The Goderich Star, 1926-03-18, Page 4THE GODESICH STAR • Second Week of Showing o • Fashionable Apparel for Spring at CORNFIELD'S Coats, Dresses, Mijlinery,, 'lingerie, Hosiery, Gloves, Neckware, etc. Ladies' Coats New Spring Millinery Come in and see the new Spring Mil- linery. There are models a general knock. about wear as well as for the more dressy and formal wear. The. newest eedorS are here, such as Cheri, Dove, Sand,Circassian, Platinum, Atmosphere, Flesh, Graiii, as well as the staple shades. A New .Stock of Boys' Suits Latest styles and patterns, with two pairs of bloomers. • Featuring straight lines and flare cfrec..t, with trimmings of Heating' and Tuck. ing, Buttqns, Embroidery. or Pur. in all the new shades of Krey, rosewood, French blue, €and, dnnamOn, etc. Young Men's Suits In plain navy and double breasted style, two pairs of trousers also in fancy tweeds and worsteds, in the latest patterns, a .new Stock just in. You are invited to'corne in and see our Stock. A. CORNFIELD PHONE 418 • LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR "MOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED, TO SHOP" WEST SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH ONT. I I I I I I ,...-.• , OW.* .11.111•.••••11•1,10111•1•00,......mi*.11•04 .......••••..•••••••••••••M int house adviseltio I will, and then the member* of the _ IComikierable information 'me the team left along with the Mitchell than rt•uld be had in a single well- Stewart Carter aisd Robt. Steddert, Sweetest Maid Chocolate Coated • advantages of a central pocking teem te ge to the rink. horse wets given. There were the The members of the Knox eltureh i advantages of a more even peek teem are as follows: H. Doak, X; put on the market as wanted tie' that Kay and al. mow, wings; Jack erd awl the fruit was packed snd defense; Victor Elliott, c; Ian .hfc. • fruit was marketed. A. packing , - Anywhere , • eppermint Patties • there would be no deterioration by shwa and Joe To, 04 subs; a long wait after peckuur until the Must G. la for ulfty * Get " THE EvENHIG EANQvcr, or of the Fruit Branesh, Onterio De -1 EXTRA SPECIAL house sh9u1c1 berenweY elding*I Mr. P. W. Iledgetts BSA., direct -i 41.11.,.......... 1 partmont or Agricriture, who was ort the program to speak on the sub.e Goderich Iles and norm Fruit Jed of "Ontario Government's Ex -I 5.LB. BOX $1.45 the form of * benquet in the Bed- wail tidied unon for an address. Mr.i THURSDAY, MARCH l&h, reolosoolrorm$0**00.•NOOMOoterrogoli.MorartoWoomo,••••••, 1114 NI NONNI iN1041.0 IN POMO INNO Mow& 29c lb. Mee Meet JohitlyeetittekeY Trepoy pet -11110M• in Shipping Apples to the,. Presented to Roo; Church. Team. Old Cotint7'311stiet," was unable to, I be present, having taken ill after a' The evening meeting sees held in meeting in liernilton, and Mr. Gabel, ford Kotet dining room, in conjune- Gabel said during the last three or tion with the Goelerielt Lions' Club. four years the energies and imbit- • There vena a large attendance, in- ions of the fruit growers had been circling the members of the Knox (wowed to the work of developing church hockey team, which won the the* heritage. He said if they stuck. The Rexali Drug Store Li,Goderich. Lions' -Club trophy for this year. It to their guns they would bring them - The -members of the team were pre- selves beck to the position of 1806 sent 0.* guests oft the Club end the when 200,000 barrels of apples were fiRedford Block - -H.C. DUNLOP • presentation of the trophy was made -chipped out of Huron County. Dor. • - during the evening. And when the ing, 1024 Mr. -Gabel *id he was in Mitchell hockey team arrived to have 'Birminghemacting as fruit • judge ---...