HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-11, Page 2is
p two
Iri the Tea Cup
Ow full ahem* of
oar IS AILttess
le revealed. The flavor to pure,
fresh and fragrant. Try it.
ilacK, Mixed or Green Blends«
^..*,. ".
A MAW* Eco terales
'The Bishop of Landon, in spite of
biosalary of $5"0000; finwtzzthe up-
keep of Fulham . Palace, bis official
acweidetiee, a bit too 'much in thence
days. _ The Bishop intends to visit
t}e United Stott* and Canada this
year and has advertised that he will.
rent Fulham Palace to*my member
• ,at the Church of England who will
WAY tits taxes and the Servants'
west* while he is away.
'lwt�s tlatert of Solid Gold
Oecitelonally we hoer of an effort
Wile/ made to seduce • the cost of
pkaeent day funerals, but ancient
,Egyptians: would consider our ex-
peaidltaro very niggardly lit cornpar-
foot* with the events of their day.
Tutankhamen was found' to be en-
ea,ed in; three golden coffins, the in-
•*leer one of ,olid gold estitrated to bo
welt a quarter of e. million dollar,,
and said to be one of the meat re-
*n*rkable pieces sof artistic work in,
the world. Inside of this egein was
a►:gold'netalt covering the head and
*boulder* of the king and made of
$04,000 worth' of gold. The great
?In molten A
owed the het springs for the pee-
peso se enitiveti ag vegetables sod I
Hewers„ farming the het water late
the earth et a depth Qf lbw. feet.
New, if their dans carry, the het
at:mwutas will be conveyed through all
the houses of Iceland, anti tupp1Y
beat and a hot venter supply from
tate 'gent: nattwrat sources. Gey -
wavers ere now used in the laundries, of
I, r 1 wrieleiwireeematie .1 ni
ohn Srnith
1eopyright 1925 by
Tbs Ullaaa* Feature 'Service)
'YliUBSTAT, *ASCII iitb. Ilei
IThree Weeks
Till Easier
Ns 18 Free* Radia 0 Audio 1 ore that, mod in other connections,
.4 Bottum fee Treace Snaith le one of those rare per-• it is often somewhat loosely employ.
Sir Henry Lunn, once a mcdic*l _eels wiio always manage to titbit ed. I' Ii give you an instance
missionary to Indian, who war fare- aalvaatage of dlss4vantarte. There "Chi' these oscillations et the cur-
ed tea give up his work there and ars eaaaewhen reception is rent being sent out by the broad -
then founded en immense travel' not so good, or tunes when ha do. casting station prere impressed the or Light Top Coat
agency, has turned over lila fortune vet What he east „rot over the audio.. frequencies or sound irava
for the work of uniting, Christian rg►r, bat instead of grumbling he variations. After this cerrent is
churches end promutine pow, ale recce -non the chance to learn some- picked up, aiapUtied and changed by
had jot arrived in Caned* on tit, thing more about how the stet wore. , the detector tube to direct current
beginning, of a world tour at his own
It "woo en one of these eventful the oriel latioes disappuir
expense; en which he win prei a his occas that I hepeensd to find and the e eWeeinristacs that re-
tool of unity and page,. $,foss him, to trace thew radio car- main to iaftuenes thecurrent
starting on his journey he .divided warms* twm West to o*tpsrt. The erg the original soard� This
hie estate in two parts, one half beide Baits of the set Weft . causes the dhect current to pulsate.
aces to a foundation fund to begin becoming as fusilier to rim as the Instead of being constant it is really
immediately the propagand;t for in- arrangement of engine, dutch, intermittent becauseit is being con•
tern*tional peace. The other half transmtisston end ;dilferentisi in ht
troilsd Try tate .radio
fir*quency cur -
will be used tor the support el his tsar. He had formed * definite men- roc. These pulsations are often
family as long u they live. As tel picture of the order from aerial loosely referred to as oscillations.
