HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-11, Page 5,.
TEVADA.Y. maim !Hie 1IR6
)w Al.
Light Rai EIutriul NOSS i nnawIck Records
Hear SIeepy Time Gal (Nick Lucas)
Prisoner's Song (Vernon Dalhart)
Royal Console Model, reg. price $145.00
Special clearing plica $435.00
...W.( -- ..__.. .* 1 'dAtaltl. U row arz Paw aean„a sew TallT1
ids viols to Toronto. Hr had ma fsrweed tar lest *e*.d rwobatitat
hot a groat deal of time to attest is or M.L.A.. as will ss to tlw **-
Ow aseetlnR of the Good Roadie As- watery et th. Oaterie alert] Trete-
ri tcia`tior. on accautt of Koine. dews tees' alai kaN.Jlav tIIAssoeiatien at
laste and having as Tatar\'sew with ?emote macaw that dm tatter he
Um Minister of Highways. Oa the taken tap at tete samara conveatit'n
way down on the train Mr. Munnings at Easter. Mr. H. L. Selkeld was
met )ir. Tree/art/la and 1;r we* quiz* app(Kttted delegate to thin vonva•tl-
in favor of the desire of Goderich ties. Tb. several Scheel trustee
end Clinton to have the paving of, boards and ratepayers et the town -
Huron road done tiiae ever. lie ship were fairly well repremat.d
looked up Mr. Wigle et :he Paths- .*d, mall interest was traanife.ted in
nwnt buildings and 'tareuKh hits tine Public School Act, the concen-
toad. an appointment to meet tke sue of opinion being strongly in op -1
minister on Friday marring at 10 potation to the Townakip Hoard IiiU
:.'clock.. There is little doubt that introduced iry the Ontario Depart.
the paving will be gone ahead with slant of Education. Mr. Chas. I...
this year. illihitely wail appointed president,
A macadam road with 't tar pewee Mr. Ididatiton wishing to withdraw
tretion surface or asphalt is what is - and Mr. Selkeld reitiains kr another
likely. The Minister explained that term ea secretary.i
the Province pays fifty per cent. on
connecting links in the town and -SOL REPORTS;
would pay 60 per cent. of the cost of
building the half mile from Walnut 1'. 8. 8. No. 17, West W4tw*nosh
III./tree ,uo lair. I
and Saturdtzycrcrl Value
• street up to the Square. The cost of b'ebrrsr3j_report for U. S. S. No.the piece of road of the type propos- 17, West Wawa1%o.h :
ed would be alio}it $6,000, so that the • $r. 1V,-GrahiusiMcNee. Wit Mary•
cost to the town if the council wish Garvin. 66; 'Elsner Spred, 06. Jr,
to build 'thaw portion; would •be sbottl JV.-Carges McNee, 65; Bessie
Petition Presented, Against Submiting Town Hall Bylaw $8,000. Here, 6; Ethel MeGratten, 58;
The Mayor and the IAepty Reeve Frnk Olver. , 57. IIL--.ivtelbourne
t Pesent expilained the reason they had not Culbert, •51; Edth' Sproul fi3• Ililda
gone with the Reeve as they were Finnigan, 5',. Gtmloe:etatten, 85.
appointed to do, TheMayor stttedll, Jr. --Lenore Rathr*,70: Herold
hange .Cole Holiday tO 1st MORday ID Aug., that he. was ready to goo if he he. Olver, 76;.Csr1Finnigan, 71; Stan-
eetved s message from Mr. Mun- Iey M•cGrstten, 64; HMerih Girvan,
nva after be• got to Toronto• .that .60;, Arnold Olver, S6; Clifford Gula -
t saalllor Bailie Wants to •Do ,Away With Semi-Annual!anything more cold be accomplish. ert; 36•, I-l'mily MGratte'. Med .by his being there, but expected Willie Sproul, 84. Px.-• Rueeell Me-
Colection of Taxes • ' ' •that it. mght be more efective to .rntyre, 87; Margaret Elliott, 75.