---. ' dinner before the game between and, observing the market, and if we each industry. Goderielt and Mitchell, which. took expected to get ' anywhere we must Mr. Sirrett pointed Out the clestr- place 'that evening, they occupied the de,vots.ouraelves to producing qual- - ability 'of apple grower* organizing remaining 'table, Which completed the,...ity..... -Vitelartd fest the market in. the a co-operative essociation • for hand - mare around the dining room.' Prairie-trovinces for laek of quad- ling and ' marketing the product. With Charles Saunders In charge of it y and we had . to re-establish .our- And there was no reason why the the community eingintimd Mr. Mile- selves In the confidence of the .buyer members should. not -be entirely Cue- ' Donald Gibbs. at • the piano, some if we expected to get.enywhere,,• and cessful if 'they were absolutely loyal rousing choruses were *un g between lied holt boxes to suit the sustomer. to their aisocietion: If the members courses of the meal, and at its close It,wae our :duty to encourage people would. produce the highest quality of Chief Gillcint.of the Goderich den of to'eat more Ontario. apples. • fruit It would be very 'easy to mark- Liote, called the gathering to order 'Why - is High: Grade Ontario Fruit et IL First chase Veit vnis bringing and expressed. his pleasure at seeing • ... , -,atst 0,4 ask In stores 40 shillings a bevel on the Glasgow - so. many present. He called often.' C M end & on th tin 'of' market in a month of slaughter ink tion to the platea of apples which .4 e. lin _.n.e.. . e 'f.'.4 g. aP" .cee, and greeninge 30 and '33- shit - were on the. table, which had eome PLea 1 es alia.lral-arl• earn Pla.` llgb lingo. There was every eneourizge. f qUalitY tmtario fruit weula be eaten the Herm Fruit Growers' Cisznell, were for chi, In the stores bat class stuff and anyone producing a- ment to go ahead and produce first from the farm of the president o' if it Mr. R. R. Sloan. Be then called on it was no seen in Goderich. He next t, fi oalled err ldr. Sirrett, preeident sof first elau back wat'er, The' Iliittall ' market SPY had no need to take 41 446e"' ' ' • ' • '• time 1 Huron County Peek Should Be eh.; se• • k Mr. E, R. Aregle, M. .A., for the yet the Ontario Fruit Groa-etee „Aesocia-• was essentially one maxitet. of others. •. ories, the sweet chestnut, the tilberte and the bezels. And be fully be- f. Booed this old protiece.Would be *N,: - to produce gult•e large quantities of good edible nuts. , Be hoped to every farm with one good nut tide E and the propagandw woo being tar- ried on with the slogan, "Grow Nut Trees for pleasure and Profit." Mr. Neilson, also made a suggeste.l. ion for the Iteautifieatiort of the Q011,- , trill park and that was to cut out, 4 some of the horse cheeteets end plant in place one' specimen each a ^: some of the handsome native trees . •of Ontario. Among thee he nalized the Tulfp tree, very handsome; the Cucumber tree, the largest, in the world, the Sassifres and a number A Million Dollar Industry „ The Nutty Man . synonymous with Quality of the consumer that he tVes unable .Mr. Neilson, another. of the speak -I ural representative, said it was eight years since he came to take the poet+, •• Oen.' , He found that nothing' else • had gone down so much as the fruit , industry. His advice was to see if' • we could not get 'back , to the point where •the county shipped 200,000 barrels of fruit, and •do it with good'. frult. With fruit at $5 a barrel that • ' . tritt too up the catimlaint -at' 'Mr. St -others, the county spicule- and try to get the people • of Godo • era was int od d es "th ap- distrIct, the Lake Ontario dis- clueing the hind tlits people wanted, *mil boy. he hada keen liking for nutty FRUIT GROWERS .CONVENTION rich to eat 1000 barrels More of sat sfacto • ualit .. •• • r e y tents a the peovinees the Geolvian He said he knew grower" were. pro- man," He said ever since he was a Mr. Wigle referred to the fourcece to get apples of t ey recs. BaIr Norfolk county and our own It must be that too teeny of the kind nuts and several years ago he began Demonstration ht Grafting • hispector Gabel and Messrs. Neilson Sirrett, Evans MA Neilson, in his address, said distriet, which were interested tri ap- the people did not 'want were pre- the study -of the poseibility of growe} . and Hamilton Give Addresses and Demon. Chinese 4000 years S.C. knew how ple production wee a side line. God- know tbeir button or the inferior liongneniurte tect foillaVutte4;:1=1 that graftitig was very ancient; the ple production. In