The Goderich Star, 1926-03-18, Page 2naiads TWO
Have You Tasted
Those who have used Japla►Il1►a Young
Hrsou or Gunpowder Tea will appro.
cute the superiority, of this delicious
blend, layve expo i~ -.are mud rich. Try ft
. 18,000. allies by Mr
Alun Cobham, the British aviator
hay •hist completed a 1•enuukab
aa:Txierement in his return journey
front,England to the Dominion of
Soutar Africa, a trip of more ten
sixteen tborsand miles, without mis
bap. Mr. Cobham, accompanied ba
an engineer and a photographer ee
out from .England to survey • an Im
penial air route,' as part of the pit
to :link ,the outlying portions of the
Empire.. .
He is`the greatest British lona; dis-
tance flyer, n
Y , and has twine been
awarded the Britannia Trophy which
goes sginually to the airman noon).
plishink the most outstanding feat
of the year.. Mr. Cobham's welcome
on eta return to England was extra-
ordinary. When news wgs receiyrtt
that he had left Lyons, France, a
'fleet of airplanes rase. to greet him
in the air; and in one of theist was
Ins young wife. Scores .of people
payee as' much as twenty dollars
each, for seats hi the passenger
planes for the privilege of joining in
the welcome. He landed Sunday and
the. same • evening was received by
the King at Buckingham Palace who
showed as keen a delight in wsleone,
ing the intrepid flyer as alter de his
subje$,s. 'The airman delivered 10
the King n tetter from the Earl of
Athlone Governor-General :ef *lute
Atria, tihe first ever .brought' direct
from South Attire to England. Two
previous srecessful trips by the sante
aviator included one to the near East
in 10.4 and one to India in 1925.
• Lived in Silence
▪ e An eccentric U.S. newspaper own
Te er who has lived like a hermit on
luxurious yacht for . the past four
years was Edward Wyllie Scripps
It who • has just died' while his vessel
- was off the coast of Liberia. Every-
, thing on board end to be done in sil-
t ence, as he abhored noise. The
decks were thickly padded and the
i1 crew were trained to work silently.
Asan Cobham
Great: Ilritaht's flying man wlto has
completed a return journey of over
Protection for Widows a
That a man's responsibilities for
wx e e welfare does not end at
the grave is the. foundation of u• bill
now before; the Ontario legislature
wh• 1 would s
let uld ten ere that the husband
.mrst 'provide adequately in his will
for his wife, or that the wife would
have the power to levy on his estate
in case of his failure td do so. Har-
old Fisher, West Ottawa, is the fath-
er of the bill. At the preseht time
ea man is forced by law to provide
for. his ,,wife' while he lines, but he is
. under 'ho legal obij ation to . do so
after his death. Excepting in the
case of real estate, Mr. Fisher says,.
at his death he may will all he owes
elsewhere. The hill stipulates 'that
when .a husband's" will dos not pro.
vide reasonnbly.out of his estate for
his wife, . the court has the power. tq
make •provision for her. 'ns
Stern Justice
John Lincoln, former British 'no n-
ber -of. parliament and a nots,rious
war spy, lost in the rare with time to.
see his icon before death on the gal-
lows ivas ,.meted out to Kin: in Lon-
don. Lineoln. who was exiled plead-
ed. for •a stay of execution, and .ltur:
Tied 'to England` from his refuge in.
the East for.a farewell with his son.
however, he dial not arrive' in time;
and thesstatus of exile is now main.
Wined against. him. �Comanenting
upon thus--apparent-heaitlessnees, of
British justice, the St.' Paul Pione,:r;;
Pros pointed Qui 'that •the • stern exe
cution of the law in the United King -
down spells•:protection :to. •the public
peace., In Britain. the paper. sties,
there are 350 killings a year in. 0
Population of forty-two million%, and.
every . murderer is promptly caught
and punished, .In. the United States,
where leniency is: shown .to suck ' an
extent• to murderers that one is rare.
ly executed, there are tea thou;aand.
murders annually. "Britain new he
heartless to murderers; the Misted
States, we think, is heartless to their
innocent victims," it concludes.
Russia's Criminal Hordes
There are nearly two million
• sixteen thousand nines from .London homeless, friendless, foodless- ehlI.
' to. South Africa. dren travelling Abort Resale 11 veg. -. -.. rant hordes according to Professor
'Telephone ,Celebrations
e This month the Bell Telephone
Company of Canadar celebrates --tine-
• fiftieth anniversary of the day when.
