The Goderich Star, 1926-03-11, Page 3T1i1= A]1;: 1MLRcN. Alm. INS
.11111.101 11 1 mi ul, ui 7WliJIpMti
11 111 1 1 1 1r,11 11111 r 1 wwi -
Issas to thee 1M lima doing to as.
WithTwat TVtrseeor >waatfieetn! of >rarMaaeia
'. �� ` N N '� ! *r.11. . of net wilily*. �-
w k titer of Wien. W. H. Milium. ee PickedFroinOurEx
elite** ilatepayet's Will. Vote Agaim
ea. Cediegiete Bylaw
At the last meeting of the Clinton
town council a resoletion was palmed
to anlenit the bylaw to retie $$O.000
for time erection,of •thaw ColloRi+i# the time of the congregation pee- Meta r of the littlitodialt elettreh at
tote, diad at his home en Thtweday,
esBras -
leek $hale, at the ate at tit scan.
1(x. try lived IA tam tows et Haras-
tek for sta»F emirs, in fact he b-
acon ho sant. to a. tote of We own rated there wives Brumes wet cell -
composting, "'I think when I read the ed Aiateyville and was a coatinuet s
&west story of older At the elate resident for epwerda tf 10 yeast.
of the cervico a number orf the al- m r1*g to Jort Williams sane tea
cola net the rector ie tie weary ago. He want v &rent
and Col. IL B. Combe, on behalf of in Work Ube it «e lacca
In the fret place it
peewee that the people at Ontarie
have faith in We C,trwtias work
with Imre Seceedly it smog that
the work promoted by the Ontario
Hoyt.' Work Beard and the Oilier
Boys' Peertiattteot will go on for an-
other year; traiaiag amps and con -
forewent will ,lee promoted all aver
the province for the training of
Yonne eitristian leaders; a titer spir-
it of hosier and chunk relattoaiahipe
will be developed; the teetering of
a firer spirit of works brotherhood
and edreetion againet war and the
Wat work of developing men se, strong
wawa aaa Building again, at the careen data tented him with a wry b*ndsoms Eree+Sla, was "lama work tlhool super-
kids,eye Chrlstian character-•-wortity to he
;,fit � poe.ibk. This was in response to * istoitdoent for wow,
years mind a sue -j
Beale out of neo, tial petition signed by a large number, club bag. Imola (au leader. Ha was a life citizens of this Caned&, of ours--ia
weer, are eieKaight-GleWoa to continue and grow as it has in
r foe the week, lam and ofvoted
ratepayers, The bylaw will be i /oft Consrsvat3ve and also a stems.
�frew Wok eke. assets eo s ola , voted on April bth next. • Thr marriage took piece et sett en f the i,. 0 I, be' t the pest.
vast o'clock, Marelt 3rd, et the Ontario ice in both politics and t e duties of
,street United church parsoaaage his
1lketm yest led Tome Waal* eat of Miran Plowmen's Artseeletion Hold
ceder, what yaw beak 'ekes s:ad Dance
NA A� Jw •addles riiery, all Java The IIuro Plowmen's Association
1/6 ea'i io lit take a frit Mawr •f held a very 4►uccessful socia! evening
�� In the Brussel* town ball on *Wein
` •tlatet �' � "'��`'�°*' Fele. 26th. Mr B. � �►
.•a N le peeks )4* r ame 'y u chairman and Mr. Aimee McLean, `of
AU rear& sod lhaadlo Richmond Bill, prelident of the On-
t6tta; pat sap oaIJ d i,.....'"'"""'„," , ](&hoar&- i tario Fairs and Exhibitipns, was
vee Lee ltad, Tomato Ot. present and delivered a short but
interesting address. A good pro-
f #. •_ MUSIC T grain was given and, following
lunch, a dance was held.
plleale W. 11. JACIISOS Iut irueticn - Trying to. Keep Down the Hydro.
#r.ven in Voite �Cuiture, Omen, . Peak in Zurich
Plano. • Violin, Guitar, TheeeY, ate.
• .Igltio and residence. ;North Street.,' Zurich police trustees have a pro-
. E. lIA1•IILTON--;rjrgauWt orlix St, blest on their hands in `trying to
' [baited Church. Concert planer keep down the peak load 'for Hydro
end Teacher, ower. There are about ten eke -
at Mrs, Colborne's, SI. i'at' rie ranges in use, which runs the
ricin Soret.
