The Goderich Star, 1926-03-18, Page 7L -
TIRUlaDAY, iLARCM lith, 1 Wb
r.r:s +Ir+rw
Hotel Tuller
800 Rams '800 Bails
$2.50 per Dar iud up
Arabian Restauran
Gothic Grill
Tea Room
General Atimag.r.
and Colds
Can Be Relieved By
Dr, Wood's
Only the mother knows hd it
slit to keep tEe children front catching
colds. They will run out of doors not
properly chid, or 'has, 04 too much
clothing; pla'ttoo hard and get'uver-
heated and °sot on too suddenly; get
• their 'xeet.welt; kirk 'near.iii•3`rlotheo'
at night, and do a huridied things the
mother eau', prereat.
Youngster!: take "Dr. Wood's"
without any foes, and its promptness
and effectiveness in loosening the
phlegm and healing the lungs and
nc i
b:o hlt►1 totes is such that tlto trouble
is checked before any. serious lung
trouble eau possibly develop:
° Your nearest druggist for dealer
handles it; put up only by The T.
Hilburn Co.,. Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Use , ai+l'a--tine e+aterea[ lle
able remedy. It alrawneut the _
inflammation; eases- Zta•i n, •
baring* speedy avowal'. ic.
flute and Huse Livery
Mack Stables, Be. ,
MPntriaii.Street -
Just off the Square
• �p�.
•'BusttesMeet oilTreIns,ano .
Passenger Boat' •
Passengers called for In any
part' of the town ler all
trains at O. T. R. or C.P. R
Depots ;
C . Prompt Service and
,Careful Attendance;
Our Livery and Hock Service
will be found up -to -data
r in every respect.o
Your Patronage St:Melted
Phone 107 Montreal Street
I. The Water and Light Cola
wish' to purchase some
good, straight, sound
thirty (3o) feet long, with
at least seven (7) inch
top. Poles to be deliver.
ed in yards at Goderich
( )notations received on
any quantity. from
five to fifty.
For any further particil-
lals apply to
KELLY, Supt., Wench
�i. L KNOX, Seer, �.
•li 11** 1 ,PIM �� � 111.11 rnY OMNIi.�,rr�ra
!Sunday .Afternoon
rt 'By ISABEL HAMILTON, CroderI„ •4, Ont.lir
■eeSSsRiNSIFES40*1111111111140aiR1ER1I a3CXaMilletnee3flAbRiiNSMIIINRRi
Thou art the Truth; Thy wor:d•alone Messiah, She brought others cut
True wisdom can impart : trent the city to see 'end hear him,
Thou Only eanst inform he mind. and many believed not just because
And purify the heart. of what she had told thein, but be -
C, til". Doane. cause of what they thenieelrea
• PRAYER heard. They came, they henrti, they
Gracious Saviour -we ,.date to Theo believed.
bringing our offering of peaiee and Jan. 31st--Jes*s Feeds Fire Thous.
prayer. May Thy mind be in as, en- , and Men.
abling us to do Thy holy will. so that -John bo1-71.
we may help on the a teneioV„ of Thy -John 6:35. tie or the batteries or the set, but
kingdom. Jens makes use of v.ra.,vr; is Smith is never satisfied until be has
-tt'ten• ready to hand, the boy'.; five leaved found the real eau*.
S. S. LESSON FOR MAR. `:Sales 1026 and two fishes, and then e•.1t* the alis. It was a highly !Inborn::sing
Lesson Title -Review.. --The Gospel eiples to wort; to distribute. what he :Venins for him the night the
of John. pradrees therefrom to the multitude. Drowns came for dinner, but it *till
Lesson Passage ---John 17:1-8. Not only Is there enough but e;ome never happen agabt. It Teemed that
over, which he orders should 'be ga every time he went over to start the
Golden Text --Joke 20:3l.thered up that nothing be wasted. ret he couldn't get a thing. Yet no
Jan. 3rd .-Tho Soo of •.God Becomes The next day he tells t!teee same sooner had the Browns departed than
Mae. • people that he Is the hind of life the set'
worked better."i
-John. 1:1.18. ' sent down from heaven. I can t account for it, Smith re-
-John 1:1d. , Feb. 7th --Jesus Reals and Saves a lated his experience when it was on -1
ly a day old. When we had finish-
ed this lesson we have the intro- ed dinner I couldn't get anything but
duction to the whole gospel in which' -John 9:141. • a bedtime story. I gate it up in dis-
John • so wonderfully reveais Jesus as ...John 8:12. gust and talked for an hour. but had
God's word to man, as the Ugh and 'Jesus'
having encountered the an- just as bad luck. when I tried :,gain.
