HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-11, Page 6•
••.V. .�. - , . �,.on..., .,w..n. Nom..
proem! to be the ease. Yew, and it 1
had 'welcomed hum with open arms;
it had ueber.d him into a now and
wor.drow, worn. His hams!« had fel-
lea to non`s teaks, eztaerience laid''
come to him by leaps `end bounds.
In a rush he had imaged from prop-
' ing boyhood into full maturity;
physically, mentally, reoraliy, he had
CHAPTER XII so keen that she wax ;ouscious of grown strong end broad and brown,
A ekilly twilight had fallen by the little bodily discomfort. Having mbaridortmci himself to the i
time the cutaways arr<<ed' et the "You! were right." the tountees tides of .eirieneditance, he had been
encsaspment above the rapids. Kir- announced when • she returned. "He Birth V.F.O. Clali Bears J. J,
by and his direehter were shiteine slipped into some borrowed clothes lanai b
frost the gold. The truntese Cour- and went up -town. lie told the Member' of the Blyth: i".F.O.
tsau hu on sheanet� to start a. fire boys he eo lid»'t sit still. But you Club tutfn'd out in goodly numbers
in her and thitilrr she inttisted mustn't follow --at !offal; in that to welcome, en Tuesday Pvening of
upon teki Roulette, while her min dress==•"
attended to the father's comfort. "Did bees -dent any marls" last week, in Dr. liilae'.s hall, J. J.
On the way up there had been "I'm afraid he did.,' Morrison, provincial seerekary of the
e e a s iderabie s ieculation among Heedless of the eider woman's re- u•k'•Ce Mr. Morrison dealt princi-1
those who knew Sam Kirby best, for straining hands, Roulette �. Kirby to lahil heiwith r pfarm prods farmers
c �r pets
noise of them had ever seen the old made fur the tint opening. Jhelum tO (hip which, in life
fellow in quite such a forme of mind dot atop me, ;,he implored. i opinion, w+:s
u now. His misfortune Had crush. "There's no time to lose and --I'll the only *ay for them to get the
ed him; he appeared to be numbed dry out in time." best market. He touched rerg• little
by the realization of his overwhelm- "Let me go for you."' I on the political side of the farmer
ing loam; „ • ,,, movement, but from what he did
gone entirely was that ho, no. „ sty it was apparent that he has not
gambler's nonchelitnee for which be Again the girl shook htr head. I
was fatuous: The winning or the can handle him better 11gne. He'e=. changed his views.
of Huron Coroner
loshig of lore sums of mousy hada strange man, a terrible man, when Death at Exe '
never deeply stirred the old sport. he's this way. I --hope I'M not too Exeter community received a tre-
fug-ts,an; the turn eft card, the late. t l mendous shock Saturday morning
swift tattoo of horses'hoofs, often .Roulette s wet skirts slatted about when it • war announced that Dr.
had meant far more to him. in dol• her ankles as she ran; it was R win- ,Hugh K. Hyndman, coroner of Hur.
lays and cents than the destruction dy, chilly night, and, in spite of the on County and a widely known phy-
of that barge -lead of liquor; he had fact that it was a steep climb to the stolen at Exeter, had died suddenly.
seen aizable fortunes •tome anti go top �cf the low bluff, she was chilled Dr. Hyndman was the best-known'
without a sign ,of emotion, and yet t6 the. bone when she came panting family physician in this county,
tonight he was utterly unnerved. into the sprawling cluster of habi. having taken over his father"s prac-
With a man of leu physical sour- tations that formed the tennporary tice in his .younger days, and he en •
age such an ordeal as beQ had under- town of White horse. Tents were joycd the confidence of .n very nide
gone might well have excused a ner- :scattered over a dim, 'stumpy clear•. .circle of patients annd friends. He
vous collapse, 'but Kirby .had • no lag, lights shone through trees that was' in his 63rd year and is survived
zterves; he had, thugs without num. were still standing, a meandering by his wife, formerly Bliss 'Victoria
her, proved hitnself to bee man of trail led past a straggling row of Johnntoh, of London, and one broth- -
• • era George, who has been his Dill
steel and so it greatly ou�'iled bis canvas topped structures and from
Mende to see ell» shal:an and bail.- one pf these issued the wavering. ,assistant for many years, ee long moment they stood thus.
en. He referred often to !emit. Roy- vertising• the place allic notes of a s a house lot en -t Former' Proprietor of Seeforth (To continued)
��1'aa ,idle, Preamusee rod-rie
t4 • ,0000 ...,....,
ss in "aw," i ata to
00 10 :ad Words (Rhea Mimiipelisd
Correepoe,ieat (one who corres-
ponds; by letter) ; eueepordent (se
joint respondsnt in at divorce suit).
t'redible. Capital (principal; mon-
ey); Capitol (building). Co*priae;
se, not ze. Coercion; note the cion.
