ' large mirror, •bacapers, flower bask- t" 4 NAM; thillets teillthorly 90 feet; Those who Visit Ottawa in the the unveiling of a beautiful menhir- le);'n1.1..rt:,:;-itiikt‘‘1111:;t1tirfg.i.tt 7.1.114so4s.1•1::1;tev.es, iiitgiii; f 1.%escitrirgic,intioetiiiitg., will", (nleot,,t,Irel silie)fiturtie1/44.151•14nilltutiotre%tszist,„erciplootneiR site!!! I Iv sh ial le, erected in Trinity church,' mid Wit ii"ly "iiiir•n? flee' rustle and bitk.afrandah and lean lig and let 442; thence TiortherLy 'development of which the maw. .11,4:iieden of the church. Dr. Harr% il't. ..,..--`11.:11j1...'::11;:a'st'ilt;.r t‘;‘'ll'41i.'kl:glIS•11111--11:1"-::1)1'1‘kr'elli smt.4. window bot..4, teramtili rugs. ets; sewieg -ma.seat. P1' 1.1'. ni"r4 fte low " *0 nneth lai'd at summer Cannot fail to be !moles ea i * - - • ,.. --- ,..*-'- - ''''-: that eity, in memory of lir.• M. idielu.n eabinet. 1141fiarrgias4 4111014V street; thence east airing north , „. einibeard, fan leg tame. enieirk limit ef Quebre street 9 Vet to itst :b. W'Itn tne heautY ei "tne Parisi; inm Hamilton, a fornier rec or e (., plat", 42 elemmt , lento/in•„min,. 1. £45. with the line between lot drivewaye of thr city, towards the along Hie line between :aid lobe w e t c mprovemen .0intriitteiell has imio . . ", onliwaa a son of Dr: IC. J.dilainilton, , •qnect:'.2ieit'teig.e 1 rzacls. '''*•"" ' 1 1 . WaSldrig. M.01dtio nnil wringer. g rd n feet 5 inches te Its qnterseetion. with ear. &tga b k we known in G erie e an a grand,. Light a.e.tra 1/v." V'ts'-'41 r4t•ttle" tl-• 4t 1.1. 4 tlf,S1'• gar11711 LAI.N. awnitigi. "11' i'' doewo northerly atone gaol, lina he- / 1.1 BOO' fiel 1,1 tilt' h S rid . i e - son of Dr. Morgan j. Hamilton and „rte. olio; •,...,, i, ,,,,,4 ez„,,t [falai% ; ow(eianiliof‘dtpstloal..0‘1.1,irm11.0,,ploittgin, (41c,,..lehtireiti,.. retiinoloolittos 1000(fenbip4rt 17,111.4 foi,t 5 ..nelic,.4 let was published, with illuatration, toaster. eloetrie heil warmer. le t. .r.cretfq reAri i.e.. . 0. a Thar PAM 11'4 ail 4 iiiiiiihor ef sea bake, :tag 1111 --- --- - — ••• • - • ••1 • ••••• .---. i •. h • • giving an acpheort of.thed.wohrkI of 'the4 1 ntoerne, witii°cIf o;11.113irs°. 8;.1,t1(111. 41..alr:a?d', a ilat I, ,,at, N. art,. -.:11.-, lie;.-th 4.4i , en.1..itsls!Amiontokeyisito.ne,l.skii..,.1 aDtliitrinisigion,46: tetoinnt;pieittleOdre,, anal the: the , quo,te fro:ni The Cornwall paper, His ii i„,.Et.p, ..in it,.,,,lr,..,,"4 ..!Ai.,114;-i:,to :for 411111 trrrtk L'ot' latrMO: i'4 t 4 Vriii ; _A61111411 41041144.14. 1,1 lel /at t: :(ejifi an Crystal Beach, Fla. The lectern, lone Of the sale apply to 1141a4 a. tied .drivetV08 of the capital. A netv e'en; ries,:ne ari..?1,.. 1.62t,t rtx.r0 a -1 TEILNIFea.--Ceelt. iffl. w. 1,. 1.3,..thh. .t. or maw clays.gab. will be quilled to .i optriaions of the eemniL,ien ere ail .tripos.n.gi. plecfh.,1, woLka, oLti.lisit 1-::,t t,,,,,,4 ,,.,,r, it,,,, 14,,,I,;t Iscl, tw,L Dr. Clark is °gonna for linnietitib' r''''‘'Forsr.44flurbtre'r Partietliera And rairalif very apparent in the beautiful parks . eu l'"`ss -rni-s---, --- --- "- .4uFi.onal.i.`st 1.y ica :11.1 1p.,•- a', 1-...a.. pedestal it is over seven feet in ' ..,on„.. Anetionee.r. I Preprieter, . to"Antailti a fAlit 9. On). 9. W. DJ eon- cavreea at omariate ttnetrht. fhr;•.4 ' ' ' c .1,, h,eight. Three lions st pnort the ila Die conisr ,c,E• ;',':,,,,..e,;,, w• .'''.. idnot aale the (nark .h.einieste.td in Celborrie ;Rev& Vertigo:, eireet. taidareei, init. publication COn4kting trriinlo. ,neav3,.. base, from w,hielt ri3e3 a atute- k t'..-attlt*i ".0 lilt'. f tot's. 'thtt loaning Inn aeres. It will be sold on all dev ot *trail, AD,. Mt lustratious, has been issu:./1, t'of tuthilehi 01" 11'1' tOiternii surmounted /,,,-`"a14', l'I.,1-„Ea't,ViZ4r4.4'1'1,4 Ville reasonable teems. AU informa. HAYS' di, llANS. liarniaten StrePl. i The .,$-!tar aeknowledge3 ii'eeoipt ttf a 'Y. ',Dr. taarlis 69derieth MOrtplgtV, Elisabeth tkaicuby. N' 8 "'lug in a C° 311 aY '8" i.i..,..01 .6. aCi, 7S .,1•;:i:',4 1 ,411.‘,. Unto lion regarding sire^ titt5" ba bad from &deride Oa, Sediritar4 ea. itte co h . • rte. w m bY '.4 large globe. Upon the giobe • ; Direct private wire, connecting with Toronto, Montreal, New York, Chicago and Winnipeg Stock aid Grain Exchanges. lhi Our Board Roorn is open to the public from 1000 a.m. to 3:30 p. -rn. daily. _ "i