oath one dies, thio share win he lead- to 'tuner, to radio frequency ailed- "An electrieia* I talked with mtgs.,
No time like the present to order your taster Suit
Abolish Upper House awl to the fund, of the foundation to der tubes, to detector, to audto asap- gelded a simple way to think of thio
Nova Stott* t egpielature is now
be used in the great social work. tiller tribes and to loud speaker, but tricky part f radio. lie 'aye to
considering a bill to abolish the -up- Bots Clataada Need 'Title*' to audio that 1ti11 pouted hitt. Ing to then bey of cycles per sec -1
it wee that changeover from redia consider red frequency as Wert. -
per chamberin that province ons,"I don't blame your for beteg pure, and of the oscillations received by
May 1, 1926. Premier Rhodes in- . S• tacKinnon, who haat repent Zled,o 1 cheered him a, bit. "There the set and to consider sunlit fie- Pie 210'
troduced the measure. n o X.egisla• two .Years lit Great Britain in ran- k probably no pert of radio theory quency as the cumber oe cycles per
tive Council is composed of eighteen ttection vaith the affair* of Wembley, that is more °carelessly explained second of pulsations which cora.
members, has now three vacant has created * good deal of discus, than the chance front radio to "pond to the sound waves and which,
seats. of the fifteen members now Mott by his announcement that the riudlo I think ;you've got It pretty with the aid of the • earohones, are
le the council, only two are ,Censer- lack of Candice titles has a bad well fixed in your mind that the •ori• ntudibk to the ear. lie •aid that in •
Our'sttack of Men's Furnishings is always eiyrnp1ete
and Up•To-The•Mirft]te.,
oThte Men's arid Boys' Store Worth While'
,a .cR•:. •1410 •
North Side Square
xx, Wonderful
For Indigestion
vaativea, the rest having been all- eget upon Canadian buaaneas in the emit sound variations or value, are the changeover from radio to audio
Lmperial capital,. There, .•he de
pointed by the Metal 4dministra» carried on. electrb-msgn tic warstver the atlte2•nating current merely 1
e, easier o I thought the sou siz-
tion,• *tares,,; a title distinguishes a man in oscillating anywhere from 50,000 to' one Seg'
social life and nukes it si for
!n re y o,e* Trial Clendieted tike Experimenter •
1,000,000 cycles per second, rtmd. you ed is uP." t 'Sto►tion tar darttkweetoest
Recovering. Laureoties Gold m to do tr beads ith the great recognize this out alternating .cur- "After looker a leg it can't move tondo at Aidgetown.
folk* vthen he meet, them on a bail-
Twenty.live million dollars Korth nes„ 'coals.. Canada ,lase prahibtted rent, bu't from the talk' you Meaty le so :e viftly, 1 seppose," Smith added, .`went} -three steers, averasina-in When your stomach ilia; "laid;
of gold has been rrec0v * d from the its citizens from accepting tinea and ,le certainly difficult to kaon whether and�ya then get & .chance to catch' weight 1,1454 pounds, were ted for when Gas, Seurttess, �'�ou.°ea. or
steamship L4urentic which w4; sunk the old sub act has nos, reopened the current is alternatingt or d • " ' 'tile scions and learn What's going>1:14,.deys;'�ii pRils-a Igat y !goo,. pt. f$crtegting pains Make ;'ou.° 1
off the coast of troland in 1917, The and the debate upon the emu after the detector tube !fes ret* on overr the air.," 1.9f pounds or 81gi grqut�ebs'.p+Jr steer. 'Miserable --a single .telae : nf` ptare•
p va of .. ...
s tip my - e a- a ;arc s ma a at a
, Instant Reelect'! --_..
