HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1926-02-25, Page 7T=ti&&BAY. P. $di, IOW
- J.
Hotel Teller
800 Rooms- 800 laths
12.50 per 0syssi alp
Arabian Restaurant
Gothic • Grill
Tea Room...
C. C. ••SCHANTZ • .
,G seirsl Mersiuse,
i ill I i i : i u I III ill i III a I I I I. 11 1111i l u III
l w 1
= Sunday Alternoon
.eMe_ S iraf•SS ft sit ,Li woos i.- •1 •1 0:.... �.. -� .: q , ...
ethers. bet �wlte desire >. "saga a alit
.k" also.
stet:Whw eta wale teynic, I b.U.vc
that t1w sanely of a ea, Laes8On$ in EI 1
04 Weekly
e+ ainimarr, xaveleallky, stem ad set bt
�li!"IL'Tfi}N 'caeiiirdCJE, Oaf. * arltltetl araatertsetr>,westeoarc
se xraanaphsnes tar radios to lie fount
O Master, Lit sae walk with 'ream acting the part of a servant to show :a tines als, s. isst by theat,inumber t
In lowly paths of service lice; his' disciples the true saeai:in>; of anither nsls who snake iaonest tA'artt Mord* Often Mistrial
either personally, or in conjunetia
Tell me Thy secret, help rite bear diseipleehup. He glorified humility. with earners, to des a�atrk-producers Don't say "a your think like I do:'
The strains of tell, tb. fret of rare. It is tct3d of Augustine 'that on being Of course we must have listener 'aaY "as I do."
'reach me Thy patience; still taint , heaven? V at is the
H iret tt4:stepA to
too and s, good listener is the great 1)ont't ,}e*Y "1 expect :gin," F* Say
Thee "Humility:' est -or one of the greittest-fncent SUPPOSe er think. i.xptr fa -
In closer, dearer company, the second step' "H mn1ity."' - And ivea to gotta performance. Of the 'ere to the future, never to the prat
I In work that keeps Tartan wrest sand the third'. "Hrtitility:" In fi n+a more will be said later, on the .ub ent or past.
strong, other way can disciples cx rices the jest of "'latenitig."verDon't say t"each of the assn went
In trust that triumphs ower wrong. others.
Awtay back ence et life thus ,Abnaha an in Retying
The program of the Ejyr Society i Paid "tive do1lars." ''=ay "gas:'
W. Obitiden. divided into two peetk-•sane sacred, "Fisch h the singular subject.
PRAYBdt cMal we have a to el%nite illustration of and one melee. ?Isre Knox chart Don't say "she took it off of the
3y 134»W, K erase ated by the member uR faunae, By W L. Gosdttn
meem nsaiwtasseeil lanes s ille0tlla 1111411 ,
Gracious Father, we thank Thee,
that being justiiiesl "flat falw ineastele ttcs o lec ., , a. >" as leave re«
for feat uddr:, BeHe provided Jesus taken to certain riatutes of st'lectiots main. Holy lief.
risen ° i�er, wt , ee *west
t� ger feat washlnit (Gen, 113:41. Jesus they were excluded. The Progran Don't sax "alis is a valuable assist•
. -lava Wine or Mace, *here we:til y and hisidisciplea,hnd, walked tis from to be given an the 2eth is as follows ant to him;.'" Say "vat r:•
;receive daily rkansing Elves• sin, Bethsiay the earning of the I'asFover mord Neter$ Words Often Mispronuuncetl
daily *tree/Ob.:for :daily need. 8.113 tenet. Arrangements had been made Gloria in Exeelais Mozart Campaign. Accent last syllable,
hope for our eternal rest. Amen. beforehand by Peter and John far "0Thou that Tell -teeKande not the first.
S. S. LE$eON reat.potC1 7tk -them to eat the' supper m -the home one Loa is my 'Slee ierd".ladies' Aspirant. Accent the i not the e;
hospitality which included xs its !roma: are, comparatively speakini `ala." Omit "of."
first act the very tieing Jesus did aassi � �, nnf t be don't s+►Y '"I rrauld
:9t . Sure. Sign .