this district up. duced. Either the grocers did. not forty different- specice. of nut trees to, graft. A tree to be grafted. erieh was interested in what inter- fruit whicti was sold was after all , stream** at Meeting Last Friday should be eoqnd, hardy and 'not too eated •the Huron -apple growers on what the people did Want. If On.. in Ontario, some of which varieties were quite. valuable. There were for , old or large and better results were accent. of having Abe evaporator tario -consumers -world demand No, •Quality Must e Slogan to Regain ost MarIcets Grafting could be done in • Huron county was .peizliarly' - ill a., teltdr Inv es t blackanc e theymZuatuttee Japanese „tat. el.6utirusaeliittylntihgehyt ehreostelsda gaetbaifamily, the nat.- • et by grafting only id the same h re the English walnut, the hick - if the eonsuter when he was 'asked ;nut' Pr gr h a d adapted to the reduction of p les • ' the $ In before the owt st rte ..• P would mean one million deflate, • which would mean something:to the farmers arid something tothe tow•ns • ' (Continued on Page 5) ' Ott Aptll or May) or could be done there being- Indy four other counties that price said he did not want 'this in the provinee which prodund mare . fruit he sheuld not charge the fruit if Huron Growers Marketed as Many Apples- aeThirty in August if the, tadon wood had been • /., rh got before growth started arid kept r ears Ago, and of •First Qua y, -in• a proper place. Scions should be ;: Weald Have Million Dollar Industry • got preferably fro.nt .t -he otter and with lack of business ability •applea than did Huron. The a..., giewer of our second ail If he sold ft -where he could get that- . DO YOU SBLI.4 FOOD F'RODUCTS? peculiarly eneugh our greateit op. Pride. •Thera were inferior doctors position in the Old Country marIcets - and, lawyers and if the people did The GovernMent bel ed the farmers, Where they could. get better, • `'.• - - meetings of the Huron eounty fruit (spraying, pruning, cultivating and 4 upper part of a tree. There were channel grafting, strap grafting, market their apples • lest -t -ear _and Gi Pa a Gr"Wi • any different kids of grating, :Very instructive and erithusitietic condition could be remedied by i emit as cleft grafting, bark grafttng, (tend rmiag nd Fr t, tig, want that kind of service they vent was from Virginia; a southern state. granere were, held in Goderielt on thinning-. We had in this distriet a whip grafting and budding; and Mr. they brorght better prices than were' If Ca -laded ox-T'll'ogether,` Need Feiday lett, with tlessrs. E. L, Ga- heritage which they had -not got, in . Neilson gave demonstrations of the• guaranteed to the fartneis. The Separate Unit for Each bel of` Hamilton, chief inapector of Western Ontario; W, G. Evens of • • .the O. A: C. staff, Orelph; J. A. Neil - ler B.S.A., of Virteland; Harry Sir. re •t, .B.S.A., Coliourg, president of the *auto •Fruit Growers' Associa- • fitin• and NV L. Hamilton 'of rot- lingwood; as thedolegatiors of volts e're to gitt addresses and dentonstras tjons, The farmer was likely to say, .nhat Demonstration In •Barrel and Box is She use of growing fruit?. You t t Poking the Prattie Peovinces, or in t Br -0- proper way of making a number of Englishman Ante a, great man forl The unfortunate condition prevail- , ish fetes, or in the northern parts of these grate. For a successful vat quiltY and we should bring our Orel*. ed in Ontario- that general ferming I C d bt hthd d vith An3r concern" aityvviteie A f - 'all". P 11 a a one 1 the growing parts must be brought ards to a high standard so that theeand fruit growing were carried on • • ft? ' Thinning, was le -moat important fitto,contatt and the growing part pack from thin association would be- -together. ' The peak Toad in both work, tilmeet the meet important. , _ was under the bark; 'a graft, as ,he came synonymoe$ with, quality. I came at the same time, so that one The Eruit (Irowtre of Heron Md oe- had sometimes seen, stuek in the 1Vords ,of Welcome from the Maetze .or the other had to, be neglected. It' • - gun to- improtre condition but ten 9r middle of the cut