HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-04, Page 74
Hotel Tuller
SOO Room - 800 kik
$2.50 per Day and ell
Arabian Res4urant
Gothic Grill
Tea Room
Giumeel Manager.
. • •
Emma or Solt Rheims
• Allowallollost Day or Wight
• Emma, or salt rheum as it is to*.
wide exiled, is ono of the most ligtal"
isg of *U skin dismiss. •
The. lateen burnieg, Stelling and
smarting, especially at night, or where
the parts are exposed to heat, is il-
*on unbearable and relief is greatly
The most reliable and effective
remedy we know of is
ses**"--m- • This prepamtion hoe bee e on the
""7•Intirket Tor the past 47 year, and will
do all we clam for it. Your nearest.
• druggist or dealer sells it. Put up
only by The T..Milnurn Co., Limited,
eftronto, Ont.
iluellialoalleallialltiMMIMUMINIMMINNINIMIMMOMMOMMINIMINSO I thasskful ts ig. tss this work. 1
4 tug fariii, simi stroletil uf jci" %brae %ale. ." the v as in "us,' aertnt o
a is u I
nda. y A ternoon to suffer. if necessary. I seine with Duke. Pre:mince the a as
I, Chriat As Se ems MG skis work! Wednesday. Pronounce Went -day
' te surer, so He wilt sulks u* sarong Standard says Wentedy.
retitle dee e •
this meow: Whatever God sidle it."
a ,h 'MAU F),Y, Goletich, Oat. upon ion to do, lie will nelp n.e to de Xylophone. Pro.!•uti:e sehefse
the i as in "ice " not as hi "it,'
liglatiallallallarlat0401111111111111111411111111111041111111111111110111011111MIMMIX1111111110111 Its and. so tiiiirinot.-
• Jout said: ' stand, fort'i before Accent fine syllable.
0 Lord and Master o. i43 'A 1 ! consolation was to be found et this' y ---,
ou a prang an, to say rA fev.? Gladiolue Pronounse the i ae it
Whate'er our name or 9ign, 'n in in "nniktnee in " and in Kim; • words,.to you, ray elders. While in "no," o as in "no," u as in vus," an
We own Thy sway, we hear Thy call, and he intimated what tie had so Fiji, I heard words from New Chime- fovea the ii or the i as in "it," um
We test our lives by Thim. amen told them and the Jews that calling for help, and I said, 'Let me accent the o.
Our Friend, our Brother, ere our +here wax an indissoluble union b., give it.' I was told that they right Wurde Often Misspelled
Lord, Wean hint and the Father: end that kill and eat ua there, but I was not Snieturtium. D" * '
mmty tdi, not de)
n his dying he wss just revine afraid to meet that. It is gladness '
'What may Thy service be ? — Goddess (two d's, two s's). Ten
Nor name, neat form, nor ritual word, .
rom one apartment of God'a uni.ver. to me to take the Goopel of Christ tc slow Mon not tion. Adviser ter, no
al dwelling•plaee to another, weerc those in darkness. It is all right er).' Ira:obi..
But simply folloviing Thee.
J. G. Whittier. their behalf.
he had work of another kind to do on vete mei
Heneri mid: "My twill rejoiccs tt ,
PRAYER Though about to leave them, he look upon you today. It is 'rue thnt Disclosure, discovery,
Thou art the Way. the Truth. the would not elways be abent. lie we differ. We are black, you arc revelation, exposure.
Lite. Grant no that way to know, would come again at the day of judg-, white. but our mouls are the same Oprosition; rivalry,
that Truth to keep, that Life „to win nent, and gather all his Weigh te . and we arealike also in faith. We antagonism, emulation,
whose Says eternal flow. Amen. himself, and they shouldb‘ ever :with have therein away
•Though Je8(18 had so often told
Our country to do this work, and He Impvlse, impetus, incentive," mot
our home.; and hindrance.
S. S. LESSON FOR MAR. 14th. 1925
them of his approaching death iand who loves ne and died for us, will ive, incitement, instigation.
