HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-03-04, Page 1t • MM.. 11 • PM ••P ••• •'•• 1 PORI. NM NM POP 1 Mb 11•111Y•kk Us EMIG' if Advertising Ceaudateaty sal Regularity. Ne other Aiwa um can Doll goods *a oceeepaeically as adoortiaing A GOOD LIVE LOCAL PAPER in SIXTY SECOND YEAR V-, - berici) tar Dedkated to Good Printing The Star office is dadiooted to tius took of foralakiag Printing of distinctioe weakly. Got It From THE GODERICH STAR GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, MARCH 40, 1926 11*.10101•11 VA,NATTER & NAFTICL, Puldishers Mr. Blake Cheer Moving to Town to Assume Management of New Evaporator and Canning Company Recently Organized womomonvrownontom••••• Sup Life Assurance Go of Canada • roe Carry Fife innuranee Yo earty Ire Insurance, of course., but not Life insurance. Now, jus tthink Off this, there is only 1 chance in 1,200 of your borne, being burned; Odle i,,,very Life Insurance l'olky is boulad to mature. Your house can quickly be duplicated, can your life be r.rstoied to your family? Think this over and decide -to carry adequate LIN lour- - *nowt 115 It R. LONG, District Ago*, = WANTED 1 11 • FON SALE 04 TO RENT • reiSittABLE PROPER (torner of North Apply to W. 11. JACK. IA P AR TMENT TO =4-'L Olirien'e Meat ALFX sklINDERS TY FOR SALE. SON. ;Market. and Nelson Sta. 117'ANTED.-Applications tor the poa- v* itiOn of night watehmen es.111 be reeehad up to March,101,11.., Must tine Ontairo certificate to qualify flt; attendant, and 1)e itetive. Ileforeneea• as to honesty rectulred. Apply in per- son to 51R. !MORION. Superinten0nt, Ooderieh Llevator and 'transit Co., Ltd. • Robfing Vit7boiesate . visited Seaforth yesterday and ell- borne restaurant. Mr. number le a $40 'Weekly for You day, June 21, until Tueedayt Jule' O the sharelselders getting anything cr rue a „ unin e'"elent came to * close with the sine. TOWN TOPICS G. C. I. Inspector Here Tile Week Inspector R. W. Anglin waisin town thiii week melting hie inspect. ion of the Goderich Collegiste Inert. tute. Before leaving he had the stu- cleats all essembled together rued gave them a talk. Ile else utet the teschers in a group and had a talk with them and met with the trustee& in the *erne way. ister of Hight/my* who assured him that the Province wield pay fifty An application from the Port Col- rich, rendered several vocal and in- Mrs. Edward Gardinsee 133 Sunni. borne Iron Werke for 30 h.p. for strumentel ?lumbers, and took part side avenue, where a wedding Punta per cent, of the colt of constructiert I of rebuilding Huron **ad from the town limits at Walnut street up to the Sqesore. Mee* OM B. Blithest and Draw* The ennuis' euehre bridge or the Huron Old Boys' Assedetmo of Toronto will be held he the Hyrela Auditorium, 40 Elm stritet, ax& Thurs- +My evening, March 2611e„ 1020, corn. mencing at 8 p.m. A sprang fight and power at the dock was pas. in se comedy entitled, "Ilialitown and reception waw held for there. sed, The letter dated Feb. IOth Ticket Mese!' which caused laugh; Mr. and Mrs. When will reside in front the C. P. R. meriting allow. ter from beginning to end. Mrs. A. Parkdale. ante of discount on last half of 1923 J. MacKay delighted the audiente water rates was *pin preeented and with her singing. Capt. Kingdon Try Wileon's Home.mede Cisndy. t WOW passed that the Company he played tuner on a hand.saw, horae. Please reserve the evening of allowed 06.90 on the last half of shoes and tumblers. Members of Mir& 17th (St. Patrickse Day) for 1925 water rates as paid in Idvance. the Sunday wheal took a very active the Hospital Card Party and Palo'. ' Eat *ace aa4 Deliartmental Port. 'giving an old time drill entit. , .. '11'he High Scheel Entrance_exaMe took led, "Ipnartarainnntaa's D4istayie."04Fotunrtigtlierdie, AlbertaACI:IBithaTsAcoCmOtAti•t; stay! It Reines. 