• Alexirnder Graham Bell, . the Cana.
. dian, first ,sent a spoken tnesri;lgej
-over the wires, '
(lernet• of Moscow while other au-
thorities gave high as four
million. It .will be remembered that
the -.Soviet governrilient had in hand
n great scheme to nationalize the
children, to take them in infancy
from the control of parents and plaee
them in Communist kind •t
114 pursuance ofits policy offtiendly co-operatiext
with the farming intent** of this country, the •....._ ...
Bank of Montreal is txow, itauing a new teat
book for farmers, entitled 'a' Hogs for Pock and
Profit" The booklet is a .practical guide to the
breeding and feeding of pigs, and its value is
greedy.inctleasad by photographs illustrating every
point that is tnade..A copy may be obtained, with.
out charge, on application at our iwaarert Brooch.
Previous 'booklets distributed by the Bank are.
"Diversified, Farming".
The , the Mother of Prosperity"
"Poultry for the Farm and Hotnt"
The Beak has distributed tens of thousand= of
these l+ookkis throughout Caned*, and numerous
fernier: have sxpnewsd their apptsciatiots to aur
kcal Managers.
Est ishei,l$ii
Tisa Assets hi'vews of$750,001000
E. V. LEMUR, �' Goilstk1 $raweeli.
They were to be fed, reared, educat-
ed, and trained by the government,
However, when the prattkal problem
a.f these waifs we* pretreated to the
government „they were utterly tan-
, able to cope with it. The appalling
a.+nd.tions beggar description and
1" a•rame and diacease are naturally ••am -
pant. The children die like neglect-
ed animals under the "benttficievt
and paternal" ..policies of the Co•n-
i «unist government.
Cure for Sloepia". Sickness
The recent death of a ninexee::� Lake Shore Rife Range Was Opened—R.-C. Church at
0/1101111 l,i id
Last Equalization of Huron County by Valua-
tors was made in 1905
Elevator Foundations Laid Two Decades Ago
Year-old girl in Toronto from sleep- Kingsbridge,Dpened- -Bowlers Had Supper Skeleton
rug sickness brings home to Cana- Unearthed in North River•Ban'k,
diens the terror of this tropical We-
i ease which eccasionptay penetrates
Ito northern chines, -There Ate nuts- (Prom The Goderich Star of Oct. 6,
cruuat cities of sleeping sickness iii 1905) •
Canada, medical authorities report. RguaUzatlent of County Was Made its
The glad news that the Pasteur In. Yppe
stitute in • Perlis. has discovered a I The Exeter Times saya: The
erre for the dread scourge is Suet an- equalization committee, appointed by
nouxxed in the French capital. It is the cornty council, consisting of
an acknowledged cure, and has re- Messrs. Wm. Baden, Exeter; John,
duced mortality even in the most ad- Leckie, Brussels; and; Jobe Cox, •oft
vanced cases to two per cent.. Two Goderich township, were in 'receive
men and a woman are concerned in on Monday, making valuations• on
the cure, Prof. Fourneau and Dr. property. The committee has been
•.tanees. Added to this, the pastor,
1 Fr. McCormick, and the committee
!who assisted him had :Pared no ef-
forts to make the arrangements for
; the ceremony as complete as pos-
•sible, and it may be imagined the
occasion was one that wilt be a red
letter dayin the history of the e on-
gregat;on. There must have been
frily 2,000 people present, and the,
impressive ceremony was most in-'
tently observed by old and ,young
Laignet and Madame,de Treviso, who bard at' • work for about six wee
have been working in the quarters and has succeeded in getting tbrou
of the world which are most ravag- , all the . townships and are now
ed by the strange disease.- It was E the town a • and villages. They
said -some time ago, that a German their work without reference to
professor had achieved a euro for municipality assessors, and, when
sleeping sickness, but would not give they have completed, check up with
it to the world except upon the con= the aalsessor'a books. They report
dition that Germany's African col- finding numerous discrepenciee, that
onies be returned to her. is, in sone instances the property is
x o valued too low and in other cases
•Tax on Meals too high, and their work consists in
Quebec has hit upon an ingenious getting it on an equalized basis. It
tax which Should, become a gtlod fs understood that the county assess -
producer, The province ment will lee largely increased as the
ro o c
e s toresult ofthelabors o t
F collet bo s ! he valuators.
1't'°Rave cents an ev-
cry meal which costs more than one In some of the townships the ad -
dollar and the proceeds will be ag,- vance will be so marked that the tax -
lied to public ers .will atonce realize that p bl c charities. 1>ny al a ha they
have not been paying a fair. share of
;cs 1 until the final bencdittion: His •
111 1111111/04111MIMIN.