O Many/ Trauile
irhen -the kidneys get MI the back
res out. iBut tke back is not to
the:arhe comes from. the kid•
bt eek which'lie moiler tke moll of the
Thiene#ere; dull tains in the aselt •or
sbest',:,quick.twinges,aro ata of
ai* *Mauve-- warnings of kidney
ales bre, •
Plater. "rill • Bin'unents. will do tb•
hick leogeed, for they eannot reach
tats tici°ds ys rwhich cause ,the trouble
rata ftlrel kldnee s. thenaleIaas, ># .6,37
•ase aeepeoial remedy for the kidneys,
sad the kidneys only. They'banieh alt
the .pains::arid achel by making the
1 es er out all the polecats from
ate r
'Femur ;druggist or dealer sell* themi
pat tip:only by The T. Milbura.Co.,,
Liatitati,.Tesosto, Oat,'
tae-Minerd's-4eters rc
aletrramedy. It draws out the
'Jollemanation, ease*, lt,Il.J1st...
toringe•ppeedy zeeevery.' i!
A T. '
err �► �.
tables, Etc.
�c I� Y
Mosntreeal Sttteeit `
just off the Square .
'noises Meet at$ i rein* sine
Passenger aoats
Passerseers called for in any
part of the ,town for all
trains at (I. T. R. or C. P. R.
Prompt SerMice and
Careful Attendance, .
l,.. 'etrirat4•• .
our Livery 'sn4 back Service
will be find alp -to -date
In everV raspsct.t
"ay Patronage Solicited
Pone 107 Montreal Street
The ter aid Light Csi
• SkiON
wisin to purebase souse
good, straight, sound
thirty (3o) feet long, with
aat least seven (7) sacra -
top. Poles to be deliver- -
ed in yards at Goderich •
Quotations received on
any quantity front -
five to fifty.
For any further particu- -
lets apply to •
J. 8. E,tlt', Sgt., .frith
L. i.4 nS y, Wed&
Leeson Title -jam Wanihts• His of a friend, ptsssibly that of Mars, chorus)...... . ..... . .:iehubera i as in "pie. "
r isciplea' Feet. the mother of John Mark. Judas "$e Watching aver hurter" Alien. Pronornee al -yen, i as in
Lesson Passage•..-,Xeihe ea 11-X7. Iscariot, who 'had' been" ih' commiini= Mendelsohn "day." a as in "hen," not as al -ease
GoldenText--Matt. 2p:28. cation .with the chief priests and Slumber song (.unaresmpanied) Leh: Adept. Aecent both adjective and
captafne'abaut betraying hie Master, t+0 Peaceful Night" (Male Chorus) noun on last syllable, not the drat so
In .the preceding chapter we read did not know of these' arrangements,
Edward Gertiisn commonly heard,
about the ' triumphal entry, of Jesus so that.they were undisturbed at '(March .of the Mete of arleeh" Conscientious. Pronounce second
into Jerusallein. The, People cried .their fellowship meeting. They tt*Loa.t. .s,t„i evCons ahs. not ass
Id. '"IXaxaytna". reassd ie the lining of were all seated and Jesus took notice "Glory and X,attte- to the Men' of Old" 'Altitude. Pronounce the .t as in
Israel flat cometh 'in the ansae of that , no one had offered to procure (;p+.......,.., . . "unit," not as oo in "food,"
the Lord...uullt od Words ()lase Misspelled
' sort 'we read of hitt water and bathe the were
feet ns The solos ',by Miss Edith Hamilton
the travellers. They were mono con- of Toronto, :are : Existence (not onee), ('Challenge.
In today'e lotscornea about which of them ahold,_
Ave 'Kansa. , .. ,ltascagni' Privilege (note the ire). Until- , on-
111111.11111.1111111111.11.1.1111111111111.1". have the best seat at the table ,X.eake; "0 Thou that Tallest" (sola part) ly one 1). Predicament. February
e 2224). (note the ru).
t . Handel
4 t .4'imited
:. An Opportunity!.
All ayes are focussed on
ithetesornsous 'wealth of the-
Rouyn tear** and present
conidittons recarl the early -
boom (days,- of Northern
• Laval -Quebec, has 2,700`
' acresof well -located anima
andtvast,ore bodies of
Healy copper -gold content.
It has a seasoned manage-
ment with'ampte funds for
mare than a year's develop •
metat. ,
Xaismas healthy market con•
dition means that stock
prices will discount the
work' on the property and
what. can . say what a ,year
will bring? - .•
Laval, is listyd both in Tor- ,
onto and Montreal and now
is the time to buy in order
to participate in •thR, wealth
• of.this mineral area.
