HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-25, Page 8•
.,retsrar -
MN Mir
k Coaatst Nothing to
Look:ati our
New. *ring
Wail Paper
Colne in and
how low a4'Idlr_prices
"'dliatbs Square for Petty Years"
%Om' lirf'n Iioagins spent the
creek -shod: as'tl►e guest of Mis:a Mary
•• life mond Mrs. (leo. Lane spent Sun
city eve.1t the • borne of Air:• •(Cil
tlaeatt Vint.
Bir.. ane' Mrs. Thos. Fergtiao 1 spent
at ample - of days recently in' ?odo-I
aleA YW'altlrig relatives, '
;1k"m.. Baldwin spent the week -
teal be Stratford ., visiting with his',
Ihre faerw$n-law, Mir. G. Vint.
lir. and Mi•:s. Geo, Bunter and
of 7.los•, spent ,'Srnday even-.
Il' Ills. and Mrs. Jo. Hackett..
•r<liigh toad°•from herrn took in
:iMartertainm.ent put on by the atu-
throb of the 0. A. C. an the town:
1ri>w Algnew.:of; Goderieh, and Mr.
IleCisot of :'Carlow, are at present
aligiag trees in', Mr. John lktulines
ffwih Sr bir..1t1. Nobler.
Oa Friday night of this week the
roil. *ALE . .
tr Chestnut coal
wive? $$y 4 per ton
I'`iitst Week in Morel
Pllsonse4It Onsta enton
WM - oC URet •
C'a'r 4 in. Lamp
Pocahontas Coal
$13.00 per Tin
Wild on Market Scales
Phone 118 3.
Arms, aaredr.
scholars of the O. A. C. are having a
image* sad Owe. This itaiebes
their three atsstths' term.
)(r. and Mrs. Jas. Cock and broth-
er, Charlie M IMaatth. attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. haw Mc-
Bride, of Carlow. wb1eih was held
from the home of her eon.
Mrs. Sunlit Sherwood returned
lanae from London, whore she spent
a week with her daughter, Mrs. Les-
lie Ritchie, who underwent an once.
Won on Wednesday, the 10th, and
who, we are pleased to boar, is im-
proving very nicely.
Ju. Lane spent a day Inst
week in Goderich.
Mrs. Jim Hackett and Lena spent
the week -end in Ripley.
•Mr. and Mrs. Elmer .Alton spent
Thursday in Goderkh.
Mr. Roy Alton has traded drivers:
"It's the color of the snow.".
Kr. alert Treleavenvisited at Jos.
Hackett's one day last week. -
Owing to the lever' weather last_
Thursday night there was no• league
in Ilackett's church.
Mrs.. Sem Morrison visited with
her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Alt-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan
visited in, the burg one day Iasi
A few from here attended the Val-
entine social held at Blako'a last Fri-
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ferrier and
daughter, .Luella. visited friends in
the burn one day iset week.
Miss. Lizzie Alton, . of Lucknow.
spent Saturday at Eimer Alton's, of
this vicinity. '
Mr, Wilson Irwin home of his
hay pressed last week I y. air. Thee.
Irwin's press. •
Mrs. Semite' Sherwood returned
home from London, where she had
spent the past week with 'her . daugh-
ter, Mrs. Les. Ritchie, who under-
went en operation.
Mr. Will Long is indisposed. One
day last week he had to be helped to
the house.
Miss - Gertrude ,Gledhill Miss G rude �G edh ll lett on
Tuesday. of this week for Calgary,
where . she . has taken a position,
We are sorry to report two cases
of blood poisoning, Mrs. Fletcher
Fisher and Carmen Stevens.
.The choir made a 'splendid show-
ing at the morning servicelast Sum -
day and helped very nliitterially . in
the service. 'thew was, a good con-
gregation, the church being Oiled,
On Monday of this week a num.,
ber of the young people gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mre. Gledhill
as a fareweli to Miss Gertrude Gled+
hill. • A very pleasant, evening, was
spent in games, music and :singing.
Mr. 'Harold Sproul lass been the.
guest of his friend, Mr. Pretty, of
Kitchener, during the past weeek.