''`''HERE is no " almost " about BLACK'S
- Spring Tailoring. Suits and coats made
here are not almost, but altogether the last
word in Tailoring. To be up-to-the-minute
come to BLACK'S for your Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings.. -
gh Lordship Bishop McEvoy, of Lon- CHAS.- BLACK
on don, wire accompanied by Fr. Mc- "The Men's and Boys' Store Worth While"
do Cunn, St, Mary's church, that city,
the and the following clergy from This , _
I Phone 219 - North Side Square
Smuggling . the county .rate these .several years.
The smuggling investigation pro•
rttiaes to provide a lot of interesting The bake Shore Rifle Range Opened
reading, when the 'sessions ofthe The new rifle range below the
house ends and there is more room bank' from the Lighthouse to the old
for the acts of the committee in the erdainternational y site, was opened me -
public the •commencement of
public spotlight. Beginning April regimental, company and individual
12th, there is to be a , week devoted.
to hearing witnesses from .all'tradee shooting. The .committee in charge
and indttstrres affected bysmu ,. consisted of Lieut. Col. W, Young,
ling, when direct evidencw BCopts, Grant .and. Cummings
d - R.
laid before the comet' tee will be 'Watson, R. M. Cummings and . R.
strangling 'effects ,t of the Rundle. The medical officers, are
of wholesale Surgeon-Capts. Shaw 'Ind , Hunter:,
smuggling upon Canadian industrial and the range officers for 'yesterday
Tito. Major Wilson. and J. Newcombe, jr.:
Radio Car League eon.
for today Major Combe tinct R.
Tlie Le •Wallacera.
ague of Nations has .con- (Fin The. Goderich `Star of Oct.
tracted for a radio car which will be 136„: 1005) •
used for emergencies. A pullennn Dr. Macklin' Had Located .in"t,oderich•
car will Abe equipped with the very The following item in the•alildmay
West. in. m idio and will be i',sed to Gazette is of .interest 'to` Goderich
carry' representatives of, the League people, because one esf the gentlemen
wherever a crisis must be dealt .with, . honored, Dr, Macklin, `is now a. eiti-
in a war -threatened or disease-strick zea of our town, 'having purchased
en district. With this car: the help the old Bank of : Montreal-. property
and healing qualities .of ,the League on Nest street and being now;instal
will be rushed to the danger' spot led there: The citizens oe Mildnute
without delay and with every scion- tendered • a farewell supper to Mr.
title aid . the world had produced to Jobn Schweitzer• and Dr. Maeklip in
speed the .work of peace.and kind.. the ; Ceitimercial , hotel. on 'Monday
nese.• • evening.. These two gentlemen have
.Emperor Mussolini?been prominent residents act Mildmay
• for quite a number of yore,. and
Deposition of the Italian Royal Itheir'friends toolc.this method of hid-
ramify and .the proclamation of ding them a forme] aieu. lir.
Mussolini' as emperor° is the event Clapp, M•I'•P•, acted _ as master of
hinted et in current despatches from, ceremonies; and quite .a number. of.
Rome. There has been a "boom" for toasts were proposed end responded
Mussolini ably campaigned in tip to.
Italian press which tends to ignore (From The Godericli •S'tar of Oct. 20:
Italy's. royalties„ and exalt the self X905) "
made' dictator. Tho seventh anni- Elevator Foundations Rene Laid
versary of fascism takes place tins The foundation of the new clevn-
montlia"and it Is. expected that event tins. 15 practically finished, and it.
will reveal some amazing plot on the looks as if next` week will see re' big.
part of Mussolini.
start upwards. It was said by ninny'
people at the time' of the lire and
Pioneer Red Rider Dies since, that the foundation of the
One of the original red riders of burned. elevator was ;uninjured.
the plains will be missed; riders he Those, however, who have watched
death of Lt. -Col. J. 8. Doneldso:1 at the driving of piles 'snit. the lard
Prince; Albert ' He was . a rivantity of concrete pot in .for a
sesettler' in the West and went tout foundation will, • smile at thea' etate-
th the Royal North West' Mounted tents then mode, One notable; feat-
Police in .1'8 i0 front his birth.plac;� aid p and ,Tan er is t on 1 the ge rounds
at A»pleton, Ontatrioe .He was chief (enough seemingly. to build..a good -
of scouts in the Ilatoche district in sized elevator) to -make the fraines
the Riel Rebellion. In the great war. or boxes for the concrete, '
he raised the 188th battalion, a for • -
esti;v battalion, and other troops.. Constitutional Struggle in N.S, Skeleton Unearthed .