off branch would mayor Macteelin; being caned qe, Was eery difficult to otter suggest- • fifteen yeas ago thia county ,used__, not g.rtm - said it was bis happy duty to extend ions to the 'Apple grower and mixed • to nroditee 200,000 barreit of apples. . behalf of the town. The Govern- commereiai apple grower with a lit- 75C,,'.4; q our flour sales are made ment 'was to be highly commended tle mixed farming on the side. or A by Long Distance" .. .. . for sending **ports out to Advise and ,mixed fanner with a. little apple - " -writes a Milk, consult With the farmers. This was growing on'the side, unless he este bringing the college to the peciPle. The question Drawer a cordial welcome to the visitors on farmer ' A man must either be a yot!ir 4er by Long Diasiassee can't get Anything for it. This was . tree oply of low grade fruit, Mr. • ,•. At the morning eesidon, which was .... . tield in the town:council. chamber, a Gabel 'melted- Yon can get good ••. for good frait. ' demonstration in box .. and barrel prces .. Mt Siret said, Yes,if a an to... Mr. Mactwan said Huron osed • to - ' - ' — • A series of very practical quest- ions were then taken up and answer• ed. Is it worth while planting an orches and at the present time? .• Peeking was gitan by Mr. W. L. ' -Mistakes :had been made in the tende ranking orehthe question one calledthe days when there used to be ' . Siding businests: devote itself to quantity .and he re.. ••; 4 ,kiamilton, alto showed just how a P.tst in growing too many. varieties. . barrel should be headed, how filled The in he lew grade -varieties were not - . to - -considering ' a:. end how thiled„ Diagrams were wanted in England and the market- snipgpnity.ask, Can the present orchards six or seven cooperages in the town • t hung on the null showmarket be expanded' Cott the pres- freit. ing just how ing of them only helped to bring the demand? .Can the home brsy makinireipPle, berrels and the - many applesform th would e outer down the price of the good frui„. _ as sent.07.teoreLivtehrepedolayosind?g bre rlig of the Carlene -sizes of apple, Money 0:ould not be made by grow- ent orchards last-' .• - • . - gow. These What is : , . . , . a unnuneeend.nieed orb cold storage And the shipper often • low many the net 'circle and how ing so Many varietlea. Undesireble lard ? found after the..seasors that he had - ' ' • inentrin the to de tentre1to fill the Lend should be grafted air- The stems should 10 cut off for the able ones. England did not want al- The answer was ten acres e noth .na ingleftNobody made any . . . • money. He was, glad th knov.r. that minimum. Some were operating :110S..,1 '&• s1:.• ,4 ••14•'.• 4. • •at•Og'....•,K144.1.41.•:4\0; 4:1:tOlg• head layer of; aroles and Mrlinntil-1 waYs a large apple but wanted. a -less suecissfully, but the • same equip- eonditions 'were ,eltanging and that it :4 ton recommended placing the .ppks Ibet cmosapple. ' With the stem up for rather down as Apples. fronta tree that. had not would handle ten acres awas sbeing found better to market would handle a lesteacreag, and.this one Were! of good fruit than three . te the head is peeked first) as this gave been sPent'ed might .often tippeni;„to _ the better. appeaiance when the bar- amount Was'eonsidered the minlmum. barrels of poor fruit •Ile concluded - 1 . rel was opened, though he had no atinierjendliuferlus:lgti.ebaucte these tgoesetd6aansielt'ine for economical °pakten. ' • • by congratulating the Huron ' Fruit • x Why not use duet sprays Growers en having slich 4a man as epecial objections to the plan of place the keeping qualities of the fruit. 1 .• •!3 , ltir Evans t-eplied that the, did not Mr Sloan for their head and he ciao ing- et . . , . the apples on the hie, and some B.C. Apples Selling in Ooderich atgratulated the county of Huron on of his hearers prefer this plan, be- not stand as well in wet seasons and lieving, that it gives eloser pack. .a Dozen would not control seab. 'President having such a man as Mr. Stothers A plank. should always be placed un- r' SI I hew t d ti i state- for its agrierlturn1 representative. 