Mrs: Wm. Brio* and two children
are goats with the former'a sister,
Mrs. Albert Campbell, of 'Westfield,
Mr. John Little, the Aahffeld asses•
spr, made his annuat rounds hi Dun-
gannon and vicinity on Monday, of
this week. •
Mee Clare ' .Sproul, of Stretford.
was a guest at the home of her par-
ents, Cllr. and Mrs. David Sproul, on
Sunday. -
Mrs. Wm. McClure has been fpr-
tunate in securing a carload of choice
" �Ctieetniii 'coat, whkh will .11e unloaded
-. at.MeGaw: uext-iteek.• .
Miss Celia Pentland left on Thera-'
•, ••-...=-: day for •Toronto, where she will at-
tend the :spring Millinery- displayit,
CrODEltiCH l';'i' aft fat
raultswor. MIL aim
.r.wrrra •m, ..r - s•wwMInn.11M1411y.ee.ri.il.111Mr1ii..Al4,PwAbY
Alteration Sale
The last two days- will be owl. bitter than before. Here are a. few of the splendid values we are offering on
FEB!?,'UA1p'Y 26th anti FE$RUARY 27th
Anderson's Scotch Gingham 32c . Large size Fllinnelette• Blankets, white or '.a,;
Pure Linen Towelling 14c
'Crepe-de•chine ; :.... ...... ;a1.19
. Cotton. Crepes - • 20c
'Ladies' Woo1 Hose, Regular $1.30.'.....21.20
Factory Cotton, Specials .10c, 19c, 224
Steeiclad Galatea, Regular 35c for•. ...29c
Santoy (a splendid cloth for'spring wear), ;1.40
gliosis ff
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Ed-
wards, left recently toattend the mil-
ligery openings in :the city, prior to
liar return to New Liskeard, where
aha conducts a fnillinery shop..
Mrs. M, B. Nicholson, of Drayton
was a week -end goont with her moth-
er, Mrs. Charlotte Smith, ,and other
relatives. Mrs. Nicholson will, •in
the near future, Join her husband,
who has been in the West for some
..... •F.•.A-. 11 .'. r'r .,.s $2.95p
Ladies' Sweaters, pure wool or silk and wool
Reduced to ..... $1.95 and ;2;95
Silk Dresses, (Regular $9.00 to ;17.00) now
t. $:.75 saes
Alt styles of winter, Underwear, Ladies' and Chil.
dren's selling at ..........2O% discouatt .4
The S
Ladies' Silk Hose, specials .:•..45c, $9c, $1.4$
Black Duchess Satin (36 Inches wide) $1.49 yd.
'Black Chanteuse Satin, Regulart3.25 for 52.10
White Flannelette
Heavy English Flannelette (36 inch) ...•..29c
Co1oted Dress Linens for... o 40c
Broadcloth Blouses (Regular $2.95) for. .52.20
HeavyCotton Vests.... . . .• .•. ! e w a, .
Heavy Bath Towels (Regular 9$c) for...,.05c
Phone `..
A week aagoothe trustees called, s• Raymond :Finnigan has bought a the death of.Miss Eliza Wood, °stn.
meeting of the ratepayers of the sec- scarifier and huller to clean and hull • etly of the neighborhood, but for the
tion and it was decided to re -seat the sweet clover for the farmers around past -two years residing -au'ttth her.
school, the seats being in poor on- Crewe, and anyone else who nceda nephew, Mr. Mr. Ferguson, Of the Oth
dltion, wort dont , .in that line.' . con. of Fest Wawanoah.
On Wednesday evening o* this f ._
in the Baptist church. Mr,. Herbert Mr. Maitland, ,Henry has installed romen's' Fancy 'Work.
week there will be an. entertainment . / WESTFIELD ,
W. Percy will be the speaker. Mrs. a radio.. • Exchange
Rice and Mr. Harvey McGee will ale° Mrs. T. Snell, of Blyth, spent the
assist. latter part of the week with her 80 members wanted h join the
months in the vicinity of -.Brandon. • Air. -Lloyd Fergtieon has cleared . a mother, Mre. J. Cook. Galeria Women's , Exchange.