make hie visit later, if it should- * means n,ised• en examination. .14
em desrable. The Deputy iteeve had perfet attendance for the
would . like to •have diene on the :de. month. • Number eon roll .22, Aver,
putation 'but on acount oi` the. short- age ¶attendance 19J.ness of°the notice was unable to ca- K. D..11MrTeacher.cl another engagement.Mr. Proctor asked to ne relieved of
the position of driver of the.. fire
truck on accont of the dstance he
lived from the fire hall. He was
willing to continue until some otherman culd be secured or would conttnue to look after.: the tnachino, if,
desired, provided some .one else could
be secured, living 4oe to the fire
hall as driver, and he wuld coach
tie new driver if desired. Ther neatter was left: to the committee, Mr,
roetor .continuing in'the position in
the meantime. •GODERICH TOWNSHIP
The• rrgidar meeting of the town to. Goderich to •the attention of thecunclt was held lasteFriday..eight, American tourists.It was antiei-
With all the members in their place. pated to give • Goderich a promnent
The treasurer's statement of re. place. in a illustrated booklet `to• be
ceipta and expenditures fors the past got out,. pand;sa grant of $50 wae. asksaonth •ttaa refereed• to• the fnance ed. Thiamatterwas referred to•the
r'ommittee, finance committee• The' tae; colectorrepored as fol- A. letter' from Mr. Wm. elorrish
lows: "I begto.' report that I have compained . of pssssment on build -
tele' tax eoilector's roll • for trigs on a lot he bad purchased in
925, road oil for 1925, alo roll of 1918, with the -agreement that the
•arears, and begg •to report as fol- buildingswere to iRe removed, the
lowing: t have eollectee the fol- buildings' having been sold previoulowing taes from March '28th, 1925, to the sale of the lot, Thie was reto. Mrch. 5th, 1920:. 192" taxes, ferred to the imines '-ommitte7c,;1921' taes, $91:68: 1922 taxes, ' Arequest .from Mr. 'Thos. Harris
67689; 1923 taxes, $2,55836; 1924 (per Messrs,. Hays and Hays) was
taxes, .$6,012.46; 1924. oil, $218.3C; for permit to put in nevi store font
1924 dg tags, $190;• 1925 oil, $1,- in, front of the• S. A; ; Gray Cb. store,
16!.89; 1926' taxs, $89,001.70; mak- and for permission to use portion of
ing a tetalcollection of $99,814.50, the sidewalk during the contruction.
alt uf•whch I have paidryover to the. Mr: F. E.Bingham presenteda
treasurer. From reb. 18th to petition against the submission of
March 5th• I have collected taesas the `town hall bylaw untl a near
-ollov.ing.1923t,645, 194th 1 tte, J4thThis
axes . • rem a as vo an. •taxes,: $130.20; 1924 toil, . $11.1)4; 1925 was referred to the committee of the
oil, $38.35; 125 tae, $.45.40;total whole councilfMrs, J. E. \VhiteY, Huron :flail,do
$989.63. ' Councillor Lee gave notie, that he March 18th at 280 p.mPhis ivas referred to the finance would move, seconded by Reevedomtnittee. ` N1;ttnnings, : at the nect . meeting of Union Voting Peple's Society aro
A request from the Public Library the council to . amend •Bylaw No• •21 pracistg for '.the . play, "Valle•Board ' for a pamens of $500 on of 19.03 •by ' subtituting : the first Farm," whaeh will. 'ere »reented
(1eir .1926 apportionment as soona, Monday in August in lieu of .the fit ,shortly in Union citurell V4 ateltl fox
oss;biter: was referred to the 'finance ,Wednesday, for civic. holiday. further particulars• The Buttd inade•requid- ' Councillor. Bailie gave notice :of Messs. Harry Powell tend. Fred
Some. of the young folks' plan to
atted the• concert in North street
chrrch this Tuesday ' evening.