Laval -Quebec offers excep.
tarsal speculative pussibili-
ties and we . suggest that
you ern ct in the fellowinir
-cot}pon today oblige
tion, of, course!. 1
owat & macCsiuivray
" l�►leIalL�N 3 NK BUILDING
OwTAwR •.
••Please send .me the latest
particulars. of Laval -
Quebec and its prot t possi-
Jesus rose, laid aside his outer'
garment, drew n Jewel through afia
girdle and went from one to another`
with the basin of water. No one.
outwardly exppressed unwil1mgnees:
to be thus served until Jesup came.
to Peter. -We cannot but believe;
they, Saw . the eels:Ice lett! were
•ashamed, but it was left to ?Deter to.
voice unwillingness and aurp>'•ise ;
"Lord, dost thou wash - my feet'!"
Then occurred that conversation in!
Which .Peter wars 'targltt ,abet 'the
dust of sin needed to be washed
away day by day. "Ile tlrat'has -res.
ceived once for all the bath of justi.
ficatnon needs nothinggex e t' theconstant application of cleansing in
his daily life." Even Zulus was in
the company of those whose feet
Jesus washed and he . male known
his consciousness of the feet' that
there was na traitter in their muniber.
"Ye are not all clean."
Afterwards he resumed his seat in
theirmidst and proceeded'to ..apply
the meaning of . his nation. `Some
have taken this as the instituting of
a ceremony which :should be ebserv-
ed for all time, like baptism or the
Lord's copper. It was not; however,
continued by the .apostles or early
Chtiatians his a t•eligious rite. In-
deed Peter saw tare spiritual signa•
fietuice a ;Master a isP when -••he
, exclaimed, "Lord,not my fent only
but also my. has&a :and nay heed."
By his example $sears; their ]Gaster
"LonelyY am I now no loner"',.Wet Synonyms
,t B " ' Transact, execute, enact, 'conduct.
\\'hen You°And I Were Young"
accomplish, discharge.,
:Also lour songs of her own :) • Oblique, incline, slope, • slant, de -
('1) "Bird Song" cline, descend, lean.
(2). •"'Through Elysium Fields of Peace, harmony, amity, - tweet.
Dight" tranquillity, quiet.
(3) "Entrancement" Atonement, compromise, repar'n-
(4) God of the Ripening Greiat" tion, 'expiation. propitiation; compen-
The organ numbers will be . sation,, reconciliation.
Andante, (Jupiter Symphony) Mozart Defy, ehalleaige,° dare, venture.
a t.
l___ ____i in If flat
'Field Departure start, ext(, lecnn p
The Mast
Our pure Cent *rev is
relished by adults and
children i etau a of Was
deliciot a.i111:W1r.
It is also rich infoodraine,
and so easily digested.
»Qefar'a reoontowee es
I��� HU Mr
`heat, per bush.....i 1.45 to 8140 CANADIAN .NATIONAL RV
Buckwheat, .. ..,..per bit, R5 ti a: r0. TRAIN SERVICE t0 TORONTO
Xiaga ....,.•.r'.. 0(l
: 1..`F5 to 1v.i
Oats, per bush • 40 to 401
I)ahry Futter-
Eggs, per sox 30
Pamily flour, per cwt 1.00
Patent flour, per rwt. 4,75
Bran, per ton ;2.00
Shorts, per ton... .. 83.00
Ray, per ton..,,.,,. 10.00
meat removal. Hides 08 to Oi3
Shepherds Dante... Edward Gusman " bite.. ' ` n t
to 150 i Dstt'ly Exospt Sunday
to 701, Lee. Go Iorieh 11.00 a m. 2.20 pan
nm i " Clinton 11'25 t.m. Star pan.
to GO i Seafortli man. 9.1`� pane
A1itc:hell 7.01 a.m. 3:42 p.m.
to • 1%50 Arr. Stratfoid 7.30 a iii. •1.10 p.m.to 11.001 Kitehonoln '0.20 a.m. :1.20 peau.
40 to 45 ""'Guelph • S : 45 ain.. or,0 p.m.
to 30 , Toronto 10.10 a in. 7.30 p ni.
to 4.00, ltetua ting- r,,,t'nv o Tomt,t'o 0 45 cm.,
to 5.00 :r 13,ta.5 pent, and li 0:r ;►.nt
1e 8341q- Parlor (safe car. Goo rich to Tor.,
3Lo.00 t into, on mnn
*rng train, and Totem
1`2,00 a to C;oderich (1.05p. m. train. -
Peas, per bush...... 1.45
Barley, per bush.... 05
Cattle, ordinary. per
awl. 0.25
Cattle, export....... 7.50
(per cwt.)