•eserrection, yet it seems they did care for us where we go. It N (Mr Reparation, atonement, return. re
I lawn TAtle—Last Words of Jesus s
mind to . endure any suffering. and compense, expiation, rsconsilitition
!With His Disciples. - not•undeestand him. Nor did they pee' which men may eke tee hi or. compensation, restitution.
Leo" Plnnre"'"Uhn' eln3' "4" fully comprehend him until after his der that. we may serve our Lord," Magician, wisard, enchanter, sots
GOlden Text-4ohn 14:6. resurrection. . sorer, conjurer, necromancer. 1
Barnes...in his commentary on the Thomas confeaaed his ignorance •Blemish, defect, fault, imperfect.
'New Testanient says of these, chap- and Jams Main patiently explained • ion, stain, taint, tarnish, flaw, de.
ters: "The disciples had been great- hl* meaning, showing Min' that we - fortuity, blot.
ly distressed at what he had said, are ignorant end he alone :an guide
had` indicated their diatress to nun hisemerita that we can be pardoned; Li • . e •
-or their exetessions; and he proceeds lighten us. By W L. Gordon lary .by mastering one word each
now to administer to them such con- w on emirs Said he was the way day. Words for this lesson:
G. W. Doane. him.
Our Weekly
essons in English - "Use a word three times and it h
In some manner by their eountenance we are blind, and he alone can en-• yours." Lot US increaseaur vocable.
Word Study
abOut leaving thein. • Perhaps they us; we are sinful, and it is only Ile,
solation as their circumstances made to ti[Father, Philip said if they• ' GRAVITY:' setiousneas; import.
. proper. The discourse in the 14th could only see the FatherWords Often Misused , ance. "The gravity of the situation
Astildrianie a1out
tymay xattifIkife41
Mother Graves' Worm Extermieite
Tourist: "Give me some :ed oiL"
Mechanic: "What do you want for will drive worms from tne systs
without injury to the ehild, because
red oil gar?" its action, while fully effeetive, is
Tourist .. "'My tail light went not
0 G
011110.1'8U (ory
'e„. resoful thater need pre - FOR FLETCHER
partaking of the supper, That inand called upon him to e'cereise Don't say "they went over 'S
chapter was delivered, deubtless, be satistle,d; to this Jeaus replied that Don't say "if I were her, would
calls for action
while they were sitting at the table, the sight of him is the sight of God not do itCAINIPRESENT; everywhere esyou no lot*." Say "If I were sue
the two following chapters, and the faith; faith in him and faith _in his bridge." Say "they went across thc „is omnipresent." tend, to be hard boiled.
the sent at the same time: "God's love,
• Prayer in the 17th chapter; were works, and showed them hew faith bridge." FORMIDABLE; exciting fear;
while they were going to the Mount and prayer were the foundations up- Don't confuse, "device" and "de. dangerous to encounter. "But from
of Olives. There is nowhere to be en which they could receive power to vise." "Device" is a noun meaning
-found a discourse ao beautiful, SO •work. Then would .they do greater a contrivance. "Devise" is a verb
-tender, so full if weighty thoughts, works than he had done, for he was meaning to contrive.
and. So adapted to produce comfott. going to the Father and would send Don't say "she received ' let of
It is the consolatory part of our re- another who would abide with thou gifts," or "lots of gifts." Say
- ligion. In the ease of the disciples always. • With such consolations did "many," or "a great many," •
there was arch to troubles them, he soothe and inspire his -sorrowing Don't say "the two pictures are
They were about to part with their. disciples, putting thoughts of 'his both alike:" Omit "both."
beloved, tender friend'. They were own approaching death away in the Don't say "not one .ef the books
to be left alone to meet persecutions background. were read." Say "was read."
wealth, without friends, without hon- • WORLD MISSIONS - . "Cno”"*fit the subject and is singular.
and trials. They • were without ,
A party of Fijians were going as 'Words Often Mispronounced
bro. And At is not imerobable eliat
mis. sionaries. to New. Gainea. ant! erne
they felt that his death would over- F e b i uary. Pronounce Feb roos
. Britain and the simple, heart felt
throw their plans, and demolish all; the oe as in "tool,' the a as in
words of three of them spoken At. a. "day,"
their "schemes, for' they had not yet ,". the i as in "it" Don't Pro -
farewell meeting' made u great bre.
fully learned' the doctrine tbat the nounce second syllable as "you."