The Goderich township Hospital
Auxiliary will meet at the . home of
:iti0tt fpi-:$2;000-for-library--purposes=notko-that•,at ne3Et i»eetinu •ef :the and Ernest 'Bell were -.in °Algenac,
'for tett. Trate and• th;s also. was 're- council he would move to amend the Itleahe lust week owing to the death-'
(Continued from pe2)
Engineering T'radesi Lock -out
12. 4 Ibex Flannelette Blankets, extra biro. size, pipe: and blue
borders, regular $3.23 per pair. A few •paler to .clear, at per pair IF •
36 Inch Flannelette. In .this lot you will find light and (lark stripes and
plain white, regular Sae per yard. friday and Saturday, per yard. G
11� x 32 Inch All Linen Towels. We have jut received another shipment of
these towels. If yon did not get your supply from our February shipment,
call Friday or Saturday. Onr March shipment will last only 49c each
few days, so be early. Our price:.n,.,Y,..,,-,.,•. _.,,. �,- ...ase. ,. a»
t6 Inch dark colored Linen roller Tolling. Sfa yards to clear
at.w,nm„q..w-W M ..q•.,wMa-,q„b.gq..Nwup,YYrii. q•N,e-q,aMIF... -..'s.,.•.,-•n, q. - M F,sM tr.v 1 �`3 c yard
We exsect to have our New Stock of House Furnishings iu next week.
Watch oar Windows for Displays of these Materials
Al VW W '
had been brutally forted toassist in � to see it before the police mounted Peace le a bIo tee l period wino tate
i the rutting of pulpwood, emphasitt guard and prevented the exhibition leely is made enough to believe lies. •
ngi ering trades tense. shoat r to being made by means of a lath for m-. going on any longer. The trial is
ofthe engineering vehundr+ result ed of two strips of leather .bound to -1 likely to result In an investigation
in walking actoat several hundred aln4 gether by wire: This lash• was ex- •.of living ;conditions in the district of
w lenegotiations
ono of - e Loudon, nese •hibitod in court,. with the wire worn' Drummer where the Watt of the `
whale negotiations were in peoples-
between the inions and size employ and broken, the sharp • ends hal/erg100 poor settlers •are said to bo utterly
ung engineers. • Indignant . 'at the cut horribly into the lad's flesh., upon - appalling. • e
b;each in the agreement, the engina the many .occasions on which/be was First Gold Medals in 28 Years
sora :posted lock -out notieee which thrashed by his heartless father, on By climbing down the steep side
will close the doors agair(at'emie bun- an . average of two or three seine a of a morntain, J. S. Partridge of
'deed thousand men, unless the unto week' A younger brother was also Field, B.C., _ was in time to warn the •
subhave the necessaity strength to . The1 sentence o€ twoeame and .a half years t. staff of a railway station and an on-
onsenforce•the return, of the outlaws tocoming train•^of a perished.
in which
their. work. .. • in Stony Mountain penitentiary they might all have perished. Ae •t(
conies as a sort of relief to the un- result he is to be awarded the tient
'fortunate lacee. and the . judge; expres- •Royal Canadian Humane Socict;•.
sed the hope that • his stay. there gold medal to be.awarded in twenty -
would provide him with a trade and eight years, •
ferrite: to. the finance committer.: bylaw in regard to Collection; -of of their, grandmother, • Mrs. W. -C.
,, A germs/tint from Mrs, .}falliclay taxes, to,meke. it. yearly, instead'±gf 'Laurason• '
' 04'' olp?charge` on road, oil' assess= half yearly, '' Mr• and Mrs: Wm. Powell.were up
'•$tent aas referred to ' the public • The special committee reportedaaa from. Lowville .for the futteral,;.oe
ryorka caritntittec. • " • follows; That the police have •been their grandmother,: the lata Mrs Vi,
t, Ai letter from the Algonquin Trail instructed to enforce the. bylaws';.e- C. Laurason, Wednesday of last
' ,4ssoentttoifeerttioritreed' that;The• ext• warding loiteridg or using of enelve veeelt,'hnd.rentained for' a Finch .visit
'Motive 'teas making pzeparationra for language on the streets or• in public with "the ' !aster's mother, Mrs: ,W.
an energetic publicity'• eampaigir to places. We recommend that Mrs .Bell, before. returning home
'bring the attratti'tns, of the Trail be- Joseph Murray be paid the sum of Mr• and Mrs. John Porter, Sr , left
Often Niagara Fails and, ••Hamilton .$12189 ' payment in full. to date: 'for Thursday for Port .:Huron, Mich:,
; -' ' < keep of Ancil Murray.. We recent- ' where they were Balled owing to the
ment that a license fee of .$200• be critical condition of their grandson,
charged on bill posters. Jack McKee, only child of ;112x. and
The finance committee reported Mrs. Will McKee. lee passed away
follows: We recommend that .
me 1 at noon the same after a throe
Mr.' A. • M. ` Robertson and Mr. IL E. weeks' illness - of . scarlet fever. The
• ,WEEK OF MAR "15 to MAR.. 20.
