The Goderich Star, 1926-03-18, Page 3THURSDAY, MARCH 1lkh, ION
Bad Blood
the esuso of
Boils and 'Pimples
'What you ties d• wises, tke blood get*
out of order is 1. good tonic to tone
and build up the system, and put the
blood iuto proper shape, and when this
is doze you wall haws so more boils
or pimples.
We 'mow of as remedy that e**
eighborhood News Nuggets Boys' Own Comer
Picked From Our Exchanges
The Klan is Lacknow
On Friday night, March bth, a�
eros* was burned un the :;tree, in!
Lucknew just west of the Central •
garagefuld .is Moniay another lit
up tltJ eceuery just south of the
school emus*. "Whether they were
gamine or a piece of tomfoolery,"
says The Lucknow Sentinel, "one not
in the secret cannot tell: t
lleaterth Church Extends Coll
Rev. W. P. Lane ,pastor of . Knox
United chw,ch, Embro, has announc-
ed his resignation from that charge,
having accepted a call to become
r this purpose, u '" past pastor of North -side United chuzch,
47 years it has been ea .a. market Seaforth.
we have reoeivect thousands of testi- Seaforth Lions Plan Program far
animals from those who have been 1926
h,eeeltlted by its use.
Put up only by The T. llilbura Co., . The Seaforth Lions Club spent
Limited, Toronto, Ont. some $700 on the swimming pool
and park last year in addition to the
place, the latter part of Alsrch.. •
Mr. and Mrs. John Fried, 039 I'al
meraton Boulevard, Toronto, an
nounce the engagement of their eld
er daughter, lis Ilamsab, #c
Hugh Allwt Whet* ti' ill.tee, t#t-
ly son of Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Wil,dtt
Weetmount, Quebec. The merriest
will take place early in Apti1. Mr
Fried is one of the many Iluronian:
in Toronto, who hu made good. Hs
was raised near Hills Green, but bat
been a resident of Toronto for man:
years, o .
A Bayfield Wedding
A -quiet wedding was eole►nnized
at Trinity church, Hayfield, on Sat.
urday, March 6th, at half past foul
o'clock, by Rev. F. II. Paull, when
Ada J. Galbraith became the bride
of John W. Reid, of Stanley town-
ship. The bride was given .in mar-
riage by her brother, Mr. D. A. Gal -
MUSIC manual work of the members them- braith, She wore a becoming gown
selves For this year they Igen a of old coral chiffon over white silk pnoy, w. it. JACKSON--Instructienw Piano.,Vlotin. Guitar, Theory, etc. trees, bring water and light to the chilli" gathered at the side with
Studio and resicic�►co. North Street._, grounds and provide the necessaries' white and old coral oriental poppies
0: HA31II,ros organon ':oriel St. ler the use of tourists who might Her hat was of silver metallic cloth
Duped Church. ;Ceucrrt player wish to camp overnight there. The with flowers to match heti, gown and -
•end Teacher. member* of the Club have also t she wore the groom's gift, a htitid-
Restdencte at Mrs. Colborne'*;, Gt. Pat
lick Soret. guaranteed to do the manual labor I some green gold wrist watch. - After
The Maitland Tuxis Square held
heir regular mutant Iavt Thursday
vent*, in their maul place. The
epic on, "The employer or the man
to walls fez," was heartily discus-.
ed. by present. Matters in con-
eeetion th the Bible examination
o be held in the near future were
darned. The examination is to. be
'inducted under the direction of the
sinister. Following the business a
snappy game of "shinny" was play-
Two new ,C.S.E T. Groups a Timis
Square and a Trail,_Ranger Camp,
have recently foetned in the AMU -
church under the leadership of
Mr. C. A. R. Wilkinson. The, officer*
ere • as follows: Tula Square, Men-
tor, Mr. Wilkinson; Pretor, Frank:
Bowra; Deputy Pretor, Keith Muri-
ton; Seriptor, Leslie Evans; Compton
Donald McDonald. The officers of
{riven in Voice Culture. Organ, further outlay of $200 to Plant shade crepe, trimmed with silver and white !the Trail Rangers are: Chief Rang -
necessary to complete the work the ceremony the bride donned a .
started some time ago at the C. N. R. handsome henna bolivia cloth coat_ WE HEAR THAT
station, trimmed with opossum fur ant they A copy of the ,St. Catharines Boys'
Death of First .County ilIaster of left for Mr. D. A. Galbrith's home Own Standard has jut recently come
to the scribe. The sheet that the
boys of that city issue every Thurs-
day is a very creditable one, Art-
icles on subjects of interest to . boys,
sports and' reports of boys' activities
in general, go to compose their week-
ly page. It is truly said- that it is
for boys, by boys and about boys.