. peak up. during the. noon hour.and
between 5 and 0 o'clock. The Hy-
,•dro Commission'a bill for the past
rt . R. DARROW,
month was considerably over $400,
and The Zurich Herald says, "Peo-
Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public; etc.,
Sueeessor to 1, L. Killoran
pie must use caution, or, inster.d of
Phone 9't OTAee, The ;.:quare, tiocierich our. rate, ebming down, they will
soar sky high," w .
totllit.D i b7 ROFSiBS
Public, Conveyancer, Etc. The new Premier of .Saskatchew-
• PHONE 27 , HAMILTON STREET an, .T• .G. Gardiner, tis an Ontario
man,: born near Exeter. It is an
- other illnstratioit of the fact that
Der. y, • J. Il, FORSTER. • this province is the mother of the
EYE, EAR, NOSE, T1i RUAT: West. Nearly all its leaders in
Late House Surgeon New York ()ph every walk of„ life sere natives ..of
tbalmie and Aural Hospital, assistant at old Ontario,
Moorefield's :Eye Hospital and Golden Death of Mrs. Wm. Stoke.., Mang -
Square Throat Ilospital, London,. Eng. • ham
53 V4ater10o St. S. Stratford. Tele-,. Sarah Ellen Parker, beloved wife
phone 267,
At Hotel Bedford. •Godericls, on Hie.
• evet7di►g of the third Monday of each
motto, foiom 7 o'clock till the foltowni,r.
da+-. Tut<sdey, at 1 p.m.
• eHIROIG'Rdatr1C
Barrister, .Soiroitor, Notary Another Huron- rely
Registered Chiropractor`. Goderich
Chronic, Organic and Nervous Diseases
Consultation bee
Office hours -2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. tn,•
and yy appointment, •exceetin. Monday
anAl ata
afternoons and eresilns�:
Onime ileum ma these days -10 to 12 ahs.
CareerpEast amid &deeds► Sts.
• Oir�Y-- -•
A. L. CALF;, It. 0.,'
1 'rR1S'r
- P'1'
=' [Vest Street, tlodericii
of Mr. William Stokes, Wingham, Read.. His early life .was spent in
that community. In 1880 he went
west and assisted ' in building the
C. P. R. lined into Winnipeg. Later
Ile homesteaded at Pilot Mound,
Man., where he has since resided.
Hs never married.
Clinben of Grace Fedora eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel flint" Aeaiia*ic 8eciety Make e
c# n., and -Glen Miller /' Preeemtatiemtt
avht' e�aadn"'i1R'Ie[ and The Dramatic Society of St.
'Mrs. John T. McKnight, eke 'Lon- Paul's ehureb, Clinton ,Aril a few
don road, Tuekersmith. 'The cera- friends had an oyster supper in the
ninny was performed by the Rev, •C- Sunda., school rooms ea Tuotddy
J. bioorhostae.
evening of last week, A very hap•
New Villege Ckrk ler Bayfield py time was experienced together as
Mr. Jas. H. Reid has been appoint- �" supped end chatted, anal when
ppm that was finished Mr. R. Hunter
ed village clerk of &Bayfield. Mr. roan in his place and in a few well-
chosen and Mr. A. Dunn were the ap- chosen word*, on behalf of the So•
plicants and it took the casting vote clots, presented the Rev, Lir, Bit-
of the reeve to decide. An effort is key, who has been the instructor of
being made to have a special aet of the members of the Society for the
past four or five years, with a puree,
on the eve of hie departure from
town. Mr, Bilkey was much affect-
ed by this token of the affectionate
The many friends in Seaforth and Tegard of the young people with.
vicinity of Mrs. Patrick Curtin, were whom he had .been associated and
shocked on Wednesday, Feb. 24th, to oxpre sed ' himself so. Then Mr.
learn of her death which occurred Wilkey, on behalf of the Society, ex -
that day in St. Vincent De -Paul's pressed the appreciation of the as-
Hosrital. Detroit, following an ill- sistance given in- the presenting of
nems of only ° brie week, Mrs. Curtin 'several plays. by Mrs. Jas. McMur-
was a daughter. of Mr. and Mra. 'Pat• • chic, and as a tangible .token of that
rick Walsh, of Seaforth, and resid- appreciation presented her with a
ed • there until three ;rears „ ago, reading lamp. And, for this was a
when the family removed td"Detroit, tine .fog' presentations, he also in.