'ss. oan a so- corm la e s .0 Gabel nroduccd saitinlee of apples he had bought in `a.-Goderirli nt Ilehdtidd tt rs He was a eareful and eonscientious • ' tier a barrel when it is being filled fruit gto t 50 t d -. and could not control scab with it. metal. me . a r e us wo s a , • after carh basket of freit is plueeii good fruit at good riee ulmost tit to apply it, and the -barrel racked, er shaken IshoVed that ther . e was a market for. A difficulty was to get power enough' • in It, as otherwise the fruit .will not tilts apie(z. Inge BlushColumbia Why ,not use arsenate of li;itet . ..1* up ,ell the emcee. andein ship. lipplee right in Goderich. Asking - meet wilt Ware' Fill the' barrel the proprietor why he did not hew Compare arsenate of lime and lead. with the tail row even with. the I die. Ontario apples he received the, Lime burns the foliage more than "Ontario packer ie lead and was not a good sprasi to use edge end then. with a padded If overi.answer. . ehake and press ilewn till the barrel nnek with water alone and qually left a cover can be put on. The old style pies for desert purposes f d . good deal of sludge. I. ime was geed." This was the tremble. 'An.: poses orme one gvt what,, ,„„f„,t,,, m to x cheaper than lead. -- of the largest parte of the merket, "'' - ---" - - - - but the British Columbia and United package? States desert a le It il t k h Mr. Gabel replied to this showin g of block for pressing is not recent - :tit -tided any longer, as it gave the pressure in the centre and allotted the ends of the heading to raise. iire geesztsting greater pressure in the the red varieties tdonathau, place of the Ontario. apple. But thettbat for Kings, McIntosh and Spy) the box British Columbia packers realised l'elliee• bring the milt low eneug.h" that with the campaign that was ' trent a' har"W)' ja goirtg on sin- Ontario foe better fruit, was the best package. The prattle provinces liked the box and this • A ring._ tor redise used which g*estht preneUre a *bald --be *our - best -market. Mimi; Ontario was going to be n eompeti-. short distance from the edge of the band. 'The old style of apple tor and were warning their mem,' berpeople would bey (1 teta. who would rres. • ' not buy a. barrel on account of laek ; nt, .to keep the peek up. Mr. Gabel .tzt-; mitte when the juice used to fly -a, -- • pressed the belief that no a 1 h i ep CS lit Of rrOper piece for storing it. For • tonne, a thing of the east and now , N.n. lin anti h4.4. re should he put on the titles where many lived in *pert - the idea is to handle apples. so that the market; anything ,below those merit houses the box ter the *If box . thty will have no bruises. Me.i - 'Was the only suitable package. Heetilton elm gave a demonstration r d eh Id tothe" ItAt cs ou go owning zae-I Cnn ma • Ontario market be tex- f a •k* bo f tosy. Every eettion should have „each individual apple. "Ala isthe something of that kind to tadce care tended. and nw • plan adopted by the Britlidi Colum- In answer to this R was Aided Lone Club was endeavoring to Amt.t people oft er good clean sport among the young i of the low grade stuff. If lOw grade stuff bed been kept off the market that PO per cent. of the Mc -pecker. The half barrel and the the Previte* of Ontario had given . and had put up a trophy for competi-' Ontario would not have lost the rnar- half box are other convenient forms up eating apples. But if the grower tion annually among the juvenile kets of the Prairie Province* or of of package and the fruit growers from the idea of consult- club., of the town. The team from Meat study their mai ket and eve Britain. People bought by the rye,/ got away ing hie own converdenee and supplied Knox church had eon* through the them the kind of isaLege that is and if Cher* Wil8 good looking fruit to be ballot this would iavatiaw what the market' demanded there stile!' of games without one loss wanted, Lion' Chili Doing*. • • At this point Chief Gallow took up some' of the bust -nese of -the meet- ing• ef the time' Club. A good re- port was given. by Chafrnian Satin - dere of the Minstrel Show committee, who.wits able to report that the show was