• pression on the audience. •
Messiah must suffer and die. Facetious. Pronounce ea-so-sliuti,
• . James said: "I am greativ ' -lad
The Saviour, in the .begimung or (-• the 'a as in "ask " the second syllable
to be here With. you all; and I am '
his discourse, told. them that. their
Good ter ifr
asy Lessons in m,
tYse Mhiaras—the-ever-relf-
bleremedyele deaweaut•the
inflammation, eases p in,
bring(' speedy recovery. ea
:•ir .4 •
It makes
diem smile—
tes sure
worth vvhile.
New' Series hie WYNNE FERGUSON
author of lerguson on ciuction Bridge
Me •
Article Pro. 1,1 •
We cannot all hold good cards but' now bid three diamonds, A passed,
• we all can hold •our tempers. Many Y bid three hearts, B and Z passed
a game and rubber is lost by bad and A doubled. • All. passed and •A
. .tempra4 an inexcusable fault froni opened the king of bpades, Blow
every angle. The writer saw this should Z plan the play of the hand• ?
well exemplified the other night. Hand No. 2
• Two fairly good players had cut to- 1earts—K.J,S,2
• gether for several rubbers and were Clubs—A,3,0,3 •: •• Y :
not only holding bad cards but also Dikmonds—?R,J,7,0 11 :
• getting bad "breaks." After several Spades -7 : Z
such hands, one of the players lost -• "•— --- —
his temper completely and began to Score, YZ 10, AB 0, rubber game. Z
blame his partner for their bad luck. dealt and bid three spades, A and Y
This .naturally didn't help so they passed, B doubled and all passed.
went from bad to worse. Finally What should A lead ?
after one hand in which a very bad ' . Hand No. 3
and• unexpected 'break" of card: Hearts—A.9,6,2
• caused a big loss, ifie hot temporec • Clubs—K,J,8,4
Dub and floe Liverg
Rack Stables, Etc.
Montreal Street „
• Just off the Square
'Busies Meet *1111.41ns and
Passenger Roots
Paissengers called for In tiny
part of the town for ail
trains et O. T. R. or C. P. R.
PrornertService and
'Careful Attendance.
Our Livery end Hack .fiervice
• wile be found up.to-date
In edery respect.°
• •Ars Was
VourPatronage Solicited
Phone 107 Montreal Street
The Water and Light Cow -
wish to purchase seine
° good, straight, -sound
thirty (30) feet long,. with
at least seven (7) inch
top.. Poles to he deliver,
ed in yards at Gocierich
()notations received on
Any quantity from
five to fifty.
• Icor any further partien.
lats apply to
J. B. KELLY, Sept., Galeria
L L. KNOX, Secy, Goderich.
lc... MU II lin MAW 1111.661140■61111111111:61Malliii
every meal
: player Said: "Well, partner, l. have
' - ------ : lost all confidence in you." '. •The very
o44:44-#4444.44,14.ixt.e.ivot, ' next hand, the partner mads an in-
' ! fonnatory 'double . but the hot•
tioznIoNGosect areStuffed
Count. fifty! Your. cold in head or
catarrh disappetrs.' Your clogged nos.
tills will open, the air *tamps •of
head will clear and you can breathe
freely.' No more snuffling, hawking,
InlIlOhIs discharge, dryness or headaelie;
no struggling fur breath at night.
ttet, a, small bottle of Ely's Cream
Bair* from your druggist ^and apply a
little of this- fragrant antiseptic cream
in your uniting. It penelratea through
even, air passage of the •head, soothing
and healing the swollen or inflamed mu-
eotts nierabrane, giving you instant re.