hi l :s w
coet of the work, which has been it. Next 44 no 194 Nothing tin .7 e. aiat •,t 1*- �' . Ilisurated Magnesia :will bring lro1a
doing on wince 1017, has been candid- titles ie P"aceeding merrily a(g"' ."Th t'a Nat -problem," h d ' ' A liSaad with . 41- B
stably less then seven hundred th
stand dotter,, fi
ou-• matted. " I •can visualize the radio • (Copyright 1926 by The Ullman oast of 8.16 .eests Der "pound, . For Indigestion, the prompt, . f -
r< frequency ,.those high speed oscine- Feature Service) These steers were ted !n ori opren tectivness of this special non -balsa*
Th Muse CI tion, --reaching tit grid pf. the de- ' zh aitd yawls. Si]age sad grain
were fed in 4 manger running the five B181JR4.TFD force; ;of lala,gne,ia
Indians 014114 Syracase teeter tube. I can flee the negative s is real wonderful. Even the most
r r electron, being attracted *crass the .full length of the Skied and bandy to'
A writs, 0f Indians ,n the United by H, C..NAMRLT�N a the tlawlu�tac #hes QcalerwdeNa•. the silo and feed room, she rough-' obstinate eases quickly xxespand,
States has just laid claim to tribal Organise North et, United Gburch . gap to plate of the tube wine A. is ,g, statins Which is being put for-: ate a:mewled of cornstalks and straws' pleasant and inexpensive to else..
lands in the northern part of New positively charged with the current ward by the League of Nations that was ted in the yard. The grain teed- Ask your druggist.
Yet* State, including the whole City ,. ; _from the $ battery; I can clear. ,the year *hall be divided. into thirteen . lac catenated of a mixture tit, cairn,
of Syrat"cuse, au*d totalling two billion PIANO SOCA. ly understand that this 3rrangomesi..months instead of. as. et 'present, Gatley, oats, s;; meal, and Bei bean Sura do s can't think+ --boob: ave vii
e meeting al- meal. The elfin mea was alert- mete th love.
~^-`- means! that 1114 current from the twelve,
looks lie t vett gr with t m I Soy b 1 g a
Odell coffin vias ::covered ever a doliaks. • Said a minister to me seine years 7 el'
pitchy subetence when discovered, •----•-- „plate 'to the earphones can go .only moat universal approval.rye lxhe extra ed is very b t]:1 amount and scrod-
ago, You knew, the ordinary piano in one direction becaus�p, it has been month Weald be inserted between• usafir increased tint the ration to one
• believed to have been created ]*y the Penal Wanted Again soba is a nuisance: I' had to agcy,,. 'ratified by the tube: But mei, wh 2uue ahgl July-,- and it la erg;6estead around per der.; The total grain ra- J.OB i'IttN'FNC: A'y-sri, STAR
• wine,' Poorer' .: into the coffin during Charles Pone!, _ the financial Wix-.. „
the funeral al ca;ren*enies: iti .took „.; Few things•. sound more banal :than do they'talk about this reclined cur.- 'fleecy It should he; known as 841. dolt at the aeauiruencttnent of the
x' ',of labor i xard,. who figured in 3 huge feet- the piano in the bands of a brainless, :rent as "audio frequency?' I It this,seltenne' were; earned into trial was two Pomade per day, this
mouth b r
. e• has blossomed out once sin in than of an artist! --that is si dii%rent mat* used to define the number of eyelet ' an `extra day, not inelud84 in any of potinde per day utter the close 'et the
' ter.' And even to the rest music f y oscillation And, the i
: A Prince A;bdic"' jus been Llama r res . His
.lover, belt s 'mastery of, the .infltrurii» current is converted intea the audie.
to remove t from
rich -quick scheme a Yew years sago, clumsy strummer. But in who hand* thought "fteiltiinicyr tares the' terra effect it would involve the addition of was increased .gradually , ai eight
'the golden surface.