Emigrate (to move out), note e and
one m; immigrate (to 'neve into),
note 1 i and two nt's.
Refuse, reject, deny, renounce, dis-
eard, decline, disown, repudiate.
Loquacious, talkative, garrulous,
verbose, wordy, voluble, chatty,
fluent in speech.
Mode a ty, bashfulness, shyness,
timidity, humility, diffidence, decor-
um. persistent sore that refuses to heal.
Faith, belief, trust, hope, eonfi- Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric heal?,
dense, assurance, fidelity, credence, in the dressing. It will stop slough -I
Seclusion, privacy, exclusion, re- int. carry away the proud fteeh,l
taremaent, solitude, loneliness, with- draw out the . pus and: preparo a 1
• - •clean tsrea'toa: the:,imet�.'akin. ?tit 1:y` a
CouMl N#rt Stoop
Iles. E. Rearms, LR. Ne, 1., Rater.
prim, at., write!:-- "x Lara best so
greatly be.Mted. by Meg 1riilhora's
Heart sail Nerve Pills 1 fest that I
*NM write asst te tell you how crate-
ful I sat for your epieadid remedy.
ley heart hams bait it'd far the hot
Os amass, mad say serves it mak a
Nate I teed sot clap at eight.
1 eat time ail the time, my impetitaa
weape.r, eatd I had leo towage ts do
u7t J g, sad did sent ears whether I
died or *t, M sae day I told ala hr.•
bead that I was ;eieg to atop fleeter,
lag, se I *tight ae well be dead u the
my I was, mad that I would be better
' 'Ohl se mit! knows wkse I vs�ered jt
teem my serve', se I was afraid of
eyere mie9 and may heart weld
"jump" et every sorad.
AU tke reiudies, malt deetere, I had
tried did iso ao pond, until qtr day
a fried tell ate about Milberi's
Hurt mad Norm Pills, mad after ta-
b, the Irst box I could see a clumps,
sad, after taking six 1; on ,tow sue
gfetely *hot say troubls.
I feel that if k had not bees for
your Pills I would have bee* dead and
buried by now."
H. sad N. Pills' site put up only by
The T. lMilbura Oh, Limited,' tem
al's fate, ,'peaking in a dazed and tertainment, Hotel, Dies Some gratitude is a shy wily
• asking for more.
disbelieving manner, but through Sam Kirby was - t the bat' whets The death 'occurred lase Friday
that daze ran lightnin;;=bcitt of his daughter eiigeovered .hint. and following a protracted Meese of .r
Blind, ferocious rage --rags at the her first searching look brought dm- Joseph ` Davidson, second son of , the
river, rage mit this hostile, sinister may to the girl. Pushing he:• way late Alexander Davidson, M his bast
country end at the Burse it had put through the crowd, she said, quietly: year. The •deceased was :t native of
p spenth u rte and By. W L. 'Gordon
Soren , Heal Qaieklr.--Have You a 11 Weems sap the strength and un-
*mine the vitality of children,
Strengthen them by using Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator to drive
out the,parasitee.
Economy, frugality, thole. recognized healer among oils and
Word stwtp numbers of people can certify that
it healed where properly rtpplied.
'L'se a word three times and it is
,yours," Let us increase our vocab-
ulary by mastering one word each
day. Words for Ws lesson :
L IN G O; language; dialect. "I
think in terms of the lingo of, the
REMINISCENT; having recollec-
tion. "The quaint old pictures were
reminiscent of days gone by."
CONGENITAL; existing, or pro-
duced at birth. "He was n congen-
ital low -brow, shunned by society."
I•N IC F NTIVE; that which incites
to action. "Her presence *us an in-
centive, and he worked day and
night to succeed."