lief: Head colds and catarrh. yield like
magic. Don't stay stuffideip and inisee
. is sura •
Two Illere Cases of. Feadaine 111-
• aessItslierecl by Lydia E. Pink-
114111161Velkehible Compound
Barrington, N. S.—"I had terrible
- feelings, headaches, back and side
aches and pains all over my body. I
would have to go to bed every month
and nothing would do nui good. My
husband and my father did my work
for me sii I have two children -and
we have quite, a big place. I read in
the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and then got a
little book about it throegh themail
and my husband tient to Eaton's and
got me a bottle, and then we got
more from the store. I am feelmg
finer now end do all my work and am
able to go out around more. I tell my
friends it is Lydia E. Pinkhiim's Veg-
etable compound that makes me feel
so well. "--Mrs.Vicsros RICHARDSON,
Barrington, Nova Scotia.
Dull Pains in Back
St. Thome, Ont..- took four
bottlee of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compotmd and found greet
front the dull, heavy pains in the
smell of my back and the weakness
from which I auffereti for five years
after my boy was born. After taking
the V. table Compound and usin
Lydia E. Pinkbam's Senative Wash
am feeling better than I have for the
put seven year*, sad waviee iny
crieedsto take it."—Mrs•F.Jonsisoet.
*am Street, St, Tho*nss, Ont.
11411111111 •In, p/...^' -vat
pored one refused to bide saying: "1
knovv very well what -yeti want nse'ti
do but I'll be hanged if I follow. you
ismorant orders!' As a requit of
this childish loss of temper their op-
ponents wen te • game eind •• rubber.
'Don't allow .etourself to lose. your
temper at the card table. Thole 's no
better way . to lose not only you
Money but also your friends..
• Several of. the hands that caused
this strong difference of opinion,
were. rather interesting. and -.instruct-
ive. • •
Hand MeV'.
• Hearts—,5,3
Clubs -n-10,
' • Dianiondi-e-0,3 •
'""'"•• • ees : A 11
: Y :
Diamonds—KO ARO1
They -are not tricky but usual, ordin.
Spades—none . ary hands that come up sonstantly,
No score, first game. Z dealt and
Study them over aed •be seedy to
lid one heart, A one spade and Y and compare yew- reasoning. with the
. B.. passed. Z bid two diamond.: A writer's 'opinion.
' two spades and Y and B to.aSsed'.- 'Z • -
• Diamonds -7 -
Spades -9.7,5,2
Clubs—A,10,7,2 : Y
biamonds--c-A,8,4 •• B :
Spades -8, 6 .• 7.
these formidable censors I shall op -
peal -to you,"
- INSASTENTLY; with emphasis •
and persistence. "The buildings in
the - village • stood out „insistently ' . .
' Is, I M U LTANEOUS; occurrin'g o•r anking-by- - Mail -. • .
more by the •iirthority of "their posi., ••1
tion than by- their' size."
. • .
everyone. to deposit their savings in this /lank. interest is -2, •... •
existing at the same time... "Three
dayeelater; two offers came simultan-
SYMBOLIZE; to have ,a typical re-.
semblance. "It was an object which
to her symbolized the new era into
which she was about to :enters"
tt • .
• • now over,t; 21, 000,000.
Daily Except Sunday •...=
tee. Goderich 6.00 ann. '2.20 p.m'. ; Province of Ontario., ., .
. • . .
" " Clinton 6 25 lien. 2.52 p.m.
" Soaforth (1.41.an:. - .3.12 p.m.
" •Miteliell .7.01 a.m.' 3.42 p.m.
Are: Stratford. -7.30 is m. 4.10 p.m. ' . .
.• .
Kitchener 8;20 ROI). 5.20 p.m.
• Guelfilt • 8.15 a m. 5.50pen. ,
" Toronto • 10.10 ton, 7.30 0 ni.
Retie nine— Leave Toronto 6.45 a.m..
12.55 .in. and 6 05 pan - - - ' 1
Parlor Cafe car, Goderich • to •Tor. I
onto, on morning train. and Toronto:1
to Goderich.6.05 p. m. train. . . . :.
Through coacir.Goderich to Toronto.• i
• P. F. LAWRENCE & SONS • •'
rown Passenger and Tickets Agents'
'Phone* • •
The security atTorded by the Province of Ontario Savilgs
Office, together with tlu tacilities extended by every Post • ".
