HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-04, Page 5111 IIII IIII II IIII II II IIII TMEIMIDAY, MAA CK 4ti. 1111. NEW Light Ray Electrical Process of Recording Brunswick Records NEW RECORDS NOW IN STOCK Hear Sleepy Time Gal (Nick Lucas Prisoner's Song (Vernon Dalbart) Specially Low Prices on Brunswick Phonographs. CAMPBELeoL'S DRUG STORE PHONiE GOOErUCH AnOMPRIMISMIL Ye'ltaii . of Gaderirk see ethen- bene c M6Arsaht Alert +S.eurty at last week for a finery dgtare. 1 The Women's Mist/Moaar7 Society held their regular meting in rho I hall last week, with a good attend- autce. I T. H. Wilson and A. C. Clark un- loaded a ear of Alberta hard cunt one • day last week and are expeeti*g s another car this week, Miss Nellie Clark and Wm. and Fordyce Clark spent an eveaing this week at Mr. Conrad Stewart's, Nile, and report his radio wo•kinl; fine. daughter end Mrs. Reg. Ryan' and son, Elwin, are visiting the latter'is s i a ter and brother, Mrs. Fred Sebwant, of Windsor, and Mr. Lloyd Young, of Detroit. IN BEHALF OF MRS. COOK R. R. No. 1, Goderich, ..:.1 1 '. ' .. l c einesemie arse 11 AI T%. _ _ , a i _ ..1 \.3,f .. sA.,:_.,... _ I i.. , „ Feb. 19th, 7.92'3. AUBURN The annual meeting of the Auburn The Editor of The Goderich Star. Mr. McIntyre, of Dungannon; paid branch of the Updper Caned% Bible Dear Mr. Editor, -^-No doubt the ee will anti gavial visit to the village the church Auburnwas ,onrthe n tevenine g of. mm innttain 'their stand inPerkii msanctioning . former part def thisweek. Monday, Msrc3i 1st. The officers for Mrs. Cook to carry on her little tier - 'Mr. Wm. Waite, of Goderich, cal- the ensuing year are: Pres., Rev. ist's business, but as Mr. atatd Mrs. led -.tai . old gomPlielens of fernier W. Hawkins; vice pre*" Mr. George Cook are honest, respectable people days in this locality hist week..._ __ , IBaitliby, seeetreaa:, Mr. Chan. Strait=--aud--•areehringing-.up_ .bur finer chit - Misers. Jelin J. Wilson and .'Robert ghan. Rev. Der. Barrington, of Tor- dren to he splendid citizens, we want McGee attended the meeting of Pres- onto. representing the Society, gave to say a word on their behalf bytexy ata Clinton ton 'Taeeday of this a very interesting and instructive It is a great convenience for visit.. wake' address, which was much appreciat. ors to be able to purchase flowers at, Mr. Russel King has sold his house ed: Mr. Harrington left on Tuesday the cemetery gates, and we under - in the village, to. Mr. Shepherd. Mich- afternoon for Londesboro, where he stand that, although Mr.. Wells and Tolson. Mr. Nicholson intends re -will address a similar meeting. Mr. Morningstar are both ratepay ,moving 'the house to :his farm, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. and Misses ers as well as florists, neither of • Mr. Johnston has sold, his farm, on Freda and Rae Andrew, who have these gentlemen has either directly the 2n4 concession of ast Wawa-• lived in this vicinity for more than or Indirectly attempted to injure er ftfteen years, were the guests of terminate Mrs. Cook's business. Hash 'to Mr. Nisbet, of Bel et of honor at social held in the base- When Mre-Cook, through illhealth on He Rets 'possession the _ 1st ofwas forced to take outdoor work, the Marcie• inept of . x eiiureh last Friday evening. After a pleasant time committee appointed him to 'rids pres- Clavi eta.. time; !.went! asat.t4Inuv was sleet to that Goderich hand, a imam Sewer hiders wigs provided fer the anhii ra' isemorial: during the saeaaser these were kept filled with flowers; and a wreath for the memorial was presented en Armisthc Day. Tiro Chapter responded to the fal- lowing roomette: The War Memor- ial Fund, The Navy League, flag fo- ie neral seined The Chapter at precept lees" piens under way for equipping a children's room in the Gaderkk •public ' library - Officers for the ensuing year fol - kw: Regent pro tem, Mies Josie Saunders; vice regents, Miss Irene Saults and Mrs. Harold Taylo. ; sec- retary, Miss Ann Wurtele; treasurer, Miss Etta Saults; standard -hearer, Miss Rose Fox; councillor, -•Misses Edith Williams, Claire Reynoldk: Julia Lewis, Olive Allen, Dorothy Ducey and :Clair Hays. RECEIPTS 1925 Feb. 1, Salience on hand.... $ '399 72 Feb, 6, Net proceeds from concert..... ... 41 70 May 7, Net proceed* from .concerts ••• 105 10 Apr. 24. Net proceeds from rummage sale....... 114 Int Apr. 30, Bank Interest • 4 76 June 1 Donation :Mrs, Les. He) 5.00 Fees for year ' . 11 51) Oct. 3,• Bank Interest....... 3 99 Nov. Net proceeds ' from rummage sale........ 113 25 1926 can. 20, Net proceeds from carnival............ .8 27 Mr. Oscar Winmill; or Goderich, spent in games, contests, etc., Mr, eat position, paying as salary $800 . made a trip to the village end neigh- and ,Mia. Andrew and daughters a year, with the use of the cemetery, lborbood last week, renewing old ac- were presented with a handsome quainttances and visiting associates wicker, chair, accompanled .with ani pI foraterdays. • address of' appreciation,` from the At a meeting in the Union church' members of the United :Murch and last 'Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. many,, old friends and neighbors. Andrews. •were presented with a Mr. and Mrs. Andrew replied feel - •41141. ;- ori- the eve of their departure ingly, thanking the friends for the 'from our 'midst. • • • . kindly words and remembrance, and tart week while Mr.Oliver Ia►c•s- expressing regret . at leaving such on -wag hauling logs 'across the river Pleasant •assot:iattons.. •.Taus ing their from •rho lslanil, his •horsee> broke residence here the family •have --been through reds 'ice and he lead quite a members • of Wesley, formerly the difficulty 'in .getting the team out of Aubeern . -•Methodist church, and in the 'wetter. partieulere Mrs. Aindrew and Rae, Last Monday evenin the nnnuaI have been active workers in the Sun - meeting of the 'BiblegSociety was day school, r' League, and W.M.S. held in the 'Baptist church. Owing They will all h a bedso Ally.missed nit d from to 'the etormeemtening, the meeting Mr . ndrewhas .sold his farm and wits not as large as could be expect: ed. • bought a house in Goderi'elr :Brock whither, the family will :move On Wednesday of this week Mr. $ Andrews hod his sale sand on Thugs•. next' week.The best wishes of the whole •community ;go with them.to day* be intends removing to Gade- their new home - rich, where' he intends makin• g his AUBURN FAWNERS' CLUB. cottage, and although they later rats- 1925 ed this sum t o„, $850 it .was soon ' found - inadequate to meet ',','he ex- Apr. 3, Books for plays. , , ,$ pense of decently maintaining their See. supplies for year.'. small children (whose.well. clad lit- Furnishings for Maple tle figures look better around the Leaf ward...„ ... cemetery premises . then •shabhier June 23, Interest on hospital ones„ would). bds. , ... t ,. Sornething . had to be done to aug. Oct, 10, National War Nem. ment the income and in 1922, when oriel Fund :w Mal PM A few Iinerou will I6e interested in daring House-C1eanin Season 32 Inch English Art Ticking, Blue ane! R'i e•striues. These gods have been very difficult to get for some tinge. They are guaranteed fast �C t;olor, and feather proof. Our price per yard,... >. d - q2 and Sr inch Linen finished Wabasgo Shoeetingr. It yon appreciate gea'ii1 fled Linen you will be pleased with Hecate We have just received q, few new lines of .fancy ��� �O ��� ���� Bath Towels, ranging i 'price front ..,.-<. We would like to show you our new lines of Table Cloths and Napkins to match, also Table Linen by the yard. 36 Inch and fi4 inch Oyster Lulea. These are new arrivals- and are-Trltlt:ir ilyd►:= demand for Fancy Work. F. E. HIBBER T THE CASH STORE PHONE 86 $ 8t17 47 �,�y j. ��i�,,{ u vy�,,y EXPENDITURES A ■ E WW�\ifs ■��t ■ F i ■ M ��A Tt V >• • S ■ `W Mrs. Cook applied to the committee, June. 23, vases for• War permission • was granted to her to Memorial.. . sell and also raise flowers on •the Books for school prizes premises, • Oct. 10, School flag.... ; She built the little 14x10 .R. green Oct. 10, Goderich ' Band house, where she raises. the' greater Dec. 2, Navy League...... part of the titterers and She "imports” Dec 9, Memorial wreath... from Brantford only •.such saliplies Dee. 9, Shoes for poor as are not obtainable in town. Dee. 9, Christmas Cheer, These flowers she sells either dir- ect to customers or uses to decorate Oct: 28,Net loss from lecture the 30 or 40 graves in her custody, 1920 incidentally enhancing the cemetery. Jen. 6, National Fees - 35 Mitchell,' k basket apples; Miss Esth. Always Ready end Reliable.— • 8 57 277 29 Henderson, 2 drinking glasses; 3rd Thome 1•:electric Oil. Simply rub in ] wig Book pupils, Central school, $2.25; it on the sero spot and it is quickly 143 00 Mrs. Wm. Doak, 1 jar. fruit; Mr; J., absorbed by the akin,. Its healing, Felling• Pipcless 1 u:nd'.'tes •in ,t LQt4tb W. McEwen, grocer, 1 platter; Mr: power is conveyed to°the inflamed, of 9,000 population. I had no prev- ere Hume, $2; Nurses' Alumnae gesso- Practically all pains arising from ia- ode $3,500 elation, roses; Marjory and Dorothy Iiammation can be removed ,with lir, 60'00 W. Webster, Sr., 1' jar tomatoes; Me. tissue which is quickly soothed. W. Heitman, roast of pork; Mrs. G. Thia line old remedy is also ,i ape�'t- •12 9Q W. Black, 5 jars fruit;. Mrs. E. V. flc- for all manner of cuts, arafehes, ions experience, and hail uo. idea holo easy It le to rell.Furr:,i;ee en year new' plan. fi 00 Lesslie, cheque $3; Maple Leaf Chap. bruises: and sprains. Keep, a bottle I • CHAS. • TI:NI:YCK1•:. 00 ter, a're'ect'bliair"far the Maple. Leaf handy always. • • (Addresii on requet;t).,. 50 00 ward. - The upper clash is :he one that We want a part time tr full tints• re-- ~ • 25 00 BRIEF TOWN TOPICS buys the more expansive imitatiotr+t .presentative in C3nderite�i:. We will 3 oo Next Tuesday, March 9th, will be of sealski•n, • t apply. the knowledge and assistance the •sixt etbeanntversar • of the. Fen- to train you, and ii you are aniltlt- y It may be all right to .kick a num 'toes and will work, you sale make bet; 10 00 fan invasion. , , when he's down if that is the only , m o n eye No investment required: 18'27 The,,,,•;nnnual 'at home of lruron way to got him up again. .f'i3o::.-No. 75, U0I»RICH STAR. Lodge -No. 62, LOAF., will be held .>e-,<. 11 60 on Friday evening of this week. /- Mr. • Cook is by trade a tinsmith Jan. 6, Provincial Fees • 7 00 Thursday and Friday, April 8th and if .his income. were reduced ea Apr., 'Bal. for prove fees. for aged '9th, have been put down as the future home. Mr. Grvose tt, thathe had to seek more retnunera.. 192 - 2 10 ,dates of the Lions' Club' Minstrel VV�,�� i • Under. nus .ices of fir ge pox_ t:, .. . session of the farm this work. The Auburn Farmers' Clue held a ties employment elsewhere, hit going Feb:'' 1, Balance in Sleek.... lit 90 Show.• PMission C Glc Reserve the datemeMareh •25th tend . in North Street United Church - Last Saturday evening. the ,Worn - Last meeting on Feb. 26th.. The :chief would be a great loss to the neigh. en's Institute met at. the :home of business of the' day was the reeei.ving boyhood' as well as to. the, cemetery. •Mrs. Edgar Lawson and ;presented of °41' anneal :report from the tiudi- Yours truly, • ' Mrs. Andrews with an address and ,tors nheClub' had a membership • 'S HEPPARD & .of 54, and the -business turnover for CLEMENT. silver cake basket on her Jeparture for her future home. • She has been the. past year. was $130,000.00, en in- a eon crease over last year of $49,000. The "GODERICH WOMEN'S g and valued, member of ,the net prefer of the Club for :he year, Institute. !. INSTITUTE CELEBRATE' • (Froanei lb2.lt n- correspondent) . Monday .To Carter went to Goderich $55,390; 632. cattle, valued at ;148,640; The members of the Goderieeb - $40.60. The business was'made up 25TH ANNIVERSARY Donations:. to the Boapitel . on, !'Oar as •follows: 2,192 hogs. valued :at Birthday" Feb. 18, 1926 TUESDAY, MARCH 9th, ° 1926, at 8;I5 pars. 3.807 •17 26th for : the Arthur Circle 'enter -i ,. MRS. GEO. KING Windsor Soloist ETHEL G. HAYS , r s tainment,.when the play, "The Three Treasurer.. MRS. H. JENNER, Accompatt"�I'at MISS JEAN WALKER, London, Resider MR. H. C. HAMILTON, Goderich, Pianist ' BIRTHDAY DONATIONS ' TO HOSPITAL :Monday to . s;pend a few flays. with ,280. lambs and calves, valued at t$3,- branch.of the Women's Institute and Women's Institute, Goderich; 21 her daughter, Mrs: Baxter. 540; 6 cars of flour and feed,- $8,250; their families celebrated the. 25th jars . fruit; Goderich township Hospi- Ori Saturday opening last *Hutu- 4hearse of eC rad; ,valued' at $4,750.anniversary of their .orga.nization o:t tal Auxiliary, Coleman lamp; • Mrs. ber of%the members of•the Women's The balance ofthe ,.business was Thursday evening,, February 25; by Sturdy, 1 jar fruit; Miss Andrews, i ..:Institute inet at the home of > Mrd: made up ,wish` the fallowing contnto• having a serial• "At lionse" In the . bag apples; Mrs. Geo Andrews, 2 •. Lawson . when they presented dittea: • .Grass seeds, seed horn, fer- Oddfellows' Hall The . main feature baskets apples; a. friend, • 11e dozen met- ro. W. J. Andrew ;with , a beautiful gasses, linkage, mnder eat scrtaps, paultx silver fruit dish :in token of appre- snuggles. Auditors, G. raps, rdu, F. elation of -ler helpful services. The Raithby. The .officers for 1926 are address was 'read by Mica M. King. as. follows: President, W. J. Parks; , vice .president, R. Taylor; rec. etecre- tary, C. M. Straughan'•directors— Geo. busipess manager, , 0. E. ' Erratt; diMreerors— it Geo . Ra hay, Geo. Snell, Jr:, B. Tay- lor, elite. Straughan, E..Reithbj, J: 'Robertson..: .NILS Model Theatr WEEK OF MAR 8 to .MAR, iia. Mir -Leonard Mellttain . left . last 'fluent ay and Wednesday iNights. 'Monday for ' Alberta, • after spending -several. weeks' at the Nile. • Mrs. A. P. Shepperd isy having. a. "NOVELTY NIGHTS Sale -of farm stock and implements The program on these .two nights on Friday, March. 1th. *111 lee run as follows : • • Mr. Will Young, of 5ibbald, Alta., 1, The. comedy ,and feature plcturc who has been 'visiting his :old school ' as shown below. - mate and friend, Mr.. Ross McPhee, The.. Hot Static Orchestra with and other friends and relatives for another program of ,popular the past .three months, is. to leave on •hits• his return to the Nest shortly;. ',1. The .New�elaniter " •a mew music 'il While .here he has been. attending ' many parties end meetirgs and as dance and nonsense .ekit feat. uest of honor ata party given .by uring *`the three musketeer/t<'_' . Mr. D. McPhee lately. Willie left , 4. •The' orchestra will play again .Auburn for the West about . five • and the comedy wilt he shown years ago and„ like hint, the girls - et'4r• and boys with whom he attended ''This issinunusual, program and No.. 3 school have all grown up. • .will be shown two nights at 7.30 plant. Williesays that the girds out \Vest each night. Conte early for your are very nice but not to be compar- favbrite seat..At Regular Prices. ed to - the girls down east. indeed ' .we would not be surprised to see him PICTURES FOR THE WEEK take a partner back with him. That's • right, Billy, there's no one -Monday and Tuesday like the old schoolmates. His fath. POLA NEGRI•er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John In a' stirring mixture . of emotions! hewYoung, of Sibbaldl Alta., who' also thrills, spirited drama and rollicking return been theitWet on, left on their return tp West on Saturday. limner witiii _ It_ .smelt -town - bail-• ground ° "A Woman of the World" (Intended for last week) CHRISTIE COMEDY Mr. Jas. Young 3a on the`? :reek list aA Goofy Gobs just now, but we hope he will soon be around again. Mrs. Wilfred Raymond has gone to FAY LA3I1'IIILR • Toronto for a couple of weeks, where she is visiting relatives. The Miss America of last year's At. Mrs. Dave Cantwell - has returned Mlle City. Beauty Contest, heads;, home with 'her yotng son ?after a an unusual cast in a picture that in couple of weeks' stay in t pdericlt., the last word in splendor Mr. Lorne Rogers, who has been ,having his eye treated in Stratford this last couple of weeks, is hone again. We understand he has to go hack for more treatment. • - LOYAL Wednesday and Tlyuriday "Toe Anteeicsn Venue' ROACH COMEDY • "Wages of Tin" Friday and Saturday CARLOW... ir Hats,'"will be presented.-' '•••• • ; Fred Porterfield, of Mitebeli, was appointed g'i•and . superintendent; of Huron district No.. 6,, at the -meeting of the .Gland: Chapter in•'Toronto- last .week. The W. •C.'. T.' U. will meet at the home of •Mrs. J..H. Colborne on Mon- day, March 8th, at 3. o'clock forr-ape- cial prayer. We hope for a geed attendance: - PRESS SUPT. Goderteb Rebekah Lodge, No. 89, will hold a Euchre and .Daiwa in the of the program was 'a playlet entit- glasses; Mrs.. Baker, 6 plates and a• Oddfelloivs' Hall on St. Patrick Day, led,. "The `Ladies' of Cranford." .per- cups and saucers; Miss McLean, Match 17th. McDerntid,. Redmond formed by. 'ten of the members. cup, saucer and 2 plates; 'Mrs. Son- and Cook. orchestra. . Other pieces of the •program..were, a ley, apples; Mrs: Jas. Bissett, bas- The handsome trophy to ,be pre - recitation by Mrs. Lodge; yield solo, ket of eggs, 5 dozen; Mrs. Davidson, seated to the winning team in the Miss 'Eileen Stowe; piano solo, Mor. Dungannon, 12 •jars •fruit; Mrs. W. Goder,�ch Juvenile Hockey League by . McConnell: After lunch the re- L• Horton, ei dozen .teaspoons, 3,i the Goderich Lions' Club is .on exhi- • .. • • dozen f `c knives• Alrs Jo • C. v ,t 1 Campbell, 1 of c mh ed cinder the e a passed ,C mWindowAir. P gtio inhe w td of I• . n P n t su �a •' Shell; b•I ink dancing. g ►. 1 , Mrs: W. J. Felker, 1 Robertson: Provision �i:i,{ made for The • first ' W omen's Institute of , pair towels; Miss Dorothea Felker, •1 engraving the name of• the • winning. Ontario . was formed at Stoney beth' towel; •Mr,' and. Mrs. B. J. team from year to year. And the Creek, Wentworth _county, in. Fee. Saults, 1. wash -boiler;. Mr. and. Mrs. ruary, 1897, b'y the late Mrs. Ade -9.. L. Parsons, :1, table for nurses' laide Hoodless, •of Hamilton. -While room; Mr. W. Robertson table household matters, .food; clothing, for doctor's Sitting room; Mr, 'and housing,were practically the sole Mrs. J.. R. Wheeler, table for itutse's subjects. of 'discussion at the Inesi- room; ,Woman's Hospital. Auxiliary. tute in. their earlier days), the Public: e3 blankets; Mr. and Mrs.: Chas. Cook, spirit of the women tees soon shown tculips and.- hyacinths; Catholic u'otn- by their active - interest in commun- en's League, bedside lamp; - Mrs. ity problems—health,' :schools,, lib Thos. Taylor, 2 jars .horse radish, 1 retries, hospitals', communite halls; bag beets, $1, Mrs., Albert Taylor, 2 etc. While the Institute:=. have jars fruit, ,$1: Mr. and • Mrs. James greatly enlarged their vision and Buchanan, contribution box; . Malt.; activities, it is recognized that pos. land Lodge, A. F. & A. • M., bedside sibly the greatest benefit . hos been lamp; Mrs. A. Snazel, 1 jar jelly; the ,development"of a desire to learn Mrs. W. H. Birnie, pillow cotton and and a spirit for service among- the sheeting; Mrs, T.. Gauley, 2 jars members. The mottoe adopted by fruit; Mrs. H. Feagan, 1 jar fruit; the organization is, "For Home and •'11��rrs� >L-Befiford, 4 jars fruuit;. Misses Connery:' C'urwen, 1 basket apples; Mr. Isaac • In Febrhary of 1901, the first Curwen, 1 basket .of apples; %'z -s. Al. dtev. Alfred AlacF:ir ane, Ii, lJ., u° %*?omen's. Institute of West .lIuron bert Goldthotpeei .82; Mists Glance rtev.ClinA redill preach. was organized, by Miss Laura l,,ose Olive Bates, 1 •mirror: , Mrse E. Bel. (now Mrs. Stephens, Quebec). The cher, 2 jar rickies; Mr, f;ecrge C. The regular meeting of Ilse ]undo.: meeting was held in the Temperance hill, .$5; Mr. and Mrs. N. J, cek, 1 W A. of -St. George's vhui•eh v; 11 b Hall, a when the following officers table; Mrs. John Wcbb, 1 ia►Jfruit; held in St. George's hall on Friday at were elected: . Mrs. Elford, Holmes. Mrs, Jas, Webb, Midland, .1 jar fruit; 4.15 p.m. AliasViolet Taylor (prrri- ville, president; Miss lfePhail, Pore. Miss EttaSaults; 1 meatforl�; 31rs, :dent), who has he" visiting Th t:nei ter's Hill, vice president; Mrs. Colin A. D. • McLean, 2 jars fruit; :11rs. Mr& Chas, McNeil in Toronto (Wipe. Campbell, Goderich, see etla y; Mrs, Wm. Cox, 1. jar fruit; Mr's. M. 3.- the past three weeks, will pretere I. Salkeld, Goderirh, Swami], 1 jar fruit; Mrs, Cedric: usual. Dunlop, 1 dozen cakes• toilet soap North St. i'nited church; Rev. C. MAPLE -LEAF CHAPTER and '2 wash cloths; Saltfordsig t. F. Clarke, --minister. Sundae \1arrh Lions' emblem is . engraved - un + t he side of the trophy.• The Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.i ,, are holding en "At Home" in the Mas- i oniet Temple on March`- ! th, 1920,1 from 3.30 to 6, to celebrate Oda .kith anniversary.. An invitation is e*- • tended to call past and r-re•+ent mens- f hers to be: present. AMONG THE CHURCHE6i' St. George's c hereh ' anal 'high 1 Tea and Bazaar will be held onnci Thursday, April '15th. • • The sacrament of the Lord's Sep. per will be .dispensed in Knox (laugh on Sabbath at 11 a.m. 7'` p.m:, the minister will Preach: Sabbath nchen.I and bible classes at 3 p.m.. Prepar- atory service on Friday at 8 p 1 'Auxiliary, 10 jars fruit,- 1 bag cap- 7th, Anniversary Services. The.20tic• ' na 5._.lb v t, anniversary of the opening. of the Having Furnished a 'MVnrd-"Iii the P1 s,. Pail. honey.. _1Mtr.. _1.t.r'r_y Hospital This Organization Is Now Robinson, 1 jar fruit; Mrs. Charles present -edifice" for- pubte: Welehip McPhee, a Children's . Room in cPhee, 2 jars fruit;. Mrs. Jas. Fowl- will be marked on Sunday. Rev. R. the Library. er, 1 jar jelly; Rev. Mr. Ford, $1; D. Hamilton, of Aylnicr, will preach Mrs. J. A. Robertson, 2 dish towels in the morning and eventing. • The The Maple Leaf Chapter, LO.t).n., Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. M., t bin jar- choir will put on a special musical held their fourteenth annual meeting denier; ?Mfrs. R. J. :4fegaw, 1 jar service under the direction of the on February 3rd. The reports for pickles, 1 ib. tea: Mies Addison, leader, Mr. IL C. Hamilton. the past year were.prerented by tiro cocoa and jar fruit; Mrs. T. Bowler, Salvation Army Notes secretary and treasurer. 2 jars fruit; Mrs. Walter Naft£tl, 4 ' Capt. Kingdon will 'be leaving the The outstanding work of 'the Cltap- Are fruit; Mrs. L. Knox, 1 kir fruit; end of next week on a musical tour. ter for some time has been the fern- sets. (Dir.) Field, 2 jars fruit; Mist; Various 'corps willbe visited as far ishing of a ward in the new hospital, nays, 1 far fruit; Mrs. Jae. John- north as Wiarton. which was completed lat','ear. The !ton, cup, saucer and plate; Mrs; An illustrated lecture on the Life Chapter also paid one bond interest harry Edwards, 1 jar pickles, 1 jar of Christ will be given on Sund;iy on the hospital loan. . fruit; Mrs. W. Pawoll, 1 jar pickles, night, March 21st, at 7 pent. ')`hest• The 'Chapter raised funds during 1�jar fruit; a friend, 1 inc fruit; Mra. ,services always prove very impres- the past year by giving two very sue -1 M4esley walker, 1 gar fruit; :lege and sive and a good attendance is lookesi cessful concerts, a iectrre on "Iiia- Mrs' Jas. Botz,a5sedozen eggs; a for. No admission wilt be charged LEFTY FLYNN Mr. T. H. 'Wilson had a radio in- toric Spots In the Old Country," two friend, 1 jar marmalade; Miss A.• Meetings. Sunday as ;follows : Sa+►- the great Yale Athlete In another of stalled this week. rummage sales and a skating'enrni- Macbonaid, is dozen tea plates. t;; t day school, at 1.30 p.m.; Sunday ' Ms mite -a -minute thrill -action plc- . Mr. and Mrs. John Young left for vii, assisted by two fancy skaters dozen bread and butter platen; Mrs., evening, 7.00 p.m.; Tuesday Home their hone, Sibbeld, Alta. :from Toronto. - iV. R. _Index' $3; serge Ms. ,,l. Platt, League, 2.30 p.m. All welcome. tires The Cita took a local interest $l; Miss 'MV, Ball, Pie knife; Miss ----°.- - ter •c(r „ I1 Wq{tr Mr. Gordon Young 13 spending; a in scholarship work in thou threw .Elms iltaeInnea, 2 rattles for babies; I TELEPHONE GIRL COMEDY few days in Goderich this week. Mn bawd Bean has made Funic secondary aehools by providing hie. Airs. A. 3f. Maclnews, V; Airs. G... ", fir to Bola" tory prizes for eentrane_e pupils. This Willlntns, cake plate and Ad lima; changes in the inside of the house. work or k t he Chapter is eontinaa;next M r. an d Mrs. G serge Stewat, daft). 3ttVIHW" gKeflpf EYES* The prozreesveeucrparty held year dila•Mra.Jane% Clarke, tulips; p5, MrarComing-•- "slt C Reds „in the hall ast reek was n grtnd Assistance nae given ;•t swhnFerguson, 1 jar fruit; Drs. Thnmai,Clear, Bright and beautiful *dries wanted for Amateur success. ;children by providing teem with Anderson, 1 jar fruit; ter::. Wm. Nt''1 Mc443 's"4r',V"C""t5e^k Nights Mar. 30-31. - CIark Oreg. sold a !mile to 311'. clothing; a donation was, outdo to the Webster, 2 bath towels; -Mr?. Wm. e ADMISSION 35c "CRAFTSMEN IN - KEEPING TI-tINGS NEW resses From All Over - Ontario - 1' Lansley', sow aiip.dreeaea and - ttuit, is a new patented container twat retains the fir,!, fiaiih without tried , irr;te,for . tua11rt don ribin p the mane things ,e r ray ring,, or ditr, and ai reel a rriu", n' rend a NIPPING l'ONT4INF•R frac In each county in Ontario ars many homes• which have learned the superiority of the cleaningand dyeing done in the big Ln►ngleyi plant in Termite. From Gravenhurs=t cotnei;- a letter: " lMfy' - sister .and I are highly • pleased with the work you did in Meaning, and repairing our dresses.".- From I3elleville a.customerwrites: • "I am delighted with the ehude you dyed my , • crepe -de -china• c,rtee." brute hmvmanville: "You exceeded in} cxpcetatttns. especially - as to-- the' navy sills drtt•e„ w hived had the white .paint en L. • It is not ordinary work or ordinary eritisfac- . tion white' erotnptt= such entlsusiate i•• letters. .'rhe secret of Langley sureeve is simple: Ire Mr. W. J. Fontaine rte nave ont e of the most expert dyers on the cot.tiucnt. And in 'aur • linishieg depot inept we have a staff trained - . to exceptional standards of worlaitatgship. . We Pay Return Shipping, Charges ss::'1 rt.t.'s I;t oi.:, uta' T..r ut..o 1 i.•e: S.ripply - send your parcel to Mr. (leo. S. Langley and write a letter saving what you have rent sand .what you want `done. Ile'll give 'yore - erre r ourerr.r hie pet'::uual supervision. E D. CLEANERSAND DYERS U/ bine loabrtra. iiearirr ..4t,pura nnri Ikvielier, Nurn,d...r,L4- rested Ree:ararara. Head Office: 249 Spadina Road - TORONTO SPECIAL CLEARING SIIOE SALE FEB. 19th to MARCH 6th '• Yon are invited to s1iart in this ;-t.k'arint- S,tb. Many lines are considerably blow cast. .. - Only a small part of the bar4ains wee are uttering;; :an h shown in the windows. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU OUR GOODS.. U I3RN'S SHOE STORE Phone 43 W. The Stowe