On Thursday afternoon ef last
week a skeleton WAS unearthed in the
big steam ,~hovel,
Nara -Scotia -ix. north hank
by the
tax ix wrestling-with--a-•-which -is . being- -worked•-•-stlmut_°
big constitutional problem relative ' to
the abolition of the sipper Chamber.'
west of the top ' of 1 of flea
'Rhodes, the •. Conservative Pannier. heig , It was that of. a man of fee's
of the. province, is 'determined to height, audit as th'ofew to have been
aabolislt'+the upprr house, ttihicla •.ut in the ground a few score years.
nt of an Indian
the present moment, after a longWhose remains it is, no, one knows,
Liberal- regime, is composed mostly' and a white. rnan hast not been definite,.
I of Liberal anembers. In an effort to ly settled. " It ••ma; ; t ;,'v,;,reinains of
inject into the Legislative einiec�il one of the first ,settlers in Colborne,
sutlicient sympathetic influeuce. to buried, -as wac.,..oftern •done in those
atrhieve his object, the Premier has days, on the farm, or it may 1)e :hat
asked Lieutenant.Uovertior Toty to of a man who was murdered and in-
Appoint twenty.two new members to terred there as one of the most t,ec-
the council. This would ensure suf- ret of spots. If it was a murder
ficicnt'votes to guarantee the. aboli- the, ground held the secret well. But
•tion-•vf ••the••-asecond chamber... How-. it -away -be the bones...Were these of a
- ever, 'the power of the. provincial man who had been decently. interred
leas been called to into ittoke tque, e tions andrthe 'dentss in a cemetery,
Colborne whor o state tae are ut the
' matter is before the' Federal �.eabinet. spot where the skeleton was diseov-
• •erect was at one time used as a eenie-
Quick Relief for HatFFY seeming of the New R.C.Church at Kingsbridge
In this season of uncertain weath
aCs er • the• pastor ai,d congregation of
St. Joseph's church, Kingsbridge,
' hove good reason to congratulate
!Atilt ,Druggists Sell Itheuma on themselves on the day ;;elected for
Money -Back i'lan the opening of their new 1 hutch,
' Sunday, Oct. 15th, for the weather
If you suffer from torturing rheu-'certainly was most favorable, allow•-
matie pains, ;swollen, twisted joints,aing Iteeple to attend front great di• -
and suffer intensely beeause your
systems is full of that dangerous loi•'
eon that makes thousand e . helpless
and kills thousands years berme their
time, then you need %lemma, mid -
need it now.
Start taking it today. Rhegma Q
setae et once on kidney's, liver, slom-1
*els and blood, and you van sincerely
exclaim: "Good riddance, to had:
Many people. the most skeptiial of t
akepticte right in this elty and in the I
cnentrtr hereabouts. Mese the day i
'when If. C. Denton and n- her tareg-
gists offered Rheum* to the afflicted'
at a email prier and guarantee(' i
ratty reftanded if nett i'atiraied. 1f
w have rheumatlam zitt a bn(le of
Mama today.
and adjoining neighborhoods: Fre.
West, Bonbat, Hanlon, O'Neil, Hus-
sey, Laurendeau and McCrae.. - Ear-
ly in the morning divine services
was held in the old church, which
for nearly half a centan'y has met
the requirements of the large and
growing congregation: At 8 'o'clock
His Lordship celebrated Low Mass,
about 50 little boys and girls receiv-
ingtheir first communion at that
hour, At 10 o'clock His Lordship,
aecompanied by the •tbovo named
clergy and the altar boys, niarcid
from the%priest's house to the front
door of the new church, the immense
congregation , standing on ell sides.
The exterior of the new church was
blessed by the Bishop, the proeais-
sion making the circuit of the large
building, chanting the nreseribed
prayers. The doors were then open-
ed and the Litany of the Saints was
chanted as the interior 'of the rhumb
was blessed: The people , were then
admitted and the pealingof the old
bell announced the; opening' of the
new edifice. Grand High Mass was
celebrated ••• by-.Et....Bonbnt, assisted
by Frs. McCunn and Hussey. Er.