'Florida 'boom and a warrant het;the meonths, Aknoen as "Year Ddy,' -feeding period,. .
t ass a fo his i r t *o an 'trio ,straw day in Leap Year. would.: The *leo+ra consumed a°Tovell of
•A chancing girl buss caused the idle Florida, scheme, he,said, was (levet-, eat far sh o£ . eri�ection" even lie , { ; s Sed o• o in 'ust one &Iso he additional to any month. •i614 tone of silage, ten loads or: corn r
P }pe i#,s uppu t g; d The pian would Sire a Axed ]raster fodder add wain valued L rQ.r 18 Week
rlication of the wealthy sand potter- oped ]n en effort to raise enough can here r m' to an enchanted ga$d- di ection!", •' and Whiten*, and the idea IA appror- market prlg4: The :•total: feedgZ l
gtan a - 9
f�l Maharajah of Indore as news out money to pay balk those who, lost en. For ; tr lye "the, piano, is:the : ere he pointed •to-ontradietory. ed 'tsy clutch dignitaries, leaders of .valuing 'silage at 13.09 per tori and One tit
of Thine indie*te*:.The danentg girl out in his last scheme. arena of` fan!
1*. Mumtaz Begum, once a favorite y, and it is' the intend. statements which . he had .picker„ commerce,"hotel-keepers, and railway [odder at 114:00 per load.
of the. Iidshaura• ah, who erica ed front Want to Fly item, to whom we confide our inneri abet from variiaure t seurcee which certain- . icisies $411.13.rs
Mr value and. • aoug;ht protection • Con*rnanrgler Freie,&• diel Spanish• . assertion, though there seem to . be happen after .. the detector
halrayah attempted "2' kidnap the tic to Brazil in one tuglit, has been fetched, Let be consider, however, 'form •of the current.
Ifiri, and In en attack ulesn aR car in. forbidden to return to $nal i by the
ng with heir 11$0116 route. He has le/Oared that • It will not uesti ed L' think '"I've �ii over 'st e` a ery.ms7nth, acid thrtt eaoli �� eir�deay:.feed�>r><s';1'�G:sb:=:(�lier->s,tthure may �,�• �a��+ ,
_hie' wits ...__ . , be q ori , . I ve be ipuzzled e. yet th LZ��t•17 a .WADE S 1
that the piano war; the favorite °in» am p'bint," 1.°tetel "Smith "but -Pee would come on it9 tour Axed monthly also be constdered a vola eufbeient
ell and the girl badly • -tea>figured.:e y it electSI y g stmt lit r 1>Y goal . Jag meetings . and other gathering* cornu .
will never fly again. • tern --men who thought mid felt. electricians. Its• ser pretty big story, would be made, possible.. 9 r.
File* British gidvernment has indicat:: _,...-_._�
SV'., .. .. Year ,.w2' ..w 1�.+ u.a.ae..ia.a.*ra+rcF ,cooly, (.lees t, per
thoughts. I certainly ltelioye. thus lyr left dorbt its " tolust what did other advantages -,dined• for the The sread between purchase price o
Y417i". 16 .dozen ,
with n wealth'' merchant. The ale- aviator,. who flew across the Atinn- -. many to whom it would. seem far- throw h • with .the radio frequency days, Market -dart:- and 4,*tfer Axed' dyed pounds' li +e 'weight,:
g erents•,would fall on the. salve date. . ; .1'he .gain over coot et steers and MEN}• ALL. WOOL,.
protector, the merchant 'viae murder, *f• he is not allowed to, fly back,•he : s n ,
strum nt of mead all the yea„ num- 0t it i t fro i acct
,dates. .t iso; per>aianent di#ates for raceto corer the cost of lettere-1a Ste" -
deeply. Many were very line plan- and 1 guess there's much : that has
.d to the prince that his position onICtd wood Cb h 'Whether Britain will ever be per
the sr
ilye throne of indole is prejudicial to
gr or a•• ` ore man Isis as well as composer to wit* to be taken for granted but it: will seeded to adopt ,ilei a calendar Is ..