'h rbe .1" T be amu in the City of Toronto, and a still Wednesday, Juno 30, inclusive. The ed the audience with their specit every Ontario consigner who bes .0 e W d nd that th holder of tion is extended to every lIuronite will be held on. Monday, June 28, to atte x eire F him wen ita way kW. the favor of Mortgage on Rink Foreelosed It° • • 't t 1 Another 209 000 tine is about to meve eastward to ttse On. I tario miuitet, and I am now wept; . in g order* for Drumbeller3 FisvorttP Lower Seam Coe), mune as ear just unleaded at $13.50 per ton, all cert. enters pleased. Is a And Saunders C-oal, which la re. • ported and ehown by aninysie to. be the best of the Alberta (teal. at 014 per ton. Place your order at once. Deliv- ery mads direct from ears. M. W. HOWEL`L. Phone No. 3 or 213, e un ers given a r . • I vittiti %tended to Lower School examination begin on ' the mortgage on the West street,. stronger n an , a s the people of the eettety who may Friday, JlItet 35th, and conclude on Severel instrumental items were giv skating rink has foreclosed and that , is the , en by members of the Sunday school, have buainess he the that OA Wednesday, June 30, the 3ame the latter begin on Monday, June e exams run coneurrently from Mon. that Arm_ y, which mmiin e ie The iddle School and Upper School to 'be provided for, the prospect of Mr:11. H. limber Bun spect of all people. The ertertein. the property will be offered for sale else four recitations by girls. Rev. . to be present. A g Program .48 Model Entrance exams, except that. Canon Ili% who ably presided. pole ersible amount of taxes standing i i ed.of.the good work done by the Salva. in the spring. As there us a corned. being arranged 'end a :splendid soeshl even ng is promis against the property which will have • C Itso ' Resta t looks nil. • • Mr. II. H. Humber, of Red Deer, Alta., who hes been vlaiting• relat. A recent issue of The $*skntoon Blessings Curlers Visit Seafortit • ives in Goderfch and Seratford, hits Herald had S. cut of Mr. and Mrle Wardens and Reaves at Good Formerly Resided in Goderich •ing of "Pr.alae God Penn Wbont All Three rinks of Godertch curlers purchased the business et the Col. . • jived the hospitality of the Seaforth brother of oue townstnab, Mr. Special "Early Bird" sale of rooftop: Ambitious, imksmeriezteed mei, want - March. onlv. gradso 164 ed. Wte ot ones for. prep Catalogue, _ heavy -weights. Prdaht Caskiextap4oriug how youi, eon earn \view 'buyers elite 'big Nye oraing spring warning: 'Gahm wurk Fingineerina.' szteediteat these vilielesalcepeteee. ' 1,tr • vD ski. vi , • a HI tt r bring. liairdreesinve Me. HEMP - HILL PRACTICAL SCHOOLS, 163 King Si. Weat, Toronto. p.„.0, and -catalogue of 0:Milers liar- gains'free„ THE. IIALLIDe.Y•CO.LTLL 10 Jackson street, ilamila n, Ont. 'Lig-ft S.LE OR TO REN1.-fled -rick modern two -apartment house on, ARTICLES FOR SALE Nelson street, hest residential ioeelityleee....-... in le:ukelele Can be need a.i one resi. "Veit Truainet, French (knee with two bathrooms, a large pee= 4. make, orchestra and quick for,. and latticed verandah: Reasonable change 1.i A s11,I• it1++414 4or quiek rent for reliable tenant. Owner leaning tele. 1111. 'CALLOW, North St. permaneetly. Address at the Star or fice, or apply to IL E. HOLMES, barrist- REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Ooderieh. . • 1,101;SES I 11011SES t • • VARYL FOR -ALE -,In the Township -- • .5. of Soderleh on Provincial nigh- All kinds for sate. way, 5 miles from Goderich Ann 6 from it yon intend buying • Muni Clinton, adiacent to ohuroh and school show you Where you can save money. house. Vann contsista of 30 acres of Never was the opportunity better. Get . r-olass land wekt Vie, drained. A prices on what it Will oast yeti to build mind Cement block 7 -room honse, bank then come in and see what 1 have to been 4040 driviiViouse and garage offer you and have :nonce. Ties NVill 39x50. Ortherd ot good Nyinter apple • Provo to you. " trees. Never, failing water aUpPIY. P. -RYAN. Por further particulars aPPIY