*• * * * .
That .0. S. E. T. is on the increase
is shown by a recent survey•by the
editor. - The following items will be
of Interest : In 192.; there was not
'a single group functioning in North
Huron. In 1924 a Trail Ranger
^amp. under the leadership of Rev.
W. H. - Moss, was begun. At • the
same time a Tuxis Square was form-
ed in Londesboro. In the fall of the
same year a boys' work conference•
was held in Stratford and was the
means whereby C. S. E. Tfl was in-
troduced into Goderich, A Tuxis
group was formed under the leader-
ship of Mr. Stonehouse and The . i'e
ctimseh Trail Ranger camp under' Mr.
A. M; Robertson. • But it was not in
Goderich alone that organization
was going on. Dungannon formed
two - groups -which, we aro glad to
say, , have come along fatuously.
Wingham also boasted of. a Tuxis
Square. This last fall and winter
has seen the beginning of three
groups here in town, one in the Knox
Presbyterian church, one in the An-
glican church and orte itf..Yictoria St.
United church; -A£: the present time
we have five. ' groups working in
Goderieh, and all together we have
about, eleven groups in Not•th Huron.
The Tuxis •Spirit --The boys of.
Phantom Tuxis Sqrare of Sarnia
are staging a concert • in. the
financial interest of a fellow C.S.E.T.
boy who last year' suffered an
accident in a rugby game which has
kept him away from ached and work
for a long time. That is certainly
the real Tuxis spirit.
er, Walter Newcombe; Sub -thief,
Donald Murison; • Tally, Lnwrenee
Mumby; Cache, • Reg. Newcombe.
The Boys' Own Corner extends to
these new groups best wi.ehea
:heir undertaking.
Barrister, Solicitor. ]rotary Piddle, Mc., Huron near Varna, where a sumptuous wed-
Successor to J, t.. their In Mr. B. Gerry, who• passed away 'on ding dinner was served, at which the
Moue 97 Office, The Square, tian.ric!► Thursday, Feb. 25th, at his ,]tome iii toast to the bride was given by Mr.
- HOLMES.. � _ _,. Fort . William at the ago of 92 years, Frank Cameron in a silver loving
DUDLEUDLEY E. ...was a former . resident of Brussels,
Y ,Soltoitor. Notaryt up•which has bee an heirloom of the
Public. Conveyancer, 1••te,or Ainleyville as it was then called. Cameron family for over two hundred
PHONE. 27 HAMILTON STREETFor. over 54' years he • was in the years. After a most enjoyableeven-
SPECIALISThardware business there, occupied a ing the happy couple left for their
seat on the council for several terms home amid showers of good wishes,
1)R. F. J. R. Pt1RSTElt. and -took an active intereee • in ,e 1 confetti and snow. Both the bride
welfare of the town. For Mit, and groom are very well known and
Fal;, ETI, NOSE, THROAT. years . be was connected with toe the good wishes' of the community
house %mem New York opts, Orange Order and he was the first go to them for a very bases future,
thalwic and :lural Hospital, assistont.atCounty ATasier of ,Huron forth, Ma and Mrs. Reid writ be at home
• Atoarc+Ileld'ip Eye Hospital. and' Gulden to their friends after the fifteenth
Square Throat Hospital London, rag. holding that office for nine years.
a Stratford. 'eche
' phone 267: "' Lucknow Town 11011 - Death of Mr. Charles Jackson, Blyth
At Hotel 'Bedford, Goderich, on she' • Mr: Charles 'Jackson Blyth, to
everting of the �tbird 11InndttN» or each At.' a° recent meeting of - tote buck- > yt _, 1 ssed
month, from 7 o'clock Lill the folloWlne now village council the town .. clerk away on Thursday night, Feb. 1$th,
,lay,: Tuesday, et i p.m. ' ^ was instructed to. prepare a bylaw at" the age of fifty-seven D•el ra and
CHIR4 IC setting an age limit. for those who eight months. Three years ago Mr.