T 'd 'Mil
t n so
,Knighthood' has been . conferred Beethoven, Mozart, Hump el, 11ie1d, ease you .considerably to knots that another matter, An tate/epts to intro here 'us nothing'repulsive in i ill/
the re,t of his st to and he i`etin ,Sizes l p to
, ecu en is g . � � nage ,
. 1 yc.d well after it has passed through the de- .heyve sw'far billed, limn, too. what as pleasant to take as sugar, so
Reg., 6'Sac� clearing dist
o e -runner �tector, whether- yatr use a,. crystal will' the auptrstitiefus ar►Y #at thirteen few children. will reiuso •them, X*t #af" this Weat:�t ofti at
d loco as for this purpose or d detector tube:' 'irnottths 11y 4 yeast same cases they 8ausa vomiting , �
"Finer Smith exclaimed. • "Rut """" through -their action in ,ih unsound 45c per pair or
f •ern the Hien why speak. of audio` frequency stomach, but whirs is only n :nanifes- ,"�, txtrgt for "� r'��r
in Brtwn, Gey, Green,
hateather Lovat
and Black
pnahe the r "ins as upon a% minister in ,Scotland an the Mendelssohn, Chopin, Iesz Rubin- tile current no loner alternatin dues the decimal stem of epitome leas Worni .Powders and they are
q d c f }rower in favor
of his. 4`,t g gnu, min" °wheats 'person : of Right Rev. Dr. Andrew : stein. Handel and Bach p t
Rao Rohm., Who in eiuhtecn years W a l I a c e 'Nililan*son, • for fifteen - on the harpsichord --the f
d ogre:: A i becomes
]l' rag for ln- -Cathedral,. Edinburgh. He i4 chap.1 Organists. • -
dere unfit he beC mss of e
Go`-itt* ' Nlrteb' for - blaanqua t land. • it. 'Giles" 3 the, reheat a ' It hn>; vrhat sem call the >* r t ' udi f A gutta neighborhood m which
the• State Church. Giles"
t :Scotland. p ri eco be.7 your indication that they are nuetfuI.
o_ They ran be t oroug yY ,pen e
*8 Maharajah of Kashmir, lie is 0 clear worms from the ars-
t known.e The State of I5issrssippi witnessed _ eon/ . c n ss, o .t. o mann- a p a ate . • u ,ee, a c ee » " •"
fie*" w o as the t the blackmail
s ail a three-hour exelted debate among Il i h lt" l
A., who figured in the blaekniait � �
-been induced to part wi"h a million they derided by a vote
and a half dollars as hush money on e i s c
a�caunt • of Ms aissoc]iateans with a .
the' schUols of that evolve. io Udell to a .Siano (well played, of rest an , theft to mean pulsations.
pretty emo ies incan.lude leis corona- nt- = German Design for &enotaph . ing, than to any other instrument. '"'Just picture the current conning
Von, ceremonies include Noei:il et'ents To realize this, just 'imagine ha'iwieg in over the antenna as alternating ,
at which there is t, magnificent des. : Winnipeg is very deeply tonccrn- to listen lhoura mid hours every day _ current. Picture it changing, its
play of gold plate and iewels. There ed just now with a . vexing, probiem o sonic' one practisin Would you:direction dtreeti4n . thousands of tunes a. se -
Me. shied, been a state hataquet at which has developed in connection t s• coed. And•regard it As a series of
which Ail the, Princes: of India ote't*ff with the erection ; of a permanent .list prefer to be boxed uli' with a eleetreeal . oscillations. Now plates of tad gold,4•Ad the mem- cenotaph. The competition was won piano than with a player :on. who f You
beers of their staffs on late; of solid by Immanuel Hahn of Toronto anal 'violin, trombone, saxaphone, or ai- ;have the .term oscillations in its
ti he was awarded $50Q for hen Nark. most anything else that could bre - most logical sense end . You can fig -
mentioned'? Of course, one reason - "'-""""""'
Aver. .�.,..� There has been a. strenuous outcry
upon the decision of the us outtee for thee, too, is that the' tone' of the zephyrs playing on the strings rf
• K . piano le evaneaeent,• -that is i
Great Rei eking by as the artist is Ge7.j...baru sand his , t ,lees *Dane invisible fairy hraxp, it almost _
cenoisph etuberdies a Cermnn idea of
away after being produced. This is -.sends one into some unseen world'
war. Public meetings are being held short•comitigo in a sense, •as it •pre• where they dream, and dream again.
