HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-04, Page 8• MENIPIONIONWPIIIIMMalimm.•0.00•000.•_ _ NMI 1111K2r1 • • Bargains in Wallpaper To make room for new goods we kart markell down a number of patterns to Half Price See show window for a few of these Papers, or come in and let us sfiow vouke complete range, including the new4hirty inch goods. Our quality is high, and our prices are unusually low PORTER'S BOOK STORE "0*' the Square for Fort)* Yaws." illtrESTFIELD 1 home, formerly owned by :air. Wm. Ai ndrew, Weat Wawanosh. . 'Miss Minnie Snell :has bsso visit.: 'alias Mabel Walden spent over the in Goderich the past week, I weekend with Auburn friends. Mita Glsdys MeDewell,-42 Holmes-, Mr. Charles Keating was in Gode- vine, visited at her limns or Satin.- rich an business last Friday. day. Miss Olive Govier, of near Auhurn#, concision of get Wawa has ' ,spent #ttinlay 'with her aunt Mr -I. rente4 his farm to Mr. A. &Cul- like.)novier. ., • . lough, of this vicinity, and is moving AO. Wm. Hedger has rented Me, into the vacant house af Mr. James Al: Johnson's farm on the 4th eon. of Wood in Weat Wawanosh.. ,,..s. Past Wawanosh „ . Mrs. Wm. Knox and Itunily, who • Mrs. IL Hoover, of Myth spent have been spending the . poet two unlink! slays last week visiting her weeks with the farmer's sieter, Mrs. aetilsews Mr. 'W. F. Campbell, and A. Campbell, returned to Dungannon other relatives. this week, prior to their departure Mr. Robt. Johnston, Jr., of the 2nd Mr*d Mrs. torn to their home at Limerick, Sask. . e Gross and fondly have moved to their future The Mission Circle will hold their annual mite box opening on the 19th 'March. A good program is being s • prepared. There will be .duets, reelttions, Orchestra music, ete. Home made candy will be sold. Lunch will be served at the close of- the pro- gram. Came and bring your friends and have a good time. COLBORNE .Genend Family -Washing We are glad to report • that Mr. pecan itentson Goderich Mom Laundry sod• Dry Cleaners Hamilton Street , • open MONDAY, 51ARCR 15th Try our dry rorgh finish4t 8 Will Long is able to be. out again t cents per pound t° after a week's illness. Flat -work finish at 60eper dor.. Um. Win. Morrish, of Goderich, is Family Washing no -less titan visiting' at the home of her &nigh $1.00 ter, Mrs. Clarence Walterefor a few ' • , Wealth* called ler and' de- "4144' livered . Mrs. McKenzie, who has been s . I 1 111111111111111111 GODIMICH ft? AR - - district. Brisk kidding and good at the horse of the funeer's brestor, haat. and Albert E The funeral, . THURSDAY, MAM mit Ise& •01.1.00100M014100•Poltot prices prevailed. On Thuredese Mr. Mr. D. Fowler, of Went WaW11404k. width was held on Thursday, Feb. Edo srd and, fondly moved to God.. messrc atomond Drew*. mint Seth, wins coadtwted by Rev. J. R. new home on Essex street. rkh to take up ?cadence in their mogul, snd Harvey weedier, who Peters. interment taking place Da hid been employed Ise the hualeer punka/won eannsterY0 the pall - ring the next few wee 8 The Ladies' Md ef Taylors' Corn- woods near Golden Woe, Wanted !nem* being four brothers of the ere met at the home of Mrs. Chas. on Saturday to Dungasmon. Edward bat wedneeday afternoon The many friends of /dm. A., and hue. sleesseiornd, Robert, John G., 'William Our Store Front will be. prior to her removal from the com- "Asleep in Jesus: blessed sleep, Campbell (formerly Miss Lizzie - presented her • lengthy to reside in Godarich, end patio, ef oakburni, mankobs, wall_ From which none ever wakes to with the following ad' learn with regret of her Sinew dims - * weep, undergoing alteration& dress and an electric iron: Int the pest few weeks, and hope for A calm and undisturbed rep,ose, Dear Mrs. Edward. , Unbroken by the last of foes." ' a speedy recovers'. The time, we believe, is