Deed in Manitoba, Buried in Exeter view;• of the recent marriage of one
Parliament peeved so that Bayfield
can get hydro on the rural plan.
Death of Mrs. I'tatriek Curtin,
The 'remains of the fat: Mr. An_ of their numbere, Mrs. C. Epps. pre-
Dee -
drew Gibson,'who died at I slot dented her with a pair of silver
Mound, Mare, were brought to 15xe- t can-
dlesticks.Both dailies expressed
ler on Mondayof°last week; intersn. their thanks very prettily and the
ent taking pace in the ;amity plot gathering broke„ up in good time.
in the Exeter cemetery. The de- TOO LITTLE BLOOD
ceased was a son of the late Cap- '
tan Samuel Gibson, of the Thames The Cause bf Nearly All the .Every
day .Ailments of Life
Too' little blood—that is what
makes men and women Took pale
and . sallow and feel languid. That.
is what makes them drag along, a1 -
ways tired, never real hungry, un-
able to digest their food, breathless
after - even slight exertion, and often
feeling that life is. scarcely. worth
living. The doctors tell them they
Are anaemic -the plain Eeglish
being too little blood.
church, Brussels, to Rev; le. G. Fow- 'More 'weak, anaemic, people have.
One of. the old, •time reeidppts R4 les `113:.1„, atf°'1['atterfoi+rl;; pens, ;w►t-4 been '"made. strong, , enefgetic and
McKillop township passed .away last ,""au taped •arid nrra ementa ';wide ch rfel by taking .Dr. Williams'
Wednesday afternoon in' the', person for the 'ind`uction which 4. -ill take Pink Trills than by.' any other means:
of Jemina McNeil, widow of the late on Bow -
March 18th at 3.30 .p.ns. in Mel The ease of Airs. A. P. Foster, Bow=
Thomas Live. Deceased, who was den, Alta., is excellent proof of this
in her 16th year, had beep making villa church.
statement. Airs: Foster says:
pissed away. .,on:::Thursday, , Feb.
25th, in her 51st year. She bad
been in ':poor health for the past
year and death relieved her of great
pain and suffering. She was a de-
voted member of the Salvation
Army and . the. funeral . services on
Saturday, the -28th ult., were con-
ducted by Capt. Evensden and Lieut,
Wright, and Mayor Fells and five
ctuncillors were, the 'pall -bearers.
Death of 0th-Tiinte Resident of
New Brussels Minister 4a Be In-
ducted March 18th •
At the meeting of Maitland Ptes-
bytery held in St. Andrew's church
of Wingham, Tuesday 'afternoon of
last week, the call from Melville
her 'hems for, some time with her Hensall Seed Show "Some years ago I. wits very badly
Honor Graduate of the Canadian 0Ph' i son-in-law. Alex. Cuthill, near Win- The annual seed show of the S. run-down. My deafer. attended me
tbalitriti. College p l Toronto.. tC. throp,, and .;took ill several weeks; Huron Agricultural Society was held for several • months and` `then told- me
Eyes examinee by The latest melliocls; ago, In ' Hensel! on Friday, Feb. 26th. I had better go South 'o •spend the
endJtge,propertltting.of glasses at mod- Former Huron Residents Celebrate, The large council chamIiers of the winter as my blood was so poor that
crate; prices. Ontario ,JBoard- of Exam- Golden Wedding . at Nepewa town hall was welt tiled with differ -he feared I would not stand the cold.
tnere t-,ertlftcate No
Ronsld L. Fredenburgh.
C. Sen. T. I'I> Wff
The Chum* Camp el Trait Rang.
era of Dungannon lamed their semi-
annual election:of ollleers on Wed.
nesday evening last. The following
are those who are going to make
their camp famous in the next six
months: • Chief ranger, Arthur
Brown; sub -chief ranger, Allan
Reid; tally. Frank Savage; eaehe,
Lloyd. Finnigan; reporter, Wilfrid
* t * *
The Maitland Taxis Square hell
their mid -week meeting at the home
of the mentor, Mr. Stonehouse. The
opening ceremony was tepeated; fol-
lowed by prayer by several of the
bays and the topic on "Politic s" was
taken. This involved considerable
discussion./ As this was a social
meeting/the business awl - regular
routine•f%f the sheeting was out to a
minimum and all indulged in the
splendid games. Lunch was served
later on and before leaving, a hearty
vote of thanks was tendered to Mr.