21•.e in an effort to vaned the a*oritract lents Ort full a "singing" tone, ate on . The Vals�e to bright and vivacious'
Itie Y and QiCtS cis a tonic, stirring;, the
' ~ ycara the minister of St Giles' of the piano.—but excelled •
a ago lain to the Ring when he is in Scot- The plana d]terb vastly
i a a a a whent r en ins o -oral is. t°' tation of . their cleansing power, no ' •
us i i
' live qzt inside nor income.
alternate '? Flow ran th
,Another Indian scandal is recalled8
by 'the coronation of Sir Mari Singh .
`0914" ono - keen *red to the more pot.
blessed eriod tvhen•nr h hi d d d ROBINS
. ..-� . r..- _
sensuous sound of the violin, ur par- oscillations ht.. direct current?". • Peauo is
Bans Evolution - tecularly the saxaphone. But' this "That's • just where they ccnfu e. 'buy is made enough to believe Bee. , Myon t
vee 'coldness," a ,, r zI f us " 1 explained. ' al d ""Yo - all l
em. "
trial in London in 1024. ilii had its legislators reeentlp, at which
cap t, '"c aatenes . causes it 'to- tricot circuits are oscillations. 15 'is �2
"wear better" than anyoilier instru• the basis upon which radio stands. .•aa•••,••^u� uluoz....il,,,.,c•,/i ... r•••••••••.,u,,•:,•> ,:* .__ .
' of 20 to 1 ' ytii o.
aiwiish the teaching; of evolution in By this I mean that it ie possible Plitt they are using it to mean alt- :'ri: 1
couree), longer, ntid without weary. This- i1 • confusing, and . unneeessnt r
6 to nlent.. But the ternt,is rather vaguely used
other instruments. But this ver '
ililtion btuaisians to CrataMt Ekes geekliess is an advantage in another see again into activity..
• 1 -"ford Childs, ass :fin way. It prevents the abuse of long _ she htendelssohn group is from
1f So Crippled Yoe tent t -ase Armsglishmun, sustained loud notes—a thing too' his, "Sones Without Words:' 'they
or Legs, Rheunia •Kill flelp You chief 'of .a reisaloit tee.. -sting under much indulged in today. Then the are arranged so as to afford contrast.
or Nothing to Pay 1 the League of tiations. ,s on his way piano possesses, eansequently, a tier. The welnioved "S ren Son " dances
_.......�.. to South Amerir4 to srrtingw�a for the A � g �. it
feet de• x d What', ; scherzo ,while e " Cense e-
endgtration to th*t continent of a r ,seen o r4 more on as a s h th "f I
"Get 4 battle of Rhe ata today find million iiusrto refs continent
who .have beautift than that geadusl dying tion" is a very Iegata melody -
Wear 4 satisfied Smile on your facia s
tomorrow. Sia, ran completely •folios- in -until the ,breathing peace. "Hunting Song,*
its at remedy that to astunisbing faintest whisper of .;sound at bast prencer� and gallops. The ntovenient
-, - the whole Country, and it's just as , banishes, before we are absolutely here as irr]sistible, and the melody
'New Gseiat• Ri`s'e aura'of'it-or not. Such beautiful'ef- and rhythm combined- almost-r:riuse--"-..
good for gout, *Oak* and lumbago Red �tk., the new mining district yeti for rheumatism,fects- naturally lend themselves to one to hear and see the S ectiacle of -•
It drives' the poisonous vvaete froth in Ontario, as to lie the scene of the most poetic and imaginative muse,, coursing horses. ' p
the joints .and muscles—Abatis the greatest gold rush since Yukon. it ' and the person who loves beauty, re- My own Nocturne was written •a
secret of Itheuma's euetess. is said in mining circles. fnement, and fancifulness to a high number of yeurs ago. - It seems to
But 'we don't ask you to take'our �� degree, ran find it largely . satisfied be well received wherever l'iyeJ.