Monday and Tuesday •
id ;a roaring feature comedy• of the
s incomparable "Kid" on. the sidewalks
of New •
York, •
"the Rag Man►
the. screen's greatest acrobatic com-
edian. in
"The Fighting Dude"
Wednesday and Thursday•.
Long be engaged as- 1920 auditors funeral: will be held 'Friday- on orris
and' .bee paid " $120 each per year, 'vat • of the : noon tea}n, toe Nkattlitnd•
cemetery. Mr, and: Mrs; Porter re-
turned hone Saturday.
Ire spite of -stormy. weather last
Wednesdayafternoon: this W5I S
had the .largest turnout fol-., some
thee at. the monthly meeting• at the
home of the secretary, Mrs. George
Falconer. Some'time was spent in.
'sewing: patchea for a emit: Airs.
Rich, Porter led the devotional exer.
vises: A social, hour was spent at
h• 1•
payable $60 each on Jules- 1st ,and
$00 each when the annual ;,tatentent
is prepared, and that the bylaw mak-
' leg the appointment. bo emended
accordingly. We have 'tirranged
• with The .Goderich Star to print the
1925 auditors' !report at a price of
1$7e. :complete, work and material to
I year'e, andto be
he equal to net .
completed within tw6 weeks from re-
ceipt. of • eopy. We . recommend that
the Mayor, the • Reeve and the Clerk'
be empowered to arrange for $Iii
.advertisement in the Charlton Road'
heap. We recommend that the Pib-.'
lic School. Board's requisition for a
levy of $21,500 for 1926 be adopted.
We have met the finance committee
of the' 'Collegiate Institut: Board
with :reference to their request for
1926 levy. and .recommend that the
num e ..$13,400 be • levied and raised
in 1926 for .Col%$tate Tnstitute •pur-
poses. That the sum of 'S"000 has.
heen paid to the Collegiate Institute
i8oard on their 1926. levy, since last
meeting. .
The public works eommittee re-
ported s follows: We ,recommend
1 that Wnt. Jas. Donaldson 'be 'permit-
ted to erect gasoline pump and tank
on his lot on '. Kingston street? In:
the matter of letter, dated Feb 15th•
from Mr. F. R. Darrow regarding
• quint of Mrs, Tremblay, we have
• looked further into .the matter and
recomi'btend that no 'action lie: taken.
The cemetery and parks commit-
tee recommended that t1ve free on
Warren. street _in . front_ of Amos
Stewart's residence be removed' ii
The. fire committee reported- fes
follows : We have granted building
permit to W. J. Donaldson for ser-
vice. station on. Kingston street, and
toe Leslle Flick for verandah on dwel-
ling on Hineks street. "that the lir},
gade has been placed under the pro-
tection of the Workmea's Compen-
sation -Beard.
These reports were all adopted.
Reeve ?dunning* gave a report irf
'Three Hats
a1Amili,01APuNi't"CE1E GOLD FtU 1t` •
In his greatest comedy effort. You
will find pathos, thrills and laughs
galore'•in the biggest picture which
the !inapproachable Chaplin has ever
made. ' Filmed in the Kiondyke.
"The Gol4 Rush"
''"Clans Hansom Colman"
Admission Wed. and Thur. will be:
. ,erings•-Adults• 33c, children 20c.
Matinee Thurs. at •1.13 -Adults
25e, children 15c.
Friday tad Saturday •
LIPS rind GEORGE FAwcar '
in a t frilling story of Kectacky shoe
saes $Itrlal:st:a !sem o'l) Hulas rlwsge.'
reeve ever seen
. t'TItdt Spwa thtg Magee
t 1
iiluttweeg--T'iartrtadar at 4.1t pan.