Office in Canada and other countries, make it possible for t •
• allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full checking privileges.
The conlideiftelfie rural communities have sluswn in this „
Sank, is indicated by the large increase in depo,:ns, which are '
• All deposits are guaranteed by the government of the
0 •
Remittances should be made by Post Otlice money order,
"express order' or registered letter, and should be addressed to
your nearest Bratfeh, where they will receive promPt .attetition.
Province of Ontario Savings Office
Head Office 15 Queen's Park, Toronto
Tefonto Breech Offices
Cor. Bay and Adelaide Cor. Unisersity and Dundee' Sts.
• 519 Danforth Avenue •
• Other Branches at • •
Hamilton, St. Catharines, St. Marys Pembroke,
Brantford, Woodstock, Owen Sound, Ottawa
Seaforth, Walkerton •Newmarket and. Aylmer.
rice Reduced $275.00 I.
Standard, Six Sedan
coonere, -fiSpade, A and Y 'cunt World's.. most powerful • of
. .
No srst' game. Z denit rind
B bid, two diam6nds. Z, two spade* • .
• •
•and all passed. A -opericd the ate of. its size'an weight
. • • •
A three diamonds, Y three *ides
diamonds and all . renew:- What
should A. now lead to the s.eesini
Hand No. .1 • ,
Mohair Upholstering)
Ilearts—E,7,5,3 ----- ow ONLY Clubs --7 : Y • . $2040000
Diamonda—A,K,J,S,3 • : A • B : •'wee% Upholstering)
• Spadei—J,7,6 : •: • • -.••DCLIVERED N GODERICH
No/score, 'rubber genie. Z dealt and
bid one. club, A one •dilimond,- Y .
heart and H ape spade. 7, now bid
two hearts, A two spades, Y three
hearts and B three s.pades. Z now
• bid four hearts. What should A now
bid with the foregoing hand!'
An analysis of these four hstels
• ' will be given in the next artiele.
Hearts -10.0
Clubs -1003,5
. , aromirirb•••••••••••-••—•
• V.
Answer to Problem No. 7
Hearts -4, -1, 2
Clubs—Q, 7, 2
Spades—Q, 6
; A II •
• Z
liesirts—Q, 10, 6
Diamonds— E, 4, 2
• Spades-'7
There are no, trumps and 7, is in
• the lead. l'iow can YZ se play the
.hand that they will win five of ths
• eight tricks against any defense
The solution of this problem Las al.
. ready been given but a possiblo de-
fence by 11 was suggested for Ilsialp is
At triek one. Z should play the king
of elubs and Y ahould piay r (sen.
Z should then follow With the !,even
of spades. • A Should win this bit k
with the king. It up.; Au.twet.to?
that A should now. play the kites ei
hearts and fellow with the eine. If
Z playa the are of hearts on A's king
and wins the second round fI.eatE
Diamonds -3.10,11,1,3
Spades. -.-none
with the ten, YZ can only .vin four
tricks for Z will have to lead di: ne.
onds to B's hand. , NA hen A lead th
king of hearts, Z should ploe the
ten of hearts and win the retired
'roma of hearts with the lusee. lit
should then play the king rd dime.
ends and lead a low heart. .% mire
win this trick with 'he ,itacl, of
' hearts. No matter what he nee
'leads, Y must make. his 'Iwo
clubs and quit n of apatite. • This
variation is very instruethe Led;
should' he carefully mita Play it!
out and notice the proper play by A
and. Z.
AME fine quality throughout. Same complete equipment.
• Newlow price nytdeposvibin by One -Profit savings and.
• 23% salts i is:2113 int)25 ‘Ithough the industry as
a sVhoe increased only 18q1). A. suprem, value before
nowan even greater value because of this important reduc-
tion in price. Come and inspect this fine car today or phone
• us and we'll bring a Stindard Six 'Sedari to your home. •
F. H. WOOD, Godench
Phone 403
- . •
. .1- .•
e • . .