O'Neil preached the ` sermon : of the
day, basing his remarks oz; the sev-
eral well-known texts .which are
quoted to establish the divine corn-
mission of St, Peter as the leader of
the church. At 4:30 p.m. the church
was again filled, when. Ws Lordship
the Bishop administered the Sacra-
ment of .Confirmation to the large
clines of boys and girls, and addres-
sed .them appropriately.
(From The Goderieii • Star of Dec.
Ste; 1909).
The Bowlers' Supper e
The bowlers' supper • at the Bed-
ford Hotel: last Monday evens,;,
given by Vice President O'Connell's.
side as • their forfeit 01 the match.
With President Proudfootee side, was
in every partieulair Ata eyent te be
remembered. . The guests numbered
about forty. The' dining room de-
corations were eminently British and
Canadian, and the menu 'suitable for
an epicure. When the toast list was
reached "The; King" and "Our Coun.
try!' were loyally -'honored, Rev; .los:
'Elliott and pia. G. F. Blair respond:
ing for the latter in speeches which
were replete with historical, stall: :ti.
cal and poetical sentiments such as
Canadians might .well be proud of.
Major Jordan and Col. Young fit-
tingly replied to "The army and
'• Navy," and "The Parliament of Can.
ada" gave Mr. Robert McLean an
opening for a good humored and fun
poking speech, which was greatly
appreciated. •ecitati,r by, r. H;.
A. r t
, Ball was followed by. "Te Learn-
ed Professions," responded to by Dr.
Hunter, .Barrister C. ..err row and
Principal J. H. Tigert, and Dr. Walt-
er • Turnbull supplemented 'these ex-
cellent sentimentswith a well cue-
cuted number in .the way of a banjo
solo, "The Bowlers" found enthu-
siastic champions ,in Vice President
O'ConiieIl, 'Sherif l: eynolds and
y f'lerk Lane. J. L. Grant
and John Wyni representee "The
Veterans." "Kindred Sports" called
up . P. M. Galt and Barrister Killor-
an, and "The Ladies" found elogw t
and appreciative ' advocates in Mes-
srs. F. B. Holmes and C. S. Pots.
During the evening songswere sung
by Sheriff Reynolds, J. W. Broderick
and C. • S. Pete. and. all : were appar-
ently to the delight and salt:sfactienn
of the company. : ' '' •
Worms in children, if they be not
attended to, carse convulsions, Worm often death. Mother Gras-enssWorm
Exterminator will protect the 01i 1-
dren from -these distressing . aiiiic-
ions. .
The bard -boiled person is also fre-
quently roasted:
Just Right
.. .., ..I i ... 1� _
When a- high school gtri gets -
marrying in her head tner,e'tt ns
room for an education.
Apply Crests nT Nostrils ?o ► •
Open Up
Air P
- Ah! What reliei'f Tour clogged nee;
trils open right up, tee air passages of
your -head are clear and you, can breathe.
freely: No more hawking, snufing
mucous discharge. headache, dryness—ne
struggling for• breath at night, your coir.
or oatarrh is gone.-
Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small"
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your'
druggist now, • Apply a little of 'thus
fragrant, antiscptie cream in your nos-
trite, let it. penetrate through every air
passage of the head: soothe and heal
the swollen, inflamed osseous membram..
ing you instant relief. ,Ely's. Crea
hu is :Nit what every cold and esI-
tanh Sufferer has boon seeking. uIt'q
iist splendid
for Upset Stomach;....
For after -eating diatress, gas,
sourness and bloating, the quick and
positive neutralizing action of Biz-
. Magnesia has proved to be:
just right^. Relief, certain and gra-
tifying, almost instantly' follows the
very first dose -and.- a few cents'
worth obtainable from any . 'good
druggist, Iasts for a long time. This
special Bisurated ° form of Magnesia;
for Stomach Treubles only, doe not
act as a laxative. Ask your drug.
gist. . i
for this week
only, at
10 dozen
in Brown, Grey, Green,
Reat ter, Lariat
and Black
Sizes• i10 to 111;
Reg. 65c, clearing oat -
for this week .only at '
45c per pair or•
;3 pairs for $11.25'
Tax Reduction Effective
Nash and Ajax Cars Now!
f. e. b. faculty
Full force-feed lubrication, air cleaner, y
purifier, twin flywheel s, full
be filter, His
vK plus #•wheel brakes, full Italloo(r cissa
and 5 disc wheels included at no extra coat
Alt it will take to convince you
that this Special Six Sedan, does
gine more REAL VALUE for the
money is a casual inspection plus
a short ride.
BARKER BROS.,• Nash Dealers