Oat. at 3.00
C eg--+"Piesis 11isy}e CAW
_ .rr
A Portico, Ccnn+ady 1n Three Acts
ae h rewoetoi.ly tLa
Rtwx t�lercll a sere Roo
Thursday awl Friday
MARCH 26111 and 26th
at $.15 p.m.
i Stuck! *sic Iaitrtar Acts :
The newly elected President of
Canadian Isiataonal . Exhib ti -
e. little education, o4 whish he •now Secessionists in Nova Scotia
has 'none. The sentence.:leas pro- Independence of Nova Scotia will
nouneed within ten dal'i of thebe the object of the Secessionists if
their alleged plan is put inti opera
Must Accept • Genesis tion, • Reports say. that on Dominion 1
"Dutch ministers must believe lit-, Day, a cantpaigt 'will be started to`
'entity in .the story of the creation educate Nova Scotians.to the idea of
._ itained 3n. the $Book of Genesis; the detaching . them'selve's trout the fedi
officials of 'the - Duteh taTormed er'atirut'ot snadiatr'lrro' %lees. •Then•
Cheieh have decided at a conference •would.agree to:taking their shears ui
in ' Amsterdam. Rev. J. L1.. Geelker- "military defence, navigation expc'n-
kers, who cast doubt' upon. the iietual 'ses• and railway. deficits, . but, would,
story of Adam and Eve, has been on demand the right to •collect income
trial• fer•hereey as a consequence taxes, .duties and excise multi trade
''ltnere are six bright ;-nota. in Etre•
according to. Walter Leaf, an $we S D ( hewn U D sell he
• Europe's Bright Spots agreements and control the flatteries.
To Honor. Wesley
English banker, who is .i'residen•- of the.Canadian representative itt• the
the •International Cliantbnr of Com' Wesley Bicentenary et Oxford t:ni•.
Iieree. • He points out that Hungary versitV at the est(1 of this, tilontI It;
I will be prepared to tics
Oustom Sawing ter T.
Wall ts' built, Lot 'a•),
(`on. 3. let lerich '1'p .. •
in the usual team, in the
early epriug. and will
buy hemlock, ii,t.awood
and • White . 'ih Logs.
Assurance Co •an'
sea aCompany
of Canada
'gatabaahW tad.
LIw:Aw, orru'I:: Wee i:.n i.op, .t ie.ere
D. D. MOONEY,•Ageei
•1'n' x is ': SU
has had an ; excellent 'rot and .the will • be the 200th anntverefiiy' of 1 a,;r•:'r. : : <.uut:ttte t(, QV?.
people argepaying their taxes; there Wesley's being elected 'to full fellow -
will be a surplus for public works ship of Lincoln College Ari\ > 1 un
the and the cost ,of living is falling, • In dred year old pulpit will be used in
') '• Italy the: taxes . are bean; paid and the, ceremony and a bust of Wesley
W;ri" tont Would Move. gauthward the budget'shows a surplus and in-• wjll•be.placed on the will ou' id< the
• 'file' eti-Ka%ser. le showinj; an, age dustry and agricultere are improv rooms he eceupied,.
toted anxiety, of a sod•}^q ovc-•' the ing.• Austria has a good surplus •
fact that the climate of l;iolisind docs and Belgium has • stabilize,! ;her • Not ell men hay.e. their •i'rice.
not agree with:.tete neap}}, of his franc, ,Creche -Slovakia •ir s n favors' Some gayer themselves away before
wife,. Princess Ilermione, and he is able trade balance and . the:. cr(wn is 'they are able -to strike a' 1, u- sin:
malting an attempt to" secure' the stabilized, .and. Holland is F;teaelily
consent of the. League of Nations to prosperous. • A Modest woman is. one' who could
a' migration to more salpbt�ious Nur - Hiller Teach
cr Stvidard
wear her legs exposed but doesn't.