close at Mr. Thomas Elliott, with his she. LEERURN band, when it is your intention to ter, Mrs. Plunkett, and her (laugh. depart from this community to tske ter, jam, returned to Durigannoo Mrs. A. Bennett has gone to De- "-- sifter a **sant two weeks' open for Business • up new home interests. We, . The visit trait to spend sonic time with her s I but the Store' will be Ladies' Aid," and your fortner co* with relatives at Clintea Win ham faudlY. workers, have mot together with You • Toeswitter and Lueknow. Mr. and lira. Tom Bogle of Mid - s enjoy. land, aro visiting .their relailvea bora this efternoon in a social manner, to assure you of our apprecietion of as usual Miss Margaret Pentland i your congeniel spirit and of mu. int a fortnight's vacation at the_ at Present. • helpful essistance and furthermore home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,• Mr. Elmer Bennett and bride were to express regret et your departure A. B. Pentland, owing to en eel- up from Detroit, an their wedding You have been ever ready to ex* demi° of mesa" in the school trm the past week - anal spent the whish h A d tX ' tend the -hand of friendship. In your c she was teac kg on mherst tweeer.le-en wi h r. and re. T. Run- iissistance in the SoCiety work and 181", •interest's:, you were cheerful, faith- Mr. Jes. Johnston waa the .purs Mrs, Harvey Potter and children ful and earnest You hold the bon- chaser of the farm on the 2nd con- left last Tuesday for Iter home in the or and esteem of each member of the cession of Ashtield, 'which was sold West, after a visit of 'three months - society, We cannot fay express at aiietioii an Friday last, the price with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob • - - our feelings and best wishes in being $2,300. The farnt Adjoins tha ert Bogie. • words, so we further impress the one owned by Mr. Johnston and up- Ws: John ChishalMi is in "Gode:. sincerity of our love and good.,• on which he resides. • rich at present, taking care of her will. We ask yeu, Mrs. Edward, to A delightful time was open; at daughter. Mrs.'Stitith, villa under- • --and we extend a very Cordial • invitation to you to visit Our Store during this period, for which we 'are offering VERY please accept this electric iron. the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Reg- went an operatimi in Gederich hos- ` SPECIAL. VALUES Now lie you use this iron and think Man On Friday evening laet, ivben pital, . • of' us, you may know t'i'e see akei merry sleighloa4 of sixteen *len& Xr. and Mrae•Thomae Shields ene many many times. think kindly of and relatives enjoyed themselves to tertained their Auburn and Bayfield • Yon. \.o unitedly wish "You tied the full as their guests. friends last Monday evening to a ' l'ours" most heartily all good things_ • Signed on behalf of the Ladies*. Mr and Mrs. Harry Sheekleton Progrepeive euchre party, the ladies' tPhreizegebnetilnegnian's prize by 14... Marry - 44171104110 e S GRAY CO Ready.To in store for the future. won by Miss Green and rt,„,_„„_,L, Ald of Taylors Comer, • - left last week for Petrone, where Mr, Shackleton has accepted a.posi. After a 'dainty lunch was - • • • Wear • non as agent evith the London Life %teen. , MRS. ROBT. HODGES. • MRS. BittierldIOLMES. Insurance Co. and where they will served, dancing followed, all having: • - :in future reside a very pleasant evening. For they . are "jollSrgOod fellows " CREWE • • Mrs. Charlotte Jlobb was the 7 . 