to' Real Estate and lneereeee, OFWALD GINN, R. a. No. t, Goderieh. r„tio:t. fon on To RENT erIIE ARISISTRONo HEAL ESTATE and J'• P eTI 11. -Last half of lot 3, 3rd I."SU ;NOE' AGENCY , • vn,•Atthilelrit Huron County, 100 tiores, .setnite tand.. hos all been worked. Life . (Sun 'Lit". Accident and -Atito- , Well, feneed wel I watered: --reentlig mobilo Insurance' e. 1,„vatea,tn alt winter, Ran barn, ATouseit end jocittf In ,inderieli anti =3644 - Dent. etilektu heuse, Maclaine vleinity'and''ParMs for Sale. • eased. -01s-roomed st-ary and *-a•- half ' A flee lot df lintiset4 just now for tmekveileered /OM "CAW, Aim- Kele. • e • mer kitehen. Aron oistern. Orchard Farms lor two lust into hcar1l1g-04nPlea,PlUnis...oearm. • petkle.1 for quick, sale. In portat t to -ohs/Ties, ttrarsee mik, eroin-,srhooe vell at Ont'. -160 acre Pleat. ,30t1 • lit.atileeefrem Duogannon; facing. goon loans no .14.119.111V100%. sloughs or ta,/1 s.4004.4and.s.I.Ifevellente4erv'aile,.iiinelea)f -way. r e. email cash roote, •coria, alfalfa, wheat, Or other depealt, low interest. ...etotY toms, of grain, or hay, Oldie -Ming a, Rood warm paymeet. For further partienlars pr, duetive gaub soil. Can he worked areas DAVID M. JOHNSTON. ft, .seto. among the first in the spring, easy to Sheppaedtan, Ont. A4ork, well supplied with water, \lastly seeded down. On Aida farm there Is about 26 acres of bush, most- ' MORTGAGE SALK ly beech and maple. A large almost 11,f01114.r.).GE SALV OF VA.LCABLIS new bank barn and silo. Good isve- AT;g• PARM. Story dwelling 'hOUse With cellar and • • wood ehed. Water In house and sla- Under power •ot sale eontaineil in « VI ell and windmill. Fruit Orr4 oert,a1:1). mortscagr to the arSI, • Vendors. there will be offered for eaie ,„ Situated 3 miles from gond village hv Putstie eetetion, at the ‘Ikeitord 211.; Telles from raliroad....;!eition. week ..Goderkh, Ont., on •• of mile from school.. about 13 miles ,t,t90;iny, tui 23rd, Ins from ,Csoilerlete 'This would make a eenifttetielng at. LSO o'cloes Ib.' first Islas% dairy far,ni or suitable for afternoon, tho folloring freehold pro- general farming. Pelee Jow for nuick• perty • , aide, Easy terms for payment. if re- , the /test oneeatien, Eastern Division 11.4rerilinnber .of other good farms for r.' - Th.' north ono. ,half of lot Flwrn 1:1 of the Townahlp Of Asblielit in the aale almost any size or foe:Ilion ra- o entity or Hurls% oontaining one hun- quirelle dred acte9 more or less. po6Artignsnovt%41•1447e411,•ittsitilif eciTssr: There is said to be on the prernis.aS two-storey red brit* reeidenes whit sary buildings. a frame sitchen attached; a large barn ror all 'elltticulars SOP or write oh stone foordation and a &miller J. W. ATINISPRONC. horn on e.,Inerete. wall, toad also a she=1, offiee upstairs next to Ileac 4 There also said PI he a frame sllo. Store. Square. P. 0. nos' ilft, on:Writer, TEneee AND CONDITIONS, --One- INT tenth.- or the ;purchase money- to be paid' in cast) or -marked eligsmo at thn v6tithin thirty daya. j• W. • CRAIGIE time trt tie +sale; haiance 14 lin paw Purther particulars may be had on liPplicasoe to • , wplei, MEL111•111.1.N I Reg Estateandinsurauce • tt. club, but came off second best in thq Humber, and hat a Mtge jewellery score. The Goderich rinks consisted • business in Red Deer a4 a fine home ef M. Mao, L. l'aracilta, S. Croft* but will probably move t� Goderich and C. A. Reid; R. Patterson, E, when he finds opportunity to dispose Sheardown, A. Higginson and tends, a, J. of his business and property in the Brophey; A. Taylor, W. Sr: West. It is likely he will send his Bowman and H. Fisher, Mr. Fish- son -to operate the business here for pr's rink wen their second game but a time. • this Was the only win pn the Gale - rich stde. The return visit is ex- pout of Former Cernierieh MITrister Solieitore ter the Vendors, 1 ZStarket Lane, 'London, ont. 4 ir av,-- • od TX NOTICE.. .Godericli people learn with regret