Word for it; go to I3. C. -Dunlop or, Served Rivet, &,*federation la the piano. 1 once in 'Toronto, had 41e rather -
saaty druggist and get a bottle of 1 With the death of Arthur II. Sy - If the instrument was played bet. unigre experience of sitting in the
�Rheunta today; if it does;i't de as we i deur recently in Toronto there, pax- ter, 1 believe - people would listen audlenee and beerier; it played by
premise get your money beck. It f sed away one af, the natvt*le figures more attentively. It is a crime to Grace Smith Harris, one of Toronto's
dill bre there waiting. for you. of parhhaneikt*ry life', for he bad use beautiful music to simply rover well-known plenets and lecturers;.•
- � 1 been in the service of the Provincial t t Conveilation, but so much "play- Moto Perpetuo is something in.
Reiter since Confederation, in 18*1 a, ing" is anything but beautiful, that tended to convey' the idea of pe'e'p, - -
Rt bre*m+a assistant clerk of the perhaps the auditors fly to conveyer*- sal *notion, It is one ref WeberTs
BID trance !at thea timer, and in 1007 Watt --tion as a refuge froth rite +noisy' fore- brilliant pigtn4 pieces, and tta 'Spar:•
' Promoted to the position of clerk. e4 upon them, and prefer to make Pause as far ea such a thing is pee,
�� fie hada record of eimeet sixty some sort of noise themselves : But. sable, The pierce never stilts run -
y eters of bond titmice. 4e nit credit. if players knew that their auditors ningK ientil the last thurd h it
been lova] to thy. White cause in Ru: • away o tone -•-so gradual thew no eatr hymn like iii its conetruetion, and
W - ••- - were there to listen 'attentively and h44 to stop, like eiagrtking elate.
they tiros more .*""N '
hull, COW**aril a 1'esrrarsa4.r intelligently, t1i ld be
11 Xing George ix said to have taken *atrerful and not think that *"any old
When y,'o** arc metric* with- , a hand in the re oneillatian s+t 1 thing"" would da
rrtari.awe ave yeas 0*0 hardly got aroawiyentaPrince Carol of Roumania, whe► re- In connection with the coneert
Pam y Bed Peoter Rah saved yeti wilt 1 nerd hie rights to the *crane re- held on March Lith, kn Nnrt'i street
asses fire quickest relief itiOWIL
snit coossetratenea. wee,eretly, and the King and Qorrn of thereto, a ,net at,wbkh 1 wast asked to
tial strc•h
beat se recd tears, Immure core lteea+anie. acrd it iso behoved tit appear as solo pianist, 1 wet id lilac
art as soon as youRedCaret will coon retain to Bucharest to here give a few comments en theIleal, year fret the ttr� Redhaat. in his Ii htfral theraoler. "flte pe- entttirerx, which were as follows
be throe mimeo 'r ' tis, sect lineal panty whkh ass had control fliertmeie•
sad div& el"- 13 ve* me of Itonntantsa for twenty year* a and - Valor ,C lae}sin
t j mait which forced the retie dost#,, of Spring .,coag.
carat, has, jest learn *eaten in the Cena,latienr........... Mendelssohn
ars gad pepper ttal", meth. frees • eie tiers and Carol** a toted.. over ;1lrntting Song
firs. rum inti at arty dr>W which thr quarrel derclep,d, lass • Nottrrn. in 1"... • , . ,Fie C. Hamilton
Vast a imisdaacba awer.titled neck. been upland. _!cite Perpetwo, ..... Wetter
colds for cheat. Alamo , 1'st Geyser* is Walk it la era. of
sasteha ,rear. Be err M1 leriaand ix ;'hMdn a mast *xgetieke
with ties swear Rawles towns Or eta g. see. tel rrestlans, and with :tr, isaunthatt
laved,. Already that country has dreamy melody, "and tippk•liite
--- The "Demme is a cradle sow.
].a N ," iiia' 1r:+±:'al !a• .i!�>:n.' (; ,x,•' �K18lit
rc..n...7.mrrsrn►m -. - 047,•977"'•;•X"."" ArY //..7:r.T F
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