Cattle, choiee per eat 7:50
Iambs, per cwt...... 8.00
Melodies from Der. Freaschutz Word Study .
'.The Gloria as . a well-known scl- "tan."
Let us increase ur voce y
action. M choirs sing it, thougt o bu
"U a i r thre t a
a d d ti mud it i
it is not heard. to' ' ?;rest .advantage lacy by: mastering one word each day
With a choir of less than fifty. `Che' Words for this reason
same 'thing could be said of the Ilan- AUGUR (verb); to forbode; to
del number -one' of the favorite a
'redcet, "Surely such •o spirit :tug.'solos and choruses from :the "Tales= -urs well for.the new administration."
siah.,, MYRIAD; . a' very -large number ;
"He Watching Over Israel," iinnnmerab1' . "\\ie have .n myriad
ffromMendelslsohn's "Elijah".: ".Flaws of difficulties -confronting us:'
jars" and "Messiah"are' two '-'and. INDUCE; .to lead onxt to influence;
prevail upon. "Former failures 'in-
duce speculation as to what condi-
tions may arise."
arcs oratorios. I .had the 1peivilegc
Infants and Children .
{ lot Use FQr'Q1►19tr' 3Qlf�erl'�:
in 1912 of heating both on two con-
secutive nights ►n Massey Hall. The q
contrast was striking, as Anrde l"and Iter
not t c
ual ' to re-
ouirement; uisutiicient. "The • stage
facilities en were,• "
ABSTINENCE; the act of • ebsta' -
tng;, self-denial; 'Gent era:re.- "On
outstanding virtue was his ,ceniplote
abstinence from • all kinds -of liquor."
ABORIGINAL; native to to sail;
primitive; existing from the •begin-
ning, "They followed the •;aboriginal
eustoms created 'by their: ante ,tnre.a
Potatoes, . per .. 2.50 to 2.J0
Through roach Goderich to Toronto,
Relieves Asthma at once:•• --1:f. . you' '('own I'assenge�• and 'Pickets Agentte
could read the thousands of unselicit-
'Phone A
e let r. re • •'v he makers to 9 ccs ed by t t.
't\d. sore
i _ h tarn . i . t1
. � Ai.a f t e n
from grateful rser.�, you;•;.,00, would
realize the remarkable powers of Dr, prrnrs alae government
rt:,�uld brgYi4
J, D. Kellogg's Asthma ltenicdy:, I to regulate hini, . tun
All cases, incipient and ehror:ic, tarn A sitcgle man ci n't t 11 ait.`h abut
benefitted by this great: family rem- a:omen one a married n n is seem
tedy. Why suffer or experiment• with•, t
worthless ' urepantituns :`when (lac•' o''
ge.nulnc kellogg's can tae^, pireiehn:cad,^= `..,=....t..4„...=,
'. ^~ „. ..
etcery where.
Mendelssohn lived almost in two dif�
., ",'• - d space inadec?t..ttC. a
ferent epochs, E a a
1 ah s intensely P � y
dr a oe :et a it has
been staged and •given .as an opera
The "Messiah" is'of gravely austere_
-beauty, almost though . at,times re-
vealing. an old-time charm . 'and an
-individuality that, I, persopatly, have.
n ver•
8 ea' work.._ liancael's. chores."s..,are pens.
n ,-in this ar rnen e
the nicat'lasmbte wlsces .for the hen has been carrell thea "choral athlete'
elft of 'others. The were to be -his ..
builders of the church and he warn- teriy and thrilling, To realize this
' ed
dramatic -ill fact,
eICCeps EYES `.
+Clear, Bright and Beautiful
WeitcMurineCa..Chiraen. ettyceatelki k
I '' I' • , nn Always beats
p. a the.