pected next Week' Province VI I Pay 00 Per • en . a F. Blair, K. C. city solkiter of Re. Mr. A. Snazel is having the prem. Coot of Recinistruction of Huron Road Cp to the Square gina for the past tWelve years, ises On Hamilton street .between the which occurred at his office in the btedlacksupmflothr a8hloapu laundry theaud gl natr;:des 11 111t : Mr. B. C. Munnings, rees'e of the citY hall, Regina on Monday. Mr. town, attended the meeting ef thV Blair was 66 year -of agO. Born it stalling electrical machinery through - Ontario, Good Roads. Aseocestion 10 Ferguson Falls, Ont., Mt. Blair re.: out. There are four main rooms, Toronto last week,. and while in Tare ceived public and high ,school ello. one for Wiled purposes, one for the electric washing machines, one for onto had an interview with the Min. cation there, afterwards 'becoming a --eel ' • - --7--- - = ' .---lee..."' ''7' --- teacher in the neighlterhood of the drying room and one for the Parry Sound. In 1901 he located at ening room, .while at the rear is revision for the boilers. The walls ,... AUCTION SALM. leCTION SALE (fl- 3 PI:11E1111ED Brussel% Ont., where he. first prac- P of the drying rooms are lined with •c?. SHORTHORN RVIr41,14, 3 Pen" tired is a member of the legal pro of PIONIALES, FARM srrielli, 1M- fession, later moving ti Goderich, steam piping. ' The electric ironess PLENIENTS and FURNITURE, Ont. He moved West in 1910. and washers are expected shortly, • ' MR. W. L. POTTER of the sudden death -of . Mr. George ince f Matthew Grummett of that city, and their twenty-seven grandchildren, ranging in age from thirteen years to one year. Mr. and Mrs. grum- mett were former residents of Gude- rich, Mrs. Grumnaett being formerly Miss Ann Farquhar, sister of Messrs. George and John Farquhar, M. 11til. lett. They lived in Clinton for a number of years, later corning to eioderich and front here ,they moved to the West, where they have tpent several years. •, , New Laundry- , , et t Mr. Kelly's S*lary Increased. till se. 3 P and Mr., Snazel hopes to be open for 'on. fi, W. De•Celborne. on - .4At the eneeting of the Water and laundry and cleaning -busineas will Sale at 1 o'cloeli. 'sharp and without ,pvening,- February 25th, the salary of done at the premises of Mr, Snazel's dirtag and , proved able pupils Prinise Homestead on the Huren usihess 'the near filture. A • Roads Association Dance Toronte, Globe, Feb. 27th: Cry. stal chandeliers might have been oil lanterns, the white and gold balcony might have been the hayloft, and .the mirror-like expanse of the ballroom floor might have been the rough. Miller's Worm Powders act so ° thoroughly that atomachle and in. testimil worms pass from the child without being noticed and without hewn planks on which a regular "hoe-down" barn dance Was held, are painless and perfect in :utters, inconvenience to the sufferer. They when the 000 delegate* to the On. and at all times will be found a heal- .tarie Good Roads Aessociation were thy medicine, strengthening the in. tendered a dance as guests of A, E. female stomach and maintaining' it in Wilson 4fz Company following the an vigorous operation, so that, besides nual banquet of the association in being an effective •vermifuge, they the Crystal ballroog of the King Ed- are tunical and health -giving in tbeir ward Hotel. Violins which had effects.- soared in the 'ateccato music of the fox-trot became fiddles which 'lilted Nailing lit'seind.ar untA the neigh - to the melody of "Turkey in the hors talk about it._ Straw." (Sobbing saxaphorie3 .took SALE REGISTER on the swirling note of the accordion, while banjos and piano throbbeil with FRIDAY, March 12the-Auction the chords of the quadrille.r. "All. sale of farm stoeic and implements a -man left, do-see-klo, salute your at lot 0. con. 11, E. D. Colborne, cene. partner, there ahe go" found the quarter mile south of Nile, commen- wardene, superintendents and engin. ting at 1 