POIGNANT; severely 'painful or
distressing. "Then followed a poig-
nant feeling of remorse."
of OSTRACISM;' exchisio:i.drom'-in-
tercourse or favor, "She was afraid
of the walls of ostracism! that these
people were ready to erect about
Our Weekly her,"
upon hon, Over and over through "Father!" (Perth County, his early • life being , Lessons in g
blue lips and cttntceriug troth he Hello, he oxelai'ned ul surprise. in M*tc ell F lla oa a
reviled the rapids; more than once 'Inlet are.you doing hero?" Seaforth, afterwards. moving with
he= lifted thtk broken -necked bottle to "I want to speak to you." his family to Emerson, Main, Ittr.
his lipe, Of; thank giving, of grati- "Now, Letty," he protested, wlmen Davidson was. with his brother at -
Godericlr Township -
Council met at Holnyeeville. on
Marek 1st. A letter from the On-.
tude at his o4m and his .daughter's she had drawn him aside, "haven't one tune in St. Paul, Minn. Ito.Well;
Oftdu bliaused•
tarlo Educational Association wast
deliveranee, he appeared to have you been through enough for orae turning to Seaforth, they„ built the ' read, and referred to the Goderich
zone, at least for the -time being. day:' Rt.n back to the Countess' Commercial 'Hotel and later took Dont say "she seldom or ever Township Trustees',,and RRatep.yera' I
Rorlctta's condition < was pitiable camp where' I left you." 1 over the Hicks House in Mitchell, comes. Say alio seldom if ever Association, which met the same'
enough, but sho. was ' oncerned -less ""Don't. drink any more," she im- On retirin from business ltIr, .Dal"- comes*" day and decided to send a &legate
with it than with her father's ex- leered, with an agony qf.dread intidson came 'to reside with his par- Don't say i"I shall go
without to the Convention,. Mr. harry .
.traordinary behavior, end when the her face. ents in Seaforth. IIe was a pian of s. o m ething interteree. Say un- held, their secretary, was appointed
• C•oa,itess undertook to ero,iure for Kirrby's bleak countenance set it. retiring disposition, who enjoyed the less something interferes:' to' attend. A grant of 1..•1O was giv-
her dry clothing she protested : self in stony 'linos. °1've got to,'' society of his friends and a. quiet Dont say neither' Smith "Wasnor en to the Salvation Army, also a
"Please don't trouble, tin warm said he. "I'm cold -fro en to the life. Six sisters' survive, Ors. W.
tBhere." _there Say show.
n of 5 to Clinton spring stock
up.a bit: khan 1.anust go • beet: ata quick. 1 need.something t4 warm Blackwell and -Mrs. I1, E. Cherry, , ,a ° a o Each councillor, was allotted
' dad'" e t me up.",. San Francisco; Mrs, E. F. Davis,Dont say I was sort of degree- the same mouiey to apond as least
"My dear, you're chilled through Letty could smell the _whisky on 1 Tilleonburg; Mrs. Alexander Broad.- , a 't Pr ' soeraewhat year, viz ;?4 per mile an con. ession,
—you'll" die in those wet things," the bis breath, she could free a new light foot, Moose Jaw, Sash;"'Mrs, Eliza. Don't om' ,; roads and ;20 per mile on side roads,
vl .........,-tohl• •her: ---�. in .h t .sy:es...a::cl already the sen:retl beth Stewart amid Miss Edith, urn. say the guests of honorwill in lien K s�attutc labor. The follow-
eMiss shook ke-
than obsee ed s subtle change Seaforth. The funeral takes place be an Englishman acrid Fiednchnrsern. htg accoentar were ordered paid: J.
a queer'�rbaned alimaltent�rtd\:e. emcee in his demeanor. , 'tomorrow. Interment :^ii'. by wade' Say ,an Englishmen and a Preach- Johnston, i 'ee treataurer
} - ne 's state -
said: 9 u—don't urldeirstaali1. 1ic's:t "Ohl dMV' she quavered;:: then she ,in *be Iditchell cemetery.. man. , '�, .tr►w!ts, ;;'SfT`is'*Mc'1 1,w41 pacing
liest r drink; if he gets started•--" bowed : her head wealely upon his.' swept into a new existence where ., Dont 'lair, a *atonic hell''''.A culvert, $3; `Rerb Oakes, (shave!, $1.-
r "•r`"' wretchedly ,;and hid her term and her shoulders shook. Adventure hard rubbed shoulders sittiWnoto Often correct. ttti, Q.; J. Jervis, Wes. Steycgs and
t aantvt'ittu hlfs�wtincete ors. 4. Halstead $9,12 each, being
White face In free=, hands, then realm; Kirby laid a gentle hand upon 'her,' with him, where ]!move had smiled to : `
ea "Oh, ,filar a day'.: Damiy'8 then exclaimed in surprise,:. ,L i1:hy, to his 'eyes. Danger had tested ,has Gondolenco.�� Pronounces the se: one installment of dclCillop tele-
gonel 1 saw him k'own'," , kid, you're still wet; Got those mettle, too, and today the final coed o as . in no, and recent Seconal phone debenture which they had a1.