and Mrs. Stonehouse for their lard
Mrs and Mrs. John H. Brown for-
AtiOrtt*1G �, ' Prof Squirrel of the Guelph Agri- 'went to my .mother's, and. as soon as
ent • kinds ` of seeds and grains. of our winter.: I took his advie' and
mer Huron ecunty residents, cele- '•
• oieIAS GUNr)RY, brated their golden wedding at the cultural .College, was present as she saw me she said. "Ar.. Williams/
THOMAS 4th street, Nee• judge •� • g Pails are what you need,
faimily residence on 4
• nd gave a demonstration .on Pink- " She
Live !;tock and General Auctioneer, paws, Manitoba,.on MondayFeb. the judging of grain and his reas got the pills • for me and I begahl tali':
Hamilton Street' Goderieit 15th, where theyhave lived fax ,the ons. Ile also "discussed . rte, raising ins them, L had intended staying
• Sales enadRCverywhere and all efforts or alsike and;the way to harvest.. it. three months, but at the end of the
tuade to Rive you satisfsctl<►a past six years. Air. Brown was bar. W. D. Saniaers, of Exeter, also second month I came. home a well
Partners' sale notes dis,ounted. born at Galt in Waterloo County, gave an address on general farming. ;woman. When the doctor saw Inc
Ont., and is in" his '70.i year. Mrs. q he said, "You are all right now, but
trocar tiOitERTaUiv. Brown two A number of ueetl'ons werC:: asked
ale OuatitH'd}M}tti4seer.-:-' , • Yea sy nipan421`44n interest
`was ariaowna by'tt:tr &Rn't let Yourself get run-down
. F,Ido,r:i#ltfate;, G11Sie lcll. , ti%alii: bein in the ow$siii.p of Geo.,' large crowd prevent in the addresses .woe or nothing will save you."
Huron County, Ont., and s the e d
or with A Mullett Golden Wedding which a the as weakandpale an "
- enters tett t it Tyndall .of Glendale district: They.
will conduct any'eare at tete .Lo stv fir of the two speakers• Then last winter T had the influenza
Huron F information apply. to 1':.F. est daughter of the lath Mi. Robert left d
him will receive prompt attenuate w r married 'n Brussels. Ont.. On Tuesday Feb 3rd, Air. and misers a as.g 'n I took
Ryan H imilt0n $t., o bl before. A si
e e arxi i rues ., n .. on 2
Tab 15th 1874 and resided in Bur- Mrs. Richard (Caarter of the 9th con., Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and 1 can
LIC l(;TC•gratefully recommend the ills' for I
_ ,,.-,w,,.,....... on -/County until their removal to Hallett, celebrated the •9fticth anni- p „
I.II:. N a1920 They Loth versary of their marriage- their feel that they have saved' my lift;.
active and sniatgood health and are family and a► few friends gathered
. e paws in a are. ,,
Weak • ailing men and women
NOTA1tV` 1'CBL1C looking forwaretc: many more years to congratulate them and wish them should begin taking Dr. W911iams'
General Conveyancing dons p Pink Pills today'and note the speedy
Gond Companies Repres'rite'l of hum married life: joy` on the last la of the journey, improvement that follows. You can
Plaine No. 29$, Uederiebe Cint Re C Gd q tilt and Airs Caster were married
.r., r p
23 18 � About
n Feb. ,
at Lucas o
Congratulations are due to the
Constituency south of us in the
splendid showing'they made in the should be of groat interest to all
McEwen's Specials
Fresh stock of Sheriff's Jelly Powders to hand, 3 for 25C
A good teaspoon, Klag George design, given away with each
23c worth.
24 bars Soap, McEwen's special $1.00
ti cakes Palet Tree Toilet Soap for .23
3 lbs. loose Coco* for .23
to lbs. of Sulpher or Salts suitable for stock purposes for .25
Just to hand a few hundred pounds of a real good Black Tea.
We will give 1 lb. of this Tea, 1 loaf Bread, ?•i ib. Biscuits
and 1 bar Soap for the same price as a pound of any package
Tea. -
Special price on large Flannelette Blankets
Special price on Fancy Blankets
We are cutting the price on Men's All Wool Underwear and
Men's Fleece -lined Underwear. •
Good Linen Roller Towelling 25c per yd.
Good large Bath Towels f}0c per pair
Some nice; Table and f=loor Oilcloths, different widths at right
Now is the time to buy a set of dishes 10% off.