]nay attend dances in the town hall. and . Mrs. Jackson came from Mani-
then .Mr.
baBlyth .'and since
to to
person under the age• ofseven-Yt
N u e
e h
e g
63 Waterloo St, S. Hospital.
An Ape mit for Dances n of March.
teen is to be permitted to attend un- Jackson's health has gradually. • be-
• • ' OR, A. Ni. ATKIN'SON. . • less. accompanied by a parent or come worse. Mr. Jackson ' was • a
Registered Chiropractor, God, guardian, and after the bylaw is.pas•. man of sterling character. He was
Chronic, Organic and_Nervous Diseases sed this will . be a condition on which born in Listowel in 180 and when
Consultation Free the hall can be secured for the pur- still a -young pian went :vest ,to --rt,
Office hours -2. to 4 and• 7 to 9 A. m• ose of a dance. The Public School side ht Kendal, Sask., and later :nor -
and by appointment, excepting Monday 1'
to -Thursday afternoons and evenings; Board had, sent a letter to the noun- ed to Cerman, Man.
Office hour on Giese days 10 to 2 Wm. La asking them to pass a bylaw to
Corner Feast and Vieteris !es.
prevent' school' children attending the A TIRED: FEELING
--.=2:..---7.,-...-4.:-.-----...z...--:;-,-•-•:- frequent dances. in the hall as being IN SPRINGTIME
--------- ohiE'.t'KY - detrimental to the best interest of .. '
• thepupils making the work of
s as m
1 k t r
U t e
P g But,- Not a h a
P. Sick
Not u p
L. GOLF.;Ii. O.. the teachers very much more diffr- -you Need ' the Help of That
,"� OPTOMETRIST, OPTI G • AN.. - cult.
Sterling. Tonic, Dr. V1'illianta'
Weal . Streof the der ch. .Death of Mr. Joseph Davidson, Pink Pills -They Give New Vital
Honor Graduate of the Canadian Ofth- - r • Seaforth its.
thainaie College of Toronto th ds
y the s , n tt arc , r.
Eyes examined b 1 test me o 0 Saturd M h 0th 1VT•los
end the proper tithing of glasses at moot- eph Davidson passed away at his
oats prices, Ontario ;Braid of Exam• home in Seaforth in his Gest year.
;n rs Certificate No, 875. His early years were spent in Ful-
AUCTIONEERING larton and Mitchell and when a
With the passing of winter ninny
people feel weak,. depressed and eas-
ily tired. The body lacks the vital
force and energy pure . blood alone
Young man he moved with his par- can give., In a word, while not
'THOMAS GU -'l)RY. tf exactly sick, the indoor life of win -
returning to ,Seaforth
ents to the West, he and .a brother ter has left its Orange,. upon _them,
Vet, Stock and General Auctioneer,' . when the old
Hanaliton Street, Goderich Commercial Hotel:.was burned in A b 1 ood-building, nerve -restoring
Sales madtw eweryvvhere and all efforts 1895 and rebuilding it, They eon- tone is needed to give renewed
made to give yogi satisfsctloo• ducted this house for some ' time health and energy. Dr. . Williams''
la WU4 State Writs Look_ Atter
Themselves. But It They Are to
Werk for You Then You :11ust Do -
Wags for Theta.
(Contributed by Ontario Department of
aprlcults,rw turteitu.t
If poultry are tu he kept. free tract
.disease their 1iyIf; quarters will re-
quire as much atto ition as those Of '
other stock. Tito sncc:a1ist* .civ,' th '
poultry this attcutien and more. hut
the great majority t.f pouitrykeept
neglect the housing coneitloas.
Plat of all the house should 1*
supplied with drainage that will in-
sure a dry near at all times. 1Damp-
ness'proriotes the ,growth of baa:t'ria
and makes lads :subject to rakes.
roup and other diseases. Ventilation
without drafts is were necessary.
fresh air coming in and foul sir go-'
lag out. Law amounts of moisture.
aro elitninatee from the •lungs of
birds. There are no sweat, glands
and the bird metabolism le much
Fanners' sale notes discounted.
afterwards moving - to Mitchell Pink Pills ,are an •all -year-round •• will leuron. For information appieeto P. J. returning strength,. cheerfulness and . If 'you are ,pale, easily tired, or
where they were associated' with blood builder and nerve tonic. but
A4etionetir..., their cousin, Mr. -Robert Davidson; `are especially useful in the spring.