o'clock. MRS. A. P. SHEP- eers from Ontario's counties 'tamer- PERD, Proprietress.' T. GUNDRY,- ackin' 'sir down" with -great gusto, Auctioneer. Toronto' S fairest and most charm- MONDAY', hlarili .ftletheeCketring her fox.trot devotees joined with en. auction sale of farm stock, implent- thusiaern m this revival of square Mits, grebe and pot:its-tee, .at the wsatiNESDAY, NENTIC.11 10111 Light Commission held on Thursday be conducted; the cleaning being reserte, as farm IS timbal: ?, 1,- ; ,a, '11,, Kelly as engineer, wise in- son on 'West street. -. • • Onterio and reeves of minor muni. MOUSE, Proprietor, THOS. GUN- Fepruary 6tle 1.0*--. r Y Bernard Walters was on Monday cipalities tendered half.minute eon. .DRY, Auctioneer. Caen, lioderien, oat. This Is an -es- ber of" applicatione for eleetrie light- . sentenced to thirty days in- Jail for secutive speeches on thee eejekrioe .., ev E le eTheighey, ., markt AUX... erptionally good bull In every may ing services.Wer0 passed,04 the fol.. History was rued° at this dance, Road, four miles east of (lade**, ,e'leurebred tattiteee-Tlie ourebrs r g Oreoited from $ifts° to $2,000, to In the ponce court when 37 wardens of the Counties of commencing at.1 o'clock, WILBUR hull; Fancy Laddie and 4612831 calved 1`) b ed b Robert date as from Jan. lst, 1920.- A "num. • ' ell - i 1 th ' God i their` ' hen -ttirt,:aett and' in enod enielition. Mr. ee. s- merits of respective eounties. loecifig ----t" run& A.uction sale of farm etock arid ern- • eft rent e C_onpany. The peculations had been• Enthusiastic appreciation was vole. n t Count, 'Phis bull 1.4 from the same stieet; Thos. Ausebrook, for resi- 1()11:rnfi: nton!°intengeltier a7111e oN'Veioet of Gloster. calved kebrua . . o sery ees were passed: H, 71 • Prid- ed by the audience. - Dam Mabel Beauty. Sire` Ithigebaiik tuo,. for residehce on Trafalgar WiTitges?dnesi°areerPnieelletwlmweearendoh°ffiw:tecrhs e 1-14 Of 1114..)4tOr. tthlt ratuird ewe' iteen 'fleeting at Mr. Glen's ed until he had his bag -filled' before,pretty wedding 'was solemnized ut 'ter, 'ealved My 3014. 11r23. Dain w's91" C. Spain, for• residence On Horton'. ' RIS Pro richer. T. - &lice on Church s ree ; . H. Reid, A Couple Of Toronto Wedding -4', . ABNER . OR , interfering. . the' Church. of the Advent; Scarlett ssatieS-V$VMIa'AftilitRMIA*N".. At Nirth'St. . • of illoster, STre Itidgebank Count. 1 „ who lase fall pleaded guilty. to taking when Mrs. 8. MacLean, of 09 -Castle. deer,'.. )1.,erejl Inet, teq i,e1.1"1,','•• • Mr. Ohler. Clinton, Ont.. has bean broil fs; eat I.; op eAttet STOCK, a •MialltitY of. wine from a cellar in ton avenue, became the bride of Mr. !f'347:1' %Fre to Fano: Laddie 2nd. purebred rep Ard" • •r ink VA Monday, evening and a further dMiles cif 'War- Melo,' to 111. tiodfroy :lames. son 'or one night recently and caught the ilam as Ruby. Due.he t t R GUNDRY, Auatoneer.„ at -the job. They Wait- • • Toronto' Star, „March. ist-A. very e lmers en street. "Wig Inlin sale lost Oetober. I3en. Mike clos' for residenc Pa Purebred registered !heifer. White Rose , John Glousher and George Breen, Plains, by the Itev. George linteken, t-eited .pareenage, tioderiele Tueie rvniaks3) born "Slav' 10th, 1911: bred. by AIXTION'SALES istered .helfer. Perdita iteeie7; Red 1NIMENIENDS, ETC. Bayfield, were before the court on R. Bruce, The bride was given away Nellean, ot Withweed, 'se 'tt r, ); - Roan. born June 1921, bred by Mr. Chef. Clinton; hos been' .bred 2411. AlINER MOROIS • • • jOUtntilent" -tvill8 snide- to Saturday saw -rkfter :ceremony the 'guests (1"11 Nir". 11:104+ra"" +1+14-41,,A. ti041P- cattie.--d roan ease 7 years -old, due ,,111 an.(64-lun a. t 1r). 8, morning at 10 o'clock for sentenee. returned . the bride's restdenee, tint' ' W.aLTEIVIad'Ni1.- At Tonnto, .on Riney 'fklie 21td. April fith; 1Iolsteln cow ip yellts 01(142. "2.11. 