Freie.. �r to any part of the Town. -
J. J..ri c went,
.Sleuth SW
pot.. a 1' 1N tA'� 1”
The total number of hoys enrolled
is 10,280 es against 9,143 of a year
�► *, o e
Next week the "Boys Own Corn-
er” will breve a special 'trtiele writ,.
ten by ex -premier Gordon Lapp on
the subject, '"Jesus Inereased in
Favor' With Man." This is a fine
article and those who heard, his ad-
dresses here last fall should read
next week's issue of the "Boy. Own
Corner." It is written specially for
boys' papers throughout Ontario and
recent Bond Selling Campaign.
Their objective was $60 and final re-
turns show that they turned in $139.
This is line work in spite of the fact
that there were only two squares
active in the campaign, they being
Seafarth, which turned in. $57, 'and
Brucefield which -ratted..$A2, ,.Five wax." -
silver and elite -en bronze metals were * * * •r
won. Lorpe Norris, their member Kind old gentleman—"Well,
of parliament,'is surely netting the littlejboy, do you go to ;•school'.'
P*Ce. Small boy ---"No, sir, I'm vent.
South Perth put ",ha campaign a a * *
across successfully also, even going blurs- '"�v'ha object do you like
over their objective. Clifton Brown, bootee - -
their local member, is showing his . Jane—"Anth. logy."
stuff again this - year. ri* lilary--"Wh y they . don't teach
young men. -
'Man (in hardware' store) --"I want
some sealing wax."
New f Jerk-- "Sorry, sir, but we
a haven't any. We only .creep floor
that . at the '-scheool v"
Thanks to the splendid leadership Jane --"That' 'why, Ill"! 'it.' ._
of the' Older Boys' Parliament, 'local '. 't
boys, work hoards and mentors, the - -• C. S. E. T. boys of the jirovince have .4
again. raised most of . the money new
cessary to finance their work. The
actual amount; received in' cash is
around $3,500. Later . return it is
expected; will bring in the remain -
ins $2.000 needed to 'maraca the
work this year. •
*,: * * *
That C. S. E. T. is a, movement of
boys. and one for which they feel no
small. share of responsibility i::. indi-
cated in the fact that this is the
third year in which they have °vuc.
cessfully undertaken to .pay their
Mr, Taylor Statten has recently
returned from a trip through the
West.. This is ,his second visit this.
season mid 'he says that C. S. E. T.
work was never in such =good condi-
Rev. anon Gunnenne, London,
sup. ' . 7 ' get these ills from medicine deal-
plying in Clinton
0 cents
,EOR(�E E. URI C:iSLAI)E. three weeks later they' moved to the ars or by 5by
• .ev.- Canon Gunne,. 'of 'London. a f on 'which they have resided writing The Dr. Williume Medicine
Co;(1:T AND 1 O'l \I'1 f S arm
'J. zty P,(r ?4 i former rector of t. Paul's
church, ever since. Their family consists of Co., Brockville, Ont.
Bayfield, Ont, Clinton, is tailing charge of the ser- td t d hte 1)
vices in Clinton until a yew rector is two sons antwo aug rs, er-
INSVRANCE appointed. Rev. Mr..Bilkey preach- win, the younger son, is on, the
FL>l +t;ed his
farewell sermonson Stln?aymesad ith his eh,
- CIOLS --leon the adjoinngfarm; Mrs.
Feb.18th fter the evening ser- Fred Shobbrook on the 13th eon.of -
Hallett, and Mrs. Herb .Oakes, of
tract Tablets Fine For
FARM* AND IGn1.ATED Tows .Ptio' McCoys Cod Liver Goderich township.
Value of property_ineured up Lx
to Jan a Concert at Holmesville
yap pp, i, i0, aOn Wednesday, Feb. 24th, the La-
1"10ERS,--Jnnes Connolly, Pried- -
dent; <tiodericlt; Jas. Evans, ['ici I t 1,, Thin ' UnderdevelopedKids dies' Aid of the Helmesville United -
dent, Beechwood; T. E. Day', 5•'r. church, put on a concert; The first'
part of the program consisted of
DIRPtieaforth, a;rintS'-- 1). F. McGregor, fila- Children Love' Them Because They choruses, duets, readings, and
forth; J. ti, (;&'slue,'Winthrop: mtno.• Are Sugar Coated and as Easy to ' monologue. The second part• of the.