Life of the soul of man and how all ger of the Pharisees to the temple. Then we played bridge, and, 'would
who would receive him• into their passed out from. their midst and von believe it even rho late I -our fail
lives, *ere given power to become saw a blind man sitting by the road -
pommy mom 11110,1•11111
(Copyright 1929 by
The Wttasas Foatt„r. Service)
No. 9: Nothing- Os the Air
Thousands of radio fans hart tast-
ed of an experience that recently
came to Smith, but few of them hath'
followed his policy of learning to
prevent * repetition of it. When
radio reception is not what it rhould
be moat radio enthusiasts blame eta -
ed to help. irk. i,rowns vent home
the sons, of God. side. Ho gave sight to his blind 'knocking' radio in great, shape, yet.
if they had waited another :ten min-,
utes I could have given ':help •an ear- •
fol of the best deuce vitiate I've ever •
listened -to."
"I don't zee anything surprising
in that," I told him. "Flora what
you say 1 picture yot tuning in at
7:30, 8:46 and just a little before 11
o'clock. In radio there are zero
hours in broadcasting, and it looks
to me 'as though you jest happened
to. strike the particular ones for last.
night, You know, if you stepped 'in-
into a theatre during the intermissions
you wouldn't see much of the show."
Ile admitted he hadn't considered ,
this at all, and make sure, he,
looked tar the radio programs in the •
papers• of the. day before. -A care-
ful analysis showed that moat pro -
Jan. It3th.--Fite men beIh'ie on Jesus eyes and afterwards, when this man
.1 -John 1:1941. too incurred the anger of the Phari-
-John i 128.sees and was east out of 'he temple,
John the Baptist, by iris preaching Jesus sought him out and revealed
and declaring. Jesus tq� be the Lamb to him Out he was the Messiah.
of God, was the means of two of his The man believed and was saved.
disciples seeking a private interview Feb. 14th---3esas the Good Shepherd
with Jesus and afterwanfa becoming -John 10:1-312, '
his followers. Cneoof these brought -John 18111.
his brother' Simon to Jesus. II'he In this lesson Jesus, as ha so often
. next.,dayJesua fount 4'hilip Old ear.; did,' spoke parabolleally, He show.
led him to be a' follower. Philip ed the difference between the.I'ltarl-
sought out Natha'nael nod; telling sees and himself. They were rob.
him he had found : the Messiah, hers and 'thieves • and he• the good
brought ,him to Jesus. • So by the shepherd. 'they _ pretended not to
preaching of the gosrel, by personal understand and at length he spoke
invitation, by direct appeal and by .out plainly, telling thetas be' was the
personal .teStitnOUy, ,nen were door and the shepherd, and he would
brought to Jesus in the early days lay down 'his life for his sheep but
of Christ's ministry and these 'meth• he would take it again:OR give ante
•v s axe.'etlectuaily used today to win all Who hear 'his voice stn$ follow grams started ev+try, hour on .the
men to Christ. liim, eternal life.. : hour and thah they are likely to grow
Jan. hilt -Jesus and- NicniI onus, Feb. 21st Jesus Raise: Lazarus. scarce towardthe end of each hour,
19:38-42; .-:Tohtt 11:32-1: ; t srecia1iy between ted thirty and
_ eleven, . but at eleven the Air. was
and His
hon.' ult.'s: the ti:r i.. e'.' >;• d "1 with
radio wives and eompiie•,tt+'. with
noise from regenerative sett that are
carelessly c 1>era od b unth'aikk� : '
tattle fans. .This is the hour when,
a tatiops t'nnu' in en eonflL ties: waive •
lengths and ~:hitt you've :s• : to tune
at your best. l'nless you la ,w thy:.
the tesvlte ere jut abut the tome'
as tht,u;l:h there r:ere reitli':r; 401 the
Smith decided the logi:•t:1 way to•
see both sides of radio eonununu':s-'.
tion would be to %islt a broaden -ring.
station. I admitted that it •w ul'l
certainly be his star program.
Next Week, No. 20: Visitipg a
(Copyright 1028 by The rlltnan
Feature Screice) .
For Sprains and Bruin -se -There
is nothing better Inc .apr:.1,w and .
contusions` than Dr. Thema ; I.clec-
•tris Oil. It will reduce ilii' swelling
that follows a leprain, will cool the'
inflamed flesh and draw the pain.