Eldon lireet. Goderlt t. it> the Hicks' House. Ten years ago Every dose helps to make new, rich,
conduct nn,: w,M :n the! unty 0Y v_ •,ti_- -'-_.- -._a:_:9 1- 1 _. L:_ *ed blood. and_ with this new blood
Ryan. ""�•••`�� -� - Announeenaents •• good. health quickly follow.
him will receive prompt atilt ]fou.
Mr. and.Mrs. Duncan ;McCowan, breathless at the least exertion, if
. --- •Seaforth, announce the engagement. your complexion is. poor or you are
wee. BAILIE.: • , • of their eldest daughter, Elizabeth troubled. with pimples .or eruptions,
�r t;enrral L'anveyaucing+ don est son of Dr. -and Mrs. R. 0. Nim- what you need to put �+o+u. right. If
t,00d (iompunaes Ropr, ,. nt.,l mo, of To*.onto, the marriage: to take you havetwinges of rheumatiaiu, are
Phone No. 2U$. .Oticrich, tent.- subject to headaches and backaches.
if you are 'irritable and' nervous, if
your siege' does not refresh you; - or
your appetite 'is poor, :,ou need the
treatment Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
'•-'alone can give --you need - .the new
blood, new strength and new energy
this medicine, always brings. Mrs.
Emma Fraser, Thessalon, Ont.,' says:
wTwo years ago my: nervous tsystena
as in such *a condition that ,life
seemed a burden. I Could reithei
eat ••or sleep well. I tried several
medicines, but did not get any re-
- Indeed my .condition eeente4. to
be growing worse. Then Dr, Wil-
- Hams' Pink Pills were brought to •my
pfd i decided to try them
Veretta, to T. Victor Nimmo young -
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are just
•COEOltiel% g. GREE:ISLAI)r:.
Vr• CONVEY:t;CGtl�ie. AND NnTAl1Y.
• hayfield, Ont.
Value -of property insured11P to Jin -
wary, 1910., $3.0i8,973.00.
OPPIOERS-- James Connolly. Presi-
dent, I:oclerieli; Jas. Evans, 'V14','-Pr'nI•
dent, Beechwood; T. E. hays, See.-
Treas.. Seaforth.
Dlfl•%4"rOR*, 4) • F. . Meuregnr, Sea -
forth; .1. ik. Grieve. Winthrop; whin.
Wein, Constance: George elet utney.
TuekenMnith ; Jol►n Perris. Isar hick; -
John Benn,•wvtse, Ilroadhagan.; Murray
Gibson, Brueelh'!d. '
A('inr+,T� -•J. W. Teo, Goderien at ands
• Leiteb; .± lintona• -Win., ...1:hewn 4e; Seat
forth; 11. Mobley, Seaforth.
Policy Hollers can pay their nseeee-
▪ mant.s at R. II. Cutt's store, 'sodericli t
A. J. Morris -les Clothing Store, Clinton:
or J. H. Revd's, Bayfield.
Have it attended to oy the
Established 1878
• Head LL.. Salkeld, R. R. No Ont.
erich, pres.; Win. J. Thompson, Aub-
nrn, vice pres.; directors -41m. Me-
Quillen, St.Ilelens; W. P. Reed, It. R.
No. 2, Lucknow; H L. Salkeld, 'phone
400r11, Goderich; Alex. Nicholson,
Lucknow; Win. Watson; Jas. Girvin.
R. R. No. 0, Goderich; Wm. F. Thomp-
son; Auburn: Tim Griffin, R. R. No.
7, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, Kincar-
dine, Ont.
BroUll BroS.
TM LeadinO
ell hemi Directors
am) F.a1'batrlrar'5
Order* osrefully attended bo
st s11 haare---nisei, or day.
.A8 A MORE. 6E8-
v'pEiJT8yte-DAY�AtO0Y FN
more intense thau it is with. other
farm animals. The exhaled moisture
must be removed or the house will
broom,+ damp and unsanitary. Pro-
vide four square feet per bird, face
the house south and provide a large. PHONE 46
open 'front through witch the sun'*
rays can enter and reach every inch
of floor space Arrange the interior -
Walt Tine
McEwen's Specials
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for25)
A good teaspoon, King George design, given away with eat, .
25c worth.