Wrin, o nnstance; George Mel:;ii!ock Fake •as Candy
° uckenamith;, John Ferris, Matlock; , program was pa on by the darkies,
.inhn f3cocsne.a:lse, Braadhagau; amen); •which. consisted of :solos, choruses,.
alibean, Brueefield. It's your duty, Mother, to see that duets, recitations and orchestra
' Mall'I�--J. \% Yes, coo(Ticll Sandy the frail, peaked, sickly youngster music. After the program ;s dainty
forth; C:Hntotil" , Se Ghe4n:y, tics' • rows upto be strong in o
forth: 1f: Ilinclik«, Seaforth. g' g body, keen lunch was served b^ the ladic3:
Policy Holders a'tn pay their asseee- in mind and robust in health. The proceeds amounted to a nil.'
menta at R. II. Cutt's • store, ',oderich ; Extracted from the livers. of the tidy sum. The 1Tolmesville (irehts-
% ;1;'eflorrists''r Clothing Store, -1 11111tn; lowly codfish art the health,-woii;ht era -was assisted -hyo the.. Cox_ Orches-
or J, H Reids, i3ayfielfl, and strength producing vitaminos that tri from Porter's Hill, and the
VOID XT+1SURNN1 ' ars, found in McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- whole program was much enjoyed.
tract Tablets, which are sold by Phar- e , es Short to
Nava it attended to oy the macists all over North - and SouthBa:nqu t (loy Course- at
wA19110$11 MUTUAL. flee ttlsURAMCE CO Lucknow
Established 1ie78
Head Office : Dungannon, Ont.
Harry L. Salkeld, R. R. No. 2, God.
.ere*, :prem.; Wm. J. Thompson, Aub-
urn, vice pies.; directors --Wm. Mc-
Quillan, St.Helens; W. P. Reed, It. ItNo. 2, Lucknow; H L. Salkeld,, 'phone
800r11, Goderich; Alex. Nicholson,
Lucknow; Wm. Watson; Jas. Girvin, Its . No. 0, Goderich; Wm. I. Thomp-
son, Auburn; Tim Griffin, R. It. No.
?, Lucknow; Chas. Hewitt, Kincar-
dine, Ont.
. 11101, f:.,
Tres*. Secretary.
BroohU Bro.
The Lea 1p
funeral Directors
and fabeisars
Wars carefully Worded to
IA ell hoursnight or thy.
Doctor's know about then and so
does any druggist, and if your chil-
dren need building up ask for these
tablets today if you wan; to give your
loved ones a good appetite and put
pounds of good healthy flesh on their
hones. But be.sure and get McCoy's.
They are not expensive ---d0 tablets
--00 cents and if you are not pleated
with the improvement .after thirty
days ---your moneyback.
A very sickly child, aged 0, gained
12 pounds in even - months and is
ittrong and -healthy. "
,...' r -- - -r .
Ji. L. Wheeler
F'ane?al,Director acid
G$ericb, 'Ontario
All calls promptly ettonded to
day or night.
Dlioncs: Store 333; .Monet 35.1n'
A very delightful banquet fitting-
ly closed the three months' course
in. Agriculture and home Eeonomies
which was held in Lucknow durin►;
December, January and February. -
The affair was held in the Lucknow
town hall on Friday, Feb. 2811, and
about 100 persons sat rlosvn to the
Death of Jimmie Bunter - Severs a
Link With the 01d Days
The death of Jimmie Bunter,
Lucknow, on ifonday of last week
severer! n Lara -.. link .,with. the took.
now of bygone days—the Lucknow
of CatIedonian games and many oth-
er things for which ` the •village in
those days was famous, 18 gone.
The world and the village life has
changed since then, but .&mime did
not change much—he still loved a
jolly good time jokes and stories
Own .. Corner
A prominent Canadian business
man recently made the remark that
this nation's greatest 'undeveloped
asset 'is' her teen-age boyhood. To-
day the people are realizing S01110 -
'thing of the , significance of this
statement, and are concerning, them-
selves as never before in the ,issues
which - our youth' is facing. They
are comingto see that slueating him
along high Christian principles,
keeping hint loyally attached to his
church and to his eocntry *s. far bet-
-ter—than until - he
has broken away front the liner
worth -while things in life, and then
begin reforming him. Men and
women of today see that a email
amount.iaid out .beforehand ars
surance is of infinitely greater value
than twice the sum later to Lover
the loss. e -
In the last few weeks, thousands
of boys throughout Ontario have .