It will take the ache out of a bruise.
by counteracting the 1nflnmmatlon. ,
A trial will convince any who doubt •
its power, i
-'Joh it 1 97 , r , Ti2 from the Demi. There was a scarcity of features
Nicodemus having lreetrine inter- . If Jesus had been at the bedside of: ,
la: up stations. when there was
„ a a tope wool I +
o the new Vieth, was told in response to their message then ought •to be a lesson to ,you to fol
of Gods way. of saving the *out of to • 1 l
este* in .Jesus *ought a "You \7Ctc evidently frying to
+' g privet!, in- Lazarus and healed los sickness as
terviety by night, and in 1istenu,, to Martha and Maryhoped hed1_ nit 1t "�
a sermon n .: - nothing on the air, suit..' IC
' ; the greater mirae a ,woe d• not 'have'low the radio tune tables' a little
sinners. hie saw• that the k:'ing;dom been ..performed.. • Delay 'brought
Jesus .tante to establish was ., .,i.natn„ results.. In this r :. aver mare closely. RX..+,hen you trY two alb
stations without results you
spiritual one And that its subjects recorded human sympathy on Jesus, are very likely to suspect that utero
•are'•idnutted to the lfiugdomo tl+rntigh part, .fellowship with the Father for= •
the death on 'Ca1t-ary of •t.od's' only- the sake:of others, and ;a proof of. is something i....# t;;?vlth.,�he set, but
begotten Son J o•f yet know that there is nothing oil'
Jesus.' elann to be $he C:ive+r of -'life.: the air vou save..a lot of useless ef•
Jan. 24th* -Jesus and the Samaritan ret•28th-Jesus Teaches Respect;' fort and worry. This`slloubi also be
• Woman. for .Law. ' s tip on how to avoid' I1aming the
' '-John a'1 �t2.+ . . The Pharisees, tvis`hin 'Tee rntan-! broadeastint:; stattioatys 'when the tron-
Isa. g1n Jesus iia his talk, sent represen-1 ble ie really in. your own set.
. it s
Galilee 'passed 'through Sane 1i k h' •
and,tray s pay •tribute to the Roman emperor. •o are re -
a ecrt•tin time,and You r
Jesus on his way from Judas', to tat •e of both Jews.and Romans to ' "If the -papers sag* that three dif-
, a a, as tm ,whether tt was lawft1 to' Went stations are due foie activity
rinds -being -tired, he
at mid- re t
ed at Jacob's well while his disciples or •no. Ile` saw : through - their plot ceiving nothing from any of ther, it
t. ' .t0 th0 C't
n i y to .bur ood. and, .asking•g for a coin, he .made them; is a foiegetie poncdusion that there
While they were gone, a woman nc'knovtledge Judaea was under Reins is something wrongWHY your tun-
eame'tb the •well, of whom Josue ask- an rale andmust pay tribute. Be" int;, your accessories or; the .set
ed a droll*. This opened up a tem- added though that 'if 'Caesar`s coni Keep in mind 'the fact that I .,all,
versation about .living water, and mends interfered \kith God's yell three .&tatlons.' It. •n•.tld he risky
before the '.cdisciples retutnea the must rdbey'God outliert'han,:ttra t. to judge conditions by jut one of
weraan came ,to know .Jesus was the Mar- /tit -Jesus "•Washes Nis Mad; 'theist because - You 'never cnn toll"
The fir mv�. l;,th the
w Ind�i t aver'•..
t`"`W.hlatta mumir lace art�rwhiiw�
FRU Otter 1ttKyta asap: W"M t. dei
11ta�.t�All4irAa['NfQ iiti}.+
"'�'dm plea' Feet. ' - , when • careft:lly planned schedules
-John. 13:1-17. will go wrong, ' -
-Matt. 20:28, ' "Whatever yaw do try to remem-- '
Jesus had made preparation far: tier that there have to -he interims-
the Passover beast, so he lied his •alis -''•shot's in programs, even where stat-
, etples sat down at the table. Jesus 1 ions' are known to be 'ahtay:r on the
noticed that not one of the diselPles i shod And,
h usi titian ,
had, as was the ,custo;n. of the Jews,
washed their feet, so he 'u i ceded do l programa are .9t'iee1J•' to be. tote n°16-
e w -
da it for therm. Their plaster and/ and- again.. Suppose a ginger lits to •
Lord took %, servant"s ;Aare;, and ao substitute a longer number for a
taught them.that humility wee store. shorter One. Islet it obriuu3 that
to be l;ouglit after And yttactixed the next feature of the evening will
- than ambition , to secure the beat :not be nble to start ori schedule'
piece for self. •"I've watched :you' in aline t'5.t:.of
14th --Last Words or 3e,ius trying to • get stations and I notice
With His Daciples._ - that, you -make.. a . mistake that is •
-John 14:x6. • . can't get several of .your pet stations+
While still at the table where he right away, you extol eget anything.