coming along• nicely. arid a real.: • ly geed show would be presented A Car you will be I • ./.411* -7 • I ' • At% ellaannsuesseue,* V-111, • • THE SEDAN. April tith and Oth. Another matter t the Chief called attention to was the e Goderich and he ealled upon the • a 'Really pr Lions' Club members to be in attend- • t oud of 4 4 coming centennial celebration - of anee at the public meeting on Friday night. Ile also appointed a commit- tee, eonsisting- -of Lions Doughts-------- Brown, Walter Buchanan, 3. W. Fra - set' G. L. Partions, R. C. Hays and the chief of next ,year, whoever he may be, to cooperate in the prepare.= Hon for. the eelebration. Then came the presentation of the cup to the Knox ehereh hockey club. Chiet Gallon. explained that the Aft wae be what was picked up even by a great opportuney here. against them and hereto 'were the lees' the Illts_t!r"eerl wsa. Thc barrel- eras si good package, l'arlaPalanra room in the town a" especially foe the British market. *HI a good attendance. Major where *met were sekt by the pound, R. Sows. president of the Huron bat thr fruit must be amine. Voatity Fruit Growers' Cottrell, pre. At the conclusion of Mr. Gelber/1 W. Events 84ve 4114 *41111"" ht !WW1 ft *la abnaat arallat•'1Pider s *od Ilittleh. Leaving an or. hsd Mitchell to king out playere poorer people. • shipping of loose apples' What effect on our market ban the twhienneeirusisforrAntnhsis et.nevakrb.nrOrin Rays aalfandof A detrimental effete, as it eneour. Ititonntloliamraitturron* ages **ping of a lower grade. maldeViliktheWrr,sewnthite. What condition would werrani, et:0%717410r ithheit'toapprecy tbeletlriensefttirb leaving an orchard in sod ?• . address. Major Sloan saki as to thin- kw with *ad. He wotid only ton - Mr. Sirrett he had no elver- liter7m1400t1PIngungrrrteienteneoar.oatagrfial:mottheyt. .10 • ailtallaltt atellaalllg the Iihvallte slide to thin +enough; he would thinichard in sod to reap a hay trop off but they wined to do pretty well neconsity it sproying, at the right tut hs thought etrootkany. only to It Or to aloe it as a posture was -no when the team defeatee Stratferdel La"' in "Isr *aka. irks" ltillhap„it` And hi/ trim 04t1014t41. 'lite rottt good. Without cultivation or muleh- 11-011. 1nd 14040a *IQ gave Owen} to cen"01,. Sound, the Bnillier O. 11. A. chimp. tholiset usalierials to vac possltines far thsP 01•1•1101 tram nn41, may are ecield get the work dorm.1 moisture. -e- elthillt II" --- " to -- P-' et the week was se eonsideration If it eras imposeibk len& a good rue. Wfth the enristissj 4 Peek haw rY 114 natiatabia by hope and beim& in the last 1hr...sulphate? • The apse* ireleatry had gone ahead' Where. how and why ume nicotine titts:tetsen4 yei"itralrfriottOnOttor tPbre0yPtiol Caordithet 3 the trek ladvietry of the tune ors' council had been formed. Thiv &sects pitch an Ott *able yet red, ‘e n• A. Awn** of Coned*. ; Year, eleee the Huron Fruit Grow -I This was vent to cofttrel sucking ....be ..Prt"ethig Ow' t oP In the her Rt ..ilitie Is a deplorabie rosette% year If a wend?* show nu bebl tht`t' Init. leketed in telling for three cheers far was BM diettnit of Mr. GOO, bat thel were going to hare it in Goderich, What fagots make a ceotrol park. the Um, Irldqk were Siren 14'llit a " • HERBS a cat yOU will be have the satisfaction of know - proud to display to your ing that you have invested most critical friends—proud wisely—that the Quality, to open its doors and invite Beauty, Performance, and them to ride. But prouder still' Price of this latest Oldsmobile of the way .its performance make it a value without equal. impresses them. /fa great to °today. Osie Esttests ta auy Retail prices include *II taxes. freight and handling charges, standard catalogue equipment arid front bumper, spare tire and tuba and full tank of gasoline. COACH e e e • • slew DE LUXE TOURING , sits40 SEDAN - — -.-.--•.41.023 General Motors own time payment plan (GMAC) furnishes the par. chaser with the most economical way to boy an Oldsmobile on time. HURON MOTOR -SALES OLDSMOBILE SIX Plettin-CT 19' GENERAL MOTORS OF CA.NADA laMztmi) Wee f•t- • ' ;•1 - • 5 t •