been appealing for financial aid to
carry out their eharaeter-building
program; known as ` the Canadian
Standard I';tlleieney system of Train-
ing (C. S. I':. T.) in their provincial
wide Bond Selling Campaign. It is
indeed gratifying to bo able to, gay
that the citizens of Ontario have re=
- Spandrel 'to the call .eit fxiy. " 'The
returns are not yet 1eomnlete but
there are indieatioxts that the ob-
jective will be reached,
This fact has a very- significant
• * * *.. •* -
Ontario has: made real strides in:
C, S. E. `T. work during the past
twelve months. The files in. - the
head office show that' we have 1,1,7
more registered groups on February
20th than there was '► year ago.
and songs and 'fun, He sang the
"Old Oaken Bucket" Monday morn-
ing and he slept away about eleven
o'clock, He wasn't in "big business'
nor in polities, but he lived a hippy
life. Ile had good physical health
P.r Wants and Children
toWe For Over CIO Years
Always kers
tigaeeure of
he was . care -free; he lived a less life
FoLKSte s/? vi'�4, ,,.-•.,
Thera: aren't many people. for-
getting to buy Coal this winter.
News of the strike keeps thein
reminded of it..
But there are still some people
who think they can't keep warr.t
without Anthracite.
They have something. to`lec,rn
about Coal.
In the West and South law:law:people turn nothing but bitumi-
nous Coal. And the Wot, par.
ticularly, has biting, piercing Niz-
:tar& to 11gl;t 2'gantst ..:s
e have a supply of Hi -Lo hgg
High in heat and Low in ash,whieh
will keep ,yeti just a5 ware As
Anthracite. -
Seit I for your supply.
1 -
or Good Clean Coati
' Jt B. MUSTARD cont*Nr
a .� ►w -
and he died without suffering or even - Phone tib
Whatever •trouble Adam had,
No, man could make him sore;.
ley saying, when he told a joke,
"I've beard that thing before
Oh My t
How It Aces l
Odea the held starts to ache said
pain you may rat assured that the
enure eoauw from tee stomaek, liver
or bowels, and the cane must be re•
mored before persatneat relief moa
be bad. '
There le to better remedy as the
n+arket to•day for the relief of head•
settee of all kiuda sad of every dad•
eriptioa than
•� .r
It monovies the ere, of the itead-
*Aft, and with the outs removed you
will sot be trembled any raor..
Put up for flue ppaacstt 47,Jeare lay Tb.
T. Milbank Oa, U**ited, Tomato. Use.
The. Goderich Sta�•'s
The Star and London' Frere Press.
The Star and London Advertiser
The Star and The?Toronto Globe
.. , . . $6:75
application :. 66.75
- 3 ..40
Weekly Star.' 3,00
..... ,.,3.75
.. renewal 35
renewal 4.25
new, , . 3.$5
Special Clubbing. Rates with other Periodicals
may btu had on a ppl on
C:.Ji at -die Stet' C'Irilc,'. or 'Phone 71 for. any' infurts.lrit:n,
The Star and The Man and Empire.,
The Star. and The Toronto Star... .
• The -Star and The Farmers' Sun
'The Star and The l.nirtily Herald and
The Star and Saturday Night..... -. .
The Star and The, Catholic Record.
The Star and McLeal's Magazine.
The Star and Rod and Gun
The Star and .Montreal Witness.
The Star- and World Wide'
"W/fere Quality :Counts"
S • ecial Cereal and Fruit Sale
ons,25C PRUH] S .2'.29c
WHEATLETS 4'w- 25c DATES 19c
QAT3 Iter. u.,,....r4.t -
he. 4 4 IL. Jos. lb.
9� 25c 22c 2 21 c ,�5�
Roman Meal 31 c
Puffed Rice 2 for 35c
Pot Barley 6c, lb.
Shredded Wheat 2 for25c
Awatjal &lira ofd
Buckwheat Flour (rot;
2 tlni 25c
Singapore Pineapple 20c
Bayside 'Cherries 25c
Silver Bar Apricots 20c
Val.jltici, Its&~ tint 2!bt4•2St
Moist Lemons Aix, 23c
alptsttiaOl Combination
1 lb. Lys"L, Bulk Tia
1 lb. Mayfield Brand
Zlictld Botley
97C 'Or
R tins 2lc
Ch rtstIe's Arrowroot Biscuits
s► is *Nast awe rota what& frame data of Was 4..
et( es