It isn't that the air cis blank taut elm -
the Lord's >,unlia. Jra+us ply. that ver get rattled. kou.tunr
began his last discou4•ae' and told too t•Arctessiy, nncl fteluetth• intake
them agairi of his Leaving thetii; tut the simplest .mistakes. It 111 like a
he would send another "to abide with driver who, failing, to glinto the
them .always, -and that • he. 'would gear he desires gets go- rattled' that
orate :!gain and receive them unto he can't shift into any geese. Whr•i
imself. - this happens the. hest thing to do .is.
Mar. 2dmt-Jesus • !lies - and: Rises to stop and start over again." •
• ' from the Dead. "That's all very true," Sn'ith ad-
-John 18:1.20; .13, misted, "but there were plenty of
'---John 10:17. • things 'oh the air wheix -I tried to tun'•
Good tarthe
It makes,
them smile-
it's sure
After -k\V-C41'.1;-'1
!1 , every meal
2;406/20 Polgivitil fhb:taw Oat
en. PoPPPRommoraimplOPPP.P•mi*
. :Daily Except Sunday - . • t
Lee; Goderich• 00 a in. 2.20 pan.,
'Chilton O .�� twine
• r . a .
•S.eafr•1a+Elideal..:,. ii . .1 1 u .
t 1. .
Michell ,.Cal a.'n :i:l:,1 !' '
Arr. Stiatfaid 7.30 at nt. 4.10 p.nF.e
' ` Kitcittinet 14.20atm i' 2O No. r. -
'+' `(iut►Ij-,b S.4 a tie 5.50'
'e: Toronto 10.10 ft in. 730 1) 111, 1
Returning-Leato'I'uronta pati am, a : anti titin p.m i I
Parlor Cafe - oar, Co,:.•rich to Tor••
onto,: on morning trams, and''I'or1lnir,
to Goderich •6.W$ p. m. train.' i
Through coach tioderirh to Toronto
F. It. 'LAWRENCE et SONS t i
Town I'ustsenger and 1'icken. :tieenti -. 1
' 'Phone 14 ,
ratite, common 1Vhen vou lin* ,00
-John, chs. ] 4-17. ' � .
Jesus• from the cross romiaended
his motherto the care of the beloved
disciple, then cried, "It is finished."
RUNDOWN AFTER When Mary was standing Bear the
sepulchre weeping Jesus spoke -to
her, and "With joy she ericd• out,
BIRT1 • OF BABY "Master."sredthis
saint s ening gave appeared to this ttis.iplrs and g.ire
them a proof, showing shim his
Ottawa Wo,eua Made Strang -by
Taking Lydia E. Pinkhaa's
Vegetable Compatrtalltl .
Ottawa, Ontario,-"I'W$1,1 terribly
run-down after the birth of my third
baby. I had awful bearingdown pains
and was afraid I had serious trouble.
I was tired all the time and had no'
appetite. My sister-in-law is taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and cannot praise it too highly
and asked me to try it. I. have had
Splendid results and feel fine all the
time now. Any one who needs a
thorough pick-me-up soon learns
from me what to take."- -Mrs.1taNs
PAWN. 329 Cumberland 'Street, Ot-
tawa, Ontario.
Terrible Backache .
Hamilton. Ont. --"After my baby
was born I had terrible backache and
headaches. !could notdo my'work and
felt tired from the first minute I got
up. But worst of all were the paints
in my irides. when I moved about. I
had to sit or lie. Clown for while af-
terwards. 1 could keep my bougie in
order, but many things had to goon -
done at the time, beano* of my ails
ments. 1 was toid by a Neighbor to
i take Lydia I:. Pinklnnnt's Vegetable
('.,npound, as she said it would build
in! wp. I was relieved before Iliad
taken the dot we bought and hate
not had sully trouble like it sheet. --
Mrs. T. MAtttc,u. 115 Femen Mr -
Pee Smith, Saraiitaoa, Ontsrie. u
in between eight thirty and nine. • I
got plenty of noise but - no nutria
Row do you account for that'" '
"Well, that was simply tl'e• sero,
hour in. radio reception. It's th,
piers±ctl tis. and Bide, that. ne_.wug __...
risen indeedhnrl. .lie then 'ent them, UP
His loather had sent hint. to preach
the gospel. -
.On Account of the Very Sudden
, .Changes in Temperature
,Our Canadian Mares weather --
one day bright, but sloppy, the next
blustery and cold -... is extremel.' hard
on children. Conditions slake it
necessary for the mother at keep the
little ones indoors. They arc often
confined to overheated, badly tenth-
lated rooms and catch :colds which
1 rack their whole system. • To guard
against these colds and to keep the
baby well till the Bette'•, brighter
1 days tome along, a box e,f • I:aby's
` dwn Tablets should be kept in the
house and an timeline! ria,[', itiu
lithe baby to keep his etom:seh :-met
•,i and hiss bowt•itt working regularly.