24 bars Soap, Mc&wen's special
t, cakes Palin Tree Toilet Soap for
3 ohs. loose Cocoa for
ti'lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .2.,
Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Black Tea. ,•
We will give 1 lh. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, ! . lb. Biscuits
and 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any package
Spacial price on large Flannelette Blankets
Special price on Fancy Blankets •
We are cutting the price on Men's All Wool Underwear and
Men's Fleece -lined Uuderwear.
Good linen Roller Towelling 25c per J.
Good large Bath Towels 00c per pair
Some nice Table and Floor Oilcloths, different widths at right
Now is the time to buy a set of dishes 10 "r off.
Free delivery to any part of the "Dawn. . e
J. J. McEwen
of the house to facilitate easy clean- '"`')~he' - ie.-ff.-IV-that - that infest children -
Ing and dlsinfeetton. This means out to permit from their birth are of two kinds,
perm, that can be
movable -nests, roolifted
s_ is -and feedm
hop• those that find neaiw in the
stomach and those that are found in
c thorough cleaning, at, lea::, mice the inkeatines. The latter are the
The Runs. most destructive, as they. -cling to
Dont fence in the poultry it It can the walls of the inteatines and if not
be avoided, Better fence to the interfered with work havoc there.
garden and give the birds the run or Miller'a Worm Powdera disloge both
the farm. The green feed and in- kinds and while expelling them from
sect lite will do much to keep . the the system serve to repair the dam -
young birds. growing and stealthy at age they have caused., -
no cost. If the birds must be, reared .. ..
under intensive conditions, then two Wl a and`' Husband
fenced -in rune should be provided. Wile -
.These should be limed,'spaded and '
every three weeks.
seeded to some green fed crop, be -Bath 111 With Gas
fig used for the birds alternately.
The use of lune and the application•
of the spade frequently will 40 tnuch "For years' had gas on the stont-
to keep the yard In fair condition. itch. Tho first dose of Adlerika
• The 'Utensils. ' helped. I now sleep well and all gas
Most diseases spread through eon -is gone. It also helped my bus -
feed, and water. To pree ban;]:'
(signed) Mrs. 13.- Iirliikloy,
vent contamination, the uten9STs ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAC
'should be of such sa design that em.the . and often .brings astonishing relief'
bird- cannot get its feet into them..
reed hoppers and water fountains to - the, stomach: Stops' that full,
clear.ot seraching, and have a narrow bloated -feeling. Brings Out. • old,
ibird can standthought .was
n t hao t
o w ever th
1 tto a t o t
a mmatter you n r:
Dwaste a
t s it
1 r will Wide t o
while eedln . W e a
Y s p !+! in sate' system. This excellent m-
mean contamination: One large hop- an testittal evsfcuant is wonderful for
per lot . of little hos mes e1i.Utensilabitter h is constipation. ' CAMPBELL'S i)Itt'G
Which milk and antiseptic,drinks are STORE. •
used should be'ot crockery:or enemet - -
ware. Feeding'utensile, if ate such •-"`-"-
type ' as soiled by the birds, c r ,
should be given frequent attention
and kept in sanitary, condition. ,
The practice •of. throwing scratch
feed on the same spot of ground is
not the best. - Those attending poul-
try should, . keep 'in mind that the
e er
bird soils -4r contaminates what Y
ground it passes over, and the. greater -
area of 'range the 1Hss the 'degree of
contamination. --The chicken' cannot
use a fork or above] to clean. the yard
or pen, in , keep It prisoner.
In the wild state the bird looks atter The Star
its own hygiene: as a creature- of
domestication under your charge. you The Stat
must do it, it conditions are to be
they:: best. ---I. Stevenson, • Dept, of
Exteasion, O. w. Collegeelph..
attention a ..
After using a few boxes there was
" -' "no room to doubt that they were
helping me. I continued their use
until 1 had taken eight boxes. whenSTOP RllEllmATIsk
* * *.*.
A Record Hard to Beate -The Tor-
onto Star carried' a picture of Wil-
frid tratneron, with• the report that
he hes for' the third time won the
solid gold medal presented to the
boy who has sold the most bonds in
the province. This year Wilfrid sold
a total of four hundred and eighty
bonds. Wouldn't it be sine if some
boy in Goderich would sell as many'?
I...was _.completely _ restored. tu-health,-.