Signature of
net . X,ord, tau ht them that 'ifs e . felt ins listening to an. other
+ought to lee .einitlesg, ;to ,condescend to cuterly fie thi hep t t h
They he his part-writing for voices is mas
em against the dangers'of am- one has only to:Hsten to 'las 'rHaile-
bition. They were to ..be stat rivals' 'Walla' 'And the Celery,"' "\'V<,a'tiiy is
but" servasnts of ' each ot,iet, mans- the Lateb," or' that. most marvelleu3
Testing the- same spark that he dad exhibition of contrapuntal writhe. --
and expecting the 'same treatment the • une`qualled "Amen" chortle..
from 'others. Mendelssohn's work is . scholarly,
WORLD MISSIONS refined and melodious, though of u
°ora-sse a -a+*, When Mary Slessor`. of Calabar, -totally different type. .The chord's,
passed 'on, in . ".rareness. e , aerie "He, .Watching," . Bits some ea quIretc
word..went out, "Everybody's mother spft effects, in the cords, "slumbers' dead!" th h
" a e natives amine there and "sleeps."
is "
Rheumatic Pain, far and near to share with mission- i,ahr's ' Slumber Song is a pretty
es, government officials, mer- rattle four-part chorus that nannies
chants, and the pupils of ,hex• school out in a perfect manner the idea f
Soreness Stiffness a I: a
in the funeral exereiscs. «she •.wag 'test;
ge:b.:Pain:float. out with email ..
:trial (bottle of old ' r
x "at.•„4*cobs.011.
What's Rheumatism? Pain only.
Stop •dragging! Not one case in
fifty requires= internal treatment. Rub:
soothsng, ipaaetrating "St. Jacobs. Oil"
directly -upon •the "tender spot" and
relief caenes;instantly. 'St. Jacobs Oil"
is. a harreless ,,rheumatism and sciatica
liniment; which never disappoints and
cannotbaro 't skin.
Limber tai`( eQtnit complaining) Get
a small trial 'bottle ftotn your drug-
gist and ha just a ent you'll
free from rheumatic�sciatic pain.
sorcness, stiffness lent
llfng. Don't.
stiffer! Relief awaits you. Old. honest
"StJacobs .Off' has relieved millions of
rheumatism sufferers in the last half
century, and is just as good for sci-
atice, neuralgia. lumbago, backache,
,orgies' and eteenitere •
Letter Tells of Wonderful
Relief After Taking Lydia .
R. Pinkluun's Vegetable
Coniston, Ontario.• --"After a se -
Vete operation and a three Welts'
stay ilk* hospital
• • . L returned home
' - so weak that Iwas
enable tto move a
chair. For four
/eosiths 1 was al-•
moat frantic with
pains and suffer-
ing until I thought
sure the could
• not be any cure
or me. I hod very
vers painsin soy
side and sof.
isoy 'able
One day'
what Use sotable to get up any
sootiesst,tote totry your teed«
Mjricine. airbtund got me a bottle
of Vegetable Compound at once and
. I took it. I started a second bottle,
attd•to my surprise end joy the paints
in my ni& kft roe completely and I
am able be io all my work without
ltafp. I awl es farwe•'ti Woks* you
est 1 mon he idlede I have'
taken six heeds* et 10iar Pink -
Mom's Yagstsbitt five
hoses of tieCnwuerad twee
betties of Lye 1a 's
Medicine, and have Moo wast the Un-
ser. tl"esrla."-ikon. 1.. Litoesrllllfe iv,
,Box 1A, Caatiatiee, l7attatls,
literally the 'servant of all. - Nen "0 Peaceful Night" is another re-
lane had
p been won by her ,.devoted hoseful: gem. The men's voices art
service; Here is the' , i particularly well 'it•ited 'her" .
ed dem,•,; tom The ladies' chorus-wFliuhc•it's et.
never knew what she would :be dolma ting of the Twenty-third a, is
One herr she -might be 'moils a poll- deservedly a . favorite wherever
tical discussion with a 4istrict eema known. I notice • that Dr. Pricker of
missioner, the next building •a house. 'the Metropolitan church, Toronto
find later on judging. unatist.. pprilev,.° has 'used .it frequently, The ladies'
ens. Late ono evening 1 heard a, ,voices are divided into tour parts
good deal - of talking and also the and the lulling effect et "green gine.
sound of working. 1, went an- to see titres". and "still waters, is amberwhat was doing, and there wits 'lila' enhanced by a delicate .tccontpani-
making • cement and . the lt,a rnii meet that can easily stige. eat to the
spreading it on the boor with tlrciti••;itnaginative hearer. a murmuringhands in the candlelight!'A goo stream.