1 . o n patriots in still in.; charimey guest a her sisters, Mrs. Edward I3ENMILLER ' very poor health. and Miss Eliza Marwood: • . f also. her brother, Mr. Levi Marwood. M. Virill Long is able' ta be about - Mr. ltobt. Menary will Neu be out_ and some of her former neighbors again and we trust will be himself again, we all hope. ' - and friends at Donnybrook and St. in a few days. Sam Sherwood sold a fine colt to_ Augustine, for a few daysIt week. Mrs, Ilke, of Wingham, who spent - Thos. Glazier last week, ' - . Mr. Wm. Sproul has beenocenfitteds the. week -end visiting relittives beret Ike Gouley was forced to kill a to the house for a few dais the re- has returned to- Wingham. • - valueble cow last week. Those who got some of the Alberta Wo are glad to report M. Matt. ing to a reneral last week, the hearse coal which carte to McGaw last weesult of a accident. 'Whilst proceedk - Shackleton able toshe up again. . suddenly upset, injuring his legs. are well pleased with it ble to conduct the funeral We P : March Carne in mild; look out at - He was - although uttering somewhat mean- while Mre, Fletcher Fisher and Cann* that bot the last for some rough weather. Mr. John Gauiey visited at Mr. ' Stephens are much improved. and Mrs, Isaac Gauley's, Crewe, last Sevente n tables were occupied Mies Edna Wise, of Clinton, -who weals. •, players at the progressive Mr. and Mrs. John Blake; of pins! d:laytIthConservatory a ,Music, after i h Id I the' h hall on F I recently graduated from the Toren- - MeWhinney last week. ..._ and Mrs' Dave the firevseininagndltor•TdheptVeustergalv: to Snyder, has returned home. • . felting, visited Mr, spending a few days with Mrs. Harr I Y, ' were, Mrs. Thomas Rivett and Miss M and Mrs: e Norman . Shackleton, Mary Park, ladies, and Mr. Jack Play practice is being held ' on of Coo Coo Valley, visited lili. an C Curran and Mr. Hedges, gents. Tuesday and Thursday.- The regus Mrs. Thos. Shackleton. last week. tar meetings of the club are with. The sweet clever growers are A 'meeting of• the. trustees Of the f i all' townehip of Asittleld 'will .be held in dravm for the, prisent, . Tile date o getting their clover bulled and- scar- the ma il ch rubeT d y the play has been set for March 2001. Ified at Raymond Finnigan's. lie is March Dth, at 110 p.m., for the pur- co c a r, en ues a , • 'Willie buzzing Wood at Mr Gus. a hustler. Vanstone's on Tuesday, Russell Hill, i pogo of organizing a toseuship ease.: Miss Helm, our teacher, litho ltas - elation ,of rural trustees, -and' for the had the misfortune to have the littl been off duty the past two months; - discussion of the u ti f "t q es on o own- - finger Of his left hanctcaught in th Is expeeted.bath today (alaiidav) to ship•schea boards" A lull repres saw. - Fortunate y the one was no • HOUSE FURNISHINGS • everything and returnedto. Goderich last Seturday. They will be greatly missed, as they were both jolly good - • . Women?s'Fancy Work . Exchange 1 30 mei wanted- to join the Goderich 'Women's Exchange, One Dollar entitles you to cons n _ tribute Fancy Work or kindred articles, which we .3ell on com- mission. For partieulars apply t MISS S. NOBLE eRmsti EXCHANGE BLOCK • „ •••• AA, FOR YOUR NEXT 'PRIZE RE a GIVE A PICTU. 1 phone 238 Dry amen ,s39 ing at the borne of Mrs, Morris -talce charge of her school leresentation la requested, has returned to her home at Port - You can talk of cold Weather. i Mrs. C. Riven desires to thank her At the meeting of the Official- . t • Mr. Nelson Pierson shipped two one en them .all. When the coal oil their holotseler her m the •"Point-. tended an invitation to remain for - cars -"/ cars of fet Cattle on Saturday laat, imps and bursts the can it is pretty -Jerky • Contest" at - Alton's attire, another year, which he accepted. . - thus Voting her the most popular 91 ) e's ISIbert. Goderich and Lucknovv, but we have many friends and relativci who cart Board BenndHer 6111.4) on Mon- dity last, Rev. Mr. Poulter was ex- Chalet Uses, Camillo's. Tulips, Daltimlib, etc., always an hand Wedding ilmieuets good Floral Work onehort **ties • ORO. STEWART atikons a sou • • 0001,4404. Mr. Pierson, going to Toronto with. near zero. The class which is preparing for Me&• Ida Oke, who hats been with friends in ,Winghans the last few months, is visiting het brothers in this burg. • Mr. Joe Baethler, of Goderich, has bought a quantity of timbee from Jas. etraughan, 6th me, and has a gang of men with teams hauling • • • logs to town. ••.