"Tl erre, there!" et he Countess !same clothes. on, haven't you?" Ile climax had. come. Whitt roused his co, ,fot. the rn, re(ady paid, Council then sdjosuned
C.onfin.. A.ca,i1~tst the verb est
comforted her as Isere: ale' could; raised lis,- voice to the men he had deepest satisfy etion now , was theon 1 to meet on Monday, April stir, at
''tYou've ,had a 'terrible experlencet just left. "Want to see the gamest knowledge *hat. he had met that cid• willehle, the noun en brat Tellable.. 1.36 pis,.
trout you mustn't think of it just yet, girl in the world? Well. hero she is, max with credit. 'tonight it seemed C. onsomnie, Pronounce+ kon-so R. G: THOMPSON, Clerk.
• " -You saw haw she took her medicine to him that he had reached full man- may' the first 0 as in "af,' second o
Now let me help you. as in "ars;' a as in "may," accent TrosbTemal�. s seldom get good
Finding that the ghee; lingers today? ' Now listen to this she's hood, and im the first !tush of real!- Inst syllable.: l see for their wares.
were stiff and useless, tie Countess wet through; but she came looking ration he aseured himself that he pens. Pronounce the R 'as in ,
removed the ,vet a? in mid jacket, for her aid dad --afraid Ime'd get into could no Tenger drift with the aim- .sips," the o as in. "'fro," theitry as r in Dont .min'' too *We sulcal you
wrong them out, •and hung them up: trouble. less cairrent of events, but ntnat be• .. „ Have the proper kind of amfnunition:
Disregarding the crowd and the in to rthe affairs to his own ends. 'it, accent on the e'
Then she Produced tome dr1 under- at & g Io
garments, but Bliss Kirby refused to appreciative murmur her father's More than once of late he lead •Parsnip. Pronounce . the l' a$ in Howe do girls unerringly select the
. "lip," not as u in "up." ,
"You% need . what few thing% you law, eareeeh voice; "Please., dear, now, having arrived ata decision,; he
put them on. I praise evoked, Roulette begged, in a pondered 'a certain. thought, and •
hind of bob they shouldn't?
.. _.._ .,.,_..�...,-,r-,.-._,.._,.- -0.0.-0•0..
• Q1ildren Ory
1 CASTO i 1�A►
ARE YOU DIr5$' A'1'LSFIED ? •••
' Do Yon need a Better Training to oo,nmaad a Bigger Salary I
Write to Reboot of Commerce for particulars regarding Ciaaaua for Stu-
dents coming daily by train.
COURSES: C immcrcral, 6tenograpble, Special. Civil Servloo,,Secretitrial
end Teachers Coarse, .
Winter Term begins Tuesday, January 5th, 1926. .
For information apply to
M. A. STONE, B. F. Nai:D, B. A,
Com, Specialist, Vice Principal' • Principal. ,
= Pbone 198.
A$O*! ' BellewPolon
•'m OA Di
, our .coal is. of. the
highest grade—the fin-
est fuel that natuit
made. Send in your
.Order unafraid,
till it flow. You'll tlfid
s p•c e d y s,tts,;actidn '
The Barging
Have Yon Your'Winter Supply of Coal?
The strike in the Anthrac;i°te coal Snipes is ,likely to las
throughout the winter. Our_i,ckies :up to Nov. ,15th ate::
th• rhestnnt )p
raritesove and Egg ' $19 per ton
'Pout Coal' $14A0' per Ton.
Pocohoutas $14.00 !Coke 16.00
Domestic Lump ,$1Z OO
Our Coal is 'weighed on Your Own Seete..the M :saes
"i'rgtlat•ds • s .�:
fort .i2' and we . ii1 sht it iftpromptly:.and
looked after. properly
If you require anew furnace, see our Saw Furnace that
burns soft coal as well as bard and saves you one ton of
coal in three and this furnace is guaranteed by the 'calkers
ford Z$ veers.,
This Furnace is soruething entir.ly wsw in - furs lee eon,•'
The Hardware at the wharf
Stere 'i !tone Tt.