Mr, E. 0. Duff will dispose of some part of the river clear of • snow and Mr. Stanley Sibthorpe returned to One Dolle
aloe horse buggy. t hr
eff s, as gel-.
ec �r
household .
therein, and `t11ef.. � • oung people, even ber shopafter two Weeks" vacation , articies;•wbieh_ we seU' on court
cutter, cow, ete..at a sale' et: be held some` of that older ones.. enjoy', the iuiiaatua% ` p'ox net le alixre. sppiy:'
on .the . premises: on Friday afternoon . v ' ., ]visit. , Wm: llfet ovrell ` seternea to
evening skating home on •Sunday after spending•: a
who will conduct the sale of a. farm. Last Saturday morning John 1V31- rbeelc with her aunt, D1xa. Wm. Stack -
at .Rivett's hotel: upon the same day,, son received a meeaagae from Detroit house, of Blyth;
las; to be the auctioneer:. : that .his eldest; daughter, Mrs.. •Barr. tier: M. • Hooper, of +Granton,and
died i --thea . it . the:
evening. Deceased was born in the at the home , r. l�". F. C mri las
r entitles you to eon •'
built a Away and placed a stove Blyth on Monday .to work in the bar- tribute Fancy Work or.ithuircd
of 'this -week. Mr. Thos,/ Gundry, -
There was ► falx attendance at the hart n • t c Y e preceding lir. J Elsley, of Londeaboro visitedh
h of M a
euchre party en Fr1daY evening Chit, township of leadiett. forty-seven years on 'Wednesday of last week,
despite the stormy weather that pre- ago, The last few years she had
rs, Thos. Elliott and
vaned, thirteen tables
srs were Miss been .i». Detroit. She is survived by daughter, ofd Mthe West, visited their
pied. The . phi winners .her ber'e'' • husband, two Sone and
.Ida Rivett and Mr. Orville Ryanx three daughters.' ,niece, •Mfsa'"'LenWi IViilconade ll the
consolation,' Miss. Finnigan and . Mir. ` " hpme of Dir. Win. McDowell, err..
4 From another correspondent) Thursday: ' •
Everett Finnigan
The count of ballots for the "Pope We are sorry that Mrd. 1Vt. Allen Word -win received on Fndey of
ulariti Contest'" at Alton's. store onhaus been ill. wo wish her a speedy . ••-
Saturday .night last placed ,the can+ rocove rYt
teatants as follows in order of 'merit: The many friends of : Mr. Elmer:
Mrs. Chao'. Rivett, Mrs. Thos. Rivett, Robertson were sorry to hear that
Mrs. "Richard Finnigan, Mrs. (Rev.) he had an operation in Goderieb hos-
Hayes, Miss Edna Fowler (village), . pital last Wedneedat
Miss Alberta Glen, 'Mrs. Uriah' The V‘onten'st,Inetitute hast at the •
Lorne 'Iver*. The race is becoming Recipes were exchanged and a - read. R. R SALLOWS.
quite hot as this, the 'last. ;week of ing given by Mrs. C. Straughan:
the contest, draws to a close, All 'Rev Ii shim t - T t is l •n •►� •+t s-.
Your Faprilnely�.aii
Friends. want
Thompson, Miss Edna Wolfe, Dirs. home of Mrs.'" Lawson last Tuesday, take the appointment' l'itadi►y
vote$ must be in lay Saturday n1id- expected tl auldreas the Bible Society. _ .
on, o To o
night, when the final count will be meeting' in the Baptist church next SADDLE HORSES
nude. Do your buying early and Monday. i is hoped there will be at
poll your votes for your favorite, large attendant*:
The death took place on Tuesday The ,Intermediate Bible Ciusgoz ....�...
morning; at his late residence on the the United Sttbdsy School acid a so At the; S.t+r ana.Exeianaa Sentaoventh concession of Weal •Wawa cial evening at= the hone of Mr. and we wilt try to r bpplyrae your wants in
nosh, of Mr. Jas. Fergusoon Of Mrs. A. J .Ferguaom• last Friday; alt elasaila of Homo. Ba es rind
the .lasts .Jamas and Mrs. Ferguson.b They *tanned to hold a general social Harness., : ' e+.,..• '
The funeral will be held today evening Marclrr Vtth. Good Storage for Cars•bay'week,
(Thursday), Making the second fan, The meetiag of the lie or Ila or mo nh. Rates: day, Om week.
eral from the hone within live clays, Y i<l.tSo. uronttss 1u,tND.•
Good Uou+n�t can be hired ht tile.
that of. the late Mise Woods, who raver wad halo in the Anglican For Sale --One l?aCs>�aaet Creana
was an aunt o$ deceased, having church Iaat rtday. The hearers
Separator, used very little; a;
been held from the same home on were taken'by ladies: • from the cif• first-class shape, good skimmer,
preparatory to opening sea: millinery Saturday last. Further reference ferent churches. Mira. nice son$ a t $85,00.