•:. • • • FOR SALE Cy Chestnut Coal Nat OW Si 4 per ton at 1 • McGAW STATION • First Week in March ••••••• Wed* ligoln.tiltit We are glad to see the new awls organized in •Ilenmiller •-United church, and hope in the' near future to be able to enjoy the Sunday School orchestra, there being .quite a num- ber of young people in training. North Zion Ladies' Aid held their monthly meeting. at the home of Mr, Edward. Hardy last week and quilted a nice cloth , quilt, which is now for sale. • While the Indies were sewing it was their privilege to listen to a solo by Mrs. Ches. Robertson, a e ng i. Jas. eas Phone 42 Dungannon gan, also a reading by Mrs. Treble, which were enjoyed by all present. splendid r adi by51' F •t="'"".. Er— (intended for lest week) ra. o • eagan is visiting her - son, Carman, at Nile this week. Miss Gladys Treble is in Goderich kept in stoek. • terest to the readers cse this column, but intends going Friday evening it COAL! Car 4 M. Lamp Pocahontas Coal $13.00 per Ton 'Weighed on Market &ides L. FLICK - the contestants and securing for ber . • ASHFIELD:, the wool Crepe 4ress -offered •teal the e • • Mt Murdocii A. AfacKerizie enter- Sunda sehool • orchestra now one securing the greateet number of numbers, about twenty of the young tained some friends on Friday even. votes. • .•People. It met last Friday for the • -• • first time at Mr. Geo. Baxter'a and Mg- • • , Much excitement preveiled abed this week will meet on Friday night - Miss Andrew, teacher •in Rntrail_ midnight on Saturoay, *nen "ie at Mr. Alden Allen's. school, spent the weele•end with her "Popularity Conteet" at Alton's —..,,..-.....-- parents in Lucknow. • - ..• - store closed. The winner was Mrs. . BELFAST • - • ' - Charles Rivett who finialied with The Women's Institute will meet 0 this week at the home et Mrs, Nen about . 850,000 votes. Miss Edna *Miss Olive-eRilpatriek spent -FA- MacDonald in Kintail. - Fowler was a close second with '337,s day night with •Miss Mary Vint Rev. Mr. Burgess, of Knox College,. 000 votes, it •difference of ,19,000. took charge of the serviceis in Ash-_ We extend tongratulatioes to both endMiswsithlilumryissViontlivsepeKrttiiptahterieskv,eekofs thee° ladies co their...popularity. •.' Mafeking, tleld chinch last Sabbath. A lonnerons 8 -act salty entitled, Messrs. Floyd Campbell and Bob, Mr. Hugh 31aelifurchy, o • f Detroit, stladdy,## will be given by the Mile Helm spent Friday evening at Mr. Spring will soon be here. The March 17th, comraencing, at 8 pane Belfast, spent the week -end at her crows are beck and a ground hog under the auspices of the, Women's climbed up on a verandah on Sunday. Institute. of DUngannoo. Readings home near Rinlough. Mr. Harry MacDonald entertained will bo given between acts by Miss Me. Wilfred Nicholson, of Detroit, a large gathering of old acquaint- E F. Higgins, and music wilt be pent a few days last week et the ancee and friends at hi.s home on furnished by the popular Dungan.: home of Mt Albert Alton. ,. Monday evening of last week. An non and Nile fepiece symphony or* Mews. Albert. Cameron and Jas._ report. an enjoyable evening. chestra. Admission, adults ,i5a, Hackett wereinyingharn on Tihursi children 28e. For east'of characters, day att'enchnir ne annua sae ° spent a *eek with Ids father and Else Dramatic Club, in the parieh hall, John Mullin's. ters at hi's old home in RintaiL Dungannon, eff Wednesday evening, Miss Marion Rodents, teacher, at • DUNGANNON , • an other particulars ice