airy visitor descrub
was at miss on -
cement doctor who once visited Ser, "The Men of .Harlech" . is too well
found her sitting ori a rlaair reeking knort•n to need ecianinent. • "ft 'is es•
tis tiny African baby, while five .odes seanttally a "fighting" piece• --,u ci . tris
au were sleeping, `rvr. "ped up in' deadly lock and "battle, honk.'
bita of brown:paper and t newspa-. along with the hu,rlaiag otcr of the
per: in. other parts of the rooms -.lasting horsentata, and •'hl•pw Far
From Missionary Ammunition. Moe" 'being administered, 'is enema,
1 e Music Citi
Organist North, St. Ueited Church
n stir the 'blood of the • moat phiere'
bniatic.. 'The martial, "Soldiers' Chia -
us," immediately follows this on the
programas a fitting conch:mon, :ince
then tine, 2extioncil Anthem...
• Before my 'eoming'to 'taroderirh • last
November, the Ayr Choral Society
had been organized and was already
well under way. The concert to be
`.given this coming Friday, Feb. 2tith,
will be the result of many weeks of
pabeetalcatig practice, and speaks
well for the spirit of the members
of the clones. Ayr is only a small
place to boast a Moral Society, bat
many .of the members come from
out in the +country, ono family lie.
fag six miles out of the village.
While 1 wee .organist there, the :reams
family were most' faithful in their
attendance. '
Knox United church, where the
eoneeirt is to be held, is not quite so
large as North St, but possesses a
particularly Stye 'crger,, The ^oto
sole, or keyboard, is down in front
almost immediatelytttext to the front
centre pew, and the choir spree is,
consequently, greater.
The singers in the Ayr Society'
have been drawn from the three
eharchee in the village, and number
silent fifty.. At the .firtit few piece
time, we hare had as, many as ;idols.
ty«live, and my concern for a time
was where to place then. Bac, as
in all things, there are a number
who "drop, off" when the novelty is.
over, and the really musical renes se.
Indigestion. Goalies With a 120 -Dow n Condition --Relief Comes Z'hrcinth
I:nriekinr . - the . Blood•-I)r.. • Wily •
Bums' Pink fills Make :New :Blood,
There are many symptoms of ire•
digestion; such as acute - pain- i"fter•
eating, belching of wind,' mese ci an4
vomiting, bloating and pains. in the
region.of the. Heart. a:dread of feed' •
for` the miseiy it 'eau:ie'. Dieting
and the :use of pre-digested fouds-
a ut that nnd'-
'May give,e se, b als,.
h is ,
meanwhile the. stomach 1;rOwse stead
w f. digestion
sly weaker. ThC oak • o
depends upon the blood an:' n ries
•will the+ only way to. get rid e£ hula
trestles is to tone up the • stomach • .
through 'the blood. to. do +tit', week
nature intended it shoulii do.. T hie
on;; thororgh .way to do thio • is
through the use of 'T)r. Williams'
Pink Pills, whielt. renew • the. blood.
'strengthen the nert and .enable .
the stomach to do it seerlc.uith t t
and comfort. Neglected .indite test, 1.
means prolonged mismty. 1r este
have any of the. symrtn..ie: cif this
trouble try the tonic treatni:ut with
Dr. \Villianas' Pink Pilla:et ot, c aril
you will be gratified With the results.
• Among, the many voho• flat., found
new..henith through the use of - lar.
\Villii ms'
,aanla Pills is ni Ade
Webb, L.I:.. .' , 3, I'rc"a['c,'z, t*,i.:A'
who sn--;"Por :i louts tonne r wont
through the tortu+°es of nr oar •
digestion; • I call it tor'turc bevkiuN.
no- other woici. can sic, sei :, :Ate I
endured. • If My stomach tt..: emu-
ty I. retched.: If I teal: food sem.
hod, I. did not sleep, and I was
rites_ dily growing' weaker. 1 ,Ice t,. =
ed for •months but with rick ;,ere at, n
Otte day my husband •mid, tilt- ey
treatment • you have had hes a,,i
helped -you, why not try Ile, \Vii
hams' Pink Pills. I' consent, .i and
heagota ins a supply: After a hair
been taking the pills for• a \•bile• 1
knew 'they were. helping elle as the' -
pains and retching grew leas , and I
slept better. I gladly . cc•ntinued. o
the use of the pills and in a few
months I felt like a new, woman,
better than I had felt for yarn, anal
able to work for my husband and
children again. After such a won -1
derful experience how can I do any- r
thing else but recommend lir. Wil.0
liams' Pink fills," o
If you need a blood•buildieg tonic.'