Ikea, These lIT.
11 •
Have," said she, "and --I'll _soon come away. Please ---you know why. determined to act upon it. Ever.
warm up. 'llms e, "a telling what Como awuy� Plean't yuuknfoe my desince first sato evening at Under -
dad will do. I ,asst keep an eye on, sales"„sonwarionsi
man his infatuation for Hilda bud alit
�.., �;•,� his tee
+er:_ �n,r � :000.,° ,,
et hint" 1 Kirby stirred 'uneasiest "I tell increased„ but, owing to circgntstat,
"''You give yourself :too much eon. you I'm cold,"he muttered, but�.stop ees, he had been thwarted in •enjoy o=°
tern, He'* chilled through and it's per short, staring. "cites, and •I see ing its full delights. Dering the
natural that he should take a drink. Danny. I see him as he wen` overs daylight hours of' their trip, as a
My men will 'give him something board, Drowned! III never get,matter of face the two had :weer
dry to wear, and meanwhile--" !him out of my eight. 1 ^stn's osis been alone together even for aquer-
Roulette interrupted with a shake to underatand that ho.'aetone, but-- ter of an hose; .they had scarcely gm
. of her heed, but the Countess gently everything's gone, for that matter. had a word in confidence, and in con -
persisted: Every+thf'nel" sequence he had been forced to deAK
"Dcs'i't take your misfortune too "Oh, no, dad. -Why, ymere here rive whet. comfort he could from it ihe
i,ard. The loss of your outfit means and I'm here: We've been broke' chance Iook, a smile, some' inflection an
nothing compared with your safety. before." . • of her voice. Even at night, after,
It was a greet tragedy, of course, Kirby smiled' again, but cheer- camp was pitched, it had' been little
but --you and your father were saved: lesaly. "Oh, we .ain't exaetl•; broke: better, for the thin waft of her can-,
you. still have elm and he has you" I've got the bank -roll an nuc and vas shelter afforded little privacy, illi
"Danny knew what was coning," •it'll pull us through. We've had and, being mindful of 'appearances, IN
said the girl, and tears welled into bad lurk for a year or two, but it'e he had never permitted himself to
her eyes, then slowly overflowed bound to 'ehange. You cheer lip--; be alone with her very long at a time ME
down her white.. cheeks. "But he and come over to the stove What ---only long enough in fact, to mane awG
faced it. Hi` wits game. Ile was a you heed is to warm up while I get mute that hie 'happiness ,vas not all
Vied . man et heart. Ilse lad his you a little drink."• a dream. A vibrant protestation
faults, of course, - but he loved dad Roulette gazed up into the gray now and then,' a secret kiss or , two,
and he loved me; why, he used to face above her. "Dad, look at foe." .a. few stolen moments of delirium,
tarry me 'out to see the horses be- Site. took his hand. "Haven't..w•• that was as far as his love -affair had
fore I could walk; he was my friend, had trouble enough for ons day.?" i'rogressed. Not yet nail he and •
my playmate, my pal. He'd have The gnmble1h was irritated et this Hilda arrived. at a detinite under-
done murder for nee!" T}.reaugh her Persistence and „ he . •rhuwei it. standing; never had'they thoroughly to .
tear* Roulette 'coked rpm "It's hard, "Don't be foolish," ins cried, short- talked out the -subject -that engros-
for you to believe that I knew, *flier ly. "I know what I need and I know sed them tittle never had they found
what he did to you, but •-you knew I what I tan stand These men ora • either time or opportunity in which
bow men are on the trai'., Nothing friends of mine, and sem netdr.'t be. to do more than sigh and whisper
s matters. He was angry when you newsy. Now, kid, you let ire find at and hold hands, and as a result the ?Am,
t outwitted him, and so was father, lace for you to spend the night." '.woman remained almost ss much of
for that matter, but I told them itt "Not until you're ready to go. a mystery to Pierce as she had. been
served us right, and 1 forbade them, along."
let the moment of her first suiren-
at to- lnokst you further." 1 "A,U right, stick around for a little der.