- WITH RED PEPPER a symptom of the trouble. When I
d I have not any time sins' had a
began the use of the pill:; I weighed
c their
use with nay renewed health I now
o _ onlypounds, while 1ike en1er hr
When you are suffering with rhea•
just try Red Pepper Rub and you will weigh 126 pounds. 'I feel it iinpos-
matism so you cap hardly get around sible -to praise Dr. T1 iliianee Pink Pills too
have the geickest relief known.
in ]pas such concentrated, pone«
tinting heat as red peppers. Instant
relief. just as soon as you apply Red
Pepper tuns you feel the tingling heat.
In three minutes it warms the sore spot
throegh and through. Frees the blood
circulation, breaks up the congestipn-
anJ the
old Red rheumatism
Rub mtorturade is gone.
red peppers, casts little at any drug
store. Get a jar at once. Use it for
lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck,
sort muscles, colds in chest. Almost
instant relief awaits you. Be sure to
get the genuine, with the name Rowles
on each .package.
a. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and`
Goderich, Ontario
All Calls promptly attended to,
day or night,
!looses: Store s36; ITonie 33Swv
Keep Your Syatctn Toned U.p.. .
Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pile for
anaemia. rheumdtisrn, neuralgia, 'n -
digestion or nervousness. Take
them, -as a tonic if you are not'in the
best physical condition end (inti
vete a resistance that will keep you
'well and strong. You can get these
pills through any medicine dealer or
by mail et 50r a box from the I>r.
Willioms Medicine Co., llrockville,
Wheat, per bush.....$ lime' to $ 140
Buckwheat, per bush. Bu to 70 .
.Hogs - 12,15 to 13.00
Oats, per bush n0 to 40
Peas, per bush 1.45 to. , 1.50
Barley,. per bush-. lea tu' 70
Cattle, ordinary. p r
cwt. t:2,-, to 0.2e
Cattle, export..,.... 7.50 to 7.50
(per cwt,.)
Cattle, choice per cut ^,.tit to, 7.50
Lambs, per cwt 8.00 to 11.00
Dairy Butter...;.,.. .10 to 46
•Eggs, per dos - 30' to 90
Family flour, per cwt 3.90 to 4.00
Patent flour, per cwt. 4.75 to 0.00
Bran, per ton
",2.00 to 33.00
Shorts, per ton... .::.3.00 to 35.00
Hay, per ton ` 10.00• to. 22.00
Hides [18:t<,, , 08
Potatoes, per bag.... 3,50 to 2,30
I;♦ anof es iveex nsively to im-
'Many 1 Pe Y
press our friends who live expensive-
ly to impress us:•
1ls r O
l� d e � . .
and London Free Press-...... , . , ...$$6.75.
and London Advertiser...': • ., 6.75
The Star. and The Toronto Giobe ' 6.75
The 'Star and Tht Mail and':Emplrc :,.•,.... .•.G,73
The Star and The Toronto Star-:-; , .. . . '.. .. , '6.75
small boy, "what'll you give. me ,to. The Star
go to school end scatter it unsrng ell 'the Star
the- kids?"
- * * * 'k
Professor --"Now teU me how you
could ascertain the height of The Big
Mill, using a pocket barometer?" '
Bright :Student•-c"Lower it from _
the top of the building. with A string
and. then measeee the string." -
Hush money generally • talks' the •
loudest. •. •
Front Qubec.---It' is interesting to Oiii1dren-.Ory
note C.S.E.T. activityinQuebec, the .
only province in 'Canada that .has no
boys' parliament, 'The Stanstead
Journalpublisheda, full report of a
very fine C.S.E.T.. father . and son
banquet. Plans ere under way to
organize b$ys' ,work in Cannda':;• old-
est province to a fuller extent. -
* * * *
We are glad to report that our
provincial secretary, C. F. Pleivrnan,
who has been confined to his - home
since Christmas, is rapidly on the
road to recovery. - e.
• •Jones• --"Did you hear about the
Brown -"No, what happenede"
Jones -"The paper hange,' bung a
border and when they tried , to in-
vestigate they found it was a rumor.
, * * * * .
_ A. smell- boy • Balled--on-the -doctor
one evening. "Say, Doc, I guess I
got the measles," he said, "but I
guess I can keep it quiet."
The doctor looked puzzled.
"Ah, get wise, Doc," suggested the.
Reduced by Asthma -The con-
stant strain of asthma bring.; the
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and .McLean's Magazine.. ., .. 53.75
and Rod and Gun.: . , ...•. 3.90
and Montreal Witness . renewal 3.35
new. 3.50
The: Star arid Wold Wide , .: , renewal 4.25
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