The Woman's hist lute will hold a weeks lesue. Y P. S. head Sale and Rrceharihe Bay
Banes. There waa a good attend -I
progressive euchre party in the par- United Church Yotes.•--The young anee eonsideriag the stormy day
fir hall es Friday„ evening Three people met 'taking the teachers Owning
first prizes wall be ;given and re-
freshments served. Playing ' to be-
- gin at 8.n'elock.
�t�� Mr. James Culbert and his men
Assurance VOm imp..., havev been pressing hay in this die-
- triet during 'the- last week; for Met -
y . will be made to both of these in next beautlfui solo : and the paper tot , a .
prayer was 'taken b hint
IN SU � A 1' E shop here in the spring.
Mutual Life
' Auto and Howse Love
lob oncourse at the parsonage en Wed
nesday night. choir practice was Miss Cath t • rigged
Another Shipment .f .
also held on 'Wednesday night. Jun.
be •held on Friday evening at 8 p.m. - Miss Sara Cameron, of toehalsk
evening with us. visited friends on the lake shore
Next Sunday's services will be held' gravel on Thurbday. .. .
is loading a ear of second -cut alfalfa as usual. Sunday school at 10 san. Rev. Mr. • Rolland took charge of
for League met on �t'edneeday at, friendLoc�ttales h over the week.
4.15. Young. People's meeting' will end.
ars. Thos. Wiggins.`3~red Culbert and Come and enjoy the
of C000da.
- Robert Davidson, the latter of
" •h m
Hk.Air CHMICl, : WATERLOO' ONT. i at Udine* this week. and church services at 11 a.m. •and 7 the services la Ashfield Pres)) fere
111 C d C kb p.m. The Young people of Dungan- ion church last Sabb th
r, or on oc urn, .1f 'S'F'oetl-i
Mrs. oroat e s and little son,
of Dia:.
« . � , . stock: is 8 guest at the homenon United church will entertain the G d
s and M S 1 Sanderson,
Young People of the Ashffeld circuit Jimmy, f • T t
rear Sr. •bate entitled, Resolved . that the
Nurse. Doherty, of Godexich, is wait. rhnreh it • Justified in . attracting --
Miss 'Mary Ross; teacher in Cedar
in upon Mrs Ssnders°
Mrs.having o oron o, spent at week
rltOl n " been called here by the serious in- on March Gth at 8 Nu The mai* visiting Mrs. teal parents, Mr. and
C.an�t:att;u, 0'.? seas of hie sunt, feature of the evening will fit! a de- Mrs. T. D. M mien
in r achalsh
' blra. Sanderson
". young people through entertain -
The accornlhrtnied bya Mrs. Lorne
Miss Edwards, who has enjoyed a menti' The bungannon debaters JRoassevervlsutdat, at the home o Miss
delightful holiday at. the' hone of . will t:alte the side of the 'negative, y
The Allui6ia Circle will tweet et the The Onion bah of the 1J.P.W, O.
4,rs a 111tot homof Miss Laura Savage on Men- held a meeting last week at the home
Ie• day afternoon at 2.30. There will be of Mrs. Dan MacDonald, Lochalsh. •
I will be p ei*rea hader I
tt:ut,tosni Sawing in T.
-waif)' 1nisth. Joeuiliasir ated as s
NewStaed Goods
Hemstitched Pillow Cases
stamped for embroidery'at 31 gait
Conus Pieces, 25c
brown linea color and white. le -in.
Benet sad Validly Sets; 3Sc
Night Germs, ;lie
in Orchid and Plesh coter
Bsaestifai Bedspreads
Dali�nn•. in
Cncltions sad Lead Sets
Eraaryeh{aj, la Embroidery Silks
awl otramieti Colles. •
Smith's Art aid Gill Stere
East St, 'Phone ISIS
Have�l[.sht t
If .not sea tnel�ore you -do.
Eaipietriet a Self tor; l
Sittisf *tion •:Guaranteed.