"lou did that? Then it's you 1 while. 1 won't be long." Old $ami ...it.. was - an intolerable situation,
t hare to thank." The Counters snail• ° drew a beneh up beside the stove and' and so, under the spell of his buoy-
ed gravely. "I could Heuer under- seated the girl upon it. "I'm all ! ant spirits, he determined to nnake
sw stead why 1 ranee off co easily." broke ip and I've just got to keep an end of it once for all. ^
"I'm glad I made them behave, moving," he explained, mere feeling- The Countess recognized his step
e' Yot►'ve more than repaid -" Rote. ly. Then he returned to the bar. when he came to her -'ent and she-
la• etta paused, she strained her tars Restating that he was completely ,spoke to him. Mistaking her greet -
4 .to catch the sound of vaicet from out of hand and that eurther urgu-; ing' for permission to enter, he un -
the neighboring tents. "I don't hear m meet was futile; Roulette Kirby set- tied the strings and atepned inside,
fathers' she said. "1 wonder if he 'tied hereeif to wait. In spite of her only to find her unprepared for leis
* mer old have gone?" 1 misery it never *Coursed to her to reception. She had mado her shat-
*PerhaFs the. amen have put hirerabandon her father to his own de- ter snug, at lively fire was burning,"
to ied-" ' i vices, cern for an hour—she kncw the place was fragrant of pine
But Mires Kirby would rot accept him too well to run that risk. But aha, and a few deft feminine
this explanation. "rot afraid."her very 'bones were frozen and she towhee here and there had trans -1
Again she Iisteneti spprenensively. shivered wretchedly as the held her formed it. into a boudoir. Hilda had
"Otte he frets a taste of liquor' ghee* up to the stove. Althoagh the removed her jmecket sod waist and
armee no handling hire; fire began slowly to dry her outer' was � in emitting her heir)!
bk. Even Manny couldn't do any. "garments, she clothes next to her j hist at Pierce's tasexp.ctee entrance;
w 'with ith him; sometimes even I flesh remained cold end eiantmY• 3 asks hurriedly gathered the ,raids*'
have failed." Hurriedly be took l Even so, their elridl wee as rethiatg shower *boat Use bare sirwirlsrs and
• down her midden skirt and Heade stn`in the ky dread that paralysed the{voiced .a, preei% At his irrtrasket. •
1 t to draw It on. very •term of her being. • Me siloi smiling glow* s. her ami',
"Offs. ehitd. you mustn't' Ynu l Pierer Phillips tend 'himself that retrw to withiraw,
t shineb• wast not go out this way. ,this had been a wonderful tiay—anl Nan. I..,d Phillips seen soli sot1
I Wait lore. I'll find hint 'or you and epoch.emiting day --hr hien. lately sllrrhig pletem. Now that her lair
smite sere he's ail right." Om frail been eaweiewr that Wham mike" lis length and its pre
: The half-clad girl smiled 1ni.er- N.rth was "'whiter a rang. in hiai,' halon surprised him, for it tort.
abIj. "Thank you,'" maid *he. put but the precise extent of that Amor; p .fritted her, sued throiatii it
*boa the Count... had stepped net even the direction % raw taking; had lbs ssrwy *Wiea*.a of her baro
asks the night site finished dressing not bison abstethsr *hart weer. haw-'. hidedereteeUariy WNW Uri*
be esti. Her clothing, r4 rearm. art, leo #1601.11#b
t he ariarsei l r. %mod kwtass, was 3saali.g. The
i sats as wet s+r ever, for the warlisttt As► hod bart tette right. that first sight pet kiss in a e, : lwemd;
ne Ike Wort me Welk ie thefew reementa hear in when he tad himself he strode forward tithed no' into his
had net even heated it thr srrk ; that Life hue jrtst ahead of ltlet--jr.t eraie't es. then sasaetkmred her tt11160-
11finnakisea.. her apprelwen esti woo over the ChUlbeet. Saearetj leiteed. hod 1. t,wt with- his lip*. For et
A Fashion Festival of
great importance which
every woman is invited to
Suits, Coats
Dresses and
This exhibit is a. timely -one
for Easter is just a few weeks
off, and many of. Este ladies of
Goderich have !rest as yet pro-
cured their Sprin Garments.
Meaty Coats, in the moat popular
material* and most fashic !table
shades stud combinations, sityled
in Tailored, Flom] sod Caped
Models. Sport Mats, in exclusive
_Novelty Tweeds.
.r n .rl ,. 1 . I •_• 11111=1==••..
New styles, new materials, every
new mode, in suchcharming colors
as Pink, Pearl, Illuette, Silver, Lip-
stick Red, etc. For Women and
Misses 16 to 42.
Hats of the smartest Straws and
Ribbons, and straw combination,
*nth the most original touches.
Just the thing to go with the
Spring Costume.
Royal Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.