bills. cattle. • Buy your tankage and oil sake as The following annountentent from•The League had ,to- postpone their - •Alton'ts store, where a supply is now the Lueknow Sentinel will be of in- visit to Durtganeon last Thursday, for a few days. Me E O. Duff left this week for both of•the contracting parties being weather and roads permit. Mr. John Vanstone is visiting with Leamington, where he has siouree former residents of this district : Pileasrs. Agnew and lileCool, from Mr,• Thos. Mitch:41, Sr. for a few employment, - - Afarried--In Toronto, on Tutedaye Goderiet who have for the last four • days. Mrs. Plunkeh and daughter, J'eari. hu h Toronto. Rv. Dr. J.for Mr. Baechler, have finished. up re oron y ev. • Feb • 16th DM in St. Andrews weeks en around here cutting logs Iiir. and Mrs. Will Lone Asked at are guests this week of the formerei_;fuer4, the home of 51r. John Treble last sister, Mrs. Chas. Congrant - J. G. Anderson, son of the Sunday. Alias Cora. Errington lute one to a e ' ernes and Mrs. Anderson, of • Dungannon, rind Mary • S. Stewart. Johneton spent Sunday with their position in the Barbara. House. _ Mrs. Stewart of Lueknow ;Ind f Friends want oar Miss Viola Allin and :Miss Laura Toronto, where she hal secured a daughter of the late Walter and Your Family and friend M3 • ° Phone I 78 . ; 14: ond.1,Irs. E. Mitchell visited at *quite suceerisfully last week, good eongratulations, • .o 88Beulah tong. . O. Duff's sale nano off .erly of Dungannon." A•te extend Photmgrapg ono. the` home • of Captain Inkster, o • f prices being realized for everything. Much sympathy is .felt for Mr. and Malce the appointment Today TS .....4 ...' ""1":'""......".. - Goderieh, one day this week. . Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler, of_Mrs. George CoWan (formerly Mies: Morns for a few days this week. Item Pooser, • . INSURANCE Inc ' • Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada um, (i WaTtittOo, itataatioliet see D. D. MOONEY, Aleut Pres:se -250 Misr : G0PLiticif, O. 1 CUSION SAWING wilt los prepared to do Groom Sawing in T. Wallis': Ix oh, hot 3:), Coo. 3, Goderieli Tp.. ia Iktitial pia00., in the early ape* sad wilt ansagek;OrtaliWtXKI A ... t Misa Meteenzie, of Port Albert, is Goderieh were week -end gums, with Edith A ti f I R. R. SALLOWS visiting at the home of Mr. Herb t le formers parents,- 51r. end Mrs. loss they sustained through the • '11)'110%- de/1th of their little daughter, Ethel . a• 4 few of h h tome ter ore guests this week at the home Inenthat. after a hr'ef inn"' '1"3 Mrs. Chas. Robertson entertained • Mrs. Chas. Rivett and.little (laugh- Agnes, • at the age of about four ef Thursday- afternoonethe Indica quilts of the lady's parents, Mnand Mr... than a week of influenza. The fun. ing a quilt. , D. 8. Errington. mat was held from the parents' The pie tocial held in Zion church 'We are pleased to know that Mr. home near Blyth, on Saturdy. Feb. under the auspices of the Zion In. and Mrs. S.- E. Sanderson are both 27th, the serviCe being conducted by si dies' AW, was .quite a sUmess., there- showing some improvement during ' teeds *mounted to $30. he'large crow their.. The pro- the last dew days. Mr. Benson Peetland was in Code- " friends at Dungannon astend lovinBlyth United' church. Their many , Rs? 0 thS• ' g Rev. Mr. Telford, !motor of the , .ettloaktseSOwlivnanyoDot intrijuerset ic for the first time at &miller Union it group of Trail Reiner% at St. ' your Stove or We expect to hear the eew dole rich on -Monday evening, organizing - ni- a :. . church Sunday 'morning and later we George's fAngliess0 thumb. the death took place of Jamea Fers On Tuesday '' inorning. Fele 123rd, ' Furl) ace Me. and Mrs. A. B. Pentland, et- emelt eldest son of the lass James ENTIRELY SMOKELESS _ hope to enjoy the Sunday sehool or. - chestra, there being about ten or • tended the funeral et the Iittle and Mrs. Ferguson of the seventh • ,— - e i more members in training. daughter of Mr. and IiIrs. Gets.Cow- concession of West Wawanoeh, after ' , li gerlig illness of two yeere dur*1 . ti:nrkeptp0Z1Vanileleof nottlp Mrs. D. Glenn and 14iise Laura which were spent in bed. Deceased. 