rcendings. As a • preliminary. move Hamilton willdemand a higher ; `" -- • -`•` • •,
his son, the e:. Cron n . 1'rinae. has standard from its: • 'tubae school '
taken up his rnsiden:e i t Laverne
teacher's, the Board of Education re -
where he will be within easy reasrh cantly ..decided when it pawed ed a re- •
t e close, during which Irma h sea's
served. by the hostess. .The' next .Euppreehe of Bavaria in, Mae said to aatlt first-class certific ttee he em -
meeting will be held at the home of be.in Switzerland ready to help in ployed there after September: • announce their
of Geneva„ and ex -Crown Prince commendation that ,they ' teuchcrs •
Mrs. R Porter in April. ;the sale :tete advocacy of tele war lord's cause 1928. Teachers, if they ihoose to ale •
of home-made baking at Schaefer's .before the League of :v-a:aons•_ Pe,•- so, can raise their ulna -.tatoa n. the SPRING
Grocery last Saturday ,vas a good haps, in the event, of seeming the meantilue.. MILLINERY You are
The following as••the report of S.S. tion south, .the ex -Kaiser will have United fitatt a nttrre t ; have ju-t
No. 6
Our New Spring Footwear
is Attractive in
$14 being realized: consent of the League to his :nigra- Buyin': I3..,('. '1'imbei
OPENING invited to shop at
for the months of January semi difficulty in finding a plan completed the purchase of Sone h;I-
and February. Those narked " where the warmth of welcome 30- lion ,quare feet of timber still 'stfu:d-
one r lilac ea fi mea
ize t. U10 ing in the forests of Brit} hColum- MARC
were absentfrom o ' •-• "wand him• will beau+tl ing
V, --Luna • a ilrvell .^2.<f tri the"wariiith cf tha•,lmottc
Eunice Sowerby, 71.2; ls:veeett Me- . War Hero Fours Canada • ment, on a site eppl. ite• '.ow Vett- You
Ilwain; 68.2; Eleanor ,Tohnstuir :t+7,: Viscount Allenby,' the hero of the •mitt:=ter..
Idella. Oke, 63.6p Marion calwell.
62.8; Mildred Oke, 51.1; intman world ever is now a gavot in c°•m• • The Unitize State:- it+: tn•t,aia bee
d di k
Friday and Saturday
H 12th and 13th
ams: Sr. I•
7),a; '?slid a tititbc r •inil--anil
crusade in the Holy Lama during the • Want 'til 1. S. Alp Canal Old
Fuller, 58.8. Jr, IV.- I' ;3thcr Stell-
r 86 I P a a. an s ma ing a tui r \verku 1'n 1 a a hent t build s
are invited to calf
Hydro Stand, H. aide of Square
ORE ..
The . Square. Phone 43W
thin,' .4; .orne Ort^Y, 'i) 1, 1•'lut•' tour across the country, 'tilvin., land- a�rway Elam t}i('f�(,r(!itr i,:fi.� �•it , the
�' r.
encu Sowerby, 52. Sr. IIL-•F:vclyi: ed at Victoria. Plans have been laid vee, ' all through t'nitei :'tails ter-
Sowerby. 63,2; Earl McAllister, 62.) ; for hie departure from St, Jahn nn
Marion take'; 62; Arnold Porter, ere dairy, and tl State P New Torii
April. 2. Ile is In this •a t •
)r re tie ., 0w to
Jr. III. --Marion Porter, 'eta; "V"rna p a i un ty air Will support.the project e.1, le heats-
• the guest of the N a: ionnI Council stemndb',,
`' . r� r at
Edward, 50.2; Olive l'o\:ell sss.r,, cell;. • Secretary Utei h. I)..rie:• .°' or Eduation. It will be recalled *ttthat "from thei..-i.. u•v.tfrui ,a
Sr. IL -Robert Oke, 08.4 Roes ;ow.
erby, 55.8; "'Clara Harmer. 00.5; regarded with some' degree of ewe
that• his campaign in the l;aei vee;
point" it ;s c's;ent;nt Out 'lel' tenter-
�ia(•r- � lupi ,ll c.
sea he ntr• controlled
J, ata Powell, 46.G aloha Harmer,y
e tele b th [ r
m o m5
by the native peek who had lei u•
taught to belie\ a for centuries pad. as .
en a deliverer who. would be known (n u on in *League
Tram Jnhnst!ttt,_ Ru hard Niter Wit-
it- sis. Alla:yabi or Prophet of God. It has been a serious bl',iv for size 1.! Ir,
lie Porter, Herbert Poigata - a &SOU
3:1.4. Jr. II, ---Maurice elcllwuin, ` ited at•ates
Mervin McAllen er. it T'n Gra• ''o f si e d•.