13, °rne. •• An assault ease in which Goderiels nue cloy 7th: i filet eew I....m.4 old WEI)NESDAlt, 51A11011 17th • IOWziShip parties • are Inttirested where supper'was served.: The table' eoetsaoy, esh, •z,11h, 10•20, Ilev. Dr. -Ape- alar lith; t roan -cow, 10 yeara ' al . decorations were - 'rose 'pink: seed J. Ie. Selater. Jean wog • . The, Town Bylaws reqiiire that% the obvuets. or - harborers of any dog shall obtain a' license, and Such dog wear a license tag. M1 'dogs must be wearing a tag this year by April xst. • • Dog Tags mayie purchased now at the, .Town Hall, from r 1 Ir'r,171 a O. F -CAREY & SON, Limited INVESTMENTS and INSURANCE • - H. T EDWARDS, Tax Collector" Masonic Temple Building GODERICH — — ONTARIO 'PHONE 230 Huron Investments Li ed Stock Bram and Bond De '44ers Direct private wire, connecting wittikrotonto, Montreal, New York, Chicago and WIthipeg Stock and Grain Exchanges. Our Board Room is open to the public from 10:00 a.m. td 3:30 p. rn. daily. 1 I " 10. "•*.•...,. conies up .on Friday morning. white With blinehes-'0f Carnations t° it'll'"I'l 11' \‘'.4.11i`r• bun% i'l. "'c'ti'lle.11 old, entile•lng; ..3 everting eteers; d Aiorses.--1 •Mare, 12 years 'Old; 1 lgiraft mare, a years old; 1 deaft Per= -Taitile,-1 (tow' due May itli, 6 years monthly •business meeting happy 'eouple. will reside near Gedee EAtIlkSON ::-InnE.4,11)eon.4,-, eh. on • Iforses.-1 draft het -1;0.10 years old; On i,olt, rising I syi'ar Old. 4'.+1 W114111 " To .Revive Aquatic Sport., - roses and lily, of the valley. The.•' /41 ' valves. • driving hOyse, JO years old; 1 Percher - 0 Non colt, 2 years Md; 1 general aid; 2 yearling 'heifers. . of tho Menesetung Canoe Club on riCh• February Vat if";* purpose Percheron colt. 1.,year old; Poultry. --60 hens: 2 Shuts; 1 dralm• Tuesday evening .e committee was Toronto Star, March. 1st -Owing ...oars., Tiny Th„foss. o, ,,ew. 11,‘„, iseneral purpoee Poercheroe eolt P Grain.e-50 bushels bitekwheat, appointed to e d a ---------'" to a recent bereavement in the lam. 1.aurasott. M0411)s old; 1. • driving mar'', 12 years Pies -2 1=0*R, dim in April, . Implements. ..F.te.-A • outintIty • or oats and some hay; 1 Miaa.-yelarris foot =ut 110arly TitNe• 1 Wet - quantity of Oats, some noy, n e = ive 11 . res n canoeing and aquatic sport 8' was Implements -1 Massey -Harris mow. e 4, , (;,,!,;e51ftset'eitutiter; 1 Oliver walldte4' Plow ' tion of Mr. Lionel Persona. one •of .1 celebrated on Satilrday Of Violet pallgsvisigt;..in •to% um int -news pf . • • 1. Niamey -1131'4'1s etilliva, generally. l'his wae on the •sugges- May daughter of %the late. Samuel Mr. Soniantin Pool+Woial, '.:44141 telt US 0 \toren 1.n.1 nit" • I setof harrows; 1 e • I set Of . , and Mrs. Cluff, of. Goderich, Ont., to 3 ''''''."` '41' * • - Ile. i4 gone frees us bid is out for fly the marriage ' very-quietlyIN .MEMOARIAM , waaml sprino tmassig. cut, .the original Members of the Club, • • ine mower, 6 foot eat: 1 13-toeth 'Frast ter: I gravel hox; ateel-tlrea hug- who pointed Galt that .when the Club " ° n Inn= s°n ° • r it Wood cultivator: i ot .Dioering g leems,. : i seget olf 4Iroeu l sfe tr olf, Wcanangoe•oingg aniazneemdd' - ieitrtsshadannnroue . crtewgreoaottmanes iand. ate illia------------------------VciN'heainll of . • rela=; 1o.,,..,.i ,.u,..,.u,.....1.- .-..tingle I:unless'1 Lily cream separr lts w•ai°lmaThu...,JOhil. • 4111AStN4;I"11in1114n4om.Nut ib eal • • ,hfor.s-escaro1n-efoo n eo Wn ik eDsb, ael eoa tkro . plows1 nearlysew:eo..42IIlo1eton hrowt2 o.2eery uearlyn,na r ishy arenheusrsn: a y Widmer road Baptist church, officiat. eliain's foul other articles tee niinu,r Were events of interest. In view. of ed. The bride wore a dress of penri Plow: 1 New- National twin plow: 2 waggons; 1'ml:her-tire bliasty; 1 mon buggy; 1 ilshor..te power gas engin('! 