Baby's Oen Tablets ;tr- a naiad
abut thorough laxative which revel -
evtrfail to regulate the' • stomach end.
bowels and thus reliecay eold : and
`sim ple fevers alt* k' ' baby fit.
The Tablets are sold by medieitae
• ( dealers er by read ' at 'i rents a box
from Tht•,.IIr. Willirms' MedieIre
1Brocksilk, Ont•
Por "shaft acrd Children
In use Few Over SOY.ars g
Alway* bears
Rlgaature of
Make them ruong, sturdy, Frods tht. t.i.t - t ,11"t>.t;
d'ulkts, with Pratt, Baby Chi( k Food. 1 t esobtna t+illr niter•
but is C'IIEAPEST in the' enr jug sa' a la i' • ea . The <
extra chicks yOU awe and raise. unto, t'+.In pea tart all 1se
fritts Halo ('Mei. Food 14111 n• e. Ark
your dealer --there* out near a on.
Write for Pratt. P•wttty R•ok^-1'7ta:4t
PRATT' FOOD CO., OF CANADA, LTD. 325 Carlow Ave., Toronto
. e•
by .Mali
The security afforded by tln' f.'rti�'inck.. ut (Int a+`t. i'.s1
Office,' together with the 'iacifities .extend,:e4 I 1 , t �'te' - L'i'st
Office in Canada and other ttlttl:ttie'., 01ait.,` it pli:,*'.1+1e tot'
'everyone - to deposit their earl:lee.i11 this 1'6.1:.k. ii" d's�at i',
' iifl0tl'4'd. Coinpoundett lliali-� �:ii, 1t'li�l lull + 1..'ti•,' p• ..vilegzes
confidence:the rural communities It15 •', l in this.
`fl4,nl�is indicated by the I.u;;e ill* 1't'+alt 111`.1611+a- . .rile ll ill'+..'
.now over S.11,000,000,•
.All deposits are ;gtla: t:;-1hd toy: the t:0•:•ke,.tle'vt .'rf
Province of Ontario.
•Renlitt111(4 S >htlttld t'c P1:tu. 1•t:.l'ua (J:; .° t ru.It 'isd..r,
express tatter or .tegrltered It illi 1:nd >'1au1dt I+, i..1 r,Sr.I to
-' 'f nearest ill" tld:i where ,thea' .is'1'41 rete' -i > fii'1 11 ,:tltlll1It'11
t garBranch, t l 1 ..
Province ..of Ontair o Savin • s Office
Head Office': 15 Queen's Park., Torant'a
Toronto Drench (Mites i
Cor. Bay and Adelaide Sts: . (or,. t'uitersity and Modes Sts.
• Other Branches :at,
ilamilton, ,. St. Catharines. St. 3fartao • i eialirolte;
. = Brantford, 'Woodstock, Owen Sound. Ottawa;
Seaforth, "Walkerton - Newmarket and Aytnler.
tudebaker Duplex;
Convenknt as a Sedan -this car
has made all other open cars
• HF upper structure of the famous Studebaker Duplex
is a steel frame -not ordinary open -car construction.
on dependable ble service.
It is built for long d g da, .
Concealed within the upper structure are roller side
enclosures which the.. driver may lower. in 30 seconds
without leaving his seat -thus giving instant protection.
from rain, snow, cold or wind and affording wide, cleat
vision on all sides. ' ' •
Only Studebaker builds the Duplex, Because of savings
gained through One -Profit manufacture -Studebaker is
able to offer this great improvement -in open -car design
at the ptice of the old-style, lightly con-
structed, side -curtain type. .
Por a really new experience -drive the
Studebaker Duplex some stormy day.
$i79 -O
Delivered in Goderich
Under Studebaker's fair and lib-
eral Budget Payntent, Plan, this
Duplex -Phaeton may lie pur-
chased out of monthly income
for 'a small initial payment and
at very low time -payment tater.
F. H. WOOD, Goderich, Phone 4,Q ►