Vern Powell Gerard leer. NUM.
The singular similarity !Mas o-n"that Longue-o€-:Nations•._.that- .-I'_remier-
ron roll 30Average atte:tdatree , name and the name of the ;,teat lire- Ilriand of France should be (lefeutcd
ber commander was 'utTeient to on the eve of its important delibera•
R. E. GRAHAM, reacher. create an atmosphere' of religious tions at Geneva. With the French
reverential fear.
The Goderich "Township Truetees' government crippled, the question of
and Ratepayers' Assozintiim, allies Another Royal Grandehil,l ndmttting Germany to the Council of
p the League is practically at a . dead.
was . organized .at Holmesville un Queen etary is once more in her leek. Premier &land was in Gen -
.,March 25th last, held its :rat public element in collecting and arranging era when the news of his govern -
sheeting on Monday, iiarel: 1, 11+26. the items' in the layette intended for mint's defeat reached him.
A Sordid Drama
The meeting was called by J. R. biid- her third grandchild, wnen the i•.tork
dleton, pree'ide t, who presided at visits the household of the Duke and
this meeting. The minutes of the Mellenof York in May. I:xtraord_
'Another sordid page in human his -
previous meeting was read by the 'nary' interest attaches to :his event, tory was disclosed with the death re.
secretary, Mr. II. L. 6alkeld, and the ,for should the child be a boy he St ;1t eently in Peterbortt of twelve-year-
• reports of the delegates ao the Edu- stand. third in succession to tate old John Dwyer, as t result, it is
ration Association at Toronto Ia';t King. Should the Prince of Wales alleged, of most inhuman treatment
Fester were received and approved. fail to marry, the Duke of York 032, the Tart of. hist, father and his
A resolution was passed euggestitrtr would become his heir. The little twenty -six-year old stepmother. The
,The appointment of a rural repro'- Duchess of York it an undisputed family are wretchedly posy, but the
sentative on eaeb High .iehoal Borrel favorite with the Queen, in wbo'llt children were denied even the food
of Trustees. A resolution was' ah•o she has found a second mother. and shelter which were available.
passed favoring the teaching of. Prison Will Be Paradise for WcittoJWhen the dying boy ..as taten from
home Economies. the Science of A deprer;sing story has cone Willis backwoods home to tete Peter-
Agricultere and Technical training ; light, from the Port Arthur district! bora hospital, the nurses and doctors,
in the proposed new High School et in the trial of a fifteen -year-old wept as they tended to his entaciate(l
Clinton. A strong resoluta s: \las Finnish boy, \Veitto t ytittt'n. for body. He weighed only thirty
alas; pawed favoring the planet the murder. of his father. He ass pounds. lits father is -barged with
sy;atsent of Public and dig!) Schoolcharged with deliberately shoc.tin;, murder, his stepmother with man.
management. In prefcr-enec to that him. and was turned over to the poi. slaughter. On Saturday, the body
proposed by the 'township ih*rd Bill ice by his mother and ,ether tela-- of the boy was on view at the under.
no* before. the Ontario Legislature, tints. The trial disclosed, however. takiw. ]sailer, and at least ercmaty.'
The Secretary ryas isantru:ted to that *ince Weitto wag a (-bald, be Ave _hundred topic.topic.passed through
In the Official Program of the Nineteenth
Annual Competition Festival of Alberta to he
held at Edmonton next May, the atnnounee-
ment is made by Alberta College Ninth of the
purchase of 'six new Mason &Riseh Pianos
for teaching purposes.
Requirements for Musical Education
Ike lavaboes el ..ii tite lighted
type el piens Is eelutatieaai lista
tMaenajs iMi.w-7e.a1 meek is
the roma et to soke kl • r make .
Ikpw'eat ett.salgoalltiee diet their
peree$tin► airy L. •limped. 'rhe
Mason e4 Ranh wit pad the. /ream-
ak. eIle the gnat roarer Friss Lisa am
Wag "".Meat. r.egsificent, woe -
,tilled." In all Oa years that here s-
torened,the Mame Z Rauh ideal lea
bees is r.maia worthy el Met biles.
Wilts for (:atalegue
230 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont.