HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-04, Page 2PAGi TWO Aiways IIUY. IP GREEN TEA 01.00,00 11 The little leaves and tipsfrom him mountain tea. gardens, that are used in 5ALADA► are much finer in flavor Manatee*" Gunpowder or japan. Trsit. A •It1111way etecord, Last. year only one passenger one ret.then railway lines In Great Britaina wagee killed and consequently that country can shim the wt10rrd leader- Alp eader-ah p b, railway safety. That record, which was equalled in 1909, has twice been beaten, however, .for in .the years 1901 and 1908, . trot a single passenger was killed. One million;, Seven hundred thousand passengers are eneried by the reilwaya annually in great Britain, iso the average is e Arent* ly high. In the British Isles, the railways lay , like a web over the land, and the people use them much as we use a street car System. There ista, constant -change of passengers even on A short run, fey -people fromefine town do their shopping inxthe.next, and so on, and. • elflldren often travel from a dumber of •hamlets and 'villages to a largo Simple Mixture. Makes • Stomach • Teel: Fine town, for higher education. The trains etre very swift, and the„great er number of. rune very short. Spy's Son to Haug The name of Trlbitach Lincoln, which was familiar at a period In the great war when, he wag exposed es .a spy, is again figuring in news- paper despatches.' His son, John Ignatius Tribitsch Lincoln was con- victed in London courts of a niur- der of a brewery traveller and sett- tensed to be hanged. The British Home Secretary ` has now received an "appeal from the father to atay _ the execution until he can return from the .east in order to see his son before his death. London '1s speculating about what will be done for. elder Lincoln,' who was de- ported fieim Great Britain. cannot enter the country unlesa the Home Secretary gives him a permit. Simple buckthorn- bark, glycerine, e etc., as mixed in Adlerikti, often helps stomach trouble in 'TEN minutes by removing 'GAS. Brings out a sure prising amount of 'old waste matter you never thought was in your say - tem,. Stops, that full, bloated feeling' and nukes yon happy and cheerful. . Excellent for chronic a nstipation. Adleraka works QUICK and delight- fully easy. CAMPBELL'S ' DlttWG STORE. Check That Cough At Once If You Don't Yet May Birt Sem Too slouch rtrcys cannot be placed on the feet : that on the first teen of s. eoagh or void it should he gotten rid of aanneiliately, es.failure to do so stay eau* years of suffering from agate serious lung trouble. • You may be sorry if you don't takt. our advice surd get rid of your cough or cold by using Dr. Wood's,. Norway Pince Syrup This preptnetion hes been on the market for the past .i7 years, and is acknowledged, by all those who have Med. . it, to be the .hest medicine they ran peruse for ttie relief of their coughs end eelds. `' •,You don't experiment when you buy it, but be tars you get the genuine that is put up by Tho T. Milburn co., Limited. Toronto. Ont. Hon. C. A. Dunning, Premier of Saskatchewan,wbo is to stand for election in .Regina in order to enter the Federal eabinet .of. Premier MacKenzie King. Dunning Goes to Ottawa Hon. 'Charles Dunning, Premier of Saskatchewan,has been nppoint ed to the Portfolio of : Railways in t) a Dominion government and as a consequence will resignhis. provin sial honors in order io run in n by-eleetion in Regina 'to secure a sent le the Dominion 1-Iouse. This move is part of Premier hiaeltenzie king's policy of reconstruction, which he began when he was , :re• turned .in the Prince Albert •by election. The constituency of. Internal and External Pains ars prornpU relieved by SDs THOMAS' ECLE�CTRIC 01 1. THAT IT HAS SEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY piny YEAnR ARO IS 10.0aY A GREATER SELLER THAN LVEn ROAR= fit A TSATI oN1AL THAT ensase FOR ITS NtiMBROUe OUM?IVai OtMLlTISS. •4000.00400000004,0611110k1010 IISM004000.0.00 ... --•00,.10.,..,..,.... — comETErmo To FALL BACK UPON MONEY in the bank—saved from your income and earning compound interest— you will find not ontyy a great comfort and protection in en e nergeney, but a ready fund to enalblc you to take advantage of business opportunities. . The Bank of Montreal welcomes small - savings accounts, and it offers you service as well as safety in cottnesction with your account. IANKOF MONTH Established iso: V sal Assets in excess or * 700.0o0.Qoa — • 11111 111 I 1 1 111 11 I UI IIII Illi 1 11 1 1 II ... .t.....00.-0.146.._., THE ctODERICS STAR Regina is very largely Liberal aaai Progressive in sentiment, and there is little doubt but that Mr. II+itnt,iag will be returned with a subatenlal nssjority if an opponent i ; named to contest the seat with him. The Ssskatebewan Premier is one of the , ablest politicians of Western ('an -1 oda. , May Restore Thruae China is contemplating the restoor- ation of the monarchy. as the only solution for the . problems of that eaiuntry. The Boy -Emperor wbo lives in seclusion in Pekin and calls himself Henry, may be called upon to act as a centre around which will rally the Chinese forces who are seeking to bring order out ,of chaos. Archbishop Passes The successor of the late Cardinal Begin, Archbishop Roy, did,, not long survive to enjoy his honors„but pair • sed away on Sunday, Feb. list, after a long and painful illness. He has been suffering from cancer of the intestines and 'was in hospital suf- fering from the disease when Card- inal Begin, died last July. ° An Escaped Slave Mount Salem, East Elgin, has a quaint old character int,loyd Graves who celebrated his hundred and second birthday., few day; ago. He was one of those slaves who escaped from their owners in the south be. fore the Civil war in the United States and made their way to Can- ada, where' hundreds of the unfortun- ate creature's sought .refuge. He ,till ante ascaretaker of -the Mount Salem school. A Royal Engagement The engagement is about to he an- nounced, it is. reported, of the Ring's third son, Prince Henry, to a Scot- tish girl, • Lady Mary Scott, a daugh- ter of the Duke and Duchess of Buc- cleugh. Prince' Henry is twenty-six, and the tallest of the rout princes. Lady Mary, who is twenty years of age, is a girl with a love of out- doorsports and la- said to be very merry and has a gift for ;r.•ntertain- ing. The young people have been friends from childhood and in . the past year or two Prince Henry has spent a lot of time with the Biwa cleugh family. New, "Messiah” Conning The new "Messiah” Krishna/wird who is said by the Order of the Star of the East to be like Jesus in that he spoke wisdom at the age of twe"1't"e and now at the age of thirty begins his divine mission, is about to leave India for England, where he was educated. Eventually he will come to Canada, reports say. . Tripletsi Montreal . Mr. and Ars. Adrien . Petry, Mon- treal, have just had triplets ridded to their family. .The triplets are all boys and are staking good progress. Mr. and Mrs. Patry were nierried in 101'1 and have had eleven children, nine of . whom are living.' - Twins were born in1924.. - Will Our Bars rosy '' A Viennese ear spe li:tt -•declares that before long .human beings will have elephant shaped ears ' because of the . increase • of sound . on the streets of big cities. He also warns women who now.•Wea- their hair over their ears . that their grandchildren wilI. be -forced to Conti pie that* style of hair dressing because . their ears. will be so .unsightly. RubberDeT mand Grows The demand for rubber . is increas- ed at the rate of fifty to' sixty thou- sand tons annually, • a British report show., and restrictions or no restric- lions, the supply will scarcely be agile stations" ohn Smith ICapyright 1925 by Tke Ulhaies Feature Service) THURSDAY, MARCII 3th, ltd. • and "`° One Month alio Till Easter No -'17: CuttitrG Out Stations so well that when WGAS came on A light in the e Ravage. the ether again the two stations had changeei evening was thgsr enough ther, places so fax as clarity gore-. While something was wrong with the radio, both stations were supposed to be t It was obvious Smith couldn't get I havon e been a e sante wave lighte variation thereth I ea what he wanted over the air. set is selective enough the finest of "I want to hear those speeches as1 much as anybody," Smith admitted variatianit can be detected provided when I stepped into the garage and i one oT the stations is not a local. told him that he was missing treat. ` It didn' take Smith long to start rove "But how am I going to hear +ii HIT oualy lslittinearned the #tondo in s tuat onons as he hads like while WGAS 'le otr the very same this, but -he added the . feature of wave length." #. plugging in the earphones tempor- "That ought to be easy enough to arily so as to be able to detect the solve," I suggested. "What do yea mires of the changes he made. think you've got a radio set for Soon he had WHIT so that he. could Smith put the bottle of body polish hear what was being said, and fad - back on the *belt and switched off ing on the part of WGAS helped the light It was °plain that he lei! materially. In other words, Smith going to take me up on-thepxoliesi- was actually capitalising the short- - tion, so I went ahead of him jute the comings' of radio- transmission for 'his - house and switched on the battery own benefit. charger befoz'e he entered •she living That's headwork in radio recept-1 room. "The real thing won't come on fez. Next Week, No. 18: From Radio to. an hour or so," I explained. 414 bile Audio. we're putting our heads together on (Copyright 1925 by The Ullman this proposition it might be a good Feature Service) idea to give the storage battery just, two 'more amperes: Every, little • bit , A . .. _ ... helps when you're cutting out ata- bone,"•• • and dada. After everyone did just- erland, the Home Readers, to Percy. "That doesn't sound logical to r Boys' 4 ice to the delightful spread prepared Sheardown the school beige. Mr. II. me," Smith argued. "The louder I. �� ""' e'r by the mothers. of the boys, a pro- Salkeld spoke a 'few words en behalf get WHIT the more WGAS. will drown it out" "Yes. but if your batteries are. No time like the present to order your Easter Suit or Light Top Coat SEE TUE LATEST FABRICS AT BLACK'S FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Our stock of Men's Furnishings is always .complete . and Up -To -The -Minute. CHAS. BLACK "The Men's and, Boys' Store Worth Willie" Phone 219 North. Side Square EDITORIAL low." • I answered, "you may get The Political Future few words were also spoken. by, Ariz- part well, and would be a ';redit to' WGAS and nothing else, I should The n1Ay0r of an Ontario city re- old McConnell, mentor of the Beevor; (Continued on page i) , grain was given. • The address of of .the fathers. After the program welcome was given by Chief Ranger the boys and dads'indulged in .a few Bill Paltridge,. who also presided. A genies.. The boys certainly did their prefer to have them both reasonably cently bemoaned the fact that his Trail Rangers of Knox church. jack laud because then we can try using community took more interest in the the loop aerial for directional effect boys' parliament elections than in Square; Mr. Stonehouse, mentor of and experiment a little .with other municipal affairs. Taxis -Square; Mr, Long, nasistaof things I have in mind." • ' • • -As we" look at the question this mentor; Mi. Rein, superintendent of This gave.him a new -picture of speaker must surely be a confirmed the School.. Mr. TrailAM. ers, the thing, .and at once suggested the pessimist, for instead of bemoaning the Sunday, mentor to the Rangers, Rob - advisability of pressing into use the the fact, he should, as a citizen ori explained various .phases of•tho C. S. spare set of"B" batteries which .he terested in the future of his .nation, E. T. program. A review ofsthe always has on hand for getting dist- be . rejoicing indeed. No. ,one with a work done .by the Tecumselis since ant or.difficult stations. The only . knowledge of the.statistics of the the 4one .old thein group was reason he hadn't made this move subject will challenge the statement byvery well�toldtBert Leach. An earlier was because he felt it would that interest- in•^civic•-affairs'in Can- given by Percy Sheardown, and a ,be' useless, since the station he did ada is on the decline, but. rather, may very interesting story ' was told by not want woultj 'come in just that be improving to some little.extent. dim Sutherland. Albert Balser, cap - interesting At the same time, on one will debate faun of the Trail Rangers' hockey Smith displayed a little radio skill the' point that by more than any team, explained what the boys had by nbt trying to. hook up one good other single force, democracy is to- done so Inc this season. A feature 'B" battery with one of the run day endangered by the sad lack of of the. evening was the presenting of down ones• Ile just wired in • the public interest on the part of citizens badges by Rev. G. F. Clarke, to. Carl- good see and : set aside the old, : Re- as a' whole. Is it not gloriously pro ton .Wessell the bade to. Jinn Seth - badges ception is noisy when old batteries phetic of the political future when ' badge; are connected with new, and that the ..teen -aged boys of today—the • . A (� sort of inefficiency. isn't at a'1 necee- voters of tomorrow --can elect their GAINED 10 POUNDS sary, When Smith is just listening representatives to parliament :sup- •� in -en a local station he, can. easily ported by the active interest of not use ups the old batteries by substitat- only their fellows but oy Canadians Purves, pretor of the Maitland Tuxis , �noiny wa:• ing them for -,the good ones fox the at large`?. I8•this nota concrete hi- time being deaden that by the next decade, the That's going some—but .skinny The next step was to find out the percentage of ot3zens caste -44.111m - , position of the 'interfering stations ballots will indeed be very material- men, women and children just can't and their mileage .from ,tlte. Smith ly increased? help putting' on good healthy flesh set. . This developed the fact that * * . * when they take McCoy's Cod Liver .Extract Tablets. ; Chock full of vitamines--the' kind guttering that the • loop aerial would Father and Son Week One is the that are extracted from the livers of IN. 22 DAYS the stations' were directly opposite This week we are publislung'.,t ri ,- to each other which meant that,as- i terestxn . items i ,a g n connection with pick' thein `up, changing the direction . Father and Son Sund y observed in the cod—the kind that are a real help loop p g and the other the loather in which the ointed ,would not Dungannon have altered the conditions. • : and Son Banquet of the Tecumseh men and women. • This looked like the last straw, Trail Rangers. " These will be found Tri' these sugar coated tasteless but as a matter of feet it was just under the -heading of C. S. E..T. tablets for so days -i€ they don't e mope c . to frail, rundown, anaemic, . skinny r Men's Sweater Coats and Pullovers At Reduced Prices .i 2 dozen 'Men's all ` Wool Jumbo .knit Sweaters,: in pure White, Fawn, Grey and 'Red clearing out at $3.d•5 Men's It -Neck Si licit ers, all sizes, clear. mg out at , . • $1.95 Men's 1°litllover Sweat ers in Heavy double knit,in Brown -or- Blue- . Clearing oat at one of the things that was to help; News. help great ly g t youry ba k $1.19 It led us to the conclusion that ; we 'One woman gained • ten pounds in had better switeh in the big ointside . ' C. S. E. T. NEWS . twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, six- Id/ - aerial and attempt to get both to a first Father an Son Bouquet six- ty Ask any druggist for Id/ - y Cod Liver Extract Tablets: tions as clearly as possttle first, even of the Tecumseh Trail Rangers was Directions and formul on each box �. if they.' conflicted: Little .by little, held a ,, M• ,�� therefore,we 9 ere. reaching x: point Tuesday evening of last week, "Get McCoy's the original and .gee-! where ay Butting :out f WG4S and was: attended by about forty' sons eine," would have to,.be a matter of tuning. "Maybe I aught to have one , of - those wave traps," Smith said.. "1 itnderstaand they're pretty good for cutting out the noise. from spark transmitters and the high-powered. to keep up with the demands which "Yes, but WGAS isli'ta local sta.' tion and if you trap its wave sou will trap . WHIT as well,' I replied. "You ought to have a wave: trap, to • be sure, but it isn't needed tonight. I think this job is. going to be bead- �` work more than anything else." Smith became deeply absorbed in the job as the time for the epeeches drew near and as I switched .off the .harger, but he grew' a little uneasy when I' tuned in on WGAS >so sharply . that one scarcely could hear W1:IIT'S preliminary program. • now• ' in sight. When . Europe re- covers from its depression 'tl,e de- ninnd will increase again. • 'Our Legacy' from the War ('anada's annual outlay upon the items due entirely to the Great War amounts to forty-five million , dol- lars, though this year that auni nearly three hundred thousand dol- lars .less. than It. was- last; year, au- . cording to a report of the auditor general. • .. We 11 just hold WGAS until this While the Children Startle ' selection is finished," I explained. In two years Russia will be ex- Then they'll announce, and while the Posting half a billion bushels of, orchestra is getting ready for the 1 wheat . a. Russian delegate told the next number therell be a quiet nioni- International wheat ent in which we can tune sharply for = poo} conference 1yHIT„ in St. Paul, Minn., recently. „This To his surprise the plan eueceeded year. he declared, . the Russians will export two hundred million bushels. However, lash year much the same predit tions were made, but - failed to materialize, and at home the Rua- sians are dying in •the city- Atreets- for want of food, and hordes of their 'teen age children are living like ani - male. Thousands of them have be. eome bandits in order to were food to keep body -and soul together. Thu picture of Russia exporting wheat in return for gold. while the children . starve is net a consoling one. Abolishing Religion Like Russia, Mexico has set about to abolish religion. By the consti- tution which was adopted nine years present over an attack tri tde upon a small British ship twenty miles 'off' the coast of the United States by a U.S..natal 4_ ressel,....alleged to have been the Seneca. The Eastwood, the British schooner, put into Lunenburg badly . damaged by gun fire and claims to have been hit seventy times. The captain of the Seneca denies the bombardment ns stten uously as the captain of the East- wood maintains his accusation. 4100.0.0660,010.0.0. Inattr•ed Their Bealne Two partners in a Pittsburg build- ing contract have insured their brains for the sunt of a million dollars, too ago, the government was authorized that the interests of the survivor to eonescate all churches end schools , would be protected, should one nail- and hospltale owned by the churches.' dig or have his brain power impair - and both Catholic: and Protestant. Ain- ed. t clean it'rottkitaiit nli5aioiiai it°s" '' rn be excluded, and at present ate being expelled from the country, bet Cath- *lie clerics fare no better. They have now started upon- .t news cam paign against religion and *cents or expulsions art being forcer. Ias' gated Barbed Wirt - One of the originator+ of baibtd wire has recently died in • Ile Kalb. • Ill., at the age of ninety-nine. .scab Hsieh was also the eldest bank meg- dent in the United State?. 11, et- . cured e•cured a patent for a machine to manufacture barbed wire in tx71. 1F irrrd est Scheetrer There is at controtera, afoot at - • 4.d� ate carder Debtor, force•fieed lubrication to all main bee:tats, connecting rod boning. and cagmshah bearings, 7 -bearing craaksba*t, 6•bea ring caaashda� new velour upbol.. sten, 4-wbweI brakes, fnii balloon thaw, S dfscwheeb, new M,4 ' lard Groan finish, cowl ventilator, cowl lights, vast+ deem mirror, 'liken curtains, transmission lock, automatic windshield wiper. All you need do is"to check off the ,.featu •. of .• the Ajax Si •.:tc . d , overwhelming proof that it is the outstanding car of the $1000 field. BARKER BROS., Nash Dealers 110 •apo. d 0141+1