1 GODERICH TO • WNSHIP an, of Biyth, on Saturday last. ation th la t f t e es.; Mr. and Mrs. Ret. Bewerby enter. t, older spent Alk few flap. lest week who wits in his sixtieth year,. was a a ri • • Paper, Curtains and interior decorations. Solvay eat Ness Clot &al Sole Agent for World ssi District • rained some af their friend last Fri. day evening. Mr. Wm. Xenon., who recently sold his farm on the 8thcan . to Mr. G. Proctor, is busily crgaged In hauling wood to town. Attention is drawn to the sal. of , among th., h•Irne•made biking stet leetarday, . 1 floral tArediais was a, Otter tress OP March nth, In Scheefers grocery, Excipt row PhotograPe L. 0. L. of D'olgannoo. His par- - Goderieh, under the auepires of Da Women's Missionary Societe of ecu,who woo ifilikoat Om 4407 Union tharch. No other vesumnibration • ' liktnettitof titre township, pre-dC• • sein 'the m•uch hsepina04 • ceased hint, his snot. her worm 2i, and Favored with fine weather, Mr. his father fivo, tsars. Se it mord.. Mario*rAiwartie auction Pak on ii,_ , ., a4 by two sisisos. Ow Moe" ASeP Tiewloy afternoon of lest week et. '"1" ''" J. T. PELL . and mato., iiii see broom, •ratted most rf the fatreuti of the eseew.....7 . elowese..........., 141*d ()ds tirtit, hi" 01 WM* eav mac of quiet and unasaumino nat- ure, and won tie confkleries and re.„ speet of all with wham IN!. resit in 0113 best friends minket. In religion he was a Meth - can bur anything _ odist. He was a member of the Or. you ran gins them tinge Order **Palm of the Canadian Chtle f • •!' The Deavasal Co. Galeria Ottiiii/NIM I t t *MP 1. 1111,11,M061 01.114‘11•11 Eiteryhody loves Diaturei; and we hove it eplendid BEM, eub- •lecte. to suit all; nicely framed; from 36e up. A picture would •••nePPreeeitteti. •• Seidl's. Art and Gft Store ust st.. tOS WE HAVE Ir New and Used • Stoves, etc-- - ,in fact everything for the • home, We .positivelit! Save 'You Money. • This is your store. Use it, HAROLD BLACKSTONE'S 'FURNITURE EXCHANGE • On the Broadway of' Goderich - s 41.11.11111"1"1"11.11111.111111111.112_ Hamilton Street Eitorit3 • Complete line of gentle- naen's and ebildren's shoes. • Come in and compare our prices. A. cmsriovst nommosommummomommo R q,clio Set Owners Attention! All owners of Radio Sete in Goderich and district are invited to join the • Goderich Radio ,Associatiou Annual Membership Fee 50c , • .11 up any of the • font:swine officers REV. E. C. ELLIOTT. lereeident - C. A, REID. Vice-Prestdent CLYDE CARTER, Secelremester 1,7 Like Being gluided Money ••• ingclothes Get aur Cl eanc pressed at Vrootnan's—you get much SaffsTiErtoriiit of them': They :oak just like new. 'Wench French Dry Clemin Webs ° Prosibt and Expert Service J. a• VA0OVIAN Phone 122 warn sow to•• 44.1.4 II IIiIII,IH4 FURNITURE • WHOSE COMFORT WELCOMES YOU That is tire kinti•yelsioh.will greet • you when yOu call at our store en a. visit of inspection. Solid comoo,•• fort combined with up-to-date stYlV."'', and finish and it du'rebility beyond compare. Theries reel value in every Piece. . . •ihr111.0.1•4•1•II • j. R. WHEELER Furniture • Funeral Director liainitteti &root FOOT COMFORT IN 0010 WEATHER FELTllOOTS and SUPPERS OVERSHOES 60LOSHES LUMBERMEN'S RUBBERS MOCCASINS SOX ETC. Everything to keep your feet warm and th:. during the severe winter weather. A complete stock of Vaal*, Cialk4e4s, Solt Caw, coarct Hillt461114.• A call solkited. MORNS SHOE STORE THE LEADING SHOE STORE Thies its GOODUCH 13 t - e- • i =