*Pruni Mcttwain
R. R. No 6. Dudgennoi .
Phone Db anon 7 •Ii 44
NewwuI Used ..
Stoves, etc
in fact everything for the
pailiteavei,' $4ve
You Money.
This is your store. 'Use it.
Os the Brwtdwsy of GoderieR
Hamilton Street
Shoo Stkiithe
Complete line .o( ladies', geatle-
men`s and children's shoes.
Come in and compare aur prices.
Stopping your °advertisement Vol
save money is Just like stopping a
clock to save tithe.
Radio Set , iwners
All owner* of Radio Seta in
God'erich and district are
invited to join the -
Godericb Radio Associatlea
Annual Membership Fee $Oc
...loin;meow,a,ai airy ofehe :::,.
foliowine officer.
REV: F. C, ELLWOTT. President
C. A. REiD. Vice-Presidee:i
CLYDE CARTER. Sec.+Treasurer
• N b
tam Being .Handed..
.Gettin 'our- clothes cleaned arld
pressed at Vroo tans- •you geirso,,
much satisf`fet1on out of them.
Tiley look just like new:
Welch French Dry ;laths
Prompt and Wit. Swale*.
J. iii. •VROOMANi
Phone 1271 Watt $thsi
That is •the'kin4t which will greet;
you when ynu call at •sur -store
en D. visit of inspection. Solid coin -
fort combined with up-to-date 'style.
and finish ondi a durability beyond.
compare. There's real value in,
every Piece. -
Perhtitaare, •ttesetal Direea;er-
Hemiltua Street
t tpnce lacrosse -`- apo please a ring in their Easter Thos. thefacDoe d. vice
etinpreside a, ._��. 4"1441111" _ \. „ N,
' 1eetiopn of officers. The mem- In the abse of the resident Mrs.
AUBURN Mi 1f cri raid and .a btrt•
♦Tqur� ng
` ht Delivery
;I were read by Mrs. U. MacDonald and •1'
Miss Isabel. ri o
"�. Lear, of Blyth. wax the guest letin from the head office was read _ 1
• '.rr sister, Mrs. Hill, of the ail. by ,lira. illateKenzir. Mrs. Wtskv Alberta . Coal
P last week.
logs, the sleighing being very ed by the h",":+C QUALITY '
CREWE Two cars expected' this week, a
Robb presided at the organ. After
+t week several were drawing the meeting a dainty lunch waa tea'. 1
for that purpose.
Walter Pfeffer, of Clinton, was
village the latter part of last Bru sintWeil for last week)
Sha felon visited mends Those depending on this yard
The buck chassis tailing an old acqu+santances away from Cr a last•9unda}for
a trial order are advised
r.n1,ajn John Clerk purchased the farm If you have anything to til tplacetheirorder immediat. d
r. Noah Ptaetser ,oat week. *mai ad a Pu * to
`lark gets possession at once. - yon • in 'ihr Star. 'it will pay ely, ° as our allotment is being
• Farmers' Club shipped a car- We are gland to report lair. Robert sold ra idl .
sf hors to Toronto last :M decay. menary real :.Hauch iami►rere,i l p Y
Ives than as eatrlowl of auris a*_ _ast week. s mw
in the village this ween.
We are so io report ialraa. Mattlesside . Cot Mt �d
#11� with *tartar�. ., Liar.-..,... tshaeon thehe tkies F Dr.'s care et Walk irisApps tauiia
Ailf.0. ,. Fart (U R beet friends i lite sort to rspettt Kra, John
C� eogrrtnsert�t flax stn buy any liar
Kilpatrick ender the aieetoc s new
Ford Motor Company of
you can gin than .rare at fists wetting.
Mrs. Reinert Irelsereen. of Tongan. Low la Aida
arc.,frr Yieir rf4ort.4i'aw,wle i rr. or
II K.rc,, at arras , , ;wi„iiteie+r,
Fed, { arMrs. John i*i4ws& pease Get In touch with us today.
No Wave remembrance last week frj visit with ter
will gine amok bstipinesa ' dsegittars to atatat Detaett.
til J. T. 1 L.L
Mr. sad s ars. anrwwy, alai � a
away airiItaaigse► .ittKed their atrntgit-
Crewe Is tt . �. ateewa
7.779r EfraVe....0•WsPr
4 I
‘1 i