13- ineh • t Melon cute air box, Willi ()hies and distributor; 1 P.ieeh veseet grind4'r; 1 buzz' saw °atilt; 1 'toe of 2000 lbs. Renfrew grates; Icelitter: 1- hal' rack; 1 set of sloop sici.rits;1 fiat hay, raek for eittalis; 1 root pulPor: 1 1-1ierse godlier; 1 Massev-11 Weis maw ure spreafier; 1 Ford car; 1 set of -heavy team harness: 1 setof plow hernesa; 1..set et' single harness; 13 ;Millets and " roosters; '.10:ildetree4 neekvekes fort ii and shovel:: el. Do Lasal cream separator'. 1 ClifflOol. steel range, and all other holiseliold' furniture, ete, • TE11.1414.-L-MI sums of 5I0 and tinil..c trash: owl' oit1o4loli'8 1n0111114' credit %tilt be given on furaisliong ap• proved joint notes, A dIsineitit rato of 41 per -cent, per annuli: 'allowed for cash on errant amounts. . . W. L. 'PoTTE11, 1.1* \ eitV. Preprietor, . 411..11r otHipriell, It. it. Ne. 6 • s.tihr -in, • 1:•-Nirtt -41. AND IMPLENIEN'fre Niles. A. P. S11E1=14.13: by rothlie atietion Lot 1. Con, 1l E. 11. Colborn, '•• setali of Nile: ni EDIDAY, 12ili, 1.126 e+.11,Menritor tit 1 pall. Sirielo • 1 reel Now, freshet:ea ., veto; 1 white eow, hr./ .11/nt. 121!). 1 red row, hred .1aitt. 10th. Intre 1 red and cow. bred June lath, 12:4 1 "=,1 obits row, bred lee. latia, 1:2:i: heifer.. bred mt. tiov.: •1,,ir.q. bred NoNt. 2ith, 1023: 1 'wile?. risme 2 Vial's okl; 1 baby beef, Pea Is to go. The cows are alt ;retina. ef tmod iiu t unit . g.tial I•oittiittro, itortoeq.-4 general puree-, pore rieaur 1 %ears it141; goti+,,..11 purp int. ri4zior; 3 years 4,111. . • IPlas...-1 brood cow and small piss. Implements. Ete...4 eft ee double set of Single Itartiess: g: 1 111+)Vo•l*: 1 !lay rake; 1 seed drill: 1 set ilk.= lots -ewe: 1 smeller; I set dem lisreoes.: .1 eel. nate mill; i wagon jack; wane) and rack; truck and log %%With - trees.farks. sitraele, nee): vok.s. 100' canine: 116f-4,•, blank .1‘.: 1 of se1101: 1 bogey tenime.• s :1 bug.sre %sheet.. 2 pairs of shafts; 1 *',211t 1.143 feet orilay fork rope; 1 Pa!) reps; creani separator: minierotei or.ter ar- .tieTirillAIS.-- earns *10 find ender rash. Credit amounts ttill be allowed menthe on furnishing aPP1**Aed Jolla notes, 1 e.soottnt at rate of peg'4 per„ annum allovoq for rash :An tbrolat SMOutitol, rAPT•ytlilirz 11104 10, s.oltl, ark& .1. P. SilLP11311), Ta.lati!!;:041111.7e... ProprietreaS., !kr TF:RMS.- ..111 sums of SIO and meter Gaderich some pageant on the water blue grey taffeta with and hat to touches of gold and match. She also the coming centenary celebration ot eash; over that amount 8 months' (=re- proved joint notes. A disponi:: of 1 whitely be nut- and the Cenoe was of Ophelia roses,- oiehide and pus to merit/ an. wore Hudson seat coat; her bouquet dit will be given on furl:saline ap• would be an -event that might appro. per cent straight 1,11.0‘ ed for cas pro,.e4 tuts sem alsrms„a of on to take .up such' an event. The ------------------------, lily of the valley•Mrs J Clutt acted as matron of honor. She ,,•yttaa credit oinottnts. aill , em to be the or . . . ti ettired in brewn -crepe and carried one esereeifee, must, no .0111, as pro. lack of heusing for. canoes and the ganiZa- preeor toeing, . prohibition of the uee. of -.what used American Beau y roses. Mr. J. 11. ABNER :1101.111K T.- (11*NittlY. to be known as 4rAttri1l'is Point" flair was best man. Immediately. 11''''.3• were given as reaeons for the de after the ceremerny Mr. and Aire. I,roPrietor,. Mto •# • ra • Sheppardlon, lt. NO. 4. #•Ite• sap. When drove to the home of Mr. laid once of aquatics here, but ..tneniory ibehard Jewell, %Ow ria"44041 II.W!tv 1st, We ry11,.114 41 hini softer illy by day, It emit Its. bitter grief, T', see him .slevviv pas: a41'. .e., Rut *'quid not give : at the brmikliix of the tea 4,44141, Gallo 1111•••Wiv1. anir darting father leek li,a haieL and 1.11 1414 for a better tarsi, 11:s- itan4141.47..in bb breast. • \V" kissed 14 t' . . .1”,t ours,ichin,.... twerp. Ye; 1,now.' Wo- have he father 11'w. . ;Tial (aL).:AitiN0 AUCTION. MIX, -4)1" gestion was made that boathouse tic- e ,damenr .......... So1=01 11= . v/ PAM( .STO(K. IMPLEMENTs'.. commodation might be proeurable. in . t00,- . Miele.' unit. le reel'ofie. MR. WILF11.11 nuot.A.: . low pier and steps down to the Will sell by public.' atielloa at Vie water the letniehing of canoes from Proust- 1 le Homesteaon t 11041,1 ei Itcoei tthhies twowounl darhe dfrebieght ssyh. ed, aendo:wmitmh itttheee IeI PUBLIC UBLIC NOTIC. • E a,..... -0=0- elltin' I ", - Will wait on thewintheii in this 0A 1)31111 at1 pet. 4,,, eaThc MoNDAY. MMICII 15111, .414.41.1,1(41141 connection. Horsee.