begin taking I)r. Williams' 1'it,k Piller
to -day.. Sold by all medicine deal„L
Ora or sent by mail at 56' cents a
box by writing The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The anthems last ..Sundaty were
two simply written pieeee, yet with`
very -effective solea ,and one 'h:irnuin•
ies. Of Lfeb Schiller. 1 know little
as a composer, but Christopher
?clerks has written touch charas
music. One very fine composition
otitis is, "The day id past ,;and over.".
"0 rest in the Lord"' is from Mere
deissohn's "Elijah." Here :deride!.
ssohn succeeds in attaining one of
those deeper religious notes, 'This
solo is one of the most admired `of
all his efforts ire sacred song,
The Sonata Pathetique fs enc, of
Beethoven'ii thirty.two sonatas for
plant.. The adagio is truly .a "song -
without words" --and "pathetic." to a -
degree in its wordless longing.
The Schubert number is one of his
numerors nongxs. It is as sprightly
as the lark 'which it typifies. . ,c-hu--
'bert-wars- sitting in an open•air rr.
staurant or was it a beer-garden:1
in his native country when he Cote,.
paged the swag. Ile had the words-
in his mind, and suddenly ;,tier to hie
friends that he" "had just the time to
suit it." Unfortunately there was
no paper, at hand, but a biil-of«.fare
wax handed• him, and on the bunk
side he wrote out the 3onft. &•hu-
beet rias imppisive and quirk: lite
_ Internal parasites in the sl ape of,
worms in the stomach and bi,wel:; of
Children sap their vitality final Wind
physical development. alley keep ;•
the child in a eonstant state rf u:a
rest and, if not attended te, •'ndtmeer
life, The child can be spared much
:tattering and' the mother: much an-
xiety by unman reliable :vaunt rem.
edy, such ax Miller's Worm Pond. rs,
which are sure death to worms.
melodies cease quickly, and required
to be set down at once.
a)stln, the nutsic Iovers, who are not JOB PRi Titi(i AT ff!E STIR
Ile is a fortunate bufinese mon
who hasn't some of his wife's rela-
tive* listed as overhead.
lt purity-, . and beauty of our. .
thehealth, ut a
k child's . skim. Regard every little soreness, rash -
chafing or irritation as a• possible source of disease..
Treat them allwith the famous Zam-Balk.
pure herJa1 balm is a blessing to mothers. rs. ° It pre-
vents minor troubles from spreading. It soothes and
heals quickly and surely. Moreover, its mild, yet powerful
j antiseptic influence affords the delicate tissues complete
protectipn against dangerous disease infection.
Treat the first Itchy Rash or Blemish
f' As a remedy for teething rash, smiled head, eczema,
•, impetigo, ringworm, and other skin disorders common
`T .amongst Wren, Zan! - .de is invaluable. It brings grateful /elicit*
the is rusted inflamed plaacrs, expels poison and d.";este ..'ad qurckly
e o ti erfect:on.
rt;stuces the ;;.sin to t stat f healthy y g
Use Zam-Duk.for all cuts, bruises, burns,. scalds and fns i wounds.
' n,
• • It checks* otsedis#4 t„on and ppsiti and bricta;a mfr.PI= rearing.
Also a proved recited, . for ppisoned Wounds, ulcers. 'acne, psenatts,...
boils, abscerzer„ bad legs, anti piles. 5oc; the box evcrywt:me.
ova* spram.milloitlik
• A Public .meeling of the citizens of the Town of Csodericll,
11;111 be held in the •
. _. _1111 .. ......_._..-_..- .
FRIDAY, MARCH 12th, 1926
at 8 o'clock '
for•tlle purpose of organizing for that Town of Goderich Cen-
tennial Celebration to he held in 1027.
All citizens ara;:respii tfully requested to attend.
.6iC 0 0L20_ .0=0, 161:0101
Huron Investments Limited
We offer unsold balance of New York Evening
Jourtla' 6 r.*% Ikinds, due Dec. 1st, row. This is an
S. W. STRAUSS CO, Issue. -
We have also.opetied a department to handle In-_
surauce, and we are prepared to write all lines of Fre,
Automobile and Life Insurance.