-I drattio)veee• m y, .11•4 s'itkr: 1 Huron County firerders'. .sociation draft mare, 8 years old.Held Successfut Consigameht. Sale, . • al :411leiliber:' red few 'I111.' Huron County 13 •Cidt1e-..-4.^-rOalt-fOW Ve4t4 old,- loo. ion harrows.; i set .-leighst 1 tanititit; tr 11: 1 witeelbarrow; 1 watiatur sent - tier: -1 hay fork. ear. pulleya 144411 rop,•, reeders' Asso,,ia- due tielober: i Ted cow 7 years old. Mot iri May; 1 red et 4 +Me iti Mira: 1 row 44 ye irs• lif+1, sop- tOists1 to lie in calf; 5 coot! steers ris ina yl ars oid; 2 steers ritang 2 yeme old; ste••r rising 1..ear 1,14; 2 esis..-4. Poultry. -50 Hoek pullet"; ,7.11 1,v1i it yew. ou; s y-voilt • s.iw, due in .%pril: linplemente.- Decrina hasies; li•ft• in first-class efludition,; aleCeetn- iek mower. nearlY new'; 3laws..v tIviitor; I sleet f Ntraeeltatris geed drill: 1 Coelediutt watkina No. 21: 1, Ilain wagon; 1 ava‘,1 leis.;"1 eimiltination stock rsek: s' -'t 3 ay/. tion , held their Minuet cersitrnnwnt -sale in ,Winglinin on Thursday, Feb. 25th. The weather iiffei.ted, the at, 0 tendanee conaiderably. : The sale; however, • Was • quite sueeesSful, the averatre being considerably higher than last year. • The average fur the... -sale Wai4 $95.50; while the •average for bulls was 197,30. • Thi' demand - for bulls was • not satistied;- twenty. i - eight animals were put through the ring. The highest prieed bull was Ruby's Itosegood .Chief, eonsigned _ - by Geo. Kerr, of Ethel, and told to Robt. Cathers, of Gorrie, for $154J. The . highest priced cow Wag consign. ed by Geo.' Ferguson, Elora, Cleo. new: .Anchor ereani separator in gifted rondition; 1 Limier patra Nineth, and sold to J. le. FAlis, elinen„ No. 3; i istisy I: of Myth, for we. The ogietts and f"111;r•liess14.1"L'Il'i=4}:14,,i1,7,:mi°11-t4:,•,1 consigners are feeling quite &meows .ble harnesa AlearlY new.; i set aged over the turn of events. It 1 would indicate that things are going 1911111k1..i141:--Ab°01 100 Im-114 "as; to be better in the beef rattle busis' about 14X/ bushels of barley:. ga • fleas' a APPtl potatoes 'Irloit Itolottc. .mitiito Festival in salvation. army r ertieies toe e4114l'-1',U'24114l'-1',U'24114l'-1',U'2 to lieu finn.win le '1-.p4114.1t ere Despite unpleasant weather condi. ri,"r" 34 5" t'.1n hs" tience an audience of between three tee. ount feetitlis" • hundt d b eh a Iffy ehog piras..lena attended the musical festival lase te-a•s=st lehlt net. A iiis. .1,15 or 1 Thuredey. Feb. 25th, held in the 1,4111 bush. te at mixed envoi Ito eitettele out, iepee Td'FAINI!1stee.- rthat All mintsrimcof :1484 loader -ed t re unclred r,d • r C4'lI *'4 citadel. The tottthm Vex. a -edit aesmiits. =wit mit ft 4C. T. I(S4I11,tette composed of (+Meets froa, Theil. Ploptielor. actions„ feta, 'winghara,, Seaferth and tipde• Asimimmummuummosimmumpimanowatim —.0raM.II1•11i&_ < meeting of -the Citizens of the Town of Goderi11i4 will he held in the TOWN HALL FRIDAY, MARCH 12th, 1926 at 8. o'cloek for the purpose of (Irani/lug tor the Tos%•11 of Goderich Ceti- tenniaa Celebration tsi ke held :in 1927, All eitizen,, aro respoetfully requested to attend. II. J. A. MacEWAN Mayor 0=0, .01=0. 0=0 0=0 • Huron Investments limited We offer unsold balance of New York Evening journal 6 146 Bonds, due Dec. zst, 1937. This is an S. W. STRAUSS CO. Issue. We have also opened a department to handle in. snrance, and we are prepared to write all lines or Vire, Automobile and Lift: litsuraiKe. , 11 - • - --10•-• • er -001,1181=-: 41"